#just bc you have brain rot doesn't mean other people do as well
thewigsnatcher764 · 1 month
This Post is about Fuu.
(Because he's been rotting in my brain for the last few days and he's one of my favourite characters.)
This post is mainly about questions and general thoughts surrounding Fuu. This is mainly self-indulgence since this creature has been invading my thoughts non-stop for the last few days. If some parts are kinda cooky or out of place or smt please just ignore them😭
[The research mainly came from The Cleaveland Clinic:]
Ok, so you guys remember when the trash beast was falling apart and everyone was sorta freaking out? Noerde got YEETED out the beast and presumably died or at the least very injured. The cleaners escaped thanks to Guita's jinki and the Vandals thanks to that girl's manhole. But what about Fuu?
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It is VERY CLEAR that the vandals abandoned him, and yet the next time we see him, he's seemingly completely unscathed from the prior events of the story.
(I mean the title of the chapter didn't even bother saying "the people left behind" instead of "the woman left behind" but that's prob bc Noerde was the main subject) he doesn't have any means of escape, and let's be honest,
He is not able to do anything alone.
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His whole character seems to be centured around his absolute dependency on someone else. Especially when it comes to leading and making decisions. The minute he has to act independently, Fuu completely breaks down and spirals into panic extremely fast.
Also, in this panel, Fuu talks about a "flaw" he has to fix. This could be just a natural flaw someone could be born with and that he was born with these extremely negative traits.
But in this case, his main flaw is dependency. Something like this is usually grown out of. Obviously, this can very easily be different for everyone. But, for this trait to be so present and strong in someone they legitimately collapse and completely break down the way Fuu does.
There can be many reasons, but in this context, I'm theorizing that Fuu has Dependant Personality Disorder.
But first, what is DPD?
"Dependent personality disorder (DPD) is a mental health condition that involves an excessive need to be taken care of by others. A person with DPD relies on people close to them for their emotional or physical needs. Others may describe them as needy or clingy.
People with DPD believe they can’t take care of themselves. They may have trouble making everyday decisions, like what to wear or what food to eat, without others’ reassurance. They usually don’t realize that their thoughts and behaviours are problematic."-Cleveland Clinic
This paragraph describes Fuu's behaviour pretty darn well. Even when he was supposed to fight Enjin. Fuu essentially just begged Enjin to begin the battle. This could tie in with his jinki tho...
This theory can explain why Fuu doesn't really seem to acknowledge his way of acting. I could be wrong but it seems as if Fuu isn't aware that his way of behaving is off-putting.
(I mean the amount of lack of awareness you need to pull up on the guy you were supposed to fight and lost to pitifully, calling him master'n sir...)
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People with DPD typically don't realize their actions are weird or problematic. This disorder can easily explain his weird clinginess to Enjin given he sees him as a role model and someone he can depend on.
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There are a few causes for this disorder to come up,
Experiencing abuse: People who have a history of abusive relationships have a higher risk of a DPD diagnosis.
2. Childhood trauma: Children who have experienced child abuse (including verbal abuse) or neglect may develop DPD. It may also affect people who experienced a life-threatening illness during childhood.
3. Genetics: Someone with a biological family member who has DPD or another anxiety disorder may be more likely to have a DPD diagnosis.
(I'm leaning more toward the first and second, because of smt we'll talk about a little later...)
Ok, let's get back to the trash beast thing...
It's clear that Fuu used his jinki to escape the trash thing. But his jinki is weird...
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His jinki seems to have some conscience. It can speak and is aware of its surroundings and situation. Since Urana hasn't shown us all the world, I'm just gonna assume jinkis aren't "alive" and that Fuu is a special case. In fact, his jinki seems waaaayy more in control and in charge than Fuu himself.
The way I see it, Fuu is the battery that supplements Hii, given that jinkis need to be taken good care of and be loved. Fuu is the perfect candidate due to his possible disorder. Hii is the leader, the one in charge whenever Fuu needs it, (which is essentially all the time)
The word that describes their relationship best is DEPENDENCY, A TOXIC ONE:
Fuu needs Hii to take charge and Hii needs Fuu to give him love and attention to stay alive.
Fuu's entire character is surrounded by DEPENDANCY.
On top of Hii's intelligence, he is surely a very strong jinki. I mean think about it, if my theory is right, a person with DPD would have a lot of love and dependence on their jinki, which would increase its power. Also, to be handpicked by Zodyl means you're a special case.
Hii's independence could explain why Zodyl showed interest in Fuu even with his cowardliness and lack of combat experience.
Perhaps Zodyl wanted to test to see what would happen during a fight:
Is Fuu the one in charge during fights? If so, how does he manage it?
Or is it Hii? If so, how does he operate? Do they work together or one at a time?
When does Hii come out? When Fuu needs help/is in danger or just whenever he feels like it?
What is his limit? Does he have any true potential?
Obviously, Fuu did NOT pass the vibe check and is abandoned.
But I think that's gonna bite Zodyl in the ass later for one reason:
He didn't think Fuu would switch teams,
the fucking cleaners no less.
Remember in the middle of this essay I said I would why I think causes 1&2 of DPD have smt to do with Hii? Well, here it is...
I think Hii is Fuu's abuser
Well, specifically, I think he is supposed to be Fuu's abuser, almost to replace or incarnate his former abuser.
Let me explain...
See how one of the causes of DPD is an abusive relationship or a traumatic childhood?
"People who have a history of abusive relationships have a higher risk of a DPD diagnosis."-Cleveland Clinic
"Children who have experienced child abuse (including verbal abuse) or neglect may develop DPD."-Cleveland Clinic
WELL...I think Fuu had an abuser, whether it was a parent, friend or even lover, and it was BAD. But Fuu endured it either because he had nowhere else to go or was deluded into thinking that the person loved him (which I think fits him best...)
Eventually, the abuser abandoned Fuu and my man was crushed. The abuser had made him so dependent on them that once they left, he didn't know what to do. Something was missing... so he found Hii.
He basically used him the way a kid uses eany meany miney mo. Whenever he had to make a decision, he would use his imagination and wonder: "what would [ ] do?"
As you can imagine, the love and care Fuu gave Hii made him go back to life. And that's how I think Hii came to life.
Fuuuuuuuuucccckkk this was longer than I thought it was gonna be😭😭😭
Welllll those are basically my general thoughts and theories in a nutshell. I'll prob make a part 2 when we get more info on him.
Can you tell I like Fuu a lot? Like a lot a lot?
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valeffelees · 2 months
I wanna hear you break down Davy
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How I feel about this character
davy cadwallader is the diseased mouse i want to befriend. he's such a fucking pathogen. he's so fucking annoying. davy's hobbies include: being a goddamn nuisance. he is a professional inconvenience. why the hell is he dressed like that? nobody knows. yes, i think he's hot. lmfao, ok. but real talk: without writing an essay here (my beloved and most loyal companion @drowninginships can attest that when i really get started on my davy mage meta bullshit i just don't shut the fuck up about it), the long and short of it is -> i think davy blows chunks but he's so interesting. his story is so fucked up. davy is claude frollo with a robin hood complex, that's my favourite way to look at him. nobody in their right mind is out here saying davy isn't god-awful, right, but he's not as black and white as people make him out to be. the whole point of davy's character is that he viewed himself as good, he wanted to do good. but it was to such an extreme that he was willing to do terrible shit for it, and the deeper he spiralled, the more his vision tunnelled and the more amoral his actions became. he's a really, really well-written villain.
