#jojolands predictions
i have some theories for jojolands
This is in regards to Dragona Joestar and how they might become the main antagonist.
I came up with a few scenarios, some of which can be combined together, as to how Dragona would end up going against their brother.
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Dragona becomes a villain to enact revenge against Jodio. Jodio does something that harms Dragona or goes so far with something that Dragona wants revenge against their own brother. It could be that Jodio had a justified reason for his actions but Dragona refuses to accept it, or maybe Jodio was framed for his actions, but nothing can convince Dragona to believe their brother's truth. Regardless, the two siblings have a fallout over this, and Dragona probably convinces the rest of the gang to turn against Jodio or leaves the group to spend the series sending enemies to Jodio before finally facing him. Maybe, we find out how influential Dragona really was in the crime world and how they use it to their advantage against Jodio. In this scenario, Dragona sees Jodio as someone who must be punished and killed for what he did, whether he even did it or not, and either never knows the truth or knows the truth too late. This feels like the most obvious, easiest ending that could result in an expected fight between family members given what we know about the siblings.
Dragona becomes a villan by trying to save the world from Jodio. Whether it be that Jodio's actions become harder to justify or Dragona ends up being manipulated or brainwashed by someone else during the series, they see that their brother is purely evil and cannot be saved or changed with just love or reasoning. Selflessly and possibly through an epiphany, they feel obligated to apprehend their sibling for the good of the world, maybe feeling regret that they were unable to prevent it from the start, and now need to stop Jodio at all cost. This ending doesn't need to be driven by revenge but it could be a contributing factor that led to the ultimate fight. Dragona ends up dying but thinking they were doing the right thing the whole time and never realizing they caused more harm than good in the end. Maybe, they thought they succeeded in turning Jodio into a good person and dies believing they succeeded. Whether Jodio forgives them for never realizing the truth is up to interpretation.
Dragona becomes a villain because they simply snapped and self destructs. Compared to Jodio, Dragona seems to be the most cautious and, as an older sibling to a psychopath, spent their childhood being expected to be the responsible older one and dealing with Jodio's behavior. They are the older sibling trying to keep everyone in line. Dragona spent years pleasing people, keeping out of trouble, and taking accountability for Jodio and others in situations where someone should have taken their own accountability instead. Years of enduring this life can cause anyone to eventually break. Once they snapped, we get to see a more deranged, insane version of Dragona that is different from what they used to be: more unpredictable, risky, sadistic possibly, and unstoppable. Jodio is no longer a brother but instead a competition, a pest that needs to be beaten and destroyed at all costs. What the siblings are competing could be one or many things: money, a parent's approval, a reputation, etc. In this scenario, Dragona takes more of a Dio role and Jodio probably becomes more like Jonathan instead.
Dragona dies but their clone is created and becomes a villain instead. Based on an observation with The MATTEKUSASAI; no clone of the Stand has been perfect or an exact copy if you think about it. Dragona dies halfway through the story in this case but is then "ressurected" as a clone. Whether this was Usagi's intention or a flaw that simply could not be controlled, this new version of Dragona is mentally altered to consider Jodio as an enemy meant to be betrayed and destroyed rather than an ally that was their brother. Maybe, they are an exact replica that simply showed Dragona's true intentions hidden underneath their predecessor's persona. Maybe, they are reprogrammed to destroy Jodio at all cost. Alternatively, the clone could have been made against Dragona's will, possibly a zombie that still has Dragona's consciousness begging to rest in peace, and Jodio needs to end the clone's life; in that case, the clone might become an enemy by simply wanting to exist as their own and fight for that chance at living.
