#just because i talk about the latest episode and idk if everyone's seen it yet
rey-of-luke · 3 years
1, 10, 14, and 20 for the salty ask game!
send me salty asks!
What OTPs in your fandom(s) do you just not get? I'm part of so many fandoms so this could be quite long, haha. The ones that immediately come to mind are H*nnigram (H*nnibal) and D*lena (TVD). Also V*ndermorgan (RDR2). Just can't get into them for some reason, even if I can totally see why people would ship them. There are probably others but those immediately come to mind.
Most disliked arc? Why? Oof, this is a tough one. More recently I can definitely say the whole 'Alina losing her powers' thing in S&B - I am still so confused how the three amplifiers meant the Soldat Sol suddenly had her Sun Summoning abilities? Especially since Grisha is something you're born being? Idk maybe I'm just an idiot who can't understand. This doesn't count as an arc, really, but anything of TVD past like s3 is considered non-canon to me (look, Elena wasn't a perfect character but after they turned her into a vampire and made d*lena canon it felt like they were writing a completely different character, and ofc they killed Katherine). And I haven't seen s8 of got yet but the entirety of that I know I'm going to dislike. Ooh, wait, wait, this is VERY controversial but Luke's storyarc in the sequel trilogy? I think I would be more okay with him apparently yeeting off to places unknown post ROTJ and trying to kill Ben IF they had given more explanation besides 'he sensed evil'. Like in ROTJ and the books, the only times Luke came even CLOSE to killing someone was when a) Vader threatened Leia and b) when he confronted the person he thought had killed his wife. Both involved people he loved being in danger/dying as a result. Which in turn leads to my bitterness over the whole Rey's parentage thing - EVERYTHING SCREAMED BIOLOGICAL SKYWALKER/SOLO IN TFA, ESPECIALLY SKYWALKER. WHAT IS THE REY PALPATINE BULLSHIT?!?! Rey will ALWAYS be Luke's biological daughter to me, regardless of what canon says. *cough* sorry, apparently I'm still bitter over some stuff where SW is concerned.
Unpopular opinion about your fandom? For most, it's: why have ship wars when you can have poly? But more fandom specific: -Shadow & Bone: I HATED BOOK!MAL AT FIRST. I grew to like him by Ruin & Rising and ofc we all know Show!Mal is one of my faves but in the first book I was like 'am I really supposed to ship her with either this asshole or the manipulative narcissist? really??' -The Vampire Diaries: S1-S3 was the best, and Elena Gilbert and Bonnie Bennett are amazing characters who got shat on by the writers. Actually let's just throw all the female characters from TVD, now that I can think about it, because what I've heard about s5-s8 makes me go 'wtf???' and so glad I quite like half way through s5. -Star Wars: Rey was originally going to be written as Luke's biological daughter based off of everything the TFA (or at least maybe a Solo) I will fight people on this, and to me she is - and yes, I will still ship R*ylo even though it makes them cousins because hello, I'm sort of in the GOT and ship jonsaerys and also in the SPN fandom. -Supernatural: D*stiel isn't canon and Sam Winchester is one of the best characters. I also flip flop sometimes on how I feel about Dean - I like him and then I hate him. -Walker: Cordell x Geri should not be a ship, at least long term. Especially after this recent episode - the guilt will eventually kill any relationship, I'm sure, because it was BECAUSE of their kiss that Hoyt was even at the Ranch when Clint showed up.
What is the purest ship in the fandom? I'm so glad I have anon off, because I'm about to get a BUNCH of hate probably, haha. I'm going to go with current/longest fandoms for brevity's sake: -Supernatural: Sam x Eileen -Shadow & Bone/Six of Crows: David x Genya & Wylan x Jesper -Teen Wolf: Scott x Allison x Isaac -The Vampire Diaries: Elijah x Elena -Red Dead Redemption 2: Arthur x Charlotte -NCIS: Gibbs x Shannon or Torres x Bishop (what s18 finale??? don't know her) -Star Wars: Han x Leia or Finn x Rey x Poe. If we're getting into EU, then Luke x Mara Jade or Jaina x Jagged Fel -Walker: Micki x Trey or August x Bela
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longinglook · 2 years
Hey there, I saw some of your latest posts/asks and just want to say it is very valid to enjoy something but also critically think about it, have critique or even have emotional reactions to it.
IDK, some of my biggest issues with KP is not necessarily the story, although maybe it will be depending on how it fully plays out, but with the way the fandom is reacting to it.
Anyway, I appreciate seeing you calling out some of the issues people seem to be ignoring more than the actual show even is.
Thank you for this! I am relieved to know other people see it the same way! I really have nothing to critique the show for, it's excellent and I really enjoy it.
As for the fandom, yeah, the past week I've seen some icky stuff and barely anyone has talked about what really happened.
It seems like people are quick to forgive/overlook issues when they know a couple is endgame. Just because at some point they'll have mutual feelings of love for each other it doesn't mean that we're there already or that everything leading up to it is justifiable by that.
And as you said the show seems to be more aware of it than the fans themselves. Be on Cloud posting about GHB and clearly stating that it's a sex drive enhancing drug used for sexual assault should have rang a bell. And in this episode we see how distressed Porsche was, how he still remembers everything and feels hurt by it, how the physical punishment was nothing compared to it. He feels like he's been taken advantage of, and Kinn highlights that by telling him he owns him. There's really nothing romantic about it yet, at least not in Porsche's mind. If Kinn is maybe realizing he has a bit of a sentimental weak spot for him, I don't think Porsche is quite there yet and even if he were he has now taken a bunch of steps back. I honestly don't think he was upset about no longer being Kinn's main bodyguard, he knows that no matter how far he goes he is still under Kinn's control. And the parallel sex scenes, how they both have to stop because they can't stop thinking about each other... I know people are going to read it as another sign that they're In Love but to me it seems more like while that might be true for Kinn, for Porsche it was way more of a traumatic experience and the flashbacks might be painful for him.
If they hadn't been so rudely interrupted by the kidnappers maybe they could have made some progress on the communication front and maybe Kinn would have realized he was saying sorry for the wrong thing. Hopefully the forced closeness in the next episode will get them to talk?
Also this is all my own interpretation of things based off of the show and the acting alone, I am ignoring the source material as it seems like they made some changes at least to Porsche's character.
Anon I am so sorry I am using this ask as an excuse to drop more lengthy meta upon everyone!!!
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strideofpride · 2 years
Okay and meta-wise re: your latest fic & comments I would love to hear more about your thoughts on the humphrey siblings and their artistic ambitions vs their parents’ artistic successes.
It made me think of Amy March saying “I want to be great, or nothing.” which feels like such a Jenny-ism, but it’s Dan too!!!
Okay for reference, here's the fic.
And the comment:
And also...idk something I've never really seen talked about is how Rufus and Alison both didn't quite get to live out their artistic dreams and goals to their fullest extents/in the ways they wanted to. And what kind of effect that would have on Dan and Jenny as they embark on their own artistic dreams. Idk I think you could explain a lot of Dan and Jenny's behavior in regards to writing and fashion in that they are trying so, so hard to be more successful than their parents because they've seen what a life without fulfilling your artistic dreams already looks like. Idk...something I would love to think about some more.
So like...I didn't grow up in an artistic family. But as someone who does have artistic dreams and goals, it's kind of a bummer to look around and see all these nepotism babies get in through their last name and knowing I'll never have it that easy. So I can only imagine it would be even harder to have grown up in an artistic family where neither of your parents were really successful even though they had both wished to be and have that metaphorical albatross hanging around your neck as you embark on your own artistic pursuits. Not that Rufus and Alison were quite starving artists, but Dan and Jenny know firsthand what it's like to grow up with unfilled passions. They know what that looks like very well. And that's got to be scary as hell for the both of them.
Knowing that it would be so much easier for them to make it if their parents had been successful first, knowing that they're going to have work twice as hard as the rest of their classmates despite being more talented than them, I think is something that was definitely fueling Dan and Jenny and their relentless pursuit of their passions. Like I love, love Jenny's arc in 208-210, I think it's so heartbreaking but great storytelling, and it really pains me to see people shitting on Jenny in those episodes like??? She knew this was a big moment for her, she knew she was on the path to success, she had given up pretty much everything and severed ties to everyone she cared about to get there, only for her one mistake to have been too trusting of Agnes??? Like, it's real to life, but also, Jenny didn't do anything to deserve her dresses being burned like that which makes it all so much worse? Idk it's so tragic and it doesn't make me feel better that Jenny ends up working in the fashion world under the girl who relentlessly bullied her, sorry.
And with Dan, man. It's really depressing that all of the characters end up like their parents in the end, but Dan to me is maybe one of the more depressing ones (but we can argue back and forth about that for hours lol). Cause he might not have tried as hard as Serena and Nate did to get away from his parent's influence, but he was certainly the most genre savvy and yet...could not help repeating his father's mistakes over and over again. Did he ever have another novel success after Inside or was he just a one hit wonder like his father is a thought that haunts me.
And yes! That Amy quote is soooo both of them, wow.
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antiloreolympus · 3 years
11 Anti LO Asks
1. I feel like RS shits on Artemis when I feel like she isn’t bad as everyone makes to be. When she meets persphone, her look on the pink goddess was she’s never had a chance to bend the rules or even live a little. She takes her to a party, let’s her meet her brother and their friend, normal stuff. She didn’t have mind powers to know what Apollo did, and she did try to apologize for upsetting persphone with a cake. I wouldn’t say the two are besties but she did try to help persphone best she could. And now Artemis is used to excuse Persphones genocide crime. 
2. Took them long enough to make Artemis' body like every other woman in the latest free episode wow such diversity 🙄
3. Hear me out, Apollo takes Daphnes hibernation to frame persphone as more of a nymph turning people into plants. We now have the whole cast know that’s what she’s capable of and unable to fix. Idk I just feel like persphone isn’t gonna face any consequence “oh community service gee golly sounds like fun” really deflated me since ya know persphone not only kill mortals but turned a nymph into a plant.
Hades said this was his domain to deal with yet he’s not gonna help out his ex gf who he witnessed turned into a plant after he wasted her time using her as a place holder. RS is afraid to give persphone any form of growth. 
4. i mean, i wouldnt pay upwards to nearly 50 dollars for a book version of something i could read for free on my phone in the format it was made for either.
5. what i dont get is if rachel wants the endgame to be kids then why is adoption not an option? its not even brought up, there is only focus on biological kids. more so, and i HATE the fandom does this bc rachel is so easily swayed by them, but its always boys too? the only kids hades seems to have in myth (excluding the orphic ones) is either the furies (which cant happen in LO) or makaria, so daughters, but it seems the fandom and rachel care more to follow the male heir trope for some reason :/
6. im just sad she had such a unique style but now its just gone. even her sketches on twitter, so we know its her doing it instead of a team, just lack that charm and style it once had. i just dont get how she lost that unique edge so fast. the majority of LO is in this current style too while her original one, which is what made it popular, was only in the first 20ish episodes.
7. It doesn't make sense that Artemis n Apollo got to morder a buncha people without a pass and didn't get send to court but the only reason it doesn't make sense is because RS decided 'lol scene's looking like shit for perse, time to pull out another greek myth that makes everyone else look bad lololol' (also why isn't perse defending Artemis if she lovse all her frieinds so much? Like PLEASE RS STICK TO SMTH)
8. Where can we go to read the bonus chapter?
From OP: Currently, there’s not a way to read it online from what I’ve seen.
9. I don;t get how when the villagers murder perse's friends, they get killed, but when perse kills, she gets community service???
From OP: That’s because nymphs are more valued than humans. It’s kind of weird because in LO, nymphs are lower class and aren’t really treated with respect either. They’re like slightly above mortals in terms of importance.
10. if we reach episode 200 of LO and they're still not a couple i might actually lose it. true beauty and lets play are both dragged out too but even they both have more romance going on than dragging it out this much.
-----FP Spoilers/Mention-----
11. FP TALK: So i had to catch myself up with the past episode of this and… my god i just remembered why the HELL I dropped it. So basically Hades found out from eavesdropping and then Persephone was technically FORCED to talk about it while Hades kept PUSHING IT!!! Only for him to become that pissed off and for Persephone to stop him from that form!? Bitch I would’ve told him that he’s overstepping boundaries. And for him to say “what doesn’t kill you make you stronger” to her??? B r u h, that turama doesn’t make you stronger, it hurts and it stays with you no matter what. Yes you can heal from it but yet Persephone is still healing, only for her to keep. Wing forced to talk about it??? That’s horrible and not what she would need to hear. Also why the hell do I sense a Apollo redemption?? I hate where this is going. Why did I pick this up again??😓
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hello, i don’t know who to ask about this but i’m new to the fandom and saw that you really like kataang. what’s your interpretation of katara’s glance down after the kiss before the invasion? i’m not a fan of the surprise kiss trope but even with that said, i had thought she liked him back. it didn’t seem like she did at that point or through the rest of book 3, and then next thing we knew they were endgame in the finale. sorry for being a bother, i’m just a little confused (like katara i guess haha)
Hi, Anon! Welcome to the fandom! Hopefully it treats you nicely lol.
Ah yeah. I've seen this talked about a lot over the years. And, y'know, I get it. It can seem a little out-of-place at first since, as you noted, Katara shows signs of being romantically interested in Aang beforehand, and now that they've had their second kiss, she doesn't look too happy about it. As someone who ships them, I initially would have loved to see them happy in that moment, to take another minute to themselves just to share grins and maybe laugh a bit because they've taken that step, put their feelings out into the open, and they're both glad for it. To a shipper, or to someone who's rooting for our protagonist to express his feelings, this does feel like a celebratory moment. I'm taken out of the context of the scene for a second because the pretty music has shot in and I'm still surprised at Aang's move and I'm happy to see an actual, mutual (as Katara leans in) kiss between them.  
