sixlane · 28 days
james potter fan club
bartylily microfic | 785 words | NSFW | inspired by that one scene in challengers | this is my attempt to introduce the masses to jartylily. you may not see the vision yet, but you will.
special ty to renn @malchai and laurie @itsjaywalkers for letting me yell at you about this <3
“I saw James today,” Lily says from where she’s straddling Barty’s lap, running her fingers through his hair. It’s not overtly sexual, but Barty’s hoping he can get it there in the next two minutes.
“Yeah?” He lets his eyes close, lets himself focus on the sound of her voice and the feel of her soft thighs under his hands. She’s only wearing her underwear and an old t-shirt of his, which isn’t doing much for his self control.
“Mmhm,” she responds, lightly rolling her hips forward. “He was asking about you.”
“I just saw him a few days ago.” Barty moves his hands around to grab Lily’s ass, sliding his fingers under the thin fabric, encouraging the pressure building between them. “What was he asking about?” He’s not really paying attention to the conversation if he’s being honest, but sometimes if Lily is in a chatty mood during sex, the dirty talk can get really nasty, so he tries to encourage it as much as possible.
“Just asking if we’d see him again before you go. He misses you.” She tugs the hem of Barty’s shirt up and over his head, then starts kissing a trail down his neck all the way to his shoulder. She reaches up to run a finger around his nipple, something she knows always gets a shiver out of him.
Barty lets out a groan as Lily rocks into him harder this time. “Fuck me too.” He doesn't even really know what he’s saying, just whatever will keep Lily talking.
“I know baby, I know you do,” Lily says, planting a hand on Barty’s chest to push him down on the bed. She leans forward to kiss him, and it’s slow and smooth as she slides her tongue into his mouth. He just feels himself getting lost in it when she pulls away. “Tell me how much you miss James.”
“Lily—” Barty starts, but he’s cut off as Lily’s hand travels down to his briefs, slipping under the waistband just a bit, teasing. “You want it?” she asks.
“Yes,” he says, grabbing her wrist, always so greedy about the way she touches him. “Come on, princess, no games.”
“No games.” She shakes her head, dips her hand even lower, just grazing the tip of his cock. “Tell me how much you miss him and you can have whatever you want.”
God, she’s intoxicating when she gets like this. Bossy and determined. And Barty is powerless to it.
“Miss him so much, Lily.” It’s not even untrue. It’s been months since he’s come to visit James, and now Lily since they started seeing each other. They call and text here and there but it’s nothing like it used to be, when they were attached at the hip as teenagers.
“Good boy.” She grabs his cock, collecting the precum with her thumb so her palm slides easily over him. “That feel good?”
Barty’s eyes roll back and he bucks his hips up into her hand, always needing more with Lily. “Mmhm fuck, so good. Keep talking, baby.”
Lily smiles, huffs a laugh. “You think about him a lot?” Her hand speeds up, just the right amount of pressure. She’s so fucking good at this.
Barty can barely think through the haze so he just says the first thing that comes to mind, not that he has much of a filter anyway. “All the time.”
“Yeah you do,” Lily says, rewarding him by reattaching to his neck, licking up to his ear where she bites at his earlobe. “Thinking about him right now while I’m touching you.”
Barty moans, letting his mouth fall open as he lets his mind wander. Lets himself imagine just for a second that it’s James on top of him instead of Lily. “Ngh, yeah, fuck. Don’t stop.”
But Lily does stop, just for a second to tug Barty’s briefs down and out of the way, freeing his cock, putting on display the mess she’s made of him.
She sits up over him, hovering just above his hard length. “Now, I want you to imagine, when you’re inside me, that it’s James you’re fucking into. Can you do that for me?”
Barty’s hands squeeze hard at her hips as he takes her in with hungry eyes, but he’ll do what she says. He always does, in the end.
He nods, licks his lips, seals the deal. “Wanna be inside him so bad, Lily.”
Lily reaches down, uses one hand to pull her soaked underwear to the side, and uses the other to line up Barty’s cock with her dripping cunt. “Whatever you want, baby,” she says with a devious smile before sinking down on him.
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foursaints · 16 days
saints tell your tennis man I finally watched challengers and holy crap it was so good. (I also always love anything about tennis, I played when I was a kid/preteen and it's always weirdly cool when it shows up??) the movie was SO just !!! yeah. it was good. holy shit it was good. honestly it had some major lilyrosekiller energy, or Evan/reg/Barty even 👀👀👀 reg or lily in one of those cute lil tennis skirts
i feel i MUST tell you that @sixlane has been doing some beautiful jartylily challengers content over on her blog... i haven't seen the movie yet but it's definitely formed like. new grey matter in my brain. nonetheless
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itsjaywalkers · 29 days
Challengers is jily and only them not fuckass jegulus
ummm i'm sorry but who said anything about regulus or jegulus?? also we're talking about a throuple not a couple, i don't think we've watched the same movie ://
it's jartylily <3 to me <3 if ur gonna send hate at least get ur facts straight bitch
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mothbart · 9 days
Prompt: Make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
thank you to @ninety-two-bees and @fromagony for tagging me!!! xoxo
here they are:
-deep the water (jegulus, wolfstar)
-all signs lead to point pleasant (bartylily aka MOTHBART)
-jartylily uber driver pt 2 (im so...excited for this one....)
