#jean francois champollion
kemetic-dreams · 1 year
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Quote from 1867 by founding Egyptologist Champollion Figeac –
“The first tribes that inhabited Egypt that is, the Nile Valley between the Syene cataracts and the sea, came from Abyssinia to Sennar. The ancient Egyptians belonged to a race quite similar to the Kennous or Barabras, present inhabitants of Nubia In the Copts of Egypt we do not find any of the characteristic features of the ancient Egyptian population. The Copts are the result of crossbreeding with all the nations that have successively dominated Egypt . It is wrong to seek in them the principal features of the old race.”
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From Letters published by Champollion-Figeac (Founding Egyptologist)
Also written by Jean Francois Champollion “Dr. Larrey investigated this problem in Egypt; he examined a large number of mummies, studied their skulls, recognized the principle characteristics, tried to identify them in the various races living in Egypt, and succeeded in doing so. The Abyssinian seemed to him to combine them all, except for the black race. The Abyssinian has large eyes, an agreeable glance, prominent cheekbones; the cheeks form a regular triangle with prominent angles of the jawbone and mouth; the lips are thick without being everted as in Blacks; the teeth are fine, just slightly protruding ; finally, the complexion is merely copper-colored: such are the Abyssinians observed by Dr. Larrey generally known as Berbers or Barabras, present-day inhabitants of Nubia.”
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postersbykeith · 2 months
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romegreeceart · 2 years
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Rosetta Stone
* Created in 196 BCE during the reign of king Ptolemy V Epiphanes.
* Discovered at Rosetta in 1799 by French troops
* The stele contains a degree that confirms a royal cult of Ptolemy V. It is written in Egyptian with hieroglyphs, in Egyptian with detonic script and in Greek with the Greek alphabet
London, June 2022
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Featured image: A detail of the basalt Rosetta Stone (Photo at All-len-All)
A mystery surrounds the death of a 19th century-Frenchman who unraveled a great mystery—the ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs.
Jean-Francois Champollion died young after deciphering the Rosetta Stone, which unlocked the keys to the many enigmatic and beautiful hieroglyphic texts discovered in ruins, up and down the length of Egypt.
It gave modern people a much greater understanding of that great civilization.
Champollion was born on 23 December 1790 in France and died there on 4 March 1832, after visiting Egypt in 1829.
He had felt symptoms of malaise before departing for Egypt, according to a letter to the editor of the journal Clinical Neurophysiology by Dr. Hutan Ashrafian of the Department of Surgery and Cancer, Imperial College-London.
Jean-Francois Champollion is considered amongst the greatest linguists of all time; his decipherment of ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs and the Rosetta stone has led some to consider him the ‘‘Father of Egyptology.’’
His early death at the age of forty-one has typically been ascribed to fatigue and exhaustion from overwork on a year-long visit to Egypt.
This journey is reported as having initiated his progressive demise following the return to his native France, where he died from a reported stroke two years later.’ —H. Ashrafian
Dr. Ashrafian writes that the term “stroke” is used here in a generic sense rather than a formal medical diagnosis.
His family has refused to allow an autopsy but studying reports of Champollion’s condition has led the doctor to draw some conclusions about the death of the great scholar.
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While in Egypt, Champollion did not suffer from lymph disease or fevers. But later in life, Champollion suffered from muscle weakness, limb paralysis, and ultimately, could not breathe.
He didn’t suffer from heart disease or lack of blood flow.
“Furthermore, at the moment of decipherment of hieroglyphs (1828), he is noted to have collapsed, though this may be viewed as a vasovagal [fainting] episode as a result of extreme emotional outpouring.
In his final weeks, he became emotionally labile consistent with progression of pseudobulbar dysfunction and eventually demonstrated a ‘locked-in’ syndrome before his death.”
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Pseudobulbar dysfunction means he was unable to speak.
