jpf-sydney · 4 days
Noraneko Gundan aiueo
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Shelf: 811.5 KUD (@ children's book section) Noraneko Gundan aiueo. by Kudō Noriko.
Tōkyō : Hakusensha, 2017. ISBN: 9784592762096
[24] unnumbered pages : colour illustrations ; 21 x 21 cm. (Kodomoe no ehon).
Revised and enlarged of the supplementary content of a bimounthly magazine "Kodomoe" 2017 February issue. Text in Japanese, hiragana and katakana only.
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earlgraytay · 4 years
just jlearner things: searching a japanese term in kanji but forgetting to include some random hiragana segment, so you get a bunch of chinese results you can't read
oh BOY, I can imagine. e_eI haven’t studied Japanese seriously in a while- you’re a fucking ledge, mate.
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jpf-sydney · 16 days
Mō okiru kana?
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We see animal parents and their children sleeping comfortably. In what postures do they sleep, and what movement do they make when they wake up? We'll see the samples with a cat parent and child, a dog parent and child, a squirrel parent and child, a bear parent and child, an elephant parent and child. "Are they waking up soon?", let's see them on the next page and say, "Oh, they are waking up!". We see them all yawn, stretch their bodies and look refreshed after good sleep. And everyone yawns, stretches and wakes up feeling good. Turn the page and say, "Oh, I'm awake!" and everyone yawns, stretches and wakes up feeling good. The elephant and his son on the last page also get up and are ready to go out, nose to nose.
Shelf: 726.6 YAB (@ children's book section) Mō okiru kana? texty by Matsuno Masako ; illustrations by Yabuuchi Masayuki.
Tōkyō : Fukuinkan Shoten, 1998. ISBN: 9784834015355
[20] unnumbered pages : colour illustrations ; 21 x 20 cm. (0.1.2. ehon).
Previously published as content of a monthly magazine "Kodomo no tomo 0.1.2." in 1996. Text in Japanese, hiragana only.
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jpf-sydney · 17 days
Pengin taisō
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"Let's start exercises in Penguin's way. Deep breath in and out. Stretch out your neck and squeeze it. Tummy and head snug". Penguins are well-known at aquariums and zoos. This picture book will make you move along with the penguins as you watch their unique and adorable exercises. After reading the picture book, please enjoy doing the exercises with your child.
Shelf 9th: 726.6 SAI (@ children's book section) Pengin taisō. by Saitō Maki.
Tōkyō : Fukuinkan Shoten, 2016. ISBN: 9784834082531
[20] unnumbered pages : colour illustrations ; 21 x 20 cm. (0.1.2. ehon).
Previously published as content of a mounthly magazine "Kodomo no tomo 0.1.2." in 2013. Text in Japanese, hiragana only.
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jpf-sydney · 3 months
Besuto essei. 202
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日々の雑感、考察、失敗談から、亡くなられたあの方への追悼文まで… さまざまな書き手たちが、「エッセイ」という枠組みのなかで書き記した2021年の記録。 この年に新聞・雑誌等の媒体に発表された中から選りすぐった、珠玉のアンソロジーです。
Shelf: 914.68 BES 2022 Besuto essei. 2022 = The best essay. edited by Nihon Bungeika Kyōkai.
Tōkyō : Mitsumura Tosho Shuppan, 2022. ISBN: 9784813804147
337 pages ; 20cm.
Editorial board members: Kakuta Mitsuyo, Hayashi Mariko, Fujisawa Shū, Horie Toshiyuki, Machida Kō, Miura Shion. Text in Japanese.
