#jpg cp
kogglyuffs · 5 months
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happy (late) 11 years of existing, operation blackout
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staries · 5 months
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i dont think i uploaded this here before but sticker sheet i made a while ago
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spark-circuit · 9 months
so for those wondering if that cake book template for the Club Penguin character actually works...
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I can confirm it does! With spectacular results!!! I'm sure Gary would be pleased to know, haha 👍
(tagging @halloweenscarf since they were curious to know! ^^)
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real-ms-awkward · 1 year
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Haha divorced-/j
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r-ookie · 11 months
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im not super proud of this drawing, i need to practice drawing penguins LOL, but heres some more ships im not into but my fandoms into for pride month 💃
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CP 8617 +2 Edmonton AB November 29 1986.jpg
CP 8617 +2 Edmonton AB November 29 1986.jpg by Glenn Courtney Via Flickr: A pair of CP's dwindling fleet of high hood GP9s bracketing a fairly new GP38-2s at CP's locomotive facility in South Edmonton.
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jesscrazydoodles · 5 months
CP Lore Bits?
Hello! I'm feeling a little sick (Woo! Flu season!/s) and don't really have the energy to focus on irl stuff, so: Boom! Penguin stuff!
Log Line:
Jimmy Arctic, an anxious journalist with ADHD and an unknown need for adventure, is called alongside his friend and bandmate Thunder Poinks, an excitable and passionate musician with ASD and a heart of gold, to join the PSA, as undercover agents, in order to help take a stand against nefarious villains, like Herbert P. Bear, who try to threaten the safety of all penguins and ruin their fun.
It's divided in three arcs: PSA, EPF, and Post Operation Black Out. Basically, two band bros trying to cut it as secret agents.
The world in my story works a lot like the game, even following the timeline, with only minor tweaks and add-ons.
The island gives an igloo to anyone who moves there, and there are districts in the igloo areas, so you can either move into a particular district or move wherever.
Smaller scale business and establishments exist within the igloo area (supermarkets, clinics, and stuff, essentials you can't find on the main map)
Moderators exist, and they can ban penguins for a lot of the same reasons they did in the game. 'Crap' is the only "cuss" word the characters can use freely. Any other word is a matter of not getting caught. It's not an iron-fist situation, though.
Wigs are glued to the head with a special type of adhesive and penguins who wear them have to treat them like real hair to some extent, but unless they style them themselves, it's a low-maintenance thing.
The color of the feathers doesn't determine a penguin's race or ethnicity, with the exception of brown for fairly obvious reasons. Even then, all brown feathered penguins are black, but not all black characters will have brown color feathers: Example: Aunt Arctic and JPG.
While the color of feathers can be passed down genetically, it's not always the case. A group of penguins can each have a different color of feathers, and be directly related to each other.
Penguins can alter the color of their feathers.
Characters (for now):
Juaquín Joel Jimenez Jordán, aka: Jimmy Arctic (no real relation to A.A)
Thunder Poinks: Not his actual name.
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liroller · 4 months
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the-rookinator-3000 · 11 months
currently watching old spice commercials to get ideas for a JPG design. because that's what that one cp dev mentioned. explosions. screaming. CGI of shirtless men being shaved into little pieces. it's everywhere. i'm so horrified. i've never seen a single commercial of this guy in my life
.......... i.... i didnt expect that ........
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erizosan · 1 year
Да, в остальные пейринги они все еще не поместились(
Самый милый клип) БЧФ хулицзин. (И плейлист с байсу разными, часть даже с хэ)
Я считаю что у этого автора лучше всего получилось показать хаос в голове бчф.
Драма плен, дабкон. Первые два клипа составляют один сюжет be. Надо сказать, пока я не глянула в описание я думала это чисто каноничный клип
Тот же автор, тоже драма, плен, + пытки и насильственный брак. И очень dub-he
Ау с неупокоенными мертвецами и кроссовером с Гробницей. У автора больше и разные пейринги иногда без пейрингов
HE, перерождение, но как сделано мне неоч
Музыка мне нравится, а вот увлечение автора с символическими наложениями полупрозрачных кадров нет. Бубубу!