It may be considered ironic that a man who gave a ‘voice’ to the people of ancient Egypt and opened their world to modern scholars like never before was unable to articulate his own thoughts just before he died.
Given that he was not mentally impaired, did not have seizures but first suffered from weakness in his legs, and later was unable to speak, led Dr. Ashrafian to conclude Champollion had amyotrophic lateral sclerosis—or total paralysis of his muscles.
Exhausted by his labors during and after his scientific expedition to Egypt, Champollion died of an apoplectic attack (stroke) in Paris on 4 March 1832 at the age of 41.
His body was buried in Père Lachaise Cemetery. On his tomb is a simple obelisk erected by his wife and a stone slab stating simply:
Ici repose Jean-François Champollion, né à Figeac dept. du Lot le 23 décembre 1790, décédé à Paris le 4 mars 1832
(Here rests Jean-François Champollion, born at Figeac, Department of the Lot, on 23 December 1790, died at Paris on 4 March 1832).
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Words of the Gods
The word hieroglyph means “sacred words” or “sacred signs.”
Clement of Alexandria was the first to use the word. Ancient Egyptians called their script mdju netjer or “words of the gods.”
The first known hieroglyphs date to around 3400 to 3200 BC, the pre-dynastic era.
The last known hieroglyphs were carved in stone around 394 AD.
The Rosetta Stone, found by Frenchmen in 1799 in a fort at the town of Rosetta during Napoleon’s occupation of Egypt, has hieroglyphs, Egyptian demotic, and ancient Greek translations of the same text.
Champollion, who had taught himself ancient languages, was able to decipher its meaning and unlock the entire script.
A full translation of the Rosetta Stone can be viewed at the British Museum, which acquired the document and other artifacts after Napoleon’s defeat.
Here is an excerpt:
‘Whereas King Ptolemy, living forever, the Manifest God whose excellence is fine, son of King Ptolemy [and Queen] Arsinoe, the Father-loving Gods, is wont to do many favours for the temples of Egypt and for all those who are subject to his kingship, he being a god, the son of a god and a goddess;
and being like Horus, son of Isis and Osiris, who protects his father Osiris, and his heart being beneficent concerning the gods, since he has given much money and much grain to the temples of Egypt, [he having undertaken great expenses] in order to create peace in Egypt and to establish the temples, and having rewarded all the forces that are subject to his rulership;
and of the revenues and taxes that were in force in Egypt he had reduced some or(?) had renounced them completely, in order to cause the army and all the other people to be prosperous in his time as [king].’
Ancient Egyptians carved hieroglyphs into clay seals, rock, pottery vessels, and bone and ivory.
The Rosetta Stone scripts are carved in basalt.
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plaque-memoire · 1 year
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Plaque en hommage à : Jean-François Champollion
Type : Lieu de résidence, Œuvre
Adresse : 28 rue Mazarine, 75006 Paris, France
Date de pose :
Texte : Dans cette maison où il habitait, Jean-François Champollion découvrit en septembre 1822 le principe du déchiffrement des hiéroglyphes égyptiens
Quelques précisions : Jean-François Champollion (1790-1832) est un égyptologue français, considéré comme le fondateur de cette discipline grâce à ses travaux sur le déchiffrement des hiéroglyphes égyptiens. Dès sa jeunesse, il étudie les langues antiques, à commencer par le latin et le grec, mais également des langues orientales dont l'hébreu, l'arabe, le syriaque et le chaldéen, et se découvre un véritable intérêt pour l'archéologie. Il se passionne pour l’Égypte antique, présentant dès ses études au lycée des travaux très approfondis sur le sujet. Dès les années 1810, il s'attache à l'étude de la Pierre de Rosette et parvient à mettre au point une méthode de déchiffrement des hiéroglyphes égyptiens, présentée en détail dans son Précis du système hiéroglyphique des anciens Égyptiens publié en 1824. Il est nommé conservateur chargé des collections égyptiennes au Musée du Louvre en 1826. En dépit de sa profonde connaissance de l’Égypte antique, ce n'est qu'en 1828 qu'il peut enfin visiter l’Égypte. Affaibli par la maladie, il meurt en 1832. Un musée de Figeac, sa ville natale, porte son nom, et ses contributions à l'égyptologie en font une figure intellectuelle française majeure.
