#jordan cwierz and miles luna's camp camp
thatfreak03 · 12 days
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(Sorry for any spelling, grammar, or drawing mistakes)
I drew Sasha in a Hexside uniform.
I think Sasha would study potion, healing, and plant magic because they are similar to herbology, and I think she would study abomination magic because she would like to use the abominations as servants for herself.
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vintagewarhol · 1 year
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Spinelluva Boss AU: Ruby Rose’s Kindred Spirits (2023) 
[Note: This Drawing Will Be Used As A Cover For A Chapter Over At Quotev, BUT please remember Not To Reblog This Here Without My Permission, I can use this drawing and place it on both here and over at Quotev, but others cannot do that....respect that and everything should be fine. :) ]  
Credit for RWBY goes to Monty Oum
Credit for Camp Camp Series goes to Jordan Cwierz & Miles Luna
Credit for Undertale & Deltarune goes to Toby Fox
Credit for Hazbin Hotel & Helluva Boss  goes to Vivienne “Vivziepop” Medrano
Credit for Transformers goes to Hasbro
Credit for Transformers: EarthSpark goes to Entertainment One & Nickelodeon
Credit for Transformers Animated goes to Sam Register, Matt Youngberg & Derrick J. Wyatt
Credit for Steven Universe Series goes to Rebecca Sugar
Credit for Bendy Game Series goes to Joey Drew Studios Inc.
Credit for Five Nights At Freddy's Series goes to Scott Cawthon & Steel Wool Studios
Credit for Fallout Series goes to Bethesda Softworks & Interplay Entertainment
Credit for Sonic The Hedgehog goes to Sega
Credit for Sonic Prime Series goes to Sega & Netflix
Credit for My Little Pony goes to Bonnie Zacherle
Credit for My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic goes to Lauren Faust
Credit for Super Mario Bros goes to Nintendo
Ruby Rose has her red cape laying in the middle, and Sari is laying her head on it. and Cozy Glow’s tail is on the red cape as well.
the little boy next to Bendy, is Synth-Shaun aka "Shaun" who's designation is S9-23 from Fallout 4...
the Tarantulas in this drawing, is the version from Transformers: EarthSpark.
the Spinel in this, is what she looks like in her third form in the Spinelluva Boss AU. and at first I was going to have Robo-Fizz being the one who is resting his head on her lap, but then I decided to put Fat-Nuggets there instead, who is bringing a smile on Spinel’s face, but originally she wasn’t going to smile.
I might have this as a cover for one of the future chapters over at Quotev...
Cozy Glow is crying, and she has a picture of herself, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo, the picture of them has her tears on it.
for all we know, part of the reason Cozy Glow did what she did, might have had to do with those three, and we know their human counterparts had crossed a line when it came to Sunset and their sisters...
the Sonic in this drawing is suppose to be the one from Sonic Prime, and next to him is the Red Prism Shard, it being a part of The Paradox Prism.
I started on this drawing on May 17, 2023 and finished it on May 20, 2023.
Foxy is suppose to be comforting Blitzo, we can think of the hook as not being the same one that he normally has, and being made out of plastic.
the reason why Lancer is wearing a crown, is because he is the new ruler of the Card Kingdom, and I do have a theory that he and the real Ralsei are stuck in the Card Kingdom, while a fake version of Ralsei appears back in Castle Town in Chapter 2, and Faux-Ralsei traps the Real Ralsei and Lancer in Card Kingdom, by locking that Delta Rune Door, as well as it’s counterpart in the Light World that happens to be the closet in the unused classroom.
the Lancers that are in Castle Town, I think those are Lancer’s brothers.
the King named all of his sons Lancer, and forgets that he has Quadruplet sons who he all named Lancer, and one of them is still back at Card Kingdom with the Real Ralsei.
if Chara ever fell into the dark world after the events of Chapter 1, they could end up in Card Kingdom and end up befriending (mostly against their will...but ends up willing to be later on...) both Lancer and Ralsei.
unlike the Chara the Player sees during a Geno Route, this version of Chara has their eyes covered by their bangs much like Kris.
maybe the Chara in this drawing, could be a introvert and doesn’t like talking about their brother, the original Prince Asriel. 
anyway, Spinelluva Boss is suppose to be a Crossover of Steven Universe and Helluva Boss, but it can still have other crossover elements in it, but not all of them will be in a major role.               
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koskela13 · 3 years
Nikki: They can’t kick Mr. Campbell out! He’s never been a bad influence on me!
Max: Where’d you learn to eavesdrop?
Nikki: Mr. Campbell taught me.
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hmvw2015 · 4 years
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The Little Space Kid
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camp-camp-life · 5 years
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theresivy · 5 years
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I love them so much
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ilinden7 · 5 years
Gwen: I remember my teenage rebellion... Alllllll three of them... 😏
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We all know this is gonna happen sometime in the middle of season 4. I must admit that I headcanon Campbell and Max eventually teaming up to mess things up around the camp. Also, if you get some of the references, I’ll love you!
