ragingtwilight · 2 years
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thetockablog · 5 months
Hertzoggie Bars
Hertzoggie Bars Ingredients360g cake flour2 tsp baking powder40g granulated sugar200g Kerrygold butter, cubed and cold2 large eggs80ml milk500g apricot jam4 large egg whites200g desiccated coconut170g caster sugar MethodPrepare a 38 x 24cm baking dish with baking paper and set aside. To a large mixing bowl add the cake flour, baking powder, and sugar. Add in the cold, cubed butter and rub into…
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neoyanl · 7 months
《娛樂圈血肉史》 #4
ngo5 hai6 ci5 zi3 jiu3 zou6 jat1 go3 jin2 jyun4 ge3
dim2 gaai2 ngo5 jiu3 zou6 jat1 go3 jin2 jyun4 aa1
jan1 wai6 ngo5 tin1 saang1 ceot1 lai4 zau6 hai6 jau5 jin2 hei3 ge1 sai3 baau1 gaa3 laa3
嗱 我知道呢度有好多人細細個你哋鍾意玩下做戲扮下嘢啊
naa4 ngo5 zi1 dou6 ni1 dou6 jau5 hou2 do1 jan4 sai3 sai3 go3 nei5 dei6 zung1 ji3 waan2 haa6 zou6 hei3 baan6 haa6 je5 aa1
baan6 haa6 baa4 baa1 maa4 maa1 jau5 mou5 aa1
吓 扮下結婚有冇啊
haa5 baan6 haa6 git3 fan1 jau5 mou5 aa1
ngo5 sai3 sai3 go2 zan6 tung4 ngo5 di1 Friend ji5 ging1 m4 baan6 ni1 di1 je5 laa3
ngo5 jat1 baan6 zau6 hai6 baan6 gaan1 fu1 jam4 fu5 gaa3 laa3
daan6 m4 zi1 hai6 mi1 ngo5 go3 joeng6 bei2 gaau3 zing3 zik6 aa1
zik1 hai6 cung4 loi4 dou1 mou5 fan2 baan6 gaan1 fu1 gaa3 bo3
咁 唔係 亦都唔係扮淫婦
gam3 m4 hai6 jik6 dou1 m4 hai6 baan2 jam4 fu5
hai6 baan6 jam4 fu5 go3 lou5 gung1 aa1
I am determined to become an actor. Why do I want to be an actor? Because I believe I have a natural talent for acting. I know there are some people here who used to enjoy playing roles when they were kids. Have any of you ever played the role of a mom or dad? Have you ever pretended to get married? When I was young, My friends from that group and I no longer engage in playing these things; we took on the roles of adulterers. However, I don't know if it's because I appear to have more integrity, as I've never been cast as a adulterer. Well, I was not playing a unfaithful wife either; I was playing the husband of the adulteress.
