#jlu!bruce wayne x reader
fluentmoviequoter · 1 month
Crushes Aren't Just for Kids
Pairing: Bruce Wayne x fem!JL!reader (Justice League Unlimited!Bruce)
Summary: When all adults are banished from earth, you join Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, and Green Lantern in a unique fight to save the world. Along the way, some hidden feelings are revealed.
Warnings: spoilers/rewrite for Justice League Unlimited 1x3 "Kid's Stuff", fluff, mention of beheading, canon-level violence and action
Word Count: 3.1k+ words
A/N: I can't tell you how many times I've watched this show because Kevin Conroy's Batman in the DCAU tv shows is unmatched (and the kids who did the voice acting in this episode did phenomenally). I hope you enjoy and please let me know what you think!🤍
Part 2: Butterflies Aren't Just for Kids >
Picture from Pinterest
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You are in a unique position for several reasons. Being one of the only human members of the Justice League, you find yourself pushing yourself to be the best you can and ensuring that you can keep up with your superpowered teammates. Plus, you are one of the only people who knew Bruce Wayne before you knew Batman, and no matter how much he denies it, you knew after one look that the man under the cowl was none other than your favorite billionaire. When you first arrived on the Watchtower with your fellow vigilante, you wondered if any of the superheroes (especially those who had unique mind powers) could tell that you wanted to be more than fellow crime fighters with Batman. If they did, no one said anything, so your secret crush has remained secret as it grows stronger.
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“Bats,” you warn as you duck away from Cheetah’s claws.
Bruce flips away from Deadshot’s line of fire before rushing up beside him. He punches under his jaw, and you watch as Deadshot lifts Bruce off the ground. Bruce throws a batarang, and you slide away from them as Deadshot falls to the floor.
“Guess that’s a wrap,” Green Lantern says. At Bruce’s look, he adds, “Sorry. Been hanging out with Flash too much.”
“I don’t see how that’s a bad thing,” you tease.
You look away from John and see three police officers entering the vault. A pink wave follows them inside, and your eyes widen when the officers disappear. Bruce pulls you to his side as John creates a forcefield with his ring, but it fails nearly as quickly as it appears.
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When you open your eyes on a floating rock, you’re still tucked against Bruce’s side. You step back quickly and look around. Dozens of rocks surround you and each holds numerous people; adults only, you notice.
“It was judgment day,” Copper exclaims, “and- and we got sent to the bad place. The bad place!”
“Where else were you expecting to go?” you ask sarcastically.
“Snap out of it, Copper!” Cheetah demands as she slaps him.
“Yeah, calm down,” John calls. “We’re probably just in another dimension.”
“I don’t see any children,” Bruce says.
“You would be the one to notice,” you murmur. “It’s not a bad thing,” you add when he directs his bat glare at you.
“That’s because a child is responsible,” a woman wearing a mask interjects as she hovers above you.
“Morgaine Le Fay,” Bruce greets, though he’s prepared to fight rather than exchange niceties and introductions.
“Great, magic,” you mutter as you fall in line between Bruce and Diana.
“I mean you no harm,” Morgaine assures. “My son Mordred has wrought this treachery. Banishing all adults to this shadow realm.”
“Do you think Flash is here?” you whisper to John.
“50/50,” he answers.
“After I spent millennia feeding him, bathing him, preparing him to be a king,” Morgaine continues. “Where did I go wrong?”
“You’re a sorceress. Can’t you just undo his spell?” Diana asks.
“No. He’s got the amulet of first magic. He’s too powerful. But if we all work together…”
“You want us to defeat your own son?” Bruce clarifies.
“So don’t trust me. Let him rule the world and all your children. Here we will stay. Forever.”
“But what can we do? We’re stuck here, aren’t we?” Diana says.
“Please don’t say-“ you begin.
“Not exactly,” Morgaine answers.
“That,” you finish as your shoulders slump.
“The spell only banishes adults.”
“I don’t like where this is going,” you and John say together.
“It’s the only way,” Morgaine says.
“We have to do it,” Clark announces.
John exhales deeply, and you step back to be at Bruce’s side again. Magic has never been your preferred battle, and as Morgaine directs her spell at you and everything turns green, you clutch Bruce’s cape in your hand.
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When you arrive in Mordred’s amusement park-turned-kingdom, you’re ready to leave. Being turned into a kid again wasn’t exactly on your superhero bingo card, and as a human, you don’t bring much to the fight anyway.
“I hope this is temporary,” Bruce complains.
You look over at him and feel butterflies in your stomach. Despite de-aging, you still have a crush on Bruce, but it hits harder and faster. You tear your eyes away from him and try to calm your racing heart. Each moment you live as a kid, you’ll start acting more like one.
“You sound weird,” Clark says. “Whoa. So do I.”
Diana looks between Clark and John before straightening her shoulders. She towers over them and smiles. “I kind of like this.”
“Why are you squinting?” you ask John.
Bruce, Clark, and Diana look over after you ask, and you drop your eyes to avoid looking at Bruce again.
“I wore glasses as a kid. Guess I need ‘em again,” John answers.
A pair of oversized green glasses appear on his face, and he jumps in surprise. They’re nothing like what adult John would create, and you stifle a laugh at the sight of them.
“I didn’t even try to make these!” he exclaims.
Clark laughs as Bruce says, “I hope not.”
You pat John’s back as he focuses on making nicer glasses. Once he’s ready and Clark compliments his new look, Diana reminds you that you’re supposed to be looking for Mordred.
“Bet the little punk’s in there,” Bruce says.
He points to the castle looming in the distance and begins running. You run behind him and watch as Diana, Clark, and John fly past you.
“It’s not a race,” Bruce grumbles.
He speeds up, but you keep your pace and make it to the castle all the same. Despite the earlier teasing about John’s glasses, none of you have mentioned any differences between the kid and adult versions of one another. You’re thankful, though, because reliving your childhood is not your favorite pastime. When you enter the castle, you stay behind Bruce as he stands beside Diana.
“The Justice Babies!” Mordred calls before laughing.
“What are you laughing at, precious?” Bruce asks.
“Precious?” you repeat.
“You,” Mordred answers. “Mother sent you, didn’t she?”
“Maybe she wanted a chance to have a normal kid,” you taunt.
“She shouldn’t send a boy to do a man’s job,” Mordred tells Bruce.
He grabs the amulet, and you watch as a young boy’s toys come to life. They grow until they’re giant, and you stumble backward before running for cover. When Clark flies into one of them and is knocked to the floor, you begin questioning if it was truly a good idea to become kids to fight a boy with powerful magic.
“Bruce, batarang,” you request.
He hands you one before running toward Mordred. You wait for one of the toys to run toward you before sliding between its legs.
“I’ll make a laser cannon. No, a missile launcher,” John says above you. “Oh! Oh, I know.”
“Just pick something!” you and Bruce yell together.
You dig the batarang into the back of the toy’s leg and roll to the side as it collapses to the ground before disappearing. Bruce and John take one out, while Clark disables the other with his laser vision.
When you hear Bruce grunting and see him dangling from his cape in the grip of the last toy, you gasp and run toward him. Diana beats you there and catches him.
“You okay, tough guy?” she asks.
“Let go. I’m fine,” Bruce demands as he struggles to get out of her hold.
His shoulders drop and his cape surrounds him as he sulks. You don’t ask the same question Diana had but thank him for the batarang as he passes.
“That’s not fair,” Mordred complains.
“Get him!” Bruce calls.
You run behind Diana and aren’t surprised when you’re all encased in ice. Mordred is powerful, and you and your fellow “Justice Babies” seem to be forgetting that. When you fall into a dungeon and are freed from the ice, you scoot toward Bruce. One of the cells opens, and red eyes glow within. You clutch Bruce’s cape and watch as a small demon walks out.
“Etrigan?” Bruce asks.
He steps away from you, and his cape slips through your fingers. You stay behind John’s forcefield as Diana lifts Bruce out of the way of Etrigan’s flame. Diana has been closer to Bruce during this mission than usual, and the butterflies in your stomach start causing more pain than happiness as you wonder if they’ve been hiding feelings for one another in the Watchtower, too.
“Don’t hurt him!” Bruce yells as Clark pulls Etrigan away from you and John.
Etrigan bites Clark’s arm, and he calls, “Tell him that!”
“C’mere,” you tell Etrigan. You crouch to the floor and pull him into your arms. “Stop!”
He calms down, and Diana helps Bruce up as Etrigan cries. You look at Bruce and shrug.
“He’s just a baby,” Diana says.
“And he needs more than a hug,” John adds, waving his hand in front of his nose.
“Now, that is a job for Superman,” Bruce says.
Bruce takes Etrigan from your arms and passes him to Clark. When Bruce takes your hand to lead you out of the dungeon, you nearly trip over your own feet. You’ve never been more ready to grow up before, you think.
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Mordred’s new kingdom is comprised mostly of children doing what they were never allowed to do before. When you walk through the paths surrounding what used to be the center of the park, you are surrounded by children doing dangerous stunts and breaking rules.
“You two, knock that off!” Clark demands when he sees two boys playing with wooden swords.
“What are you gonna do? You’re just a kid,” they taunt.
Clark shoots a laser between them and answers, “I’m the kid with laser beams coming out of his eyes.”
“That’s just gonna scare them,” you interject before they run away screaming. “You can’t threaten kids the same way you threaten criminals.”
“Then what do we do?” John asks.
“Tattle,” Diana answers. She flies to an elevated area and yells, “That’s enough!”
Everyone freezes, and you find yourself reaching for Bruce.
“You can’t tell us what to do! You’re not our mom!” someone replies.
“No, but I promise you we will find all of your moms and I’m gonna tell!” Diana answers.
“Well, what should we do?”
“Go outside and wait for your parents. Now!” Diana demands with a hand on her hip.
“Man, your girlfriend sure is bossy,” John tells Bruce.
“Shut up,” he replies before leaving John’s side.
Those butterflies in your stomach become dead weight. You stall behind John, but he turns to look at you.
“You like Bruce,” he accuses.
