#kagome & her bedroom
animeglitch · 1 month
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coquinespike · 7 months
WIP Wednesday I guess??
“Hey Coquine, you ever gonna finish any of your unposted fic and maybe, yknow, share it?”
“Yep, definitely! Just gotta do this one thing first…!”
*starts writing a completely new WIP on her lunch break*
Anyway…here’s what I got so far, please please be so so gentle with me I’m so very rusty.
Unmistakable (tentative title)
You ever look back over a series of events and can pinpoint all of the mistakes that were made to lead you to the point you were at now?
For the life of him, Inuyasha still couldn’t figure out HOW he’d gotten HERE.
Mistake number one was accepting Kagome’s murmured invitation to join her under the warm covers of her bed. Actually, the mistake was laying down next to her at all. Also for acquiescing her point that sleeping in just his inner hadagi would be more comfortable. Or even agreeing to stay the night in the first place.
Scratch that, mistake number one was definitely failing to lock her bedroom door earlier that evening, which would have prevented mood-killing younger brothers from barging in and interrupting Very Important Things. If they hadn’t made THAT mistake, then none of the rest would have happened. Inuyasha and Kagome would then have sealed their declarations with a proper kiss, and he could have gone back to the feudal era satisfied in where they stood and what the future might hold for them.
Instead, the rest of the evening spent with her family held a current of tension buzzing just under the surface of their skin, each glance in the other’s direction like a jolt to their auras, every incidental contact between them a spark. Unfinished business.
The other three Higurashis retired shortly after dinner, worn from their day trip. After a slightly awkward moment standing in the living room, Kagome made mention of having time to get a bit more studying done before going to bed, and asked Inuyasha if he’d rather head back now or later. “I’ll stay,” he replied simply, and followed her up the stairs.
To her credit, Kagome did in fact get a couple more chapters of her literature assignment read, but when faced with switching to her geometry homework, she threw in the towel. Swiveling around in her desk chair to face inuyasha where he sat on her bed, arms crossed and head tilted slightly downward, eyes closed, she huffed a laugh. “Okay, maybe I’m not as motivated as I thought.”
Looking up, Inuyasha smirked. “Lazy.”
“Ah! I am not!”
Before she could work herself into a tizzy Inuyasha waved his hand at her. “I know, I know, I’m just teasin’ ya.” He took a deep breath, glancing around the room. “Guess I’ll head back then,” he sighed, reluctance showing in every motion as he rose from her bed.
Before she could second guess herself, the invitation to postpone leaving until the morning was past her lips, a slow flush creeping up her cheeks. “I mean…if you’d like,” she finished lamely.
Wide-eyed, Inuyasha nodded slowly. “I’d like.”
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serial-doubters-club · 4 months
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Happy Birthday @xfangheartx !!!
Thank you for all the joy you bring to the fandom! We hope you have an amazing day! 💝💝💝
~ From the IY Birthday Crew
Read on AO3
Rated G
One of Inuyasha's favorite things was putting Kagome to bed.
Typically, she got home earlier than he did, and lately she had been working so hard that she started falling asleep in odd places around the house.
At first, he would come home and find her asleep on the couch with the TV on or at the kitchen table, the ingredients for dinner laid out across the table, the clean knife still in her hand.
With time it got more interesting, and he had to rely on his nose to track her scent around their home until he found her.
One time, she was still buckled up and snoring away in her car in the driveway.
Another time, she fell asleep in the bathtub amidst a growing cloud of bubbles.
Just last week, he tracked her scent to the garden where she slept among the flowers.
Then there was the time she'd almost made it to their bedroom, and he found her in the middle of the hallway.
But his absolute favorite was when he found her sleeping in the laundry room on top of the washer, the loud, metal giant shaking her body so vigorously it was a wonder it hadn't flung her off.
Each and every time, Inuyasha would scoop his Sleeping Beauty up into his arms, maneuver her body out of whatever predicament she'd gotten herself into, and carry her up the stairs to their bedroom without disturbing her slumber in the slightest.
Laying her down onto their bed, pulling the covers over her, and slipping in beside her had become an art, and his reward was getting to listen to the gentle sound of her breathing and watching her sleep peacefully until he too drifted off.
It was an honor for him that Kagome trusted him with her body, that she trusted him to protect her while she was in such a vulnerable state.
But the best part of all was waking up beside her every morning, seeing her smile contently, and hearing her say those words.
"I knew you'd find me."
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kawaiichan67 · 6 months
Happy Holidays @clearwillow
I’m your IYSS! I hope you enjoy!
pairing: InuKag
Modern AU Fluff
For a second, she thought it was an intruder. Slowly, though, a pair of sheepish white dog ears emerged from her hallway. Even against the beige tones of her walls, the ears stood out.  It wasn’t just because she loved them, no. It wasn’t because they were absolutely adorable. And it most definitely wasn’t because she had dreamed of petting them, (stroking them..oh boy) or spent days with her fingers twitching slightly whenever she saw them move.
Her voice trembled a bit since he wasn’t coming completely into view. “In- Inu Yasha-san?” She was surprised that he was still not emerging from her hallway. “Is everything ok?” She gulped for a moment, wondering if this was some weird dream that she was having. Especially after how terribly her hints and flirting had gone over at Miroku’s holiday party.
“Yeah. Ev-everything is ok.” Kagome wondered why he was still hiding most of his body. His voice soothed her even as it didn’t answer her question. “I’m sorry for surprising you, but I wanted to give you something special for Christmas.” 
Kagome placed her bag down in her kitchen and moved cautiously towards her bedroom. Inu Yasha was standing in her hallway, looking, well, odd. His expression was nearly unreadable but, like his ears, he seemed a bit sheepish? 
His voice, so velvety and rich, trembled slightly as he motioned towards her bedroom. “Sorry, I didn’t want to leave it in your living room. Just in case.” He stood to the side as Kagome walked in and then—Did he just sniff me? 
Gasping, Kagome surveyed her bedroom, bedecked with mistletoe. There was mistletoe hanging from the ceiling, draped along the walls and tied to the headboard of her bed. A piece of mistletoe was lying on the bed and Kagome barely controlled a shiver as a breath seemed to rush over her shoulder and her heart started beating faster.
She turned, every nerve in her body tingling and her heart racing and then—then!  Inu Yasha took her into his arms just as she had wanted him to at Miroku’s party; only this time, it was real.
“I’m sorry that I didn’t understand,” Inu Yasha said, his golden eyes sparkling as he took in her joy. 
From one breath to the next, Kagome was back at the party. How silly she had been, basically bugging Miroku to have it in the first place. He’d been as supportive as he could be, even while the former charmer had refocused on his ‘true love,’ Tsubasa Sango. 
“Kagome-chan,” he’d said one day at lunch, “I realize that you are interested in Taisho Inu Yasha-san, but it really seems like he isn’t interested in anyone. Are you sure that you want to try for him? He can be so terribly grumpy.”
Kagome had a difficult time taking her eyes off of said grumpy and standoffish inu hanyou. She turned to look at Tsujitana Miroku and blinked, trying to shake off the mesmerizing effect that Inu Yasha had on her. It was dangerous to her sanity!
“Yes,” she answered resolutely.  A new gleam appeared in her eyes and she reaffirmed her devotion for the grumpiest employee to Miroku. “I have already made some headway,” she reported happily. “He took the ramen that I made for him!”  
Miroku stared. That seemed out of character for the department grump. “He did? Really? What did he say? Did he like it?”
Kagome sighed and nodded her head sadly. “Not really.” At Miroku’s shocked look, she rushed on, “OH! He said thank you, but later when I asked him if it was good he only said that it was ok.”
For a moment, silence settled in between the two of them; even the noisy background didn’t dispel the slight feeling of disquietude. The air swirled around them as people moved, laughed, and chatted. Miroku shifted uneasily and wracked his brain for something funny to say, but gave up. It wouldn’t really help to provoke Kagome. Instead, he glanced over his shoulder at the grumpy object of Kagome’s affections. 
“I’ll help,” he said slowly, wondering how insane of a plan this would be. At Kagome’s tiny twinkle, he shook his head. He was practically in love with this girl and yet, it wasn’t romantic in the slightest. A foreign and protective feeling overtook him. “Yes, Kagome-chan, you can thank me later,” he added with a laugh. Maybe the good karma from helping her would give him his own karma boost. 
The lovely Sango would be an interesting, but difficult challenge. 
And so began the wooing. 
Friend wooing, that is. 
Most days, Miroku knew where to find Inu Yasha. All he had to do was track down Kagome who seemed to have memorized his schedule and had multiple people spying on him and reporting his activities.
Soon enough, however, he managed to befriend Mr. Grumpy Pants (seriously, she wrote that as his nickname?!) on his own. It didn’t take much. Ramen and bonding over pool worked their magic and soon Miroku forgot that he’d had ulterior motives for befriending Inu Yasha. 
And then, one day while they were having lunch and chitchatting about the latest Tigers game, Miroku met the pining gaze of Kagome. He grinned and then double checked his calendar. Perfect timing. He could easily have a get-together. 
“Hey, Inu Yasha, I was planning on asking Tsubasa-san and a few others to hang out at Kaze Anna on Friday night.” His violet eyes gazed at Sango’s lovely…loveliness, —Behave, Miroku-kun, he could practically hear Kagome-chan chastising him!—but he turned back when Inu Yasha snorted. Raising his eyebrow expectantly, he waited in silence until Inu Yasha spoke his mind.
“Keh. Are you sure you wanna try that?” Inu Yasha replied, his golden eyes focused on Miroku. He seemed to be in a particularly bad mood today for some reason, although Miroku had no idea why.
Ignoring his negativity, Miroku continued. “I think Hojo-kun might come, and there’s also Kino-chan, and Higurashi-chan.”  He paused a moment. Had Inu Yasha made a small noise? Miroku hid his smirk. Maybe this wasn’t hopeless! “Anyone else I should invite? I wasn’t sure about adding Yamamoto-san or Takayama-san.” Miroku looked at Inu Yasha who was staring at Kagome! 
Was he growling? Let’s test this theory. “Oh! There’s Kagome-chan! Maybe I should ask her now?” The conniving hentai stood up and stepped towards the table with a smiling, but watchful Kagome, Sango, and —oooo!— Hojo. Maybe that’s why?
“Keh! You shouldn’t bug people during lunch, ya know,” Inu Yasha stated, suddenly in between Miroku and the other table of their co-workers. “We-I mean, you, could always ask them later.”
Miroku smiled. Kagome was in luck! “Sure. I’ll see Hojo-kun later anyway and I can always stop and chat with Kagome-chan later.” 
It was no surprise at all when Inu Yasha bristled a fraction. “Keh, I’ll tell Hobo when I see him after lunch. We sit near each other.” The inu hanyou’s ears were twitching like mad but Miroku didn’t acknowledge his heightened state. Clearly he was zooming in on Kagome’s conversation. But why offer to invite Hojo-kun? The affable young man was clearly in love with Kagome, so it seemed counterintuitive to invite him. 
Miroku had his answer that Friday night. The izakaya was mostly full, but he managed to get a private table with Kagome’s assistance. The atmosphere was lively and buzzing with the sounds of office workers looking to blow off some steam. There were even a few foreigners, practicing their Japanese. He nodded at the server who came by and dropped off their drinks. It wasn’t long, however, until Sango approached and sat next to Kagome, giving Miroku every chance to chat her up. 
Miroku was a little surprised when Inu Yasha pulled back the hanging to admit Kino-chan. The excited look on Kagome’s face was replaced by a firm, happy smile, slightly different from the overjoyed look that had flashed across her face when he’d first appeared . As he turned to greet both Inu Yasha and Kino-chan, Miroku caught a knowing look in Sango’s eye and he gave her a raised eyebrow. 
Happy greetings were exchanged as Inu Yasha slid next to Miroku and Kino-chan joined Kagome and Sango on the other side. 
“So, Kino-chan, how is work?” Kagome asked gently. 
"Oh, its been really nice!” Kino’s lavender eyes sparkled and her white bob shook with her enthusiasm. “Inu Yasha-san has been so kind, showing me how to handle so many of the projects.”
Sango glanced at Miroku briefly as a small, sad sound escaped Kagome. Miroku raised both of his eyebrows and turned to Inu Yasha, his violet ones meeting Inu Yasha’s gold ones. Inu Yasha raised his own eyebrows and then turned away, a slight blush on his face. 