Art by me! Please credit if you repost!
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@ miles and jordan: hey can we have an AU Camp Camp episode where Jasper is a counselor?
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queeniecamps · 2 years
can you do a little rundown of the podcast i have the attention span of a gerbil when it comes to listening (if not that’s cool i love ur art tho)
i've got a shitty attention span, too, but here's like some of the basic rundown. i should've taken notes oops. But here's the basic rundown that i retained, notthing is an exact quote and is based off of what I can remember, so i recommend checking out the episode if you can
this is long, the podcast was like an hour long lol
A lot of the beginning (I say the first 10-15-20ish minutes or so?) of the podcast introduces you to the podcast, Miles Luna, and what camp camp is. nothing real meat-y yet, a lot of this is just for potential new viewers who don't know anything about either piece of media
Miles talks a lot about how CC was pitched to RT, at the time RT wanted a more episodic series where new viewers could jump in at really any time due to their two main animated shows (RVB and RWBY) being very long and plot heavy shows.
a lot of people took about a week to come up with different ideas (even having ideas for GEN:LOCK being suggested, but saved due to budget limitations), and Miles was like "okay, how about a summer camp show with all of the camp stereotypes like adventure camp, space camp, jesus camp, etc", Miles basically wrote "Camp Camp" on the board and Jordan Cwierz loved the name and concept, and helped out with that, so they were both making this series based off of their experiences at summer camps they've been to/worked at.
Some of the show's inspirations includes South Park, The Simpsons, and Camp Lazlo. Fans of CC came up to Miles and other members of the crew stating how similar CC is to Gravity Falls, which was unintentional as Miles hadn't watched/heard of(?) the series at that point in time.
While the series is intended to be episodic, they wanted to make sure to include some gags and details that would reward returning viewers (such as "Tabii with two eyes now only having one eye" and the "CHRISTMAS!!!" "no, nikki, it's parent's day" - "IT'S PARENT'S DAY!!!!" and then it's Christmas-- my mind's blanking on the exact quote but it's the snow day episode), as well as general RT fans with references to RVB and RWBY strung about in a few background gags.
Miles goes on to talk about early production and character concepts of characters, talking about how Fred Flintstone was the everyman of a generation, then Homer Simpson was the everyman for the next generation, so they wanted to figure out who the everyman for millennials would be (ironic considering a majority of the fandom seems to be Gen z lol)
They were thinking that the protagonist should be this cynical, "tired of everything and everyone" kind of character, being a counselor at Camp Campbell. To very vaguely quote, "they'd be fresh out of college, and (being a camp counselor) was probably the only job they could get right out of college and it doesn't even pay well, and they're just tired of it all"
However, after a bit of thought, they realized that that'd be a boring show to watch, and that it'd be a lot more interesting to have a happy-go-lucky and optimistic protagonist, and they gave Max the cynical role, and had them be driving forces to keep the show going.
They did keep the "tired of everyone fresh out of college" idea and used it for Gwen! Even having her having many majors to kind of rub salt in the wound that she works at camp campbell. She's cynical, but more in the "i've seen and experienced some shit and i'm just tired of it all" way, rather than how Max is.
As I mentioned in a previous post; Sleepy Peak and the Camp Grounds were based off of Cimarron, New Mexico of all things. The small town is mostly known for it's Boy Scout Ranch where Miles had worked at. You can see a lot of similarities between Cimarron and Sleepy Peak
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(this is the best SP screenshot i have on me right now, idk where my full ones are)
Miles mentions a bit about the music featured in CC, how certain artists would give them the license to play songs at the end of episodes (like Flint Flossy, Watsky, Richie Branson, etc)
Richie Branson stuck out to them, seeing as he wrote original songs that actually related to the episodes instead of just handing over one of his existing songs, so they hired him to make all of the ending songs you hear at the end of each episode in seasons 2, 3, and 4 (and even the occasional intermission song in season 3!)
When making the series' Teaser Trailer, the Deadpool movie had used "X Gon Give it to you", and everyone had the song stuck in their heads, so they jokingly used the song in the original teaser when showing it to RT, but to their surprise they actually loved it, so they Jeremy Dooley sing the "Camp Camp Rap Rap" which is an unapologetic parody of XGGITY.
Miles talks about some of the characters and how they really wanted a bully character (Nurf), but they couldn't think of what to do with him until like episode 8(?) when they decided he was a painfully self aware bully with the capability to self diagnose his issues, but won't do anything about it because he feels like it's the adults' responsibility to "fix him"
Miles also takes a moment to talk about the writing on the show, and some of the things he regrets making into the show and what he'd fix if he could. Some of those being the fact that the main characters of color (Max, Gwen, and Nerris) are all voiced by white people who work at RT because that's who they had available at the time, and that He would potentially get VAs of color to replace the actors (i honestly can't imagine anyone else voicing these characters, ESPECIALLY Max and Gwen, but I honestly understand, respect and support this decision!)