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don-dake · 1 year
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《人間蒸發》 (2005) 第二集
新詞:六國大封相 (luk6 gwok3 daai6 fung1 soeng1),吟 (jam4/ngam4)
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blockahmad75 · 1 year
Control over adrenocortical carcinoma within Wa: a standpoint over 18 decades
4%) acquired mild, 33 (Twenty-three.9%) extreme nerve symptoms, 21 years of age people (16.7%) had been asymptomatic. The actual typical Karnofsky overall performance standing has been 70%. Overall, re-WBRT was tolerated satisfactorily. Main side effects ended up tiredness, erythema along with central alopecia, 10% of people ended therapy just before reaching the actual designed measure. Mean tactical has been 2.7 weeks considering that the finish of the re-WBRT with higher efficiency standing at the start of the re-irradiation being a crucial indication for longer survival. Fifty-two people (39%) confirmed a new specialized medical improvement associated with nerve signs after the remedy, 59 patients (44%) always been secure, Twenty-three patients (17%) confirmed worse signs. Results: Because of this huge affected individual group we had been capable of reveal that re-WBRT is usually an essential therapeutic selection along with reduced price involving acute side effects for people within adequate standard issue.Mucosal areas are lined simply by epithelial cellular material that type a physical barrier defending our bodies against outer malevolent elements as well as pathogens. At a molecular degree, the particular mucosal barrier is actually regulated by simply small junctions (TJs) which close off the paracellular space in between nearby epithelial cells. Transmembrane protein inside TJs incorporate junctional adhesion molecules (Jellies) that belongs towards the cortical thymocyte marker for Xenopus class of protein. Quickly pull family includes about three time-honored users (JAM-A, JAM-B, and JAM-C) as well as connected substances which include JAM4, JAM-like necessary protein, Coxsackie along with adenovirus receptor (Automobile), CAR-like membrane proteins as well as endothelial cell-selective adhesion chemical. Jellies have got several features including unsafe effects of endothelial and epithelial paracellular leaks in the structure, leukocyte hiring during swelling, angiogenesis, mobile migration, along with growth. On this evaluate, we all review the current understanding in connection with roles of the Quickly pull members of the family inside the regulation of mucosal homeostasis and also leukocyte trafficking with a distinct emphasis on obstacle operate and its perturbation in the course of pathological swelling.Antibody drugs have become an extremely considerable part of the actual restorative landscaping. Their good results has become pushed by some of these distinctive attributes, specifically his or her high nature and also selectivity, contrary to the actual off-target liabilities associated with tiny molecules (Text message). Antibodies may bring further performance for the stand using their ability to talk with your immune system, which will be additional manipulated using improvements inside antibody architectural. This review summarizes just what antibody therapeutics have got achieved currently as well as what chances as well as difficulties lie ahead of time. The mark panorama for big molecules selleckchem (LMs) versus SMs and several from the problems with regard to antibody medication development are discussed. Successful puncture involving membrane limitations and also intra cellular focusing on is one obstacle, specially through the highly proof blood-brain barrier.
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thegreatcallofgod · 2 years
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A WELL-SETTLED ETERNAL LIFE : The one who conquers [the sinful world] will be dressed in white, & I will never erase his name from the book of life - Revelation 3:5 The worldly definition of a well-settled life is when you have enough money to cover all your living expenses, own a house in this world or mainly living in one place, not likely to relocate. But, we often tend to forget this fact that, OUR LIFE ON EARTH IS LIKE A VAPOR THAT WILL SOON VANISH & THIS EARTH ITSELF IS RESERVED FOR FIRE, BEING KEPT UNTIL THE DAY OF JUDGEMENT (Jam4:14,2Pet3:7). Dear reader, it's time you change the way you view your future. Rather than having a present-focused life in this temporary world, YOU MUST HAVE A FUTURIST MINDSET & FOCUS ON THINGS THAT ARE PERMANENT OR ETERNAL. On the last day of your life here in this world, the most important question you are going to be concerned about will be, IS MY NAME WRITTEN IN THE BOOK OF LIFE IN HEAVEN? If it is, then you will have a well-settled eternal life with God in Heaven. Blessings to you & yours. The Great Call of God (TGCG) [A non-religious & non-denominational SPIRITUAL ministry] https://facebook.com/TheGreatCallofGod/posts/ #life #success #forever #eternity #heaven #hell #life #eternal #world #earth #spiritual #spirituality #people #true #truth #gospel #bible #jesus #sin #God #blessing #judgement https://www.instagram.com/p/ChwzMfEPP9H/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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beliusaha · 2 years
Lowongan Kerja Karyawati Toko Perhiasan Aksesoris di Denpasar Bali
Lowongan Kerja Karyawati Toko Perhiasan Aksesoris di Denpasar Bali
Lowongan Kerja Karyawati Toko Perhiasan Aksesoris di Denpasar Bali 2 orang karyawati untuk toko perhiasan aksesoris. jam kerja 08:00-17:00 (tdk pakai ijazah,SD/SMP tdk masalah).yang penting jujur n rajin wa ke kontak yang tertera di bawah jika berminat Interview 17-07-2022 s/d 18-07-2022 mulai Dari pagi10:00-sore jam4:00. Interview:(pakaian rapi dan gk usah bawa ijazah.)   kata kunci: loker kasir…
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babblingpipit · 4 years
Taking a day-off
Beberapa minggu belakangan ini aku memulai sebuah kebiasaan baru, yaitu berjalan kaki 10.000 langkah sehari. Keputusan untuk mengawali kebiasaan ini disebabkan oleh kebijakan work from home dari kampus sejak Februari lalu. Semenjak bekerja dari rumah, pergerakanku yang semula aktif dari jalan kaki ke kampus, ke ruang meeting, beli boba atau groceries berubah menjadi jalan kaki dari kasur ke meja, lalu ke dapur dan kamar mandi. Mungkin total langkahku selama WFH banyaknya tidak mencapai 1000 langkah perhari.
