#just making me smack my head against the ground a bunch of times. bro chill you simply got up too fast
homosexualspock · 2 years
So I might actually need to get a wheelchair here p soon cause of fainting spells and seizures which I ABSOLUTELY cannot afford ahdkfhs does anyone have any resources or leads into financially accessible wheelchairs? This would be for regular use and can be mobile outside
Edit: I'm based in Ohio if that makes a difference!!
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immortalcoelacanth · 4 years
HLVRAI Oneshot: A Goodnight (Kiss) Passport Check
*kicks down door*
FUCK I HAVE FALLEN INTO ANOTHER FANDOM AND CANNOT GET OUT! I would like to blame my friends (you know who you are) for dragging me into this pit and causing me to get inspired to write things, so BEHOLD!
A FLUFF ONESHOT BASED ON THE ABSCOND AU CREATED BY @godros(not that you really need to know about that AU for context as it’s just... fluff, but check it out if you’re interested!)
Word count: 1412
Summary: Even in his dreams, Benrey just had to check Gordon’s passport. 
Gordon was, to put it bluntly, exhausted. 
Aside from his typical work, he had also been more involved in the lives of his… friends. 
Could he call them that? Friends? Technically they were nothing more than data and code, but they felt real. They engaged with him, spoke with him, and acted like they all cared about him in their own way. 
Even Bubby, who never failed to point out how much he dragged the Science Team down at times, expressed his own concern when he faltered or got “hurt”. 
Always with a near excessive amount of cursing, but it was concern nonetheless!
And then there was Benrey. 
The asshole troll who was always asking about his passport or playing games with him on the Playstation. His snide comments and quips were intermingled with jokes, making it challenging to read his emotions and figure out how he actually felt about things. 
Benrey was an enigma of sorts, someone who enraged and intrigued Gordon. As such it was all the more emotionally draining when interacting with the AI, leaving him mentally and physically exhausted. 
Hey, moving your arms around a bunch might be great for building up muscle, but doing such a thing for a long period of time made them feel like led. Plus, there was the struggle of trying to get his gear off after every session and clean up any messes he made, he still needed to replace that lamp after one of his earlier sessions...
So, it was no surprise when Gordon passed out at his desk, head buried in his arms as he snored away. The monitor in front of him was shut off, all computing tasks done for the day. His VR gear was strewn around the desk here and there, and all was silent in the room. 
Silent, that is, until the monitor slowly turned back on. 
The screen glowed with a faint light, showing nothing but a grey expanse. Movement happened somewhere beyond it, causing the screen to ripple as though it were made of water. A disturbing sight made all the more worrisome as a pair of hands appeared. 
First poking at the fluid barrier, causing it to ripple further before eventually reaching through to the sleeping man beyond. Gordon was still snoring away, completely unaware of what was going on as one of the hands poked at his face while the other picked up a lock of his hair and gently felt it. 
Seeing that the man did not wake up from the touch, the owner of the hands decided to kick things up a notch. Both of Gordon’s forearms were gripped, not too tightly, and he was yanked through the screen. 
Nothing broke or tore, there were no sounds of pain of electrical malfunctions. All was as silent and peaceful as it had previously been.
On this side of the screen, that is, but on the other side things were not quite as calm. Benrey stood over the still sleeping leader of the Science Team, arms crossed and grinning to himself as he took in the humorous sight before him. 
Gordon was crumpled over and somewhat folded in half as he continued to sleep, oblivious to everything that had happened. Suppressing a snicker, Benrey gently booted the slumbering man in the side and spoke. 
“nice landing, feetman.” 
Funnily enough, it was the butchering of his last name that caused Gordon’s eyes to snap open. He immediately noticed his predicament and flailed, resulting in him falling onto his side while Benrey started laughing loudly, smacking a hand against the front of his helmet as a smile took over his face. 
It was always Gordon who made him smile… 
A faint chill ran down his spine, Benrey’s good mood evaporating in an instant while the panicked man finally managed to detangle himself and stand up. He brushed off his clothes and looked at the empty space they were both in, a sea of grey. His brows narrowed in confusion. 
“Benrey? You-what happened? Where the hell is this?!”
