hnrqoli · 2 years
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ghostofatree · 2 years
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This set from Ehi Passiko opens with the controversial figure of Duldzin Dorje Shugden. The fierce Yidam and Dharma Protector was seen as like a guardian angel by Kadam Buddhists but often seen as a dangerous presence in other traditions. This lead to suspicion and mistrust of his practitioners but I have to honestly say they are some of the kindest and most compassionate people I’ve ever met. He was seen as Buddha Manjushri appearing in wrathful form. The first four pages here show me and Kev going to Manjushri temple in Ulverston to receive some Empowerment. After that is a drawing of a dream I had had about thousands of rats but for some reason had wanted to convert them into wolves and patterns of them. After that was a drawing of the waiting room at my new doctors’ surgery and a drawing of a Dan Flavin sculpture at the Tate where I was with Jasmine one day. Underneath it are three saints #sketchbook #drawing #journaling #kerismith #kerismithbooks #memories #nostalgia #nkt #kadampa #duldzindorjeshugden #yidam #dharmaprotector #manjushrikmc (at Gambier Terrace) https://www.instagram.com/p/CiLEle7MOIa/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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vajracrafts2021 · 2 months
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The Blissful White Tara Statue, 11"
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kadampalife · 1 year
Seven Limbs ~ how a Brooklyn-based composer is using art as an offering
By Clare Morin There are moments in our meditation practice where we get a glimpse of our mind’s potential. Our otherwise incessant mental chatter ceases for a while and we meet our capacity for radiant, soaring peace. We meet our Buddha nature. There is a moment in Brooklyn-based composer Douglas J. Cuomo’s recent album and performance project, Seven Limbs, that captures this moment of radiant…
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scumtrout · 2 years
I'm looking for a meditation group locally but I am so wary of unwittingly ending up in proximity to a cult.
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lyrics724 · 2 years
The Nine-Line Migtsema Prayer
The Nine-Line Migtsema Prayer
Tsongkhapa Crown ornament of the scholars of the Land of the Snows You are Buddha Shakyamuni and Vajradhara The source of all attainments Avalokiteshvara The treasury of unobservable compassion Manjushri The supreme stainless wisdom And Vajrapani The destroyer of the hosts of maras O Venerable Guru-Buddha Synthesis of all Three Jewels With my body, speech and mind Respectfully I make…
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mahayanapilgrim · 1 month
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In this age of conflict people are ill intentioned and full of deceit. They put themselves first and disregard the needs of others. Whoever flatters them they regard as a friend; whoever contradicts or opposes them they see as an enemy. As these attitudes gradually distort all their actions, words, and thoughts, people become more and more warped and twisted, like crooked old trees, until finally their mentality degenerates so far that any notion of right and wrong is completely lost.
We are in an age when anger, craving, ambition, stupidity, pride, and jealousy are the rule of the day. It is an age when the sun of Dharma is already sinking behind the shoulders of the western mountains, when most of the great teachers have left for other realms, when practitioners go astray in their meditation, and when neither lay people nor the ordained act according to the Dharma. People may obtain some transient advantage from the misguided values of these times, but ultimately they are cheating no one but themselves.
The poisonous emotions that saturate people's minds in this dark era are the principal cause of their wandering in the endless cycle of samsãra. To deal with those emotions we need to keep a constant vigilance, following the example of the Kadampa masters, who used to say:
"I will hold the spear of mindfulness at the gate of the mind,
And when the emotions threaten, I, too, will threaten them;
When they relax their grip, only then will I relax mine."
~ Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche
From: "The Heart Treasure of the Enlightened Ones"
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radical-revolution · 1 year
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“No complaints when there’s suffering.
Great renunciation when there’s happiness.”
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blueskywhisperer · 7 months
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Beautiful lunch at Kadampa Meditation Centre.
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lamathanka · 1 year
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Tsongkhapa is the founder of Gelukpa Sect reforming the new Kadampa tradition. Tsongkhapa himself was also regarded as an incarnation of Bodhisattva Manjushri, therefore sometimes Tsongkhapa is seen with the symbol of Manjushri but with yellow hat.
His original name was Lodoi Dagpa. He is known with the name “Je Rinpochhey” or the “Precious ruler” as his name reflects.
#tsongkhapa #Preciousruler #tibet #kumbum #monastery #tibet #himalayan #buddhism #kadampa #tradition #jerinpoche #lamathankapaintingschool #thangka #thankapainting
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37q · 1 year
buddhanon here. just a passing thought i'd like to share: buddhists are such hypocrites. theravadins and mahayanists keep saying they respect each other's wisdom or whatever but it's all a load of bullshit. they're both just one bad day away from engaging with the pettiest, most gutter-level catholics-versus-protestants-tier scuffle you'd expect to see on your retired grand-aunt's facebook feed. they'll stop at nothing to call each other stupid, ridiculous and blasphemous, it's incredible.
heyy thanks 4 sharing your thoughts 🤘💞 its frustrating to me too and its so difficult to reconcile because of how early in their epistemological development they diverge.