Then again, this situation is a lot realer for them than it is for me. I'm the viewer, I can hear The Cave of Two Lovers' theme, I can see this being painted in a positive light because we see these two come together for a brief moment, and the narrative is, in a sense, praising that. In-universe, though, it's a bit more complicated, and Katara looking sad really isn't so out-of-place.
Remember where they are and what they're doing, what they were saying moments before and what they're about to risk. For them, this is the quiet before the storm, their possibly final goodbye. Aang is about to fly off and face his destiny, confront what he's been training for over most of the year, "since the day we met" as Katara puts it, and determine the fate of the world based on whether he wins or loses. Whether he comes back or not. And he puts the reality of the situation out there. "What if...what if I don't come back?" It's the threat of that possibility that spurs him to kiss Katara. And she figures as much.
Despite the music suggesting otherwise, this isn't a happy scene (and perhaps that's why we don't get the full score until the finale, because this kiss is only foreshadowing what could be). It's tense, and bittersweet, and pretty tragic imo. Aang knows he could die. He says so. And then he kisses her. And I feel like Katara breaking out into a great big smile in that moment, even though she does have feelings for him, would just seem off. Idk, personally I'm not sure how you (impersonal) can celebrate finally kissing the person you like when you remember that what drove them to make their move just now is the very real possibility they might never see you again. That they're about to leave and face that risk, and there's nothing for you to do about it. Seems like an upsetting situation to be in. 
There's also the fact that I'm skeptical Katara didn't already know Aang had feelings for her. I'm not saying it was always on her mind or that she paid much attention to it, she may have been putting all that stuff on the back burner or pretending it wasn't there as much as it was (including her own feelings) to focus on more important things, but I think she at least knew it subconsciously. I mean, Aang's not very subtle sometimes lol, and they've shared plenty of moments. So when Aang kisses her and Katara jerks back and her eyes widen in surprise, it's not because she didn't expect Aang to have these feelings (at least imo), but because she was in the middle of talking and is taken aback that Aang broke the unspoken barrier between them. 
They're touchy feely throughout the show. Katara's kissed him on the cheek plenty of times, they've even kissed on the lips before now. They have sparks, and they've been dancing around them quite a lot, from the Book 3 premiere at the latest. But they haven't gone that extra step to put it out there too far, where there's no mistaking the meaning behind these gestures. I think, on Katara's end, she would have been okay with putting off making any official moves for a while, given the war and several other possible factors preventing her from feeling able to spend too much conscious thought and emotion on it, and so she's surprised that Aang's kissed her because they'd been keeping their more romantic intentions implicit up until then. She won't be realizing afterwards or celebrating in her head that "omg, the guy I('ve sorta been avoiding my feelings for but actually do) like likes me back," because she’s known this, but it’s been left unsaid and kept slightly quiet in Katara's musings. Now, it's out there in the open, they're past the safe zone, there's little room for ignoring the feelings anymore, and it sucks so much that they had to make their way there now. It's such tragic timing, a kiss that doesn't stem from a smiles and rainbows conversation where they sit down to talk about their feelings and where they want to go from there, but a kiss done out of desperation, out of the possibility that Aang doesn't come back. Through that lens, it's almost like they kissed "too early," especially for what happens next.
See, my impression is that Aang's kiss was meant for two possible scenarios -- Aang loses and thus doesn't come back, which means there's obviously no future for him and Katara. Alternatively, the day is won, the war is over, he comes back and the world is finally at peace; they can stop running, they can celebrate and breathe and talk about where they're going from here in an environment more appropriate for that. And since Katara kissed him back, it seems like she affirmed that there's something there for them, given he returns. But instead, something happens that I don't think they anticipated. Aang does come back, but he didn't win. So, in terms of Katara and Aang, they're now at a bit of an impasse, a situation that their kiss wasn't intended for, and it leads to this semi-awkward limbo because Aang's still alive but ideally that kiss between them wouldn't have happened yet. 
Everyone needs to regroup, start it all over again, keep grinding and come up with a new plan. There's no time to get sidetracked, now more than ever. And, to me, that's reflective of what happens to Katara after Aang kisses her and takes off from the sub.
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Katara's reaction is to dwell on the kiss. She wants to, but Sokka reminds her that there's no time to. So Katara snaps herself out of it, and she moves on. And then they survive the Day of Black Sun, but the fight isn't over for them yet.
You asked about the DoBS kiss, so I'm not gonna waste your time hyper-analyzing Ember Island Players because there is a lot that's been offered and discussed about that episode. But if you were to simplify the reason for Katara's stance there, it's pretty much just holding up what was established in DoBS.
At the Invasion, while caught up in surprise because she had an expectation that they wouldn't broach the subject this way, if at all, for a while, Katara kissed Aang back, and she kissed him back because she wanted to. But since then, she's had more time to think, and she won't be so caught off guard next time. Aang expresses during EIP that he wants to try a relationship with Katara sooner rather than later, and that he'd thought she felt the same since she kissed him back (as well as the moments they shared before), but Katara is adamant now about this not being the right time. She fully intends to keep her head in the game, like Sokka reminded her at the Invasion. That's essentially what she thinks Aang needs to remember now, too (and yeah, like I said, there are other ideas that can be brought in that contribute to the articulation, but this is the primary point being conveyed here).
Whatever the reason, her response causes Aang to reevaluate his conclusion about where they stand. Even though the war isn't over, he thought that, because he survived and Katara accepted his kiss before, maybe they could try anyways. But Katara still feels stuck in limbo, and she makes that clear. It's also significant to note that Katara doesn't make Aang any promises about being together after the war, which imo was a good move on the writers' part (I have a wip about this but idk when that'll be done lol). Anyways, Aang backs off, following her lead and putting romance aside.
I do want to talk about the second half of Book 3 as a whole, though, not just EIP. I've seen people criticize this portion of the story in terms of Kataang, but I think that, besides the substance of these episodes, it's important to keep in mind that the last 10 episodes of the series (The Western Air Temple and on) originally aired 7.5 months after Day of Black Sun. Not only that, but these episodes all aired within the same week. It was a big, hyped-up event on Nickelodeon dubbed "Countdown to the Comet," and it took place over the course of 6 days. That sort of schedule for finishing a show is...unusual. But it was also intentional here. 
Even though the episodes don't have to be watched that way, the final 10 episodes are, in a way, all together the final big bang of the series. They're majorly dedicated to the most critical elements of the main story, including Zuko finally, after 2.5 seasons, joining the gaang and him finding his place in it. I'd say that The Western Air Temple to The Southern Raiders are most generally about that, about Zuko being accepted and making amends especially to the original three members of the gaang (who he's hurt much more than Toph). The viewer is gratified by watching Zuko do what we all hoped for him, forming relationships with Aang, Sokka, and Katara after all this time, merging our most important A and B plots. The other major things the last 10 episodes are for are the final battle, of course, because that's going to be our conclusion to this journey, and Aang's preparation for it.   
So yes, onscreen interactions between Aang and Katara are fewer, but by no means does that make the rest of Book 3 an undoing of what they have. All their setup has been established, we're good on that, and we're going to leave that relatively be for now while we delve into the action until we're ready to revisit. And besides, imo, they still have extremely critical moments in the last 10 episodes that I am deeply, deeply happy exist. They're more subtle and less explicitly romantic -- a lot of them take place when they're not even around each other, but they speak volumes to me about how Aang and Katara have influenced each other, and how important the other is to them.
These 10 episodes are like a refocus of our largest priorities, and Kataang coming together is put on hold (again, I think that benefits the main story) for the end. But even though we watch less scenes where they're together, with more scenes of Zuko joining and hanging out with each of them individually in place, there's hardly indication of Katara and Aang avoiding each other after their DoBS kiss, or even post-EIP. 
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They're still friends first. What they're avoiding is not each other, but a new possibility for themselves, because right now they're choosing to ground their feet in what they have. Basically, around each other, they're pretending what unfolded between them never happened until, possibly, on Katara's say so, it's appropriate to resume that aspect of their relationship.
And after the war, probably into a few months of peace (based on the state of Sokka's leg), she decided it was. She felt ready, and they dove right in.
I hope that clears things up! And don't worry, you weren't a bother at all! I love talking about these two, but unfortunately I became really busy the past couple days (plus this response got deleted and I couldn't salvage it because I saved a copy of a cursed screenshot of Aang and ig it was scary enough to erase my clipboard history :3). Thanks for your patience lol!
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morewyckedthanyou · 3 years
MASH fandom
Thanks for the ask! 😄 I was hoping someone would ask me about my latest hyperfixation too... and you delivered.
the first character i ever fell in love with:
Before I'd even watched a single episode of the thing, I already knew I loved Klinger based on the few Tumblr posts I'd seen. After starting to watch the show, however... I very soon realized I stood no change and Hawkeye was going to be another favourite. I guess bi-coded disaster characters using humour as a coping mechanism are my downfall. This is a theme when it comes to many of my favourites in different fandoms.
a character that i used to love/like, but now do not:
I'm probably going to upset many BJ fangirls and fanboys with this one but... when he first appeared on the show, I did like him and I had high hopes for his character. But I very soon grew kinda bored. I don't dislike BJ but I also really don't think he's all that complex or interesting. :/
a ship that i used to love/like, but now do not:
I don't really have one in this fandom I think.
my ultimate favorite character™:
Mulcahy my beloved 😘
prettiest character:
Objectively speaking I guess Margaret. She is really pretty, there is no denying it. However I am also biased and I enjoy seeing Mulcahy in his tight black t-shirts a lot. He also has kind eyes and a kind smile which make him immediately very pretty in my eyes.
Honorary mention goes to nurse Kellye, because I think she's simply adorable and if I were trying to have a good time with someone while being stuck at a MASH unit during the Korean War, it'd be with her. She's my type. 😏
my most hated character:
I love to hate Frank.
my OTP:
Because apparently I like to make myself suffer from the lack of content... Hawkcahy.
my NOTP:
Again I'm probably upsetting all the BJ fans but I really don't care for Hunnihawk.
favorite episode:
Oh god, I really don't know... There are so many good episodes that I like for different reasons. But some of my all time fave episodes are Dear Dad, Fallen Idol and Mulcahy's War, just to mention some off the top of my head.
saddest death:
Even though it happened off-screen... Henry. 😭 I really liked him and when Radar announced his death... you bet I cried.
favorite season:
I haven't actually watched all the seasons yet - I still have the last 3 seasons left to watch and a few episodes from season 8 as well. But out of the ones I have seen... I'd say maybe season 6? It has good Mulcahy centric content, and also we now have Charles who replaced Frank - I was really getting sick of Frank.
least favorite season:
Out of the ones I've seen, maybe season 2? There wasn't enough Mulcahy content for my liking for one... but I also think there were some "filler" episodes that I didn't care that much about. Although, then again, I do like some episodes in season 2 a lot.
character that everyone else in the fandom loves, but i hate:
I don't hate him. I just find him kinda boring. Yes I'm talking about BJ again oh god forgive me BJ fans.
my ‘you’re piece of trash, but you’re still a fave’ fave:
Trapper. But I think Hawkeye does fit in this category quite well too, lol.
my ‘beautiful cinnamon roll who deserves better than this’ fave:
Radar deserves nothing but the best. He is just a baby and doesn't get nearly enough credit or respect all things considered.
my ‘this ship is wrong, nasty, and makes me want to cleanse my soul, but i still love it’ ship:
Idk, does my OTP count? Hawkeye is the only one depraved enough to make a pass at the priest and also corrupt him succesfully I think.
my ‘they’re kind of cute, and i lowkey ship them, but i’m not too invested’ ship:
Don't ask me why because I can't even explain it myself but for some reason I think Klinger/Radar would've been kinda cute. 😂
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mexcraziness-art · 4 years
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Naruto OC: Saisari Haruno
Me: I'm just going to quickly throw up a ref of my MoriSaku kid for fun Also me: *Spends the entire week on it*
Name: Saisari Haruno
Birthdate: September 25th (Libra)
Gender: Male
Age: 13
Height: 150 cm
Weight: 42 kg
Blood Type: A
Affiliation: Konohagakure
Rank: Genin
Nature Type:
   -          Earth Release
   -          Sakura Haruno
   -          Morio Haruno
I don’t actually have a really worked out background or personality for him yet, so the next sections are just pretty much gonna be me spewing fun facts and headcanons about Morisaku and Saisari.
Also bear with me, I haven’t actually re-watched every episode of Shippuden yet, and my memories are foggy.
In an alternate universe where everyone gets the good things they deserve, after Sakura initially rejected Morio they still met up in the medical tents occasionally, Morio offering to help out with whatever he could while he was still out of commission. From that they started to meet and chat on their breaks, and Sakura actually grew rather fond of him. She ended up finding his letter that he gave her before and this time she actually read it. (I have never seen a love letter in my life, one day I’ll think of something of what it could have said IDK) Anyways long story short, she was so touched by it she actually agreed to go on a date with him once the war was over.
After the war they haven’t seen eachother for a while but they stayed in contact through letters and eventually Morio came to Konoha and they started dating.
They married and Sakura got pregnant with Saisari soon after the events of The Last movie, Saisari was born on September 25th.
Growing up he learnt Earth Release from Morio, who in the meanwhile retired from the shinobi life and became a house husband, and chakra control and taijutsu from Sakura, even though he could never reach the refined levels she had at his age.
During the events of Boruto, he’ll probably take Sarada’s place on the New Team 7, also because in this world Sarada would probably be Karin and Sasuke’s daughter, but that’s a different topic.