“What? No!” you answer too quickly. “We’re friends.”
John gestures for you to come with him, and you follow Bruce together. You know that John knows more than he ever lets on, and if anyone found out about your crush, you suppose you should be glad that it’s the one who can keep a secret. Better him than Wally.
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“He’s almost asleep,” Diana whispers as you look into Mordred’s hideout. “We can take him.”
“I’ll make a lawnmower and chew him up,” John suggests.
“A lawnmower?” you repeat incredulously. “Why?”
“I say we get that amulet away from him first,” Bruce says. “We’ll split up and sneak behind him. Then Lantern can do his thing. But no mowers.”
“Why?” John questions.
“Because it’s stupid,” Clark answers.
“He’ll hear it, too,” you whisper with much more kindness than Clark.
“I guess I’ll go with Clark,” Diana says. “Unless I should go with you,” she tells Bruce.
“Whatever,” Bruce answers.
John sees your eyes drop and says, “Clark can go alone. I’ll go with Diana.”
You appreciate it but shake your head because you don’t want to be left alone with Bruce.
“Whatever,” Bruce repeats.
“Go,” John whispers.
You lead Bruce around the side of the cave, and John shakes his head as he watches you go.
“What’s with them?” Clark asks.
“Really?” Diana questions.
“Man, for somebody with fifty different kinds of vision you are so blind,” John responds.
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“Is that a claw?” you ask Bruce as John tries to get the amulet.
“Unfortunately,” he answers.
He may be young, but his sarcasm hasn’t changed a bit. You lean against him when John’s claw wavers before disappearing. The amulet falls to Mordred’s chest, and Bruce moves you carefully as he calls, “Get the amulet!”
You join Bruce, Diana, Clark, and John in a failing attempt to hold Mordred down and take the amulet. He uses his magic to grow and throws Bruce and Diana off of him before standing. A young girl is standing nearby, and you take her hand to lead her to safety as the others fight Mordred.
“Bats!” you yell, just as you had as an adult this morning.
Bruce looks back and sees the living gargoyle chasing him and John and directs John toward a small bridge.
“Close the door!” you yell as Bruce enters the castle.
Diana closes and locks the door behind him, and you listen to John come up with complicated plans to stop Mordred as Bruce thinks.
“Forget it!” Bruce calls after John mentions giant handcuffs. “We’ve got to focus on…” Bruce’s eyes lock with yours and he says, “Never mind what I just said. We’ll take care of everything else. Lantern, you go crazy.”
“What are you going to do?” you ask.
“It’s time for all of us to grow up,” Bruce answers.
He takes your hand before running toward another area of the kingdom. Your butterflies begin reviving, and you wonder if anything will be the same after this.
“Go!” he yells to Clark.
Clark pulls the amulet from Mordred’s neck while he’s distracted by John before tossing it to Bruce.
“This is the most dangerous game of keep away I’ve ever played,” you yell as you take the amulet from Bruce and run it to Diana. Diana throws it to Etrigan, and you flinch when he bites into it. The wave of purple magic that escapes it is unsettling, but you don’t take your eyes off Mordred.
“I already absorbed too much of the amulet’s power,” Mordred says as he stands.
He uses his magic to suspend all of you, and Etrigan, upside down in the air. He pulls a sword from a nearby stone, and it turns purple before reappearing as a curved blade.
“I’ll take care of my kingly duty myself,” he declares.
“Is he really going to behead us in an amusement park?” you ask with your arms crossed over your chest.
“I’m scared,” the girl you helped earlier says. “I want my mommy.”
Mordred lowers his blade to say, “You don’t need a mommy. You’re better off without one. Trust me.”
“Ooh, mommy issues,” John muses. “Those ain’t easy.”
The girl begins crying and Clark taunts, “Some king.”
“I’m not impressed,” Diana agrees.
“What’d you expect? He’s a boy doing a man’s job,” Bruce finishes.
“You don’t know what it’s like being stuck as a kid,” Mordred says.
“Since you’ve had all that power, you could have been a man anytime you wanted. I think you’re too chicken to grow up.”
“Yep, big chicken. That’s what you are,” John agrees, flapping his arms like wings. “Bock, bock.”
“Face it, precious,” Bruce continues. “You like being a little mama’s boy.”
“I’ll show you!” Mordred yells. “I’ll show you all.”
“Sure, you will,” you agree with an eye roll.
“And when I am a true king, I’ll start with the human!” Mordred adds, pointing to you.
Bruce looks at you, but you keep your eyes on Mordred as he spreads his arms and is surrounded by purple ribbons of magic. Etrigan claps as Mordred’s spell spreads, and he reappears as a man.
“I’m older than you now,” Mordred says as he turns to face you.
The magic released his spell, and you catch yourself as you fall from the air.
“You sure are,” Bruce says.
Mordred disappears, banished by his own spell. As an adult, he couldn’t stay, and now you can only wait until Morgaine does her part. Bruce steps to your side and you turn your face toward him.
“Are you okay?” he asks.
“Yes,” you answer just before Morgaine appears.
“A bargain is a bargain,” she says as she waves her hand before you.
The spell is lifted, and you are an adult again in only a second. You hadn’t prepared for the change in size however and are pressed against Bruce’s chest with the sudden growth. He makes no move to get space from you, though.
“Mommy,” Etrigan coos at Diana.
She drops him and steps back. You chuckle at the scene and Diana looks at you with furrowed brows before smiling and rolling her eyes.
Morgaine opens a portal, and Bruce places a hand on your hip as he steps around you.
“Wait,” he calls. “What happened to Mordred?”
“My spell gave him eternal youth but now that he’s broken it all he has is eternal life,” she answers.
“Circumstances aside, it was kind of enjoyable to be a kid again,” Diana says.
You walk to Bruce’s side and watch the happy reunions of children with their parents.
“I’m sorry,” you offer softly.
“For what?” he asks.
“You just- you didn’t get to be a kid like the rest of us.”
“Perhaps Diana was right. It wasn’t completely unenjoyable.”
He turns toward you, and his arm is pressed to your shoulder.
“You’re telling me the big, bad bat had a little bit of fun?” you tease.
“You never talk about your childhood,” he deflects. “So, I’m sorry if this brought up bad memories.”
“Just dead butterflies,” you answer.
Bruce glares at you, but it’s the one unique to when he’s reading you.
“Is that why Lantern sent us off alone together?”
You look down as you nod.
“My butterflies are alive and well, and happy to wait for you,” Bruce murmurs.
“Butterflies or bats?” you ask.
“Should we be having this conversation in an amusement park?”
“You’re right. Let’s go to Metropolis and make the cover of the Daily Planet so Clark has to write all about it.”
Bruce sighs, but he takes your hand as he leads you outside the amusement park. He presses a button on his utility belt and the Batmobile pulls up a moment later.
“Bruce,” you say once you’re inside. “You were a really cute kid.”
“You were really bad at eye contact,” Bruce counters. “Or was that just with me?”
“I guess crushes aren’t just for kids,” you muse.
“Maybe Diana will stop pestering me to ask you out now.”
You nod as you watch the road before you. It takes a moment, but you finally understand what Bruce just said.
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It Has Always Been You ~ Batman x Healing Powers!Reader
I wrote this, sort of because I really missed DCAU and the Justice League, sort of because I love the Batman cartoon shows, sort of because I wanted to have something written as a Christmas and End of the year present, sort of because I’m also this -><- close to reaching the 4k milestone ~ So, there you have it! I love the Batman cartoon version so much more than the Movie live action versions, and I can barely find Justice League related content in here. Tried my best :) Hope you enjoy it and Happy Holidays~!
Summary: Reader is Batman’s childhood best friend and was there when his parents died. Though he has grown distant even from Reader, he still cherishes her deeply and sends her gifts to make her know he’s still there for her. But when Batman goes missing, can Reader get in contact with the Justice League and rescue him?