Table of contets:
部屋にいる感じ / 武田砂鉄
ロクな恋 / 李琴峰
特に秘密、ありません / 二宮敦人
親父の枕元 / 原田宗典
犬の建前 / 宇佐見りん
いつか「コロナ福」だったと言える日 / 鷲田清一
紙 / 内田洋子
学び始める春、失敗を楽しむ / 山本貴光
瀬尾夏美 / おじいさんの空き地
落合博満への緊張感 / 鈴木忠平
月の砂漠 / 小池水音
冷水を浴びせる : 坂上弘の文体 / 三浦雅士
陰のある光 / 小泉凡
脳内・ドイツ / マライ・メントライン
父と兄の書棚が招いた変な読書 / 志茂田景樹
心の扉を開く音楽 / 寮美千子
立花隆さんを悼む / 柳田邦男
失われゆく昭和探して / 川本三郎
大人への扉を開けたのは / 加納愛子
関係性の結晶 / 齋藤陽道
ガラスのこころ / 岸田奈美
"諦められない"心でアイヌ語研究に夢中 / 金田一秀穂
アイヌとして生きる / 川上容子
佃煮に想う / 小泉武夫
最高の食事 / 田中卓志
珠玉の世界 / ブレイディみかこ
神様、世間様 / 尾崎世界観
さいとう・たかをさんの思い出 / 辻真先
コロナ禍社会と密になった / 本谷有希子
最後の飛翔 / 椹木野依 -- 我が町の「宝」 / 井上理津子
ネガティブな皆さんへ / 尾上松緑
「あいつなりに筋は通ってるんだ」 / 岩松了
翻訳とは / 村井理子
「覚えられない」 / 茂山千之丞
白土三平さんを悼む / 田中優子
そんな時代 / 海猫沢めろん
ともに歩けば / 小川さやか
(笑)わない作家 / 万城目学
雪原 / 岸本佐知子
河合雅雄さんを悼む / 佐倉統
学園の平和、取り戻せ! / みうらじゅん
料理 / 小山田浩子
田中邦衛さんを悼む / 倉本聰
「声」分かち合う喜び / 温又柔
エリック・カールさんを悼む / 松本猛
月みる月は / 彬子女王
トーストと産業革命 / 青山文平
祖父母のすずらん守る / 星野博美
考えることに失敗する / 神林長平
悪態俳句のススメ / 夏井いつき
死も遊びだと思いましょ / 横尾忠則
UFO / 柴田一成
「やめた」後の達成感 / ほしよりこ
息子よ安心しなさい、あなたの親指は天国で花となり咲いている / 青木耕平
那須正幹さんを悼む / 高樹のぶ子
愚かさが導いてくれた道 / 沢木耕太郎
クールでお茶目なかっこよさ / 谷慶子
機械はしない終業挨拶 / 黒井千次
閉、じ、こ、も、り / 村田喜代子
ナマケモノ / 奥本大三郎
夢を彷徨う / 髙村薫
愛しの小松政夫さん / 鈴木聡
胃袋の飛地 / 湯澤規子
『老人と海』をめぐる恋 / 高見浩
「すごい」と「やばい」 / 酒井順子
写真を撮られるということ / 松浦寿輝
安野光雅さんを悼む / 大矢鞆音
この世の通路 / 佐々涼子
瀬戸内寂聴さんを悼む / 林真理子
多分、両方だと思いますよ / 町田康
忘れがたきご亭主 / 三浦しをん
あそこの棚に置いてある。 / 堀江敏幸
それは私の夢だった / 角田光代
遠き花 / 藤沢周.
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jpf-sydney · 4 months
Kangaeru rikaisuru tsutaeru chikara ga mi ni tsuku Nihongo rojikaru torēningu. Chūkyū N2- B1
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Shelf: 810.781 NIS 2 Kangaeru rikaisuru tsutaeru chikara ga mi ni tsuku Nihongo rojikaru torēningu. Chūkyū N2- B1 = Logical thinking in Japanese. by Nishikuma Shun'ya.
Tōkyō : Aruku, 2018. ISBN: 9784757430891
174 pages : illustrations, charts ; 26 cm. + 1 answer booklet (31 pages : charts ; 26 cm.).
Includes bibliographical references (pages [175]). Text in Japanese.
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jpf-sydney · 7 months
Japanese for busy people. 1, Kana version - 4th edition
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NDC 9th: 810.783 BUS 4th/1Ak Japanese for busy people. 1, Kana version. by Association for Japanese-Language Teaching AJALT. Revised 4th edition.
New York : Kodansha USA, 2022. ISBN: 9781568366203
xx, [269] pages : illustrations ; 28 cm.
Includes indexes (pages 255-260 for Japanese-English glossary, pages 261-[269] for English-Japanese glossary).
The audio, script, and answers for this book can be downloaded to a smartphone, tablet, or PC, free of charge. To download these contents, search for "Japanese for Busy People" at kodansha.us. The document files are in PDF format. The audio files are in MP3 format and include Frequently Used Expressions, Target Dialogue, Key Sentences, Word Power, a part of the Exercises, Speaking Practice, and the Sample Dialogues for the Casual Style pages.
Text in English and Japanese. Spoken word in downloadable MP3 files in Japanese.
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jpf-sydney · 1 year
Obāsan no hikōki
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Shelf: 913.6 SAT (@ tadoku section) Obāsan no hikōki. text by Satō Satoru ; illustrations by Murakami Tsutomu.
Tōkyō : Komine Shoten, 1973. ISBN: 9784338018043
101 pages : colour illustrations ; 21 x 30 cm. (Sōsaku yōnen dōwa sen).
Text in Japanese. Use of kanji is limited for juvenile readership and furigana is given on all kanji characters.
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This book is suitable for tadoku, extensive reading for learners of Japanese-language. Please find details about tadoku and our reading night event on our tadoku web page.
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jpf-sydney · 2 years
Fushigi na e
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Shelf: 141.21 ANN (@ tadoku section) Fushigi na e. illustrations by Anno Mitsumasa. Tōkyō : Fukuinkan Shoten, 1971. ISBN: 9784834002584
27 pages : all colour illustrations ; 27 cm. (Anno Mitsumasa no ehon).
Previously published as content of a mounthly magazine "Kodomo no tomo" in 1968. Illustrations only. No text except for cover, title page and colophon in Japanese.