“Oh! Shiori-chan, Inu Yasha-san is very good at explaining things,” Kagome said quickly. Miroku didn’t know where to look first: at Kagome’s embarrassed blush, Inu Yasha’s twitching ears, or Kino-chan’s twinkling and sneaky smile.
“Really, Kagome-chan? I didn’t realize he was so kind until recently. Inu Yasha-san acts more like a big brother than a senior employee.” Her entire statement was directed at Kagome who nodded in agreement.
Inu Yasha gave his typical response. “Keh. It was nothin’.” He glared at Miroku. “What are you grinning about, hentai?”
Miroku nearly choked on his beer as the women all giggled. He put Kagome and Inu Yasha out of his mind, however, and focused on the lovely Sango. “Tell me, lovely Sango-san, how much longer before we have our first child?”
The table burst into laughter as Sango blushed and said firmly, “Never, hentai-san!”
Miroku shrugged and then smiled mysteriously. Kagome gave a little giggle and then leaned forward conspiratorially. “Did you hear that Hojo-kun accidentally spilled coffee on Sesshomaru-sama?”
Inu Yasha guffawed joyfully as the others all gasped and the entire tone of the night shifted. Kagome sparkled for most of the night and Miroku and Sango traded knowing glances. 
After a few hours, the group stood outside, gathering themselves. Miroku stood close to Sango, but forced himself to pay attention to the others. Kagome seemed a little tipsy and her cheeks glowed softly. Inu Yasha seemed torn, standing in between Shiori and Kagome when a sudden call for Shiori made them all turn.
“Shiori-chan!” a handsome young man called as he walked up. “I’m so glad you texted me!”
As one, the other four turned to a blushing and grinning Shiori. “This is one of my college friends, Nakayama Ken-san. He works nearby and we haven’t seen each other for a few months.”
Nakayama greeted each of the group and then turned expectantly to Miroku. “I hope you don’t mind, Miroku-san, but I owe Shiori-chan a dessert. If its ok, I think we’ll go to a cafe nearby?” 
The group turned to Miroku expectantly, although Kagome wobbled a bit until Inu Yasha righted her with a soft pull on her arm. 
With a chuckle, Miroku agreed heartily.  "Of course, Nakayama-san. I’m not her father, y’know!” The group chuckled and turned back to each other, but Miroku caught an ear wiggle from Inu Yasha and another blush with a quick glance at Kagome. 
“Um, which-which way are you going, Higurashi-san?" Inu Yasha asked quietly, looking at the ground. 
Kagome giggled and then responded, “I’m heading for the JR line. How about you?” 
Before anyone else could respond, Inu Yasha rushed, “Me, too. I’ll walk you, if that’s good?”
And with barely any goodbyes, Inu Yasha ushered Kagome off to the JR line. 
“Quick question, hentai-san,” Sango said. “Which way on the JR line are they going?”
Miroku paused, then looked at Sango and started chuckling. “I didn’t even think of that. He seemed in a bit of a rush, didn’t he?” The two shared a knowing look then parted for their own homes. 
It was only a few weeks later that Kagome cornered Miroku at lunch, a desperate look on her face. 
“I’m so sorry, Miroku-kun, but I definitely need some help! I have no idea why but I invited Inu Yasha to a party at your house for the holidays! I was trying to explain the Western idea of mistletoe and suddenly it just popped out of my mouth. Please! Please can you help me?”
Miroku sat, overwhelmed at first, then caught a glimpse of Sango, staring intently. Hmmm, so the lovely Sango is invested in this. Two birds, one stone? He paused, smiling and nodding at Kagome as he finished his bite of spaghetti. Yes. This will be good for both Inu Yasha who blushes every time Kagome looks in his direction and Kagome who loves this grumpy guy with a soft side. 
“Yes, that sounds wonderful, Kagome-chan. I hope that you will help me plan and organize the party? Let’s say for next weekend?” Miroku almost laughed at how Kagome seemed to be vibrating with happiness. Apparently she had picked up one of Inu Yasha’s traits. 
For a moment, his eyes met Sango’s and he saw her give a slight nod, which gave him another thrill.  He winked and nodded at her. If my lady approves.
Kagome whirled around Miroku’s apartment, adding mistletoe at strategic spots and planning how to maneuver Inu Yasha underneath one of them. Or all of them!  Carefully, she moved the mistletoe from the middle of a doorway to closer to the side. No need to trap everyone underneath this western custom. It could cause some serious awkwardness. 
She smiled as she ran through her list of things to do. Miroku already had all the glasses and drinks out and Sango was putting out the snacks and setting them on a few different places around the main room. Kagome stepped back and grabbed some of the extra coasters she had purchased. They were a cute novelty gift that changed their message when they heated up.  Carefully, she pulled the few ‘special’ coasters which would change to “I really like you” rather than the more Holiday themed ones that she had already put out. 
A quick hug from Sango helped her calm down just as the first person knocked on the door. 
Miroku’s voice put both the women on alert. “Welcome, come in! Happy Holidays, Hojo-kun, Ookami-san.”
Sango and Kagome groaned and headed for the drinks. 
Kagome and Sango sighed and then laughed. So far, Miroku had managed to kiss both of them on the cheek, although Sango had lost count after 5 kisses. 
“How did it go?” Sango asked in a hush, her head slightly tilted towards Inu Yasha, currently drinking some Asahi with Miroku and Ken-san. 
Kagome grimaced but then stood up and nodded. “We did have a nice chat, but he completely missed out on the fact that I was standing underneath the mistletoe. 4 times!” she added in frustration. “4 times, Sango!” She paused and they walked closer to the kitchen for more privacy. 
“I have to admit, Kagome-chan, I was very impressed with how you dodged Kouga-kun. How did Hojo-kun sneak attack you, anyway?” Sango brushed her hair over her shoulder and added some more ocha to her cup. 
Kagome added more ocha as well and then leaned in. “I was busy staring at Inu Yasha’s—umm, his…” At Sango’s knowing giggle, Kagome relented. “Ok, yes. I was staring at his butt. Oh my kami! Sango! Its like a perfect peach!”  The two women shared a look, then glanced at the man they were discussing. The giggles continued until a sudden male voice surprised them
“Who has a perfect peach, my dear ladies?” the host asked and then waggled his eyebrows, provoking even more giggles and a reprimand from Kagome. His eyebrows shot all the way up, however, when he felt a little pinch on his butt. He grinned and leaned in to kiss Sango again.
Kagome sighed as Miroku kissed Sango’s cheek. Somehow, Inu Yasha had managed to maneuver her under the mistletoe every time she got close to it. But no kiss! She had thought they were getting closer. Especially last week and this week when he had stopped by to discuss something. It was clear that he was just there to see her, but he ignored her hints about grabbing dinner or drinks after work. She’d even bought him a Christmas present but it seemed foolish to give it to him now. 
With a quick look at her watch, Kagome started packing up her things. Most of the attendees had left and she was happy to have avoided Kouga-kun several more times. He had managed to kiss her hands once but she had carefully made sure to always have something to drink or snack on if she wasn’t trying to woo Inu Yasha. Maybe after the New Year Mr. Grumpy will finally notice me. 
Even her special coaster hadn’t worked! Inu Yasha had used it, the message had shown up, and while Kagome stared at it pointedly, Inu Yasha seemed oblivious. Resigned, she had given him a weak smile and left to avoid Kouga-kun again. 
She caught Miroku’s eye as she headed for the door and he met her in the genkan. He helped her put on her coat and then gave her a wink. She shrugged her shoulders and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. At his surprised look, she replied, “Mistletoe,”and left. 
Miroku headed back to the living room but nearly ran into Inu Yasha. “Hey, was that Kago- Higurashi-san?” Miroku caught Sango’s eye and nodded, a sneaky smile drawing up his mouth. 
“Yes, she left. It was getting late. Too bad; you could’ve walked her home again.” Inu Yasha gave a small nod and looked at the door. Miroku moved closer to Sango. “It’s a bit strange, though. I could’ve sworn you lived in a different district. You don’t take the JR, right?”
He chuckled and followed Sango into the kitchen. She’d promised to help clean up tonight and they were already making some good headway.
“Hey muttface,” Ookami Kouga said from right behind Inu Yasha. “Did Kagome leave?”
Inu Yasha didn’t bother responding, but he stopped when Kouga grabbed the cardboard coaster from his hand. 
“Oi! What‘s the deal?” Inu Yasha responded grumpily and snatched at the coaster. Normally, he wouldn’t care, but well, Kagome had given it to him. No one needed to know about his Kagome collection, anyway. But he’d get the coaster back somehow. Smelly Ookami.
“Hey! Yours is totally different from mine!” Clearly they both had Kagome collections; otherwise, why else would Kouga still have his coaster, too?! 
The two stared at the coasters. One clearly said, “Happy Holidays!” in katakana and the other said, “I really like you,” in hiragana. The two stared at the coasters, then at each other. 
Inu Yasha worked hard to control his blush, his ears, even his heart. When Miroku cleared his throat, Inu Yasha swiped the coaster from Kouga and pretended to throw it away.  “Very funny, hentai,” Inu Yasha said to Miroku. He gave Sango an inscrutable look, then palmed the coaster and gathered up some of the leftover beers for the recycling.
When things had calmed down and it was only Miroku, Sango and Inu Yasha, he pulled out the coaster and showed it to Miroku.
“Something I should know?” His voice was low but serious and Miroku could detect a hint of curiosity mixed in.
“Why would you ask me?”At Inu Yasha’s unhappy look, Miroku added, “You should probably ask the person who ordered them. She made sure that you got one of those and no one else did.”
Inu Yasha blushed and then raised his eyebrows as Sango slid into Miroku’s arms and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. She smirked at Inu Yasha and pointed over head. “Mistletoe. Wonder who put that up?” 
“No…” Inu Yasha couldn’t help it this time. His ears wiggled and his heart began beating faster. He was definitely adding this to his collection! It would look great next to the cute notes she wrote him and left with his ramen. He looked back over Miroku’s place, thinking about the events of the night. He could remember each time that he spoke with Kagome. Her voice was so soothing and electrifying, and her smile made him giddy. Her eyes…he was ashamed to say that he’d had to physically move to keep his mind on whatever she was saying. But…Kagome had kept talking to him underneath the doorways.
For the first time that evening, he examined the doorways and ceiling. In nearly every place Kagome had spoken to him, there was mistletoe. He reached up and pulled it down. Hmmm, he should definitely take these and then…what should he do? 
He was such a baka! Kagome! This whole time Kagome had been interested. IN HIM! the ramen-Oh I was just trying a new recipe-the cute notes! She had even asked him out for dinner! He was so stupid! Why did he think his feelings were so one-sided! She always smelled so nice it was hard to think clearly around her.
Well, he would just gather up the mistletoe and plan a nice surprise for her tomorrow!  
So here he was, like a deranged stalker, hoping she would understand that he was only trying to keep things private. He was not…she smelled so good! His brain short-circuited.  
Kagome looked into Inu Yasha’s eyes. They were warm and shining, but only for her. 
“Thank you,” she whispered and rose to her tip toes for a quick kiss on Inu Yasha’s cheek. He smiled at her and kissed her softly on the forehead, then moved further into her room and kissed her right cheek, then her left. 
Kagome’s giggles almost overwhelmed her, but she reined them in to gaze into Inu Yasha’s eyes. “Are you certain this is all for me?”
Inu Yasha grinned and gave her a light kiss. Her lips were soft and warm. They tasted like sakura and vanilla, the same as her smell. 
“You’re so sweet. I knew you were just a big teddy bear,” Kagome whispered against his lips.
“Sure. Sweet,” he gave a short chuckle. Kagome pulled back and made a funny face at him, so he leaned in and said, “It’s kissy time. Not chatting time.”
Kagome erupted into laughter. “Kissy time!”
“Yes, first we make the kissies.” He kissed her again, but with more passion, leaving Kagome a bit breathless. 
She nodded. “Yes. The Kissies,” she repeated, now under his spell.
He smirked dangerously and pulled her even closer.  “First, we make the kissies. Then we make the babies.”
Kagome smirked back and pulled Inu Yasha into another kiss. Happy Holidays, indeed.
tag list: @liz8080 @clearwillow @iyfss @inusecretsanta
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Can I please request headcanons for InuYasha, Miroku, and Sango coming to the modern world and falling for a modern woman?
A/n: YES!! Oh thank you my friend, also this reminds of an Inuyasha game I used to play for the PS2 where this exact thing happens.