Penurunan aktivitas ini tentu tidak dibarengi dengan pengurangan asupan nutrisi. Malah sebaliknya, bekerja dari rumah memberi keluangan untuk masak sebelum makan siang, membuat kue atau sekedar menggoreng pisang dan cemilan lainnya. Akibatnya, berat badanku naik 3kg hanya dalam kurun waktu 3 bulan, ditambah melebarnya bagian perut dan pinggang yang menandai meningkatnya massa lemak di dalam tubuh.
Akhirnya aku mencoba mulai meniru aktivitas yang biasa kulakukan sebelum WFH, yaitu berjalan kaki setiap hari. Bedanya, dulu jalan kaki murni untuk commuting, sekarang harus mengalokasikan waktu untuk berjalan for the sake of walking. 
Sudah hampir 2 minggu kebiasaan baru ini berjalan, efeknya pada tubuh cukup terasa. Di beberapa hari awal kaki terasa sedikit pegal dan tidur jadi sangat nyenyak. Sayangnya, nafsu makan juga bertambah sehingga rasanya sulit untuk menurunkan berat badan :D. Tapi tidak mengapa, yang penting tubuh ini bergerak jadi terasa lebih segar.
Di samping jalan kaki, aku juga mengajar zumba secara online dua kali seminggu. Setiap sesi berdurasi satu jam. Aku juga mulai menyempatkan satu sesi tambahan untuk mempelajari lagu dan gerakan baru. Jadi total, aku berolahraga dengan intensitas sedang-tinggi sebanyak tiga kali seminggu.
Sementara itu, kondisi risetku di kampus saat ini sedang dalam fase menantang. Setelah menghabiskan beberapa bulan terakhir menulis draft untuk sebuah paper, akhirnya draft tersebut selesai dan sedang berada di tangan co-authors. Sembari menunggu komentar dari co-authors, aku mulai menggarap pipeline untuk proyek penelitian selanjutnya. Pipeline ini sudah kumulai 2 tahun lalu, ditulis dengan bahasa python. Ternyata, kembali pada code lama sama susahnya dengan mulai menulis code baru. Apalagi dokumentasi code tersebut tidak begitu rapi, hehe. Hampir 2 minggu sudah aku terbenam dalam code yang baru sebagian selesai ini, melakukan berbagai testing untuk memastikan aku mengerti bagaimana pipeline ini bekerja (meskipun aku sendiri yang merancang dan menulis codenya 2 tahun yang lalu).
Selain mulai menggarap pipeline tersebut, aku juga sudah mulai melamar beberapa posisi post-doctoral yang menarik dan sesuai dengan bidang penelitianku. Sungguh menyiapkan berkas lamaran akademik itu bukan pekerjaan sederhana. Selasa lalu, aku interview untuk salah satu posisi yang kuincar dan pertanyaannya benar-benar tidak kusangka, sangat detail dan teknikal. Aku berusaha menjawab semampuku dan segenuine mungkin. Bagiku permasalahannya sangat menarik cuma ada beberapa hal yang di luar keahlianku. Semoga aku mendapat pekerjaan yang terbaik ya :)
Bukan itu saja, aku juga merupakan panitia sebuah winter school (iya di Australia sedang musim dingin, hehe) berskala nasional yang akan diadakan senin ini. Aduh, sibuknya rapat online menyiapkan ini itu dengan beragam skenario.