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fuzzysparrow · 2 years
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(via Champollion le Jeune)
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francepittoresque · 2 months
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4 mars 1832 : mort de l’égyptologue Jean-François Champollion ➽ http://bit.ly/Jean-Francois-Champollion Premier à déchiffrer les hiéroglyphes, père de l’égyptologie, Champollion fit dire à Chateaubriand que « ses découvertes auront la durée des monuments immortels qu’elles nous ont fait connaître »
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maximumtalewonderland · 10 months
Rosetta Stone found
Although there is some debate about the exact date, on what was likely July 19, 1799, during Napoleon Bonaparte’s Egyptian campaign, a French soldier discovers a black basalt slab inscribed with ancient writing near the town of Rosetta, about 35 miles east of Alexandria. The irregularly shaped stone contained fragments of passages written in three different scripts: Greek, Egyptian hieroglyphics and Egyptian demotic. The ancient Greek on the Rosetta Stone told archaeologists that it was inscribed by priests honoring the king of Egypt, Ptolemy V, in the second century B.C. More startlingly, the Greek passage announced that the three scripts were all of identical meaning. The artifact thus held the key to solving the riddle of hieroglyphics, a written language that had been “dead” for nearly 2,000 years.
When Napoleon, an emperor known for his enlightened view of education, art and culture, invaded Egypt in 1798, he took along a group of scholars and told them to seize all important cultural artifacts for France. Pierre Bouchard, one of Napoleon’s soldiers, was aware of this order when he found the basalt stone, which was almost four feet long and two-and-a-half feet wide, at a fort near Rosetta. When the British defeated Napoleon in 1801, they took possession of the Rosetta Stone.
Several scholars, including Englishman Thomas Young made progress with the initial hieroglyphics analysis of the Rosetta Stone. French Egyptologist Jean-Francois Champollion (1790-1832), who had taught himself ancient languages, ultimately cracked the code and deciphered the hieroglyphics using his knowledge of Greek as a guide. Hieroglyphics used pictures to represent objects, sounds and groups of sounds. Once the Rosetta Stone inscriptions were translated, the language and culture of ancient Egypt was suddenly open to scientists as never before.
Today, the Rosetta Stone is housed in the British Museum in London, despite repeated calls for it to be returned to Egypt. 
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blaqsbi · 1 year
Post: ...
#SaRaSutenSeti #Seti #King #General #SetiUniversity #Ancient #Black #African #Egyptian #Osiris #Nile #River #Valley #Hieroglyphics #MduNtr #Bible #Greeks #Diodorus #Siculus #Homer #Iliad #Odyssey #Nubia #Cush #Ehiopia #Aethiopia #Abyssinia #Herodotus #Narmer #Memphis #History #WhiteSupremacy #AntiBlackRacism #AntiBlackTerrorism #Arab #Zahi #Hawass #European #Jean #Francois #Champollion #Fake #WhiteMedia #Lies #Distortion #Propaganda #Hypocrisy #Luxor #Thebes #Arabia #Libya #Andromeda #Persia #Iran #Racism #Aswan #Dam #Lake #Nassar #Khartoum #Uganda #Sudan #Colchians #Hittites #Trojan #Troy #Colchus #Turkey #Mycenaean #Canaanite #Mohamad https://www.blaqsbi.com/4Y2i?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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crazynerdbarbarian · 1 year
From The Desk Of D. A. Sigler-Book Review,"The Keys Of Egypt: The Race To Crack The Hieroglyph Code." By. Lesley, Roy Adkins.