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🗡: Is used to being in the modern world….kinda. He still messes up a lot.
🗡: Is not used to wearing modern clothes, why does he have to wear modern clothes?
🗡: Met you through Kagome with you being one of her friends.
🗡: Was smitten with you from the start { though he’s not gonna admit that. }
🗡: Starts making excuses to slip into the modern world to see you.
🗡: You enjoy taking him to all kinds of parks, it’s cute seeing his reactions to the rollercoasters.
🗡: Is very clingy while you’re in the modern world,would often latch himself onto your arm, holding your waist. He likes it when he carries you on his back.
🗡:absolutely adores it when you cook for him, he’s puddy in your hands after you cook him a big meal.
🗡: Is excited to see all the different outfits you can wear. Loves the skirts and dress…easier to rip off. Though those hip hugging jeans also look good on you.
🗡:Likes that he can have sex in an actual bed, not happy that he can’t have sex in a public setting. He’d rather not he scolded by you again.
🗡: Little harder for him to adjust in the modern world due to him needed to wear a hat most of the time. Is more than happy to slip between both worlds for you since he loves you.
🗡: You’re more than happy to do the same, it’s gotten easier after you both had gotten married.
🗡: Would 100% spoil his children in the modern world.
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📿: Finds it all very interesting, of look at pretty woman. ‘Why are people holding up a strange device in front of me?’Are his first thoughts.
📿: Run’s into you by complete accident, the man is completely taken in by how beautiful you were. Not to mention your kindness.
📿: Does his best to explain the situation, it does not work. Thank god you happen to be an acquaintance of Kagome since she made it so much easier to explain everything.
📿: Is so much easier for him to adjust in the modern world. Modern clothes look so good on him, you nearly swoon when he steps out wearing a white top and black slacks.
📿:Other girls your age won’t leave him alone but he finds himself not caring. His eyes are set on you, he realizes his feelings for you much faster than Inuyasha would.
📿:Adores showing you off, he’s rather proud of himself that he managed to land someone like you.
📿:Fucking Loves it when you wear skirts and dress, easier access for him.
📿:Is more clingy, he likes having his hands on you. Will be the one to leave hickies all over your skin.
📿: Loves that semi-public sex, though don’t discount him in the bedroom. Total romantic.
📿:Would be the one to stay in the modern world, does not want to put you or his children at risk or in harms way.
📿: Would still visit his time period with you and the kids.
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🪃:It’s much easier for her to blend in, also faster for her to understand stand things.
🪃: She met you by beating some asshole’s ass that was harassing you.
🪃: You were the first to fall for the woman, confusing for you. Not confusing to Sango though it did take a moment for her to understand her feelings since she’s never felt this way before.
🪃:Teaches you how to fight and defend yourself, she wants to know you’re safe when she’s not around.
🪃: While hold your hand, she thinks it’s cute how you snuggle into her side.
🪃: Soft kisses, gentle love making, she’s really the perfect girlfriend.
🪃: Looks stunning in modern clothing, Sango can pull off any outfit you give her.
🪃:Loves dancing with, she’s never had that much fun until she met you.
🪃: Would live in the modern world and her time period. She just wants you to be happy.
🪃: You two would adopt,
🪃: 100% makes everyone jealous with how much your children brag about how awesome their two mama’s are.
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heynikkiyousofine · 6 months
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12 Days of Smutmas: InuKag Edition
On the Ninth Day of Smutmas, My True Love Gave to Me: Nine Not-So-Hidden Hickeys
Early morning light seeped through the curtains, giving their bedroom a soft glow as flurries began to cover the ground outside, signaling the start of winter. Curling her toes and sighing in blissful happiness as she stayed cocooned in bed, next to her hotter than normal temperature hanyou husband, Kagome replayed the previous night’s events in her mind.
read on ao3
taglist under the cut:
@blairex ; @mamabearcat ; @enchantedink-ag ; @splendentgoddess ; @mandirox89 ; @sailorlolo ; @mustardyellowsunshine ; @knittingknots ; @yukinon-writes ; @clearwillow ; @keichanz ; @serial-doubters-club ; @malditamigs ; @zelink-inukag ; @shinidamachu ; @banksdelivers ; @that-one-nerdy-gal ; @sarahk21 ; @dchelyst ; @anisaanisa ; @lavendertwilight89 ; @otaku-108 ; @sailorbabydoll92 ; @queerkagome ; @chit-a-to ; @liz8080 ; @lightmidnight ; @shikonstar ; @soliska ; @inukagbot ; @brain-rot-hour
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dawnrider · 6 months
Inukag 40 ☺️
Coming in at 40 is Blinding Lights by The Weeknd. I'm honestly surprised it's not a little higher on the list, though I've been listening to a bunch of his other songs, so that might be why.
This one ended up being another peek into that Modern AU I keep dabbling in inspired by @heavenin--hell's Inu in a ballcap and a slouchy jacket.
There was so much more to try to shut out in the city. The noise, the smells, the lights… Inuyasha struggled to keep to the building side of the sidewalk in the throngs of people. The performance hall up the road must have just let out and the crowds were pouring out to cover the sidewalks as people went to their cars, the metro… Inuyasha tucked himself into his oversized jacket just a bit more, pulling his hat down over his eyes. He kicked himself for popping out at this time of night when he should have waited for Kagome to get home from her study group. He just wanted to make sure she had something nice to eat when she got back. There hadn’t been much in the apartment, so he’d decided that a trip to the ramen shop down and around the corner was worth it. Mistakes were made. The food in the takeout bag was piping hot against his leg, the scent nearly making his mouth water. But he had to focus hard on it to block out all the smells from the crowd, the street itself, the dumpster in the alley he just passed… Then there were the lights from the bus, the streetlight, and the cars going by. Even with his hat pulled down, the flashing caught his peripheral vision, making him grunt and flinch. He missed the country in moments like this. The stoop to the apartment came into view and the more familiar scents he associated with their building caught his nose. The family on the third floor was making tortillas with the window open. The guy living on the ground floor apartment in the back was frying fish and desperately trying not to set off the smoke alarm. Inuyasha could hear him swearing from his spot on the sidewalk. Most importantly, he could smell Kagome. Looking up, he was a little stunned to find her on the step, waiting for him. Her eyes were worried, but widened then relaxed with relief when she spotted him. He lengthened his stride a little, jostling a few people to get through to the steps and to her. The simple impact of her touch on his arm as she silently greeted him was enough to wash away all the tension in his frame, to calm the agitation and anxiety caused by being out in a crowd of humans from whom he had to hide his presence. She leaned into him as he took her hand, opening the door for them so they could return to their cocoon of safety. As they sat in their tiny kitchen in their tiny one-bedroom apartment, eating their ramen directly out the to-go containers, laughing… Inuyasha was blinded by the glow of Kagome’s smile. The light of the love in her eyes. Maybe the city and its stressors were worth it. For her.
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kstewdeux · 10 months
@inukagfluffweek | Prompt: Kissing in the Rain
Summary: Set after Champignon (Ao3 | Tumblr). Mushroom Demons are back and Inuyasha is so done.
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Even before they started sharing the sleeping bag, Inuyasha had been a very quiet and very stiff sleeper. In the modern era, when it was just them alone in her room, he was somehow ever more so even if he was comfortable enough to don regular pajama bottoms and forgo a shirt. Point being that if Kagome had learned anything over these past months it was that once Inuyasha fell asleep, not a single muscle in his body twitched. Normally. Tonight seemed to be a different story. Chest heaving, Inuyasha kept jerking and subtly writhing against whatever image was dancing behind his closed eyelids. Kagome’s theory was that he normally didn’t feel safe enough to sleep deeply enough to dream but tonight they were in her world without scary monsters or constant threats. The worst thing that might happen here was Sota bursting in on them…again. Not that they ever did anything when they curled up together at night. The most they’d ever done was kiss and snuggle up.
But with all the soft groans and whines Inuyasha was making, someone was bound to have questions and come to investigate. There were many awkward situations Kagome could handle but having to explain to her mom why Inuyasha was half-naked in her bed wasn't one of them.
“Shhhh. You’re okay. It’s okay,” Kagome whispered reassuringly as she began running the back of her hand down Inuyasha’s clammy cheek, “It’s just a bad dream. I’m here. You’re okay.”
A clawed hand clumsily moved to rub at his eye as the boy who was still very much a young boy sluggishly began to wake.
“Did I wake you up?” he mumbled tiredly as he streched out before rolling over to face her, “Or you need somethin’?”
“I think you were having a bad dream,” Kagome whispered affectionately while Inuyasha’s heavy eyelids closed.
“Don’t have bad dreams woman,” Inuyasha muttered in between a giant yawn - his arm moving to drape over her waist and pull her closer, “You’re seeing things.”
“Are you hurting then?” Kagome countered quietly and one amber eye cracked open.
“Was I really that loud?” he asked wearily and the miko nodded once. A moment went by before Inuyasha rolled into his back and gingerly began pressing against his sternum, “Hurts here. Think that bastard cracked it.”
Blinking at the confession, Kagome immediately sat up and scooted over to inspect the non-visible damage. “Well…It’s not bruised,” she whispered wearily - glancing at her bedroom door before getting back to work.
“Was a little earlier,” he admitted before wincing when her forefinger hit a tender spot, “It’ll heal by morning I think. There’s nothing to do about it but that might be why I was making noise.”
Frowning, Kagome tried to remember a single time Inuyasha had taken a hit and reacted in his sleep but came up empty. Then again, until the whole mushroom incident, Inuyasha slept sitting up. Maybe that was the issue.
“Would sleeping upright be…”
“I don’t want to do that. Especially not here,” Inuyasha groaned as his ears flattened against his skull. Kagome took that to mean that, yes, somehow sleeping upright would be more comfortable on some level but he didn’t want to be that far from her. Not after a month straight of sleeping next to her. Kagome knew that was one of the highlights of his day even though they’d never done anything but cuddle.
“It would only be for tonight,” Kagome soothed - her fingers moving to trace the shell of his ear and Inuyasha pouted.
“It’ll heal the same either way,” he argued as his pout deepened, “I’m fine woman. Let me be.”
Chewing the inside of her cheek, a new theory as to why he was having issues occurred to her.
“Do injuries hurt more close to the new moon?”Kagome asked as she moved her hand moved to cup his neck and jaw just how he liked it. Amber eyes closed as Inuyasha shrugged.
“I dunno. Never really kept track,” he admitted before adding with a resigned sigh, “But I’m fine. You don’t need to worry ‘bout me.”
“Well I'm going to worry anyway,” she hummed and Inuyasha’s lips twitched upwards. The fact that she was serious made him happier than words could ever express. Not that he was happy she was stressing out over him or upset on his behalf but more…well…it was a reminder that someone finally gave a shit about him. More than one shit or two even. She loved him and the continued truth of that statement had him biting his lower lip to stop himself from grinning.
“You’re gunna wind up bone tired tomorrow,” Inuyasha yawned before making a face and amending, “Or today. Dependin’.”
“There won’t be too much for me to do,” Kagome admitted with a sigh as she laid down and snuggled up, “I missed most of the rehearsals and planning meetings.”
“Can I go or do you gotta be a student?” Inuyasha mumbled.
“I think it’s pretty open since it’s a fundraiser,” she hummed, “Would you really wanna go?”
“Never get to really see the inside of your school. Think it’ll be interesting…”
“It’ll be nice. Being able to show you off.”
Inuyasha’s lips twitched upwards and he held her a little tighter.
“Show me off?”
“People are starting to think you don’t exist,” she teased as she placed a soft kiss against his neck.
“Only ‘cause you tell me not to talk to people,” Inuyasha pointed out without any anger, “What do you think I’ll do anyway?”
“I have never said-“
“You tell me to wait for you. Can’t go inside or go to lunch with your friends.”
“Do you want to hang out with my friends?”
Inuyasha’s tired smile widened.
“Not really. They keep asking me about places I’ve never heard of and I’m running out of answers that sound believable.”
He yawned and then buried his nose in her hair.
“They do like me now though. Maybe hanging out wouldn’t be bad,” he offered as an olive branch and Kagome laughed softly.
“Well tomorrow we can do all the hanging out.”
As it turned out, there would be no hanging out with her boyfriend or anyone. Apparently her friends wanted to get her all the extra credit they could arrange by signing her up for every activity they were doing. Without her consent by the way. So it was that Kagome was scrambling around campus trying to learn lines for a lead role in a play in the spot, stumbling over lyrics for a solo she never signed up for and having to cook food using modern techniques. Something which she would begrudgingly admit she was not good at doing.