Hari rabu (2 hari yang lalu), aku bersama seorang teman berjalan di walking trail yang panjang dan indah sekali. Tak terasa total perjalanan kami mencapai 3.5jam dan di hari itu total langkahku berjumlah 19.500! Hampir 2 kali lipat dari goal harian. Pada Kamis pagi, kakiku terasa pegal namun aku tetap semangat berjalan kaki sekitar komplek karena cuacanya cukup cerah dan hangat. Pulang jalan kaki pukul 9.30, aku membaca sebuah paper yang akan menjadi rujukan paperku, dilanjut menghadiri kolokium sampai 11.30. Kemudian aku istirahat makan siang dan lanjut baca paper sebentar. Pukul 1pm aku ada meeting gladi resik winter school untuk hari senin, dilanjutkan dengan meeting dengan riset grupku. Setelah itu, aku lanjut membaca paper sampai jam4. Lalu jam 4-5 aku ada meeting lagi. Sungguh badan rasanya remuk, belum lagi jam7 aku harus mengajar kelas zumba online.
Kondisi badanku kemarin sungguh tidak fit. Aku bahkan tidak berpuasa karena pada malam harinya perutku sakit, mungkin masuk angin saat berjalan jauh. Sakit perutnya berlanjut sampai seharian. Bolak-balik kamar mandi padahal jadwal meeting penuh, sungguh melelahkan.
Akhirnya hari ini aku mengambil cuti sakit. Rasanya ingin goler-goler seharian baca twitter, baca buku, nulis tumblr. Sekarang sudah pukul 11.36 dan masih di kasur, minum teh panas dan roti selai kaya. Kepikiran suatu solusi untuk codingan, langsung ku catet untuk di eksekusi hari senin. Baca-baca thread tentang langkah membeli tanah dan rumah di suatu grup. 
Kemarin aku begitu khawatir mau minta ijin cuti, terbayang waktu yang digunakan untuk istirahat harusnya bisa untuk menulis disertasi atau lanjut coding. Tapi ternyata memang badan dan otak ini butuh istirahat. Rasanya damai dan tenang sekali, sendirian di rumah tanpa ada agenda, bebas melakukan apapun tanpa terkungkung rutinitas. Untuk teman-teman yang juga sedang burn-out, jangan lupa istirahat ya. Bekerja dari rumah sesungguhnya tidak mengurangi beban kerja, lelahnya sama saja. Tetap jaga kesehatan fisik dan mental yaa :) 
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sapdigitplat-blog · 4 years
список популярных блогов и сообществ sap
Одним из самых крупных блогов для SAP консультанта и разработчика является блог компании SAP - SAP Community (SCN). Здесь можно узнать о SAP как общую общую информацию так и по интересующему направлению. https://blogs.sap.com/tags/
60 лучших блогов и сайтов SAP для консультантов и разработчиков SAP в 2019 году можно посмотреть по следующей ссылке. Автор сообщает, что список будет пополняться: https://blog.feedspot.com/sap_blogs/
Лучшие 15 каналов YouTube YouTube с учебными материалами SAP, чтобы стать профессионалом SAP по ссылке ниже https://blog.feedspot.com/sap_youtube_channels/
Для пользователей SAP JAM, там есть интересные группы: Российская локализация SAP HCM: https://jam4.sapjam.com/.../overvi.../cvlx1njtkoDIFLsfzVW925
SAP Business One CIS https://jam4.sapjam.com/.../overvi.../gDbEmvIGoWpXQ1HK2eQDvP
SAP IBP Partner Hub https://jam4.sapjam.com/.../overvi.../nhQZHN3E1Qavgy0WaMfHoN
S/4HANA for CIS Partners https://jam4.sapjam.com/.../overvi.../JQZeuFpjzYEEzgODpG6kJL