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This book is suitable for tadoku, extensive reading for learners of Japanese-language. Please find details about tadoku and our reading night event on our tadoku web page.
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jpf-sydney · 2 years
Fushigi dagashiya Zenitendō. [1]
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Zenitendo might look like an ordinary looking sweet shop but in fact it's anything but! Owner Beniko handpicks sweets for her customers from her colourful shelves that will do much more than just fill their bellies...
Shelf: 913.6 HIR 1 (@ tadoku section) Fushigi dagashiya Zenitendō. [1]. text by Hiroshima Reiko saku ; illustrations by Jyajya. Tōkyō : Kaiseisha, 2013. ISBN:  978-4036356102 (v. 1)
149 pages : illustrations ; 19 cm.
Text in Japanese with moderate furigana on kanji characters.
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This book is suitable for tadoku, extensive reading for learners of Japanese-language. Please find details about tadoku and our reading night event on our tadoku web page.
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jpf-sydney · 2 days
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Among the survivors of the kappa tribe, a kappa named Hassun, who is just eight years old in human terms, is sent into the human world disguised as a cat to undergo training and learn how to hide his appearance from the eyes of others. Hassun is sent to live in the home of a girl named Asa, who has just lost her mother and is greatly comforted by Hassun the cat, but one day, after washing the cat, Hassun reverts back to her kappa form... A fantasy filled with humour and touching plots featuring a girl with mental issues and an adorable child kappa.
Shelf: 913.6 KUZ (@ children's book section) Kawatare : Sanzaigaike no kappaneko. text by Kutsuki Shō saku ; illustrations by Yamauchi Fujie.
Tōkyō : Fukuinkan Shoten, 2005. ISBN: 9784834021486
269 pages : illustrations, maps ; 21 cm
Text in Japanese, moderate furigana on kanji characters.
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jpf-sydney · 3 days
Tabemonoya-san shiritori taikai kaisaishimasu
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Shelf: 811.5 SHI (@ children's book section) Tabemonoya-san shiritori taikai kaisaishimasu. by Shigeta Sayaka.
Tōkyō : Hakusensha, 2019. ISBN: 9784592762461
[24] unnumbered pages : colour illustrations ; 21 x 21 cm. (Kodomoe no ehon).
Revised and enlarged of the supplementary content of a bimounthly magazine ""Kodomoe"" 2018 October issue.
Text in Japanese, hiragana and katakana only.
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jpf-sydney · 7 days
Nagakutsushita no Pippi
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Escapades of a lucky little girl who lives with a horse and a monkey--but without any parents--at the edge of a Swedish village.
Shelf: 949.83 LIN 1 (@ children’s book section) Nagakutsushita no Pippi. by Asutoriddo Rindogurēn ; translated by Ōtsuka Yūzō ; illustrations by Sakurai Makoto.
[2nd] Kaihan.
Tōkyō : Iwanami Shoten, 2006. ISBN: 9784001150612
262 pages : illustrations ; 22 cm. (Rindogurēn sakuhinshū).
Commentary text by Ōtsuka, Yūzō. Translated into Japanese from the Swedish.
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jpf-sydney · 8 days
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Camped for the night by a lake, a boy and his grandfather experience dawn from their row boat.
Shelf: 726.6 SHU (@ children’s book section) Yoake. by Yurī Shuruvittsu ; translated by Seta Teiji.
Tōkyō : Fukuinkan Shoten, 1977. ISBN: 9784834005486
[32] unnumbered pages : colour illustrations ; 24 x 26 cm. (Sekai kessaku ehon shirīzu. Amerika no ehon).
Translated into Japanese from the English, hiragana only.
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jpf-sydney · 10 days
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Gamba, a brown rat, and his friends travel to Yumemi Island to help the island rats in their fight against the weasels. However, they are attacked by Noroi, the deadly white weasel, and Gamba and his friends fight to the best of their wisdom and strength.
Shelf: 913.6 SAI 2 (@ children’s book section) Bōkenshatachi : Ganba to jūgohiki no nakama. by Saitō Atsuo saku ; illustrations by Yabuuchi Masayuki.
Kaihan. Tōkyō : Iwanami Shoten, 2008. ISBN: 9784001105278
380 pages : illustrations ; 23 cm.
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jpf-sydney · 13 days
1-nichi 10-pun shokyū kara hajimeru dokkai 120
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Shelf: 810.783 TSU 1E/2E 1-nichi 10-pun shokyū kara hajimeru dokkai 120 = Japanese reading comprehension for beginners. by Tsuji Kazuko, Katsura Miho.
Tōkyō : Asuku Shuppan, 2020. ISBN: 9784866393612
142 pages : illustrations, charts ; 26 cm. + 1 answer booklet (11 pages ; 26 cm.).
Supplementary contents (audio) are available from the publisher’s web page. Text in Japanese with moderate furigana on kanji characters. English translation on new vocabularies. Spoken word on downloadable MP3 files or streaming audio (Apple Podcast or Spotify) in Japanese.
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