Канонично все) С упором на ревность к Лэй Чунь
Каноничный лавхейт. Забавно что на ту же песню, что и предыдущий, этот мне нравится чуть больше
Кто сказал мяу... Он смешной, особенно последние кадры
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guerrerense · 2 years
CP 8882 31 DEC 2018-6559-Combination Edit Greely Westbound-2.jpg
CP 8882 31 DEC 2018-6559-Combination Edit Greely Westbound-2.jpg por Bob Bittner
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kogglyuffs · 1 year
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cpi jpg did unthinkable damage to my brain
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taiyos · 26 days
画像自動生成の準備(Mac mini[M1])
作業内容 ・下書きを元にして画像を生成するため、Core ML Stable DiffusionのモデルデータにControlNetを導入する ・前回作業(https://tmblr.co/ZumPbyfR_rAx8m00)の続き ・参考:https://note.com/atatakun/n/n4ac163fe3cd1
手順1:事前準備 1.下書きの画像ファイルを取得する ・ターミナルから下記のコマンド操作を行う (base) taiyo@Mac-mini ~ % wget https://kurokumasoft.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/depthmap01.jpg --2024-04-01 20:37:48-- https://kurokumasoft.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/depthmap01.jpg kurokumasoft.com (kurokumasoft.com) をDNSに問いあわせています… kurokumasoft.com (kurokumasoft.com)||:443 に接続しています… 接続しました。 HTTP による接続要求を送信しました、応答を待っています… 200 OK 長さ: 13065 (13K) [image/jpeg] `depthmap01.jpg' に保存中
depthmap01.jpg 100%[=================================================>] 12.76K --.-KB/s 時間 0s
2024-04-01 20:37:48 (4.06 GB/s) - `depthmap01.jpg' へ保存完了 [13065/13065]
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2.スクリプト実行エラーの対策 ・ターミナルから下記のコマンド操作を行う (base) taiyo@Mac-mini ~ % pushd ~/coreml_sd/ml-stable-diffusion/python_coreml_stable_diffusion ~/coreml_sd/ml-stable-diffusion/python_coreml_stable_diffusion ~ (base) taiyo@Mac-mini python_coreml_stable_diffusion % cp -a coreml_model.py coreml_model.py.date +%Y%m%d-%H%M%S (base) taiyo@Mac-mini python_coreml_stable_diffusion % vim coreml_model.py (base) taiyo@Mac-mini python_coreml_stable_diffusion % diff -U 0 coreml_model.py.20240401-205628 coreml_model.py --- coreml_model.py.20240401-205628 2024-03-23 10:15:06 +++ coreml_model.py 2024-04-01 20:33:10 @@ -25 +25 @@ -- def init(self, model_path, compute_unit, sources='packages'): + def init(self, model_path, compute_unit, sources='compiled'): @@ -162,2 +162,2 @@ -- submodule_names = ["text_encoder", "text_encoder_2", "unet", "vae_decoder", "vae_encoder", "safety_checker"] -- compiled_names = ['TextEncoder', 'TextEncoder2', 'Unet', 'VAEDecoder', 'VAEEncoder', 'SafetyChecker'] + submodule_names = ["text_encoder", "text_encoder_2", "unet", "vae_decoder", "vae_encoder", "safety_checker", "control-unet"] + compiled_names = ['TextEncoder', 'TextEncoder2', 'Unet', 'VAEDecoder', 'VAEEncoder', 'SafetyChecker', 'ControlledUnet'] @@ -183 +183 @@ -- fname = f"ControlNet_{model_name}.mlpackage" + fname = f"ControlNet_{model_name}.mlmodelc" (base) taiyo@Mac-mini python_coreml_stable_diffusion % popd ~