This book is one of those few books on Egypt that I can honestly say I liked very much. I enjoy a good history of a person and his single mindedness toward a goal and the results of that mentality of pursuing knowledge or in this case a lost language of Ancient Egypt. It’s an excellent biography of Jean-Francois Champollion, (1790-1832). This book is a excellent example of early archeaology of…
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bostantanweer · 2 years
النبوغ المبكر
New Post has been published on https://bostantanweer.com/%d8%a7%d9%84%d9%86%d8%a8%d9%88%d8%ba-%d8%a7%d9%84%d9%85%d8%a8%d9%83%d8%b1/
النبوغ المبكر
 واذا كانت المعرفة الغيبية واحدة من القدرات الماورائية فهناك أيضا معجزات النبوغ المبكر التى تستعصى على الفهم والأدراك العلمى فهى معرفة غيبية تستقى من من الأثير وهى ليست جينية بل جاءت من مكان خارج الجسم ولها صلة بالأتصال بالعقل الكونى الأكثر ذكاء. 
الطبيب الجراح الطفل ” أكريت جاسوال ” Akrit Jaswal
الطبيب الجراح الطفل ” أكريت جاسوال”
أجرى عملية جراحية لبنت الجيران بتحرير أعصاب يدها ذات الأصايع المشتبكة للداخل جراء تعرضها لحريق وهو فى السابعة من عمره .
أشاد الأطباء بالأحترافية الشديدة للعملية رغم أن أكريت لم يكن له أى دراية أو معرفة بالطب .
دخل ” جاسول ” كلية الطب وهو فى عمر 10 سنوات وكان مثالا فريدا للنيوغ المبكر.
النبوغ المبكر فى حالة الطفل المعجزة ”
ويليام جيمس سيديس William James Sidis
ذكر أنه أذكى انسان فى التاريخ ، حيث بلغ معدل قياس الذكاء لديه (ال IQ) 250-300 . استطاع ويليام القراءه وعمره 18 شهرا .
وقام بتاليف اربعة كتب وأتقن 8 لغات وهو مازال في سن السابعة . فى سن 9 سنوات القى محاضرة فى جامعة هارفارد التى التحق بها فى سن 11 سنة .
وقد برز النبوغ المبكر لويليام جيمس سيدس فى علم الرياضيات والعلوم الكونية ، وبالفعل كان طفل معجزه .
جون فرانسوا شامبليون Jean Francois Champollion
هو من فك رموز الكتابة الهيروغليفيه المكتوبة على حجر رشيد أيام الحملة الفرنسية .
شامبليون كان طفلا معجزه يجيد عدة لغات قديمة منقرضة وهو دون العاشرة ، وفى سن السادسة عشرة صار يجيد 12 لغة معاصرة .
وقد جعله هذا من المع ظواهر النبوغ المبكرحيث لم يكن يتلقى العلم من المدرسة مثل أقرانه  ، بل تعليما ذاتيا من خلال شقيقه . 
ان الأمثلة عن النبوغ المبكر والقدرات الأستثنائيىة للأطفال كثيرة فى التاريخ نوجز هنا مقتطفات لا تعنى أنهم الأفضل  لكن المقام لا يتسع للسرد الطويل: 
     ويليام راون هاميلتون
قرأ العبرية فى سن 7 ، درس العربية ، الفارسية ، الأغريقية ، اللاتينية ، السيريانية ، السنسكريتية ، و4 لغات أوروبية أخرى قبل بلوغه سن 14 سنه.
 نوربرت واينر
تخرج من جامعه هارفارد فى سن 14 سنه وحصل على الدكتوراه لأطروحته عن المنطق الرياضى فى سن 17 سنه .
  بابلو بيكاسو  
رسم لوحة ” بيكادور ” بينما كان فى سن 8 .
                                                                        ستيفان ملينكوفيتش
حصل على جائزة عالمية فى عزف الكمان فى سن 7 سنوات.
جاى جرينبرج 
الف 5 سيمفونيات قبل بلوغه 12 سنه .
