#just cant see posts? possibly also cannot post? unclear
toytulini · 1 month
damn, tumblr sure has borked my app huh
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salzmine · 1 year
My two cents noone asked for...Wranduin edition.
Prior interests, easy solutions:
Ive read in posts that Anduin has shown interest in girls before (like a gnome and a dwarf) and a human girl named Tess, if Im not mistaken. And while this hints at a preference, its not really relevant, as he is a teen, and teens easily develop crushes. (even if he didnt show interests in boys before, maybe he just didnt find anyone interesting enough, or developed this preference later, could be anything) This doesnt even have to be redconnd
Either treat it as it was, random crushes of a teenager, or (Im not sure on the details but Im pretty sure his mom is dead) him seeing his mother in those girls, only realizing this later (mommy issues). Im not even sure what happened to those interests, I think those were from a book, which is already to be taken with a grain of salt unless it is actively in the game (at least in my opinion) I think Tess is in the game, what happened to her? 
In any case, instead of making a drama out of it, with jealousy and hurt, it could easily lead to infinitely more interesting story arcs. (one of which Ill probably elaborate in another post)
Age gap. Homo bad, hetero good?
Wrathions age is awkward. I dont know the details but from what I could gather from posts he is 2 to 5 years old. Im also not sure if dragon aging has ever been explained in game.
Which doesnt really matter because Blizzard decided to not only give this whelp an adult human avatar, he also has the wits and behaviours (as far as I can tell) of an adult. While one can disregard the human avatar, since, from what I can tell, they choose their form, so he could just choose to look adult to not be treated like a child, he is way too smart and knowledgeable for a toddler.
Huge age gaps especially when a minor is involved is a bad thing, but in this case its between a dragon whelp and a teenage human boy. Both relatively young, plus the unclear aging of dragons. One could try to explain it like dog to human years, if you will. 2 dog years are 14 human years, which would make a 2 year old dog and a 14 year old human the same age. Then you could argue that dragons live a  long ass time though so why would they  grow up so fast, to which you could point to long living beings like turtles. Nature (especially in a fantasy environment) can be whatever really.
Imo, it does work, I do understand though when people reject this ship because of the confusing age gap.
But while I understand why,  I also  doubt this would be much of an issue if one of the characters were a female, seeing as loli relations are rather popular and weirdly tolerated.
Male friendships in peril:
An argument Ive read a lot, not only about this ship but any gay ship in any media, is, that the people who want representation, are trying to erase male friendships.
To that I say, where?
With thousands upon thousands upon millions upon billions of media, to this day moving forward, that involve two men being hetero friends, people dare claim that male friendships are being erased, while happily erasing possible platonic relationships between girls and boys because girls and boys cannot coexist without instantly falling in love and fucking. Friendship erasure seems to really only be an issue when its gay.
With hundreds of characters, main and background, being straight, you decide to have a temper tantrum about 2 (two!) characters possible being gay for eachother.
To which people may counter „Buts its a king and a prince! They cant be gay! They need heirs!“
Which leads me to my next point.
The scandal of a homo relationship and the need of an heir (and easy solutions):
There are many possibilites to make this work, especially in a fantasy setting.
Leaning on reality, we have adoption, which is less favourable since its not their own blood.
Or surrogacy, like many homosexual pairings like to do in for example India. Gay and lesbian couples come together to make children while still enjoying their freedom to be with the person they love.
Advanced science. At some point humanity will reach a scientific level where they can make artificial children in artifical wombs, with sperm and eggs they make out of the dna of you and your partner.
Which can easily be translated into a fantasy setting, that not only has magic but also uses science, like in WoW.
And finally, magic.
Having children only ever seems to be a problem when it comes to gays.
You cant deny homosexal pairings their biological children while at the same time being ok with human females being dicked down by various creatures, creating humanX hybrids.
We cant even crossbreed with other primates.
Those humanX hybrids also only work with either magic, or science (dna adapting mutations and the like).
In a world where human(or other)X hybrids exist, people use portals, people turn into bears, birds cats, a world with spirits and all kind of magical creatures, beings, monsters, environments, two gays having biological children is an absolute none-issue.
Reminds me of the adventure time drama, where people complained, that lesbians cant have eachothers kids. In a world with all kinds of magical impossibilites going on, this is the hill some people want to die on.
Another example, Steven universe. A gem forming a womb out of light, and giving birth to a human gem hybrid is widely accepted. Because why not, its fantasy science.
So why not give gays the same acceptance.
Is race/species relevant?
A minor point I just wanted to mention. For some antishippers race/species may be an issue in this ship.
The human king of Stormwind marrying another race/species. Would that be a problem?
A scandal perhaps, and it wouldnt be easy, but it would help race relations in the long run imo.
Besides, this is somehow only an issue when its two guys.
I think its pretty safe to say if one of them was a girl it would be deemed a romantic tragedy and theyd be rooted for.
Another point I briefly want to touch upon is where people argue that the existence of the characters on their own is being neglected. Both characters on their own are interesting, but its the dynamic they have together that is much more intriguing, they compliment eachother, and its cute.
I just wanted to vent a little about this.
DISCLAIMER: I did no research for this post, ignorance is bliss.
Also I barely know the story of WoW, Im more of a level/gear grinding kind of player.
Source: Mostly my ass, and various tumblr/twitter posts.
Note: As soon as the canon changes, if one of them gets a girlfriend or married, I will lose interest and stop posting about it.
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sistervirtue · 2 years
Genuine question, though- why exactly is art being easily consumable a bad thing? I do think it’d be better phrased as “let people enjoy things so long as that enjoyment isn’t at the expense of others”
Also imo hcing the mains kissing is fine just tag it so people who /don’t/ want to see it can avoid it but ik that can be debated
Okay so in part that post was unclear with what i meant
I don't think art should be gatekept from people. I do believe that the idea of "high art" and elitism in who decides what is art leads to more harm than good and as someone who spent a very large portion of the last few years preparing for a career in art and studying art history i think the idea has a few large aspects we need to tackle
1) the commodification. art is pumped out for the masses to be SOLD to the masses. the worst offender of this i think is NFT's; the art of deceased artist, ai-generated asset mixes, etc all being sold as status symbols BECAUSE of the concept of scarcity and the fact that they Cost A Lot Of Money.