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“Slow down, children, slow down. Bruce, you know Y/N will spend the night over, you two have all the time to play after dinner.” Bruce’s mum, Martha, hummed in amusement, clinging to her husband’s arm. “It’s alright, Martha, let them be. They’re not bothering anyone.” Thomas smiled dearly at his wife. “O, my masked vigilante hero! O, my Zorro! Come save your dear Elena de la Vega from the awful villain!” Y/N giggled at her best friend, twirling in that pretty dress of hers. “I shall save you, my dear Elena! But first, let us spar! En garde!” the two children rolled the flyers tightly and started playing sword-fight with them. “Ahh, okay, you win, you win. Damn - If I were stronger, I could hold you up like Zorro with Elena.” Bruce huffed, looking down. “That just means you have to remain my friend long enough for you to get strong like Zorro and do just that!” Y/N threw her arms around the boy’s neck, kissing his cheek, smiling as his cheeks flushed. “Yes, yes, yes! I’ll do just that! Just you wait - I’ll be taller than even dad, and stronger!” he laughed boastfully. “If you’re the strong one, that just means I’m the fast one, yes? You have yet to beat me in a speed contest.” her grin widened playfully, before slowly reaching her hand to his shoulder and tapping him all of a sudden. “Tag! You’re it, Zorro!” giggling cheerfully, Y/N started sprinting ahead, hearing Bruce chasing after her through the dark alley - Only to see the girl bump into a man, just a little shorter than his dad, but possibly just as strong, as he watched Y/N stumble backwards. The man caught her by the shoulder, stopping her from falling. “O-Oh... Forgive me, mister, I wasn’t watching where I was going.” she tried to take a step back, but the grip on her shoulder was beginning to hurt her. “U-Uhm... Please... Let me go.” looking up at the man towering over her, she not only saw his ugly, malicious face, but the glint of metal in the moonlight. Y/N squealed in panic, struggling to get away from him, but failing. “You’ve got quite the pretty necklace, pretty girl. How about you give it to me?” he sneered under his breath, and grinned disgustingly as he watched the girl tear up and shaking, but also nodding her head and reaching out to take the necklace off - Only for him to grab it before she could take it off and rip it off painfully, pushing her to the ground. “Y/N!” Bruce ran past the man and knelt to her side, gathering her up in his arms. “Did he hurt you?” “I-I’m fine!” she sniffled, though the burning around her neck from the necklace still hurt. “Now, how about the purse, lady? And the pearls.” the man threatened Bruce’s parents, this time, without shying away from hiding the pistol. “We are going to cooperate, mister. First, my wallet  - Here, take it. Now let me take her necklace off...” but the gun went off before Thomas could retriever the necklace, and all the pearls fell to the ground, each with its own clink. “NO!” Martha watched horrified as her husband’s bloody, dead body fell to the wet, cobbled ground. “Bruce! Y/N! Run away! Now!” were her last words before she, too, succumbed to the irrational behaviour of the criminal. “Wallet, purse, necklace... Good bounty. Now, what else can I get before someone alerts the cops? Ah, yes. Boy! Gimme that watch!” the man approached the two frightened and stunned children whose eyes were peeled to the two fallen ones’ corpses on the ground. Still and unmoving. “NOW, BOY!” the man punched Bruce hard enough to knock him to the ground. “DON’T HURT HIM, YOU EVIL MAN!” Y/N jumped and clinged to his wrist, biting and clawing at him as hard as he could - The culprit let out a scream and dropped the gun to the ground. In his anger, he punched the little girl to the ground and mounted her petite form, strangling her.  “You pathetic little worm, how DARE you attack me?! I’ll watch the life leave your eyes... Or maybe I should snatch the expensive dress off you first? I always had a thing for... Destroying and corrupting cute, innocent little things like you.” his laugh was going to haunt the two children for the rest of their lives. “R-Run... Br-Bruce...!” through her whimpers, tears and gasps for air, Y/N managed to struggle some words out. But the boy couldn’t leave his spot, glued to the wall, on the ground. “Y---.... Y/N... N-No...” he was trembling uncontrollably. “Daddy... Mummy... No... Y/N... Not you too...” Bruce was spiraling so hard, that he was only brought back to reality by another very loud, resounding gunshot. He stopped breathing. Y/N was dead. “Gah... So heavy... I can’t...” but... That was Y/N’s voice... How...?! “A bit of help, please...” focusing his gaze, he saw the criminal’s body flat and lame over Y/N’s small one. They were sitting in a pool of blood, as the girl tried to claw her way from underneath his disgusting body. But Bruce couldn’t move. Instead, people alerted by the there gunshots, and cops alike, came by and helped the little, crying girl. Bruce was useless. He could not speak a single word of what happened. The shock and trauma of being mugged, brutalized and having his parents killed before his very eyes were enough to shut his brain down. Instead, it was Y/N who spoke to the police as many times as it was needed, explaining the situation, the struggle - Everything, it perfect detail.
“Bruce. You can come stay with me and my family. O-Or, if you want to stay at your own home, with Alfred, just know that you can always come have sleepovers at mine. At if you want me to, I can come over any day and night you feel like it. Okay?” but the boy only nodded his head. The life and vitality were lost from his eyes, and since that day, Y/N realised that Bruce Wayne was never going to be the same sweet and energetic little boy that she knew. And who could blame him, really? Even she changed.
Y/N wasn’t outgoing and cheerful anymore either - Instead, she kept more to herself and became more or less anti-social. Not that she minded the company of people, but she preferred to stay alone, rather than surrounded by idiots who only gossip and bring nothing interesting to the conversation. She was done playing around with childish people... It was just... Exhausting and draining. And oh, how much of a nuisance her classmates can be.
She had hoped, at least, that her friendship with Bruce would remain as strong as it always was - Alas, it wasn’t that way. No matter how much she tried to either cling to him, or give him his very much needed space, he would never go out of his way to contact her, and even in school, he wouldn’t even look at her. Was she reminding him of his trauma? Of that awful night? Was he blaming her for running into that stranger and possibly triggering the events that unfolded?
No, her Bruce wasn’t like that. She was sure he wasn’t like that. After all, he still wore the special crush bracelet that she made for him - Every day, in fact - So he doesn’t hate her, he just needs his time. Still, she missed him dearly.
Though he was barely speaking to anyone, Y/N would always find little gifts either on her desk, in at home - And she needn’t any name on it, she knew who it was from. Be that chocolate on Valentine’s day, or a flower on women’s day, a festive gift for Christmas, or something grand for her birthday - It did not matter. Bruce never forgot about her, nor to write a few words on a pretty letter. He still cared for her so deeply - In fact, it was only her and Alfred that remained in his heart. There was only so much he could take in that small, little child heart of his.
Bruce woke up with a jolt - Now, in a sitting position, he was panting for air, feeling the abundant sweat drip down his forehead. For how long was he going to have that dreadful nightmare? His whole life? It’s been decades now, can’t he get a rest already? It only seems to get worse around the time of important events, namely his or Y/N’s birthday or Christmas. He’d usually go and gaze at the old portraits of his parents, but it only felt bittersweet.
Returning to his bed and drinking a glass of water, he looks at the calendar. Just as he suspected, another year had already lapsed, and it was Y/N’s birthday. His head shifted slightly, and he spared a glance at the beautifully wrapped gift box on his desk. No matter how much he insisted, Alfred never let him wrap the gift himself, saying he wants to do something for the young Mistress... And always, he goes around, reproaching him for not calling her over more often. What an old food, as if he can afford endangering even her, of all people. Bruce was so deathly terrified of the countless villains around the world, and especially those in Gotham, that he was too afraid to allow her to get any closer to him... Just like how they were when they were little.
In a way, his wish had become true, but at what cost? A masked vigilante with a code name, just like Zorro... But where was his Elena de la Vega? His beautiful Elena was kept at bay by Zorro himself, instead of staying by her side. He was truly... Pathetic.
Looking at the clock, he realised the time had already passed, and he should start getting ready to leave the manor. Every year, he would take the day off and spend it at Y/N’s house, all cozy, just like they used to. Maybe a movie, a TV series, or a silly sitcom. Sometimes, he encourages her to play that strategy game she has been playing since very little - Somehow, he was fascinated by how easy it was for the girl to lead an army and defeat her enemies during campaigns so easily, utilizing her allies, armada, spells and resources so well. Perhaps, if he were into video games, he too would be able to accomplish such feats - Yet for some reason, it only looked appealing when she played and talked about the scenarios and why she does what she does. After all, it has been decades since she’s started this game, and she knows those maps better than the layout of her own apartment. 
For such an intelligent person with a keen eye for detail, she still comically always got lost, even in the close proximity of her home. It was hilarious - Yet hail the GPS for aiding her during her most needy of times.
After eating his breakfast at his own leisure, Bruce changed into a comfortable outfit and took his car to Y/N’s home, using the key she had long since gifted him to enter. He was greeted by her puppies that loved him dearly, but he noticed she wasn’t home. Instead, somewhere around his eye length, a paper was pinned to the door, telling him that she was out to do some groceries and she’ll be home soon. With a chuckle, Bruce made his way to the living room and waited, watching TV and petting the dogs sitting on his lap and all over him. - His favourite though was the little, fluffy black one with large ears that was nuzzling her small, wet nose in the crook of his neck. He had gifted her to Y/N for Christmas a few years ago, with a ribbon around her neck, and she was impatiently sitting on a larger gift box, until it had toppled over. The way Y/N eyes were sparkling brighter than the stars themselves and she threw herself on the fluffy carpet and started loving, kissing and cuddling that puppy was all worth looking around pet shelters for weeks on end.
It was so warm in the house, and aromatic fragrances were drunkening him with how sweet and cozy they were, just like the comfortable couch he was laying on. There weren’t many occasions when Bruce would sleep over at her house, but whenever he did, it was on this couch. She did have a spare bedroom, and on many occasions, she told him to share her large bed, saying they used to do that so often when they were children... But he couldn’t. No matter how much he wanted to hold her to his chest and kiss her dearly, to stay by her side as often as before and to carry her around like Zorro with Elena... But how could he endanger the one person he loves so much?
Perhaps Bruce felt so drowsy because he had awoken so early, because of that wretched nightmare, but soon, the man had fallen asleep, along with all the dogs who have retorted to relaxing on his body.
When Y/N had returned home, she was met with the sound of her dogs pitter pattering chaotically around the house, but nothing of Bruce’s presence. Perhaps he was busy fighting crime, she thought, putting the heavy bags on the kitchen table, before going to the living room, where she saw an indent in the couch, and a gift box on the ground, with the bow half undone. Panic started surging through her veins, realising that something bad was going on. Quickly, she fell to the ground and ripped apart the box to make sure it wasn’t some kind of bomb or something - Thankfully, it was just a normal present. Sighing, she raked her fingers through her hair and tried to take a few deep breaths and think properly.
Her eyes started analysing the room, looking for any clues as to what had happened - But found only a small, round thing, looking like a button. It looked to be some sort of ear piece, she thought. It was time to visit Alfred. 
She jumped in her car and sped up to Bruce’s home, bursting through the manor’s doors and calling out for the old butler. “Alfred, something happened to Bruce!” seeing the man at the top of the staircase, she flew up to stand before him. “My living room is a mess... And look, I found this.” she showed the man the ear piece. “I see. Master Bruce was looking forward to spending the day with you. A pity something had to happen. Let us go to the cave, perhaps we can localize his location.” the butler rushed to the Batcave and worked around the many technological devices, but they would only see an imagine from her own living room. Someone knew very well about Bruce’s identity as the Batman, his plans, and went out of his way to remove the tracking device and keep it at the scene of the crime.  “Do you think he was kidnapped?” the girl asked with a mutter. “It is highly possible, however, I advise you not to despair. If we cannot find him, then perhaps I might someone who can.” the butler pointed towards the ear piece. “It is time to call for the Justice League.” “... Those guys on TV who always save the world with their superpowers and... Whatever?” the girl looked skeptical. “Master Bruce once had a slip of the tongue and called them ‘friends’. I would say, if we want any hope of rescuing him, they are the solution.” Alfred spoke, putting his hands around the girl’s own, where the ear piece was placed on her palm. “Please, Miss Y/N, bring him back.” “I will, Alfred. No matter what, I will save Bruce.” she said as she rushed outside, inspecting the ear piece. “Alright now, let’s see how you work.” she muttered to herself, remembering what Bruce would tell her of his friends in the Justice League. 