All the people I ship romantically with this character
i like davy and lucy. i don't like how shit ends, obvs, and i don't like the shape their lives take before that, but i dunno. their story is a tragedy. i think they really did love each other, even though it wasn't good. i think both can be true. and yeah, malmage. i wasn't into it at first, but then i started reading cautionary tale by @confused-bi-queer and it snapped me in half. rotted my brain to slop. holy fuck, it is so good.
My non-romantic OTP for this character
davy doesn't want friends. lucky for him, nobody wants to be his friend bc he sucks! 👍 but, headcanon: davy has a cousin named corianne he gets on with alright enough. i mean, kinda. he thinks she's dumb as rocks, she thinks he's an asshole. only one of them is correct, and it's not davy. but they have a brother-sister type thing.
My unpopular opinion about this character
most of my opinions are unpopular ones. 😂
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon
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sircarebearalot · 4 months
there is no bad variation of the 'let's get together to trick everyone for shits and giggles' (queer edition bc straight fake dating has had it's glory already, and i don't even mean fake dating for a reason other than to dupe people, i literally mean shits and giggles)
like at least not any that I can think of i mean
there's the ansgty pining edition: where A pitches the idea to B in a wacky fun way and just literally wants to get closer (and maybe it's to get over B, maybe it's to satisfy their curiosity before closure, maybe it's because they are an actual fucking moron) and B is like, okay bet (but internally is like 'so this is all a joke to you huh') and they are going along and they aren't saying 'hey, this feels real' but they aren't initiating anything and they are just quietly miserable that the only way they could have this experience with A is if they are faking it. obv ends with like some kind of angsty as fuck confession.
there's the soft pining edition: where they literally just want to get closer together and they both claim it's for the prank for the reveal but like you know, i've alwasy wondered what it would be like to hold your hand and oh, are they not convinced? i think we should kiss obvsioulsy, it's really the only way and they go on like this and everyone either suspects that they've been dating forever and just came out adn that's why they're so shy or that they're totally faking it but at least they aren't pining in silence you know. and at the end there's like a timid lil 'what if it was real?' and then they're smiling and it's grossly cavity-inducing cuteness.
then there's the crack oh we're just bros obv edition: where they are both 'straight' but like codependent and people think they are in love (they are for these purposes) and they're like, we'll mess with them, yea? and they act like it's a big game of gay chicken except they're not afraid and their friends are really supportive and they are starting to feel guilty for tricking them but also you know it's crack so they are doing wacky shit that needs a 'no homo' disclaimer excpet neither feel like saying it and it's like full homo. and at the end the confession is lame but they're in love and that's beautiful.
(then there the crack crack crack crack one: where one is like i'll seduce you and the other is like, huh, this is kind of neat? wish it was real lol and like nobody is falling for any of it but whatever)
if you guys see any fics with this flavor hit me up please!!
like, just so you know the flavor i'm gonna give a brief snippet of each, yeah, for funsies and also bc it's my life mission to get your obsessed with the concept so more fics like this can exist and so if you know them you can send them my way so i can have crack-induced brain rot
(the examples are gonna feature WOMEN bc i've already went crazy over men and i ahve to keep myself fresh)
there's the angsty induced pining pining edition: catradora
bc they are peak pining and dumbass and angst and love, for reasons Adora pitches the idea, 'you know, just to get them off our backs, like we're dating? what! and then we're like, ofc we're not' and Catra grasps it and doesn't let it go.
("We should kiss," Catra says decisively.
Adora's gut reaction was finally, what came out of her mouth was,
It came out strangled, guttural, tortured--- and Catra, always in tune, notices and is hurt. And Adora doesn't know how to say that I want it more than anything but I want it to mean something with you so she doesn't.
"Oh, well okay," Catra says, and she had already looked a little tense when she pitched the idea but now she looked stiff as a board. She looked like she was about to shatter. And Adora knows that Catra never handled rejection quite well, even if it was about something she didn't really care about, but she just can't.
"I- I would, but it would be my first kiss," she says, as an apology. "i want it to mean something."
Catra stares at her before nodding jerkily, something fire bright in her eyes. Her voice had a bitter, abrasive quality that stirs the familar urge to soothe in Adora. "Right, no yeah, obviously. Don't want to waste your first kiss on me."
"I--," Adora explained, voice catching, "I want it to mean something to you, if I kissed you. I don't want it to be for anyone else. For a prank.")
there's the soft pining edition: lumity
(any setting really, just the premise that luz is like ppl would go crazy if they realized we were friends, you know what woudl drive them crazier?? if we we're dating--- and amity is like, oh yeah totally crazy, we should do it, and luz is interanlly like i don't think it;s crazy i think other ppl would think it's crazy but you know if she thinks it's crazy then i should play along, adn out loud she's like 'let's do it' and amity is just internaklly thinking 'omg omgomgomgomg we're gonna hold hands??? wtfffff??? akdgaydzfbkafbc???)
("Well," Amity says, smiling weakly, "We did say it was a crazy idea."
"They don't believe us," Luz murmurs, gradually becoming more indignant. "They laughed in our faces!"
"I mean, we are messing with them!"
"They totally brushed us off! We cann;t let this slide! We have to convince them."
Amity never really learned how to say no to Luz, so she said, "How?"
And that is how Amity learned an expansive vocabulary of Spanish pet names. She also learned that it was very possibel to blush so hard you stop breathing. She learned both of those valuable life-long lessons, the hard way.)
then there's the crack oh we're just bros obv edition: raris
Where Paris and Rory are just (gay but in denial but she doesn't realize she's gay or in denial?) and Star's hollow is like 'oh, those lesbians!' and Pairs is like, 'let's date and mess with your town' and Rory is like 'that's stupid' but they end up doing it anyways for no other reason than Paris' research paper and Lorelai's amusement.
("I don't think we convinced Luke."
"He's convinced," Rory reassures, as she highlights a particularly good line. "He's just giving you the cold shoulder for my virtue or whatever."
"But," Rory says, not sure why she is saying this other than that she kind of wants to. "I mean, we should be thorough. I've only seen Taylor print one Raris Valentines Poster."
"That is freakish on it's own."
"Yeah, but not to Taylor's standards. I think we can do better."
"Should I propose?"
"Oh my god.")
then there the crack crack crack crack one: nevermore
("Maybe you should kiss me," Anabel Lee suggests, eagerness shining through.
Lenore pretends to contemplate it, "I guess it's the only way..."
Two feet away, Duke turns to Pluto and whispers, "They do know we can hear them right? Like, we are all sitting at the same table?")