أسد الله قيوم
 كان قادرا على القاء الخطب ب 12 لغة مختلفة وهو فى السابعة من عمره .
الكساندر بوب
اشتهر كشاعر وهو طفل .اشاد به جميع الأدباء واعتبروه ثالث أكثر المراجع أهميه من حيث الرجوع اليهم فى قاموس أكسفورد بعد شكسبير وتنيسون .
اكيان كارماريك
اكيان كارماريك
كانت تقيم معارض رسم منفرده وهى فى سن التاسعة .
خوان كريسوستومو أرياجا
مؤلف موسيقى من سن 11 ، ألف أوبرا فى سن 13 سنه .
هب لوفكرافت 
الفت الشعر شفهيا فى سن 2 ، وألفت قصائد طويلة فى سن 5 سنوات .
مارثا أوجريتش 
عازفة بيانو ، أول ظهور جماهيرى لها فى سن الرابعه وأدرات أوركسترا كامله فى سن 8 سنوات.                                              
 المرجع : كتاب ” من نحن ” للدكتور علاء الحلبى
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sounmashnews · 2 years
 Visitors view the Rosetta Stone on the British Museum in London on July 26, 2022. 
 An on-line marketing campaign by outstanding Egyptian archaeologists is asking for the Rosetta Stone's return to Egypt. The Rosetta Stone dates to 196 BC and was unearthed by Napoleon’s military in northern Egypt in 1799.A British Museum spokesperson stated there had been no formal request from the Egyptian authorities for the return of the Rosetta Stone.Prominent Egyptian archaeologists have renewed a name for the return of the Rosetta Stone from the British Museum to Egypt, 200 years after the deciphering of the slab unlocked the secrets and techniques of hieroglyphic script and marked the start of Egyptology.The archaeologists' on-line marketing campaign has gathered 2 500 signatures to this point and goals to "tell Egyptians what has been taken from them", stated Monica Hanna, appearing Dean of the College of Archaeology within the Egyptian metropolis of Aswan.READ | 8 cultural artefacts British Empire took from other nations, from Saartjie Baartman to Benin BronzesThe Rosetta Stone dates to 196 BC and was unearthed by Napoleon’s military in northern Egypt in 1799. It grew to become British property after Napoleon’s defeat below the phrases of the 1801 Treaty of Alexandria, together with different antiquities discovered by the French, and was shipped to Britain. It has been housed on the British Museum since 1802.Bearing inscriptions of the identical textual content in hieroglyphs, Demotic (an historic Egyptian script) and Ancient Greek, it was utilized by Frenchman Jean-Francois Champollion to decipher hieroglyphs from 1822, opening up understanding of historic Egyptian language and tradition.Egyptian archaeologists have beforehand known as for its return, however are hoping that rising strikes by Western museums to return artefacts that have been faraway from nations below colonial rule will assist their trigger.A performer rides a two-horse chariot at the beginning of the parade of twenty-two historic Egyptian royal mummies departing from the Egyptian Museum in Cairo’s Tahrir Square on April 3, 2021, on their technique to their new resting place on the new National Museum of Egyptian Civilisation (NMEC) about 7km (4 miles) south in historic Fustat (Old Cairo). AFP Mahmoud Khaled/AFP I'm certain all these objects finally are going to be restituted as a result of the moral code of museums is altering, it’s only a matter of when," said Hanna."The stone is a logo of cultural violence, the stone is a logo of cultural imperialism."So, restituting the stone is a symbol of changing things – that we’re no longer in the 19th century but we’re working with an ethical code of the 21st century."READ | Germany is to return Nigeria’s Benin BronzesA British Museum spokesperson stated there had been no formal request from the Egyptian authorities for the return of the Rosetta Stone.In an emailed assertion the spokesperson famous that 28 stelae engraved with the identical decree written by Egyptian clergymen had been found, beginning with the Rosetta Stone in 1799, and that 21 stay in Egypt.The museum is opening an exhibition entitled Hieroglyphs: unlocking historic Egypt on October 13 which sheds mild on the function of the Rosetta Stone.The assertion added:The British Museum vastly values optimistic collaborations with colleagues throughout Egypt.Egypt says the return of artefacts helps increase its tourism sector, a vital supply of dollars for its struggling economic system. It is because of open a big new museum close to the Giza pyramids to showcase its most well-known historic Egyptian collections within the subsequent few months."Egyptian antiquities are one of the most important tourism assets that Egypt possesses, which distinguish it from tourist destinations worldwide," tourism minister Ahmed Issa stated final week at an occasion to mark the two hundredth anniversary of Egyptology.