“Do you need me to do anything?” Inuyasha asked with weary amusement as a very frazzled Kagome came running out of the kitchen room.
“I need to run home for a second. Run interference. Anyone asks where I am say I’m in the bathroom or something,” Kagome breathed - pausing to give him a quick kiss before running like her life depended on it. An action that gave Inuyasha all levels of anxiety. Why couldn’t he just run and get the stupid shit? Unless, of course, it was somewhere he wouldn’t understand to look or an idea she knew he wouldn’t approve of.
Inuyasha sucked on his teeth and narrowed his eyes as Kagome rounded a corner. It was definitely that he wouldn’t approve.
Cracking his neck, Inuyasha casually leaned back to look into the room she came barreling out of and frowned upon seeing a dozen or so girls cooking. Complaining that there wouldn’t be enough and that they needed to do something special.
Golden eyes widened as he realized exactly what Kagome was going back to get even though she knew damn well-
“Shit,” Inuyasha breathed as he quickly began making his way over to a window, “Shit. Shit. Shit.”
Okay, so maybe, just maybe, feeding people demon corpses wasn’t the best idea ever but they were tasty and as long as they didn’t boil them, nothing bad would happen, right? Besides, Inuyasha wasn’t going to eat them. Her family wasn’t interested in eating them once Inuyasha explained with a groan that the dried foods smelled like corpses - something which had her brother look like he was going to barf after Kagome took an aggressive bite and glared. They might as well use the delicious things, otherwise it’d be a waste, and what her classmates didn’t know wouldn’t hurt them.
She’d just made it to the shrine stairs when Inuyasha landed in front of her with his arms folded across his chest.
”No what?” Kagome groaned as she tried to side step him but he blocked her with ease.
”You’re not bringing demon corpses to your school. Especially not the mushroom ones,” Inuyasha growled, “Who knows what those’ll do.”
”Not all mushrooms are bad Inuyasha,” Kagome countered but he refused to budge.
”What about spores, huh? You remember spores?”
”The mushrooms are dead. They aren’t going to spray the school with spores.”
”Why take that risk?” Inuyasha huffed in frustration, “If you need to, grab something else. What about those herbs Kaede sent for your mom? You people never use real shit. That’s good enough to be special.”
”I’m bringing the dried demons Inuyasha,” Kagome pleaded, “They’re good. They’re unique. No one else is going to eat them.”
For the briefest of moments, Inuyasha looked like he was going to argue before he sighed heavily and stepped aside.
”Fine. Fine. If you promise to keep track of them, you can feed your friends the corpses.”
”Don’t call them corpses,” Kagome groaned as she began rushing up the stairs, “They’re jerky.”
”Corpse jerky,” Inuyasha muttered.
”All jerky is made of corpses,” Kagome countered as she began lightly jogging towards the house, “That’s just how it is.”
”I just really don’t think this is a good idea,” Inuyasha huffed.
”If they were dangerous Kaede, Sango or Miroku would’ve said something,” Kagome pointed out and Inuyasha scowled.
”Oh so my opinion doesn’t mean anything?”
”You’re biased. You think all mushrooms are evil.”
”Only the demon ones!” Inuyasha snapped, “Their whole life cycle is a crap shoot!”
”Well these ones are dead. They don’t have a life cycle,” Kagome pointed out as they made it into the house and she quickly grabbed the little pouch, “Since you’re here, can you bring me back? I’ve already been gone too long.”
“Oh no Shippo. Don’t eat those,” Sango chided as she snatched up the jerky and quickly put it back into the pouch, “We need to dispose of those safely.”
Miroku’s head popped up from where he’d been sitting outside of Kaede’s hut.
”Come again?”
”These are dangerous. Dried they’re harmless but if they get wet or are boiled, they’ll turn back into demons,” Sango explained and Shippo pouted.
”Eating them is a way to dispose of them,” Shippo pointed out as he looked up at her with big doe eyes, “They’re so good.”
“They’re dangerous,” Sango corrected as she headed towards Kaede’s hut, “Are these all of them?”
”About that,” Miroku chuckled nervously, “Kagome may have taken the second pouch with her.”
Sango’s eye twitched.
”I specifically said no one should eat anything until I had a chance to inspect them.”
”Well you took forever. We got these yesterday,” Shippo continued pouting, “We assumed you did look at them.”
”When are they supposed to be back?” Sango sighed heavily.
”Three days,” Miroku mumbled, “Are you absolutely certain these are dangerous?”
“They’re dried demon pollinators,” Sango sighed heavily like it was obvious as she opened the pouch and glanced over the contents, “Mushrooms. Flowers. And looks like maybe a fish or two. The problem is if we don’t dispose of the mushrooms and flowers properly they could sprout if they embed in dirt. They get boiled and they’re back to themselves. It’s safest to burn them.”
”So when I said that it was perfectly safe to bring said food items to the modern era that was, in fact, a lie?”
”You did what?”
”I TOLD YOU!” Inuyasha snarled as he cut down yet another of the demons that her friend had boiled after Kagome stupidly left them behind when she got dragged away to do god knows what, “WE NEED TO GET EVERYONE OUT SO I CAN DEAL WITH THIS!”
”You can’t blow up the school!”
”Did I say that’s what I was going to do?!” Inuyasha snapped as he cut down a surprisingly large fish. He groaned when he spotted a mushroom awkwardly bouncing into the distance.
”Not a mushroom.”
Kagome huffed and glanced around before spotting something that might make things both better and worse.
“Stay here,” she mumbled before rushing back into the kitchen and grabbing a long lighter. Clumsily climbing onto the counter, she clicked it on and help it up to an odd spout. One second. Two-
An alarm blared and water was suddenly bursting down from the ceiling. Distant screams echoed in the distance.
”What the hell?!” Inuyasha barked out as he wiped at his face, “What did you do?!”
”Fire alarm. To make people evacuate,” Kagome yelled back as she tried to get down. She slipped - because of course she did - but strong arms caught her and Inuyasha’s face was mere inches from her own.
”You are so lucky I love you,” Inuyasha snapped before pressing a wet kiss onto her lips and setting her down, “Other than the fucking mushroom did you see any others?”
”N-no. You got the rest already.”
”You owe me woman,” Inuyasha groaned before rushing off to take care of the completely avoidable mess.
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superpixie42 · 1 year
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So it's not quite ready for AO3 buuuuuuuuuuut
I did make progress on The Thing aka my whole 7-part new AU for InuKag Week. After not writing anything for months, I'm a little rusty and this is more ambitious in terms of style and world building than I typically work with so I'm not sure when the whole thing will be ready, but I love love love @inukag-week and seeing so many folks coming out of hiatus to participate really inspired me to get *something* ready to rock.
Much love to @anisaanisa @kstewdeux and @dawnrider for their help as I shook off the cobwebs.
So here is Part 1: Love Languages (aka Touch & Miscommunication)
General Info:
Kagome Higurashi would sell her soul to get into a good high school. No. Literally. The ratty old journal she found in her grandfather's shed may have been a long shot, but with only one more day before her entrance exam, she really didn't have anything to lose. But when the Hell Hound Inuyasha actually materializes in her room, it turns out to be more than either of them bargained for.
RATING: M or E (but this part is T, for language)
Words: 2,000 (I know I was shocked too)
TAGS (for the whole fic not just these parts) Modern AU // InuKag Week 2023 //Serial Style// Time Jumps//Tumblr events//Modern setting//Sexual content- masturbation//Demon Summoning AU//Bittersweet Endings//No additional character tags
In which Kagome learns to be careful what she wishes for.
Kagome checked the instructions one more time. She had the candle, the fresh meat, the knife, and was using clean linen paper. Honestly it all looked so… dorky. She let out a frustrated sigh, unsure if she felt more disappointed or just plain stupid. Doing stuff like this was probably why she wasn’t going to get into a decent high school. Or college. And if med school ever found out she honestly tried to summon a demon using instructions she found in a handwritten journal in a shed on her grandfather’s shrine she would have a better chance of becoming a patient than treating them. 
And yet here she was. Kagome Higurashi on her knees in a black dress and dark cardigan looking straight out of an American horror movie, hoping against hope that her soul was worth a better-than-passing grade on tomorrow’s entrance exams. She was smart - smarter than her current situation made her feel, that’s for damn sure. But after nearly a semester of sick days there just wasn’t enough cram school on Earth to get her up to speed. She needed this to work. This had to work. 
She checked the clock: a good hour before her mother and brother got home. It was now or never.
Taking a deep breath Kagome quickly sliced the kitchen knife across her finger. She pressed down onto the middle of the white page. With as much conviction as she could muster she finally spoke: “Inuyasha, I need help.”
A beat passed. 
Then another. 
Nothing happened.
Honestly, she didn’t know what she expected.  Defeated, she swore violently and tore the useless little paper with its stupid little spell clean in half.
As soon as the last fiber broke there was a deafening roar. Kagome screamed and stood, pressing her back against her bedroom door. In front of her the air crackled with energy as the room went black, then flashed orange with light and heat as the walls burst into unnatural flames. In the middle of the room, pulling his way out of the torn half of paper, was a giant white dog. It growled and snarled and snapped its jaws; spittle hissing into steam. 
The Hell Hound filled the whole room, his red eyes with blue irises bore into Kagome, staring her down like the prey she was suddenly very sure she was. As Inuyasha’s shoulders dropped low to let him take the single step between them, Kagome considered her options. 
One, burn to death. 
Two, be mauled to death. 
Three, something equally melodramatic considering she summoned a fucking demon to pass a test. 
She quickly surveyed the room for an option four, looking hopefully at the window behind the hound. Her vision was blocked as the beast twisted slightly to face her fully again, its pointed white ears alert and focused on the heartbeat she could hear loud as a drum. She watched the ear twitch at her intake of breath. Maybe it was a lack of oxygen from the arson she’d accidentally committed, but the longer she looked at the ears the softer they looked. Figuring she was going to die anyway, Kagome slowly raised her hand; Inuyasha finally blinked, then moved his eyes to follow her raising arm. 
As softly as she could manage, Kagome dragged her middle finger down from the tip, but the ear didn’t so much as flinch. Emboldened, she quickly caressed her thumb and forefinger on the fluffy white ear. 
As soon as her fingers closed around the soft appendage the growling stopped and instead she heard a very human voice shouting in her face.
“What the fuck lady? You don’t pet a Hell Hound!” 
As suddenly as it appeared the fire disappeared. Kagome dropped to her knees in confusion and relief as her room reappeared around her, untouched and unscathed by the flames no longer licking at her face. She blinked stupidly at where the monstrous dog had been only seconds ago. In its place was a pale, fit, glowering man - the pointy ears she’d just held in her hand perched on top of a thick pile of frizzy white hair. Below the pinned back ears were thick, scowling eyebrows, molten golden eyes with slit pupils, and an expression as black as a thundercloud. She tried to find somewhere else to look when the heat returned quickly to her face as she realized that the angry demon dog man was a naked angry demon dog man. 
She ripped her eyes back to the ears. Unusual. 
Then to his eyes. Unsettling. 
The penis. Unexpected.
In an undignified fluster she smacked her face to the floor in a deep bow.
“My name is Kagome and my Lord Inuyasha I beg you to help me, please please I have to get into High School! In exchange I’ll give you anything you want I swear! Just make sure I pass and it’s yours.”
Inuyasha stood absolutely dumbfounded in the middle of what he now realized was a small bedroom, in a small house, next to a small shrine. When he’d felt his summoning charm call him he expected to rip into a board room, or a camp fire, or the aftermath of something that had gone very pear shaped. He was used to being offered souls, meat, or blood in exchange for power, murder, money; or to make problems go away in whatever manner he wanted. He sure as shit didn’t expect a teenager in a pink cat sweater to touch his ears and then ask him to help her cheat on a test. 
He scoffed. But after five hundred years of the same pathetic, selfish demands, novelty wasn’t something Inuyasha was willing to walk away from so quickly. He bit. 
“Keh, what can a girl like you even offer a hell hound?”
Kagome lifted her head slightly to look at him. “Anything you want. I’m a virgin-”
“I am so!” she shouted indigently. She raised herself up onto her knees and glared. Yes, Kagome was turning to black magic to pass her exam but she wasn’t going to have her character assassinated by a demon. “You don’t have to be rude ya know!”