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protags-fic-blog · 1 year
hi!! omg I love how you write for the amnesia boys, fan content is so scarce. I was wondering if you had any hcs on what each of their “ideal type” or “ideal s/o” would be? aside from mc
this is such a brain rot topic for me, and I’m so happy I’ve got a request!! i've got a bit of second/third person switching but we are rolling with it bc I’m too sick to think hard about it
Amnesia Memories - Ideal S/O
such a sucker for childhood friends. chance raises by a lot if you're friends already
definitely likes people who don't judge, especially because of what happened with his dad and such
could go for either sensitive or rebellious people
enjoys being able to protect you every so often, but also wants someone who can hold their ground
probably in to ride or die type people, but he doesn't want them to change their entire philosophy based on what he wants
level headed people are people he naturally gravitates to because of his irrational side
loves being a protector, even for the smallest things. it's not that he would want someone weak, just that he wants someone who understands that he wants to keep you safe
likes people who take academics decently serious, or someone who likes to learn
the person he loves is his best friend. you guys do everything together, even if it's not an official date.
he's a little dogmatic, so he would probably like pragmatic people like ikki who see the world in a lens different than him.
he thinks book smarts are very cool but street smarts ultimately win him over (think taking the shortest route on a map vs taking all the hidden side roads to avoid traffic)
likes independent people. he can take care of himself, but when someone he likes can take care of themselves *well*, that makes a big difference
for him, opposites attract is actually true!! probably had a big mental crisis because it is shown that similarities are part of the basis of attraction, and you respond that the world works in mysterious ways
'my hot witch wife' 'me doing whatever she wants'
loves people who set him straight. he wants someone who isn't a doormat
all of the guys love people who don't change to get them to like them, but ikki in particular loves it. he's not against change, but after seeing so many women change entire personalities to date him, he thinks that being stalwart and having a concrete identity is so hot of you
probably likes introverts too. to me, ikki seems like an introvert, so someone who enjoys a night in would be really nice. (i can explain more if y'all don't see ikki as an introvert)
loves quiet people. not people who don't speak, or can't speak their mind, but people who can enjoy silence
probably is drawn to other artists (writers, sketchers, painters, sculptors, etc) or people who can appreciate beauty
already a very worldly person, so he wants someone with similar life experience. doesn't mean they need to be world travelers, but people who have experienced and enjoyed other cultures, or someone who won't shy away from trying new things
if you're a fan of his and aren't shy about talking about his photography, he's head over heels. especially if you know what you're talking about
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arabaka · 8 months
So many people talk about worshipping Reigen and that’s lovely, but what about teaching Reigen a lesson? He can be such a show off, not to mention disrespectful. Imagine telling Reigen you’ll be in charge tonight, that it’s time for a talk. His eyes widen and his cheeks turn red. At night, you have him strip and he keeps looking at over at you. But you don’t give any instruction. Finally, he can’t take waiting and just has to ask: “Wha- what do you want to do tonight?”
You have him get on the bed, on his knees. You run a single finger up and down his spine, while he shivers and tries to be patient. Your nails drag down his back and around his ass until he whimpers. Then, you ask him why he thinks it’s okay to be so rude. If he thinks he can just get away with it. You tell him to spread his legs and you spank him, pausing each time for him to maintain his spread legs. He knows the punishment will only get worse if he spreads his legs.
(But you have to provide nice aftercare, always, but especially if he cries)
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₊˚ʚ ☁️ ₊˚ ♡ ゚. content warnings ⤸
reigen arataka x gn! reader. NSFW. sexual punishment for reigen. handcuffs. chastity cage referenced.
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love me some punishing ideas eheh. teasing him the entire time...! ngl he'd look real good with a chastity cage that's all i'm saying!
(pics under the cut bc i needed visuals B) imagine them , so cute to match his tie ... mrooow) this idea is going to rot my brain fr. *writes it down for future ref* tinkin'...
He doesn't mean it. He swears. He promises! But he has a role to play at work, you know that don't you? Right? Right?
"'Taka..." His name sounds like sugar in your mouth, tastes like it too, but your intentions are anything but sweet. "Remember what we talked about earlier?" You watch as he nods his head, far too eager for what he's about to endure. You think he likes this.
On your hands and knees, you saunter over and take your rightful seat on the throne: his lap. He tries to reach up to you, knowing damn well that's against the rules, so you swat his hand. Gently. "No, sir. You agreed for punishment, didn't you?" He nods again, slower this time. Like a puppy trained. "Do you still agree?" Another nod.
Click! Goes one hand cuff. Click! Goes the other. His arms raised, he can only struggle. The flush on his face though... Speaks volumes. Better than his mouth. You've got that covered with his tie, watching the drool already start to stain its pink fabric.
You croon, "Aw... It's a shame I can't kiss you like this. Don't worry, I'll find other spots." One of the other spots being his cock, flaccid and shrunken. You grab the loose shaft, roll back the foreskin and kiss the fat tip. His musk and taste is always certain to drive you insane... But not enough to stop yourself from grabbing the gift box you've set aside on the bed you two share.
Reigen groans, writhing in his binds but he knows damn well he's not doing a good job of hiding his excitement. He hears you open the box, then sees you with a caged apparatus that is the perfect shape and size for his cock.
"Now, let's get this on so we can begin, hm?"
He shouldn't nod so desperately but he does.
He shouldn't drool so much but he does.
God, don't be gentle. He thinks with a thick swallow.
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fanaticsnail · 7 months
Just read "run away with me"
Snail you can't keep getting away with this!!!!!! There were Jane Austen/Bridgeton vibes but in the best way, they didn't conflict with the typical comedic and upbeat vibes of One Piece at all it just Worked. The wistfulness of wanting to live and be loved and I seriously appreciate how you respected it as a dream? Bc they weren't centreing their dream and life around another it was about what they wanted. The way Luffy had so much respect for that dream as well was so touching, it reminded me of Meg from Greta Gerwigs Little Women. How Greta had said that Meg was almost ashamed of wanted to find love & a family, but she knows her dream and has enough courage to fight for it
^it made me think of this edit I saw once and had to SCROLL to find again
(also, I love how everyone was like "she's hot" - thanks, I know 🤭)
Song-wise, I thought immediately of "arms unfolding" by Dodie (hEARTBREAKING) - it's a song not about from the singers perspective but about two people who fell out of a relationship and decided to give it another go, but it could also work for someone hurt by love once and trying again. Similarly, "Ready Now" by Dodie as well has the same vibes of learning to trust and open up again, not necessarily to love but to accept that people can be kind
It also made me think of my fave artist for the last two years Leanna Firestone. Now I could talk about her songs for ages BC there is a multiverse within them, she will have lyrics that reference previous songs and I can and have written notes and paragraphs recording the references. Specifically, it made me think of "Reincarnation" and "Love of my Life" (and you should listen in that order if you do) which is about how she had a situationship who didn't work out ("you just didn't like me that much"). She put so much into it that she was scared she'd lost the love of her life and that she'd be nothing without it ("Phantom Pain / the rapture" < one of my fave songs) only to realise that love works through reincarnation so she has a new love of her life.
So, because I now have brain rot, here are some of her songs and who they remind me of:
"Google Translate" (context wise, Not Good. This was the bad situationship. However, it is very cute) - Sanji!! From Sanjis perspective. The singer learnt french in highschool so the love interest will translate things to tell her, including "Je pense que Lea est tre Jolie" (you are pretty), and she knows that the L/I doesn't fall as easily as she does (sound familiar?) So she will tell him 'i love you' in every other language instead so she doesn't jinx it
"Gambling Addiction" Sanji! Singer has a gambling addiction and keeps betting everything on relationships and people, but keeping up hope.
"Smitten / Vulnerable" (her album has two songs back to back in one song, bc some of them are short) Sanji again! "You smiled, and it was the most beautiful thing that I'd ever seen, then you apologised and you covered your mouth because you're insecure about your crooked teeth, but, can I just say this; I'm kinda glad that you never got braces, because I like your smile just the way it is". He deserves to be loved just as fiercely as he loves!! Vulnerable is about being vulnerable but knowing that he likes that about you because it means you feel safe to open up.