手順2:ControlNetモデルの配置 1.ControlNetモデルを取得する ・WEBブラウザから下記URLを開き、ControlNetモデルのファイルをダウンロードする ・URL:https://huggingface.co/coreml-community/ControlNet-Models-For-Core-ML/tree/main/CN [ファイル名]:Canny.zip, Depth.zip, InPaint.zip, InstrP2P.zip, LineArt.zip, LineArtAnime.zip, MLSD.zip, NormalBAE.zip, OpenPose.zip, Scribble.zip, Segmentation.zip, Shuffle.zip, SoftEdge.zip, Tile.zip,
2.ControlNetモデルのファイル展開 ・ターミナルから下記のコマンド操作を行う (base) taiyo@Mac-mini ~ % pushd ~/Downloads ~/Downloads ~ (base) taiyo@Mac-mini Downloads % mkdir ~/coreml_sd/models/ControlNet/v1.5 (base) taiyo@Mac-mini Downloads % unzip Canny.zip -d ~/coreml_sd/models/ControlNet/v1.5/ Archive: Canny.zip creating: /Users/taiyo/coreml_sd/models/ControlNet/v1.5/Canny/ creating: /Users/taiyo/coreml_sd/models/ControlNet/v1.5/Canny/Canny-5x5.mlmodelc/ [中略] (base) taiyo@Mac-mini Downloads % unzip Depth.zip -d ~/coreml_sd/models/ControlNet/v1.5/ Archive: Depth.zip creating: /Users/taiyo/coreml_sd/models/ControlNet/v1.5/Depth/ creating: /Users/taiyo/coreml_sd/models/ControlNet/v1.5/Depth/Depth-5x5.mlmodelc/ [中略] (base) taiyo@Mac-mini Downloads % unzip InPaint.zip -d ~/coreml_sd/models/ControlNet/v1.5/ Archive: InPaint.zip creating: /Users/taiyo/coreml_sd/models/ControlNet/v1.5/InPaint/ creating: /Users/taiyo/coreml_sd/models/ControlNet/v1.5/InPaint/InPaint-5x5.mlmodelc/ [中略] (base) taiyo@Mac-mini Downloads % unzip InstrP2P.zip -d ~/coreml_sd/models/ControlNet/v1.5/ Archive: InstrP2P.zip creating: /Users/taiyo/coreml_sd/models/ControlNet/v1.5/InstrP2P/ creating: /Users/taiyo/coreml_sd/models/ControlNet/v1.5/InstrP2P/InstrP2P-5x5.mlmodelc/ [中略] (base) taiyo@Mac-mini Downloads % unzip LineArt.zip -d ~/coreml_sd/models/ControlNet/v1.5/ Archive: LineArt.zip creating: /Users/taiyo/coreml_sd/models/ControlNet/v1.5/LineArt/ creating: /Users/taiyo/coreml_sd/models/ControlNet/v1.5/LineArt/LineArt-5x5.mlmodelc/ [中略] (base) taiyo@Mac-mini Downloads % unzip LineArtAnime.zip -d ~/coreml_sd/models/ControlNet/v1.5/ Archive: LineArtAnime.zip creating: /Users/taiyo/coreml_sd/models/ControlNet/v1.5/LineArtAnime/ creating: /Users/taiyo/coreml_sd/models/ControlNet/v1.5/LineArtAnime/LineArtAnime-5x5.mlmodelc/ [中略] (base) taiyo@Mac-mini Downloads % unzip MLSD.zip -d ~/coreml_sd/models/ControlNet/v1.5/ Archive: MLSD.zip creating: /Users/taiyo/coreml_sd/models/ControlNet/v1.5/MLSD/ creating: /Users/taiyo/coreml_sd/models/ControlNet/v1.5/MLSD/MLSD-5x5.mlmodelc/ [中略] (base) taiyo@Mac-mini Downloads % unzip NormalBAE.zip -d ~/coreml_sd/models/ControlNet/v1.5/ Archive: NormalBAE.zip creating: /Users/taiyo/coreml_sd/models/ControlNet/v1.5/NormalBAE/ creating: /Users/taiyo/coreml_sd/models/ControlNet/v1.5/NormalBAE/NormalBAE-5x5.mlmodelc/ [中略] (base) taiyo@Mac-mini Downloads % unzip OpenPose.zip -d ~/coreml_sd/models/ControlNet/v1.5/ Archive: OpenPose.zip creating: /Users/taiyo/coreml_sd/models/ControlNet/v1.5/OpenPose/ creating: /Users/taiyo/coreml_sd/models/ControlNet/v1.5/OpenPose/OpenPose-5x5.mlmodelc/ [中略] (base) taiyo@Mac-mini Downloads % unzip Scribble.zip -d ~/coreml_sd/models/ControlNet/v1.5/ Archive: Scribble.zip creating: /Users/taiyo/coreml_sd/models/ControlNet/v1.5/Scribble/ creating: /Users/taiyo/coreml_sd/models/ControlNet/v1.5/Scribble/Scribble-5x5.mlmodelc/ [中略] (base) taiyo@Mac-mini Downloads % unzip Segmentation.zip -d ~/coreml_sd/models/ControlNet/v1.5/ Archive: Segmentation.zip creating: /Users/taiyo/coreml_sd/models/ControlNet/v1.5/Segmentation/ creating: /Users/taiyo/coreml_sd/models/ControlNet/v1.5/Segmentation/Segmentation-5x5.mlmodelc/ [中略] (base) taiyo@Mac-mini Downloads % unzip Shuffle.zip -d ~/coreml_sd/models/ControlNet/v1.5/ Archive: Shuffle.zip creating: /Users/taiyo/coreml_sd/models/ControlNet/v1.5/Shuffle/ creating: /Users/taiyo/coreml_sd/models/ControlNet/v1.5/Shuffle/Shuffle-5x5.mlmodelc/ [中略] (base) taiyo@Mac-mini Downloads % unzip SoftEdge.zip -d ~/coreml_sd/models/ControlNet/v1.5/ Archive: SoftEdge.zip creating: /Users/taiyo/coreml_sd/models/ControlNet/v1.5/SoftEdge/ creating: /Users/taiyo/coreml_sd/models/ControlNet/v1.5/SoftEdge/SoftEdge-5x5.mlmodelc/ [中略] (base) taiyo@Mac-mini Downloads % unzip Tile.zip -d ~/coreml_sd/models/ControlNet/v1.5/ Archive: Tile.zip creating: /Users/taiyo/coreml_sd/models/ControlNet/v1.5/Tile/ creating: /Users/taiyo/coreml_sd/models/ControlNet/v1.5/Tile/Tile-5x5.mlmodelc/ [中略] (base) taiyo@Mac-mini Downloads % popd ~
手順3:モデルデータ更新 1.conda仮想環境を有効にする ・ターミナルから下記のコマンド操作を行う (base) taiyo@Mac-mini ~ % conda activate coreml_sd
2.既存のモデルデータにControlledUnet.mlmodelcを追加する ・モデル名:Disney Pixar Cartoon Type A ・ターミナルから下記のコマンド操作を行う (coreml_sd) taiyo@Mac-mini ~ % cd coreml_sd (coreml_sd) taiyo@Mac-mini coreml_sd % python -m python_coreml_stable_diffusion.torch2coreml \ --convert-unet --unet-support-controlnet --bundle-resources-for-swift-cli \ --model-version ./models/v1.5/disneyPixarCartoon_v10.diffusers \ -o ./models/v1.5/disneyPixarCartoon_v10 \ --latent-h 96 --latent-w 96 --attention-implementation ORIGINAL
scikit-learn version 1.4.1.post1 is not supported. Minimum required version: 0.17. Maximum required version: 1.1.2. Disabling scikit-learn conversion API. Torch version 2.2.1 has not been tested with coremltools. You may run into unexpected errors. Torch 2.1.0 is the most recent version that has been tested. INFO:main:Initializing DiffusionPipeline with ./models/v1.5/disneyPixarCartoon_v10.diffusers.. [以下略]
3.ControlNetモデルのシンボリックリンクを追加する ・ターミナルから下記のコマンド操作を行う (coreml_sd) taiyo@Mac-mini coreml_sd % ln -s \ ~/coreml_sd/models/ControlNet/v1.5/Canny/Canny-7x7.mlmodelc \ ~/coreml_sd/models/v1.5/disneyPixarCartoon_v10/Resources/ControlNet_Canny-7x7.mlmodelc (coreml_sd) taiyo@Mac-mini coreml_sd % ln -s \ ~/coreml_sd/models/ControlNet/v1.5/Depth/Depth-7x7.mlmodelc \ ~/coreml_sd/models/v1.5/disneyPixarCartoon_v10/Resources/ControlNet_Depth-7x7.mlmodelc (coreml_sd) taiyo@Mac-mini coreml_sd % ln -s \ ~/coreml_sd/models/ControlNet/v1.5/InPaint/InPaint-7x7.mlmodelc \ ~/coreml_sd/models/v1.5/disneyPixarCartoon_v10/Resources/ControlNet_InPaint-7x7.mlmodelc (coreml_sd) taiyo@Mac-mini coreml_sd % ln -s \ ~/coreml_sd/models/ControlNet/v1.5/InstrP2P/InstrP2P-7x7.mlmodelc \ ~/coreml_sd/models/v1.5/disneyPixarCartoon_v10/Resources/ControlNet_InstrP2P-7x7.mlmodelc (coreml_sd) taiyo@Mac-mini coreml_sd % ln -s \ ~/coreml_sd/models/ControlNet/v1.5/LineArt/LineArt-7x7.mlmodelc \ ~/coreml_sd/models/v1.5/disneyPixarCartoon_v10/Resources/ControlNet_LineArt-7x7.mlmodelc (coreml_sd) taiyo@Mac-mini coreml_sd % ln -s \ ~/coreml_sd/models/ControlNet/v1.5/LineArtAnime/LineArtAnime-7x7.mlmodelc \ ~/coreml_sd/models/v1.5/disneyPixarCartoon_v10/Resources/ControlNet_LineArtAnime-7x7.mlmodelc (coreml_sd) taiyo@Mac-mini coreml_sd % ln -s \ ~/coreml_sd/models/ControlNet/v1.5/MLSD/MLSD-7x7.mlmodelc \ ~/coreml_sd/models/v1.5/disneyPixarCartoon_v10/Resources/ControlNet_MLSD-7x7.mlmodelc (coreml_sd) taiyo@Mac-mini coreml_sd % ln -s \ ~/coreml_sd/models/ControlNet/v1.5/NormalBAE/NormalBAE-7x7.mlmodelc \ ~/coreml_sd/models/v1.5/disneyPixarCartoon_v10/Resources/ControlNet_NormalBAE-7x7.mlmodelc (coreml_sd) taiyo@Mac-mini coreml_sd % ln -s \ ~/coreml_sd/models/ControlNet/v1.5/OpenPose/OpenPose-7x7.mlmodelc \ ~/coreml_sd/models/v1.5/disneyPixarCartoon_v10/Resources/ControlNet_OpenPose-7x7.mlmodelc (coreml_sd) taiyo@Mac-mini coreml_sd % ln -s \ ~/coreml_sd/models/ControlNet/v1.5/Scribble/Scribble-7x7.mlmodelc \ ~/coreml_sd/models/v1.5/disneyPixarCartoon_v10/Resources/ControlNet_Scribble-7x7.mlmodelc (coreml_sd) taiyo@Mac-mini coreml_sd % ln -s \ ~/coreml_sd/models/ControlNet/v1.5/Segmentation/Segmentation-7x7.mlmodelc \ ~/coreml_sd/models/v1.5/disneyPixarCartoon_v10/Resources/ControlNet_Segmentation-7x7.mlmodelc (coreml_sd) taiyo@Mac-mini coreml_sd % ln -s \ ~/coreml_sd/models/ControlNet/v1.5/Shuffle/Shuffle-7x7.mlmodelc \ ~/coreml_sd/models/v1.5/disneyPixarCartoon_v10/Resources/ControlNet_Shuffle-7x7.mlmodelc (coreml_sd) taiyo@Mac-mini coreml_sd % ln -s \ ~/coreml_sd/models/ControlNet/v1.5/SoftEdge/SoftEdge-7x7.mlmodelc \ ~/coreml_sd/models/v1.5/disneyPixarCartoon_v10/Resources/ControlNet_SoftEdge-7x7.mlmodelc (coreml_sd) taiyo@Mac-mini coreml_sd % ln -s \ ~/coreml_sd/models/ControlNet/v1.5/Tile/Tile-7x7.mlmodelc \ ~/coreml_sd/models/v1.5/disneyPixarCartoon_v10/Resources/ControlNet_Tile-7x7.mlmodelc
手順4:動作確認 1.画像生成 ・ターミナルから下記のコマンド操作を行う (coreml_sd) taiyo@Mac-mini coreml_sd % python -m python_coreml_stable_diffusion.pipeline \ --prompt "a high quality photo of a black-haired girl. Her eye color is black." \ -i ./models/v1.5/disneyPixarCartoon_v10/Resources -o ~/Pictures \ --compute-unit CPU_AND_GPU --seed 65535 --controlnet Depth-7x7 \ --controlnet-inputs ~/depthmap01.jpg \ --model-version runwayml/stable-diffusion-v1-5 --model-sources compiled
2.conda仮想環境を無効にする ・ターミナルから下記のコマンド操作を行う (coreml_sd) taiyo@Mac-mini coreml_sd % conda deactivate
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0 notes
thecowprintshop · 28 days
Let the cows be with you even within the workplace✔️ Sport your distinctive fashion with this tradition designed exhausting shell MacBook case.