2) because of this commodification, art is becoming increasingly sanitized. especially with the internet, and the phenomenon of people's attention spans (and personal time! we cannot discount how capitalist labor has destroyed people's ability to spend time on the things they love) getting increasingly shorter, companies are pushing out shorter, "emptier" content to catch attention quickly. This trend then trickles down to fandom through the use of algorithms; tiktok, instagram, etc all promote very shortform content en masse, and when you produce things en masse to be profitable, you have to cut corners. a lot of artists have said they can ONLY make a following by making fandom content that appeals to the widest audiences possible, and things like "aesthetic sketchbooks" continue to perpetuate the idea that all art has to be clean and easy to digest. we see much less willingness from both companies and fans to engage with dirty, messy, emotional art, and i think as a whole culture suffers from it.
not only that, but especially online, this rapid-fire cycle of consumption leads to echochambers;;; which leads to things like racism on fandomwide scales, misogyny, grooming-- etc. by enforcing the idea that you do not have to THINK about the art and the implications of what you are ingesting and then spitting out, you enforce the idea that what you are doing can never be harmful to other people.
and this is what i mean by the devaluing of art-- while the entertainment industry booms, and fandom has become more relevant and widespread than ever, people don't VALUE what it means for someone to be MAKING art. people dont VALUE the deeper themes that art could be presenting.
and i won't say fandom content cant be deeper art, too. i will never say you can put it on the level of entirely original works, but i would be a hypocrite if i didnt admit ive even used shows i dont think are particularly good to explore a theme they presented in a way that was deeply personal to myself (such as my cult background) because having a base there made it easier to hone in on those details.
and i dont have an issue with individuals headcanoning things and having ships; it is when those things overtake the basic themes, context, or even the PLOT of the story that i find them to be an offense, especially on a large scale. when i initially watched devilman crybaby, i was severely mislead by dozens upon dozens of people about the actual content of the show because of how cutesy-fying akira and ryo's relationship was the norm, and that's just one of many examples. same with this phenomenon of encanto-- this is a disney movie about family. it is made for children and tries to deliver the themes of generational trauma in a way that introduces the concept of healing for generational audiences. (and the criticisms of disney for encanto are not mine to tell but they are out there and are very interesting reads if ur interested, but this is about fandom) but people are obsessed with finding some sort of ship or headcanon to slap on top, in a way that feels like a shallow non-engagement of the text. which is not particularly hard to engage with, given that it is a CHILDRENS MOVIE
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lilflowerpot · 5 years
Important topic: Galra rebels besides the Blade. I love the Blade, but it bothered me that the only choices the highly selective specialists or the empire. There had to be more discontents than that. What about partisan movements, guerillas, individual saboteurs? Or Galra who simple live in outskirts and try to have as little to do with the empire as possible. The historian in me is not satisfied with this idea of only two faction.
((cont.) after having seen my post about how ridiculously long this reply had already become) I’m so proud. Can I make suggestions? Underground Railroad style smuggling of rebels/prisoners. Conveniently mixed-up paperwork. The number game, one of the most efficient ways to free prisoners is to inflate death tolls so no one notices escapes or so your productivity quotas are lower. Giving resources: food, medicine, licensing that oppressed groups  cant access. People aren’t either monsters or enlightened they can like the empire and still think things are wrong. Love your History Nerd
As you say, the Blade are highly specialist and, in this fic at least, as Empress Marmora’s Li Naacht the whole premise of their order is one of blood - one does not simply join the Blade: you’re either born to it, or you’re not. That’s part of the reason why, upon first meeting Keith, they were all so convinced that he must have stolen his own knife, and that’s why they promised him answers only if he could awaken it… Either he was one of them, or he wasn’t. Either he was entitled to the Truth by right of his ancestry, or he was an imposter. There’s no uncertainty in Marmora’s inner circle, no question of loyalty, no grey area… things simply are.
And obviously this begs the question: what of the Galra who aren’t born the the Blade, and yet also disagree with Zarkon’s methodology?
I think at this point it’s important that I impress upon you the Galra people’s cultural predisposition for loyalty. In the grand scheme of things, humans are ultimately a little self-serving - willing to smile, and lie, and undermine others to achieve their own ends - and universally speaking we would be seen as one of the more individualistic planets, culturally, wherein any given person is likely to prioristise their own desires. The Galra are quite the opposite. They’ve been able to operate as one of the most successful invading races in the universe for several millennia (a fair portion of which was before Zarkon was even born) because their culture promotes collectivist tendencies; united under one ruling monarch who is accepted and respected for their physical and mental prowess in battle, the Galra people function within a hive-like hierarchy of one Imperial identity. One mind. That’s not to say that individuals don’t have their own wants / needs, only that the collective (a family of sorts, spanning billions of Galra across the universe) is priority number one. Broadly speaking, if a member of any given Galra bloodline is a traitor to the crown then they have also betrayed the collective, and it’s entirely possible (and entirely likely) that their siblings / parents / children would stand aside and let lawful justice be served.
Bearing all that in mind, undermining the acting Emperor / Empress isn’t at all commonplace - not in the same way that it is throughout human history.
However, as I’ve previously mentioned the Empire is massively multicultural with planets (often whole galaxies) that have loyally served the Imperial throne for centuries being granted status as vassal states rather than slave colonies. This means that regular Galra citizens - not soldiers or druids or nobles, just normal working people - will mingle with the non-Galra citizens throughout their day-to-day lives. Again, as I’ve said before, non-Galra citizens of the Empire arenot truly equal under Zarkon’s rule and there is some segregation (with the Imperial military being a prime example) but for every Galra that freely roams Imperial territories, there are at least three non-Galra citizens doing the same… if this majority was perpetually treated as one made up of lesser beings, the Empire would never have retained its status as the greatest ruling power in the universe (and then, yes, partisan movements would perhaps have occurred more often, though likely not been any more successful, and you can guarantee that every failed attempt was made an example of by the total annihilation of its planet of origin). Instead, Imperial citizens of non-Galra descent live in Galra-occupied cities, work jobs alongside the Galra-people, their children learn and laugh and play with their Galra peers on nursery colonies which offer only the highest level of education taught by some of the greatest minds in the Empire.
And yes there’s room for improvement; yes the Imperial education afforded to their children demands that they first pass an entry exam which no Galra child seems required to take, yes promotions in the workplace seem to fall more easily into the laps of Galra-people, yes the finest housing on any given Imperial colony can be difficult to obtain when there is a Galra family vying for the same place… but when your home-planet now thrives with a booming economy, your people benefit from the wealthiest trade routes in your galaxy, and your family are protected by the greatest military power in the universe? When your great-grandparent’s generation remember what it was to live a childhood without Imperial favour, and the transition between poverty and prosperity that was only allowed by the grace of Emperor Zarkon? When all you have to do in return for this share in the Empire’s affluence is pay your taxes and continue on your way as a loyal citizen?