"God and the Government" Sanji once again, OR Luffy. Saying you didn't think you'd ever want to get married but you would for this one person. "I'd paint the picket fence white, put it up myself, say 'i can do it alone' you'll tell me you know but you'll still help, and that's exactly why you'll make the perfect husband"
"Strawberry Mentos" Luffy Luffy Luffy LUFFY!!!! This is so Luffy. The love interest keeps eating her favourite candy (strawberry Mentos) so she'll taste it when they kiss, and L/I is so sweet she's going to get cavities but it will be worth it. So she buys and eats black licorice even though she hates it just to see him smile at the taste. And the description is so Luffy "you're deliberately kind, you make efforts to share your time, you're not afraid of your feelings and you're not afraid of mine, I never knew love could be soft, I never knew love could be light, and now I'm so helplessly sugarhigh on you"
"(redacted)" Sanji or Nami. The song is actually about a girl, she likes the singer and the singer is pretty sure she likes her back but doesn't want to give her hope and use her as an experiment, very sad. (The singer did turn out to be bi and wrote a short song about it, but didn't release it)
"TN / I always knew" (but just focusing on TN, not the other one). Anyone, but kinda Usopp vibes. Long distance love song about wanting to meet up and show someone the places you grew up and the previous versions of yourself. And even if they end before the visit, she still wants them to go there because she knows they'll like it
"Suneater" anyone (particularly Luffy tho). It's actually a song about Tamaki Amajiki from Boku no hero academia. The singer was a fan and wrote a song about one of the characters. She compares the love interest to being so bright they swallowed the sun, but she only swallowed the moon and reflects his light. Lots of metaphors about seeing stars and constellations, and comparing them to constellations, being eclipsed, heaven and earth colliding when they met, being the moon to someone's sun. "I will keep the tides in tune if you will make the flowers bloom, and gravity will do the rest and pull me back to you, just like Hades and Persephone, the boy who ate the sun and me, you have brought sunshine to the dark side of the moon"
"Right Person, Right time" any! As opposed to the song "You just didn't like me that much" where they weren't the right person at the wrong time they just didn't like her that much. This time, it's the right person so it's the right time. Very sweet
And if you're in the mood for angst, I would suggest
"Do you wanna be friends?" / Newly unrequited (yes that's the whole name, including the ""). Song about being in a situationship and then getting asked to be friends, and deciding to do it despite the pain bc you want to have them any way you can. Followed by a song apologising for breaking your promise to be friends because it hurts too much
Or "Burnt out" (breakup song, very painful, you just have to listen to get it)
Sorry for the long ask, but I really love the artist so I got some serious brain rot (other than these love songs I'd suggest anything from the 'Good Grief' EP, which is less love focused and quite sad except for 'Foreverever' which is much more upbeat and about being a teenage girl forever because 'her pain is my pain I'll carry her with me', or "Alone Forever Probably", or "Least Favourite only Child")
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HELLO YOU! I have never seen Little Women, but after that edit: I know I'm going to absolutely adore it. I love Bridgerton - I didn't think I would, but now I'm a hopeless romantic and I can't not watch it. The soundtrack for the whole series speaks to my soul.
Balancing occupations in the One-Piece world and centralizing romance is a tricky feat, especially because I wanted to lay out all of my angst at the Happy-Go-Lucky Captain.
The Luffy Fic with the Dodie Suggestions: arms unfolding and ready now absolutely fit. I adore her tone, very beautiful, romantic and whimsical: "She" could also fit that fic, from Luffy's perspective.
Now, I'm going to link the Leanna Firestone songs here for future reference:
Love of my Life
Phantom Pain / the rapture
Now then, onto your song suggestions for future fics. I adore listening to new music and sharing melodies to aid in writing.
You are putting me to WORK today, @sexc-snail!
Google Translate
Gambling Addiction
Smitten / Vulnerable
God and the Government
strawberry mentos
right person right time
MHA: suneater
TN / I always knew
Misc Break-up:
Do you wanna be friends
Burn Out
Good Grief
Alone Forever Probably
Least Favourite Only Child
I love her indie-tone and the almost spoken-word mixing peacefully with the melody. She does pain and angst exceptionally well. The way she uses her tone to dance along rhythmically brings me way back to the high school days in band and orchestra studies: I cherish being drawn back there, truly.
I can't wait to get to writing more! I'm glad you enjoyed the Luffy fic, I wasn't sure how to go about writing for him, but I'm very happy with the way it turned out in the end.
Masterlist here, just in case!
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psychewritesbs · 3 months
Ramble alert ramble alert I'm about to ramble hello again
⚠️⚠️also spoilers for the 249 leaks just incase ⚠️⚠️
A thing I've been thinking abt lately is the main differences between the big sukuna fight. The biggest difference between the gojo v sukuna fight and the current sukuna fight I think is the reason they were actually fighting. When gojo was fighting sukuna he wasn't fighting for megumi he completely disregards him at the start (not stating he doesn't care for him we all know megumi's his favourite lbh that's his boy) and by him doing this he essentially gives himself a free mind to go absolutely ham on sukuna, megumi vessel or no, because in the end he's wanting to go for the thrill of actually facing someone with his level of power, of finally not being at the top of it all, by himself. He's fighting for him rather than everyone else which is what his downfall was in the end I think. When you compare it to how yuji and yuta are currently fighting sukuna, it's the complete opposite. For one they're fighting for megumi, from the start that's been their goal. not just to solely beat sukuna but to also save their friend and everyone they can. I've been thinking abt this comparison a lot lately since the recent chapter just bc another theme for jjk is love. Like not to be cheesy but between "love being the greatest curse of all", yuta's whole existence tbh and everything going on between geto and gojo, jjk has pretty much every form of love in one way or another and yutas domain being "true love" is really just the icing on the cake for me on how this fight is definitely the more end game fight I'm feeling if that makes sense. Do I think yuta and yuji are gonna end sukuna themselves just like that? No, but I do think there's a good chance that them and everyone else on the sidelines will all beat the shit out of this old guy and save megumi together bc they don't have to do it alone GOJO(I hope I pray oh god). Ngl I've completely forgot my point here again and I'm also sick so that prolly doesn't help I could very well be talking out of my ass rn but I've missed rambling abt jjk and I also miss my son so of course this is low-key about megumi </33
Anyways happy days hope you're doing well!!!
Bahaha thanks for sending this, I loved it. "what point was I trying to make?" is so relatable. Also, there's another ask in the queue asking the question you just answered. And I have to agree with you.
I feel like Gege set us up by telling us that "the strongest sorcerers have an overwhelming sense of self and no regard for others". I don't trust the narrator anymore precisely because of what you said above. There's this sense that Gege is criticizing Gojo (and the "strongest sorcerers") mindset and changing the definition of strength and what it means to have a strong sense of self.
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To your point, I'll also add another example. I've seen a couple of people say that Tsumiki was holding Megumi back, and now that she's dead, Megumi is free of the burden of her existence and can go all out. But to me, part of the reason Megumi grew confident in his abilities and challenged himself, was because he was fighting for someone else. Doesn't mean he can't go all out now that he's free from the attachment but... they're not mutually exclusive things.
Thanks for sharing the brain rot!!!!! It's been a bit since you sent this so I do hope you feel better.