✔️ Tremendous slim profile✔️ Defend your MacBook from drops and scratches.PLEASE CHECK THE MODEL NO. AT THE BACK OF YOUR MacBook "A1XXX" BEFORE PURCHASING.Ships worldwide. All of our merchandise are made to order. This implies as quickly as you order, we get to work on producing your merchandise! Please permit as much as 5 enterprise days to obtain a monitoring quantity and an extra 5 enterprise days for supply. We're doing every little thing to make it go quicker, however we aren't any robots (sadly). Once you obtain your merchandise, please depart a assessment. When you do, we'll identify one of many animals round us after you. It could possibly be an ant, a cat or a cow. It is price it, proper? "@context":"https://schema.org/","@type":"Product","@id":"https://designs4farmers.com/products/cow-macbook-case#product","name":"Cow MacBook Case","itemCondition":"https://schema.org/NewCondition","gtin14":"","mpn":"3947178000471","sku":"3947178000471","image":"https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0142/6184/6080/products/cow-macbook-case-cattle-cp-wc-fulfillment-designs-for-farmers-table-black-and-white-pattern_251.jpg","description":"Let the cows be with you even in the office Sport your unique style with this custom designed hard shell MacBook case. Super slim profile Protect your MacBook from drops and scratches. PLEASE CHECK THE MODEL NO. AT THE BACK OF YOUR MacBook "A1XXX" BEFORE PURCHASING. Ships worldwide.","category":"MacBook Case","offers":["@type":"Offer","name":"MacBook Pro 13" [A1989/A1706/A1708]","sku":"MBC-A1706-000004867","priceCurrency":"USD","price":"39.99","itemCondition":"https://schema.org/NewCondition","url":"https://designs4farmers.com/products/cow-macbook-case?variant=29496311578711","mpn":"","gtin14":"","priceValidUntil":"2023-12-31","@type":"Offer","name":"MacBook Pro 15" [A1398]","sku":"MBC-A1398-000004867","priceCurrency":"USD","price":"39.99","itemCondition":"https://schema.org/NewCondition","url":"https://designs4farmers.com/products/cow-macbook-case?variant=29496311611479","mpn":"","gtin14":"","priceValidUntil":"2023-12-31","@type":"Offer","name":"MacBook Pro 13" [A1502/A1425]","sku":"MBC-A1502-000004867","priceCurrency":"USD","price":"39.99","itemCondition":"https://schema.org/NewCondition","url":"https://designs4farmers.com/products/cow-macbook-case?variant=29496311644247","mpn":"","gtin14":"","priceValidUntil":"2023-12-31","@type":"Offer","name":"MacBook Air 13" [A1466/A1369]","sku":"MBC-A1466-000004867","priceCurrency":"USD","price":"39.99","itemCondition":"https://schema.org/NewCondition","url":"https://designs4farmers.com/products/cow-macbook-case?variant=29496311677015","mpn":"","gtin14":"","priceValidUntil":"2023-12-31","@type":"Offer","name":"MacBook Air 11" [A1370/A1465]","sku":"MBC-A1370-000004867","priceCurrency":"USD","price":"39.99","itemCondition":"https://schema.org/NewCondition","url":"https://designs4farmers.com/products/cow-macbook-case?variant=29496311709783","mpn":"","gtin14":"","priceValidUntil":"2023-12-31","@type":"Offer","name":"MacBook Pro 15" [A1990/A1707]","sku":"MBC-A1707-000004867","priceCurrency":"USD","price":"39.99","itemCondition":"https://schema.org/NewCondition","url":"https://designs4farmers.com/products/cow-macbook-case?variant=29496311545943","mpn":"","gtin14":"","priceValidUntil":"2023-12-31","@type":"Offer","name":"MacBook 