…It’s ultimately seen as a symbiotic relationship, and a good one at that.
((especially when the alternative is genocide))
From a Galra perspective, non-Galra Imperial citizens have grown up alongside them as their neighbors, classmates, friends. It would be inappropriate to engage in more intimate relations with them, let alone breed, but… that doesn’t mean they’re bad people. That doesn’t mean they’re “less”. So maybe the odd one or two start to ask themselves why: why they themselves can join the Imperial military but their non-Galra friend cannot, despite being just as strong, just as fierce, just as loyal to the throne. Why their older relatives scoff at the mention of their friend’s culture, as bizarre and foreign as it is beautiful and fascinating. Why, when a group of them are out playing somewhere they perhaps shouldn’t, the guardsmen who catch them seemed ready to use brute force against their whole group until they realise a true-born Galra child is among the mix.
Maybe they start to see the inconsistencies in the narrative where the stories don’t quite match up, or the hiccups in the system where the rules just don’t work. The problems. The flaws. Maybe, just maybe, the younger generations learn of Emperors and Empresses of times past and realise not all of them were immortals - or rather, none of them were - and more than that, that some were corrupt and flawed and wrong.
Maybe they realise that Emperor Zarkon could be wrong too.
A little research teaches them that the Blade of Marmora defied an Empress, once, and now they’re gone (and one cannot simply join the Blade besides) but they think there must be others - others who had seen the wrongness of it all, and others who want better - and there are. They’re small, they’re quiet, and they work in the shadows, but there are those who seek to depose the Emperor (and isn’t that a blasphemous thought?) not for revenge or glory or a chance at the throne themselves - though there are plenty of those too - but just because there’s something Not Quite Right about the current state of the universe and they want a chance to change it for the better.
…Individual rogues and lone saboteurs aside, the most notable organised movements are:
The Pacifistic Faction - the largest group, having half-exiled themselves to the backwaters of the Empire, where the colonies are peaceful and quiet and serve primarily as farmland - necessary, but uneventful - and there they stay, not actively contributing to the war but still feeding its soldiers.
The Blade of Marmora - the most famed, but also famously dead at the hands of Empress Zetian after openly defying her in light of the atrocities she committed, declaring her actions as ones of injustice and senseless violence without honour - a declaration for which she demanded their heads, and they hers in return, resulting in what is recorded as a gruesome murder-suicide, though whether the instigator of their final confrontation was her or them is, to this day, unclear.
The Zeraii (from the root, Zera) - a small extremist group that first formed as a reaction to Emperor Zaghit’s ascension, pushing the agenda of Expanse and blaming Zaghit’s Dox heritage for his “weakness of will,” with claims that the Monarch should always be of either Aalk or Byal descent as the only branches of the Galra people strong enough to lead them to true greatness. They believe that their purpose is to “cleanse” the Empire of what is deemed unworthy, with hybrid-galra being considered polluted abominations of noble Galra blood.
The Kyl tron Kitah - a zealotic subset of the Druidic Faith, the members of which (despite the vast majority not being of Druidic blood themselves, but rather regular people of extreme piety) believe that the Galra should be led by the Church rather than the Crown, with the Archivist at their head as opposed to an Emperor / Empress.
Underground Railroads - those on record were swiftly dealt with, so if there are any ongoing successful attempts then they remain anonymous for a reason, but Galra doctors (particularly those stationed at any of the Empire’s notorious Arenas) have been known to take pity on grievously wounded gladiators and incorrectly report their deaths, when the truth of the matter is that they have been smuggled out of the medical bay to relative freedom where they might live out their days working manual labour jobs on a backwater colony. No one looks for the dead, after all. This practice (or, at least, accounts of foiled railroads) became less common after Haggar developed an interest in live specimens and began to have her druids “observe and assist” at many of the Arenas.
Smuggling Resources - Imperial citizens (people of Galra and non-Galra descent alike) of all walks of life have been known to siphon off supplies from their respective careers if they think they might be of use to the less fortunate. The punishment received if caught is dependent upon the scale of the operation, the frequency of the offence, and the value of the goods being smuggled; hydration-packs might see the individual responsible suffer light corporal punishment followed by a few movements in solitary confinement and then a few more in a re-education programme, whereas the theft of quintessence (pure or processed) risks being thrown into the Arena to serve as a gladiator if they are allowed the opportunity of redemption, and if not, then simply execution.
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blookmallow · 4 years
whos up for a 
i know, i know, try to contain the excitement
theres... a big spoiler in here but i cant figure out how to talk about this without it lmao so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ i dont think it rly matters to anyone anyway but the section its in is marked. this is still a work in progress but here it is anyway
All soul collectors (and familiars) have two alignments: life or death and light or darkness 
these do Not mean “good” and “evil” however, and all collectors have some connection to them all (and magic can be learned, as well)
Life aligned are often immensely powerful, but at times difficult to control without proper focus and discipline. They have high stamina and heal quickly, often have skill with healing and protection magic. Often have very high magic levels. They are often able to create small forms of life, with lesser sentience - such as Venus’s plants, Chris’s robots, Mayzie’s sugarsprites, etc. Shuri is an exception - she is a Death aligned, but studied extensively under Mother’s guidance and has learned (and even mastered) Life magic. Life magic at that level (creating forms of life) is inaccessible to humans, though some Antis in very rare circumstances can use it (though creating sentience is only possible to soul collectors). Lumeni who are not soul collectors often have life magic as well, but do not have the power that soul collectors have. Creating little motes to help out around the house (which disappear after a while) is a fairly common ability, but creating a lasting, real living creature with sentience would not be possible for those who are not soul collectors. 
Death aligned generally cannot make life (at least not without extensive training), but are very perceptive and empathetic, often skilled in divination and prone to visions or premonitions. They are very good at communicating with the dead - all soul collectors can do this, of course, and all can see ghosts (thats. Their Job) but Death aligned are particularly good at it, and often will pick up lost or abandoned souls that were not claimed by their collectors (either through unusual circumstances, negligence, or whatever the case may be) or will take over for others when dealing with particularly volatile souls. Souls of children are often transferred to Death aligned as well. Humans with Death magic in them can almost always see (or at least sense) ghosts. Premonitions and visions are common as well, often stronger in Antis. Most Antis can see or sense ghosts regardless of alignment, but Death aligned will have greater skill (and a better sense for the situation - a Death aligned Anti or human will be much more likely to figure out what an angry spirit wants, while a Life aligned might be able to see it, but not know what it is trying to communicate). Death aligned tend to have a higher comprehension of Time and Mortality. 
i havent sorted out Light and Dark as clearly yet, but 
Light energy is very strong and focused; can be difficult to control, especially in children, but can become highly powerful when used correctly. Often very physical, such as manipulating environments or elements. not well defined yet
Dark energy is chaotic and often destructive, frequently involves psychic abilities or altering the flow of time in small ways. also not well defined yet. probably even more undefined right now, :’) 
All soul collectors have these alignments, again, they all have a little of everything but will naturally be drawn to one side or the other in both aspects, and the abilities they have also depends a lot on what they study and what they practice. 
