#jens x robbe
lavenderpillowcase · 2 months
darling, you don’t have to hold it, you don’t have to be afraid
“Sander stood up and Lucas followed anxiously, worrying at his bottom lip with his teeth.
“You don’t have to tell me anything,” Sander affirmed, and Jens gave Lucas another look, his gaze questioning. Lucas just peered back at him helplessly. Sander continued then, glancing between the two of them, “But if something happened to you that we should know about-”
“Something happen- no, Sander, I’m fine,” Jens interrupted, pursuing when Sander tilted his head. “I’m fine! I’m- I just- it-”
He paused, taking a deep breath and gazing up at the ceiling. “I- okay, I’m gonna tell you something that none of my friends know.”
“Jens-” Lucas started, eyes wide and voice high.
“I dance,” he admitted.”
– – –
Or, Jens dances ballet and for 10 years, no one but his family and, later on, his boyfriend knew. This is how his friends find out.
(Inspired by @ghosttotheparty ‘s “Say My Name and Say It Twice (Cotton Candy Skies)”)
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jackfrostsander · 1 year
Happy 21:21 and happy birthday to Jens and Milan! 🎂🥳🎁
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Image credit: @annadriesen2121
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lilullaby · 3 years
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ayellowcurtain · 3 years
If you ever don’t know what to write about could you try writing robbe and jens having a thing as friends like not that “sexual” more like a platonic thing with kisses and cuddles etc but when robbe meets sander changes it all? I love everything you write , you’re the best! 💘
(Thank you, anon! So sorry for the very long wait <3)
Let’s say Jens was a better friend in the past and Robbe was a little more confident in himself, a little more forward with his needs for cuddles and general attention. So in this alternative universe, maybe when they were younger, maybe around the second half of season 1, Jens was a little stressed and just done with everyone. He was constantly grumpy and on the edge and about to ask Robbe to leave him alone already.
But Robbe was constantly around him and he was the only one and so Jens was like maybe I should treat him better, or he’ll leave me too and that would be the actual end because ANYONE can leave, not Robbe.
So he decided to be a little nicer to his best friend, they started spending even more time together, basically never separating. At night or they would go to Jens’ place or to Robbe’s. What was a sort of sad joke before is now what Jens craves the most. Before there’s no way they would share a bed. He could see it hurt Robbe whenever he said that, even if they both laughed about it, it was clear that deep down, Robbe felt hurt by his words. And just as clearly, Jens can see the different spark in his best friend’s eyes the first time Jens fell on Robbe’s bed for them to sleep. So now they share a bed every night. Not a really big one because they’re teenagers with a single bed that feels like a kid’s bed.
Jens would still take some time to relax every night but he kept his eyes closed, and he could feel Robbe moving around, anxious with the proximity. Most often than not, he would wake up the next morning with Robbe flat against his back. Jens felt bad for being so stiff and so he started sleeping facing Robbe, felt like that would feel less like he’s forcing himself to enjoy sleeping on the same bed than Robbe. He slept facing Jens too, with only a few inches between them. One night Jens couldn’t sleep, too drunk to relax. So he watched Robbe sleep for a while, completely out, not even moving (for once). Jens carefully reached and touched his hair carefully only because it was falling over Robbe’s eyes and nose, making it itch even in his sleep. He would scrunch his whole face and itch the bridge of his nose. So Jens just tried to help, pushing his hair behind his ear.
And Robbe didn’t wake up with his touch so Jens decided to run his fingers through Robbe’s soft and fine hair a couple of times, smiling because Robbe usually wakes up with any noise, any light and he’s out for the count, probably even more drunk than Jens was tonight.
It feels weird when they meet Britt’s new boyfriend. Not only because he is, well, Britt’s boyfriend, but he gives Robbe way too much attention. Jens keeps seeing him watch his best friend through the whole beach weekend. Robbe talks so much about whatever universe crap he actually believes in that Jens can’t shake it off how the meeting between them and Sander feels like a big bang or something, like the universe they know it’s splitting in half again.
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cuties :,)
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dreamy-slytherin · 5 years
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his jacket.
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theawesomedashing · 5 years
Jens : Do you still love him?
Robbe : Yes.
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Hi. Hello. Hi. I would like it to be known that it’s 2020 and you can still pry Jebbe away from my cold, dead hands. That is all. Thank you.
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sucuk-with-egg · 5 years
Jens saying “what’s gross about being bi?” 👀 👀 👀
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zaashton · 4 years
*Moyo saying something right and doing the minute by minute speech*
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lavenderpillowcase · 6 months
the trees are filled with memories of the feelings never told
“Hey,” Robbe said, and the other boys at the table quieted down, their curiosity now also prioritizing the lone Jens sliding into the picnic table. “Where’s Lucas?”
“Sleeping,” Jens answered shortly, settling down on the bench and lifting his head to look at his friends.