As far as his personality goes he took mostly after his father, Morio, he’s generally soft, sweet and kind, he’s also easily embarassed, some might even say he’s timid or shy at times. He’s also very helpful towards everyone. He can also be a smartass at times, he’s pretty book-smart and he likes showing-off with his knowledge and fun-facts. On the flip-side sometimes he’s judgemental when someone doesn’t know something he considers basic knowledge, or behaves in a way that’s strange to him. Having inherited both the Will of Fire and the Will of Stone, he’s also incredibly stubborn once he sets his mind on something, and he deeply cherishes his friends, these two things combined make him a real challenge on the battlefield, and also make him a protective and loyal friend.
Saisari greatly admires his Mother and looks up to her in essentially every aspect. The work she does at the Hospital, her medical ninja abilities, her strength, her accomplishments during the war, he wishes to one day grow up to be a shinobi of her caliber. He only wishes she’d have little less of a short temper during their training sessions, she’s not as ruthless as Tsunade used to be with her, but Saisari is much softer than she was and it’s stressing him out a lot.
He’s generally on the same wavelength with his Father about nearly everything. He tends to emotionally confide in him and talk about his problems more, because he feels less of an urge to impress him than he does with Sakura. He also loves to listen to his Father talk about Iwagakure and learn more about his home and costumes. One of his favourite pastimes is practing Earth Release with him.
 (As for the others… not gonna lie, I’ve seen the first few episodes of Boruto and the Movie a while back, but I have no idea what most of the charachters are like, so I’m going to only list the most notable ones I have some slight ideas for.)
So far I think Saisari would be pretty good friends with Boruto, since they were little they used to hang out a lot due to their parents. After Naruto became Hokage and Boruto started misbehaving he’d occasionally get dragged along but he’d try to avoid trouble as much as he can, in fear of Sakura having his head.
I have no idea honestly, I think he’d initially find him wierd, but he’d grow rather fond of him as he gets to know him. They’d probably even get along great eventually.
Sumire: Saisari really looks up to her for how she turned her life around after everything she’d been through. He also greatly admires her for her skills and intelligence. He also has the biggest crush imaginable on her.
His skill levels are generally on an average level. He’s not particularly good at Genjutsu, he has absolutely no skills for medical ninjutsu, his strategy skills aren’t outstanding and he isn’t really skilled for leadership. His only outstanding abilities are his Chakra Enchanced Taijutsu and Earth Release that his parents personally train him in.
He’s very skilled in close and hand-to-hand combat. Sakura tried to teach him medical ninjutsu, but he totally failed at that, his chakra control not being refined enough. However it was good enough that she taught him how to use Chakra Enhanced Strentgh by concentrating chakra in various parts of his body. However due to his only-slighty-above-average chakra control, this is very taxing on him, and exhausts him quickly.
He can perform all the basic jutsu Genin are capable of, like the Clone Jutsu and Substitution Jutsu.
Earth Release:
Morio’s been teaching Saisari various Earth Release tecniques since he was about 10 years old. By the time he’s 13 he has an outstanding array of Earth Release Jutsus at his disposal. He’s very proud of his Earth Release abilities, as he feels it’s part of his heritage, always working hard to improve and learn new techniques. Where his general skill sets are lacking, he makes up for it with his Earth Release techniques. Some say he’s well on his way to becomming an Earth Release specialist.
 By the age of 13 he’s able to use the following Earth Release jutsus:
 -          Earth Release: Earth Spear: The latest Earth Release jutsu Saisari has learnt, and so far the only one that wasn’t taught to him by Morio. He came across it himself when he was studying about Earth Release jutsus for the Chunnin Exams, and together with Sakura’s chakra training he learnt it all by himself. As of right now it leaves a lot to be desired and it leaves him greatly exhausted but it has the potential to be his strongest jutsu one day.
 -          Earth Release: Underground Split
-          Earth Release: Tunnelling Technique
-          Earth Release: Tearing Earth Turning Palm
-          Earth Release: Shadow Clone
-          Earth Release: Rock Trail
-          Earth Release: Earth-Style Wall
-          Earth Release: Rock Shelter
-          Earth Release: Rock Gun Technique
-          Earth Release: Reverse Antlion
-          Earth Release: Hiding in Rock Technique
-          Earth Release: Earth Wave Technique
-          Earth Release: Double Suicide Decapitation Technique
 Other skills:
He’s very creative with paper bombs and other explosives. His favourite type of offense is combining his Earth Spear jutsu with a bunch of paper bombs. He jumps amongst the enemy, hardens his skin to withstand the explosion and sets of the bombs right there.
His greatest weaknesses are his average chakra levels and imperfect chakra control. He may be slightly-above-average, but his techniques are very chakra taxing, and they leave him very exhausted very fast. His strategy skills are also lacking, when left to his own devices he tends to become much more rash and get ahead of himself, which usually ends up with him chakra exhausted and vulnerable.
I wanted to finish this in 2 days, I have so many other things to draw, I hate how I just can't get faster, BUT I'm pretty happy with how he turned out, so there's that.
Art b @mexcraziness-art
Naruto belongs to  Masashi Kishimoto
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darkpoisonouslove · 3 years
Winx Club Season 8 Thoughts Part 1
Here I am! The latest season of Winx. Can’t believe I made it here (especially after I sped through seasons 6 and 7). I am kinda excited about this because I am finally getting to watch the second part (I have seen the first one) and I think that after season 7, it really can’t get that much worse. Also, I am now used to the idea of the art style even if I still despise it completely and passionately. So let’s do this!
- Who thought this art style was a good idea? And why did they have to bring the band back? That was so unnecessary. But at least the song in the opening isn’t bad.
- So... Bloom is the main vocalist but they just leave Musa to write all the songs? Didn’t think that could get more unfair and yet it did. Also, love how they changed the art style but Stella is still acting as immature as she has since season 4.
- Kiko is actually being acknowledged in the second minute? Please, tell me that will last after the lumens.
- Oh, wow, the plot is already starting? I am actually pleasantly surprised. Took them only two minutes.
- Ugh, not Obscurum! Pleaaaaaase!
- Lumenia is the star that lights Solaria? Does that mean it is the first sun of Solaria? Okay... That’s actually kinda cool.
- Oh, great! The one with all the info has amnesia! But actually, that might be a good idea because not everything is convenient for damn once! Edit: And Timmy and Tecna are back to being inventors! *happy sob*
- How is a scare supposed to trigger memories? By inducing a flashback of traumatic events? That’s cool but fear can also cause memory blockages. So idk about that. Lmao @ Kiko with that hammer, though. You might have the right idea, Kiko. We’ll come back to you once Twinkly gets annoying.
- The dissonance between the maturity of the Specialists’ voices and their FUCKING FACES! It is unbearable!
- Oh, Kiko is hitting on Twinkly? XD Jk. He just wants to cheer her up and it’s actually really cute. Almost makes up for them totally ruining his design.
- Not a song number! I am forewarning everyone that I will be skipping all of those.
- Omg! A scene of the Specialists talking? About their own stuff?!??! And them messing around with each other (read: mocking each other (and especially Nex)). We haven’t had that since... season 4? It was sorely missed, THANK YOU!
- Riven is back!
- And Knut is back! But wtf is up with Griselda’s voice? Also, how did they change her design the least, yet still totally ruined it? I cannot comprehend that! Lmao at her gestures at Knut, though!
- The memories of Twinkly actually looked pretty scary and traumatic. I can’t believe I am saying this but this season is doing a decent job so far and even more than that.
- Dammit, why do I have to suffer Butterflix again?
- I was gonna say that that was quick but the thing actually reappeared. That’s... pretty nice. Could be used to such a great advantage! And it was actually Stella’s spell that worked and not Bloom’s? They gave up on their obsession with Bloom to make this make sense? Um, yes, please?
- Okay, stealing starlight sounds like a rocking plan as soon as they explain well why the hell that is the goal here.
- Yeah, Stella, you are so damn cautious! Girl, you’re almost as impulsive as Bloom. (But XD @ “Caution is our middle name... More of a nickname, really”)
- Twinkly: Where am I? Me: At Alfea. Shut up!
- Why does this show have such an aversion to letting Kiko sleep in peace, dammit?!
- Flora has a plant that takes care of other plants? Omg, that is so cool! And we’re finally seeing her care for the plants in her room again! This season is already better than seasons 6 and 7 combined.
- Stella could just use magic to shrink down that enormous suitcase.
- Omg, they’re spending time with their boyfriends again instead of just screeching at them for no reason whatsoever? Yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Why are Winx mad that the Specialists didn’t tell them about Riven? What would it have changed? They still would have been shocked. And why the hell is Musa yelling at Riven? They broke up! He doesn’t owe her a schedule of his every waking moment! I hate this reaction.
- Why... are the outfits gonna let them travel in space? I mean, can you imagine how cool they could have looked in spacesuits?
- Wow, that’s a lot of pink. But that IS the Winx aesthetic to differer from the aesthetic shown in you-know-what.
- Why is the queen ruler of all the stars and not just of Lumenia? Otherwise, the star lore is pretty cool. I have to say that the whole thing with the rivers reminds of the Underworld a lot which is an interesting parallel to dwell on.
- Stella is pretty amazing in this already indeed!
- Oh, the crystal monsters. I remember those. They were really annoying. And I am not a fan of the upcoming transformation upgrade.
- Did the Specialists follow them there? Not the most unshady thing they’ve done but at least they’re helping. Also, I would like to point Netflix’ attention to the way their weapons look! Take a close look!
- OH MY GOD! Someone had a smart idea here! They are actually handling themselves even though their powers aren’t all that effective! Riven is saving Musa and being awesome! This is good enough to make me cry, wtf?
- Ooh, damn! Love the way Valtor’s mark showed up and how actually bothered by it they acted! That was cool and really created a good atmosphere!
- They saved the river AND they actually talked about the sneaking around in a (mostly) mature manner? And they resolved the conflict? RIVEN IS COMMUNICATING?????? This season is a fucking treat so far! Except for Musa being a goddamn primadonna!
- Valtor’s new design is also pretty close to his original one and yet... just NOT. IT!
- Cosmix time. Okay, the visuals are actually quite pretty (I especially love the fact that they look transparent at first; I have a feeling there’s a nice symbolism to this but I’ll have to think about it a bit more). The song isn’t bad either but it’s a little repetitive,
- They probably could have done better with the name than “star yummies” but it isn’t quite so bad. I mean, we’ve seen worse and this is pretty minor considering that they’re doing pretty well with almost everything else (so far and I hope I am not jinxing this).
- Okay, the name sounds dumb but it’s accurate.
- I have to say that I saw the twist with Obscurum coming even if I was only clicking through the episodes when I first watched this but now I want to see if it was foreshadowed. Him saying he wants to rule Lumenia still isn’t enough foreshadowing but it does raise the question of why Lumenia specifically so it’s headed in the right direction at least.
- Nice move, Stella! And, omg, did Flora just use something that’s not vines? !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am getting really hyped up over here.
- They’re thinking! They’re actually instantly adapting to the problems that they are facing! Man, this is even better than season 1! HOW? Not that I care. Just don’t let it stop!
- So Valtor is actually using starlight to buff himself on a magical level? And in season 1 they said that starlight was the purest source of magic (4kids). Is this... continuity between the first and the latest season??????? I am literally tearing up over here because I never believed this moment would come but it has and it is beautiful!
- Not a fan of the Valtor and Obscurum dynamic because it is just... a big no again, just like his working relationship with the Trix (except I can’t decide if this is worse because Obscurum is afraid or if s3 was worse because Valtor was leading the Trix on about *gags* you know (don’t make me say it)). Love the castle in the stars, though! So cool (even if it is also so very impractical).
- Man, Twinkly really is just a stand-in for the pixies, isn’t she? Same bravery and complete and utter uselessness balance.
- Stella is fucking shining and I am loving it! But did Obscurum just say “erase them”? You mean... this has actual stakes? And Bloom’s projection of the Dragon Fire makes sense because Cosmix is light-based? Musa is using an attack that basically acts like an earthquake except without the damage aka... safe for usage? I am going to pass out from happiness. Like, you don’t even know.
- THEY ACTUALLY LOST?????? And they are not giving up but... coming up with a plan???? That is smart??????????????????? I am in love with this season for now.
- They powered the core! And that will now cause Valtor to make a shift in his strategy! This season is actually dynamic! Goddamit, yes!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!
-  Obscurum to Valtor: “Something more intimate? You, me...” ... Why is he hitting on him? Bleh. But damn! The trap dimension has so much potential!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Oh, song time. Goodie. Why is Obscurum acting like he has the dancing plague? And, for fuck’s sake, why am I getting Christian Grey vibes from Valtor? Ugh! *shudders* Please, no! But he is actually taking Winx seriously and coming up with countermeasures? Um, yes, I will take that!
- Ugh, why are they having classes again?! I hate that part!
- Sky, you know where they were! But I actually kinda like the change to have Bloom be the one that doesn’t have time for dating instead of having her sulking over Sky being a prince and having royal duties the whole time.
- What do you mean that Griselda doesn’t know what is going on? This is not Griselda!
- Tecna, watch what you’re putting in your damn potion! I know Musa fucked up but you could have checked what she handed you!
- Aww, Tecna throwing a dance party to cheer Musa up was so cute! And look at Stella dragging all that luggage up the stairs on her own! She is precious (and devoted to fashion but this time in a not so annoying manner... so far.)
- Dammit, why is Obscurum the first thing I see?
- Okay, it’s pretty cute how excited Bloom is. And all the rest of Winx helping Sky while at the same time judging him for not being better for Bloom and putting more effort in it. This is just the dynamic! I love it!
- Musical food? What the hell, Musa?! But lmao at the Sky and Flora moment there. And Musa and Layla’s reaction to his words. But he was right. Flora was the only one being useful.
- What picnic under the stars? There are no stars! It’s the middle of the day!
- Oh, why the drama now? Bloom also forgot their date in the previous episode because of her mission. Sky is doing the exact same rn! Hypocrisy much?