IMO a key buddhist struggle is against the subsumption of experience into identity, yet the ego involved in forming religious identity isnt any less karmic than your everyday, mundane attachments.
even further its a common thread in emancipatory praxis to isolate and objectify harm as a concept via ego attachments and aversions and whatever intellectual posturing proponents and dissidents habitually employ to simulate a stable reality for themselves. like the dualism of it all! fr!
im actually touching upon this -- dogmatic liberation -- in the other ask im drafting rn teehee so needless to say i feel you honey.
speaking of which what have you read about the NKT (New Kadampa Tradition)? wild shit
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meditantespodcast · 2 months
A Meditação no Mundo Moderno tem ganhado cada vez mais destaque devido aos seus inúmeros benefícios comprovados cientificamente
📝 A Meditação no Mundo Moderno tem ganhado cada vez mais destaque devido aos seus inúmeros benefícios comprovados cientificamente. A Monja Gen Kelsang Mudita da Nova Tradição Kadampa conta suas experiências com Meditação e fala sobre a Meditação no Mundo Moderno no Meditantes PodCast. Confira:
🎧 no Youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RphIHawZq1o&list=PLjXLCSmO7rtre-36NtFZwoQqDKqqde
👍 Acesse, assista, ouça, aproveite, curte, comenta, compartilha.. . #meditação #meditation #meditación #meditante #meditantes #meditantespodcast #podcast #aovivo #online #viral #shantirham #meditar #medite #meditativo
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agendaculturaldelima · 2 months
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📣 Charla Terapia: Soltar el Sufrimiento, presenta:
👤 Ponente: Kelsang Jindak
© Producción: Meditación y Budismo Moderno en Perú.
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📆 Miércoles 03 de Abril
🕖 7:00pm.
🏪 Centro de Budismo Kadampa (Miraflores)
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🎟️ Costo: S/.20
🖱 Inscripciones Aquí
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estudioevan · 2 months
O Início das Leituras do Shiva Purana
Eu respeito muito todas as escrituras sagradas, e respeito muito o Shiva Purana, pois a minha conexão com Shiva não vem de hoje e este Deus é muito significativo para mim. Porém, o texto inicia com uma divagação um tanto quanto pretenciosa. Diz que este texto sagrado é superior a todos os outros Puranas e superior a qualquer outro texto e bla bla bla. E isto me lembou imediatamente o cristianismo, que diz que tudo que está escrito na bíblia é a verdade absoluta, que você só vai ao céu se aceitar Jesus Cristo como seu unico senhor e salvador e bla bla bla. Este cristianismo que por sinal me lembrava os discipulos do templo Hare Krishna que eu frequentava, que diziam que Krishna era o superior, que o Maha Mantra era mais poderoso que todos os outros e tantas outras bitolagens que me afastavam do templo pois me lembrava aqueles retardados crentes. Na época que vivi no templo dos budistas Kadampa, também escutei que o método do maestro dali era o mais avançado, que através dele você poderia alcançar a iluminação com muito mais facilidade, que as divindades ali cultuadas nunca poderiam ser refutadas, que nenhum outro maestro tinha mais conhecimento que o deles e bla bla bla.
No templo budista, de fato, eu tive muitas experiências espirituais que nunca alcancei anteriormente e uma evolução na concentração com as técnicas de meditação e vários outros estados alterados de consciência que cheguei com os trabalhos que fiz ali. Mas devemos lembrar que no período que morei ali, me dediquei completamente ao que era ensinado além de aplicar os ensinamentos com muita disciplina, o que nunca fiz antes em nenhum dos meus outros processos espirituais. Eu respeito muito todas as religiões e manifestações espirituais (com excessão ao cristianismo evangélico, que eleva a lavagem cerebral a outro nível), porém esse negócio de se considerar superior e menosprezar outras técnicas e conhecimentos é, além de pura ignorancia, um atestado de uma busca por escravos alienados e não por discipulos aprendizes. Eu entendo que este tratamento pode ser dado quando se deseja uma disciplina do discípulo, pois sem disciplina não há resultado, e sem resultado as dúvidas aparecem. Também entendo que quando vários métodos são utilizados ao mesmo tempo, não se chega a nenhum lugar pela falta de foco na prática, No entanto, eu só consigo enxergar na afirmação que "meu texto sagrado é superior à outros e somente minha religião leva a salvação" é pura falta de caráter de quem trata a espiritualidade como uma forma de fazer crescer sua pirâmide pessoal.
Sendo a minha experiência espiritual muito abrangente, o que me levou a abraçar a Magia do Caos como a forma mais condizente com as minhas crenças, vou seguir estudando o Shiva Purana levando em conta toda a minha vivência e prática magística. E de acordo com meu aprendizado, sei que é sempre útil nos guiar por um mestre, pois este já trilhou o caminho que se deseja iniciar e ele sabe por experiência alguns atalhos para nos ajudar a chegar mais rápido na meta. Como o Shivaismo é um novo tema para mim e eu não sei quase nada sobre isso, escolhi SadhGuru como alguém em quem posso buscar conhecimentos. Apesar de ele ser uma figura pop no meio espiritual e alguns de seus trejeitos me irritarem (como as piadinhas no meio do ensinamento), sei que posso extrair de suas palestras muita informação útil.
Me delonguei demasiado nas minhas auto afirmações, e não resumi nada do que aprendi nos últimos dias, porém vou deixar aqui um dos videos de Sadhguru que achei muito útil e poderá ser usado como base.
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kadampalife · 2 years
Siempre estaré contigo
(To read this article in English, click here: I am always with you.) El sábado 17 de septiembre de 2022, el venerable Gueshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoché pasó muy apaciblemente a la luz clara.  Ayer le pregunté a una amiga cómo se sentía, y me contestó: “Todavía no lo sé”. Exacto. Pero a medida que pasan las horas y los días, aparecen significados nuevos. Por lo que sigo añadiendo a este artículo. La…
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ani-tsultrim-wangmo · 4 months
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If you sincerely want to progress, open your eyes to your own defects. It is your own mind that you must examine, as if in a mirror. To maintain a conceited opinion of yourself seeing defects only in others and regarding your own flaws as good qualities, will certainly prevent you from making any progress. According to the Kadampa masters, the best teachings expose our hidden faults. To unmask a hitherto unsuspected thief effectively puts an end to his doings.
~ Dilgo Rinpoche
~ 頂果法王
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