Блоги по SAP на русском языке. В них можно дискутировать с авторами и задавать свои вопросы. Много тематик не представлено в русскоязычном сегменте, например, не обнаружили блогов или слабо освещены по модулям MM/SD, PP, WMS и т.д. Если Вы можете посоветовать ресурсы, постите их в комментариях https://clck.ru/JfB4w
Блог компании SAP на HABR: https://habr.com/ru/company/sap/blog/
Больше ещё тут:  https://sapfreelancers.ru/BlogItem.aspx?id=29
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Psalm 66:17-20 - "I cried out to him with my mouth; his praise was on my tongue. If I had cherished sin in my heart, the Lord would not have listened; but God has surely listened and has heard my prayer. Praise be to God, who has not rejected my prayer or withheld his love from me!" Does God hear my prayers? A question that plagues believers...why hasn't he answered my prayers? I certainly don't know the mind of God, for his ways and thoughts are much higher than mine...but I do know that he knows the thoughts and intents of my heart! Some people seem to think that "all you have to do is ask" and "voila" your prayers are answered - but God doesn't work like that. Do we pray in faith, believing? (Matt21:22) Do we ask amiss? (Jam4:3) Is what we ask for in accordance with his will in our life? (1John5:14) Do we still cherish sin in our hearts?(Psa66:18) 1 Peter 3:10 For he that will love life, and see good days, let him refrain his tongue from evil, and his lips that they speak no guile: 11 Let him eschew evil, and do good; let him seek peace, and ensue it. 12For the eyes of the Lord are over the righteous, and his ears are open unto their prayers: but the face of the Lord is against them that do evil. God hears and knows our prayers...but the unanswered prayer may be his will in my life, or I may just need to clean up my act, and start living my life in accordance with his will! Heavenly Father, you are the source of all blessings! Help me to trust in you for the things I need and to have the faith that you will provide! Help me live my life according to your will, so that I will be found worthy of your love. Cleanse my heart from any sin that would cause you to turn your face from me. Thank you for listening to my prayers!! In Jesus name I ask, Amen https://www.instagram.com/p/CZ1g0ycre6I/?utm_medium=tumblr
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adriel-silva-blog · 6 years
Let’s get started!
I started the activities two weeks ago, and the primary purpose of this fellowship is to understand how my colleagues from North America run its CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) projects, how they handle the activities with employees, partners, etc. I intend to get the best from this experience, and after returning to Brazil, I want to spread the good practices I’m learning here and try to apply it to our CSR in Brazil.
Two weeks ago I met Jenn, Mark, Simrin, and Oscar. They are very dedicated to CSR activities here in Vancouver.
One of the activities that I’m developing, among other projects is to revamp the CSR North America JAM Page.
The main CSR page was not so enjoyable to the eyes. I modified its layout; you can take a look here if you have access:  Try to copy paste it in your browser. It should work.
There are tons of documentation that I’m reorganizing. That’s what I’m doing when not involved in other activities.