- “Your Great Malevolence” and “Your Vileness”? I don’t like Obscurum but his decorum is amusing at the very least.
- But if a star has to be attacked before it will alert them that they need to go there, they won’t be one step ahead of Valtor. They might be able to catch up with him but they are still one step behind him.
- A moving star. That was actually a cool idea although I am not sure how the hell that is supposed to work.
- Why have those lumens never heard of music? But damn, I am actually happy that they made the band plot relevant (for all of 3 seconds). At least make it have some purpose.
- At least Bloom actually also supported Sky while attacking him. She is literally the definition of mixed signals here but that’s better than her just being plain mad.
- Can they use the music to capture the star yummies in a trance? That would be nice and it would justify having the band in this season.
- Stella is having the time for a selfie while actually being super effective and handling that part of the mess on her own? Yes, please! Where was that in the previous seasons?!
- The thief is not “trying” to attack. He is attacking! But damn, Brandon made some good moves there! Are you telling me that we actually get to see the Specialists doing their own missions again plus a really cute parallel between Brandon and Stella? !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love it!
- They’re being pulled in a black hole? Holy shit! This season is actually getting intense! And it makes sense? I am shooketh! Can Stella save them with her light, though?
- Oh, nvm! They’re gonna do it together. Eh, that still works I guess.
- The Specialists were really working as a team here and I have missed seeing that so much! It’s great to have the show acknowledge them again. It could have only been better if they didn’t look like first graders.
- Oh, now the whole starship is being pulled into the black hole? That is actually cool! They are maintaining the tension for more than three seconds and they are showing how things actually function? Well, there’s a big surprise.
- I am glad that they are actually solving this but why couldn’t Stella generate stardust herself? She is the fairy of the sun, the moon and the stars. It would have been really interesting to see her do that and this season’s theme is right up her alley.
- Valtor’s failure is kinda amusing. But I feel a little bad about Obscurum because he literally has to walk on eggshells around Valtor. No one should have to be put through anxiety like that.
- Ooh, zero gravity plus invisibility device? That is so cool!
- I wish Bloom and Sky would have talked about their little drama with the surprise, especially because there was no need for it since the delay actually helped make things even better and much more romantic. And I am also not all that sold on the Beauty and the Beast vibes I am getting from this.
- Why is Musa acting like that again? Riven is trying to be supportive and take interest in her music. I know that he ran away but obviously something happened.
- Good thing that Riven is being competent while the rest are busy partying. He did pretty well considering that he just intercepted a planned heist and he wasn’t prepared.
- Aren’t you supposed to drift in space instead of fall as if there’s gravity?
- I am a little done with the ship being threatened yet again because it can’t move without the stupid core but I really want to see how Winx are gonna save it now that the ruby is stolen.
- Maybe if they try something else other than generic blasts they may be able to defeat it.
- Valtor was the one that summoned the black hole? And he is getting low on magic juice? That kinda makes sense now that he doesn’t have Dragon Fire anymore.
- O-kay. That strategy was semi logical. Not the best they have done but it could have been worse.
- Selfish? He is trying to save a whole planet! It wasn’t like he was stealing it for the money! No, I get it that his actions weren’t okay but Musa is being a bitch to everyone. And what she just said to Riven. She is refusing to give him a second chance but is acting like she’s the one who is making all the compromises here!
- Why wouldn’t he be allowed on Eridia? Oh, he really fucked up the core.
- Oh, shut the fuck up, Orion! It is your fault it didn’t work because you were the one who broke the core and now it can’t hold the light!
- Flora is really rooting (whoops) for abandoning the core. Nice one! How the fuck does she think to save the plants without fucking light?!?!?!?!
- Can I throw Orion in the black hole? HE is the one who fucked the whole thing up because he didn’t know what he was doing and now he is yelling at them that they don’t have a plan! Even though they agreed to help him instead of throwing him in jail!
- At least Valtor is adapting to the situation on the go and coming up with new strategies. But Orion is such a fool. He is desperate but why didn’t he consider the question of why the hell Valtor would care? Obviously he has beef with Winx which puts him at the not-so-trustworthy column.
- Man, Riven is right. Orion is a damn actor and very good at playing them. That isn’t his problem, of course, but the Winx’. I just wish Musa would think instead of pout the whole time.
- Shut up about the goddamn plants, Flora! You can’t save them in any longterm way without fixing the core of the planet first!
- DO NOT make “starsome” a thing. It sounds ridiculous. It doesn’t even make sense!
- Riven is actually discussing how he feels with the other Specialists? And they’re having fun (even if it is at his expense)? Why does Musa refuse to see how much he’s changed? I hate the way they are just trying to make more stupid drama!
- You do not look like big lumens to me but okay. Twinkly has a serious crush on her friend, doesn’t she?
- Yes, we all know that Tecna is a genius. And that is why she doesn’t become pray to stupid love drama when there is no reason for any!
- How the hell was Stella supposed to know if it will actually be safer? She said it looked safer! There is a difference! Also, they are only now wondering why Orion left them on their own!
- Now you guys are screwed! But wtf, why did Tecna just covere her eyes instead of... trying to do something like the rational person that she actually is! And you have to love how they only had Flora and Stella arguing so that they will have to come together to save the rest giving the illusion that they are actually undergoing some development. But hey! An episode without a musical number!
- What is this now? Are they trying to make us sympathize with Orion by showing some remorse on his part? It is not working!
- They made Obscurum a cheerleader? He seems to be suffering from Stockholm Syndrome, though he is not exactly a prisoner or hostage of Valtor’s. But still. There is some kind of similar vibes.
- Cool! They revealed that the star yummies are actually corrupted lumens. That was a pretty clever idea, not gonna lie. And it is totally on brand for Valtor which is also great.
- Well, I don’t see you, lumens, fixing the fucking core yourselves so you might wanna start appreciating the fact that they’re trying! They didn’t know the core was broken and wouldn’t hold the Cosmix light!
- And how do you plan on saving them, Orion? You have no idea what you’re up against and you just betrayed the only people that cared about helping you!
- Why is Twinkly not being corrupted like all the other lumens? They are different in some way that was never explained but it was already implied that the corruption works on ALL of the lumens! So what gives? Except obvious plot convenience, of course.
- So Flora actually tried something else and didn’t go for the vines at all? I am shocked... but appreciative!
- Why aren’t the plants answering? Are they too dead for words? But that spell was actually pretty cool! They made a little sun that also has nature powers added to it to shine on all of the plants at once! That was so clever and actually pretty creative! I love it!
- The nature defeating technology theme is a little misplaced I would say considering the way they fix the problem with the broken cores of the stars later on.
- Wait! Winx were transformed when the robot caught them. Why did they have to transform again and when did the transformations disappear?
- They didn’t actually fight the thing! So far their powers have been used very little for actual battle and a lot more in creative ways to restore the balance of the stars. That actually makes a lot of sense since that was what the Cosmix was for! I like it!
- Did they just make a magical sun out of Stella’s powers by boosting her energy? This was awesome!
- Why did they think Orion was the one that changed the lumens? They know that Valtor is the one working with Obscurum and commanding them! That was such a stupid guess and for what? To give Obscurum some kind of “witty” line for his entrance?
- Orion does have cool inventions but for being a genius creator he is being a fucking dumbass! Oh, now you want to be “united” with them. After you almost got them killed and your planet fucked over big time.
- Musa is gonna give Orion a third chance but she’s gonna keep being a bitch to Riven, huh?
- Wizgiz’ redesign is giving me nightmares. Why is he teaching them something that they have been doing literally since season 2 and just did not three minutes ago?!?!?!?! And why are Knut and Kiko painting the yard pink? Really? Just so that Winx can show what they have learned even though they’ve known it for about seven years now?!?!?!?!
- Submarine star? That sounds rocking. But wait, they are using Sirenix in the next ep? Why don’t I remember that? I have watched this... I think. Yes, I have. I remember the stupidity and Nex and Layla having a moment. So why don’t I remember Sirenix?
- I thought Valtor was on the scene and then it turned out he was just in an illusion. *sigh* And why can’t he just go himself? He is not doing anything this season. Just sitting on his ass and bossing Obscurum around. It’s just... not Valtor at all. And what’s this obsession with fucking up Andros every goddamn time he shows up?
- Aww, Winx are being so adorable and supportive! Nex, too, though that is OOC. But I can’t understand why Layla didn’t just pick up the phone and tell Nex that she needs him to stop calling so that she can focus. What is so hard about that?
- I like this version of Stella’s fashion obsession. It feels a lot more natural and isn’t overtaking the whole group and the show.
- Well, they didn’t ruin Theredor and Niobe’s designs! That’s something. And Ligea looks pretty much the same as well. I don’t understand why they felt the need to fuck up Winx and the Specialists’ designs but okay.
- Why are they making Layla unable to remember three sentences? She can do much more than that and she has always been the most capable one of Winx and an exemplary princess.
- Oh, so they already mentioned that the queen’s brother disappeared exactly when Valtor showed up (How tf does she even know that? The flashback that was shown later plus the fact that no one seemed to know Valtor was back before Winx saw his mark in 8x02 contradict that.). That and Obscurum saying he wants to rule Lumenia plus Valtor’s obvious knack for corrupting and changing everyone that’s working for him, spill it all out.
- Pretty sure no one at that party cares about Twinkly but whatevs. As long as she isn’t on screen to be annoying.
- Nex transformation time!
- Sirenix is back (never has that ever happened before) and I hate the redesign even more than the original. Didn’t think it was possible. They have also fucked up the transformation sequence and made it more boring. Nice move!
- Why is Layla refusing to talk? Coming forth about her feelings is gonna make it better. I like that Nex is actually being sensitive here even if he never naturally changed to become like that and they are just writing him wildly OOC. But he was so much of an asshole that I prefer this tbh.
- How the fuck do Sirenix powers have no effect on “a creature of darkness”? They went on the Sirenix Quest to defeat Tritanus who was definitely a creature of darkness! The writers don’t even know what they’re saying anymore. At least they left Winx handling the shark even if their powers aren’t working on it. If they’d sent Nex after it and Winx after Obscurum, it would have been too convenient.
- I like the fact that they managed when their magic was useless against the enemy. At least the writers are being a little more creative in the battles by making them rely more on strategy rather than on their powers. I can accept generic blasts and beams if the idea is that that makes their magic so useless that they need to find a creative solution.
- Nex is rooting for teamwork? He really has changed. I just wish they would have shown that instead of just jumping the gun like that.
- Why didn’t they try trapping the star yummies in a morphix net? Or something that Tecna made with her magic? Or figured out a way to close the portals that let the star yummies come and go?
- They’re gonna make THAT a problem? Breathing underwater without Sirenix? Not like Layla has been able to breathe underwater continuously throughout seasons 2-5 without the need for Sirenix. AND she also taught the others how to perform the spell. This is such a non-problem.
- They also changed the Sirenix spells, didn’t they?
- They have been in tougher predicaments. I hate how they keep making Layla despair without a reason because she has always had a damn fighting spirit.
- Oh, look! It’s the anemone stupidity. And how is Stella supposed to wake up when she is under the influence of the anemone sting? You could try a spell if you want to wake her up, Flora!
- You’d think the lumens of Andros would know their fucking princess!!!!!
- What was the big idea with rushing out of the cave if Layla didn’t have a plan? Also, she was the one that figured out the anemones attacked when they were provoked, yet she kept attacking. Stop fucking attacking them! It’s only making things worse! Jeez, it’s not so hard to figure out that you shouldn’t antagonize them.
- So the Andros lumens sing but the Peripla ones have never heard of the existence of music? Pretty damn solid. Also, they just sang the same melody the whole time even after Layla asked them for something extra beautiful.
- How the hell did she fill the morphix with air? Did she pull all the water out in the morphix shielding and only left the oxygen atoms inside to make up oxygen molecules? This somehow doesn’t seem normal but anyway.
- So what unspelled the shark? The light of Gorgol? The living star? The starfish star? They are really starting to fuck up this season.
- Love how they never said how many years old Andros is becoming!
- Why did they make the trap dimension look like a pinball machine? What was up with that? And why did Gravity Falls do it so much better?
- So now Alfea is having an anniversary as well? And why the fuck is Twinkly only asking now about the meaning of anniversary when they already were at the anniversary party on Andros? And they really made “starsome” a recurring slang? I hate it.
- Why is Faragonda letting the students organize the anniversary? Also, not a fan of how these latest seasons are making Griselda and Faragonda look not so fond of each other. They definitely felt a lot more in sync in the first seasons.
- Lmao, love how Winx are roasting themselves. But I cannot believe that no one has said anything about Helia’s ugliest haircut... yet. They couldn’t have possibly fucked it up more after the season 4 disaster and they somehow did! Fucking spectacular! And why is Riven wearing a scarf? When the fuck have you seen Riven with a scarf? This is ridiculous!
- Love the way Flora and Helia just decided that they will be matchmakers now! But I do think that they should first try figuring out why Musa can’t forgive Riven before deciding she will trust him.
- Why didn’t Twinkly just sit on Riven’s shoulder instead of plopping herself down right on top of the controls? The zero gravity dancing was actually pretty cute but Musa could have tried just dancing with Riven. Or at least they could have said something about why she feels like she can’t even dance with him (because she feels him unfamiliar anymore or something).
- Hypsos looks so very familiar but I can’t place it. Reminds a little of Amentia’s kingdom tbh.
- I cannot believe that the Twinkly and Lumila storyline will actually have a bearing on the real plot. How did they manage? Though, I suppose I should be happy about that.
- Turning a constellation into an actual monster was a damn good idea! Although, the writers sort of implied that Valtor has the power level of a god which has not been supported by the narrative. He was such a stronger villain in season 3.
- So... what did they do? Did they send the Hydra through the portal that the star yummies use? I actually remember it being a bigger threat and harder to defeat. Is this really the end?