“you’re… uh... dreaming, bro.” Benrey lazily waved his hands in the air while he spoke, as if to emphasize his point. “that’s pretty gay, you… you gaydon feetman now or somethin’?”
“DREAM-stOP TALKING ABOUT MY FEET!” If he was dreaming, Gordon was certain he would pop a blood vessel in no time if this conversation kept up. “And the only kind of dream I’d have with you in it would be a nightmare!” 
“ouch, bro… that’s kinda mean.” Despite the words, Benrey’s tone continued to be void of any emotion other than mild amusement, and it only continued to set Gordon off. 
“YOU’RE KIND OF MEAN! You keep harassing me for my passport and you KILLED all those other scientists and guards-”
“yeah well they… uh… suck at their jobs. i… i gotta fire bad employees bro-”
“ya it’s-it’s standard procedure and… uh… stuff. ask tommy about it later or whatever.”
Gordon pressed the bridge of his nose between his finger and thumb, exhaling sharply as he felt a headache begin to build behind his eyes. “Okay, wonderful, lovely. Are there any other morally grey questions I need to ask?”
“nah but you uhhhh gotta show me your passport.”
And now Gordon was squatting on the ground, not able to fully process the request. “Well I told you I didn’t have it! And I’m apparently dreaming anyways! Do-do I need a dream passport or something?!”
His legs gave out under him, resulting in the exasperated man now sitting on the ground and staring up at Benrey in pure befuddlement and rage. “You-I don’t have it! When will you get that through your thick skull?”
“nah, you do.”
As Gordon contemplated everything leading up to this moment, and why in the world his mind had decided to torment him tonight, Benrey made his move. 
“i’ll, uh, check it for you. cause we’re… uh... bros’n stuff.”
Before he could ask what this checking would entail, and what Benrey was even checking in the first place, the security guard leaned down and pressed a quick kiss against Gordon’s lips. 
He was speechless. 
“mhm, everything’s… uh… up to code there.” Benrey noted, nodding to himself before sitting down beside the stunned man. An eternity seemed to pass before Gordon managed to speak up. 
“W-What was that?”
“i checked your passport, man. nothin’ special.”
“I…” Gordon sighed and buried his face in his hands. “I’m gonna stop questioning things because you never answer anything I ask and you’re the most obnoxious, unreliable person I’ve ever met-”
“you say somethin’ dude?”
“... No.” He muttered, thoroughly fed up with the situation. “I’m gonna go back to sleep and wake up back at my desk and everything’s gonna be perfectly fine and I won’t have you tormenting me. Yeah, that’s what I’m gonna do.”
“aw, lame. i thought we were gonna… uh, play some games.”
“Nope, sleeping now.”
“brooooooo i can’t believe you’re leaving me hanging like thiiiiiiiiis.”
“I’m not leaving you hanging since I never agreed to anything.”
“bro,” Benrey let out his own sigh, a stream of blue escaping his mouth and causing Gordon to yawn due to how close he was to the other man. 
Actually, had he gotten closer to him? Previously there had been some space between them, but now they were both shoulder to shoulder. Gordon blinked and tried to speak, but found a yawn escaping his mouth when he opened it. 
Damn, of course he felt like passing out when he wanted to ask questions. Stupid sweet voice… 
As if somehow knowing what Gordon was thinking about, Benrey let out a short laugh as the other man started leaning against him due to his growing exhaustion. 
“sweet dreams, gaydon feetman.”
When Gordon next awoke, he found himself seated in front of his computer as usual. The monitor was still off, everything was exactly where he had put it, and there was no sign of anything being disturbed. He stretched a bit, feeling his back pop as his bones cracked, before scratching his chin. 
“Huh, maybe it was a dream…”
Of course, during his next encounter with Benrey later on in the day he did notice a faint redness to the other’s cheeks and wondered all over again if that “passport check” had been real or not. 
And a much quieter part of him wanted to ask whether he had passed or not. 
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uno-reverse-fic · 4 years
Part 2 Chapter 3
You didn't wake up the next morning, in fact you never went to sleep. You tossed and turned all night lying wide awake in bed. When daylight finally poked it's way through the curtains, you turned over to check the clock. It was sill quite early, but Iida would probably be up by now so at least you'd have someone to talk to. You trudged downstairs and into the common area to find Iida, Yaoyorozu, Hagakure, and Shoji all up bright and early, despite the weekend.