The one who would answer the intercom was Martian Manhunter. What was his name again? John? No, that was Green Lantern. Something similar though. Jones? Jones something... Ah, yes. John Jones. J’onn J’onzz. Not bad. 
Putting on that ear piece, she activated it. “J’onn? I need help. Batman has disappeared. I need your help to find him.” A low and almost awkward mystical voice had replied to her. “Who are you?” “Is that the important part now, or that we can’t track Batman? Isn’t he your friend? Come on, get me to that space ship something and let’s start looking for him!” any ounce of diplomacy or shyness she might have had was long gone. “We cannot just bring you to our base. Identify yourself and tell us how you know of Batman’s disappearance.” with a frustrated groan, Y/N answered to the skeptic. “I am his childhood best friend. He came over today when I wasn’t home, and the house was a mess -- Can’t we discuss this face to face? The mere fact that I have his ear piece should speak for itself.” thankfully, after a few moments of silence, the Martian had finally teleported her up on the space headquarters of the Justice League - But he was not alone. All the core members were there, looking her down with intimidating looks. “Great, we’ve got the superhero literary circle formed. Now, can we talk about how can we even locate Batman?” she was growing ever impatient. “Who exactly are you, miss? Forgive us for being skeptical, but it’s hard to believe the smartest man I know was so easily kidnapped.” Superman stepped forward - He was the voice of reason of the group. Sighing, Y/N thought about how to prove she was a friend, without revealing his identity. “You are Clark Kent, the journalist. He is John Stewart, ex-architect and formed marine veteran from Detroit. You - Wally West, scientist at the Central City Police Department, Forensics division. You are Diana, the Amazon Princess of Themyscira... And you are Shayera, a detective from Thanagar. Ah, and of course, the last Martian alive, J’onn J’onzz, the one with whom I was talking earlier.” she pointed to each member, flustering them. “Now - Would I know all this, if it weren’t for Batman telling me of his - Friends - As he called you?” the girl asked, crossing her arms to her chest. “The Martian can shapeshift and mind read, Batman said. Go ahead, read my mind, see that I am right, have a look at the crime scene if you can - Just do something!” the girl was exasperated by the stalling. “She is right.” J’onn nodded his head “Then what do we do?” Flash asked. “It’s not exactly often that Bats get in trouble. Usually, he rescues himself before we get around to save him.” “I know. Thing is, I tried tracking him with the device he has at him all the time, but the culprit knew about it and left it at my home. What’s worse, I’m pretty sure he hardly has any of his devices at him.” she explained the problem at hand.  “How do we know we can trust her? Maybe she’s the one who planned this all along, and she’s trying to betray us.” Shayera glared at the girl. “You’d know all about betraying the people you care about, wouldn’t you, Shayera?” Hackgirl was about to slam her mace into the new girl’s head, only to be held back by John and Diana. “But if it is true and Bruce is in danger, we can’t take chances.” the Princess reasoned. “Bruce...? You know his identity?” Y/N’s eyes widened slightly, only to see them all nodding. “Well that makes things easier.” she took out her wallet and showed them a picture of her and Bruce when they were children. It was taken during that dreadful night, but the picture itself was too beautiful not to keep. Bruce had no idea about this, however, nor did she want to remind him of that night like that. “It was taken the night his parents were killed. We were going back home after we watched Zorro at the theater. Our parents were good friends, so we kinda grew up together. We were supposed to have a sleepover at his home after that -- But you know how the rest of the night went, I presume. Now - Can we start looking for him - PLEASE?” Y/N was beginning to get very antsy. “I think that’s more than enough proof. Did you find any clues?” Superman asked. “No. Were it not for the indent in the couch and the gift box on the ground, I wouldn’t have even known he had come over. The ear piece was on the carpet, I almost missed it.” she explained. “Well, there’s no shortage of villains from our world and many others that would try to harm him.” Flash grumbled to himself. “What do we do? Where do we start?” “Is there any way to narrow it down somehow?” John asked. “I... Might have an idea. But it has no base ground at all.” Y/N looked up, thinking. “Like you said, Batman has a ton of enemies, but as far as I’m concerned, he was never attacked as Bruce Wayne, and my home was never in danger either. If any of the villains wanted a direct attack on Batman, they would have made it known in grand fashion - But this is far too stealthy.” Y/N trailed on. “So you’re saying, you don’t think it’s anyone from Gotham?” Flash tried to pick up her train of thoughts, and smiled seeing her nod in approval. “Two months ago, my parents were kidnapped. The man didn’t ask for ransom, but sent Bruce a tape, threatening him directly. He knows Bruce is Batman - How, I cannot tell. Either way, Batman brought him to justice and stuck him in jail. If he’s escaped, then he might be our guy. His name is Martin Davis, and he was a business man who got bankrupt five years ago. That’s... About all I know. “ the worried girl recalled the awful incident and how desperate she was, afraid for her parents’ life. Now, Bruce was in danger, and she had no idea what the culprit wanted, aside from possibly revenge. “That’s good information. Bruce was usually the one looking for intel into people.” Diana spoke, a bit endearing. She seemed taken to the Bat. How cute. “Then it’s time we do the work.” John spoke up. “Until the smart guys find some info on our guy, want a drink?” Flash asked, making the girl look weirdly at him. “Come on, I’m trying to calm you a bit. It’s just some soda.” “Sure.” Y/N muttered, watching as the speedster grinned cheekily and put his arm around the girl guiding her to the cafeteria where they sat at a table, and he came with a drink of each kind, including coffee, tea and hot chocolate. “Thank you, Wally. I appreciate it.” “No problemo!” he exclaimed cheerfully, only to realise the girl was quiet and texting on her phone. “So, uh... You know all about us. Tell me about you.” After finishing texting Alfred about the details from the mission, she placed her phone on the table and propped her jaw on her palm. “Uh... There’s not much about me, I suppose.” she muttered lightly. “I’m a doctor at the Gotham hospital, and I have some healing powers, so the more difficult cases go to me.” she thought over a bit more - It was weird, speaking about herself to a stranger. “I don’t really know what people find interesting when asking about others. I’m... Not really a people person, you know.” she had an awkward smile on her face. “You and Bats both.” Flash chuckled, seeing the resemblance. “What hobbies to you have?” “I like travelling, but I never have the time to do it. I don’t like traveling alone either, so that would be a problem too.” she hummed lightly. “So -- You have superpowers and you like traveling. Cool! Why don’t you join the Justice League? Oh, and - You need a hero suit.” that sunny smile of his made the girl look at him with complete disbelief. “I’m fine with my completely mundane, normal clothes, thanks. I don’t fancy these skin-tight suits... Or latex. Also... I’m, uh... Not exactly hero-material. I couldn’t do it. I’m not selfless like you guys are. Also, I don’t like your no-killing policy. I have a strong vendetta against those who commit awful crimes, like murder, torture, terrorism, rape. Those guys have it easy. They just go to jail. But the victims and their families will be afflicted with trauma for the rest of their lives. More, the justice system is so flawed, that they often get out on parole, bail, or ‘Good behaviour’, only to go on with even worse crimes than before - And the cycle continues.” the man’s smile fell off his face - He could definitely see where she was coming from, and the reality was harsh. “I know, Y/N. I understand. It’s not easy for us either... But there are man other, external threats that are a danger to our whole planet. We could benefit from someone like you. I’ve never seen a hero who has powers of healing others.” the man tried to encourage her.  “Flash... If some Superman-level villain came to destroy Earth... You know, like Darkseid... What will I be able to do? Nothing. I’m literally just a human who can heal wounds, and I can inflict some damage on some with my magic, but it’s really not that big of a deal. Moreover, if a threat came, and I was put in the position to choose, I would sacrifice the whole planet, just to save Bruce, and I mean it.” she said. “That’s the problem with being a superhero. You have to sacrifice everything, and everyone you love, for the greater good of the world, but nobody cares about you and your life.” Y/N explained. “If anything, I’m pretty sure Bats would do anything to save you. Just like you for him. Maybe it can even bring you two closer!” Flash exclaimed, before stammering. “You, uh... You two are together, right?” Y/N’s eyes widened slightly, before looking away. “Uhm... W-Well...” “Wait -- No...! Don’t tell me --” she nodded at him. “Oh, what an idiot! He can’t just-- Ahhhh, Batman, Batman, Batman. I’ll have a talk with him when we find him!” he hit his fist on his chest. “It’s... Really okay. We, uh... We’ll find something.” she sighed, shaking her head. “By the way -  Can I be the Best Man to your wedding? I play the matchmaker game now!” a small blush painted her face.  “I, uh... Really can’t see that happening... But, I mean, I suppose... Sure? Although I think you’ll have to fight Superman for that title. Maybe... Maid of Honour?” Y/N chuckled lightly, watching the crestfallen expression on his face. “Oh, come on! How mean!” he whined like a little child. He was adorable, and Y/N was grateful that it was him who comforted her. She didn’t think anyone else could do what he had done in distracting her.
After some more light chatting, Flash received a message on his ear piece that they had uncovered information about the culprit, and they embarked on one of the javelins, following the coordinates towards what seemed to be a private island, far away, into the middle of the Pacific, and it was even covered by a force field that made it invisible to the naked eye, but the space ship was far more technologically advanced than this creation.
At first, they thought it might be overkill, so many members of the justice league, going after a single man, in this rather large island - But this man had done his homework, and one by one, the heroes were brought down. First, it was Superman, who got shot with Kryptonite, of all things. Then, Green Lantern was injected with some kind of psychological gadget that made John think he was blind, and in his frenzy, not only was he unable to visualise and create objects with his lantern, but he couldn’t focus either. Flash was next, and he got paralysed, trying to save Y/N from the gun shot. Shayera was also easy to break down, with a rough blow to the head.