Familiars will almost always have the same alignment as their masters, but often will mirror in one aspect and have different tendencies in the other (like, SC has Light/Death, familiar has Light with Life tendencies, etc), and the souls in a collector’s possession will often have traces of the same alignments as their collector. this manifests in really weird ways with antis sometimes. more on that later
Soul collectors are born from eggs that form in an underground spring, drawn from the magic in the planet’s core (which is why their magic levels are so much higher than anyone else on their planet - other Lumeni bear children the same as humans. They are deeply affected by the planet’s core, but not born from it) 
there’s a lot of debate as to whether this is a strictly natural occurrence, or if the core has some kind of sentient will to intentionally create the eggs (or, if this core is possibly controlled by some higher being) (or if the core IS a higher being)
the First Egg was a twin egg - a single egg containing two collectors (and their two familiars), this being Rachna and Shivari (who would later come to be known as the Great Mother)
these two represent a perfect balance of the alignments - Rachna as Death and Darkness, Shivari as Light and Life. Again, not “good and evil” - there’s no evil twin (and they’re not remotely identical either lmao) and no conflict between them, they work Together, always, neither of them ever takes action without consulting the other first 
their familiars mirror them, “Muffin” is also Death/Darkness, and Jacinda is also Light/Life
Twin eggs are not exactly “siblings” the way humans think of them - they can look drastically different and have very different powers/attributes/skills, but will usually see themselves as akin to siblings 
Shivari created, over time, all the plant life on Lumenia. the legend goes that she also created all the animals and the first Lumeni themselves, but she won’t confirm it either way. she probably did not create the lumeni, though, in any case
Lumeni look up to her as their high queen, and some worship her as a mother goddess as well; she has temples across the planet 
Rachna is said to be the first to have realized the ability to create Underworlds and the whole system of soul collection and judgement. The extent to which this is actually true is unclear, but probably more likely than the “mother created lumeni” theory.
*** this is the part where the spoilers happen ***
the second egg was another twin egg - this time containing an unbalanced pair: Kadri and Nahbi. Kadri is a necromancer - she is simultaneously Life and Death at once, with Dark energy. Nahbi was Death aligned, with both Light and Dark at once, and therefore incredibly powerful, but very, very dangerous though he never intended to be. 
Nahbi is dead. The story goes that he was murdered by an Anti, but the truth may be that he was in fact destroyed by his own power (which destroyed his familiar in the process, and destroyed the Anti’s body). He has a statue in the tomb beneath Mother’s temple garden, but is rarely ever spoken of now. Kadri cannot talk about him without getting extremely distressed. Not many people know about him at all. 
after that, the core produced another egg - this time, the first single egg, containing Kali and Dasa, a Death/Darkness aligned pair, though Kali has some light tendencies as well. This is said to have been the universe attempting to rebalance itself again after the last egg. They were the first born without a twin, which possibly may have influenced their eventual decision to join together - a sense of missing a twin that never was. 
*** ok the spoilers are over ***
Shivari, Rachna, Kadri, and Kalidasa are known today as “The Ancient Ones.” They are the only collectors hatched from single eggs forming one at a time - after this, the core began producing batches of several eggs at once in varying amounts, now referred to as “cycles.” The new cycles are highly varied and much more balanced, though twin eggs have become increasingly rare. 
alignments and notes about them if i have them but this is already getting to be way longer than it needs to be. also some mentions of their souls where i remember them bc i dont want to look up who everyone was assigned to right now lmao
Shivari (”Mother”) || Life/Light --- Jacinda || Life/Light
- Bee and Dan are both Mother’s souls, both tending toward Life/Light too 
Rachna || Death/Darkness --- (the unspeakable name only the ancients can pronounce) (”Muffin”) || Death/Darkness
- Lex has a high Death alignment; he’s good with ghosts and has a very strong sense for bad vibes and such. sometimes gets premonitions about things, not straight up visions of the future but just strong “I really should not do this” or “something bad is going to happen if I do that” or “there’s bad energy in here something really bad happened here” senses. his origin has it too but denies it violently and thinks its influences of the devil - which might be why lex trusts it and embraces it, as her opposite
Kadri || Life-Death/Darkness --- Skrab || Death / Darkness 
Kadri is an exception: she has a command of both Life and Death. Her powers are in fact weak necromancy - she can’t literally bring someone back from the dead (though it might not be impossible), but she can reanimate corpses and create skeletal minions with lesser forms of sentience. any zombies or skeletons she creates do not have souls and will just go back to being dead once she stops powering them, they’re basically just puppets, but a lot of collectors (especially Death aligned) think this is a complete abomination just on principle. kadri does not care. she has not spent any time honing her Death magic skills, so her ability with time/divination/etc is basically nonexistent even though the potential is there
- kadri’s souls tend to be especially chaotic because of that power imbalance and that’s why we have people like laelia 
Kalidasa || Death/Darkness
Venus || Life/Darkness --- Dahlia || Death/Darkness
Celina || Death/Darkness with some Light tendencies --- Cesare || Death/Darkness 
Shuri || Death/Light, with Life tendencies brought out through study --- Stasia || Life/Light
- dreyden has death alignment but is completely oblivious to it. he could probably see a ghost but wouldn’t notice it at all, or wouldn’t notice it was a ghost. he thinks he just has really bizarre luck sometimes and has no idea whatsoever that its often actually premonition - “i got off at Brookton because i just felt like it i guess, i dunno” actually ended up being the place he met his future boyfriend, made the best friends he’s ever had, finally found a place to live, etc, but he would never even consider “I had a premonition about this place” as like, even a Possibility 
- Skye seems like the last person you’d expect to have a Death alignment but he actually definitely does; he’s incredibly empathetic and sensitive to the energy and emotions around him, he can see ghosts, he’s had actual direct prophetic dreams before, he trusts instincts when he gets them because they’re usually right. He also has a very high Light affinity. this manifested COMPLETELY backwards with damian, possibly Because skye’s alignment is so solid and strong - damian’s powers are literally darkness, and despite being a piece of shit murderer obsessed with death, he actually has basically no skill with Death magic at all. he’s barely aware of ghosts. he acts on impulse and self interest, he ignores Vibes and Energy because he feels he’s above it and knows best himself regardless. he has No empathy. he loves to kill but he does not understand death. he doesn’t see himself as a person who can die. the dead want nothing to do with him
Chris || Life/Light --- Phoebe || Life/Light
chris doesn’t seem to match his alignment - telekinesis seems like it’d be a Dark magic, but it’s actually highly physical, you can actually see it manifesting as light in his eyes when he uses it, and it’s all about physically manipulating objects in his environment. He cares very deeply about his souls and has learned to communicate well with the dead, but struggles to connect emotionally in a way that makes sense to others around him. He cares fiercely, intensely, with everything in his being; he stores collected souls in a mechanism he integrated in with his own actual physical heart, but he has a very difficult time expressing and showing it, so he still often comes across as distant and emotionally oblivious, especially to Death aligned people 
- Gavin and Kayzee both have strong Light tendencies too. kayzee especially is a definite Life person 
Mayzie || Life/Darkness with some Light tendencies
mayzie is very very very bad at Death magic, which is. probably a big reason she dropped out of her training
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patriotsnet · 3 years
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A recurring nightmare among millions of Americans is that come 2024, Donald Trump will forget the fact that he actually hated being president, decide to run again, and win. Seriously, can you think of a more horrifying scenario, except perhaps falling through a sidewalk into a rat-filled chasm,;which some people might still prefer? We maintain that you cannot. But an equally terrifying, skin-crawling situation would definitely be to turn on the TV on January 20, 2025, and see Donald Trump Jr. being sworn in as president of the United States, which a number of Republican voters apparently actually want to happen.