Inuyasha blinked as his ears flattened of their own accord. It had been a very long time since anyone scolded him. Another unexpected turn in this summoning. He crossed his arms and returned her glare.  
“I mean no I’m not interested in your virginity. Or your soul, you humans have such tiny souls anyway.” He smirked as he saw her lip twitch with what he was sure was a scathing retort. Kagome, however, did not take the bait. Instead she reigned in her temper and bowed low again. In a much less desperate tone she spoke into the floor. 
“In exchange for making sure I get into a high school that will get me into medical school I will give you anything you ask.”
“You summoned a demon for that? If you can’t even pass an entrance exam what makes you think you can survive medical school? Ya can’t offer your virginity to a demon twice ya know - how were you even gonna graduate?”
That, however, was too much. Kagome stood and stomped over to him, poking her finger into his chest for emphasis as she shouted. 
“Listen here pal! I could pass that test all on my own if they would just give me some time! It’s not my fault I got sick, like doctors aren’t allowed to get sick sometimes!?” She growled in frustration, a sound that Inuyasha couldn’t help but appreciate as it sounded not unlike his own. “It’s not fair. I just need time to catch up on the material and I know I could do it on my own. But if I don’t take the test tomorrow, or I flunk and retake it, that’s it, my reputation will never recover even if my grade point average does.” 
Inuyasha considered her request. I wouldn’t take any effort at all to change her score on the exam. But then he’d be back to aimlessly wandering until someone much less interesting with a much less, well not wholesome, but definitely more gruesome demand calls him. This Kagome stood up to him, defended herself, faced death in the eye and instead of running she reached out to touch it. While he had already decided to grant her wish, he had also decided he wasn’t quite going to do it the way she asked.
“You ain’t the only one with a reputation,” he said. He took a step back, cutting the tension and giving Kagome space to breathe. “If I’m gonna get you into this stupid special school I gotta make sure you stay there. Folks summoning me need to know I get the job all the way done, not taking the easy way out.”
Kagome narrowed his eyes, skeptical of the idea of creating an ongoing contract instead of the single transaction she expected. But then again, he wasn’t entirely wrong. What if changing her scores got noticed and she needed another fix? What if she got sick again? Isn’t that why you’re supposed to be really, really specific with genies? Assuming there were genies- but that afternoon’s events made her consider taking up antiquing as a hobby just in case.
“You still haven’t told me what you want as payment.”
“Well,” he said, “depends on what you need.” He picked at his ear with a pointed finger to feign disinterest. “To guarantee a passing grade I’ll just need something small. But to un-dead someone you cut up in clinicals will be a whole other matter,” he smirked at her undignified snort, “but not as much as convincing the class leader to take six months in Shanghai to improve your standing. But let’s not worry about that just yet.” 
Kagome braced herself, but still felt the air rush out of her lungs when he finally said, “I want your right eye.” He continued quickly, “For one year, I want to see everything you see through that eye. It becomes my eye. If I get bored, I can simply make it go black. Or maybe I use it to track someone for another wish. Or maybe I don’t do anything at all; but it’s mine to do as I will.”
He slit open the tab of his left thumb with a quick swipe of his claw. “Do we have a bargain?”
Kagome hesitated. This seemed more annoying than costly- thought being suddenly blind in one eye wasn’t what she’d expected. Was this better or worse?
Did she really feel like she had a choice anymore? 
With one smooth motion Inuyasha thrust his thumb into her eyesocket. The force of the blow knocked her to the ground and she quickly threw both hands up to cover her face as her left eye burned. As soon as it started, it ended. Kagome blinked slowly, looking around the empty room. It looked exactly as it had an hour ago and if not for the dull ache behind her orbitals and the sweat caking her brow she might have thought it was all a dream. On hands and knees she scrambled across the floor and snatched the small mirror from the desk.
Staring back at her was one of her traditional brown eyes. The other was bloodshot, with a blown pupil, and a bright sapphire blue iris; and without her permission, it winked back at her.
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shikonstar · 1 year
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When her houseguest has outstayed his welcome, Sango is forced to find him a forever home.
And she knows just the miko for the dog....
Rating: T
This is the Inu/Kag companion piece to the wonderful MirSan short written by @violetasteria
Sango locked the door to the bathroom, breathing a sigh of relief. She was savoring this sweet moment of privacy--such moments were few and far between now that they had a long-term houseguest. 
It wasn't that she minded helping Inuyasha out, she reminded herself as she removed her clothes and wrapped herself in a towel. It was just difficult since he was always there; it was like she had to tip-toe around her own home. She couldn't walk to the bathroom from the bedroom naked or get a three-in-the-morning glass of water in her underwear. 
Not that she ever did those things, but she could have if she wanted to. 
Of course, it had to be hard on Inuyasha as well. He was a private person, and now that he was living with them, he had nowhere to go to decompress. He was more snappish than usual, even though he was trying to control it, and he was keeping more and more in one room. In fact, he was hardly coming out when she and Miroku were there. 
It couldn’t be for much longer. Surely his apartment would be finished soon.
She checked the temperature of the shower, then frowned when she noticed the water backing up in the tub. Of course, because that was exactly what she needed when she was trying to relax.
Cursing under her breath, she bent down to rummage under the sink for the snake. She stomped back over to the shower to jam the bendy strip of plastic down the drain. Giving it a few hard jabs, she felt it catch. Carefully she pulled it out, starting in confusion at the glimmering clump. What the.....it couldn't be.
It was.
“Dog hair,” she hissed. 
That night at dinner, Inuyasha made a rare appearance at the table, and Sango had a hard time keeping her eyes off his hair. That gleaming, silver hair. That gleaming, long silver hair. Hair that was going to continue to infiltrate her drains, leaving her as the only one capable of removing the resulting clogs.
Inuyasha was looking particularly glum, pushing his rice from side to side on his plate.
“Bad day at work?” Miroku asked, after the fifth gusty sigh the hanyou released.
Inuyasha shook his head. He opened his mouth, closed it, then put his chopsticks down with a click.
“I got a call from the contractor today.”
Sango froze, a bite halfway to her mouth. That was not the tone of voice of someone who had been told he could move back in early.
“They've run into some problems. It's gonna be another month. At least.”
Miroku shot Sango a look of utter panic; he had been the one to sweet-talk her into letting Inuyasha stay. She was going to murder him.
Which was a shame because he was too young and sexy to die. 
Sango stared vacantly ahead of her. No. This couldn't go on--just yesterday, she had forgotten he was home and nearly sat on him as he napped on the couch. Her home was being permeated by the scent of ramen.
It was time to rehome the puppy.
And she knew just the soft touch for the job.
Sango gave them a beatific smile as she stood, patting Inuyasha on the shoulder as she passed on her way to the sink. 
“Don't worry, these things happen; I'm sure it will all work out.”
Inuyasha and Miroku shared a wide-eyed look, nervous sweat pricking their backs. They didn't know what was up with Sango, but it couldn't be good.
Kagome stretched to work out the kinks in her back; she probably shouldn't have tried to do a deep clean of the house so soon after she had moved in, but she was so excited to be on her own again. She had spent the last month and a half helping her great-aunt recover from a broken ankle. She was a sweet woman, but in her state of health, caring for her had almost been a full-time job. 
It had been a shock when her aunt had chosen to stay with her sister-in-law and had offered Kagome the chance to rent her house back in the city for less than she had been spending on her apartment. Kagome had jumped at the chance and was now trying to adjust to being back in civilization with reliable wifi and cellular signals. 
Which was why she nearly leaped out of her skin when her phone went off--and then discovered to her embarrassment, that she had almost forgotten how to answer the thing.
“Hey, Sango!” She smiled, having not been able to speak to her friend in a while. 
“Kagome! You have no idea how good it is to hear from you! Have you gotten moved back into your apartment alright?”
Kagome looked around; while the house wasn't necessarily suited to her taste yet, it was nicer and more spacious than her apartment--and the plumbing was reliable, and no screaming neighbors to try to drown out. 
“Nope!” She answered almost giddily. “My aunt is letting me rent her place from now on; I live in a house, Sango! With a yard! Where I can see green things growing without having to leave something in my fridge for too long!”
“That is absolutely perfect!” Sango squealed in delight. 
Kagome removed her phone from her ear to stare at it. Why did Sango sound that excited? Was she missing something?
“Okay, I was going to give you a little more time before asking, but I really, really need you to do me a favor,” Sango continued.
Ah. That explained the excitement. Well, it wasn't like Sango ever really asked for much, so it couldn't be too bad, right?
“What do you need?” Kagome asked, drifting over to the window to look outside, absently wondering if she should invest in some patio furniture. 
“Do you remember me telling you last time that Miroku had talked me into fostering a puppy?”
Warning! Danger! Danger! “Yeeeeeeessss, I recall that,” Kagome said, suspicion lacing every syllable. 
“Well, it just isn't working out. He's bigger and a little older than Miroku led me to believe. He wouldn't do well in a shelter, and I would hate to see him go to a bad home....”
“It sounds like you're attached to him. Are you sure it won't work out with time?” Kagome asked, stalling for more of the same.
“I'm afraid not. Miroku and I just aren't home enough to really bond with him. He's lonely, and it's not really fair to him.”
Kagome frowned. “Is he really needy? Because I don't think--”
“No, not at all!” Sango said, panic creeping into her voice. It's not like he's destructive when he's left alone or anything. He just needs some socialization, or he gets a little grumpy.”
“So, is he a couch cuddler?” Kagome asked, already starting to feel herself wearing down.
“Ah. He's never cuddled with me--definitely not Miroku--but I think that's because he's one of those dogs that bond to one person, and neither of us is it.”
“I don't know....”
“Please, Kagome? He’d make a terrific guard dog, and he's surprisingly clean.”
“Does he bark a lot?”
“No, just grumbles a bit. I would even send a supply of food!”
“It's tempting, but I'm still not sure--”
“Inuyasha would want to come to visit him.”
That drew Kagome’s attention.
“Why? And if he likes the dog, why doesn't he keep him?”
“The apartment won't take him,” Sango smoothly replied, like a sleazy used car salesman sensing a deal is about to be clenched. “But Inuyasha is really attached to him. I'm sure that he would help you work on training and tricks if you asked.”
It was devious. 
It was underhanded.
It....it was the only thing she had going for her, so she would take it.
“I suppose a dog wouldn't be a bad idea. When would be a good time to pick him up?”
“Tomorrow afternoon would be great! Any time after four. Oh, and Kagome? You'll need to bring a leash and collar. He outgrew the set I bought. Be sure to get red, so it matches his other accessories!”
Kagome opened her mouth, then shut it before the words could escape. She loved Sango, but she could be so odd.
“What size should I get? I have the feeling he's bigger than a toy poodle,” she said dryly, wondering exactly what sort of monstrosity she had signed herself up for. 
“He's a large breed, but he's not heavy set,” Sango replied.
“Okay. I guess I'll be picking up a dog tomorrow. Wait, what is his name?”
Sango laughed. “Well, we’ve been calling him Mr. Fuzzy Pants, but I'm not sure you'll want to keep that or Grump Pup, which was the other option.”
Her nose scrunched at that. Ew. She would come up with something better.
Finishing up with Sango, Kagome sighed. It looked like she had better go through the house and start dog-proofing.
It was closer to six before Kagome arrived the next day, but getting to the pet store and dealing with its woeful lack of options had eaten up more time than she had anticipated. She slowed down to find a parking spot on the street, and as she slotted herself in place between two oversized vans, it struck her that this dog might not even fit in her car. No, surely Sango would have warned her before she tried to offload Clifford the Big Red Dog on her.
She was starting to kick herself for agreeing to this; the worst part was that Sango was able to manipulate her so easily just by mentioning Inuyasha. Her shoulders slumped at the thought. She had been carrying a torch for her friend for ages---something she thought might finally! Finally be reciprocated! She had felt like they had been dancing around this for a while, and that kiss at New Year's....well, you didn't kiss someone like that platonically. It might have even turned into more then and there had they not been interrupted. 
Then the thing with her aunt happened and she wasn't able to stay in contact much and maybe it never mattered as much to him as it did to her anyway or he could have met someone else already, or--
“You’re here to get a dog, Kagome. Not have a mental breakdown on the street,” she growled at herself, angrily shutting off the ignition. She reached over to the passenger seat and grabbed the leash and collar set she had just bought. Both were bright red, and the leather collar had short blunt spikes. A little much, but they must have been in the middle of switching stock because the choices were abysmal. Still, she could always get a different one later. 