"Ah Surō your awake! I'd expect nothing less from someone like you!" Iida praised, clearly not noticing that the bags under your eyes had grown darker throughout the night, almost as if they wanted to keep some of that inky black for themselves. Yaoyorozu on the other hand noticed your sluggish movements, and lack of sleep right away.
"Oh dear, did you sleep ok last night?" She voiced her concerns, and you didn't have the energy, or the heart, to be sarcastic, so you gave her a light shake of your head.
"I'll go make you some tea then! Maybe it'll help wake you up a bit!" She clasped her hands together and hurried off towards the kitchen with an energetic bounce in her step.
A few minutes later she came back, balancing a tray between her hands, with a few cups of tea and sugar. As the five of you conversed a few more of your classmates made their way to the common area. By late morning that same pair of crimson eyes was watching you from the shadows. You didn't pay any mind to it, in fact you hadn't even noticed Bakugo's watchful gaze. It was Sunday, so you'd have to go back to school tomorrow, that was something you were not looking forward too. Once again the day flew past and before you knew it, the afternoon had already come along.
"Hey Surō!" You heard Kirshima call from behind you, and you turned your head to face him.
"I was wondering if you wanted to go grab something to eat with Mina, Sero, Kaminari and myself?" He asked, you nodded weakly, still exhausted from the lack of sleep.
"Gimme a few minutes." You told him as you turned around to head back to your room.
"Phone? Check. Wallet? Check. Crocs? Check. Unhealthy amount of exhaustion? Check." You thought to yourself. Grabbing a bag for your phone and wallet, you headed back downstairs to join your friends.
If it hadn't been for Kirishima's positively infectious energy, you would've passed out on the sidewalk. You decided to get caffeinated tea with your meal, just to wake you up more, you really were struggling. While the five of you waited to place your orders, a conversation brewed. It started out quite normal, at least normal for a bunch of teenage dumbasses, but the topic soon diverged to you. You quickly dodged any questions they threw your way, but it was no use, they had set you up and cornered you.
"What's Bakugo's room look like!?" Mina whined,
"I mean as far as I could tell it was pretty average. I didn't get a good look, I was two inches tall for God's sake." You answered, but before you could catch your breath, Kaminari threw another question your way,
"What's it like being so short?!"
"BRO! DON'T BE RUDE!" Kirshima scolded, elbowing the Pikachu in the side.
"Whaaaaat? I wanna know!" He argued.
"Yea but you don't have to be so rude about it—"
"It sucks." You said firmly, cutting off whatever Kirshima was going to say next. You finally let your walls down, opening up to your friends about the past week. Only to rant though,
"I HATE it. I don't care how much someone pays me, I will never go through that again. That was 100 percent the worst week of my entire goddam life. I HATE being two inches tall, I HATE not having any say in what I want, I HATE people freaking kidnapping me, and most of all, I HATE that stupid asshole of a blonde. He is such a DICK I have never in all my life met someone who can get on my nerves more than that stupid asshole." You were gripping your glass of water so hard, you swear you heard a crack. Your friends stared at you in utter disbelief, in an instant you had gone from chill and tired, to angry and feral, and back again. The pure, raw, unbridled loathing in your voice had stunned the four of them at how fast it appeared.
"Wow you really do hate him don't you?" Mina said.
"OF COURSE I HATE HIM, HE PRACTICALLY STARVED ME TO DEATH! NOT TO MENTION HE WAS AN UTTER ASSHOLE TO ME THE ENTIRE TIME!" You screamed. Mina scooted a few inches away from you, and it did not go unnoticed, because you immediately calmed down again.
"Sorry, I really just HATE him ya know?" You sad to her, gritting your teeth at the mention of Bakugo.
"We understand, he is a bit of a jerk." Sero said, his arm draping nonchalantly over your shoulders. You gave him a small glare that said "A bit?!" but it quickly dropped back into the monotone expression you were wearing earlier. You sighed, giving up the rant for the time being, and as if on cue, the waitress walked over to take your orders. The rest of lunch went by with no more questions about your week, for fear of another outburst. You were too tired, and too occupied with your meal, to celebrate. The five of you walked back to the dorms together, conversing on the way there.