Last week on Sept 12, we had an event at SAP with students from some schools. During the event, I had the opportunity to meet the retired astronaut Robert Thirsk. As you can image, he loves science and flew to space twice. SAP Labs Vancouver announced an investment of $300.000 in the NGO Let’s Talk Science. This partnership will help students to develop their digital literacy skills. More details check this link:  https://goo.gl/vhfjUb
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rdubbu · 3 years
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at Long Beach, California https://www.instagram.com/p/CPDn-a-JAm4/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Semangat senin 😻 Salam hangat dari Momon yang masih belom Bisa move on dari bete kemarin ditinggal sendirian di Rumah.. Kemarin, kami ke Pati anter Yesha + Praya, berangkat jam 5am sampai Rumah lagi jam 10pm.. Apa Persiapan yang dilakukan buat Momon? (Juga Hachi, Tobi, Echa, di Rumah yang lain) 😸 Siapin 1 bowl makanan basah di buat dimakan pagi sebelum semua berangkat, pastikan dia kenyang banget biar tidur seharian 😏 😸 Siapin makanan kering, buat siang/sore Hari jaga-jaga kalo dia lapar, 😸 Minum ready di kamar Mandi dalam ember kecil, Karena momon maunya dari kran Seger cuma buat dia, make sure pas nuangin air ke ember dia liha langsung biar dia memorize 😏 😸 Siapin pasir 😸 Gendong-cium-uplek uplek dia sebelum pergi, Punya pet emang kayak punya anggota keluarga baru .. dia gak Bisa ngomong sih, tapi, Dia Bisa nunjukin kalo dia ngambek, bete, happy.. Dan kami udah terbiasa rempong buat anak bulu 💚 Tentunya karena berangkat jam5 pagi, jadi jam4 cuma Bisa sempat bangun-mandi-sholat .. Dandan + sarapan di bus Aja 😆 Kalian Juga begitukah? Demi anabul terchayank.. Salim dulu Momon .. sama aunty @auzola @cutauzria @dll.adeline @hetinovela #catsofi̇nstagram (at Yogyakarta) https://www.instagram.com/p/CGgYAstBqHX/?igshid=fasapvtc31td
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luvitadiesel · 4 years
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Busque encontrar nesta vida algo que lhe traga contento interior, seja lá o que for. Busque encontrar algo que lhe faça crescer. Busque os lugares, as companhias, as situações que lhe acrescentem algo de útil e bonito ao Espírito. De tristezas o mundo já está cheio. ✍️José Renato Sindorf (em Luvita Comércio de Peças para Caminhões e Ônibus Ltda) https://www.instagram.com/p/CFMphN-JAm4/?igshid=30p0cfa2owx7
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thegreatcallofgod · 2 years
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A PEACEFUL & JOYFUL LIFE : Those who are led by the Spirit of God are the children of God - Romans 8:14 What does it mean to be led by the Holy Spirit? Overall, it means to depend on God's guidance in our lives, so that we always walk in the paths HE wants us to walk. So, it's very obvious that walking by the Holy Spirit is not simply a matter of partial surrender, but a complete surrender (Prov23:26, Jam4:7) of your body & mind to God's leadership. MOST IMPORTANTLY, WALKING BY THE HOLY SPIRIT IS A LIFELONG PROCESS, BY THOSE WHO 'ALWAYS' OBEY GOD (Eph2:22, Acts5:32). Now, we know the HOLY SPIRIT IS THE ONLY TRUE SOURCE OF JOY, PEACE & OTHER DIVINE GIFTS IN OUR LIVES (Gal5:22) & anyone who does the will of God, can always experience this joy & peace of the Holy Spirit in all situations (Matt8:23-26). Yes, it is impossible for a person led by the Holy Spirit to be stressed out & worried at the same time. Always remember, HELL ON EARTH IS A LIFE WITHOUT PEACE, WHILE HEAVEN ON EARTH IS A LIFE LED BY THE SPIRIT OF GOD. Blessings to you & yours. The Great Call of God (TGCG) [A non-religious & non-denominational SPIRITUAL ministry] https://facebook.com/TheGreatCallofGod/posts/ #joy #happy #bless #peace #God #blessing #holyspirit #bible #gospel #jesus #spirit #spirituality #spiritual #religious #religion #denomination #freedom #life #lifestyle https://www.instagram.com/p/CfNZip6vGWC/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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yuriage · 4 years
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5/22今日の笑ったら負けよ、コメ大歓迎! https://www.instagram.com/p/CAdFVc-JAM4/?igshid=1s9ao4wyite7l
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