Deciding to leave the passenger door unlocked so she would be able to load the dog easier, Kagome briskly walked to the half of the duplex that belonged to Sango and Miroku. She hadn't bothered to call since she was expected and figured that Sango would want her to come in at least long enough to discuss things like feeding and walking schedules. 
She was halfway up the front walk when the door opened, and Inuyasha stepped out, looking surprisingly happy. In her shock, Kagome’s foot hit a crack, and she stumbled. As her hands were reaching forward to catch herself, a blur of white, black, and red filled her vision as Inuyasha grabbed her, having darted to her when he saw what was happening. 
“Didn't learn to walk while you were away, did ya?” He snorted, setting her back on her feet.
“Well, you didn't learn to be nice, so I guess we’re even,” she said with a mock glare.
“Yeah, yeah. Are you ready to go? I was startin’ to worry that you weren't gonna make it,” he said, practically trotting to the door, a smile still on his face. 
“I guess so. Is Sango not here?” Kagome asked, confused as to why Inuyasha was here rather than the people who actually, well, lived there.
“Nah, she and Miroku went to dinner an hour ago.” His eyes dropped down to the leash and collar still in her fist. An odd look passed over his face as his ears began to whip back and forth, and a faint tinge of red colored his cheeks. 
“Uh, did you really feel the need for all of that?” he asked, gesturing at her hand.
Kagome looked at him blankly, then held them up. “This? Look, I realize it’s probably not what you would have chosen yourself, but it’s all they had. I can always pick up something different later.”
“Yeah, sure, I just...I was a little surprised that you had it at all.” He said, still eyeing the vivid leather with a strange sort of morbid fascination. 
“You don't think it’s a good idea?”
Inuyasha shook himself before opening the door. “Anything is possible, I guess,” he muttered. Brightening, he let her follow him in as he went over to several suitcases and bags were sitting. Reaching down, he hefted up a flat of ramen. “Sango said she promised I would bring my own food, so I’ll start loadin’ up. You want this in the back seat or the trunk?”
Was she hallucinating? 
Had she had a wreck on her way back home, and now she was in a coma? 
“What do you mean, what?”
“Where’s the dog food?” Was all she could think to ask.
Inuyasha scowled, his earlier joy completely gone. “Look, a joke’s a joke, but why the hell would I have dog food?”
“For the dog!” Kagome practically yelled, her frustration rapidly nearing its peak.
“What dog?” Inuyasha bellowed back, clearly intent on reaching the summit alongside her.
“The dog Sango is giving me!”
Inuyasha’s eyes bugged comically before slamming shut, the tendons in his throat looking like it would snap at any moment. 
The room filled with a silence so combustible, it was in danger of igniting if either one so much as snapped their fingers.
“It's me. I’m the dog,” he bit out.
“W-what?” Kagome asked, her mind unable to catch up.
“Miroku convinced Sango to let me stay here while my place was bein’ renovated by tellin’ her I was a puppy,” he explained. “And I guess when Sango found out it was gonna be another month or more, she decided to play Pass the Pooch.”
“Oh?” It finally hit. “Oh!” She looked down at the sinister-looking items in her hand and immediately shoved them behind her back as if that could hide them. For fuck’s sake, why hadn’t she just slapped on six-inch heels and a matching leather bustier and been done with it?
“Inuyasha, I’m so sorry! I thought--”
“You thought you were gettin’ a cute puppy,” he said with a brittle smirk. “You weren't...you weren’t expectin’ me.” His shoulders drooped at that soft admission, and his ears wilted until they were curled at the edges.
The hamster in Kagome’s brain was galloping at break-neck speed on its wheel, spinning plates in each paw. He had thought she was here for him. It had made him happy. Now that she wasn't here for him, he was sad, and it was doing things to her. 
“You wanted to move in with me?”
Inuyasha shrugged. “Yeah, well, don't worry about it. I’ll just go ahead and get a hotel room--”
“I’d rather have you than the dog.” Oh. Oh, that had gone much better in her head. 
“It’s okay, Kagome. You don't have to feel bad or anything.”
He said this, but he was killing her with those wounded puppy eyes. 
“No, seriously. I was only taking the dog as a favor. Although, I can understand if you don't want to.”
Inuyasha let the ramen drop to the floor, a testament to his state of mind. One hand remained clenched at his side while the other came up to rub the back of his neck. “Sango said--she said that you were interested in me comin’ over and that maybe we could work out this....thing. You know. Us. And....yeah.”
Okay, yes, she had expressed to Sango that she wanted Inuyasha to come to her house, so she hadn't technically been lying--she had just made a balloon animal out of the truth. But creative murder methods would have to wait because Inuyasha was there and adorable and had just admitted to wanting to work things out between them and maybe she could--
Maybe she could start with breathing. Yes. Passing out now would give the wrong impression.
“Sango said you would visit me if I took the dog. She said you were, um, attached to it.”
Slowly, his ears began to rise, the hopeful gleam returning to his eyes. “Yeah?”
Kagome nodded, her face taking on the same color as the collar and leash she had brought in front of her to twist between her hands. “Yeah. She said....oh crap. She said that you would help me with training and tricks.” With a dawning realization, she held up the collar and leash, her expression of horror matching that of Indiana Jones grabbing a handful of snakes. “She had me bring this for you!” 
“Thought that was a little much, but I wasn't gonna say anything,” Inuyasha admitted, his lips twitching. 
All Kagome could do was let out a mortified gurgle.
“Look, if the offer is still open, why don't we just go ahead and leave? We can plan the double murder on the way,” Inuyasha offered, taking pity on her. 
With a nod, she grabbed one of his bags in her free hand and turned to go back to the car. “Put the ramen in the back seat, so it doesn't get crushed,” she called over her shoulder. 
“A woman after my own stomach,” Inuyasha answered, gathering up the rest of his stuff, balancing far more than a human could manage. 
Kagome got in the car, tossing the collar and leash to the back so she could return it to the store later. As Inuyasha settled into the seat beside her and shut the door, she let out a giggle.
“What’s so funny?”
She grinned as she started up the car. “I was just thinking how glad I am now that I didn't bring the roll of poop bags.”
Inuyasha threw his head against the back of the seat rest, laughing until he cried. 
The rest of the drive was much more relaxed, and things were feeling more normal between them by the time Kagome pulled up to her house. “Just to warn you, this house is owned by an older woman who seems to have been trapped in the eighties. I haven't had a chance to do anything with the place yet.”
Inuyasha got out of the car, peering around the property; it was an old neighborhood with the houses placed a considerable amount of space apart, and from the looks of it, no home looked to be owned by anyone under their sixties. 
“It’s fuckin’ perfect after the hellhole I live in,” he said, thinking of the cramped, noisy apartment he had been staying in until he could find someplace that wouldn't abuse his ears. “You got a squirrel problem, though,” he growled, glaring at the rodent that was darting across the roof. 
Kagome had to bite her lip at the way he was poised to give chase but didn't comment. 
Helping him carry in his belongings, Kagome showed him to one of the spare rooms--luckily, her aunt had kept one up just in case she had visitors. 
“Wow. I think this room alone is bigger than my room, the bathroom, and part of the main room,” Inuyasha said, staring wistfully out the window at the backyard. 
“How tight is your lease? There’s plenty of room here, and we could split the rent,” Kagome blurted, then wondered if she had gone too far. 
He turned to face her, the amber of his irises darkening as he watched her intently. Slowly, he crossed the room to stand in front of her, close enough for her to feel the warmth from his body. 
“I think we have somethin’ more important to talk about first,” he said, his voice a low rumble that had the hair on the back of her neck prickling deliciously.
“We do?” She asked, although she wasn't fully aware of what she was saying--she was just stringing words together to keep him near. 
“Sounds like you need a reminder,” he said before his hands fell to her waist, and he dipped his head to capture her lips. 
Kagome sighed into his mouth, her hands coming up to tangle in the thick, silver hair that streamed down his back. This. This is how it had been at New Year’s. The energy thrumming between them, the almost painful sensation of passion getting ready to ignite. As Inuyasha slowly pulled away, Kagome realized part of her lightheadedness was due to the fact that she couldn't breathe. She would be embarrassed if he didn't look just as affected. 
“I think I’m starting to remember,” she murmured, her fingernails scraping over the back of his neck.
“Thought you might,” Inuyasha chuckled, his expression soft as he gazed at her fondly. 
Kagome’s mind was fuzzy, filled with pink cotton candy clouds of happiness. It gave her the courage to speak what was on her heart. “So, where do you want this to go, Inuyasha?” 
Inuyasha still held her loosely by the waist, his thumbs stroking under her t-shirt, claws slightly tickling the skin. “Let me check about my lease, and I’ll have both answers for you tomorrow,” he finally said with a small smile.
Oh no. He was putting her off. She had flown too close to the sun, and all she could smell was burning tar and feathers as she plummeted to the ground. 
“Oh! Of course, it’s a big decision, so take all the time you need. I mean, there’s no rush or anything; I didn't mean to imply that you had to--”
“Hey. Breathe.” He said before kissing her softly, his lips brushing over her in a gentle motion. “Don’t go overthinkin’ shit. Just trust me, okay?”
Kagome nodded. Surely he wouldn't keep kissing her if he was going to turn her down. Inuyasha was grumpy but not cruel. “Tomorrow, then,” she affirmed. 
Inuyasha was starting to pull away, and Kagome, not wanting to miss an opportunity, yanked him back, stretching up on her tiptoes. If she was going to have to wait for an answer, she wanted something to get her through to tomorrow. As she pressed herself firmly against him, Inuyasha gave a pleased growl, returning the kiss with enthusiasm. 
When Kagome finally had to come up for air, she found that Inuyasha was smirking at her. “Are you tryin’ to influence my decision, Ka-Go-Me?”
She blushed but didn't try to deny it. “Every little bit helps.”
“Tomorrow. I promise. In the meantime, I don't know about you, but I haven't eaten yet, and I’m starvin’.”
Deciding she could use the distraction, Kagome led him to the kitchen in search of a meal. A tiny smile curved her lips; she couldn't wait for tomorrow.
He was gone. She had woken early, dressed in a cute skirt and sleeveless top, and he was gone. His room was empty, as were the bathroom and kitchen. Kagome wanted to throw up; obviously, he had gotten cold feet and had fled during the night. Thoroughly depressed, she dragged herself into the kitchen to make herself some coffee before she had to slap on a smile and go to work. When she went to grab her creamer, she noticed that there was a note scribbled on the pad her aunt normally used for grocery lists. 
Had to go pick something up before work, so I left early. See you tonight. 
Okay, maybe things weren't horrible. All she had to do was survive the day, and she would find out if she had a live-in boyfriend or a very awkward roommate. No pressure. Really. 
Ten hours later, she stumbled through the door, completely exhausted. The universe had decided to spare her the agony of worrying about Inuyasha’s decision all day by making this one of the worst days at work, period. As if she didn't have enough to do with catching up with things after her leave of absence, her boss had sent her no less than twenty-six things she expected to be done ASAP. And then there was the phone. Somehow, their number had gotten mixed up with the new restaurant down the block, and the phone had been ringing off the hook all day with people wanting to make reservations or ask questions about the menu. And none of them wanted to believe her when she informed them that they had the wrong number. 
As she opened the front door, she heard faint sounds coming from the television. Clearly, Inuyasha was home. Now the only question was, did she want to beard the dog in his kennel or slink off to her room until her bad luck wore off? Since he could probably smell her, she chose the former. 
She had expected to see little white dog ears poking over the top of the sofa, but she was wrong; if it weren't for the crunching sound, she would have looked for him in a different part of the house. Instead, she came around the corner and stopped dead in her tracks. There, on her aunt’s plump cream and pastel splashed sofa, was Inuyasha, stretched out full length and lazily reaching into a bag of potato chips that rested on the floor. 
This would not be remarkable, except for two things.
The only item of clothing he was wearing was a pair of red boxers with....yes, those were little white bones. 
As enticing as that sight would normally be, Kagome’s full attention was centered above the waist--specifically, his neck. 
He was wearing the collar.
He. Was wearing. The fucking. Studded. Red. Collar. 
And it now included a shiny round tag.
Inuyasha said nothing as she approached. He merely smirked and flicked at the tag with one claw. Shakily, Kagome bent down to read it. On the front was his name....but on the back....
