jellyjack-cheese · 20 days
(under cut)
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her name is the Japester and she's a boss battle solely because she thinks violence is fun
Besides shooting her main weapon, here are some special moves she can do.
Hat Trick
Japester pulls a variety of enemies out of a hat and sends them after you.
Japester plays the trombone, which has the effect of a Killer Wail. Does not track your position, so just move out of the way.
Hat Trick 2
Japester appears out of four hats, the real one is holding an Ultra Stamp while the rest do not. Shoot her and make her drop it before she hits you.
Hammer Throw
Japester throws Ultra Stamp at you. Also easy to dodge if you see it coming.
Japester rides a unicycle and juggles a number of Splat Bombs, ending the trick by throwing all of them upward and scattering them across the stage.
also you can get her outfit as gear. names, star levels, and default main abilities are as follows
Japester's Cap (2 star, Tenacity)
Japester's Jumpsuit (2 star, Intensify Action)
Japester's Jingle Boots (2 star, Special Power Up)
All in all she is my clown girl and the only clown girl I accept
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jellyjack-cheese · 11 months
Another artdump lmao (cut because post is long)
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design for Yomiel in a few selfship AUs I have
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Some more AU designs, one of these was my interpretation of my new friend Ghostcat's concept for a Luigi's Mansion crossover and the other is a complete rework of demon Yomiel that got revamped so hard that he looped back around into an angel
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some face shape testing, I wanted to see how Sissel/Yomiel would look with a more on-model head-on jaw shape and I gotta say I like this one more
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A doodle of all* my current AU Yomiels together in one place (there is one missing but there wasn't enough room to add him)
(left to right: clown AU, Yomiel is basically indestructible like Phoenix, fallen angel AU, selfship version, and Phantom Killer)
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And finally some OC drawings, Cory and Anna from one of my projects and a new one, October, who is the first ever sentient AI who was born in a NASA supercomputer of all places.
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jellyjack-cheese · 2 months
I keep forgetting to post new art here 💀
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anyway more Judas, this time in a sexy new outfit
I was forced to attend a Jehovah's Witnesses assembly for the first time last week and this is what I drew instead of actually listening to the lecture. I colored it when I got home and I am never going back ✨
yes the quote is from Disney's The Princess and the Frog (the voodoo guy was my favorite, I forgor his name cuz it's been years)
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jellyjack-cheese · 11 months
finally decided y'all should see FianSissel but only in the context of seeing my dumbass headcanon
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Yomiel only ever had two friends, Sissel obviously, and a man named Adam, both of whom he met in college, and they were all just the biggest dorks together.
Sissel and Yomiel eventually got engaged, turning Adam into the third wheel. Very silly shenanigans.
Then canon events happen and everything gets fucked up before being fixed by Cat Sissel. Yomiel is extremely happy to have his friend and wife back after waiting through ten years of suffering twice.
I love them your honor!!!
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jellyjack-cheese · 6 months
I have NOT been posting my art here lately goddamn
New actually original character, Terri Vise, who can broadcast anything ever with cameras he pulls out of hammerspace
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New refs for Adam and a new character called Judas, Judas is basically just [REDACTED] from Ghost Trick piled high with headcanons beyond recognition
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Judas again but sexy
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Shipped Adam with Lynne from Ghost Trick for awhile
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Files the serial numbers off of the Tenth Doctor and calls it a day
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jellyjack-cheese · 1 year
low effort doodly boodle, spoiler hours
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redesigned Sissel's humansona because someone from the Ghost Trick Discord showed me something Very Cool and it inspired me ✨
incorporates elements of a long dead OC of mine that I wanted to revive, but giving him the character's best design elements kinda made me like this more than the character lmao
the original outfit with the vest and the pocket watch is underneath his cool cloak so I get the best of both worlds >:)
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Anyway have this doodle of human Sissel and Yomiel with a character from a thing I plan on posting about at some point. stay tuned palsies ♡
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jellyjack-cheese · 9 months
hmm OC art dump even though no one likes these
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Adam and his "best friend", Hank (they would be more than friends if one of them would just say something already damn)
(I'm still upset at my own inconsistency in my art aaaaa)
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Eldritch demon guy who loves to play games (poker is his favorite because you get to manipulate people)
hmm that's all for now I think
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jellyjack-cheese · 5 months
Judas again for the first time in years
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jellyjack-cheese · 16 days
free shitpost where I shittily edit my favorite OCs onto a meme
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biblically accurate version
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jellyjack-cheese · 10 months
Hello it's OC time again
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This is Viktor Lazarus.