“Holy shit!” “Woah!” Moyo and Aaron shouted concurrently, making multiple overtired teenagers turn to glare. Robbe ignored them, grabbing Jens’ face with one hand and turning it toward him to get a better look. “What the hell happened?”
A mix of purple and black encircled Jens’ left eye, traveling up and disappearing under a band-aid adhered to his temple. The skin directly below his eye was swollen and glossy from what Robbe guessed was some type of ointment. Another small bandage was plastered over the bridge of his nose, a dot of red bleeding through and standing out on the tan material.
“Nothing,” Jens declared, jerking out of Robbe’s hold. “Just drop it.”
– – –
Or, When Jens and Lucas gain mysterious injuries neither of them will openly talk about, Robbe is reminded of his and Sander’s attack and is concerned for his friends.
Read the second part of the “bloom” series now!!
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jackfrostsander · 8 months
Happy 21:21 to Jens being a supportive friend!
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lilullaby · 4 years
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ayellowcurtain · 4 years
I know this is a random prompt but I really love the fact that Jens has 2 younger sisters. Maybe a little paragraph on one of Jens sister having a little crush on Robbe, and then Jens and Robbe think it's cute and tease her and maybe tell her that Robbe is with Sander... Love your writing :)
Jens has two sisters, right? 
One is almost two years older and the younger one is almost 4 years younger. Jens gets along with the older one because she’s chill, she’s doing good, she’s studying to become a doctor or something. And he’ll never say it, but he looks up to her a lot. She still lives with them because their mom won’t ever let any of her children move out before they’re done with college. 
She wants to watch them graduate up close and then they can go anywhere they want. She’s a very strong minded woman and his older sister is like that too. Jens feels like he’s the weak point in between them and sometimes he lets it get to him, so he smokes and parties and get shitfaced and hooks up with random people because he wants to the weak point he thinks he is. 
But then there’s his little sister. She’s not so little anymore, but she’ll always be the child for Jens. He was so so in love with her when she was born. His mom keeps telling them how he would watch her sleep while she was taking a nap and he would just sit there for hours! 
She tells them that mostly when they’re eating dinner together and Jens and his little sister start bickering about any possible thing. 
Because at some point, things shifted from loving each other so much it hurts to not standing to be around each other. 
She went from being cute, playful, brave and kind of boy-ish to wanting to always be around him when he’s about to go out with his friends. 
They don’t go to each other’s houses often, but they’ll meet Jens at the front of his house for them to bike wherever they’re going. Robbe goes to his house. And that’s more than enough for Jens! 
If the way his sister stares at Robbe is anything to go by, he doesn’t want Aaron or Moyo anywhere inside his house. 
Aaron is okay, even, but no way he would let Moyo meet his family, his sister. Jens will never them him that because Moyo’s ego is already way too big for his good, but the boy knows how to get ladies. And Jens knows his sister is ready to jump on a boy’s throat the second they give her a fucking chance. 
There’s no way. 
He washes his face after brushing his teeth to erase the image inside his head of his sister and Moyo... 
“Mom said I could go with you! She said I need to start being independent!” Jens rolls his eyes, going back to his bedroom with his sister following him like a shadow. Robbe laughs, sitting on his bed, trying to stay out of it. 
“Yeah. Exactly. Independent. That’s means away from me. Like get your fucking bike and go to the other side of the city, I don’t care!” 
“I’m gonna tell her that you said that and I’ll send her pictures of where I can, exactly where you asked me to go!”
Jens stops breathing for a second, closing his eyes, trying to breath slower. 
“I swear to fucking God!” She stops, hopefully that she managed to change his mind, “Don’t you have your own friends? People your age? Go find them! Make friends!” 
She does have friends, just as annoying as her. Jens knows because they come to his place every once in a while, mostly on Fridays, which is funny because it’s usually the days he’s going out with his friends. 
His sister looks at Robbe and he opens his mouth, stuttering and blushing a little too. Everyone here knows she’s not asking for his help, but wanting to spend time with him, showing Jens what she wants is right there. 
“Yo, annoying fucking baby, he’s gay. You know this, want me to spell it for you? G-A-Y. Meaning he’s not into you, no matter how pretty you make yourself, no matter how much you bat your eyelashes for him. Sorry, there’s nothing you can do. And you shouldn’t be thinking about boys, older boys.” Jens meets Robbe’s eyes, raising his eyebrows. “Or girls. Or personalities or whatever. Go play with your friends, out of my face.”  
She’s, for once, so embarrased she finally walks out of his bedroom and Jens takes a second just to enjoy the silence of not having her annoying voice complaining around them. 
“Let’s go, bro. Before she comes back with a better idea.” Robbe snorts his laugh like Sander does and they’re finally out, grabbing their skates to go meet the boys. 
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i know it’s not a popular ship... but can anyone please add any fanfics to this tag. please :(
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lucidsdreamss · 5 years
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Soooo..... I made a thing
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