Was her name, phone number, and the address of the house. 
“Sango did say that I would find my forever home,” he said smugly.
“So this means....” Kagome asked hopefully.
His fang glimmered in the light filtering in through the window. “Yes to both questions, of course. Just wanted to make sure I could get outta my lease and get myself properly tagged.”
“Then I guess there’s only one thing left to do,” Kagome said, allowing the tag to slip from her fingers. 
Inuyasha folded his arms behind his head, giving her a heated look. “What’s that? Want to take me for a drive? Or maybe give me a bath?”
“Maybe later,” Kagome said, swinging herself across his lap to straddle him, her lips coming down to brush against his ear. “But first, I think I’m going to punish you for getting on the furniture.”
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jeremymarsh · 1 year
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The One With All The Kissing.
A Modern!Au story for @inukag-week
Read on Ao3.
“The half-demon appeared in the hallway, looking furtively left and right as if he expected someone to materialize at any moment and to be caught red-handed. Once he made sure he was alone, he closed the door behind him and stared at the one with the number 20 on it.
In a second, he crossed the hall, knocked and entered, all the while maintaining a furtive stance and an agitated expression on his face. He breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the sound of the lock turning, and only then did he turn towards the apartment’s sole occupant.
“Did anyone see you?” she asked, startled, as if afraid of the answer.
“Clear,” was his reply, moving so close that there was hardly any space between them.
“Perfect,” Kagome continued, replacing her concerned frown with a mischievous smile. At that point, oblivious to any fear she had had up to that instant, she concentrated only on him. She rested a hand on his chest and lifted her face to meet his golden eyes.
“Perfect,” Inuyasha echoed before he captured her lips in a kiss, leading her towards the bedroom.”
Inuyasha and Kagome get in trouble as they try to hide their relationship from their friends.
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icecreamdreams · 5 months
an inukag oneshot
“So are you thinking granite or marble?” was the question that came through the computer. 
“Let’s go with granite for the premium model, so we can use similar slate colors for the economy ones.” Inuyasha replied.
“Sounds good, boss.”
Inuyasha rolled his eyes. Technically he was the boss and head of his own architectural firm, but only because he didn’t want to spend time working for someone else. He wanted to see his own designs brought to life.
He was pretty good at it too. His current project was designing nice elegant homes that could be built with a range in budget by substituting some of the more expensive materials for more reasonably priced ones. Inuyasha really liked this project because it added the challenge of appealing to a variety of tastes and making those looks attainable to everyone. He liked the idea of his work being accessible to everyone, not just those that could pay top dollar for it.
“So what are we thinking for roofing options?” a consultant asked.
“I’d like to hear your ideas,” Inuyasha responded. Usually he’d go into the office, but he enjoyed the flexibility of working from the comfort of his own home.
His home was another marvel of his design. In fact, he’d drawn up the plans as an anniversary gift for Kagome when they were dating. Now, a few years later, they were happily married and pleasantly expecting. Inuyasha couldn’t help but think he was living his dream.
The meeting droned on for a few more minutes before Inuyasha was caught off guard by… the scent of tears?
“Hey, I’m gonna have to jump off the call. Let’s reconnect tomorrow on those roofing options.” After successfully excusing himself from his job, the hanyou got up and started sniffing after his wife.
“Kagome?” he called out, making his way up the stairs. He wondered what triggered her tears today. At this stage in her pregnancy, she was prone to more emotional outbursts. A few days ago she cried because she saw a ladybug.
“Kagome? Where are you, babe?” When Inuyasha got to the second floor he immediately knew where she was. When he got to the entrance of their bedroom he found her curled up on the bed, tears in full force. He approached with care, taking up a spot right next to his wife.  “Kagome? Baby, tell me what’s going on?”
Slowly, Kagome rolled her head up to look at him, fresh tears staining her puffy pink face. Kagome inhaled deeply before stating “I was watching the animal show and two of the baby elephants were sick!!!” The tears were mounting to sobs now. “I got so scared, what if they died? Then I just started crying and I couldn’t stop it.”
Ahh. So her beloved animal show was now an enemy in his household. Inuyasha nodded in understanding. He would hate it if anything he used for comfort became the very thing he needed refuge from. Well, he couldn’t do anything about the elephants but he knew how to help his wife.
Inuyasha lifted her curled form into his lap to smother her with snuggles until she could calm down. Fortunately, proximity to her loving husband seemed like just what Kagome needed. She took deep breaths as her tears subsided, uncurling herself in Inuyasha’s arms. As her breathing evened out, she took an opportunity to sniff at his shirt, letting his comforting scent wash over her. 
“What are you doing?” Kagome heard from somewhere above her. She paused then looked up Inuyasha hesitantly.
“You know, inuhanyou aren’t the only ones that find nice scents comforting and enjoyable.” The pout that settled on her lips after she spoke, Inuyasha thought, was adorable. In fact, looking at Kagome, he saw what amounted to his whole universe. His wife and best friend, pregnant with their first child. He couldn’t imagine being anywhere else.
“Well, as long as it helps you feel better,” Inuyasha said, stroking her cheek gently with his thumb. “How about we order some food and watch some animal shows where there’s no risk of death?”
Kagome cocked her head at him. “How will we know that?”
“Easy, we’ll just rewatch our favourite episodes. We added them to our list, remember? Besides, I’m sure it's been a while since we’ve seen some of these episodes.”
That sounded good to Kagome. “Plus now, if any animal gets sick in the show, you’ll be here to watch it with me. You can fast forward and look while I close my eyes.”
Inuyasha chuckled at that. The animal shows really presented the whole circle of life, but Kagome was really fond of animals and she enjoyed learning about them. Regardless, he didn’t mind giving up his afternoon of work to spend time cuddling with his wife. This was an upgrade.
“Sure babe, whatever you want. Now, what should we eat?”
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mrfeenysmustache · 1 year
Against the Odds
A KogKag ficlet (and art!) for the incomparable @fawn-eyed-girl Happy happy birthday!
Summary: There was a lot that stood between Koga and his dreams he does not expect them to come true. And they don’t. But sometimes fate delivers something just as good.
Also read on: AO3
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When he’d dreamed of Kagome in the past, of holding her and having her and truly getting to love her, he always saw them together in the dens of the old mountain his pack had inhabited for centuries.
She would wear fur, and she would boss around wolves, and she would be surrounded by their little half cubs, greeting him with a wide grin and an eager kiss after a long day of hunting and patrolling to keep them all safe.
It was a pipe dream, he’d known it even then when he was young and boastful and arrogant. He’d wanted her so badly he ached but he’d known where her heart belonged.
But dreams were dreams and they came whether they were realistic or not.
As fate would have it, neither he nor Inuyasha got to call Kagome theirs. She disappeared through her well and never returned, so he tried his best to say goodbye in his heart.
But he never could.
Coming home from work everyday used to be something he dreaded. His apartment was small and quiet and lonely and even though the rest of his pack took up all the extra homes, apartments were not caves, and lobbies were not fire pits constantly laden with roasting meats and wolves spinning tales or singing songs.
Modern life was easier physically, but it certainly took its toll emotionally, and there was a long stretch of time where Koga wondered if surviving so long had even been worth it.
And then she came back.
Opening the door to his apartment, Koga quickly rid himself of the awful button up shirt he was forced to wear every day, especially since he refused a tie, and dropped his bags by the door like he always did.
He went to the fridge and grabbed himself a beer, and then completed his ritual by flopping backward on the couch, letting the tensions of the day seep from his muscles into the cushions.
At this point in the past, the loneliness would set in, the realizations that he, a pack creature built to be surrounded by loved ones, was utterly alone in his little den as his family grew and mingled beyond the walls around him.
But today, like yesterday, like the day before, like tomorrow and every day after, he grinned as the bedroom door opened.
Wearing nothing but his t shirt, Kagome crossed the floor and pulled her hair from its tie, straddling his lap and leaning down to kiss him hello.
Curling up in his arms, she laid her cheek on his heart and he kissed the top of her head, letting her warmth leech into his body, into his soul, filling him with such utter thankfulness that she was there, and that she was his, that he actually got to be hers.
Despite every single thing that had once stood between them, they got to reunite and she’d given him a chance.
And he would never take for granted that she’d chosen to hand him her heart.
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witchygirl99 · 1 year
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Demon of Deduction
Pairing: InuKag
Rated: E
Kagome knew, even without a glimpse, that he was watching her.
More than watching her. Studying her. Inuyasha was a master of his craft; the art of deduction had never been more beautiful than when he displayed it.
And here, in their bedroom, Inuyasha left no detail behind.
There was nothing Kagome loved Inuyasha deducing more than her.
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chierafied · 6 months
December Drabbles Day 4 - A Bitter Defeat
Read on AO3.
Banner fan art by the amazing @sayuri-liu
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For @elevenharbor. You're amazing and talented and I simply adore you. Hope you'll enjoy this Sesshoumaru vs. gift wrapping vol 2!
Day 4 - A Bitter Defeat
Sesshoumaru glared at the stuffed toy dog with utter loathing. It was a giant monstrosity of white fluff. Rin had fallen in love with it the moment she’d first seen it in the shop window. Every day for the past two weeks she’d insisted they walk that same route home from kindergarten, just so she could go “visit the doggy” again. So of course, he’d had to get her the damn thing for Christmas. What else could a father do? 
The only issue was that now he had to somehow wrap up this mighty beast of a plushie. Gift wrapping wasn’t among the wealth of skills he possessed. Sure, he could find his way around a plain box: rectangles were very much on his level. Especially if he could use fabric to wrap them in like in the traditional furoshiki style — though even there the fancier folding options were beyond him. But this humongous lumpy thing and the rolls of wrapping paper at his feet had him feeling like he was about to embark on an origami masterclass from hell. 
Sesshoumaru snarled at the toy to show him who was the boss. Then he grabbed a roll of tape in one hand, the first roll of the cutesy cartoon penguin-infested wrapping paper in the other and commenced the battle. 
“I’m home,” Kagome called out from the door. She frowned as silence greeted her. She’d just dropped Rin off at the grandmother’s after work and in her typical fashion Sesshoumaru’s mother had bulldozed Kagome’s initial plan of a quick visit and insisted that she stay for tea. Now she was almost two hours late coming home so Sesshoumaru should have been back. And the lights were on. So why the silent treatment? 
Kagome took off her shoes and her coat in the entranceway and set out to investigate. 
She was almost at the bedroom door when she heard it. A steady, deep rumble. It was coming from the study at the end of the hall. As she neared the study, she finally made out what she was hearing. Kagome bit her lip to keep in the surprised laughter, then swung open the door of the study. 
She found the cause of Sesshoumaru’s impressive litany of swearwords as soon as she laid eyes on him and absolutely lost it, doubling over in a helpless fit of giggles. 
Sesshoumaru regarded her sourly, his shoulders stiff with wounded dignity. 
“When you’re quite done with that, I could use some help,” he told him, voice gruff. 
Tears sprung to Kagome’s eyes, and she laughed even harder.  
After a few very long minutes, she finally had her hilarity under control. Clutching her sore stomach, she managed to wheeze out: “I can see that.” 
“You know I don’t like gift wrapping.” 
“I know. It’s just... How did you manage to tangle your hair with the string like that? Also, why is there a piece of tape sticking to your cheek? And that wrapping paper... it looks like you were trying to turn it into a toga, I mean that’s a look but I’m guessing it was not on purpose?” 
“No, it wasn’t,” Sesshoumaru replied curtly. 
Kagome allowed herself one last snicker before she walked over to him. 
“All right, don’t worry my darling. I’m here to save you.” 
Note: If you want to see furoshiki in action, this video is a nice introduction!
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vampirequeen019 · 11 months
My first attempt at a fanfic in English. I have this fic completed in Spanish on Wattpad, but I thought, why not write it in English too, and lo and behold, here it is. While the original one is a two-shot, I decided to break those two chapters into more so it's easier for me here.
Credits to the image goes to my dear friend IviiD.
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It was a Thursday around seven at night. Kagome had been invited to her friend's friend's brother's party.
At first Kagome wasn't sure she wanted to go to a party where she wouldn't know anyone except her friend. Since she had the habit of leaving her behind when she found a guy to hang out with. She didn't always do it, since her friend's tastes in boys were very demanding and not just any boy fit the requirements on her specific list.
Although she wasn't sure about going to that party, she decided at the last minute that she would go. There would be no school the next day because it was a holiday, so she will have the day off, plus the weekend to study and finish the homework that was due on Monday.