Dragona has always been the villain and Jodio is the real victim. Note that the story has been mostly through Jodio's eyes and he seems to think highly of Dragona. But, it brings a possibility that Dragona isn't who we think they ate. In this scenario, we learn that Jodio's ASPD diagnosis was switched with Dragona's diagnosis, either accidentally or intentionally, which would explain why the results seem sketchy for a 15-year-old but not if Dragona took the test at 18 and the results switched. Dragona is revealed to be the real psychopath with ASPD who is capable of hiding their true emotions and manipulating others while appearing to be the "sane" one in comparison- us readers won't pick it up until it is too late. Dragona secretly spent years making Jodio feel bad because of his supposed issues and this was actually the long game for Dragona to pursue "the mechanisms" for themselves. Jodio is the one abused by a psychopathic sibling instead and is torn between loving Dragona or letting them go. Even after the end of the series and knowing the truth, guilt is inevitable but Jodio may be able to find his peace after surviving.
One of the things I noticed with Dragona is how similar they are to Jonathan in a sense that both are the older of the siblings and both have some sort of code-of-conduct they follow; Jonathan aspires to be a "gentleman" and Dragona apprehends their teammates when they do certain actions like steal from Iko Iko or Rohan's house. Jonathan particularly ceases all good faith towards those he deems irredeemable or pure evil; who knows if Dragona has a similar philosophy as well and Jodio doesn't become an exception.
Anyways, having Dragona as a villain would really be a game-changer, as it goes against the sort of family-bond theme that the Joestars have but does call back to how the feud between Jonathan and Dio led to the events up to part 6 .
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kylieragail · 1 year
Chapter 53 of The JoJoLands when hot dog guy betrays the gang
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silenthill2ps2 · 1 year
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vic-morgan · 1 year
Here is my prediction based on what I know of the Jojos fandom- IF the character on the NYE poster is the new Jojo and IF they are named after an og universe jojo with no change like Jo2suke then like Josuke they will have a nickname. The nickname? Bunny (or something to do with rabbits)
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Wouldn't surprise me if Jodio's dad is a big drug kingpin and Jodio dealing drugs is a giant, "notice meeeee!" "Noooo..." feud between the two. In addition to Jodio just wanting to be rich. And why this JoJo is noticed by certain drug dealers; work with his son and daddy dear might take an interest in you.
Sometimes when I see a fan theory that feels like it’s really smart I feel a little upset that I didn’t think of it myself and that the story has been spoiled because it just seems so obvious now
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nikathesiren · 3 months
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"So? When is this so-called chance supposed to get here?! And what do I do 'til then?! [...] How the hell do I make the rest of this stupid prediction come true?!" - Hol Horse.
Jojo Monthly Redraw [3/9] - Stardust Crusaders
This is the 3rd of a total of nine drawings I'll do throughout the year. I'll be redrawing one scene from each part of Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, from Phantom Blood to The Jojolands.
I enjoyed watching Stardust Crusaders a lot, especially the more funny chapters. Yeah, of course I liked the introduction of stands in battles as everyone else, but I'm a sucker for comedy, lol. And although it's not my favorite part out of all of them, I can assure this chapter where Hol Horse and Boingo work together against the Crusaders is one of my top favorites! ... No, I'm not being ironic.
Next month is Diamond is Unbreakable!
More of my art!
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The first chapter of Jojolands is so fucking good dudes. Some thoughts:
Predictably, Dragona is my favourite character right off the bat. People are saying his male pronouns are a translation error, but I’m not entirely sure. Either way, I’d be absolutely fine with both him being transfem or him just being a gnc as fuck cis guy. Honestly the idea of a completely cis man being femme to the point of getting breast implants is pretty baller
I’m loving Jodio’s design, I feel like he’s gonna join my brain’s list of characters to release serotonin to
The brothers’ dynamic is just really fun, I like them as a group
The idea of their principal being their crime lord is very funny to me
As is the idea that Jodio and Giorno would fucking hate each other
Though Paco hasn’t really done much yet, his stand name is probably one of my favourite in the series (though Jodio’s is also super cool)
I am pumped to see what happens next
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we-love-morioh-cho · 4 months
Predictions for The Jojolands based on Chapter 12 -
An earthquake causes the volcanoes to rise up above the ground, revealing lava tube holes
Jodio goes into one of the lava tubes and fuses with Mauka
November Rain's new ability lets it spin its raindrops so fast they become bubbles
Barbara Ann gets mysteriously sick
Dragona is desperate to save Jodio/Barbara Ann and travels to mainland America to collect the body of Christ
Jodio goes after the elusive Mocacaca fruit to heal his mother which Meryl Mei wants for her criminal empire
The main villain controls the flow of The Mechanism and causes the volcanoes to erupt
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possiblylando · 10 months
Jojolands Chapter 7 Thoughts
I really liked Jojolands Chapter 7. I'll do this in the same sort of way I do my CSM posts. I probably won't talk about every single chapter in Jojolands but we'll see.
