#japan has a population 3x larger than Canada though so maybe
mitchell-nihil · 2 months
I just mathed out the exact number of kids in the Pandora Program with absolutely bullshit math. The math itself isn't bullshit I'm just making some bigger so stuff actually makes sense
I'm going off the number of teens in Canada aged 13-19 to be about 2.9 million. that statistic was from an article from 12 years ago and the program has 20 and 21 year olds but I'm going to disregard that for my own SANITY-
8% of the population have powers, thus of the 2.9 million teens there is ~229 800 teenagers who developed powers. I AM GOING TO ASSUME an incarceration rate of 0.8% SPECIFICALLY among the teenagers with powers due to unfair trials and set-ups, but the average incarceration rate is like 0.088%. Again, for my own SANITY, I am ignoring that there is a very big difference between 0.088 and 0.8.
Anways, 0.8% of 229 800 is 1 832 total members of the Pandora Program across Canada. For the Trillium Location specifically (Ontario), there are, according to the same article as before, 1 189 245 teenagers in Ontario. 8% of that means 94 419 teenagers with powers, and 0.8% of THAT means a total of ~755 teenagers within the Trillium Campus, AKA the one where our story takes place.
Again, AGAIN, I'm aware an incarceration rate of 0.8% of teenagers with powers is kinda insane, but ALSO they are probably more likely to lash out due to poor treatment, rebel, or take advantage of their powers to do harm, and the trial system is less forgiving due to them benefiting from the teenagers incarcerations.
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