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heleizition · 5 months
u cannot just present me with gold right when i have to go to bed. i have a sleep schedule to keep to! for health! and sanity! and brain! i love them so much. ur ocs. i love twin characters, so many dynamics and all are good. the art is also just -wants to squeeze- affectionately. who were they in their past lives? is josephines 'i failwd to protec' a thing that also happened in past life? bunny person very good. love how expressive the ears can get. also cute. i think i watched the first ep of d.gray man way way back?? or the first few? i have very little memory of it but a vague plan to get back to that sometime. angel love, angel life, angel delight. the concept of god being a baby of a big species of gods is -chefs kiss- love it. sleep tiiiime, sleep well when u do byeeeee
HEHEHEHE >:3 im evil .
i looooove siblings dynamics........... so so much ........... both chronos & nath and then nell & belly weren't even twins at first it just Happened lmao... chronos & nath were almost the same character in two different stories and i couldnt decide who to keep lmao and then belly was supposed to be nell's little sister he ran from after she saw him kill their father (to protect her) (nell is an idiot) but . it jst happened. anyway
The group of oc is composed of many i havent introduced yet but the major ones are here i think except my Bad Guy. so keep in mind the story is cringy and bad lmao but i still like it to this day...
post apocalyptic earth where humans live under domes bc the outside is too toxic + technology evolved so now cyborgs exist + a while back some government doctors & scientists were working in a secret lab to implants animal genes w humans to make hybrids & something about genetic preservation whatever whatever. anyway.
eve is the protagonist. she's the only daughter of head doctor of that hybrid lab. it exploded 20 years ago which cause people inside that specific dome to mutate into hybrids (people woke up to agonizing pain bc their body was breaking and morphing and it wasn't made for that. josephine was one of those people ! she was a wolf hybrid :3)
we follow eve and her then group of friends until for some reasons (<==== guy who does not remember what that plot point was) the dome had to be evacuated. something about a deadly virus ? ofc as always the rich people got away first until the dome got closed off completely <3 . eve meets several people including chronos (human guy, future bf, hes a simp) maria & arthur (yes i will draw them at some point OTL) and they stick together to survive as the inside of the dome is becoming a battleground. doesn't help that part of the reason the dome was closed off so quick was that ~mafia~ (idk how else to call it, its not rly mafia tho oTL) boss stanislas was in here and has always escaped the government's assassination attemps thus far.
SO this virus slowly contaminate everyone but its slow and rots you from inside. terrible deadly soulcrushing. + stanislas is using every means he has to try to control the city & find a way out. except ex cop and also ex girlfriend jo (josephine) is here to basically kill him lol (he broke her trust & her heart and also killed a lot of people and revenge is her whole life). josephine at first is a lone wolf (haha) until she gets very badly injuried and ends up in a small alley where eve & her friends took quarters. they get her inside and find a way to keep her alive. also at this point the group has also met gabriel ! (bunny guy! he has a tragic past and i love him. hes my mary sue) and stephan ! (his not yet boyfriend who also has a tragic past and that jo feels very guilty about). gabriel used to be a test subject in the hybrid lab. he and eve used to know each other :] they are best friends now.
at the same time nath (who was supposed to be dead) shows up like hiiiiiiiiiiiii btw im here (hes one of stan's agent but when he was supposed to die he actually survived and got turned into a cyborg with special modification in his brain which makes him obey. but he did not Forget and he will fight what stan makes him do <3)
SO um after they all meet its basically just. a fight to survive and also moments where they're like. oh we're gonna die here. lets party so hard.
stan also realises he doesn't rly have a way out and dedicates himself to ending his and jo's fight for good this time which also put eve's group in danger since jo . stuck around . there are casualties which is why she feels she failed them..................
anyway . there are more stuff but its rly all over the place soobssss im sowwyyyy
LOOOVE D.gray man . one of my first and favorite manga if u ever get the chance to pick it up for a bit longer to see if u enjoy it ... yeah .....
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folklauerate · 1 year
Hey, just read your response about an ask regarding the infidelity AU. I was one of the people who wanted to see all 3 POVs - not for the smut, though. I mean, I love Kanthony smut as much as the next person but I was mostly intrigued to see how two people who value duty above all else and usually claim to have a moral high ground in most situations fight with their feelings and how they lose their fight. I'm only speaking for myself, but I have seen this sentiment reflected in most readers, the reason I read fanfiction is because I couldn't get enough of Kate and Anthony on the show, they had the kind of explosive chemistry I've rarely seen before and there were so many elements of the show that I wanted to change and I found that a lot of fic writers agreed and wrote amazing fics doing just that. Sorry, I digress - the point being, in most fics, I'm majorly interested in Kate or Anthony's POV. They're the characters I'm interested in reading about. Their journeys are what I get invested in. I know Tom and the Bridgersibs are great, and I love it when they're used to further the plot. But I haven't been able to bring myself to read any story that doesn't focus on Kanthony and only read other ship stories to support writers whose work I admire. I don't lie in bed thinking about how those characters would react in a specific situation in that particular AU but I sometimes write thesis in my head about how, say, King Anthony would react when Kate has to give up her acting career, or how All's well Anthony would do something, or how LDB Anthony looks like as a committed boyfriend. Anthony, in particular, is such a complicated and fascinatingly flawed character who follows his own rules and code of conduct that I was interested to see how he would deal with finding his soul mate who is already in a committed relationship. I know the fic was a character study and it's focus was Tom but I just kept thinking about Kanthony the whole time and I think it speaks to your ability as a writer that I was doing that and feeling conflicted about wanting a HEA. I apologize if it made you feel skittish. That was not my intention, I just have bad brain rot with these two. Tysm for sharing your work, I appreciate the time and effort you put into it :) and sorry for this longass essay lol
First of all, thanks for taking the time to leave such a really sweet message and explainer :,) I’m with you in wanting a more in-depth look at Kathony that the show didn’t really provide, and wanting more of that chemistry and tension. They’re really fascinating and flawed and fun characters for a reason! So I’m totally with you there.
Honestly, I really did not mean to imply that everyone asking for a follow-up was doing so for the same motivations, and I do regret saying that bc I don’t want to offend everyone. And I know you’re a longtime reader and so so sweet and definitely don’t want you to have implied I thought poorly of you or anyone and I think I accidentally did 😭 all to say; I appreciate your message and I hate that I did make you feel like you needed to explain yourself and also I’ll just need to be more careful moving forward haha. Thank you for being so sweet and supportive always, I really do appreciate it. And thank you for taking the time to send this ask because you definitely didn’t have to and I think it’s very kind of you to take the time to respond anyways.
I’m sort of leaning towards finishing the Kate POV oneshot up now, since there seem to be a lot of unanswered questions and about their motivations, and it might be more satisfying for everyone who read it to get that perspective! Like just because I have an idea of what happened doesn’t mean everyone has arrived to those conclusions too and there’s other background that the reader couldn’t know about, so I’ll prioritize finishing it, and hopefully it’ll provide some clarity for everyone :)
Just want to add that I am honored to even be mentioned in the same breath as Jo and Amanda’s iterations of Anthony and their fics :,) I feel lucky to call them friends and their work really is commendable. I’m also very lucky to know you, so thanks so much for being so sweet and taking the time to send this, and I’m really my own ramblings to that initial ask came across so insensitively 😭 that isn’t my intention at all and I feel so immensely, massively lucky to have a community of really nice people who read my fic (I’ve only gotten a handful for hate comments, thank goodness), and I feel very grateful for that! Thanks for being here, friend 🤍
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fightingthetides · 1 year
For Daemon, it's canonically Elena. I don't really do the Daemon and Alaude things that a lot of people like. I am a staunch Elena supporter.
Hibari, I'll be biased and admit I like him with Haru lol. I can see him with Chrome, but because of the way I characterize and HC, I pair Chrome with Mukuro and cannot separate them in good faith. They parallel Daemon and Elena.
Ravein, Pino, Wilfred, and Alistair have no one I ship them with (OCs).