The poll, which was conducted between July 6 and 8, did not include Donald Trump Senior, who maintains an inexplicable grip on voters despite the mass-death stuff, an attempt to overturn the results of the 2020 election, and a mental state that suggests he should be in a home or studied by a team of Swiss doctors.
And the fact that Don Jr. came out on top is not where the scary news ends. Because apparently if Republicans cant have Sheep Killer over here, their second-favorite choice is Florida governor Ron DeSantis, the man currently responsible for this:
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Sen Mitt Romney Of Utah
A Gallup poll last March found Romney, 74, has a higher approval rating among Democrats than Republicans, so you might figure he doesnt have a prayer in taking his partys nomination again. A February Morning Consult poll, though, had Romney polling ahead of Republicans like Pompeo, Cotton and Hawley. So, youre telling me theres a chance? Yes, a one-in-a-million chance.
The 2012 GOP presidential nominee and his wife, Ann, have five sons. He graduated from Brigham Young University and Harvard Law. Romney is a former Massachusetts governor, and the first person to be a governor and senator from two different states since Sam Houston, who was governor of Tennessee and a senator from Texas. Romney is this years JFK Profile in Courage Award recipient.
Georgia And Arizona Senators Show Progressive
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Walker, the 1982 Heisman Trophy winner and a Wrightsville, Ga., native, has long lived in Texas after a professional football career that ended in Dallas, but he changed his voter registration last week to an Atlanta house owned by his wife, Julie Blanchard. Blanchard is under investigation by the Georgia secretary of state’s office over potential illegal voting after The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reported she voted in Georgia despite living in Texas.
Walker has also repeated false claims of voter fraud in the 2020 election despite elections officials finding no evidence of widespread fraud that affected the outcome.
It’s unclear when Walker will make a formal Senate announcement. The campaign paperwork filed Tuesday ends months of speculation about his political plans, including a prediction in June from Trump that the former football star would soon suit up for the Republican primary.
“He told me he’s going to, and I think he will,” Trump said on the conservative talk radio Clay Travis and Buck Sexton Show. “He’s a great guy. He’s a patriot. And he’s a very loyal person, he’s a very strong person. They love him in Georgia, I’ll tell you.”
Some national Republicans have been wary of Walker’s candidacy, though. The first-time candidate comes with potential baggage that could harm his chances in both the primary and general elections, including his Texas residency.
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John Boozman: Senator Arkansas
WASHINGTON, DC FEBRUARY 02: U.S. President Donald Trump applauds at the National Prayer Breakfast February 2, 2017 in Washington, DC. Every U.S. president since Dwight Eisenhower has addressed the annual event. Also pictured are Rep. Robert Aderholt , television producer Mark Burnett, and Sen. John Boozman .
Trump announced his endorsement for Republican Arkansas Sen. John Boozman on March 8.
INBOX: Trumps Endorsement of Senator John Boozman
Henry Rodgers
Senator John Boozman is a great fighter for the people of Arkansas. He is tough on Crime, strong on the Border, a great supporter of our Military and our Vets, and fights for our farmers every day. He supports our Second Amendment and has my Complete and Total Endorsement! Trump said in a statement.
Trump Ally Herschel Walker Is Running For Us Senate In Georgia
Then-President Donald Trump elbow bumps Herschel Walker during a 2020 campaign rally in Atlanta. Walker filed paperwork Tuesday to run for U.S. Senate in the key swing state of Georgia. John Bazemore/APhide caption
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Then-President Donald Trump elbow bumps Herschel Walker during a 2020 campaign rally in Atlanta. Walker filed paperwork Tuesday to run for U.S. Senate in the key swing state of Georgia.
Herschel Walker, a former University of Georgia football standout and a friend and ally of former President Donald Trump’s, is running for U.S. Senate in Georgia, setting up a high-profile Republican primary next year in the crucial battleground state.
Walker enters a growing field seeking to unseat Democrat Raphael Warnock, Georgia’s first Black senator, with strong encouragement from Trump, who has been fixated on Georgia politics since narrowly losing the state’s 16 electoral votes in the 2020 presidential election.
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Sen Josh Hawley Of Missouri
Though controversial, Hawley, 41, is a fundraising machine and hes quickly made a name for himself. The blowback Hawley faced for objecting to Bidens Electoral College win included a lost book deal and calls for him to resign from students at the law school where he previously taught. His mentor, former Sen. John Danforth of Missouri, said that supporting Hawley was the biggest mistake Ive ever made in my life.