His backstory is that he was so terrified of death that he decided to make himself immortal. However, the method he used wasn't perfect, and he started to rot alive.
He managed to stop that too, but not before parts of him were too rotten to use, leading him to have to replace them.
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jellyjack-cheese · 7 months
Gift for @starquake-shatter and @yami-yomiel !!!
(under the cut)
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When three people file the serial numbers off of the same character
enjoy you lovely bastards ✨✨✨
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jellyjack-cheese · 7 months
Thinking very hard about the main characters of a webcomic I'd like to make in the distant future
Oh they'd get mischaracterized to all hell and back
Especially the girl in the main protag group
main girl is a tough woman who likes pirates and dressing a little skimpy just for fun and cares deeply about her three friends and is a good person in spite of being aggressive. she's strong and loyal and protective but in no way motherly about that protectiveness. she views herself as the leader of the friend group even if the friend group doesn't really have a leader because everyone thinks they're the leader. (this leads to some funny shenanigans later until the endgame when they all agree to be equals and are technically all the leader now)
I just know if I published this shit the fandom would immediately just mischaracterize her as a bitch and/or use her for eyecandy because of how she likes to dress AND/OR turn her into a soft motherly type because of how much she cares for her friend group.
I should probably finish all the character art so I can make a masterpost about it...
there are a lot of things I need to make masterposts for holy shat
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jellyjack-cheese · 8 months
I realized I haven't been posting my art here what
have an art dump ig?
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yes there's a Homestuck in here get cringed on
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jellyjack-cheese · 9 months
more OCs lol
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the violence boys......
I have been seeing a lot of Postal Dude around for some reason which inspired me to revamp an old character to be better and I just went fucking nuts making a personality and even a rival lmao
this is Baxter Whitehead and Jesse Bishop.
Baxter is the kind of guy who'll whack off another guy's head for fun. He smokes. He does not really care about people. He has absolutely zero redeeming qualities. People in neighborhoods he frequents call him Hooligan because he is always causing trouble in the most violent way possible.
The only person who's ever been able to really keep Baxter in line is Jesse, a literal trash gremlin who lives in the garbage dump. The government does not know he exists. Jesse is not a reasonable person either, he just manages to piss off Baxter enough to distract him from what he's doing and focus all attention on getting back at Jesse. Jesse is just as capable of unspeakable violence as Baxter. He's incredibly smart actually and has a lot of knowledge of chemistry, engineering, and mechanics that he just picked up from fucking around and finding out, but he exclusively uses this knowledge to cause trouble and fuck with Baxter.
Jesse has actually bitten Baxter before during a fight they had and managed to break the skin. Baxter actually had to go to the hospital and recover from an infection he got from the bite wound, after which Baxter promptly fled because he would have been sent directly to prison otherwise.
Yes they are enemies with benefits.
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jellyjack-cheese · 10 months
get Pokémon'd dummies
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Kaimeragon is a Fakemon I made to fit in with the Gen 1 design conventions and I think I did good
it's pure psychic type but would gain the dark typing in Gen 2 onwards
It has no stats because I'm fucking bad at those lmao
But its backstory is basically Mewtwo but Worse™, being created from scratch and genetically engineered to be an unfeeling weapon, but it killed the entire facility that created it and fucked off somewhere where no one's found it yet.
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jellyjack-cheese · 10 months
Hmm OC time again
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My friend @garden0flowr made a character concept I really liked and she let me use the concept to make my own character so thank you for being cool and awesome
Anyway this is Felix Thompson, aka Cat Butler. He steals things from people who don't deserve them and gives them to people who would appreciate it more. Example: stealing money from rich people to give to charities and poor people, stealing pets from animal abusers to give to rescue shelters, etc.
He's a half-cat mutant and gets his superpowers from the cat half of his DNA
Night vision
Super hearing
Highly improved balance, agility, reflexes, and climbing ability
scratching the shit out of people
Comes with downsides though, which include a weakness to catnip and laser pointers as well as a fear of unexpected cucumbers.
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