Mizumachi-- admittedly, I like him with Kakei. Dongmin--- with the rooftop he likes to nap on.
Usually +/-5 years makes me feel uncomfortable.
I guess at clothing removal is when I go tag as not safe for work rather than the suggestive tag.
Potential and chemistry is really important. How well I can get along with the mun is equally as important. So yes, i'm selective. I see no point in shipping with someone who I can't get along with at least on a comfortable or civil level.
Literally no one.
Yes. How else can you ship if you don't get consent from both parties? Ask me.
Ship more or less to ship obsessed. I don't particularly care to do romantic ships. I can live without them. However, if you develop it a lot with me via threading/talking ooc in private with me, I get emotionally invested. Then they occupy my brain a lot. I may not speak at length about them or as often with you (bc I suck at conversations and keeping up with people) but that doesn't mean it didn't just rot my brain out.
In theory, yes. In practice? I don't even have a ship to begin with lol
I guess 1886 or 8680 in regards to ships in fandom. 5986 is honorary ship. That's in regards to ships in current fandom. Aside from that, refer back to question #1.
If you want good results, the best way is to:
Start threading with me
Have various threads of different genres
Establish a dynamic
opt. talk to me sporadically on discord. Highly advised it isn't just a one way street and it isn't just me always reaching out first. Honestly, reaching out first 1 time per 6 months to a year is fine with me, even. I'm low maintenance.
Ask me if I want to ship based off their dynamic.
Stole from myself
Tagging: I don't tag, just steal it.
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jadeee · 1 year
Hi honey for the writer Ask if its still on 😅🎢✨⛔🙋🍆❌🎯🎨🤗💞🧠(Howie)🤩😬📚🤯💔🤭 please? -sarah
i love that you put practically every emoji, hahaha! tysm for spamming me with these asks
😅 what's a story or scene you've created that you're a smidge embarrassed exists?
the first thing that comes to mind would be "hot & bothered". the teasing scene at the table during the meeting is very bold. i can see teasing between nicky and mc but in front of others who don't know them all that well is questionable. close 2nd would prob be the find the cannoli scene in vendetta but i'm not even embarrassed. it just makes me laugh or smile every time.
🎢which of your fics would you call your wildest ride?
it should be "vendetta" bc there's drama, violence, action, and romance but i automatically thought of "let's get out of here". i wrote that before "vendetta" and it was challenging bc i had to make sure the movements were described accurately since it was in a moving car.
✨give you and your writing a compliment. go on now. you know you deserve it. 😉
aww! well, when i reread my work i love the emotion it evokes. i feel tied to the characters and like i'm watching it unfold before my eyes.
⛔do you have a fic you started, but scrapped?
yeahhhh ... so a few months ago i had an idea for a nanami story {lemme just say that i truly was done writing fanfiction except for "vendetta" which was, and is, still unfinished as a series. i wanted to focus on ocs and original plots but i got swept away by nanami kento and just had to write smthn about him. i had severe brain rot}
i was inspired by this post i saw of men on their knees in front of women/their lovers and thought of nanami on his knees for his s/o, wtv the reason may be. the premise was that he was late for a special dinner at a fancy restaurant that they made reservations for months ago. he got held up at work and was going to meet mc there, but then told them to go on without him anyway. so he ends up meeting mc at their shared home and they're livid, just ready to lay it on him. they don't get the chance to bc as soon as he sees them sitting in the loveseat in their living room he's apologizing like crazy. mc doesn't have the heart to go off so they just do some light teasing instead. i imagine it would've went smthn like
"i don't believe you."
"how can i prove it to you?"
"you can beg."
he took a deep breath and walked toward you. he placed his hands over yours which were on the armrest then sank down to his knees. then he rested his face in your lap and brought your hands to his cheeks, "is this better?"
🙋‍♀️ do any irl people know you write fanfic?
yes. i've told a handful of ppl and surprisingly it's become smthn a few of my coworkers and i bond over.
🍆do you write the spicy stuffs? if so, what's your most popular nsfw fic?
i do, or at least i have. my most popular is a hc about nicky treating mc, if y'know what i mean {i know the policy changed with mature content on here so i'm treading very carefully lol}.
❌what's a trope you will never write?
i can't really think of one atm. the ones that i know of are --- OH WAIT i have one, so anything to do with age gaps and minors getting involved with older characters, like lolita-type stuff 🙅🏾‍♀️🙅🏾‍♀️🙅🏾‍♀️ idk if it's a trope but it won't be happening here.
🎯have any of your readers accurately guessed major plot points? care to share which?
i'm not sure i've ever had anyone guess what will happen in a story or chapter {i'm referring to "vendetta" here}.
🎨how do you feel about fan art of your stories?
oh i love it! i remember a couple people made something based off of vendetta and it really took me by surprise. i couldn't believe they were influenced to the point of creating smthn.
🤗 what advice would you give to new fanfic writers that are just getting started?
do it for yourself and not for others. don't worry about who will and won't see it. just write, don't think too much about how or when bc it'll come together in the end, and enjoy it.
💞 who's your comfort character?
i don't have one rn but since this is focused on fanfiction, i would say nicky and nanami. nicky just feels so familiar at this point and with nanami, he's so relatable. from my pov, he wants a simple life. he doesn't wanna work at an office and he doesn't really wanna work as a sorcerer. if anything, cooking at home and going to get bread from the bakery is all he wants to do most days {and travel from time to time} and that's very relatable.
🧠pick a character (howie) and i'll tell you my favorite headcanon for them.
my favorite hc about howie is prob the boyfriend hc bc it's so wholesome. he'd really be the sweet and thoughtful boyfriend. the thought of mc being swallowed whole by his shirts and him wearing their shirt which is a smidge too tight 🥹
🤩who is your favorite character to write?
nicky! his personality really allows for this nice mix of playfulness and seriousness/melancholy. i admire his charm and wit as well. i loved writing the more hidden sides of his character too, like in "midnight" or "what are you hiding?" overall, he has this nice balance that gives me a lot of room to play with as a writer.
😬which of your fics would you be most horrified for friends, family, or coworkers to stumble upon?
definitely any of my nsfw works bc i'm reserved for the most part at work. it takes a while for me to open up completely so i think ppl would be like 'idk she was into that' or the complete opposite 'it makes since bc she's so quiet'. my friends wouldn't really care tbh, they'd prob make jokes or gimme ideas. my family?! 💀 i'd prob be doused in holy oil.
📚would you ever want to turn writing into a career?
yes! when i was younger i often thought it was a bad idea to pursue your passion as a career or major in college bc then you'd have deadlines and guidelines; and i saw that as a sorta crutch on my creative freedom as an artist but now i believe the complete opposite.
🤯what's a genre you struggle with as a writer (ex. romance, action, etc.)?
i would say fantasy. in terms of fanfiction, i've mainly written romance with a bit of drama and some action. i've tried writing fantasy before and it requires a bit more artistry - there's world building, figuring out the land, if there are animals, what kinda powers characters have, how magic works, and sm more.
💔is there a fic of yours that broke your heart?
if mc died before their wedding night. there's smthn about seeing a good-hearted person get what they deserve only to lose it in the end. i don't take joy in it, there's just some sort of unspeakable pain there where you can't look away.
🤭do you have a favorite tag to use when posting your works?
#madebyjade bc it's like my signature in a way and it's smthn i made and stuffed bits and pieces of myself inside.