Still, he brought in more than $1.5 million between Jan. 1 and March 5, according to Axios, and fundraising appeals in his name from the National Republican Senatorial Committee brought in more cash than any other Republican except NRSC Chair Sen. Rick Scott of Florida. Just because youre toxic in Washington doesnt mean you cant build a meaningful base of support nationally.
One Republican strategist compared the possibility of Hawley 2024 to Cruz in 2016. Hes not especially well-liked by his colleagues , but hes built a national profile for himself and become a leading Republican voice opposed to big technology companies.
Hawley and his wife, Erin, have three children. He got his start in politics as Missouri attorney general before being elected to the Senate in 2018. Hawley graduated from Stanford and Yale Law.
List Of Registered 2024 Presidential Candidates
Democrats introduce article of impeachment to stop Trump from running again
The following table lists candidates who filed with the FEC to run for president. Some applicants used pseudonyms; candidate names and party affiliations are written as they appeared on the FEC website on the date that they initially filed with the FEC.
Candidates who have filed for the 2024 presidential election Candidate
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Former Trump Aide To Run Primary Challenge Against Kinzinger
Representative Adam Kinzinger will face a primary challenge from a former Trump administration aide as the pro-Trump faction of the GOP looks to oust Republicans, such as Kinzinger, who voted in support of the former presidents second impeachment.
Catalina Lauf, who served in the Department of Commerce under the Trump administration, launched a bid Thursday to oust Kinzinger from his seat in the 16th congressional district of Illinois.
I never thought Id primary a fellow Republican, but is Congressman Kinzinger really a Republican anymore? He isnt and we have the proof, the 27-year-old challenger said in a campaign announcement video.
Lauf said her 42-year-old opponent is a weak-kneed, establishment Republican who cares more about his next MSNBC appearance than the voters who elected him.
She claimed Kinzinger does not support the America First movement, noting his one in three votes in Congress that have sided with House speaker Nancy Pelosi
Instead of being in our fight, Adam betrayed his constituents for a life in the D.C. swamp, said Lauf, who branded herself the anti-AOC.
She blasts her Fake Republican opponent for backing the phony impeachment hoax for a president who has already left office.
He said impeachment was necessary to save America. What? Lauf said. You know what I think is necessary to save America, Adam? Setting term limits for people like you and the rest of your friends out. Six terms in Congress is enough.
This Republican Is Running Against Donald Trump Is Anybody Listening
Bill Weld thinks GOP voters should bail on the president. So why is he making his case to independents?
Erick Trickey is a writer in Boston.
MANCHESTER, N.H. â Bill Weld leans back in a chair, hand on his hip, and talks about the Republican Party like someone whoâs been away for a while and is trying to get used to all the new developments. âI know a lot of the Republicans in Washington, and theyâre good people,â says the sandy-haired, ruddy-faced primary challenger to Donald Trump. âTheyâre just cowed by this president somehow.â
This was three days into his long-shot bid for president, and the former Massachusetts governor is talking in a Hilton Garden Inn lounge that looks out on the New Hampshire Fisher Catsâ minor league baseball field. On his campaignâs opening day, Weld declared heâd chase Trump as ferociously as a fisher cat, the weasel-like native of New Hampshire known for eating porcupines. But the president seems not to have noticed he has an angry 73-year-old on his tail, at least not one from his own party; Trump hasnât aimed so much as a tweet at his erstwhile opponent or bothered to taunt him with a nickname. Weld, however, is basically screaming at the TV. Heâs worked up over a news report that Trump aides fear the presidentâs âwrathâ because they talked to special counsel Robert Mueller.
The question is: Are they listening?
Recommended Reading: How Many States Are Controlled By Republicans
Republican Party Presidential Primaries
First place by first-instance vote
;;Donald Trump
Presidential primaries and caucuses of the Republican Party took place in many U.S. states, the District of Columbia, and five U.S. territories from February 3 to August 11, 2020, to elect most of the 2,550 delegates to send to the Republican National Convention. Delegates to the national convention in other states were elected by the respective state party organizations. The delegates to the national convention voted on the first ballot to select Donald Trump as the Republican Party’s presidential nominee for president of the United States in the 2020 election, and selected Mike Pence as the vice-presidential nominee.
President Donald Trump informally launched his bid for reelection on February 18, 2017. He launched his reelection campaign earlier in his presidency than any of his predecessors did. He was followed by former governor of MassachusettsBill Weld, who announced his campaign on April 15, 2019, and former Illinois congressmanJoe Walsh, who declared his candidacy on August 25, 2019. Former governor of South Carolina and U.S. representative launched a primary challenge on September 8, 2019. In addition, businessman Rocky De La Fuente entered the race on May 16, 2019, but was not widely recognized as a major candidate.
Who Is Trump Reaching
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If the former president proves to be a kingmaker in the 2022 midterms, his allies say he may seek reelection in 2024.
The Republican Party is just a name, Steve Bannon told me last week. I had called him to ask about the influence he believes his old boss still carries inside the GOP. The bulk of it is a populist, nationalist party led by Donald Trump. As for the rest of it? The Republican Party, pre-2016, are the modern Whigs, he added, referring to the national party that collapsed in the mid-19th century over divided views on slavery.
Bannon might not be the most reliable barometer of the political moment, but some of Trumps fiercest Republican critics share his belief that the former president maintains a strong grip on his party. He sparked this , and now others are going ahead and taking the baton of batshittery, Representative Adam Kinzinger, a Republican from Illinois and a staunch Trump critic, told me last week.
After losing badly in 2020, the GOP wants candidates who can win in 2022. But the partys biggest star seems less concerned with fellow Republicans electability than with their fealty. Trump aims to punish incumbents who voted for his impeachment and reward those who support the culture war hes stoked. Republicans want to talk about Joe Bidens liberal leanings and how inflation is making life more expensive for most Americans. Trump wants to talk about himself and his personal woes.
What will voters want to hear?
Also Check: Obama Is Republican
Business Executives And Leaders
“Former Republican National Security Officials for Biden”. Defending Democracy Together. Archived from the original on August 20, 2020. Retrieved October 8, 2020.
^“About Us Republican Political Alliance for Integrity & Reform”. Republican Political Alliance for Integrity & Reform. Archived from the original on December 28, 2020. Retrieved October 8, 2020.
^“Republican Voters Against Trump”. Archived from the original on December 28, 2020. Retrieved October 8, 2020.
^“George W. Bush says he wrote in Condoleezza Rice for president in 2020”. Axios. Retrieved April 22, 2021.
^“Peter Allgeier”. 43 Alumni for Joe Biden. Archived from the original on December 28, 2020. Retrieved October 23, 2020.