- Oh, look! They can reverse the star yummy corruption with the power of love! Cut to the wedding (of Twinkly and Lumila).
- I said wedding, not a fucking concert!
- Musa, I don’t even know you anymore! Since when doesn’t she want to be the center of attention! She was literally mad at him because he hadn’t called aka paid her attention! Besides, she’s a singer (which you couldn’t fucking guess from the fact that Bloom is the goddamn vocalist!). What do you mean that he exposed her? Those are just some outlined images projected! She is a lot more exposed when she sings on stage! This is so goddamn stupid! Season 2 Musa would never.
- And why are they making Flora and Helia fuck up their own sync over Musa and Riven? They should just not meddle and keep their own relationship in harmony!
- I am so glad we’re getting rid of Obscurum soon. I have had it with him! “Go undercover as one of [Winx]”? What the actual fuck?!
- Why is the trap dimension a goddamn gaming universe? They are truly wasting its potential! And why not just shove Winx in there?!
- Flora and Helia have never had a disagreement before? Come again? And now she’s saying they never even had different opinions on anything? That is so totally healthy, you know. And the implication that that is how a relationship should be. Wow! Fucking spectacular move!
- Just don’t make Winx fight over the Flora and Helia situation! And that was a perfect example of why they don’t need to agree on everything.
- At first I agreed with the opinion I have seen floating around that the emogix are too specific but this is the Magic Dimension. They have teleportation. What is so hard to believe that they have code that can quickly animate specific actions with pre-coded visual parameters about every separate object in the animation?
- I want to see Griselda react to that fireworks explosion!
- That was the big talk? At least they said that disagreements are not inherently bad but still. This was just a damn non-closure to a damn non-problem.
- Well, Obscurum’s plan isn’t so bad but Winx have already not been welcomed by lumens. It isn’t so original.
- Why are Knut and Kiko coming along all of a sudden? Oh, that’s right! Because those lumens are ogres like Knut. How convenient!
- I don’t know what’s so hard to understand about the fact that the lumens obviously believe that Winx have come to steal their treasure and that is why they’re attacking them.
- Tecna needed an analysis to tell that the lumens think they’re enemies and want to steal their treasure? They said that! REPEATEDLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Was the core broken accidentally or on purpose? I missed that part but I don’t think that Valtor has caught on to the fact that breaking the cores will make it much harder for Winx to save the stars. Also, why did he never try to steal the Cosmix light that the Winx put in the dark cores? That would have been an interesting plan!
- Well, Convenient Knut is being awfully convenient! As was planned.
- So now the crystal is actually gonna serve as a core? Wow, what a cop-out.
- You’re telling me that Obscurum was actually the one that thought of the idea of breaking the cores on purpose? This season is really doing Valtor dirty. I just... I can’t watch. Why do they have to be like that?
- Also, he’s only now figuring out he needs to get rid of Bloom? He had that figured out at the beginning of season 3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- A wishing star that hasn’t been seen in almost a 1000 years? And he needs Cosmix to get near? How is enhancing his powers going to get him closer to the star if the problem is his darkness? What, is Cosmix gonna conceal his dark powers? Somehow, that doesn’t make sense. But damn, at least this thing is protected from dark powers so that malevolent wishes won’t be made.
- Bloom has her priorities in check and Sky comes third? After Vanessa and the mission? That is a nice change of pace, actually.
- Why doesn’t Bloom just use her goddamn magic?! It would have been so much easier! It’s hers! It’s not like she is forbidden to use it.
- Lmao, Obscurum is acting as if Valtor actually cares about him. And he thinks he’s evil? Wow, that’s cute.
- Is it me or does Vanessa look so much thinner than she used to? Not a fan of that.
- You’re telling me Bloom never made an album for her parents before? But I love the fact that they are sharing and Bloom tells them that she loves home more than anything. That was actually something that the show could have used about 4 seasons ago.
- Why do the Earth lumens look like Roman soldiers?
- Anyone else feel like the transformation of the star yummies into bigger entities is legit based on Pokemon evolution? It really operates the exact same way Pokemon evolution does.
- They’re mentioning the queen’s brother again? In what is not foreshadowing but a plainly obvious non-twist.
- Musa is really disgusted by the star yummies? They actually look pretty cute and fluffy to me. Kinda cuter than the lumens even. Not to mention that they can face monsters and whatnot but they can’t make themselves touch the star yummies? Some Guardian Fairies you are!
- Valtor feels like a nervous teenager about to introduce himself to his crush. What the hell were they thinking?
- I like the designs of the dark giants where the writings on them are concerned. They look like rune rings around their torsos and arms and I actually love the idea of that.
- The scene with Bloom and her parents was pretty good. I love the way she compartmentalized the situation and managed to be on all the fronts she needed to be on even if she had to ask for backup to do it. It was awesome!
- Valtor finally decided to show the fuck up! Halfway through the season! Love how Stella is sassing him! A little surprised that he knows her name, though.
- I don’t think that hugging that last form of star yummy evolution is gonna work. Might be a too big concentration of corrupted lumens in order for the hug thing to work.
- Goblin yummies? Oh, no. Stargoyles. Wow. Okay.
- I love the dilemma that Valtor presented! Bloom really can’t be in two places at the same time! I would be very interested (as I was the first time) if I didn’t know how this ended... aka in disappointment.
- Backstory time! What the hell do you mean that Valtor’s life force was drifting through the universe? For years? After the Dragon Fire - that literally made up his whole being - was extinguished? And how the hell was he brought back with the power of the stars? Wtf?
- Bloom, it’s really not that hard to figure out that Obscurum is the queen’s brother! I guessed that the first time I watched this and I didn’t even know she had a brother because I had been clicking through the episodes!
- If Obscurum really thinks that being Valtor’s minion is better than being in the shadow of his sister, then she must have fucked up big time! And I mean, really big time!
- So the artificial cores are not supposed to be that small? That is just a prototype.
- I have a question - how fast do the Specialists’ ships travel for example? Because Twinkly says that she’s traveling at the speed of light but I doubt that the tech can go so fast. Aka my train of thought was what if there are planets in the Magic Dimension that are so far from one another that the people can never meet because the tech doesn’t travel fast enough? Since that seems to be the common method of transportation rather than teleportation which could totes solve that problem.
- I really wish someone other than Sky would be protecting Mike and Vanessa. And wasn’t Valtor saying that only he can stop the Stargoyles? “Cause the Specialists just got rid of all of them. At least the dark giants truly seem to be unstoppable.
- I was so hyped when Bloom said she’d give Cosmix to Valtor! It would have been so interesting to see how they would defeat him if he had Cosmix as well. But they just had Cosmix reject him? Because it has sentience apparently? That was such a fucking cop-out! Just commit to your best ideas goddammit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Why is Twinkly getting the artificial core to the Specialists instead of the other Winx? They need it inside the sun! Not on the surface of the Earth.
- Wtf? Didn’t Bloom send Twinkly towards the Earth? She is inside the Sun! What was that maneuvering?!
- So the dark giants would have been defeated when the sun was fixed anyway? Meaning that Bloom could have chosen to go help Winx and that would have solved the dilemma aka there was no actual dilemma, except she didn’t know that? Man, what a bummer!
- Poor Vanessa. Had her birthday almost completely ruined!
- Wasn’t the queen supposed to be powerless? But that moment was so emotional there! And I love the fact that she acted as an example to the lumens to have them freeing the star yummies and helping them change back. Does that mean that the part with the stars is over for this season, though?
- Not a goddamn concert again! Come on! Dedicate the song to your mom, at the very least!!!!!
- Where is Valtor? This doesn’t look like the castle amongst the stars. What happened? Oh, and you’re telling me he has no more magical energy?
- What the hell do you mean that the Trix have power like the power of the Winx? Icy’s power is literally an opposite of Bloom’s!!!!! What the fuck is that supposed to mean? I have been so confused about this ever since I first watched it over a year ago! But at least the Trix were imprisoned separately this time. Someone in this goddamn universe finally had a smart idea!
Part 2 is here.
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sanderssideswriting · 4 years
Youtuber Life Chapter 1
Based off this post
Ships: familial sleepxiety and eventual Prinxiety
first  next
Summary: Remy Sanders is a famous beauty vlogger and just moved to LA with his teenage son Virgil after their location was leaked by fans. Remy AKA CoffeeAddiction has several million subscribers. Virgil also has a secret Drama channel, where he doesn’t show his face and uses a voice modifier. He just hit a million subs and grows more everyday because of the level of production his videos have, the mystery around who he is and the fact that he ALWAYS has the latest information regarding youtube drama.
The house was pretty big, it wasn't where most youtuber houses where but it also wasn’t to far. Remy was already vlogging about the new house.
“This is my new house, there will be a house tour later, this time I’ll be making sure you guys can’t find it. I love y’all but I don’t love it when people find out where I live and then put it on the internet. I like my privacy, well the little I have left and I’d like to keep it that way. See you soon babes,” and the camera was turned off.
the first thing they set up was the basement, where Remy filmed almost everything with another room to do voiceovers and editing.
Virgil and Remy had a pretty good time decorating the house and it turned out really nice.
Then school started.
Virgil was dreading it, to say the least, he did NOT want to be the new kid. Being the new id sucks, everyone wants to know everything about you. And Virgil tended to avoid talking about his personal life for obvious reasons. But the kids at his school wouldn’t know that.
Then he found out it would be private school.
“Dad! There’ll be fake stoners! They’re worse then real stones! Plus everyone will be stuck up and annoying! I’ll have to wear a uniform!” He complained.
“They have a Starbucks in the cafeteria,” Remy said.
Virgil shut up.
The first day of school came and Virgil did indeed have to wear a uniform, it wasn’t that terrible, but he still hated it simply because it was a uniform.
At school he was given his schedule and a map and left to find his own way to class. He was only ten minutes late to the first one and five minute to every one after that.
At lunch there was no Starbucks apart from stuff in bottles, Virgil bought two anyway but  texted his dad.
V: you lied about the Starbucks Remy: Technically they DO have Starbucks V: not the good kush Remy: It’s cold and it has caffeine and the logo V: you’d never drink it Remy: I can afford not to V: so can I, just can’t get any atm Remy: pay attention in class V: it’s lunch Remy: make friends! Or like idk make a sarcastic tweet on Twitter, apparently texting your dad isn’t very cool with the kids these days V: it would be if they knew that YOU’RE my dad Remy: go drink coffee or something, I need to edit
“Hey! You’re new right?” A boy with light brown hair and round glasses asked sitting down.
Virgil nodded.
“I’m Patton Foster and this is Logan Berry, our other friend Roman Prince is coming he’s meeting with a teacher,” Patton said.
“Virgil Sanders,” Virgil said.
Patton and Logan seemed to take that as their queue to sit down with him.
“Where did you move from?” Patton asked.
“Cool! Why did you move here?” Patton asked trying to make conversation.
“My dads job,” Virgil said.
His phone buzzed, he best friend Janus and Remus had snapped him.
It was a basic snap saying “how’s LA treating you? See Jake Paul yet?”
Virgil texted them back.
Racoon: lol not yet, but I’m sure it’ll be soon Hiss hiss motherfucker: yeah, they’re like an infestation Raccoon: ouch Dukey: How’s the Starbucks at your fancy rich kid school? Racoon: A fucking lie, at this rate I’ll be drinking the bang they have Hiss hiss motherfucker: ew, no don’t Racoon: I know Dukey: Seen any stoners or druggies yet? Racoon: saw a few fake ones, including one kid asking everyone if they’d sell him their Adderall Dukey: weakass stoners Racoon: you have ADHD not a drug problem Remus, you’re not a stoner Dukey: I could be Hiss hiss motherfucker: well you’re not, so shut the fuck up Hiss hiss motherfucker: there’s a new pallet coming out in a few weeks... Racoon: Not doing it, it’ll be hard enough to get one, get your own Hiss hiss motherfucker: at least tell me how you LAWAYS get them Racoon: lol no
Janus sent a lovely picture of his middle finger
Virgil did the same, but with his face in it.
“Hey, you’re the new kid right?” Another guy said sitting down, Roman probably.
“Unfortunately, Virgil Sanders.”
“Roman Prince, your name sounds familiar,” Roman said.
Virgil shrugged “no idea why,”
“Where are you from?”
“Atlanta, isn’t that cool Roman!” Patton said.
“That’s how I know you! My twin Remus Duke, I think he’s told me about you before,” Roman said.
Virgil took a picture of Roman and sent it to Remus.
Racoon: you know him? Dukey: yeah, he’s my twin, why? Racoon: first of all you have a TWIN? I thought you where an only child. Dukey: child of divorce here, yeah we still talk. Small world ig Racoon: and you told him about me? Dukey: yeah, so? Or are you to stuck up to have people talk about you? Racoon: fuck off, or I’ll do your channel next Disgrace Dukey: try me bitch
“Yeah no, your right, Remus just didn’t say he was a fucking twin for some reason,” Virgil said.
Roman looked pretty offended at that. Virgil smirked “now I know why Remus says ‘offended princey noises’ all the time.”
“That fiend says what?” Roman demanded.
“Don’t hurt yourself Princey.”
The bell rang and Virgil made a quick exit.
At home he got in and saw the Filming light by the basement door was on. He opened the door anyway. “Has the espresso machine been unpacked? Also you fucking lied! There was no Starbucks!”
“Filming! Read the fucking sign, of course it was unpacked and it’s your fault for thinking it was a rich, rich kid school. Why the fuck would they have an actual Starbucks in the cafeteria? What did you learn today? And get me some espresso if you’re going to make some.”
“Fake stoners are worse then real stoners and they can go fuck themselves,” Virgil said before closing the door to get some espresso, which he promptly mixed into his coffee.