Where all the members disappeared, Y/N did not know, but at least she still had the Amazon Princess with her. She had just about the perfect kind of raw strength that was able to destroy walls and deflect shots, whilst Y/N would use magic shields to engulf the projectile launchers, making them implode. It was this way that they finally reached the final room, where Bruce was laying on what looked like a sacrificial stone table. “Bruce!” Diana called out his name, rushing to his side. “DIANA, NO!” Y/N yelled at her, but it was far too late - The Princess, in her rush, was taken down and immobilised by the enemy who was, indeed, the man who had once kidnapped her parents. Martin Davis. “Alright, let’s not waste our breaths, what do you want?” “Y/N, Y/N, Y/N. You shouldn’t have come here. You should have remained content with your parents safe - But no, you had to come over and watch your darling Batman die. How quaint.” he laughed menacingly, stepping next to the table and slapping the unconscious man’s chest. “Look around you. What does this look like?” he asked, a wide, wicked grin on his face. “A ritual room.” Y/N realised - It hadn’t taken long, for the room looked an awful much like the clichee environment of a Maya civilisation sacrification chamber. It was half horrifying and half hilarious, but the situation at hand was, by far, the creepiest thing she’s ever seen. “So... Why do you want to sacrifice Bruce?” she asked, trying to keep herself steady and come up with a plan, as the villain started speaking. “Because my daughter died.” the man growled. “She is about your age. She died not long ago. My wife, too, died in childbirth, so Annie was all I had left... Until she was taken away from me by a disease. I had gone bankrupt, using all the company money to save her, get her the best treatments at the best hospitals... But it wasn’t enough.” he spoke. “For the past months, I started stalking Bruce Wayne, being one of the wealthiest men in Gotham - And I tracked him to your house. You’re a civilian, it was easy to get information on you - So I kidnapped your parents and asked for ransom from the millionaire... But who would have thought, he was really Batman. I had got no money, and my daughter died, all alone in that damned hospital room.” tears of sorrow and rage were stinging his eyes. “It was in Arkham Asylum that I heard about this... Gimmick. A sort of ritual that can bring back the dead, and you must sacrifice another. And it’s perfect! I wanted my revenge - Batman killed my daughter! He deserves to die! Now, do you understand me?! You were livid with fear, you were desperate when your parents were taken away! And, look at you - A normal person, going out of her way, seeking help from everyone, just to get this man back to safety - You UNDERSTAND me, girl! You get me! So - If you get me, you won’t interfere, will you?! If you do, I’ll kill you too! Maybe I can bring back my wife too!” he yelled at the girl, but in his blind rage, but also hope, he didn’t realise the small sparkle of light blue that was moving towards Bruce. This spark was Y/N’s magic, reaching to heal the man and wake him up. Hopefully, he would help her out in taking the villain down. “I understand you. More or less, I do. I am also the kind of person who would sacrifice everyone else, as long as the person I love is safe.” the girl nodded, trying her best not to glance his way and give away her plan. “But it’s been weeks since your daughter died, and years since the death of your wife. What will happen if you bring them back to life? Will they be human again? Where did you hear of this ritual.” she tried to pry more. She could feel that Bruce was fine overall, save for his unconsciousness - But based on her experience, he should wake up soon. “A criminal told me about this ritual, and I started researching it in great detail, had my acolytes look it up, even go to the place where the Mayans had done these things. Frankly - I don’t care what they come back as. Hell, they can even be zombies for all I care -  I just want them back.” the man grinned once again. “And I will NOT be denied.” “Well, I am sorry to say, but the dead must be allowed to rest. There is no way I would let you sacrifice anyone, especially the man I love, just to try your hand at some silly ritual. Didn’t you know that all the Gods the Mayans believed in never existed to begin with? Human sacrifice was useless. Nothing good came out of that.” she explained, taking a step forward, and then another, only to see the man take out a knife. “A stupid little girl with no powers can’t stop me! I will be the one who kills Batman! And when he’s dead, I will hack into the Wayne corp and transfer all his money into my own bank account!” Martin tried to rush to the man laying on the stone table - Diana’s scream of his name reminded Y/N that she was still there, and now awake, though incapacitated. Y/N leapt onto the villain, wrestling him on the ground, all while keeping her focus on healing Bruce - But she was just human, and she had no superior strength like the other members of the League did. “You won’t touch him.” the girl had mounted his waist, both hands gripping onto his wrist, keeping it away from her face. “Fuck off, mate.” she sneered, only to get an uppercut punch in the chin and thrown off to the ground, only to have the man above her. “Get off!” she tried to claw away at his face and avoided a stab to the face, but for someone who only knew some basic martial arts and was almost terrified of weapons - Without powers, how can you defend yourself? Should have really taken Bruce’s offer of teaching her at least Kickboxing seriously... What a fool she’s been. “NO! NOT UNTIL I GET MY REVENGE! NOT UNTIL I GET MY FAMILY BACK!” Y/N wasn’t sure if her strength was failing her, or if he was getting stronger, but the force he applied with each punch, and each time he tried to strangle her, was a bit too much for her. “I... Won’t... Let you... Touch him...” the more she struggled, the more powerless she felt, and her muscles were quickly failing her. Was she going to end up strangled to death, before she could save Bruce? “I just can’t WAIT to see that fucker’s face when he sees your dead body.” the man’s laughter, however, was cut short as he was roughly punched away. “I’d like to see you try.” the familiar velvety yet somewhat gruff voice of the Batman resounded through the room. He was pissed. Bruce grabbed the man by the neck of his shirt and broke his arm, throwing away the knife he was holding, before beating him half to death. Y/N whistled, very impressed - It was not often that he saw Batman in action, but especially now, as he was wearing only his underpants, she could see every muscle in his body flexing with every hit he shot at the culprit, rendering him unconscious. “Honestly... If I could do that, you would have already been home, with a tea cup in your hand and watching TV.” she chuckled lightly. “Forgive me for taking so long. You must have been nervous.” she got helped up and brought into a tight embrace by the man. “I wasn’t. In fact, I have no idea what happened or how I got here. I was asleep the whole time.” he spoke, worry in his eyes as his hand reluctantly reached to caress her face, wiping away the blood dripping down her bottom lip. “Oh. Well, that’s for the best. Oh - Uhm... Here. This is from Alfred. He thought you might be needing this. Right as always, that one.” smiling bashfully, Y/N took her bag and revealed the Batman suit that was neatly packed inside, and the utility belt next to it. “You must be cold. Go ahead and change. We have to save the rest of the league.” she chuckled lightly. “Will you tell me what in the world happened?” he rose his eyebrow skeptically, but a smug smirk played on his lips. “Oh, well... It is... Sort of a long story. I’ll tell you when we go back, alright?” without thinking much about it, she helped the man dorn his hero suit, fixing it in place. “Did he hurt you?” “No. I’m fine.” he said, not yet putting his mask on. “But you aren’t.” “What do you mean? I’m fine, aren’t I? I’m not hurt.” she blinked in surprise. “Yes, you are. You’ve got cuts and forming bruises all over. You shouldn’t have come. You’re not a fighter, you’re a healer.” but the Bat was surprised, seeing her smile at him. “Look around, Bruce. All the fighters were taken down. I’m all that’s left standing here to save you from being sacrificed to the Maya Gods. How about some appreciation?” she chuckled at him, and though the man was still scared for her well-being, he brought her into an embrace once again. “And if I didn’t wake up when I did, it would have been you, the sacrifice.” he spoke in a low voice. “I should have woken up sooner. If I didn’t... I don’t want what happened on that night to happen again. Especially not with you. I can’t lose you, Y/N. Never do something so reckless again.” it wasn’t often he let out his vulnerable side to someone else that wasn’t Alfred, but as long as no one else but she would hear it, it was fine. “It’s okay, Bruce. I’m okay. Don’t worry anymore. Look at me - I’m alright.” she placed her hands on his face, shifting his head down to look at her. “Y/N... It is twice now that you jumped in front of mortal danger to save me. Once, you had to kill someone. You were just eight years old. Because of my lack of action, I let you fight off a man with a gun, who tried to assault and kill you. Now, decades later, the same thing happens. You jump to stop a man from stabbing me, and you get beaten up in the process. It is all my fault... I should have done a better job at protecting you. Forgive me.” the guilt and self-hatred he was feeling was so deep, that he was completely unable to show any logical emotion. “Oh, Bruce, you silly man.” raising to her tippy toes, Y/N brought the man into a sweet kiss. “We were just children back then - What could you have done? I never blamed you for that, so please, don’t blame yourself now either. It is my fault that I turned down your self defense lessons. Besides, you have kept me safe for so long... Even from yourself. Please don’t do that anymore. I miss my best friend... I miss my Zorro.” her voice made his heart do leaps upon leaps, and he was left with his mouth agape. “Y/N, I...” he wasn’t able to speak anymore. “Don’t worry about endangering me anymore.” she reassured him. “When you formed the Justice League, you wanted me to join, to know that I am safe. I refused back then... And I still think I’m not suitable for the hero life. But Flash got me thinking for a while. I’m not a strong fighter, and probably I’ll never be a real addition to a team saving the world - But I can at least do my best to keep you save, either on the field, or back at the base - Remarkable space HQ, by the way - So... I’m fine joining... If you’ll still have me.” Batman could only stare down at the woman in front of him, and his speech moved him. He couldn’t help but tease her, though. “Don’t you know it is unprofessional to date a co-worker?” it earned an amused giggle from the girl. “Though, I suppose I can make an exception.” “So, am I dating Bruce Wayne, or Batman? Or maybe I am Elena de la Vega again?” she smiled sweetly at him, her hands resting on his chest. “Which ever you want.” he muttered, putting a protective arm around her waist. “Then - Can I have all three?” Bruce reached to pick her chin, raising it to have a look at her. “How awfully greedy of you. I almost don’t recognise you.” that smile on his face was absolutely priceless - And Bruce could see the love in her eyes, all addressed to him. “I am, when it comes to you, and I have always been this way.” but a sarcastic remark from Diana reminded the two that people were actually in danger, so Bruce put on his Bat hood and the two went on ahead to liberate the Amazon Princess, before looking to save everyone else.