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Jojoland gets the Ultrajump cover this time. Araki has said theres no canon color pallet for these characters but he's just lying to our faces. He is sold on this single Jodio color scheme. this is just how Jodio is colored. I do find it interesting he made Dragona white for some reason. It's one of those weird Araki coloring quirks you don't really see anywhere else. It's happened with Pucci and Avdol before and as pointed out by someone else on twitter, This is just how Araki colors these spreads. He uses a single skin color for every character. Still odd. Usagi's color pallet is basically a perfect Mirror of Idubbbz's Green "Dude" character. With each chapter we get slowly closer to pink Usagi.
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We get the Jojolands emblem which I rather like.
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Jodio's pose is still pretty dumb. I get that it's him being arrested but like- Cmon. I know for a FACT araki could've come up with something more interesting. I guess it's not that out of place for Jojo's main poses. Jotaro just pointed and grabbed his hat. Notably Jodio still has some sort of writing in this hood. I can't really make out what it says still however.
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Continuing through the Cat ambush we get more information on November Rain. It's effective range is directly around Jodio with it's maximum range sitting somewhere below 7 Meters. Additionally November Rain does THIS
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Which is is sorta akin to my previous theory about how it worked. It seems to have a certain amount of gravity control. However it may not be directly under it as I previously predicted but instead it's able to control the gravity of it's rain drops. So the Cats are 100% Rock Animals or some other concept for weird animals Araki is gonna reveal in the coming chapters.
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Given that these cats all share the same ability to turn their hair into wires it seems reasonable to assume they're the same sort of species and this is just an ability they possess. However we've seen that some animals develop the same stands with the rats in part 4. Both of which are able to develop the stand Ratt. And then of course MY BOY RETURNS
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Usagi continues to prove he's the best character in this part.
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He manages to prove in just a few pages that he has an insanely high deductive reasoning skill. He was able to figure out what the Lava Rock did, Then he acted on it to win the fight. The other characters may see Usagi as a Greenhorn idiot but he's undeniably really smart. This also goes to show how dangerous the Lava Rock is. It's able to attract things of value which are inside a person or animal. It likely has a threshold on the value of objects it attracts. But we could end up with a disgustingly strong object which is able to attract organs out of people's bodies.
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So Jodio's line of thinking is interesting here. It implies one of two things. 1. The cats were already stalking Rohan in search of the Lava rock 2. The cats were sent by someone searching for the Lava Rock They could very much be set up for the main antagonist(s) of this part. Possible being another antagonist group instead of just a single one. It seems like Araki is taking the criticism of Part 8 to heart and is going to be giving us our main antagonist sooner rather than later. However we've already been set up with a Traitor among the main crew who could easily end up being the main antagonist. The cats could just be setting up a minor Antagonist or Group and not the main one. Good chapter.
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jojolanda chapter 11 bingo
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Let's see how many we get.
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corpsoir · 1 year
my sailor trio predicted jojolands or whatever, araki i demand compensation
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agirlinsearchof · 3 months
I have a prediction for the JoJoLands. Spoilers for Steel Ball Run and JoJolion under the cut.
Much like how The World showed up in Steel Ball Run and Killer Queen showed up in JoJolion, and neither were wielded by the main villain, I bet someone who isn't the main villain will wield either King Crimson or Made in Heaven, or a counterpart thereof.