“People have been begging me to do an update on this so here it is. Trisha Paytas and DID, sorry it hasn’t been done yet but I’ve been getting new equipment and also moving stuff around so I can have a bigger space to edit and record. So we all know she’s faking, I’ve actually been doing research, not a ton, I’m not an expert but I have been learning. Not only to debunk Trisha but just understand DID more because I’m very uneducated and want to change that. DID is a very serious condition and Trish is not portraying it well or even describing it, she is describing things everyone does. Such as living in America and going to England, everyone’s accent naturally changes over time, you act differently around people. Those are not alters, that has nothing to do with DID. Let’s get into the video so I can correct more but not everything because I’m not an expert. “That’s it for today, I can’t take anymore stupidity so I’ll see you next week for another episode of “What the fuck did she say now?”
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into-september · 5 years
Sarazanmai 9
Me: Listens to a TED talk about how losing sleep is fucking with your body and psyche as I do some late-night cleaning
Also me: stays up another 30 minutes to catch the latest Sarazanmai episode because if not I'd think of nothing else at work the next day
Yeah, I guess this is the point where I can personally say that I Want To Connect And I'm Letting Myself Do it.
- For all my talk about someone jumping from the bridge it took until now to maybe connect that to Kazuki being shown drowning in the OP as Enta and Toi have big portraits flashing. God fucking damn anime OP tropes and Ikuhara's convoluted storytelling argh
- Anyway, Kazuki losing his shoe when Enta is shot is obviously connected to the fucking friendship bracelet that he wears on the foot and I am feeling like such a fucking idiot for taking a week to connect those dots. I'll stop swearing now.
- Everyhing that is Toi and his brother here is so really heartbreaking
- Everything that is Kazuki and Enta/Rin!Cop and Sousuke!Cop is careening along a delighful rollercoster along sincerely emotional and brilliantly funny and THIS is peak Ikuhara
- It might be helped along with the Penguindrum vibes (prime example: Kanba chasing the truck with the Penguin Hat), thanks to the hospital setting
- Let's someone do the comparison between Toi's brother and Kanba.
- Can I just say how 200% happy I am that Enta isn't facing the climax of the story in a coma, but as an acting part of the story?
- Yikes I forgot that Enta's sister was their teacher and how's that for the difference in relationship that Kazuki has to Enta's sister compared to Enta's to Kazuki's brother
- I don't know if I ever mentioned before that Mamoru Miyano is probably my favourite voice actor ever but he sure is and he sure just turned Rin!Cop into my favourite character of this show like THAT because that's some Grade A Tamaki channeling right there
- That said, I'm not following the Otter Cop Plot entirely but there's probably something profound to be said about Sousuke!Cop "needing" the Otter Entity taking the form of Rin!Cop's repressed side, particularly the obsession with "desire".
- Toi's brother might be the closest we've yet come to a real faceted character on this show, and I suppose he died as he lived, by which I mean contradictory. Toi always deserved better, and we're eagerly awaiting the continuation now that Mr. I Killed A Man from the looks of it has three more bodies on his conscience and will probably be hunted by both the police an the yakuza.
- One final Penguindrum parallell: Kazuki befriending Enta mirrors the way Those Spoilery Kids In Penguindrum befriend each other and we all know how that turned out don't we  (no, most of you don't, you bleeding philistines). (see also: The They're Really Brothers Theory)
- So here's a thing I've oddly never seen people comment on yet: That Kazuki is the only person who hasn't been hanging onto a person who has changed for the worse. As has been thoroughly pounded in, both Enta and Rin!Cop want their Special Person to return to their old self; given this episode, it seems overwhelmingly likely that Toi truly wanted his brother to turn away from crime. For all of Kazuki's issues, an obsession with nostalgia was hardly one of them, and I'm wondering how this is going to play into solving everyone else's crisis. Let's someone do the comparison between Toi and Masako.
 - This ending leaves us with a number of questions, and a number of actors SOME OF WHICH HAVE NOT BEEN PROPERLY INTRODUCED, so to summarise for my own sanity: * Kazuki and Enta want the dishes to save Enta's life * Toi previously wanted the dishes to help his brother and with his brother now gone, might well want the dishes for trying to get him back * Rin!Cop is going to do something drastic to get the "old" Sousuke!Cop back, which is probably going to involve the dishes * Keppi and Sara are doing IDK but it doesn't seem to involve the dishes * The Otters are doing IDK but it doesn't seem to involve the dishes * Whoever has the dishes still needs another one get their wish granted
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bartsugsy · 5 years
the latest spoilers sound both wild and hilarious and sweet and i’m into that
although obviously i don’t actually how these spoilers will end up playing out on screen bc we haven’t seen them yet and my psychic abilities don’t yet extend to me having a comprehensive view of how things are going to go down
(and we really don’t have a view of what happens immediately after the spoilers either)
but they sound cute af
every day that passes where robron don’t have an overarching storyline i get more and more agonizingly bored lmao
not because the robron content itself isn’t enjoyable - their relationship is in a wonderful place and their scenes are fun to watch and whenever one of them does something stupid i get all excited and it’s great
like legit, the content itself is so solid
and i don’t even like surrogacy storylines! i have never in my life even wanted to watch one! and the content is still cute! so like...!!! good! we stan!
but i’m still bored at my core - because it’s really not about the general day to day writing for robron
it’s about the long term view of what they’re doing and how it all holds together as one extended soap story
like.... you should be able to tell that a soap plans 6 months ahead from the way stories unfold and with the show at the moment.... it doesn’t feel that way
(and i’m mostly talking about robron bc u all know that’s all i really care about lmao)
the storylining on this show feels like it’s become very stop/start pick-up-and-then-drop-things, maybe-nothing-has-long-term-consequences, which is.... not what a good soap is, imo?
idk, i just hope the upcoming stuff starts to tighten up  
i’m just whining bc lbr.... i just want to make stupid predictions about things from the way scenes build upon each other week after week and write unnecessary meta about plot and character development 😂 and i can’t!!! do that!!! when nothing seems to have proper consequences any more and nothing seems to build into a big character or relationship moment anymore!!! the fact that the show did that so well even back in the early days is what made me really fall in love with this ship and want to be in fandom.
but it’s lost that at the moment. how can you write meta about scenes when they all feel like they each exist in their own, context-less universe. it doesn’t feel like the story hangs together at all anymore. it’s become entirely lo-proof  😂
idk, the pacing is just so bad - and i’ve really not had problems with story pacing on this show before, even when everyone else seems to have. i feel like it’s gotta be pretty dog awful for it to annoy me lmao.
they just need to tighten up their ship, you know? sort their shit out and tell some longer term stories. 
having said all this, at least (1) i’m finally getting the paul roundell episodes i’ve been wishing for and (2) u know the Robron Content tm this week and next week is gonna be 👌🏼👌🏼👌🏼 cute af 👌🏼👌🏼👌🏼, so not all is lost
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jq37 · 6 years
have you seen the new fantasy high ep yet?? if so, thoughts??
**spoilers for battle of the bloodrush brethren**
First off, shout out to Brennan for always having battle eps with really cool themes. Rave battle. Skater battle. Bloodrush battle. Combat is my least fave part of rpg’s since it can be really mechanical and drag out so I’m glad he makes it interesting. 
Are you low on hitpoints?/I’M ALWAYS LOW ON HITPOINTS.
Kristen casting with her Comparative World Religions book. How does that even work? Which deity decided to do her a solid and let her channel with that? Or maybe she’s just channeling the universe in general? I read a LitRPG where a non-religious character playing a cleric who got stuck in a game did that.
I love that Fabian loses all of his fancy affectations when he’s on the warpath. “WHAT’S GOOD?” He’s still so salty about the bloodrush thing. 
Adaine casting Fly on Gorgug with seemingly no discussion. Did they plan that in advance or was that spur of the moment? And I mean in game, not out of game. Did Adaine see a football field full of monsters and go, “Gorgug should be airborne for this.” And speaking of
Imagine if she had that spell when Gorgug went into a rage over that vulture. He would have punched a bird. 
He got to slay an owl-bear! I hope that’s good for his self-esteem. He was on fire all fight. 
Also, Adaine being like, “No, no, no, I can’t have helped kill an animal today.”
Imagine Kristen’s very religious parents reaction to a demonic motorbike in their driveway suddenly taking off to Sol knows where.
Can we talk about how Riz, the usually most thoughtful and careful member of the group and WHOSE MOM IS A COP, was the #1 member of the, “We need to kill Daybreak,” squad? Like, boy pulled out his gun and double-tapped the guy. Which, good riddance but dang. How is that conversation with his mom gonna go? Idk if fantasy guns have shell casings but I hope he cleaned his up if they do.
Also, the second I realized this was gonna be a football style fight, I was ready for the ball/The Ball jokes and they did not disappoint. 
Did not know Ray of Sickness could you make you sick from both ends. Good to know. Also, she gets a lot more utility from that spell than I would have assumed from episode one. 
OK, so if this is the episode that things go off track, I have to assume the thing they did that messed things up was kill Daybreak? Like maybe he was supposed to be a bigger big-bad? Maybe Brennan didn’t think they’d full kill him, they’d just incapacitated him? Idk because, besides that, it felt like regularly scheduled nonsense from the bad kids. But I also feel like Brennan is too good of a G to not have planned for that considering they had a body count from day 1. Alt options: Maybe they weren’t supposed to win this fight so easily? They rolled really well and the portal never opened. IDK, it could be literally anything and he never really broke composure. 
If you think about it, Kristen picked a good time to break from the faith because if she doesn’t have a connection to Sol anymore, they can’t make her a portal. Just something I was thinking about while watching this ep. 
This ep also brings up something I was thinking about last ep. Fig will sometimes cast spells while she’s disguised, but I assume she’s still using her bass, right? So was she pretending to be a doctor and also holding her bass and casting sleep? Did no one have questions about that?
I love that their list of demands to Ragh (sp?) confusingly included having him vote Fabian and Fig for prom king/queen? @Adaine Weird flex but OK.
But yeah! Great team intimidation effort. Everyone was in synch from the no heart taunt to the whistle to somehow making the shit pants thing work even though it made zero sense. I wonder how having a pet jock is gonna work for them.
I don’t remember which of the girls left Adaine alone to deal w/ the Owlbear but Bill Seacaster would have been displeased. 
I will always love Riz riding on ppl’s shoulders. 
I am really happy the party has revivify now because I feel like they’re def gonna be needing it at some point. 
Where did those skeletal players even come from? Like, they weren’t buried under the field I hope. 
Fabian took the Hangman from Johnny and now Daybreak’s whistle. He’s his dad’s son alright. 
Sidenote:I lowkey thought that he was gonna use his whistle to control the zombies because it seems like it would make sense. That wasn’t the case but wouldn’t it be dope if Fabian ended up having a demon bike and a way to call an undead army?
I really need Riz’s mom to be in the next episode. 
And Adaine’s parents. 
Honestly, everyone's’ parents need to react to this latest nonsense. I want a parent teacher conference and/or open house episode OK?
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bigbrothereclipse · 4 years
Tumblr media
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FROSBY - https://youtu.be/3J7_Nd8O57M
SARAH G - https://youtu.be/m-nPTenfhdM
JULS - https://youtu.be/U2RI53y6qgI
ELIJAH - https://youtu.be/IeEiggUn3f4
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Night 1 is done and I just want to express my thoughts on my fellow housemates. 
Ashlyn- I’ve reached out to her and got two words back and now no response so I’m not quite sure what to think of her. I’m not sure if it’s just me or if she’s gonna be the ‘Chloe’ of the season, which is not a bad thing, just a bit more difficult.
Bob- We go wayyyy back. I’ve played with him in like January and completely got fooled by him. I’m definitely going to be cautious of him but also try to align myself with him. On top of all that, I got best rivalry with his brother, Joe last season. 
Cheatham- I’ve had a good conversation with him and would love to align with him.
Elijah- We’ve bonded a lot by being in the latest timezone (in America at least) and he’s even mentioned meeting in person since he’s only like a 6 hour drive from me. I can see Elijah becoming my ride or die and I definitely do feel like I could trust him. 
Frosby- OMG FROSBY IS BACK TOO! We tried to work together last season, but it failed when we both found ourselves on the block on Drew’s HoH. Frosby was quick to use screenshots against me, so I will definitely be cautious knowing that about him.
Gabe- Gabe was the first one to ask me about my daughter. I definitely see him becoming an ally and a friend outside this game. He was asking me questions about Saphire’s father, therefore probably knows the most about me on a personal level. 
Gigi- I’ve talked to her a little bit. I know I’m not supposed to judge people by their photos but she looks like someone who wouldn’t even hurt a fly. I feel like she will surprise me as I am not painting her as big of a threat as I probably should. 
Indigo- I talked to them a little bit as well. We bonded over being lazy and loving to sing, but I don’t really see any potential in the long run. 
Jacob- He seems nice. I’ve talked to him a little bit, but definitely need to talk to him more to get a full read. 
Jordyn- I’ve reached out to her and have yet to get a response.
Juls- I played with Juls once before but that season didn’t go well for me. I would love to get to know her more. 
Mackenzie- Okay, I know this is the same Mackenzie that took over my HoH in another game and I’m still a little unhappy about that. (I hold grudges, what can I say). Anyways, she thinks I forgave her but I will stab her in the back the first chance I get. 
Nick- I haven’t talked to Nick enough to get an opinion on him, but my gut is telling me he could potentially be a backstabber.
Rodney- We talked about BB22 a little bit and bonded over that, not enough of a bond to make me want to work with him though. 
Roxy- I’ve talked to Roxy a bit but don’t see them as an ally.
Sarah G- Omg where do I even start with Sarah G? Okay well she harassed and threatened me in the black hole last season (as a punishment). I still get PTSD from pings. I told her I don’t hate her, and that is true but I will NOT work with her unless my life depends on it. I will make it my goal to get her out ASAP. 