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offlinehorse · 2 years
12 pillars jay abraham
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As one writer put it, during the early 19th century “worldwide interest in Egyptian antiquities fanned itself to a searing blaze. These developments involving the Rosetta Stone and Champollion contributed to the coming forth of the book of Abraham in a significant way. In 1822 he published the results of his work and the science of Egyptology was born, allowing scholars to begin to read the most ancient texts of Egypt. Working from clues found in the last inscription on the Rosetta Stone, written in Greek, Champollion was finally able to decipher the other two inscriptions. Hieroglyphics, the written language of ancient Egypt, had been a riddle to scholars for many centuries. Among the European linguists who began to work on deciphering these inscriptions was the young French scholar Jean Francois Champollion. It bore inscriptions in three ancient languages-Egyptian hieroglyphics, demotic (a simplified script that succeeded hieroglyphics), and Greek. Made of black basalt, the stone was found by an officer of Napoleon’s engineering corps.
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In the year 1799, an intensified interest in ancient Egypt was kindled in the Western world when the Rosetta Stone was discovered near Alexandria, Egypt. But we understand that the information in it was “hid from the knowledge of man for … four thousand years.” 2 To how many of the ancients its contents or subject matter was known we cannot tell. The book of Abraham itself tells us that its original text is a first-person account written by the great patriarch.
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The story, briefly recounted, allows us to see how the Lord works within the broad sweep of history to bring about his purposes. The book of Abraham is remarkable in part because of the miraculous way it came to us. Salvation is in Christ.” 1 An Ancient Text Restored It brings to pass the immortality and eternal life of man. We view the atonement of the Lord Jesus Christ as the center and core and heart of revealed religion. “These three divine events-the three pillars of eternity-are inseparably woven together into one grand tapestry known as the eternal plan of salvation. McConkie of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles testified that Jesus Christ was at the center of these pivotal episodes in salvation history: But the book of Abraham is a powerful, Christ-centered text that has as its main themes the eternal nature of the Abrahamic covenant, the preeminence of Jesus Christ as represented even in the vast scheme of planets and stars, and the role of Jesus Christ in the three great events of the plan of salvation-the Creation, the Fall, and the Atonement. The great power of the book is sometimes overlooked precisely because its five chapters offer tantalizing tidbits about subjects that may seem mysterious or forbidding-Egypt and the universe. 1:21–28), and yet, in the turn of a phrase, teach us profound truths about eternity. It is so dynamic that it can reveal the historical and cultural origins of ancient Egyptian civilization (see Abr. Truly, it is a most remarkable book-an authentic ancient record that immediately plunges us back into a specific time and place in the Near East, and yet, at the same time, opens to us the wide expanse of the physical universe.
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13:39 D&C 9:2), the book of Abraham, given through the Prophet Joseph Smith, is a unique and priceless gem in our treasury of revealed scripture. Among the invaluable records the Lord promised would be restored in the latter days (see 1 Ne.