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clay-core · 2 years
:000 kris PLEASE tell me about the mianite multiverse stuff i would love to hear it -meri
MERI MY BELOVED!! okay so I am going to say sorry in advance bc this is going to be a LOT of me rambling
Background on where this all came from: me wanting Captain Sparklez to be added to Dsmp (and the brain rot that has started from there)
So back awhile ago (mid 2014) Captain joined a server called Mianite, it had a bunch of other people on it, that were big at the time and friends of Cap. It had the starting of lore from the very beginning and it got to the point by the end of Mianite season 2 one of the gods dying but for my own mental stablitiy, I am going to be ignoring that.
The gods are Mianite (god of Justice), Dianite (god of Chaos) and Ianite (goddess of Balance) They are all siblings and depending on which timeline you are in it depends on who the oldest is.
In the SMP multiverse stuff I am going to be operating as Mianite as the oldest followed by Ianite and then Dianite being the yougest.
Now this is also going to have to dip into a little bit of shit about how I think that universes and shit work based on my understanding of dnd as well!
So you have the planes (where the players live/ can interact with) and then Timelines. Planes normally reflect the Material Plane and then you have the Feywild and the Shadowfell (this in dnd terms). Now if we bring those over to Minecraft, we have the Overworld (the material plane) the End (the Feywild) and the Nether (the Shadowfell). In relation to the DSMP and Mianite (and technically we could throw in BearSMP and Hermitcraft as well but this part really doesn't affect them at least I think) Normally the end either did not exist or it was barred from player access usually guarded by a god/Demi-god. Timelines will operate the same way as normal time would flow but it is just MUCH harder to get to another timeline and not another plane. And the gods exist outside of all of this
Now here is where I am going to start doing mental flips but just keep with me.
We have the deities of the greater Minecraft Lore SMP Cinematic universe: Mumza (the goddess of Death), DreamXD (who I am going to be refering to as a Demi-god in this respect), The watchers (chat), and then the -ites who controlled the Overworld, End and the Nether (in order of their birth in this theory)
I can go more into what I think the God timeline that is going on with this if you would like but the gist of it is is that Ianite is locked in the end by her brothers and they appointed DreamXD to protect the End to make sure that no one was going to get into it. Mumza who is the Goddess of Death says fuck that to the -ite brothers and visits Ianite. (in this as well they joint rule over the end kind of) Also since there is a block over the end those who are from it/ visit there, they will have memory issues (BOOM RANBOO LORE THROWN IN). Also that means that the remaining -ites need to choose champions just incase. So because I think dream made an off hand comment about being Chaos Im making him the champion of Dianite and then Techno being the champion of Mianite. (I think its being worked on on that end). Mumza has Phil and The watchers say they don't need anyone but they have Grian in a separate timeline. This would also mean that they would be appointed to partial demi-god status depending on who we are discussing here.
Anyways This makes the lore nice and pretty in my brain as there is some unknown explanations for some of it but most of it is just in my head so like if you have questions please ask bc I love talking about this!!
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mean-allodyke · 5 years
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womenfrommars · 2 years
I'm sick of people pretending this is the same as Palestine or Afghanistan or whatever. I'm sick of people also pretending no one cared about those. People fucking cared. YOU didn't care. YOU don't actually watch the news and think no one is paying attention. YOU are indifferent or uniformed and YOU think everyone is like YOU! But you also seem unable to understand that caring about things around you more than things far away from you is NORMAL HUMAN BEHAVIOUR. YOU'D FUCKING CARE WAY MORE ABOUT YOUR HOUSE BURNING THAN SOME ONE ELSE'S HOUSE BURNING. THIS IS HOW THE HUMAN BRAIN WORKS. People become so alienated from normal human functions bc they're so online they forget how people act. "Didn't have this energy for middle eastern refugees" yeah you know why? Bc Ukrainians either seek refuge in bordering countries or they die bc the other borders are Belarus and Russia. Ukrainians are coming to my country which doesn't border Ukraine because they already have family here. There's a key nuance there but I don't expect stupid fucking yanks to be able to understand it least of all aknowledge it. And this is not comparable to Palestine or Afghanistan or any other conflict these people drag out to gotcha and play what about ism, as if they care about those anyway. This conflict has no ambiguity whatsoever - a nation attacked another with no prior threat. There is no ambiguity. Also "you don't care about *whatever conflict i say so I can seem woke*. Are your brains so rotted out that you think we can have any actual impact halfway across the world? Do you think we as regular people who happened to be born in Europe can solve the conflicts in Yemen or Ethiopia or Afghanistan or even in fucking Ukraine right now? What kind of sociopath do you need to be to be a grown adult saying shit like this while people mourn? What the fuck do you want US to do about armed conflict a world away? Post about it? Yeah, posting about it is solving the ukranian issue, right? How braindead do you have to be to think that we don't solve the conflicts in Yemen, Ethiopia, south Africa etc for lols. Do you think we have the power to stop any of this? Do YOU think you're doing ANYTHING to help those people you fucking PRETEND to care about to one-up Europeans by posting about it? Might as well post "likes charge, reblogs cast" you stupid fucking assholes.
I'm sorry, it's been a long day and the level of just absolute sociopathic behavior I've seen from Americans online is astounding. Shame on you. Pray to God no actual war comes to your country, pray to god you can seat there forever being a smug asshole and throwing around people's real tragedies so you can one-up other people going through tragic times, as if you fucking care. The Oscar should go for these ass clowns, they're really good at pretending they care about populations they don't give a fuck about and don't know anything about.
I disagree with the people saying Ukraine is only getting attention now because it's a white and/or European country. The conflict between Palestine and Israel has received a lot of media attention over the years, and the Afghanistan situation also gathered a lot of attention. The European Union is more directly involved with this conflict because we're sending weapons and posing economic sanctions on Russia. With Afghanistan my country was only involved in so far as that we evacuated our troops (poorly I might add). Americans are quite weird because on the one hand they support ''doing something'' (whatever that is) but they also oppose(d) sending the US army to Afghanistan. Maybe they just mean accepting refugees but not actually fighting back.
The other day I was on Instagram and saw the story of a Turkish girl I went to school with. She said people only care about Ukranians because they're white. Muslims have this victim complex where they think muslim victims never receive media attention just because they're muslim. As if social media isn't largely pro-Palestine because it's woke. Woke people just want to compare this situation to other situations that are not at all similar and then pretend it's all about race and/or religion or whatever seems woke to them. It's tiring and not helping. If anything it really isolates people and I think it's offensive to Ukranians to suggest they're ''privileged'' in this case just because they happen to be white. It's been a few days and we're already hearing these cold takes that nobody asked for and that help nobody. You're helping neither Ukranians nor Palestinians to compare for the Oppression Olympics. And yes, I agree people tend to care more for things that hit closer to home. I think that's normal behaviour that doesn't relate to race at all. In Europe we haven't seen a war like this since the fall of Yugoslavia, I think. People are shocked because they didn't expect to witness a war on the European Continent in their lifetime. That also ties in with why the EU was ever founded in the first place: to prevent war (and to promote economic relations). Possible EU Membership for Ukraine also comes into play here
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meraki-kintsukuroi · 3 years
a star is dying, but the universe won't let it.
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(or alternatively: you're burning out like a dying star but these hands that have loved you even long before will never let you go, even if it means getting burnt along.)
tags/warnings: hurt/comfort, light angst, soft fluff, references to depression and to the pandemic, and maybe probably a bit of child abuse it doesn't happen though its just mentioned, implied long-distance relationship, space, morbid, and colour metaphors, discussions about death and dying, shit writing and word vomit (bc im rusty as hell).
pairings : kindaichi yuutaro/reader (gn! reader & ambiguous relationship bc ytf not)
wc : 1, 755
a/n: dedicated to @haru-senji for being in the same situation as I and to all the other people who are as well, hang in there you guys, love you and please stay safe <3.