Wren- I’ve talked to Wren a little bit and she seems like such a sweetheart. Definitely someone I might be willing to work with. 
Right now, my thoughts are to form a 6 person alliance with 3 solars (Frosby, Bob, and Elijah) and 3 lunars (Gabe, Cheatham, and myself). Frosby and I agreed to meet up again after assessing the cast and we’ll go from there. With this twist in place, I think having 3 from each group would be a good idea. 
Elijah and I haven’t had much of a conversation, im going to continue trying to stay under the radar and let Elijah make enemies of his own. I won’t attempt to ally with him, for fear of being seen as a suck up- I’ll just try to be kind to him and pose not as much of a threat. My bet is he will nominate the other two highest scores, either that or someone he particularly dislikes. I’m kinda mad I didn’t get HoH, but I’ll get it next time for sure.
So the HOH came down to Gabe and Elijah. Before it was announced, I was lowkey praying for Elijah to win over Gabe just because I have connected more to Elijah than I have with Gabe. He and I talked a little bit last night but I feel like that wouldn’t have been enough if he were to win. I’m hoping I’m good with Elijah because he seems really chill and he’s definitely someone I’d want to work with moving forward. I’m kinda hoping he nominates people from the other side because I do believe that team has more threats (just based off of first impressions). 
As far as who I’ve been connecting with, I have basically talked to everyone on the cast with the exception of a few, but I’d say I’m more connected to Rodney and Roxy. Rodney and I have a little secret that no one else needs to know 😏 and that’s that we know each other! I met Rodney through a game we’re currently playing (OBB) and he’s been my number 1 ally in that game since week 1. We’ve become so close that we were talking about wanting to play another game together. He’s the one that actually sent me the app to this game so if it weren’t for Rodney I would not be here rn. He is 100% my number one ally in this game. And I want to make it far with him. But with this twist, it makes me so scared because we are on the same team and whoever wins hoh has the possibility of having to nominate from their own team. I hope he and I can survive and make it very far in this game together. Anyways I’m pretty sure like half of this cast knows each other and have some sort of pre deals going on anyways so I don’t feel bad. 🤪 I just don’t want to openly make it seem like we know each other so we don’t become targets, so RODNEY WHO??? Haha jk. They better not come for him or come for me bc it’s gonna go downnn😈. (Lmao)
With Roxy, it’s so easy to carry a conversation with and I feel like me and her are similar in a lot of ways so we kinda have gravitated towards each other. 
I’m hoping to make more connections obviously as the game progresses. 
The twist: 
The twist is pretty cute ngl but it can fuck up my game 😫😫 which I don’t like. The fact that my own teammate can nominate me just doesn’t sit right with my spirit. I’m hoping I can avoid the block but we will see. 🥰 I’m so curious to know who Elijah is gonna nominate. Gonna try to find out where his head is at. 
Anyways that’s all for now, sorry for writing so much <3
so.. i’m not very close to eli.. but we talked abt trees!! idk how promising that is. i’m trying to hang low, but i might’ve screwed up. what if people target me because they think i’m just a waste of space? i have to win the next comp that comes around.. or i need to get some “special power”.. either way, i have to get out of the shadows if i want people to see me as a game player.
I don't really mind Elijah winning, but at the same time, I haven't connected to him all that much so far so maybe I'm at risk. Who really knows? However, I have made my immediate connections with Frosby and Brooke that give me allies on both sides of the house immediately. Frosby is wary of Brooke, but that's dumb to worry about this early---everyone will want to stay safe. I get on super well with Rodney as well, loveeee talking BB with him so much. I'm trying to mend fences with Mackenzie, just don't have the energy for it lol. As far as the twist is concerned, I like the idea of it and I feel like it's not an overarching twist that will take away from gameplay so I see it like this: normal weeks as an option is great, but every other week it probably benefits me more to work with the other side. If you are going on the block by your own side, then you need the other side's votes. If you are going up at their hands, then you need to have good bonds with them. If they are getting nominated by either side, who friggin cares because it won't be me! I guess there are some benefits to maintaining relationships on my own side, but strategically, you cover more bases by cozying up to them.
so eli wants to make me a pawn against jordyn.. and that slightly worries me. she’s extremely inactive, so maybe i wouldn’t be kicked off. but everyone knows pawns go home a TON. i don’t know how i feel about it.. but if it wins me an one on one alliance.. it’s worth it. especially such a strong player. this can backfire or help me a ton. 
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eyedelater · 7 years
post about the rest of the ajin anime (seasons 1 and 2)
(nothing special, just a liveblog post)
ajin episode 6
i see that the animation budget saved by doing CGI was instead spent on the fluttery shifty effects of the black ghosts
so satou's ghost is also anvil-headed
right, nagai doesn't have much empathy... hmm... hmm... that doesn't excuse his being an asshole at times
tosaki sure is eager to jump to conclusions as to why satou didn't bring out his ghost
ohh, ghost-to-ghost head collisions can bump some memories back and forth, interesting, i forgot about that...
huh, what is eriko calling kei "onii-chan" for at a time like this? she called him "nii-san" to his face and i think in front of everyone who talked to her about him, right? was that her way of expressing worry about him...?
episode 7
tosaki's gotta get that dekai kane
right, of course he's motivated by comatose fiance. doesn't excuse any of the shit he's done
episode 8
nakano kou. do we seriously have a kei, a kai, and a kou? sounds like a bit of a natural OT3 tbh
episode 9
there we go, nagai kei finally being an indisputable asshole
oh, right, big pharma makes an appearance as an antagonist
sokabe has a very silly face.
i already forgot what IBM stands for and can only come up with IBM he company or ICBM (intercontinental ballistic missile) without the C
right, ogura's distinguishing feature was not only smoking cigarettes, but being unreasonably dedicated to his brand of smokes in particular. so dumb
episode 10
ogura says a black ghost can only be used once or twice a day, but didn't nagai kei whip em out one after another like it was no thing? is that his special protagonist power that makes him differentiated enough to be the protagonist?
kei's ghost learned how to fell a tree from minecraft
do they really have huge screens up in cities complete with booming audio? the screens are nothing new, but the audio seems unusual to me
episode 11
oh, tosaki finally learned satou's name. from satou's video.
yamanaka-san bought him an oPhone8
"life and money are synonymous" sounds like your typical CEO
omfg satou rode the sinking tower and had a great time
sokabe is still calling satou "hat guy." get with the picture
episode 12
this just in: does satou sometimes substitute a "sh" sound in for an "s" sound?
episode 13
kei demonstrates his shittiness by holding a knife to yamanaka-san's neck after getting sniped. what a dick. oh wait he made it work. well whatever
tosaki says nagai kei is not a fool and as such he probably already scouted out the area, but tosaki immediately also says nagai kei has probably exhausted his black ghost uses for the day, something a fool would do because only a fool doesn't know their own limits and try to use them tactically in such a situation
time for season 2 i guess, episode 2-1
this OP isn't bad i guess
these subs having sokabe say "it's normal for a subordinate to greet his senpai." listen, if you use "senpai," you gotta also use "kohai," and if you use "subordinate," you also gotta use "superior" you can't just pick and choose which words you want to translate
this ending song is horrible
ep 2-2
sakurai emerging from the airplane toilet clearly zipping up his fly out of frame and seeing satou and his eyebrows just turn on a fulcrum and then turn backward like they're pinball flippers
ep 2-3
ah. i was musing over what must be the most popular ship for ajin, thinking maybe kei/kai or kei/kou or tosaki/ogura, but i've had a bit of a realization, and if i know the hearts of the BL community at all, their favorite ship is probably some sinful shit like tosaki/kei. i’ll find out soon enough whether i’m right (haven’t looked at any ajin pixiv tags yet)
ep 2-4
kotobuki, eh. seems like a charming character. oh, this bandanna delinquent is pulling the ol' pee-and-chat
kaito, everyone's favorite punching bag
for the record, i know i've read beyond this point in the manga, but i don't remember shit except that i left off around a chapter where we see shimomura's history.
kotobuki has a small head, maybe he just squeezed through some bars to escape
ah, i just realized the other anime this kinda reminds me of: zankyou no terror. it's got the police/government and the american government trying to intervene aspect to it.
carly meyers doesn't have any kind of american accent... i was kinda hoping she would
neither does doug here. i guess they didn't have voice actors who would have some fun doing a bad accent... or maybe they didn't see it as appropriate
holy FUCK, kaito executed a flying dropkick even though he wasn't on higher ground or anything, what the fuck
kotobuki asks kai what nagai kei is like and i earnestly half-expected him to reply "he's scum" like everyone else does
oh, so kotobuki's got a winged kuro-chan. lucky... 
i forgot to write about this in the episode where it was said, but that iowan ajin whose ghost was driving a tractor is such a perfect image i can't stop thinking about it
ep 2-5
so i guess satou's catchphrase is "sssshate" (bc he kinda does a "sha" instead of a "sa") (meaning "now, then.")
the first OP wasn't skippable but i find myself needing to skip this one
there's lots of "pulling up live television broadcasts via a non-television device" in this anime
kou calling shimomura "izumi-san" pls
i like how whoever is nearest the whiteboard is the one to cross the latest victim off the target list
ok, if tosaki is about to be fired (which, hasn't he been for a while now?), that made me think, why is he concerned about his job when he's doing this conspiring with ogura and nagai etc hidden from his superiors? is he concerned about stopping satou, or is he still only concerned about money for his fiancee...? is he getting hella paid for this even though he's less involved in the torture (the real moneymaking activity) than before?
i don't like this dynamic btwn american guy and carly meyers where he keeps correcting her gruffly and she keeps backing off and looking afraid/ashamed.
they had nakano put on a satou hat to be satou ;w;
did shimomura just plug a flash drive into her phone? what kind of compatibility we got in this time period?
how long do neck-stab sedatives take to kick in in real life?
carly meyers's kuro-chan has a gem-shaped head
why don't all ajins just keep a knife or something on them to cut their own throat whenever they get hurt
ep 2-6
tainaka yoko. yup, this is about where i left off in the manga, i believe
whoa there, tosaki just got tased right in the nib nob. that's dirty, american doug
i can't say i feel bad for tosaki getting tortured.
ep 2-7
shut your ungrateful mouth, tosaki, shimomura was LITERALLY just doing her job, which you TOLD HER WAS HER JOB: PROTECTING YOU
how in the fuck did satou get away with playing dead when the other side KNOWS it's ajins they're fighting
why isn't ogura, a native english speaker, the one writing an email to the defense department
ep 2-8
this new OP is ok
ep 2-10
(i spent all of 2-9 doing origami instead of typing)
tosaki don't relapse on your smoking habit :( that's not gonna do anyone any good.
ep 2-11
kai busts in with his signature move and saves the day and he's started calling kotobuki "senpai"
so kei's signature line to kai is "i really have to pee"
kai's like "you're wrong. he (kei) isn't an idiot." that's right, he's actually trash, ask anyone
i can't emphasize enough how bad this ending theme is
ep 2-12
well okuyama-kun has been kind of lovable so far, so if he and others decide to join tosaki's side, that would probably be good
isn't burying someone alive the worst way to try to contain them? because you can't see them directly. they could escape without you noticing
ep 2-13
no kabedonning shimomura >:(
wait wait is tanaka also wearing a satou hat? oh, it's just a baseball cap.
fuck off tanaka don't impale shimomura in the same way twice
oh, one of nagai's new ghost army said the thing that nagai said at the scene where he first saw a ghost :0 about the sick puppy. i like all these ghosts spouting quotes
oh, he cut off satou's head. well, that's the first head we've seen cut off. is he facing the right direction to meet his new self? he closed his eyes too soon for us to find out :\
helicopters are raining in bullets from above like in ghost in the shell (1995) (unless i’m completely misremembering. there were other things that were raining bullets in various directions in that scene so i’m not sure)
so now satou's in custody for the first time. 
so satou had an exposition dream
honestly i’m no longer sure where i even left off when i read the manga x years ago, i feel like i may have dropped it because i didn’t care for the boring military shit going on for quite a while, but i feel like i even distantly remember satou being beheaded in the manga...? but anyway i’m gonna (re?)read the whole manga now i guess. overall manga verdict: it had a distant, clammy feel to it, but not bad; the voice for nagai’s ghost was real good; they did a good job with the cgi animation, but it definitely lacks something compared to the art in the manga; the only good OP was the first one; and yeah idk my feeling toward this anime is pretty neutral.
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singitforthegirls · 7 years
This is a HUGE rambling mess about the latest Shadowhunters ep. There was stuff I liked and stuff I def didn’t like. But I’m an overthinker and I’ve watched so much shit so you know, some stuff is just super predictable and blah. Formulas (or/and I guess tropes?) all over the place. XD
 Okay. This ep. I mean, I kinda figured out the hallucination thing just from the promo so that wasn’t anything big. And the Climon thing I knew was coming since like ep. 1 of this ses. I thought maybe not for a moment because of Maia, but then the way he kinda messed it up at first it was obvious they weren’t gonna date just yet. The Blade Runner thing was cute tho from last ep where she was all “I’m gonna keep this anyways”. XD But never mind that, I’m just a lil in love with her. XD
The thing is tho I wouldn’t be surprised at all if they at least flirted with the idea of Jace/Maia in the future (even if just because they're both hurting cuz of the climon thing). Their bar talk was not as frosty.
But yeah, Climon won’t last for prolly more than two eps. They’ll probably find out Clary and Jace aren’t related in ep. 10 and then they’ll idk kiss or something. Tho they might find that out in ep. 10 and then leave the kissing or whatever to ep. 1 of ses 2b or 3/whatever it’s called.
Anyways it’ll never last and then after that Simon might try dating Maia.