Miles also mentions how his writing style has "matured" and a lot of the things that he used to find funny and made it into the show just don't appeal to him anymore. He refers to a lot of the more "dark and offensive" jokes as "cheap humor", and would rather writes comedy that didn't rely on the downfall of people who are already repressed in their day to day lives (IE POC, Jewish people, and I imagine also the LGBTQ+ community but aside from Max almost saying the F slur, Nikki saying "that was super gay" in S1E3, and Cameron being like "...alright" at Nerris stating she prefers to identify as "Elf Kin", I don't recall a LOOOT of homophobic/transphobic moments in the show? but maybe I need to pay more attention)
(I imagine that D*lph's character and Bonquisha would NOT have made it into camp camp if it were made today and not back in 2016 when being "edgy" was the thing. you can REALLY tell how much influence south park had on the show)
Miles would rather rely on rewarding humor that everyone can laugh at than have jokes like this, so if RT allows for another season, hopefully they can FINALLY put a fucking end to D*lph's whole thing. (I hate that kid with a burning passion.)
Miles takes a bit to talk about the fandom-- How surprised he is about all the content that comes out of the fandom and how many new fans the show continues to have. He mentions the resurgence of fans that happened back in summer '21 on tiktok and twitter, and it makes Miles happy to see that people still care about the show :')
Miles does miss the show, and he does still sing the theme song.
If he could, Miles would like to do a 5th season of the series to end it off, but if he knew that CC was going to be put on an indefinite hiatus by RT and could potentially just be done with, he probably would have written the S4 finale better
that being said-- there is still a possibility for S5!! let roosterteeth know that there is a demand for the series, let them hear it!! Keep making content, talk about the show, show your love for the series!!
I could honestly go on more that happened, this only covers some of the podcast, but it's like 12:30AM for me and my teeth hurt like a bitch lol
There are so many things going on in this podcast, including talk about writers and such, and if you have the time i highly encourage checking it out, even if you do it bit-by-bit!
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thatfreak03 · 2 months
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(Sorry for any spelling, grammar, or drawing mistakes)
I drew Max in a Hexside uniform.
I think Max would study illusion and abomination magic.
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vintagewarhol · 5 years
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Crossover Helluva-Camp Ship: Barbie Wire x David (2023)
Credit for Camp Camp Series goes to Jordan Cwierz & Miles Luna (and Rooster Teeth)
Credit for Helluva Boss goes to Vivienne "Vivziepop" Medrano
before I talk about this crossover ship drawing (which is in fanon and I know in canon they have never met, but like the song goes, I don't care....I SHIP IT!)
not sure how I feel about the new change, I mean originally I would have to go to my right to check my messages and even go to my drafts, but now it is on the left and is a bit different from how it was before....well one of the upsides about the last update to this, was similar to a idea that came into mind before, which I think I might of mentioned about it in a post before it happen, and it has to do with placing some kind of Mature option.
and I'm guessing the mature stuff that is in drawing or picture form will be burred to some who might not be the right age to view it, but also even when those who are the right age to view it, when they sign out, the images will be blurred and they can only see it clearly when they sign back in...
well, I guess I will have to get use to the new update that I just found out about when I signed in, which doesn't have to do with the mature option, which once again is awesome and I wonder if the reason why it was added, is because others who use tumblr had talked about that kind of option as well and not just me, which I might of talked about it before in a post or just thought about it...
anyway I'm glad I was able to find my drafts, so if I need to, I can save a post and wait until later to post it up, either it be a drawing or a theory...
the idea I want to go with in this Crossover idea, is that Barbie becomes the new co-counselor with David at Camp Campbell.
Barbie is still wearing her original outfit, it's just that she is also wearing the counselor shirt over her other outfit.
I could view July 24 as David & Barbie's Wedding Anniversary, and this is my first Crossover ship of these two as well as my first drawing of Barbie in her human form.
just one more day until FNAF Security Breach: Ruin DLC.
when I do download it, I think I will wait to play it fully, like I can just maybe play a little but find a place to save, and just wait for a walkthrough to watch that is gonna be played by someone else, but if I'm able to just download it and just play it later, like not starting the DLC until after watching a walkthrough, that would be awesome.
I wonder how Blitzo would feel about Barbie being married to a human....even if it isn't canon and is fanon only. XD
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koskela13 · 7 years
I just saw the hilarious, surprisingly sweet Camp Camp Season 2 finale on YouTube, and oh, my God, I cannot wait to see where everything’s gonna go after that ending! Of course, there’s two things I want to happen:
1. David and Gwen adopting Max by the end of the series.
2. Doug Walker (Nostalgia Critic) making a guest appearance.
While I know there’s two more special episodes premiering this fall, I really hope there’s a Season 3 next year!
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xraynarvaez · 7 years
Did the writers know what Space Kid’s name (or gave thought to it) was before the Space Kid episode? (They didn’t) from here
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