They were able to remove the Kryptonite from Superman’s body, and Y/N cured Flash of his paralysed state, while Batman used some of his gadgets to have John’s hypnotic state erased and realise he isn’t actually blind. Shayera was already up and awake, with only the restraints left to be undone.
With everyone rescued, they ran out to get on the spaceship - The Island was in auto-destruct mode, and they just narrowly escaped the explosion. The villain was apprehended and locked back in Arkham, and now, everyone was back at the space HQ.
“So...! All’s well that ends well!” Flash grinned widely, running between Y/N and Batman, putting his arms around their shoulders. “Right, you two~?” “Everyone is safe and the criminal was jailed. I’d say we’re doing well.” Y/N replied innocently, and Batman grunted in agreement, shrugging the other hero off him. “You never told us you had a partner, Bruce.” Diana pointed out, seemingly hurt. Batman remembered all the times she had flirted with him, and felt guilty. “I don’t discuss my private life with anyone.” he spoke, impersonally. “It has to be recent anyway. Remember that cheetah villain, when he was captured by Luthor and the Joker? And Catwoman? And Talia Al Ghul? Jezebel. Zatanna. Poison Ivy. Harley Quinn. Hell, didn’t you and Wonder Woman kiss?” Shayera looked at him with shock and disgust. “Who’d have thought Batman was such a playboy!” Flash laughed, slapping the man’s shoulder light-heartedly. “Sex sells.” Y/N and Bruce spoke simultaneously. “If I had a penny for every time Bruce was able to seduce his way out of trouble, it would be me the billionaire, not him.” Y/N smirked up at the man in cause, who simply huffed and looked away. “And you’re okay with that?!” Shayera’s eyes went wide. “As long as he comes home alive, then yes, I don’t see the problem. I also don’t think anyone should bother commenting on his private life, considering how messy and filled with drama all of your intimate life is - Switching partners every now and then, betraying people, betraying other people, switching again - Need I go on?” Y/N rolled her eyes. “It’s been 32 years and it has always been Y/N. I don’t need to explain anything to anyone. Let’s go.” Batman picked the girl up in his arms, nodding his head at J’onn to get him back home, to the right coordinates. “I WANNA BE INVITED TO THE WEDDING --” Flash’s yell was the last thing they heard before they were teleported back to Y/N’s home, where it all began. “What? Y/N promised to make me the Best Man.” he grinned up at Superman, who could only shake his head and chuckle at him, but also, at seeing that his dear friend also had someone he loved so dearly close to him, just like he had Lois.
Diana was disappointed, her hand clutching at her heart - If he was seeing someone, why not just say so? She felt led on and disappointed. She wanted to return to her home and meditate. Shayera was enraged by this new woman who dared cross her and shade her so openly, in front of everyone, and it was John’s job to calm her down, while also fearing that Mari might catch them and misunderstand. It was only J’onn that nodded to himself, seeing that the woman would be a good addition to the team, as there was no superhero who could heal others - Though he truly wondered at the extent of her powers.
Back at Y/N’s home, she had taken his hood down, yet he wouldn’t put her down. Instead, he was looking at her with a smug half-smile. “What?” Y/N chuckled at the man, urging him to speak. “I was just thinking - I should have done that a long time ago.” he admitted. “As soon as I was able to hold you, like Zorro held Elena. Can you forgive me for not holding my end of the promise?” “You’re doing it now. I say, you did exactly as you promised you would.” she grinned sweetly at him. “It’s been a lot of years since then, but you never failed to show me that you care for me. It never mattered for me, as long as I still had you in my life... I did miss you, though.” she continued, a bit nostalgic. “Are you sure you want to join the League?” he asked, sitting down on the couch, with her still in his arms, over his lap. “If it helps me see you more, then yes. Also - It’s about time I get more excitement in my life... And learn how to defend myself. I’ll be damned before I let another weirdo with a silly weapon bring me down like that.” she admitted simply. “I can help with that.” he smirked again. “Y/N. Let’s have a sleepover.” “Sweet. I’ll go find something for you to sleep in. Order something to eat, will you? The groceries are all but stale by now, and I’d rather not get a frozen pizza.” Y/N hopped off and rushed to her room, returning with some of the old sleeping clothes that he left some time ago. When she returned to the living room, Bruce was standing, and holding something in his hands - It was a beautiful necklace. “Where’d you find this?! I was never able to find it online -” Y/N stared down at the beautiful gemstone necklace he was holding. “Is there anything that Bruce Wayne, rich guy, can’t do?” he asked with a chuckle, placing the jewellery around her neck. “It looks just as good. Only you can make it even more beautiful than it already is.” Y/N traced the necklace gingerly. It was the exact replica on the necklace she had torn away from her neck, all those years ago. It was a birthday gift from the Waynes, and she was so excited to wear it on her theater ‘date’ with Bruce... Only to have it ripped and destroyed during the altercation of that night. To think that the old Bat could pull off something like this... She shouldn’t be surprised though, this man was resourceful above all else. “Thank you.” Y/N was breathless, and tears were gleaming in her eyes. “Happy Birthday, Y/N.” he leaned down to press a soft kiss on her forehead. “You know what would make it really happy~?” she asked, watching the man raise a questioning eyebrow. “If you do that thing which you don’t like, but I absolutely love.” the look of defeat in his eyes, and that sigh, only made the woman grin as she embraced the man, listening to his soothing baritone voice sing a beautiful blues song.
Am I blue? Am I blue? Ain't these tears In these eyes tellin' you?
And though they swayed together for who knew how long, Bruce muttered one last thing, before sharing one more kiss for the night.
It has always been you, the one I love.
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fluentmoviequoter · 23 days
Butterflies Aren't Just for Kids
Part 2 of Crushes Aren't Just for Kids
Pairing: JLU!Bruce Wayne x fem!JL!reader
Summary: Bruce hasn't asked you out yet, despite the League's interest in your new relationship. When he finally has enough and takes you away from their prying eyes and endless questions, you tell him why you hid your feelings for so long.
Warnings: fluff!!! John, Diana, and Wally get warnings for being nosy
Word Count: 1.6k+ words
A/N: Have I mentioned that I love this show? I considered basing this on The Once and Future Thing (s1 finale) but think that would be better as an independent rewrite. Also, I love Wally so much!!
Picture from Pinterest
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Plenty has changed since Morgaine Le Fay turned you, Bruce, Clark, Diana, and John into kids and back into adults to defeat her son. Bruce learned about your crush on him, as did John and Diana, and Bruce hinted that he’d ask you out soon. Being a superhero vigilante is a full-time job, though, and he has yet to find the time to do that.
Every time you set foot in the Watchtower, John and Diana give you questioning looks. You can tell they want to pry and hear about what’s happening with you and Bruce, but you also know they won’t believe you when you say nothing. Luckily, you still have easy access to all the hiding places Bruce installed in the multi-million-dollar space base.
While you sit in the cafeteria and eat, your thoughts drift to Bruce. He’s off somewhere fighting an alien with Clark, yet all you want is another quiet moment at his side.
“Hey,” Wally greets as he sits.
“Hi, Walls,” you reply with a smile.
“What’s up with all the weird looks?”
“What do you mean?”
Wally looks down and quickly counts the food items on his four trays. He speeds back into the cafeteria for another pudding, and you brace yourself for the wind that follows his return.
“Everyone keeps looking at you like there’s something big happening. They used to look at me like that, but you’re hogging my attention,” Wally answers.
“Sorry about that.”
“Seriously, it’s impossible to miss all of the looks. John and Diana look ready to snap every time you walk into the room.”
“I hadn’t noticed,” you lie. “I’m sure whatever they think is happening will pass soon and all eyes will be back on you.”
“As they should be, right?”
“Right, Walls.”
You excuse yourself, but not before you offer your cake to Wally. You ignore the looks Wally mentioned as you walk toward J’onn’s station in the heart of the Watchtower.
“J’onn, can you send me home? I don’t think I’ve got anything else to do up here,” you request.
“Certainly. I’ll let you know if we need you to return.”
A light blinds you temporarily, and when you open your eyes, you realize someone must have told J’onn you have a new home.
“I have got to talk to John about boundaries,” you mumble as you begin the short walk to Wayne Manor.
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A few days later, you haven’t even seen Bruce. You’ve been pining after him for years, though, so what’s a few more days before that date he said he’d take you on? As long as it isn’t a theme park, you think as you walk through the Watchtower.
“We need to talk,” Diana says as she pulls you into a corner.
“About what?” you ask.
“You and Bruce,” John answers, stepping out of the shadows.
“What is this, an intervention? There’s nothing to talk about!” you whisper harshly.
“What happened after we left?” Diana inquires.
“He took me home. If you must know, he implied that he’d ask me out, but that is it! He may not even like me anymore.”
John shakes his head with a knowing look on his face. He can read you too well to lie to him.
“Look, I’m trying to be patient and wait for him to decide, ask, whatever, but it is getting very hard to do with you two drawing attention to us! Booster Gold asked me where the boyfriend was, and he didn’t even know who he was talking about!”
“Booster never knows what he’s talking about,” John argues.
“That is not the point.”
John smirks before he asks, “So, when you and Bruce have kids, do you think they’ll look like you two did in Mordred’s kingdom?”
The door behind Diana opens, and you realize you’ve been having this conversation outside Bruce’s workshop. While he was in it.
“Stop,” Bruce demands.
Diana nudges you, and you push her away. You’ll do something, but not because she encouraged you to, because you want to.
“What?” you ask with an exaggerated pout. “You don’t want to have kids with me, Brucie?”
Bruce rolls his eyes at your reply, but John and Diana stay beside you despite his bat glare.
“Are you going to ask her out?” Diana asks. “Because we’re all waiting for you to do something.”
“Clearly,” Bruce replies. “We’re leaving. Lantern. Diana.”
Before John or Diana can speak again, J’onn transports you and Bruce away. They’re left facing each other with a few answers and more questions.
“Where do you think they went?” Diana inquires.