"I love the food there and all, but nothing can beat Lunch Rush's food. Ive seen the taste of heaven, and I cant go back." Sero commented.
"I'm in the same boat dude, I think we all are." Kaminari added. Mina stepped up next, hoping for a slight change of subject,
"Yea food is great and all, but I was wondering. Surō don't you usually eat a lot more at that place? You looked like you were holding back, whats up with that?" You gripped the plastic-coated styrofoam of your to-go box, and gave Mina a death glare,
"If you were listening earlier, then you would know that I was practically starved to death over the past week, you hollow skulled idiot." Mina went wide-eyed, clearly not expecting your insult or sarcastic tone.
"Well geez, you don't have to be so rude, I was just wondering." She said, avoiding eye contact with you. On the other side of you Kaminari nudged Sero, and leaned in the make a joke that definitely caught your ear,
"I think someone's attitude is rubbing off on Surō," he said.
"Do you have a death wish Pikachu?" You growled.
"Nononono! I'm sorry! I didn't mean it!" He screamed as you chased him down the sidewalk, tackling him the second he slowed down. You pinned him to the ground, and raised your fist in the air, ready to nail him in the face. You felt a pair of hands grab your wrist, and another pair wrapped around your other arm. You whipped around to see Kirishima and Mina prying you off Kaminari. You quickly stood up and ripped your arms away from them to regain your composure. Another death glare was shot in Kaminari's direction, and the five of you agreed not to say anything else on the matter. The rest of the walk back was silent.
You immediately went to your room to gather a few things, before heading to the bathroom to shower. You turned the water to a scalding hot temperature, hoping the steam it created would help clear your mind of unwanted thoughts. The attempt was entirely in vain however, once you stepped out of the girls bathroom you saw the one person that you'd been avoiding. Pale, blonde hair hung in his crimson eyes, which were locked onto you. For once you were the one giving the death glare, you immediately turned and walked the other way, without even so much as a nod in his direction. Storming off to your room, steam almost threatened to pour out of your ears. Meanwhile, Bakugo stared at you as you walked off, confusion littering his face.
"What's her deal?" He asked Kirshima.
"I dunno dude, but she hates your guts now so I'd stay away from her if I were you." He responded. Kaminari butted in next, a fake pouty expression was plastered to his face,
"She blew up in our faces when we mentioned it, she even attacked me!"
"Oh get over it." Mina said, smacking Kaminari playfully on the head.
"That doesn't really make sense. Just yesterday she was trying to pet my hair." Bakugo said, his confusion deepening.
"That was before you got back here right? Maybe she blames you for... ya know... her injuries?" Kirshima suggested. Bakugo's face went from confused to crest fallen, to his normal passive aggressive expression in a matter of seconds.
"She hates me because of what I did. Doesn't she." He thought, turning around and walking away. He he didn't want to cry, but the more he thought about it, the faster the tears welled up in his eyes. His walk turned into a sprint as he ran up to his dorm room. He shut and locked the door behind him, sliding down against it to the floor. The one person he could stand, the one person he trusted, the one person he'd opened up to. The one person he'd loved, he had pushed away. He' hurt you, he'd taken advantage of you, and you hated him for it. Tears streamed down his face,
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry..."
"I DIDN'T WANT TO HURT HER!" He screamed. He ran a hand through his hair, and leaned his head back against the door.
"It— its all my fault." He took a deep breath. No thoughts ran through his head, no tears flowed down his cheeks. It was silent. All except for the faint sound of voices down in the common area. Something felt off, and the more he thought about what it was, the more it dawned on him. The problem wasn't the slightest hint of voices, rather the absence of yours. He missed you telling him everything would be ok. He missed the feeling of your tiny body in his hands. He missed the way you laughed. He missed your stubbornness. He missed you. Now he would never have the chance to just talk to you, because he'd pushed you away. Just like he had done all his life.