Do I want Saphael? Yes, totally. Do I think it’d ever happen? No. Because these shows always seem to have a quota of one same-sex couple. It’s annoying as fuck and I so fucking wish it wasn’t a thing, but yeah. Blargh. Also obviously I’d love, love an ace Raphael or/and pan Simon (or/and lesbian/bi Izzy) and apparently the actress who plays Izzy said something about a new sexuality in ep. 10 (so I guess not bi? Or gay?) and maybe a little known one? So, I guess it could be ace or pan.
So like *fingers crossed* but also I’m taking that with a pinch of salt because cast and crew say shit sometimes and then it doesn’t happen or it gets cut or changed or something. Like a certain someone saying once in an interview that there were deliberate hints to Stiles being Bi in teen wolf but then that never happened. So yeeeah. It’ll be nice if someone turns out not to be straight in ep. 10, but not holding my breath.
The Izzy and Raphael stuff was just idek. The first scene was like…. weird. Intense dislike? Really? She killed members of your clan and burned you with sunlight (was that her or clary?) while freeing Camille and it’s intense dislike? And if I understand the timeline right it may have only been what a few weeks maybe since all that happened so yeeeah.
But the whole why are you helping me bit? Mostly I think because he’s actually a good person or at least try to be as good as you can in his situation. If he wasn’t he wouldn’t have saved Simon’s life, twice or whatever. But then okay, there’s also the whole he’ll probably do anything to protect his clan from the clave and all that, and a dead shadowhunter or whatever would be bad. But also good person.
I mean, he asks god to forgive him (i’m assuming anyways) for biting her the first time. He’s obviously conflicted about it. And if you think about what he said later it sounds a bit like he’s umh, falling of the wagon so to speak. :/ And that can be a slippery slope that doesn’t end well. (Also umh, that kinda makes two of your latinx chars addicts or something and that seems really problematic.)
And the second scene. Yikes. Just yikes. /o\ Not good at all. Talk about a unhealthy relationship. That won’t last long. At least, I hope so. I liked the bit of backstory we got from Raphael about him and Magnus, but def made it sound like you know he was a “alcoholic” (but for blood) or something before he met Magnus. Which is why I think this possibly might become a problem for him too and so he’s not some you know villain getting a kick out of feeding on a shadowhunter but someone who's stuck in his own addiction too. /o\ He said Shadowhunter blood is better or something than mundane blood so that’ll be even harder to kick if you can get it, if it’s being pushed in your face.
And people might be all oh but you ship Saphael! Yeah, I do. And they are def not a perfect ship. Both have done some shitty stuff and all which would need some addressing, but neither has physically hurt the other as far as I know and Simon as far as I remember hasn’t killed other vampires or forced Raphael to feed from him or someone else.
I don’t really follow the social media or BTS stuff or anything myself so I don’t know much about upcoming stuff unless it shows up on my dash but I saw the promo for next ep and Alec punching Raphael (looks like because of them/him finding out about Izzy and the yin fei or whatever) and just UGH. But maybe that’s also the photos with Raphael, Magnus and Jace? I hope Magnus will like calm everything down and make everyone like deal with shit without hurting anyone anymore than that. Idk. Because like Alec I know this looks bad and all (and you being a shadowhunter and always being taught not to trust downworlders i think), but punching Raphael will help no one. :/
Magnus continues to be a total badass and I love him, can we have more of him? The cat thing was adorable. So cute. I like that he has a bunch of stray (I assume) cats. But then the new cat being the warlock and all that was a nice twist. But I worry about her kid and what Valentine has in store for her! Clary better save that kid. But I wonder if he’ll use her and the spellbook to do something to Clary so he can activate the sword or something.
I love how Alec was about Magnus and stuff to his Mom. Especially the “thank magnus” bit. And her giving Magnus that bottle of booze with the “I hear you like to drink” or whatever was so awkward and well, weird and could possibly be taken as “I hear you’re a drunk, here’s booze”. But at least she tried kind of?
I kinda liked Jace in this episode. XD I liked how he defended Magnus and stuff in the party, especially after the whole convo earlier in the ep. But then Alec’s like his parabatai and all that stuff so obviously he’d be super protective of Alec and shit. But he knows Alec’s happier than ever and stuff which d’awww. But lol, when Magnus thought Jace could like feel them having sex. The look on both their faces. XD
But are we ever going to get to see Magnus and Alec like in bed together. And no, I don’t mean like having sex, but like waking up or after or something. Tho they have shown Jace in the middle of stuff and etc, so why not Malec too? But again prolly different stupid Tv rules for that or/and just writers blah. <_<
This whole vision thing. I wonder if it’s connected with Jace (tho idk if he was actually injected with any demon blood. That might be a lie?) or Magnus? (Isn’t his dad in the books like a prince of hell or something?) Max did ask Magnus like how much of him is a demon, that might be important. Also the way Magnus showed Max his warlock mark or whatever and Alec looked at him too. Just wondering if he’s seen it before now or not. Hmm.
Off course they might be totally misunderstanding that vision and then blah blah, PLOT TWIST. But we’ll see. It’s probably more complicated than they think. Oh, lol. Also ofc Clary has pure angel blood in her, lol. She is after all the main char and blah blah. XD
Also I’ve seen talk of this Sebastian guy who's supposed to be like totally evil and shit. My bet is he won’t show up until like ep. 10 or something. Maybe towards the end of the ep after they’ve dealt with Valentine or something. Like as the next big bad. Or maybe he’d even show up as like the cliffhanger to ep. 9 or something. But I think late ep. 10.
The promo for next ep. Hmm. Obviously Clary’s not going to die. But someone pointed out maybe somehow this will show that somehow Simon has become a daywalker or whatever since apparently that happens in the books. Maybe him feeding on someone like Clary for some reason maybe? And her blood being pure angel blood lolol does it? Or they kill him off? Or he gets to safety at the last possible moment? 
I already talked about the izzy thing. I’m guessing that’s where the izzy/raphael thing ends. Or at least I hope so, but I’m constantly amazed at how little buildup het ships need to become canon. But it’s not healthy for either of them and it needs to end before it really starts. Just Magnus, please protect Raphael. He stumbled (and he def had some help there) but that doesn’t mean he’s bad or anything.
Really Victor started all of this with the damn yin fei or whatever. But I’m still not totally convinced he’s evil. He might just be like idk, missguided?
Also Maia might try and kill Clary. Eeek. I can totally understand why tho. Kill her and they can’t use the sword, or so it seems. But Luke would never let that happen! And hopefully he’ll talk Maia down. /o\
Anyways there are only two eps left and I’ll probably watch them just to see how things go because I’m too curious to see where it ends up and if I’m right about some things, but I totally understand people who’ve just had enough and are dropping the show. We all gotta do what’s best for us.
If anyone read all of that you deserve a slice of cake or something. XD I hope at least some of it made sense. Lol.
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ais-n · 7 years
Ajin is so great wtf! (no spoilers, no worries ) ALSO, lots of other anime recs mentioned
I started watching an anime last night that @danisnotonfire and @amazingphil keep mentioning especially in their liveshows -- Ajin. I think I thought it was something completely different, like a continuation of another series or something. But I was bored last night and saw it on Netflix so gave it a go.
What the actual fuck, guys! This series is AWESOME so far!!
It actually gives me a lot of Tokyo Ghoul vibes, and from what I can see they first started serialization as manga about a year apart, with Tokyo Ghoul first. But Ajin feels sort of like, if Tokyo Ghoul had focused on the start of all the craziness in Tokyo instead of after there was the full formation of their law enforcement crews and etc etc. 
The designs have sort of similar vibes too, from the elite dude in LE to the MC to the MC’s childhood best friend who I also wish was in the series more just like in Tokyo Ghoul, but the personalities aren’t all the same.
I’m not finished with what’s out of Ajin in anime yet--just finished the first season last night, saw the first ep of season 2 this morning, will have to wait till after work to watch the rest this week. So I probably will avoid tumblr for a bit just to avoid spoilers until I’m up to date on the anime at least. Also, I see there are 9 volumes of manga so I’ll probably read the manga too if I continue to like the anime.
I’m feeling about Ajin so far the way I first felt about Tokyo Ghoul -- that I really like it, although sometimes the government or LE make really weird decisions as if it’s to make sure the MCs win, but imo the bad guy in Ajin is way cooler than TG. He’s way more intelligent about the way he’s systematically dismantling shit. Actually, the way social media is integrated into Ajin reminds me a bit of Zankyou no Terror which I ALSO really loved the fuck out of in the beginning but the fucking ending of that and the choice to MC that stupid ass girl totally ruined the series for me.
Also, while I loved the hell out of Tokyo Ghoul, I’ve so far been largely disappointed by Tokyo Ghoul:re (so much so that I stopped reading the manga months ago but I plan to give it another go soon). 
So right now, Ajin is reflecting the love I had for Tokyo Ghoul and Zankyou no Terror, but has yet to disappoint me like both of those did. I hope that continues going forward because wow would it be nice to finish an anime series or continue a manga series with as much love as I started it lol
Anyway, Dan and Phil--you guys give good anime recs! (More about their other recs behind the cut)
I also watched Magi after you kept talking about it, even though I’d tried reading the manga years earlier and didn’t like it. But then I gave it another go and now I fucking love that series. Alibaba is the actual fucking best and has become one of my favorite anime characters, period. I’m a few chapters behind on that one because I think the series is ending soon and I kind of wanted to read it all at once, but we’ll see.
Also, I know I’ve watched or heard of a number of the other ones Dan has mentioned in his anime recs. And for the most part, I also have liked or even loved those. Dan’s videos are: Anime Will Ruin Your Life, Dan’s Anime Recs, and Dan’s Anime Recs #2. Also here’s Phil’s video where Dan and Phil cosplay.
The main place where we differ is I didn’t much like Erased (can’t fully recall why), Sword Art Online I gave a go for an episode but didn’t get into it (but this may be a generational thing; I have been into anime like 13 years longer than Dan so I think it’s just that SAO feels like a really new concept if they haven’t seen the 10,000 anime like it I watched ages ago, but it ALSO may be that maybe it gets way better later and I just didn’t give it a good enough chance), and.... that’s actually it. All the other ones he lists I either love, really like, thought was cool, or haven’t seen yet.
Honorable mentions:
I started Haikyuu!! because they mentioned it and OH MY FUCKING GOD THANK YOU DAN AND PHIL.
Chihayafuru--my friend recced this separately to me, said it was one of her favorite series ever. I did start watching it and liked it, I stopped it because idk I just took a break, it’s a bit slower moving of a story than I usually do. BUT it’s good!
Madoka Magica, Soul Eater (the bit I’ve read), Black Butler, Death Note, Free!, these are all good.
Neon Genesis Evangelion and Cowboy Bebop are classics. If you haven’t watched them you have to! Kaworu all the fucking way in Eva <3333333, and Cowboy Bebop is just all around incredible.
Tokyo Ghoul I watched on my own before they recced it --like I said, I liked that too; Tokyo Ghoul imo is super good, it’s just :re that’s meh. Your Lie in April is really good for the most part (although a relationship thing of it bugged me because I knew from the start what was going on, not because spoilers but because it was obvious to me, so that kind of ruined the story a little because I think it was meant to be a plot twist, BUT it’s still quite beautiful and moving)-- Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood is fucking incredible and if you haven’t seen that WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH YOUR LIFE. Magi is awesome. I started reading Parasyte because I got the first volume in the $1 bargain box at rightstufanime. I have Stein’s Gate but haven’t watched it yet. 
Attack on Titan was one I was suuuuuper into when I first started reading it/watching it when it first came out but then idk. I got caught up to the manga, had to wait for chapters, the art quality deteriorated/changed, I didn’t like most of the characters and the one I did like kind of wasn’t around as much, so I lost my love of that series. I’ll probably watch the anime sometime to see what happens because the anime is much more well done than the manga, in a shocking turn of events that’s contrary to usual.
Fruits Basket is another classic and IT’S SO FUCKING CUTE AND GOOD, if you haven’t seen that WHAT ALSO ARE YOU DOING WITH YOUR LIFE.
re:ZERO I’d found on my own and I loved it. I agree with Dan on having that as a rec. It’s very interesting.
Yuri on Ice I feel pretty meh about. I know everyone thinks it’s the best thing ever but I think it’s really poorly written and I don’t really care too much about the characters. idk if I’ll even bother watching season 2. We’ll see. I kind of don’t like any of the relationships tbh. Not really a fan of the two MCs.
Hunter x Hunter ... I think it’s good through the Yorknew City arc, and I love the FUCK out of Kurapika as a character just generally in anime/manga ever, but I don’t really like the series after that. I am behind on the latest chapters. I tried reading it when the new ones came out after the hiatus but I was kind of turned off by the first 2 chapters and set it aside. Eventually I’ll continue that again.
The rest of the ones Dan has mentioned, I have yet to see but I think I’ve heard a number of them before on other recs.
You should watch his videos for more information on those anime, also you can get a free trial at Crunchyroll using their codes if you need it. tbh I did eventually buy Crunchyroll so I can watch anime on my roku and I’m really happy with this decision. I will continue to pay for it because it’s super nice--even just in watching One Piece for the 10,000th time with my friend.
That became way more rambling/in depth than I planned lol I was just gonna be like “LOLZ AJIN = GOOD SO FAR WOW! :D” but then I wanted to link Dan’s vids and basically say that I do think you should listen to Dan and Phil’s recs. So far they seem like they have really good taste in anime. 
And that’s coming from a 33 year old who’s been watching anime/reading manga since 13/14, and has seen/read a shit ton of series over that time. I’m pretty critical of series by now. And for the most part, Dan and Phil have been recommending genuinely awesome series. And I’ve found new series I wouldn’t have watched without them so I’m really happy.
Anyway those are my thoughts! I’m excited to watch more Ajin when I get back from work today! PLEASE DON’T LET ME DOWN AJIN T_T
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