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silvertsundere · 10 months
Silver Talks AniManga (13/08/23)
EXTREMELY short post this week since there was no jump I completely forgot about that or I would've caught up with some manga during the week WEH also no zom next week since something else is airing in it's time slot tho we're getting some monthly stuff like jojolands so that'll be fun
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Pokemon Horizons Ep17
yet another roy episode, but at least they sowed the seeds of riko getting another mon so that's good. next episode is gonna be friede's backstory which seems like it'll be neat
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Zom 100 Ep5
good ep I can see why it got delayed (even if that's unfortunate). as soon as I saw the shark at the start of the episode I knew what was gonna happen later lol. also they set up all this stuff with shizuka being like "well I'll never see yall again so whatever" but she's all over the op too so you ain't fooling anyone brother. anyway, there's not gonna be an episode next week either but not due to production issues, just something else is airing in that time slot. hopefully this extra week of time will let them get ahead in production so there's no more delays til the end but we'll see
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Dandadan Ch117
yukinobu tried to fake out that the arc was ending but it was obvious that wasn't the case from the episode title. also the youkai chasing momo finally showed up again and started fighting the aliens exactly like how I predicted months ago good job myself
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One Punch Man 187
been a while since we've gotten a goofy king chap and it did not disappoint, I also love atomic samurai so that helped too
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Kindergarten WARS Ch40 - 41
yay we're finally caught up with the jp now, took quite a bit, even with 3 chaps a week. fun series tho, the comedy's nice, the action is good and the romantic hijinks are fun. a new arc is about to start so it's a really good place for them to have caught up in. anyway it's nice to see the romance between them progress so handily (even if the cop keeps interrupting it and rita didn't hear the thing below), hoping that it progresses even more with rita being jealous of the ex that just showed up.
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I may or may not have just guessed the ending of JoJoLands
Jodio Joestar will end up being the main villain. The final battle will be between him and Dragona, a battle between brothers mirroring Part 1. This would be a beautiful and heartbreaking way to end JoJo once and for all, and it would be a new type of enemy that Araki hasn't explored before: betrayal from one's own family.
Jodio himself seems to have all the hallmarks of an aspiring villain. (His name is literally Jo-Dio?? Too easy.) He's already shown himself to be violent and greedy. Sure the two people he beat up were police officers assaulting his brother but it still felt a bit over the top. He also works for some kind of mafia, and not for any noble reason like Giorno; he just wants to get, in his own words, "filthy rich." (And what was Dio's motivation at the beginning of Part 1?) The first interaction we see in his daily life is him selling drugs to someone at his high school, which couldn't be a more obvious subversion of Giorno's morals. Even in the way he views his relationships and society. He looks down on people who are good-natured, only caring about getting favorable results, (a common theme with villains in JoJo) viewing society not as driven by uncontrollable fate which everyone must navigate, but as a "mechanism" to exploit for its benefits
Then there's his character design and especially his stand. Tell me this wouldn't fit right in with the lineup of main villains' stands it's just so menacing
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My first thought was that it looked a lot like Fun Fun Fun from Part 8, and that Araki wanted to bring back a cool-looking design. But it also looks a lot like D4C Love Train
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It also has these spikes on its shoulders, just like the feathers on Dio's outfit when he became a vampire and Made in Heaven
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As for Jodio himself, when I first saw him I couldn't help but think his outfit was very similar to Toru's, with the sleeveless hoodie with lots of ornamentation
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It'll only be about 15 years until we see if I'm right
(Araki-sensei if you're reading this please don't change your ending just because of a prediction one person on tumblr dot com made after reading one chapter. I'll be happy as long as your vision for your art comes true. That's what JoJo has always been about to me more than anything else)
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joljulep · 1 year
Jojolands predictions moby dick is there
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potatogirlll · 8 months
predictions for next jojolands chapter?
since we're getting a hiatus this month im kinda bored and want to know yall's thoughts.
honestly ive been noticing a trend of dragona usagi or paco getting the gang into trouble/being attacked first and jodio having to save them. this chapter might be a great chance to see dragona and usagi in action by themselves since they're isolated from the others
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