You on the other hand were blissful, at least when Bakugo wasn't on your mind. You were so happy to be back, and you couldn't wait for the routine of normal life to start back up again. You ate dinner—still holding off on eating too much—without a single thought of Bakugo, probably because he wasn't there. You didn't see him the rest of the night, but as far as you were concerned, he deserved to wallow in his own dread. When you finally headed up to bed, the tiredness started kicking in, and you thought you might be able to sleep tonight. You were wrong, oh you were so wrong. Once again you laid wide awake in bed all night. But this time there was no tossing or turning, and especially no longing for something else. Your insomnia was entirely from your own stupid decision of drinking caffeinated tea before bed.
Your lack of sleep dragged into the next day, and you were perfectly fine with that, until you realized you had to go to school. You got up early to go grab breakfast, and of course thats when the caffeine started to wear off. You ran into Iida on your way down, who was equally shocked at your exhausted appearance and your timely manner.
"Good morni—"
"Don't talk to me until I have caffeine running through my veins." You cut him off, not wanting to engage in conversation before your morning coffee. You grabbed yourself a bowl, some cereal and milk, before pouring the cereal first because you aren't a psychopath. You sipped your coffee and ate breakfast, as you did this Iida decided to come sit next to you for a bit of early morning conversation. You gladly conversed with him, more awake, now that you had some coffee.
After a pleasantly normal conversation with the class president, you headed upstairs to finish getting ready for school. You buttoned up your shirt and slid your blazer, skirt, and socks on. You gathered up the books scattered across your room and shoved them into your backpack. Slipping on your shoes, and adjusting your tie, you turned around to check the time on your alarm clock. You had about half and hour before school officially stared, so you figured you could just chill out in the common area. However your assumptions were wrong, because as soon as you turned the corner your eyes locked onto Bakugo's slumped figure on the couch. Immediately your good mood was ruined. You tried your best to appear calm as you walked towards the other side of the room, your muscles tense with rage. You didn't notice the way he glanced at you as you strode past him.
You had started to calm down by the time you reached the classroom, only for the fire of animosity to be lit once again when Bakugo walked past you. Thankfully your friends were there to help calm your nerves once again with their usual banter. Suddenly the door slid open, and Aizawa walked through, his yellow sleeping bag was tucked under his arm,
"Alright class listen up because I'm only gonna say this once," He said, and immediately everyone turned their heads in attentiveness.
"I'm more tired than usual because I didn't get much sleep last night. You all have a free for the next few hours, use your time wisely. Wake me up at lunch." He unzipped his sleeping bag and climbed in, falling unconscious in a matter of seconds. The classroom burst into noise. A few students gathered at the back of the room to study and finish any homework they forgot about. However most of your classmates were talking and showing each other memes. Of course you joined in with the majority of your friends and engaged in conversation.
The morning blew past, without a single second of productivity used. Soon the lunch bell rang and Iida went to wake up your teacher. The hall was filled with other students making their way to the cafeteria. You joined in the crowd, thankful that you could get around by yourself again. The food was just as delicious as it always was, and it had satisfied your hunger perfectly. Kirshima's voice rang next to you, causing you to glance up from your food and remember you weren't alone.
"So I was wondering if you guys would like to go out this Saturday. Maybe go to the mall, or see a movie," He asked.
"The mall sounds good to me!" Mina replied.
"Yea, I don't think there are any movies out that looked too interesting." Sero said, and Kaminari nodded in agreement.
"That sounds fun, maybe we can get a few more people to come and have a class-wide day out," You suggested.
"Oh yea that's perfect!" Kaminari exclaimed.
"Alrighty its settled then, I can text the group chat," Mina said, whipping out her phone, which was decked in pink accessories and keychains. You felt your own phone vibrate in your pocket, signifying that the group chat received the message. A few more vibrations came afterwards, probably from people responding to Mina's text. You didn't point them out, instead continued eating and talking.
You were excused from the afternoon training, via Recovery Girl's request. Throughout the afternoon you caught up on homework that you had missed while your were... absent. After what felt like forever, the rest of your classmates poured into the room, exhausted from training. A few minutes later the bell rang and all 21 of you made your way back to the dorms. The rest of the day flew by quickly, filled with the normal afternoon shenanigans.