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todayshistory · 2 years
Today In History:
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A bit of September 27th history…
1066 - William the Conqueror’s troops set sail for England
1779 - John Adams negotiates Revolutionary War peace terms with Great Britain 
1822 - French scholar Jean-Francois Champollion announces he has deciphered Egyptian hieroglyphics using the Rosetta Stone(pictured)
1825 - George Stephenson’s “Locomotion No 1″ becomes the 1st steam locomotive to carry passengers on a public rail line - England
1905 -  E=mc² is introduced in Einstein’s published paper “Does the Inertia of a Body Depend Upon its Energy Content”
1912 - W.C. Handy publishes “Memphis Blues”, considered the 1st blues song
1962 - “Silent Spring” is published about the impacts of pesticide use in the US on the environment
1964 - Findings of the Warren Commission into the assassination of President Kennedy are released, finds Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone
2015 - A “Supermoon” coincides with a lunar eclipse creating a “Blood Moon” over much of the earth (pictured below) 
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samkamuh · 2 years
Batu Rosetta
Semua orang tahu bahwa orang Mesir kuno memiliki pengetahuan ilmiah dan teknik yang hebat. Tetapi selama lebih dari 1.500 tahun, sejarah peradaban besar ini tetap menjadi rahasia yang membingungkan. Meskipun sejarah Mesir ditulis di mana-mana, namun tetap terkunci dalam tulisan misterius yang disebut hieroglif. Orang Mesir telah menggunakan hieroglif selama hampir 3.500 tahun, tetapi tidak ada seorang pun di dunia modern yang dapat menguraikan arti dari gambar dan simbol aneh tersebut. Orang-orang Arab yang tinggal di Mesir saat ini bukanlah ras yang sama yang membangun piramida, bahkan mereka tidak tahu cara membaca tulisan-tulisan aneh bangsa Mesir.
Kemudian pada tahun 1799, ketika membantu memperluas benteng tua Ottoman di dekat Rosetta, sebuah kota kecil di dekat Alexandria, seorang perwira muda Prancis bernama Pierre-Francois Bouchard menemukan balok batu basal hitam yang menarik. Panjangnya tiga kaki sembilan inci, lebar dua kaki empat inci, dan tebal sebelas inci. Apa yang sekarang dianggap sebagai harta arkeologi tak ternilai yang berasal dari tahun 196 SM—dan dikatakan sebagai barang yang paling banyak dikunjungi di British Museum—telah digunakan sebagai bahan bangunan biasa! Pada batu ini terukir sebuah dekrit yang ditulis dalam tiga kelompok bahasa yang berbeda—hieroglif Mesir, demotik Mesir, dan Yunani kuno. Para sarjana dengan cepat menyadari bahwa pesan yang sama ditulis dalam tiga bahasa ini.
Setelah bertahun-tahun melakukan pemeriksaan yang cermat, seorang sarjana muda yang brilian dan ahli bahasa bernama Jean-Francois Champollion, pada tahun 1824, mampu menguraikan hieroglif dengan membandingkan teks-teks kuno di Batu Rosetta. Memahami hieroglif membuka misteri dan sejarah Mesir kuno.
Alkitab sering dibandingkan dengan batu karang yang membuka rencana keselamatan. Bagi mereka yang mau mendengarkan, ini menjelaskan misteri spiritual terdalam dan menguraikan makna hidup yang sebenarnya. Ini mengungkapkan Juruselamat dunia dan membawa harapan bagi jutaan orang dari semua bangsa. Sayangnya, Firman Tuhan, yang merupakan harta paling berharga yang kita miliki, sering diabaikan dan tidak dihargai, seperti halnya Batu Rosetta selama bertahun-tahun. Mengapa tidak membaca Alkitab hari ini dan melihat harta apa yang tersembunyi di halaman-halamannya yang berharga?
Ulangan 5:22
[22]Firman itulah yang diucapkan Tuhan kepada seluruh jemaahmu dengan suara nyaring di gunung, dari tengah-tengah api, awan dan kegelapan, dan tidak ditambahkan-Nya apa-apa lagi. Ditulis-Nya semuanya pada dua loh batu, lalu diberikan-Nya kepadaku.”
Doug Batchelor
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