-frank longbottom murder (jegulus) (im sorry frank ilysm)
np: @itsjaywalkers @persimminos @spacexcowgirl @bellaxisworld @magswrite @theapocryphaofantares @sanguineerose and @drowninginthoughts27
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sixlane · 1 month
jartylily....u gotta tell me more now
happily layla happily (renn this is for you too)
ok so i did just see challengers and that’s what sparked this idea for me… so if you don’t want mild spoilers (mostly just about the relationship dynamics) stop reading! so one way i see jartylily working is heavy on jarty with lily kinda just watching and getting off on the two of them fighting over her/struggling for dominance. lily will lay back and take care of herself while she calls out demands. “pin his hands above his head, barty” “slower, deeper” “beg for it, james” etc etc. i think she really gets off on having power over their relationship more than she does actually being involved.
the other way i could see this going is bartylily heavily ganging up on james “humiliation kink” potter. they are soooo mean to him and he likes it so much. he wants to be called pathetic, be stripped down while the two of them are fully clothed and laughing at how hard he is when they haven’t even touched him. they ignore him while they have sex, but barty will pull out just to come on his face. you get where i’m going with this.
and that’s what i got for now!
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sixlane · 14 days
I haven't stopped thinking about your jartylily for days, got any other thoughts for me?
anon!! sorry i’ve been sitting on this for a bit i’ve been collecting my thoughts just for you <3
they’ve developed since i first posted about them. i definitely still see lily as kind of an active bystander in the relationship when it’s the three of them. she prefers to boss them around and watch them. but i see the three way starting with lily casually dating both james and barty who have a kind of rivalry over her. i think they’ve always hated each other but this was the final straw. they despise the fact that neither of them can really claim lily (she is out of both of their leagues bffr) because they’re both super possessive. but at the same time nothing brings two people together like the love they share for a person. so i think lily sees their mutual hatred slowly shift toward desire and she immediately capitalizes on that. starts questioning them on how they feel about the other. introduces talking about them during sex, etc etc. and barty is the one who gives in first. being with lily has forced him to be in closer proximity to james and he finds out that james is not who he thought he was. he has a deep underlying manipulative streak and he can be fucking mean when he gets going. barty thinks this is so interesting. (ok side note: we’re getting into some barty meta here. i think barty uses sex as a way to understand people. he can’t express his feelings like a healthy person and he is bad at letting others get close to him, so he uses sex to figure them out, because that method of communication he deeply understands) so as he sees more of this side of james he NEEDS to fuck him about it. he needs to get to the bottom of who james is and find out why lily (the woman he loves) also loves james. i think james has to be talked into the whole thing a little more. he’s enthusiastic about it in the end but i think at first he entertains the idea to make lily happy. (if he can be good for her, he can truly have her). but barty gets under his skin like no one else and truly sees through all his bullshit. and as much as james likes to hide behind his mask, it’s refreshing to let it drop around barty and lily. and lily just loves playing the game. she loves watching the two of them slowly realize the feelings she’s seen since the beginning. and by the end they’re begging her to let them fuck each other. and lily is happy to watch. james cries the first time the three of them have sex and lily licks his tears up. barty is speechless for like a week after. lily is so fucking smug about the whole thing.
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sixlane · 10 days
thank u for the tag @effiepotterisamilf <3
Prompt: Make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
ok none of these have titles because i can’t pick them until the fic is done usually (also i haven’t started writing most of these, they are fueled by sleepless nights and my notes app)
rosier twins fic
bartylily nun fic
mr & mrs smith au
modern dance au
pathologic au
jartylily challengers au
np taggingggg @sugarsnappeases @malchai @sommerregenjuniluft @ecstarry @static-radio-ao3 @regscupid
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mothbart · 9 days
jartylily uber driver part 2 save me…save me jartylily uber driver part 2
more cum swapping? barty getting face fucked by james? james watching barty fuck lily?
it will save u
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sixlane · 1 month
LANE WHAT DO YOU MEAN JARTYLILY SHUT UP HOLD ON A MOMENT………could you…could you share some thoughts…please…
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sixlane · 1 month
lane i’m here to ask for your jartylily hcs
here you go my love <3
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sixlane · 1 month
Do u ship jily?
not really, no! i enjoy past jily as a catalyst for jegulus or bartylily but them together doesn’t do much for me. though if this is in reference to the tags on my challengers reblog… i do perhaps have thoughts on jartylily…. if you’re interested….
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