For the third time this week you trekked to the bathroom for a shower, soon after, heading up to your room to sleep. This time you did fall asleep, but it was light, and you kept waking up at the smallest noises. Just as the day before you woke up exhausted. The day went by slowly, the normal, boring routine finally falling into place. But although the day was slow, by the time you fell asleep I felt like it had blurred past. Another restless night followed the previous, and once again you woke up, drained of all energy. The week was already half over, and you assumed the second half would go smoothly and quickly, just like it used to. How wrong you were. Wednesday was going to be long, you could tell just by the way your movements seemed to slow down when you walked downstairs. The majority of the day went by smoothly and just as slowly as you expected, and for the most part smoothly. At least until you got back to the dorms after school.
Kirshima dragged you to his dorm room, expressing something about a movie night with the rest of your friends.
"Movie night? It's the middle of the week dude." You said.
"Yea I know, but you looked like you needed some cheering up, and Kaminari wanted to watch Shrek." He answered.
"Now that's a reason I can get behind!" You exclaimed.
"They'll be here in a minute I just texted them," You settled down in a beanbag chair over by his TV, trying your best not to recall the last time you'd been in his room. Kirishima began backing towards the door slowly, and you didn't notice until it was too late.
"NOW!" He yelled, before yanking the door open and slamming it behind him, leaving you confused for the next moment. A noise came from the closet, and it opened, your head snapped towards it, eyes wide with fear. Your expression quickly changed to one of betrayal, as Bakugo stepped out of Kirshima's messy closet.
"BACK OF BITCH!" You screamed at him, running to the door to open it, only to find that it was locked. Sero had taped it shut from the outside and you heard a few other voices, presumably the rest of your friends.
"KIRISHIMA EIJIROU, OPEN THIS DOOR RIGHT NOW!" You yelled, Bakugo stood behind you, a bored expression on his face.
"I'm afraid I can't do that. You two have to make up before I let you out." He said, and you sighed knowing full-well that, when it came to his friends, his patients had no limits. You turned to Bakugo and growled,
"What do you want."
"I want to apologize. I was a complete asshole to you last week, and I'm..." He paused, trying to find the willpower to let his pride sink so he can mend something that had been shattered.
"I'm sorry." You stared at him, a blank expression plastered on your face.
"I hear your apology. However, I still hate you, and because of what you did," you gestured to the bruises littering your arms and legs,
"I can't forgive you."
"But, I helped you, I fed you, I looked after your helpless ass! I—"
"You also THREW ME INTO THE HALLWAY, AND LEFT ME TO DIE! AND YOU FED ME? MORE LIKE STARVED ME HALF TO DEATH!" He gritted his teeth, trying hard not to lash out at you. He'd caused you enough pain already, he drew in a deep breath before continuing,
"I know, and I will make it up to you somehow, I'm—" you cut him off again,
"Why the hell do you care about what I think?! As far as I know you don't give a damn about anyone else!"
"I— I can't answer that. I'm not sure why exactly, but—" he cut himself off and sighed. He knew exactly why he cared what you thought, he was in love, though he'd never admit it,
"I just want you to stop pretending to hate me. We both know it's fake, and I just want you to stop."
"I THOUGHT YOU DIDN'T CARE ABOUT ME?! WELL GUESS WHAT, I DON'T CARE IF YOU DO! IN FACT, I DON'T CARE WHAT HAPPENS TO YOU! I DON'T CARE IF YOU DIE!" You threw his own words agains him, and it took every ounce of focus to not let himself overflow with anger, and heartache.
"Kirshima... open the door." He said through shaky breaths. You didn't notice, you didn't really care either.
"Are you sure bro?" He responded.
"Open. The. Door." He growled. You heard the sound of tape being peeled off the door frame, before the redhead opened the door and looked in cautiously. You shoved him out of the way and stormed off to your room, but not before giving them all a death glare and the middle finger.
You took a shower to try and blow off some steam, but it didn't quite work. You found yourself completely frustrated for the rest of the week, but you weren't completely mad at your friends. They only did it to help Bakugo apologize to you, even though the attempt was entirely in vain. You were exhausted by the time Friday came to a close, and with the week finally over you could look forward to the trip to the mall tomorrow. You closed your eyes and finally got a good night's rest for the first time in what felt like forever.
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