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"Hey 'tarou are you up...?", Yuutarou hears you call out to him in the dark, breaking the silence in the night with your voice faint and small, almost lost against the loud howling wind of the dim sky.
He shifts, twisting his body to where you are, and in the dark--despite of it all--reaches for you when you don't pull or push him away and squeezes the hand you let him hold.
(Intimacy between skin has always been a line you jump in and out of and yuutaro wonders if there ever could be a day where he can hold you without you flinching or shrinking away, and without him saying that its okay despite the hurt in his heart or the deep open scars in yours.)
"Mm, yeah..?", he asks, voice a deep low rasp from the silence that had long been stretching between you, "What is it?"
There is a pregnant pause before you speak. It stretches long and wide much like the ones before and he can't help but be reminded of sea and the sky and he thinks that even in the vastness of it all with you besides him, your backs against the grass of some far away place, underneath all the darkness and twinkling nights, and far away from all uninvited eyes. He thinks that if you were to say anything here and now he would keep it lock in his chest until the day he died.
(Because happiness is limited in a world that is almost at its limit, only holding on to whatever thin silver lining there was to just not fall into the void of nothingness and cease to exist.)
"Do you know how a star is born?",
The ex-volleyball captain blinks once and then twice, and thinks of a grand king who he had served for three long years, of a boy turned king-enemy, to a friend that he had found once lost, of a gymnasium so big that it had to be the whole universe with how many stars, planets, and other celestial bodies there had been, but no matter how much he had thought of it, those astral objects that he had thought of was only at their prime and not at their beginning.
(Those people, those upperclassmen, those players, those rivals, his teammates, had been and always been stars--the moon, the sun, the planet--his universe.
He wonders how proud, those who have seen them at their very beginning feel? To see the rock with no fuel burn with utmost energy along with others who are just as bright as them.)
"No, I don't.", He says, a quiet thing and hears you hum, before feeling you twist and turn before finally settling again, not once letting his hand go as you did so.
(He does not comment on how closer you are to him now, afraid you'd pull away and distance yourself from him again.)
"How about when they die?", you ask him instead, and across the vast meadow he hears the crickets chirping this season's song "Do you know how they die?"
Yuutaro closes his eyes, and thinks of an explosion, of bright colours and a supernova exploding in the expanse of space, of the destruction that follows the grief that comes along with the loss of something as bright as a star.
He thinks of the king-prince-boy and how he had exploded into nothing but colours of red, black, and blue of the grand king who had burst out crying hues of green, grey, and teal, of a dark black empty gym with no bright light or palette in sight.
"They, uh, collapse i think...?" He says trailing off, trying to rack his left part of the brain of the lessons he hadn't slept in science class, "Yeah they do--And then they, they, uh... explode into supernovas? Yeah they explode into supernovas." He finishes unhappy but accepting all the same.
It's not like he was as blunt but smooth with his words just like his best-friend, not sweet like honey, or rough but straight to the point. He was still an awkward, tongue tied, and still fumbling idiot even after all this time. Even when he had hit a growth spurt or even after hitting a major milestone in his life, He was still the tall awkward boy people know who had just grown into an adults body to fit an adult's clothes.
You hum again, and he feels you inching closer, but not close enough to hold you the way he wants to--needs to--
(He pushes the greed--the fear of loosing you--letting go of you away. He can't, does not, will never be selfish, he can't allow it, not when he knows all too well what happens to you and the people around you, suffer through all too well.)
"Do you think we'll go out like that?", you ask him again, voice almost like a child afraid, "Like a supernova exploding in colours?"
He feels you shift again, and this time he thinks you're much closer to him than before and he thinks that you might be facing him this time too, he doesn't know it's too dark to see (but even so, even so, even so please come closer so I can hold you so--)
"Or do you think, we'll go out like a daisy crushed by the one who's supposed to take care of it?"
And something about that question, something about the way you say those words, makes his heart scream and mind twist in agony.
Because he thinks of the world, and how its marching to an unknown point and how much its scaring people. Thinks of you and your home that's only getting so much colder with each day passing. Thinks of himself and how he's just like a ghost wandering with a lover that's slowly collapsing--dying underneath the weight, of the pain of it all, that's too much for them to bear and not being able to do anything about it because-- "the only person who can save you is yourself, and you know that better than anyone else Yuutaro." His mother had once said.
And he knows, he knows, he knows, he goddamn knows, that things are getting worse for you--for him-and for everyone else, but he will fight God and his angels if it meant at least being able to carry some of the burden you had to carry all because the people who was suppose to do it but couldn't so you had to learn how to carry it all by yourself even after all this time.
Because Yuutaro with all his awkwardness and flaws had never been alone.
You however, have been painfully all by your lonesome.
And you meant to him that much to say the least.
"I don't know really." he murmurs truthfully, and squeezes your hand as an I'm sorry that i can't help you lift your pain that I was years too late to even try to do so and now you're hurting so much that you're almost at you're breaking point, and even if you don't know why or what, he still tries to.
Because he was just a ghost with no body or home wandering around this world, trying his darn best to find himself again for a lover that's slowly collapsing and loosing the brightness that they once were.
"Lots of people die in many ways you know?", He says not having one single clue about what's he saying but continues on because happiness is a fickle thing and is it selfish of him to hold your hand and keep you safe from the monsters that was supposed to love you for a bit much longer?
"We're not stars or flowers or anything,", He says with a finality he didn't know he had.
"We're people and we die when we die.", he goes on to say, and he thinks of an accident on the news, a tragedy in a script, and a genocide written on the history books, and thinks that for all the fire and hydrogen or whatever that makes up a star, planet, comet, or whatever. They were all still painfully human even on their last moments.
That they'd all bleed, cry, turn ugly, and at the end of it all die in more ways than one, because humanity is a fickle thing and they were no different.
That he was still human despite being a ghost of he once was, that you were still human even if you were a rotting corpse murdered by the monsters that were your own flesh and blood by the burdens and self-projections that they always had.
That the tyrant he had hated so much was just a boy underneath all the gore, grime, and blood, and that the grand king he had served underneath all the gold and silver and bronze was just human too.
They all were.
"But what if someone wants to go already and the people around them don't want them to...?" He hears you mutter softly, and he squeezes your hand again replying.
"Then don't.", He mutters tiredly just as much you are to the world, the monsters, and at yourself, "Live."
"Do you think we'll ever...", you trail off, and he knows from your tone that you must be struggling with what words to say so he squeezes your hand again because this is the only way you'll let him show his love for you other than his presence (because you're so, so, so scared and he is too, for you and for him as well.)
"Live again?"
Because he's a ghost of a star cluster once formed and you're a rotting corpse of a white dwarf floating in space with no way or direction to what home once was.
"I don't know really.." He says again, and crosses the gap between you deciding fuck it and presses his forehead against yours pushing on as he goes on, "But we'll cross the bridge when we get there all right?"
You don't pull away nor you push him away, instead you tense before relaxing again, and this time instead of him you're the one who squeezes his hand instead.
"Yeah we'll cross the bridge when we get there."
And in the dark--despite the dark, he thinks that maybe you're smiling in what it seems for a long while now, and he thinks that maybe, maybe he is too.
(And when morning comes maybe you both start trying to live again.)
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