Korecki, Natasha . “‘He’s Going to Be Unleashed’: Republican DOJ Appointees Urge against Trump Second Term”. Politico. Archived from the original on September 20, 2020. Retrieved August 26, 2020.
“Why Joe?”. Politico. 43 Alumni for Biden. Archived from the original on August 28, 2020. Retrieved August 27, 2020.
^Epstein, Kayla. “Obama Is Staying Silent on the 2020 Democratic Primary, but Some of His Top Advisers Are Endorsing Joe Biden”. Business Insider. Archived from the original on July 26, 2020. Retrieved August 13, 2020.
^“General Michael Hayden: If Trump Gets Another Term…”. October 6, 2020. Archived from the original on December 28, 2020. Retrieved October 7, 2020.
^“43 Alumni Endorsing Joe Biden”. Archived from the original on October 5, 2020. Retrieved August 31, 2020.
‘the Stars Have Aligned For Both Parties’ Interests’
Trump employed a scorched-earth brand of politics throughout his presidency, and often undercut his own efforts. In 2019, he abruptly pulled out of infrastructure talks with Democrats as they started investigating his administration. “Infrastructure week” soon became a running gag referring to his repeated failures at passing a new bill.
Biden, on the other hand, is applying the opposite approach. He’s had an unyielding faith in bipartisanship and repeatedly sought compromise with Republicans. That hasn’t always panned out Biden muscled through a $1.9 trillion stimulus law earlier this year without any GOP support once negotiations collapsed.
Sen. John Thune of South Dakota, the second-ranked Senate Republican, serves as a barometer of where many rank-and-file Republicans stand. Thune pushed back against Trump’s recent criticisms, saying he believed each side’s political interests have aligned recently. Infrastructure has long been something popular with voters.
“I disagree with former President Trump on that,” he told Insider. “You want to celebrate successes no matter when they happen. It just so happened the stars aligned right now for both sides to come together on this.”
“As is always the case up here, timing is everything,” he said.
“I’m not sure the nature of his objections,” Cassidy said in an interview with Insider, referring to Trump. “Somehow, he says it’s a win for I view it as a win for the American people.”
Read Also: How Many States Are Controlled By Republicans
Rand Paul: Senator Kentucky
Republican Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul.
Trump announced his endorsement for Republican Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul on April 8, praising the longtime politician for his war against the swamp in Washington.
Rand Paul has done a fantastic job for our Country, and for the incredible people of Kentucky.; He fights against the Swamp in Washington, the Radical Left Liberals, and especially the destructive RINOS, of which there are far too many, in Congress, Trump wrote in a statement. Rand will continue to stand up for our great AMERICA FIRST policies because he believes in stopping wasteful spending, defending our Second Amendment rights, and taking care of our Military and our Vets.; I am proud to be working with Rand in our battle to Make America Great Again.; He has my Complete and Total Endorsement for another term in the U.S. Senate. ; The Commonwealth of Kentucky has a true champion in Rand Paul.
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fromfelidae · 7 years
OK guys hear me out on this but- I think that the entire TAZ world, or at least the seven red-robes are running on a constant majoras mask/refuge year long loop that resets with the earth being devoured by The Hunger, and that there is a second voidfish that (up until now) kept this a secret
There will be a tl;dr at the end
This is up first because its less of a theory and is something I have no doubts about happening in canon. There is a second fully functioning voidfish out there, and it is blocking memories from *everyone*
- First and foremost, the huge memory gaps each of the boys find that they have in the eleventh hour when June is going back through their memories, emphasized by the fact Magnus’ had the biggest gap
- This is made especially evident by Magnus remembering a book floating in the voidfish tank, I strongly believe that this was the book of the “lonely journal keeper” keeping record of all the events of the red robes, it was destroyed by the voidfish, explaining the huge memory static in THB
- Magnus only began remembering because he died, this ones obvious because the episode started off with an explanation of how voidfish cannot suppress memory from beyond the grave.
- The reason it is coming back so slowly (shoutout to Brian for figuring this out) is because of how unconventionally Magnus died, he was seperated from his body, killed, and then possessed another body. If he had died ‘normally’ his memories wouldve been restored in a similar manner to when they drank the voidfish water
- This is also how Barry remembers! he was dead- with this information, we could argue that literally any living person could be a red robe without knowing
update: now we know who the red robes are
- (EDIT): Its possible the second void fish is the “EGG BABE” the voidfish told Magnus about! given that communication is difficult, the voidfish could have matured enough to be able to consume and hide memories as well
Getting it out of the way now, Refuge is the biggest foreshadowing for this theory, (see more at the end of this post), the entire arc in and of itself was basis for what the entire world is like.
I believe that the world, is being looped in a Refuge-esc style.
I’m not sure where it starts, but it ends with the world, each individual plane, being eaten by The Hunger. akin to how each loop in Refuge ended with being eaten by the purple worm.
The only difference being not every loop is exactly the same, things are different slightly each time- which explains why there were two suns, and the sky was purple in Magnus’ memory. I think that was his origin before the loops began.
- (UPDATE) The vision the voidfish showed Magnus "12 multicolored circles rotating in perfect harmony with one another" Then a Bright white circle flies into the center, and the circles begin to make more intricate movements and rhythms until a large black circle appears and consumes all the other circles. Eventually the white light breaks from the black circle and the entire pattern repeats.”
It’s unclear right now what the white circle is, but the large black one is clearly the 13th plane, The Hunger. The scene the voidfish is describing is what has been happening over and over in the loop, repeating when The Hunger consumes all (and the white plane escapes).
- In the eleventh hour Griffin tells the boys that something about dying like this is ‘familiar’, while theyve gotten close to death before in the podcast theyve never truly died, how could it be familar if they hadn’t been reliving an even bigger loop unknowingly for years
- Kravitz states the boys have died more than anyone hes seen before! He acts as though he cant understand /how/, this was before the 11th hour so there’s literally no explanation other than they’ve been dying over and over again from the hunger, on a loop (EDIT: it was bought to my attention that Kravitz stated they have different death counts! taako having the least and merle having the most- while this complicates things i still think the loop is possible)
(EDIT 2.0: SOLVED!! by @stalllme in this post here)
- Barry Bluejeans turning to Magnus and saying “next time”, theyve been trying to save the world over and over in each loop, unable to succeed (until now??)