12" [A1534]","sku":"MBC-A1534-000004867","priceCurrency":"USD","price":"39.99","itemCondition":"https://schema.org/NewCondition","url":"https://designs4farmers.com/products/cow-macbook-case?variant=29496311742551","mpn":"","gtin14":"","priceValidUntil":"2023-12-31","@type":"Offer","name":"MacBook 13" [A1932]","sku":"MBC-A1932-000004867","priceCurrency":"USD","price":"39.99","itemCondition":"https://schema.org/NewCondition","url":"https://designs4farmers.com/products/cow-macbook-case?variant=29496311775319","mpn":"","gtin14":"","priceValidUntil":"2023-12-31"]
0 notes
mycovenofchaos · 4 months
I found this on Reddit: r/ EvanPetersLovers
Was Evan a victim of CSA? (TW)
Hello everyone, many of you may recognize the photographs of Evan that I've shared down below. Sadly a lot of people don't seem to know of the disturbing story behind those images taken by photographer Robert Lamb. Robert (or Bob) Lamb was the one who discovered Evan when he was only 15 years old and just starting out as an actor in Hollywood. He also ran a model website for Evan. However, it has come to light that this photographer has a disturbing history of committing several sex crimes involving young teenage boys and possessing \*CP\*. https://www.mlive.com/news/flint/2008/05/robert_lamb_story.html
What is particularly alarming is the extent of time Evan seems to have spent in the company of this monster and the fact that he did a private photoshoot with him, where he appears to be naked. (Won't post it here but you can easily look it up). Also troubling is the fact that Evan seems noticeably drugged during an "interview" which Lamb filmed for his website. The website doesn't exist anymore but you can still watch the clip on Youtube: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vTZghxN9kwc&t=8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vTZghxN9kwc&t=86s)
I think it should be apparent to anyone that something isn't quite "right".
The deeper I delved, the more disturbing things I found, such as creepy sexually suggestive poems written by Evan which I found on Tumblr and some more pictures of the two of them together. The fact that a teenager spent 2+ years working with a convicted child sex offender is just really unsettling and makes me feel worried that something may have happened.
Another sad fact that I learned is that survivors of child sexual abuse are at an increased risk of experiencing domestic violence in adulthood and are more likely to struggle with lower self-esteem, which would happen to be something Evan struggles with as well. Truly heart breaking!
What do you guys think?
⚠️ TW.
This is very controversial. But it really could explain a lot. 😔
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CP 5825 505 Thamesford ON Feb 18 1995.jpg by Glenn Courtney Via Flickr: There are probably too many trees grown up in the foreground to take this shot today but that was not a concern back in 1995. A typical, for the time, locomotive consist on CP had to include at least one leaser. #505 was headed for Detroit crossing the less famous Thames River.
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