“I’m- I’m not sure I want to think about that,” John answers slowly. “She is my friend, you know.”
“So is he.”
“Yeah,” John says, his voice laced with sarcasm and disbelief. “Sure, he is. Best friend, really.”
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When you arrive in the manor, pressed to Bruce’s side just as you were in the amusement park, you don’t hesitate to turn and hug him. Bruce’s arms wrap around you loosely, and you step back when Alfred enters the living room.
“I’ll assume you’re the reason I’ve been getting so many dirty looks and questions from the League?” Bruce asks.
His lips are up at the edges, and you think he will smile at any moment. You can’t tell by looking at him, but Bruce feels like a kid again when he’s with you. He didn't experience childhood like he should have, so he lets himself be genuine with you. He’s done wasting time, he decides.
“You know, I’ve been fighting by your side for a long time,” you say. “But your hugs are way better than your grappling hooks.”
Bruce shakes his head and leads you toward the couch before Alfred returns with popcorn, a tray of snacks, and your favorite drink that you did not ask for nor mention. You thank him, and he winks at you quickly. He’s glad to see Bruce happy and to have visitors in the manor again.
“I should’ve hugged you sooner,” you muse as you reach for the food. “Could have been spending time here for years by now.”
“Why didn’t you say anything before?” Bruce asks softly.
“Why didn’t you?” you counter. You lick your lips before answering, “You’re important to me, Bruce. I didn’t want to jeopardize our relationship or the team, or, worse, put you in danger by saying the wrong thing at the wrong time. There were too many unknowns.”
“So, you planned to, what? Wait until I said something?”
“Caged butterflies,” you whisper. “Cages don’t hold them very well. I would’ve said something eventually, but Morgaine put me in a position where I didn’t have to.”
“Then, technically, John told me.”
“You’re a jerk, you know that?”
Bruce smiles, and the butterflies you felt as a kid revive to create a hurricane in your heart. He leans in and brushes his lips over your cheek before saying, “I’ve been told… I’ve also been told crushes aren’t just for kids.”
“Jerk,” you mumble again as you turn your face toward Bruce.
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“Oh! Oh!” John yells when you step out of J’onn’s transporter and onto the Watchtower. “Someone’s glowing. How them butterflies feeling?”
“Like kids again,” you answer honestly. “I guess I should thank you for forcing me to do something.”
“Lanterns have been making dreams come true for millennia.”
“There’s no way that’s true.”
“You don’t know that. You’re not a Lantern, or a mind reader.”
“It’s not true,” J’onn calls without looking away from his console.
“Man, we need better friends,” John tells you.
“You are my better friend.”
“Save that lovey stuff for the boyfriend.”
“I thought he was Diana’s boyfriend,” you argue, tilting your head as you hide your smile.
“The ploy of a mastermind to learn the truth,” John answers with a shrug.
“You really are spending too much time with Wally.”
John stands and beckons you to follow him. You do so wordlessly, but you run into someone as you round a corner beside him. Bruce grasps your arms gently to keep you upright before dropping his head to look at you.
“Here comes the bride,” Wally sings under his breath.
You and Bruce look up quickly, surprised to see Wally has joined John, and they are watching your interaction with far too much interest.
“And that’s why we’re glad Wally wasn’t included in Mordred’s spell,” you grumble against Bruce’s chest.
“What spell?” Wally asks. He doesn’t give anyone time to answer before he rambles, “Hey, have you told her about your childhood, Bats? I mean, you’re definitely a loner now, but good luck learning anything about him; he’s one tough walnut to crack.”
“I know,” you and John say together.
Bruce tightens his grip on you before requesting J’onn send him home. The Watchtower is no longer a haven from Gotham, not with the League’s new favorite topic of conversation: you and Batman.
“We should buy a vacation house,” Bruce says as you open your eyes in Gotham.
“Yeah. In Coast City, where Ollie can find us and bring the rest of the fan club,” you joke.
Bruce stays quiet for a moment, and you begin to ask him what’s wrong, but he cuts you off.
“Get ready. We’re going on that date I promised,” he says.
“You never actually asked,” you point out.
“Will you go on a date with me?” Bruce asks.
“I’d love to.”
“Then go get ready. I’m taking you somewhere we can be ourselves.”
“Where could you possibly take me that Bruce Wayne won’t be recognized? And if you say an amusement park I will walk out right now.”
“I was thinking Metropolis. The roof of the Daily Planet. I called in a few favors.”
“I take it back. You weren’t a cute kid… you’re still cute.”
“And you still have trouble with maintaining eye contact.” Bruce leads you to the stairs and spreads his hand over your lower back before he whispers, “We’ll work on it.”
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fluentmoviequoter · 7 months
DC Comics
Dick Grayson x fem!reader
One More Favor (Titans!Dick Grayson)
5k+ words | angst to fluff | When Dick takes Rachel out of Detroit, he needs help, but he'll have to call in a few favors first.
Honeymoon Suite
2.6k+ words | fluff | Batman sends you and Dick undercover as newlyweds. At the end of the mission, neither of you want things to change.
Jason Todd x fem!reader
The Man Under the Hood
2.3k+ words | angst to fluff | After a terrifying encounter with Red Hood, Jason is left to pick up the pieces.
Love, The Man Under the Hood 1.8k+ words | angst to fluff | After learning that Jason Todd is the Red Hood, he tells you everything.
1.5k words | fluff | Gotham winters are brutal, but your best friend Jason Todd and work friend Red Hood know how to combat the cold. Unfortunately, you're falling in love with both of them.
Lost Time
1.3k+ words | fluff | Jason comes home to you, his wife, after a mission and makes up for lost time.
Bruce Wayne x fem!reader
Family Name
6.6k+ words | angst to fluff | ex-Army/SWAT!reader | After ten years away, you return to Gotham. When you discover you know the true identity of the Joker, you join Batman's fight to save Gotham.
Crushes Aren't Just for Kids
3.1k+ words | fluff | JLU Batman x JL!reader | When all adults are banished from earth, you join Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, and Green Lantern in a unique fight to save the world. Along the way, some hidden feelings are revealed.
Butterflies Aren't Just for Kids 1.6k+ words | fluff | Bruce hasn't asked you out yet, despite the League's interest in your new relationship. When he finally has enough and takes you away from their prying eyes and endless questions, you tell him why you hid your feelings for so long.
Black Mercy
2.3k+ words | angst to fluff | JLU Batman x JL!reader | When you and Bruce find Superman in the Fortress of Solitude, you encounter the Black Mercy. Bruce faces his heart's greatest desire, and you encourage him to find happiness.
What You Want
2.9k+ words | angst / hurt/comfort | You are Joker's daughter, and you let him think for you. Bruce Wayne, however, sees who you really are and encourages you to be better.
Hal Jordan x fem!reader
Me or the Ring
3.5k+ words | angst | When the Guardians suspect you, a woman from earth, of working with the Star Sapphires to commit mass murder, Hal Jordan volunteers to find evidence. He accidentally falls for you in the process, but you find out why he let you get so close and pull away.
Me and the Ring 2.9k+ words | angst to fluff | After Hal broke your heart and failed his mission, the Guardians send Kyle to pick up where he left off. You can't trust Hal, but that doesn't mean you don't love him.
/ Blurbs/Celebration Fics
Christmas '23 | Dick (Haley's Holiday)(A League Christmas) | Jason (Special Edition)
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fluentmoviequoter · 1 month
Black Mercy
Pairing: Bruce Wayne x fem!JL!reader (Justice League Unlimited!Bruce)
Summary: When you and Bruce find Superman in the Fortress of Solitude, you encounter the Black Mercy. Bruce faces his heart's greatest desire, and you encourage him to find happiness.
Warnings: spoilers/rewrite for Justice League Unlimited 1x2 "For the Man Who Has Everything", fluff, canon-level violence and action
Word Count: 2.3k+ words
A/N: I'll say it again... this show is elite. I'll never shut up about the characterizations of Batman, Superman, and the Flash! But, also, his bat ears.
Picture from Pinterest
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“J’onn, when did Superman check in last?” you inquire.
J’onn clicks the trackpad before him. The Watchtower has the most advanced technology of any place you’ve ever seen, yet J’onn has to navigate to the most recent communication reports to learn when he last heard Clark’s voice.
“Several hours,” J’onn answers with a frown. “He traveled to his Fortress of Solitude to investigate a disturbance but hasn’t reported since he arrived.”
“I’ll try to contact him,” you tell J’onn.
Bruce thought of everything when he designed and funded the Watchtower, and you navigate to your favorite private area. You occasionally wonder if he created such spots for people like you, the unpowered or easily overwhelmed. The Watchtower is big enough that you could go an entire day without seeing another member of the League; now, you crave that privacy to check on your friend.
“Superman, come in,” you say into your small radio. “Hello? … Clark?”
The only response you get is a distant static. You bounce the radio between your hands and frown. Clark can handle himself, of course, but he’s also good about staying in touch. The hidden door beside you creaks open slowly before Bruce steps inside.
“I thought you may be here,” he murmurs. When he turns to face you, he asks, “What’s wrong?”
“Clark isn’t checking in. J’onn hasn’t heard from him in hours, and I can’t reach him on comms,” you answer.
“Where is he?”
“Fortress of Solitude.”
“Then let’s go.”
You smile and take Bruce’s hand as he helps you to stand. He leads you through the empty hallways of the Watchtower, and you hope that when you get to Superman's hideout, it's just radio interference and nothing more. He steps onto the launch bay and presses a button on his utility belt to open the canopy of the batplane.
“Can I fly?” you ask.
“No,” Bruce answers.
He flies in relative silence, and it isn’t until he steers the plane into the freezing water surrounding the Fortress of Solitude that you decide to speak.
“That was a nice turn,” you compliment. “You usually scare me when you fly.”
“Sorry,” Bruce replies shortly.
He levels the plane onto an ice bank and opens the canopy. When he sees a small box in your hand, he furrows his brows under the cowl. You lead the way through the icy cave and look around for any sign of Clark.
“Is that for his birthday?” Bruce asks.
“What’d you get him?” you reply.