Her classes from university weren't that difficult, since it was her first year, she chose to choose general classes for the first semester and that way she could get used to university life without being too stressed.
She worked part time at the coffeehouse "The Dollar of the Sea” from Thursday to Sunday. Although if someone was absent or her boss needed more help and she needed more money, she would agree to work overtime. The help wasn’t bad for either of them, so it was a win-win situation for the both of them. At first, she didn’t understand the name of the cafe, for they were not near the sea or lived in a port area. Until her boss explained that it was a mockery of the big coffeehouse chains. Since he and the owner of those chains had been colleagues before that cafe became famous. But apparently something very serious happened between them that caused them to separate and end their business association and her boss to lose the coffeehouse. Kagome didn't want to ask any more, her boss would tell her when he was ready to do it.
Kagome sent a text message to her friend saying that she accepted her invitation to go to that party and for her to send her the address of where the party will be.
Kagome got ready for the party. She didn't know if there would be a dress code or not. She hoped there wasn't because she didn't have anything formal with her. Some of her clothes, her formal ones, she left in her bedroom closet at her parents' house, when she moved into the university dorms. She searched her closet for something simple and beautiful that she could wear. She didn't do it to please anyone, but still she wanted to look good for herself. She opted for a white spaghetti strap crop top, a white mini skirt with a black belt, a jean jacket and white sneakers. She opted for crescent moon earrings as her only jewelry and a natural makeup for her.
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When she arrived at the party, she texted her friend to notify her of her arrival and she received a "👍" as a response. Followed by another text that said, “I’m where the drinks are”. Kagome sighed, that just meant that she was in the kitchen of the house. She rang the doorbell and a brown haired girl opened the door for her and told her to enjoy the party and where the drinks were. Kagome thanked her and headed off to find her friend.
She did find her in the kitchen but from the way she was whispering in the ear of a tall black haired boy, she was busy. So she decided to wave her hand at her from afar and signal that she would be around.
The house was quite large, three stories, but the third and part of the second story were closed to partygoers. There would be no problem. It's not like she wanted to see what was beyond the allowed zone. Well, the truth was that she did want to see. What could she do? She was curious by nature. Walking through the second floor she found a door ajar. She leaned out through the door and saw that it was a library.
"Wow," Kagome whispered as she entered the library and saw the shelves of books. There was a living room set on one side, a desk with its respective chair on the other side of it. She turned her face up and saw a second floor filled with more shelves of books.
"Cool". She murmured as she walked over to one of the bookshelves closest to her. She ran her hand over the titles of the books, amazed that there were so many titles from different well-known authors. And others that she had no idea who they might be.
“Shakespeare, William”. She said as she took the book and checked the title. “A Midsummer Night’s Dream”, she read aloud to herself and opened the book.
"Manatsu no Yoru no Yome". A voice was heard behind her, while footsteps were heard going down the narrow spiral staircase that connected to the second floor of the library.
Kagome gave a small cry and nearly dropped the book in surprise. She immediately turned around and saw a tall, fair-skinned man with long silver hair. He was wearing blue jeans and a long-sleeved black shirt. As he got closer to where she was, she noted how tall the man was. He easily towered over him by far. Not that she was tall per se. With her meager 5’2” height, anyone could easily pass her. Oh my God! This man is very attractive! Her inner self kept screaming and fangirling like some groupie from a famous pop music group.
Kagome put a hand to her chest to steady herself. She felt her face starting to heat up. Oh great. Now he’ll know that I blushed. She was beginning to ramble when a throat clearing brought her back to the present.
"Sorry if I surprised you. It wasn’t my intention". He said as he focused his gaze on the books he had in front of him, and watched her out of the corner of his eye. She was so beautiful with her pitch black hair, white skin and those legs that would definitely look better around his waist as he made love to her. Whoa! Where did that thought come from? Never before had a woman awakened in him those kinds of thoughts just by looking at her. He had one-night stands and the odd relationship, though the latter were during his high school days.
"No problem", she laughed a little embarrassed. "Not that I should be here in the first place," she said while glancing to the side.
"Don't worry. You can be here as long as you want. I wouldn't mind the company." He told her looking at her again. The girl had beautiful blue eyes that invited you to get lost in them. Could he be any cheesier?
Hearing his words Kagome turned her gaze to him. And she was met with golden eyes so beautiful it hurt to look at them. Really Kagome? All you need to do is write him a poem. She rolled her eyes in her mind.
She shifted her gaze from him to the book in her hands and began to leaf through it. It was written in English. Not that she had any problem with the language as she knew it very well. She took intensive English courses when she was in middle school since many tourists used to visit her family's temple and she was the one who attended them.
Shakespearean English. Hang on a minute. She closed the book and reopened it to the first page. "1916". Oh my God, that book was old. Kagome had only read the one available in her school's library and it was a PDF version, so owning such a book must have cost quite a lot.
"Not so much. It is a secondhand book. But its value is more sentimental than anything else." Kagome heard the man next to her say.
Did I say it out loud?
"You did. And you keep doing it." He chuckled. Kagome felt her face burn more than before, she surely had blushed a lot more than before.
Sesshomaru decided to take pity on her and changed the subject. Extending her hand in greeting, he said, "My name is Sesshomaru Taisho, and yours?"
“My name is Kagome Higurashi. Nice to meet you, Sesshomaru,” she told him, giving him her hand in greeting.
"The pleasure’s all mine, Kagome." The moment the two put their hands together, they felt a small electric current run through their bodies, starting with their hands. The two separated their hands instantly.
“You seem to like that book a lot. Why don't we sit down and discuss it? I'd like to know what you like about it. To tell you the truth, not everyone likes that book.” He held out a hand to indicate the sofa that was a few feet from where they were standing.
Kagome nodded and headed for the sofa. Sesshomaru waited for Kagome to take a seat first so he could do so after her, keeping their distance a bit. Distance that was shortening as they talked more and more. Not only about that book, but about many others as well. Sesshomaru got up to grab two water bottles from the small refrigerator on the side of the desk and handed one to Kagome. Which she took without fail and thanked him, for she hadn't realized that her throat was a little parched. Apparently talking with Sesshomaru was as natural as breathing.
They kept talking for hours and hours. About their hobbies and their families. Kagome told Sesshomaru about her family and the temple that they guarded. That led Sesshomaru to ask countless more questions. Kagome told him about her role in the temple and all the years she had served in it, before entering university.
Sesshomaru found everything Kagome said fascinating. And of course it was. Not everyone has a very important temple to guard nor was a Miko, so for Sesshomaru it was interesting. Everything about Kagome seemed to be.
They continued talking for many more hours. Kagome confessed that she didn't know anyone at the party and that she had only attended because her friend had invited her, but she was also a guest at the party. Sesshomaru told her that although he wasn't the one being celebrated, he knew him quite well.
The more they talked the more they felt a deep connection with each other. The distance between the two of them on the sofa was minimal, sitting facing each other, seeing each other and when they least realized it, they were holding hands.
The first to notice was Kagome, who looked down and seeing her hands intertwined, she turned to Sesshomaru who was looking at her with a look full of, could she say, love? Was that what Kagome saw in his gaze? Or was it just her desire to see that? She felt a connection to him that she had never felt with anyone else before, and perhaps it was just her imagination.
Sesshomaru squeezed her hand a little to bring Kagome back from wherever she left to. Apparently from what she had told him during their talk, she did that often.
"Kagome," he cleared his throat. “I know I just met you but I feel like I've known you my whole life. I have never felt this great connection with anyone else before, only with you. At the risk of sounding cheesy I think this is love at first sight."
Kagome blushed beautifully, "Sesshomaru, I…" She didn't know what to say. Was this man reading her mind? That was exactly how Kagome felt when she was with him.
“I know you felt it just as I did, Kagome. There is something big going on between us. I felt it when I saw you and I confirmed it when I talked to you. Maybe I'm going too fast with this but if you feel the same way, please tell me."
Kagome couldn't find the words so she just nodded once, twice, three times.
Sesshomaru took her face between his hands and said, “I want to kiss you, Kagome. So if I'm going too fast, tell me now or I'll take your silence as permission to kiss you." She didn't have to wait as Kagome followed suit and kissed him.
Sesshomaru let Kagome take control. It was slow, so slow that he felt like she was torturing him. They separated a bit and Sesshomaru took her by her waist and pulled her towards him, sitting her on his lap. He resumed the kiss with greater vigor. Kagome laced her hands behind Sesshomaru's neck and tilted her head to the side to deepen the kiss. They were kissing for what seemed like minutes but for them it was hours and they only separated when the need to breathe became present in both of them.
They didn’t do anything beyond the kisses they shared but they both felt infinitely in love. Their foreheads touching and their breaths ragged. They looked at each other and there was nothing to interrupt them.
Sesshomaru was the first to notice because of the sunbeams coming through the window curtains. It was daylight and they had not noticed it. They were together all night, talking and getting to know each other.
"It's daylight already, Kagome." Sesshomaru told her caressing her cheek with his hand and smiling at her. Kagome placed her hand on top of his, it seemed as if she hadn't heard him with how much she was enjoying the feel of his hand on top of her cheek. Until it seemed his words registered in Kagome's mind.
She opened her eyes wide and turned to see behind her back and definitely, it was already daylight.
"I didn't feel the hours go by while being with you, Sesshomaru." She told him, while Sesshomaru turned her around and pulled her to him to sit between his legs, with her back on his chest as he hugged her from behind. "Nor I. I like being with you, Kagome." He told her while he kissed her on top of her head.
Kagome sank deeper into Sesshomaru's arms as he took her chin and lifted her face to kiss her. It was a slow kiss and full of love. There was no rush at all. They were enjoying and learning about each other while kissing.
The sound of Kagome's cell phone interrupted them. Kagome was thinking of letting it keep ringing so she could keep kissing Sesshomaru, but the incoming message notification sound began to ring insistently, then stopped and her cell phone began ringing again.
Sesshomaru gave Kagome one last kiss and chuckled, “I think you should answer that. It seems important." Kagome got annoyed, not with him of course, but with whoever was calling and texting her non-stop.
She took a deep breath to calm down and be able to answer the call. It better be important Ayame. Or I swear to God… "Hi Ayame, did something happen-"
“Kagome!!! Finally you answer, where are you?! I lost you at the party!” Kagome pulled the cell phone away from his ear.
"For God's sake, Ayame! What's going on? And stop yelling. You're going to burst my eardrum." Sesshomaru chuckled as Kagome listened to what her friend told her. “I am on the second floor of the house. In the library". Kagome listened some more. "Yes I'm coming. Yes, I'll see you at the entrance of the house. Aha. Bye”. Kagome breathed out in exasperation.
"I have to go or my friend won't stop pestering me." Kagome looked at him with sad eyes. It was too soon to part ways and she was already beginning to miss him. Sesshomaru hugged her and gave her a small kiss. "Don't worry. Give me your cell phone number and I'll give you mine and we'll go out for a drink and get to know each other better. What do you think?"
Kagome looked up at him and said with a flirtatious smile, "is that a date?"
"You can bet it is." Sesshomaru smirked and Kagome jumped into his arms. He picked her up as Kagome entwined her arms behind her neck and kissed him, opening her mouth to deepen the kiss even more.
So focused were they on kissing that they didn't realize the library door opened until a familiar voice to Kagome, spoke up. "So that's why you didn't answer my calls or hurry up, Kagome."
Her friend Ayame was at the door with a smile that resembled the cat that ate the canary.
Sesshomaru lowered Kagome down and she adjusted her skirt that was hiked up. "Ayame", she said somewhat annoyed. “You could have waited for me to get out of the house. I didn’t take too long".
Ayame looked at her in disbelief. "Kagome, it's been half an hour and you still haven't come out, that's why I came looking for you." She told her in a whiny voice.
Kagome's countenance changed. She went from annoyed to surprised to sadness. "Oh." Was all she said and she turned to see Sesshomaru. “I didn't notice that it had been so long. Being with you I didn’t notice the time”.
Sesshomaru took her hand and kissed it. "The same happens to me". He pulled his cell phone out of his pants pocket with his other hand while the other was still holding onto Kagome's. "Give me your cell phone number and I'll call you for our date tomorrow."
Kagome gave it to him and he saved it away, giving her his so she could save it too.
They said goodbye to each other with a small kiss on the mouth and Kagome went with her friend back to the university dorms.
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