- This quote from Istus  "Our existence is made up of countless realities where the same people are just doing the same actions at the same time in parallel worlds throughout the echoes of creation, except for you! The three of you are the only three that there are doing the things the three of you do here in this world! When I say that you’re unique, I’m not being flattering, I’m being quite literal… The three of you are anomalies, and I certainly have god-like powers and I don’t like to brag, but I’ve never known anything like the three of you and I don’t know why that is, but I’m intrigued…”
This is relevant because this is going to be the loop that they break.
- It’s important also, because THB broke the loop in refuge, foreshadowing that they could potentially break the one around the world
-  Another helper on the “loops but everything is slightly different” is @martypines’s theory that the second sun in the purple sky that Magnus saw could be a base for the red robes! similar to the bureaus except, well, a sun
every arc is foreshadowing for end game
1 (here there be gerblins) - basically Barry Bluejeans’ origin story, cant be asked to expect much from here seeing as griffin had barely started fleshing out the story until halfway through the arc
2 (murder on the rockport limited) - (UPDATED: thanks to this anon!) murder on the rockport limited taught us and the boys not to trust people by their first expectations, similar to the attitude shown towards the redrobes. that attention to detail, a keen eye and the boy detective are key to solving a mystery
3 (petals to the metal) - Introduces us to the fact not everyone who takes a relic is evil, and more importantly, the sheer strength and power that love has. Hurley is able to break the thrall the sash has on Sloane through the power of her love.
4 (crystal kingdom) - The astral plane got introduced the most prominently here, showing us the ability to pass between them, the fact people live on past death, and that multiple dimensions do exist. There was probably a lot more important exposition I’ve forgotten.
5 (the eleventh hour) - The most important arc imo!! The entire concept of looping is introduced here, that a whole town can be completely unaware theyre reliving the same day over and over again, resetting as they are all killed. It also introduces the concept that red robes arent inherently evil
6 (the suffering game) - Unsure as of the moment, it was very endgame.
Magnus and the red robes were collecting information about the loops, and trying to fight against it. I also strongly believe that they are the seven birds in the prophecy.
- This is backed up by the book being destroyed in the voidfish tank, I believe that was written by “The Lonely Journal-Keeper”
UPDATE: CONFIRMED: this is what lucretia was doing
- This would explain the reason Magnus knew to protect the chalice in Refuge! because the red robes had already figured out the global loop that was happening, and it was almost an unintentional test run?
EDIT: I believe LUP was the leader of the redrobes, and might be still alive but very out of action. (UPDATE: Davenport was the leader, chalupa theory got confirmed) I strongly believe she was the one speaking to Taako through telecommunication (no other female redrobe has been introduced by name excluding her, it makes the most sense!)
I think shes the leader, or at least, was very strongly important to their ‘family’ (in barrys words) because of the strong emotional connection Taako feels, he cant distinguish it but its there. LUP meant a lot to all of the redrobes when they were alive, i mean, she was able to convince Taako ‘dont trust anybody or anything’ to trust Barry. (UPDATE: Chalupa theory was correct)
prophecies and their continued relevance
" But I saw a brilliant light heralded by seven birds flying tirelessly from the storm. I saw seven birds: the twins, the lover, the protector, the lonely journal keeper, the peacemaker, and the wordless one.”"
I am almost certain that the birds in Maureen’s prophecy are the red robes. the lonely journal seeker would be the one who wrote the book we saw getting fed to the voidfish. this is backed up by “A Brilliant light[...] flying tirelessly from the storm”, i believe the light is the silver ship we saw in Magnus’ memories.
(UPDATE: confirmed, and
taako & chalupa = the twins barry = the lover magnus = the protector lucretia = the lonely journal keeper merle = the peacemaker davenport = the wordless one)
“In the future, you will be offered a terrible choice, between two options that will determine the fate of reality itself. In this moment of crisis, remember: There is always a third option.”
"And I cannot make the difficult decision that lies at the end of your quest for you, but I can grant you the time that you need to make that decision."
This is the choice that will determine the fate of both the world and the astral plane, it’s also what Istus said she would give the boys time to choose as seen in the second quote. She’s granting them the time they need to find and make that third choice
The first one just looks like an ocean made out of tar, with a black sky above it, and this tar is like bubbling, and you see some stuff moving under the surface of the tar but you can’t make out what it is, and that’s on the left picture. And the one on the right is just a grey world, covered in ash, that is just completely barren and lifeless.
Shoutout to bee for figuring this out a few weeks back! This is what we believe the boys will have to choice between, saving the astral plane (1st) or saving the physical (2nd). I am not as confident in HOW this will play out, but it is relevant.
UPDATE: all but confirmed that these are descriptions of what the astral/physical planes are becoming due to the hunger!!
-  "I have one last prophecy for you, Taako. Something you will need to know. In your hour of greatest need, you will find the power that you seek from the man wreathed in flames."
speaks for itself
the patches THB recieved were red robe patches
-  And they’re these dark blue circle, like, iron-on emblems. And inside of each of these blue fabric circles, there are twelve more circles, all of different colors around the outside of each badge. And in the middle is a word that’s written in a language that none of you recognize. You cannot read, you cannot make out what the word is, what these badges are for, because you cannot read the word in the middle. And tucked in between these three badges is a note that says, “For Your Eyes Only”
- "(..) Sewn into its breast you see a familiar sight- you see a circular patch with a design containing twelve multi-colored circles and a sort of shifting imparsible text in the middle of it. Only Magnus, you can read that text plain as day, it says “I.P.R.E.”
update: basically confirmed, these were THEIR redrobe patches
Time is looping on repeat, every loop being a slight variant but always ending with The Hunger swallowing the world whole, causing a reset.
The vision the voidfish showed Magnus is the happenings of every loop.
Refuge’s entire existence is foreshadowing for the global loop
There is a second voidfish suppressing everyone’s memories of said loops, especially the red robes. the reason Magnus and Lich-Barry remember is because they died (CONFIRMED)
This means that literally anyone alive could be another red robe without knowing
The red robes are a group of seven, who worked together to gather information about the loop and try to break it.
LUP was the leader of the red robes (it was davenport)
The patches the boys received in the candlenights lunar interlude are red robe patches (CONFIRMED)
Maureen’s prophecy about the seven birds is about the red robes
Paloma's prophecy about making the third choice is about THB choosing between the astral and physical plane somehow, possibly by breaking the loop
Istus used her divine power to give the boys more time to make the third choice, which is, to break the loop
here is my tag for this theory! if you have any additions, questions or find mistakes please send an ask!! i love discussing it ^_^
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The post I cant stay at home i work at DmDrogerie Markt we fight when others cant anymore shirt appeared first on Teesturtle - Store Funny, Trending T-Shirt.
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