“He’s not the easiest person in the world to buy presents for.” Bruce lifts an envelope from his belt as he speaks.
“Please tell me that’s not a gift card.”
“It’s not… It's cash.”
You nod, and follow Bruce up the stairs into the heart of Superman’s fortress.
“What do you get for the man who has everything?” Bruce adds before freezing.
You drop the gift box when you see Clark. Bruce’s arm stretches past you protectively as you look from a distance. Clark stands motionless with a large plant attached to his chest and wrapped around his shoulders and back.
“What is that?” you ask Bruce.
He walks down the steps to get a closer look, and you follow closely behind him.
“Looks like some kind of plant,” Bruce says. “Seems to be growing through his costume and into his body.”
You step to Bruce’s side and look at Clark’s chest. He’s breathing, barely, but that’s enough of a promise that he can be saved from whatever this is. Clearly, someone was in the fortress, and Clark probably interrupted them. You will know where to start if you learn what he was investigating.
“Look around,” Bruce requests. “I’ll see what I can find here.”
You leave his side as he shines a light in Clark’s eyes. Bruce is well-versed in Kryptonian anatomy, so you trust him to decide what’s best for Clark.
“Pupils aren’t responding in the slightest. He must be cut off from all sensation,” Bruce deduces.
“How do we save someone who doesn’t know we’re trying?” you inquire.
Bruce doesn’t answer you but murmurs, “Kent, where are you?”
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“So, it was a gift. Teleported here from some alien culture, some grateful world. Or someone wanting you to think they were grateful,” Bruce says to Clark.
“How remarkable,” someone calls. Bruce stands quickly and sees Mongul as he finishes, “You animals really are almost intelligent, aren’t you? That’s exactly what happened.”
Mongul steps out of the shadows, and Bruce sees you unconscious in his hand. His jaw clenches, but he remains calm and focused. He can’t save you or Clark if he loses a fight with Mongul.
“Mongul,” Bruce greets.
“You recognize me. I’m flattered. I suppose Superman told you all about our previous encounter.”
“You mean how he humiliated you?” Bruce taunts.
“A… jaundiced account. What inferior specimens he surrounds himself with.” Mongul raises you cruelly and says, “I took her down before she even knew I was there, and I’ll take this planet just as easily.”
You gesture with your hand to show Bruce you’re about to move and then swing your legs up. When they meet Mongul’s jaw, he tips back, and you fall to the cold floor.
“Maybe she knew more than you thought,” you say. “We inferior specimens call it ‘playing possum.’”
You prepare to fight Mongul despite the unfairness of the fight. Before you can punch or be punched, however, Bruce jumps between you and Mongul.
“No,” he demands.
“Clearly the males on this world are the smart one,” Mongul muses. “He wants to know about the plant. The Black Mercy is a telepathic species. It reads the heart’s desires and feeds the individual a totally convincing simulation of it.”
“So, he’s dreaming?” Bruce clarifies.
“Oh, far deeper than any dream. I wonder where he thinks he is… Sitting on a throne ruling the universe, all you human garbage fawning at his feet? More honest, don’t you think than this pretense of being a selfless hero?”
“Bruce, we can’t take him,” you whisper as Mongul looks at Clark. “What are we supposed to do?”
“We can’t take him,” Bruce agrees. “But we can take a plant.”
“Need a distraction?”
“Be careful.”
You run toward Mongul and force him backward, away from Clark. He knocks you to the floor with ease, but where you lack size and power, you have mobility and agility. You maneuver away from him and run through an opening in the wall. As you hoped, he follows you.
Meanwhile, Bruce attempts to cut through the plant but fails.
“He’ll kill her, Clark,” Bruce tells Clark. “And then he’ll kill us all. Shake it off. Come back to us… Please.”
Bruce told you to be careful, but you’re doing anything you can to keep Mongul away from him. You fire a Kryptonian weapon at him, but you and Bruce face similar luck as nothing works to help you. You’re trapped in a losing fight, and Bruce can’t get Clark back. You see another line of weapons and run into an adjoining room. Mongul follows you, and he’s loud enough that Bruce can locate you without seeing you.
“She’s in the hall of weapons. That will buy her time, but not enough.” He grips Clark’s shoulders and adds, “She’s fighting for her life, Clark. You’ve got to fight too, Clark.”
The weapon goes cold, and you drop it before you realize how close you are to Mongul. Mogul wraps a hand around your shoulders and squeezes your neck before pushing you onto the floor.
“First, I’ll kill you and the Bat and then I’ll take this planet,” he says.
“You won’t win,” you force out.
“Of course I will.”
Mongul lifts you from the ground before dropping you again, and you can only hope that Bruce is close to saving Clark. Once he’s back, you can be sure Mongul won’t win.
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“Yes, that’s it,” Bruce says as he pulls the Black Mercy from Clark’s chest. “Fight it. Fight it.”
Bruce finally succeeds and removes the plant from Clark, but his victory is short-lived before it attaches to him instead.
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“Batman!” you yell as Mongul throws you across the hall of weapons.
You struggle to push yourself to your feet, but a blue and red blur knocks Mongul off his feet before you can. While Clark pays Mongul back for everything he lost, you stumble through a hole in the wall to find Bruce. It’s unimaginable - to lose your heart’s desire, but when you see Bruce smiling with the Black Mercy on his chest, you find the strength to keep moving.
“Bruce,” you call, but it’s no more than a whimper.
You kneel before him and grip the sides of the plant. Pulling is pointless, but you need him back. Clark can undoubtedly handle Mongul alone, but Bruce needs your help now.
“Bruce, fight for me. Come back to me,” you plead.
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“Bruce, I think it’s your turn.”
Bruce shakes his head and continues kissing you. The kids are making noise in the formal living room, but he ignores it. Not even the unmistakable sound of something breaking can draw Bruce away from you.
“Brucie,” you try again.
Talking against his lips doesn't work because his kisses are addictive. You finally raise your hands and push yourself away from Bruce. He smiles, and you know your happiness is evident on your face, too.
“Your kids are destroying the manor,” you remind him. 
“We can fix it. And they’re our kids.”
“I’m happy,” you tell him.
“I am too.”
Bruce brushes your hair back and watches your smile fall.
“But it’s not real,” you whisper.
“It can be,” Bruce promises.
He leans toward you, and you kiss his forehead before answering, “Then wake up and make it real.”
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Bruce wakes and is harshly reminded of where he is as he falls backward. The Black Mercy is wrapping around your outstretched arms, and you grunt with effort as you force it away from your chest. Clark is still fighting Mongul, and each reference to his heart’s desire revives his fight and energy.
“Bruce,” you call.
Bruce pushes your arms away from your face, and you roll toward a hole in the floor. Mongul is directly beneath you, and the Black Mercy falls away from you before landing on him. Clark sits back in relief as Mongul disappears into his heart’s desire.
“Are you okay?” Bruce asks.
You assure him that it's nothing more than bumps and bruises, and Bruce pulls a grappling hook from his belt. You wrap your arms around Bruce and cling to him as he lowers to Clark’s side.
“This was your birthday present,” you tell Clark as you pass him the battered box. “Probably broken now, but…”
“Don’t worry about it,” Clark says with a smile. He looks up at the Kryptonian statues above you and promises, “I won’t forget you.”
 “I wonder what he’s seeing,” you say, pointing toward Mongul. “Something better than he deserves, I’m sure.”
“You’re the only one who didn’t get a glimpse at your heart’s desire,” Clark points out. “Maybe I should get you a gift on the way back.”
You smile and pat his shoulder. “I’m sorry for whatever it is you lost. But I’m glad you get to spend your birthday here.”
“I appreciate it. And who knows, maybe I’ll get my desire someday.”
“I hope so.”
“Happy birthday,” Bruce says as he passes the envelope to Clark.
“Thanks, Bruce,” Clark replies. “What do you say we got back to the Watchtower and let the Fortress rest for a while?”
You and Bruce agree, but Bruce waits beside you as Clark walks toward the hidden entrance. He’ll meet you back in space, but now you’re more interested in Bruce’s attention on you.
“I’m sorry,” you offer.
“I thought it would be about my parents. When Mongul explained it, I just assumed,” Bruce says.
“I think mine would have been a normal life. No need for superheroes or watchtowers… just domesticity and happiness with someone who I love and who loves me.”
“You were there,” Bruce says quickly.
“Oh,” you say, unsure of any other, more appropriate response. "Was it… you don’t have to tell me.”
“It felt so real, even though I knew it wasn’t. Is it wrong that I wanted it to be?”
“Of course not.”
“Clark can’t get what he wanted, not if he was back on Krypton, but I could get mine with a single question. What makes me more worthy; after everything I’ve done?”
“Bruce,” you say, drawing his attention when you lay a hand on his chest. “It’s not about that. If your desire is more achievable in this life, that has nothing to do with what you deserve. And you’re not a bad person, so stop punishing yourself.”
“You told me I could make it real,” he murmurs.
“Then ask the question. You can leave it here with that plant, or you can do something for you this one time.”
“We were in the manor,” Bruce begins. “And there were kids playing in the other room, and you looked so happy. I was happy again, and I haven’t been happy in that house since I was eight years old.”
“Things can change,” you whisper.
“Would you- could we try?” Bruce asks.
“The kids in the manor thing or the you and me thing?” you tease.
You lay your hands on Bruce’s shoulders and lean close to him. His hands hover above your waist before settling against the top of your hips.
“Both?” he suggests.
“Alfred will be so happy to have company again,” you say before closing the distance and kissing Bruce.
His dreams are coming true, and yours are too. The fight never ends, but part of you is glad that the Black Mercy attached to Bruce’s chest and the version of you in his heart convinced him to take the next step.
“Alright, let’s go, Brucie,” you say as you pull back. “Clark’s going to get suspicious.”
“Brucie?” Bruce repeats. “You’ve never called me that before.”
“New things, remember? Now, come on, we have a world to protect before you take me on a proper date.”
Bruce follows you as you walk back toward the batplane and shakes his head as he murmurs, “Does this not count?”
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