thingsasbarcodes · 7 months
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Doctor Who 1x07 - 'The Long Game'
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sandymybeloved · 1 year
*Doctor Who fans, please note I'm using Time Lord and Gallifreyan interchangably here, if you want to argue with me about it that's fine, one of these characters cannon species is shakey but I specifically wanted to include them, basically, if you can argue a character is from Gallifrey, they are not misplaced on the list
the correct answer is below the cut, DO NOT LOOK UNTIL YOU HAVE VOTED!
There is no Time Lord named Hadrojassicmaxarodenfoe, I took the name from a different Doctor Who alien, the Mighty Jagrafess of the Holy Hadrojassic Maxarodenfoe, a large purple blob of a alien who lives in the ceiling of the top floor of a satellite controlling Earth's news, here are the rest
Romanadvoratrelundar AKA Romana:
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travelled with the doctor for almost three full seasons, complete with a regeneration into a new actress
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you may have known Morbius as a real character in Doctor Who, but did you know he looks like this in his one televised appearance The Brain of Morbius, a serial disturbingly important to Doctor Who continuity as it gave us The Morbius Doctors, hand waved away as future incarnations of the Doctor of Morbius' regenerations until 2020's The Timeless Child confirmed them as the Doctor 44 years later
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What's under the mask you ask... Absolutely nothing, Omega has no physical body, he remains alive through only insisting he exists
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Look, I have been a fan of Doctor Who since I could walk, and there's still no way I could explain Rassilon even to myself, he is whatever the story needs. Dead, alive, good, evil, maybe I just don't pay enough attention but I do not understand him one bit
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A time and space travelling mechanic
The Meddling Monk:
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its a crime he's only in one televised story
Susan Foreman
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The Doctor's granddaughter and original companion, this is the character who's species is not clear, because she left long before the Time Lords or their planet, Gallifrey, even existed in the show
Professor Chronotis
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apologies to any Dirk Gently fans who were caught out by this one. In the late 1970s, Douglas Adams was the script editor for Doctor Who, he wrote a story called Shada, which they started filming, but due to strike action never completed, Douglas Adams repurposed many of the ideas he had for Shada into his other works, most notably Dirk Gently's Hollistic Detective Agency, Professor Chronotis being one of them, a time traveller teaching at a university. You may be wondering why I include character from a story that was never televised, but Shada has so many reconstructions and adaptations in other Doctor Who media its now more easily accessible than many episodes from the 1960s
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idkimoutofideas · 9 months
They really went all out in the first season of Doctor Who with alien names and then just…. dropped it
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fanonical · 8 months
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9TH DOCTOR: What's the difference between a bag of demerara sugar and the Mighty Jagrafess of the Holy Hadrojassic Maxarodenfoe? CAPTAIN JACK: *sigh* I dunno, Doc, what's the difference between a bag of demerara sugar and the Mighty Jagrafess of the Holy Hadrojassic Maxarodenfoe? 9TH DOCTOR: Well, if you don't know that, I'm not sending you to the shop.
Doctor Who Jokes and Incorrect Quotes for Monday by GIL
》📫Got a question / submission? 》😆Jokes |🫀Biology |🗨️Language |🕰️Throwbacks |🤓Facts 》📚Complete list of Q+A 》📜Masterpost If you like what GIL does, please consider buying a coffee or tipping below to help make future projects, including complete biology and language guides.
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variousqueerthings · 7 months
some things about s2 doctor who confidential + david tennant's video diary
mvp of season 2 goes to nicholas briggs for voicing all the daleks and cybermen (as he did in s1 and continued until today -- also judoon, jagrafess, zygons, nestene consciousness, ice warriors)
also at this point need to shout out to everyone who got stuffed inside a robot suit -- first actually to the guy who played the ann-droid back in s1, but my goodness did the cybermen do a lot of fun background choreography work to become uniform, led by a very small delightful movement teacher
david tennant fangirling over elizabeth sladen. david tennant fangirling over anthony head. david tennant fangirling over K9. david tennant fangirli-
goooosh the whole bits about the last couple of episodes -- the emotions everyone's going through, especially with regards to billie piper of course. quite happy they cut almost immediately post-filming the goodbye scene, because I heard she wasn't doing too great for a bit, and yeah, that performance was Intense. would have liked to have heard some final words on her part on the experience of doctor who, but that's me wanting more billie
last actual filmed episode was satan pit and the last two scenes filmed was the doctor and rose reuniting in the TARDIS and then "who are you?" "oh... the stuff of legends." -- followed by "that's a wrap" and billie and david immediately hugging each other very very hard :(((
ofc I also heard the rtd let her know early on that she was coming back for s4
very sweet to see the david tennant video diary for season 2 and him being a tad nervous about how people will feel about his portrayal -- flash forward 17 years and....
julie gardner talking about first meeting to develop torchwood, and how she right off the bat went, "right, the things we need to establish is how much violence and nudity we're going to do" because it was totally untrod ground until now
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doctorwhogirlie · 3 months
My Boyfriend Rates New Who
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The Long Game:
Definitely what it's like in the BBC isn't it. Anyone who doesnt pay their tv license Definitely gets sent and eaten by the jagrafess
(Just a bit of fun, he's not like a major Doctor Who fan, more of a casual watcher)
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marlenacantswim · 7 months
Fic ask,,, The Editor,,, "You're Gonna Need to Call A Doctor."
You're Gonna Need to Call a Doctor
He's alive. For a brief moment, he thinks this unfortunate, as if he were dead, he wouldn't be experiencing the ghastly stench of his pulverized boss. Former, boss, he remembers. As the events of the past few hours return to him, he tentatively opens his eyes, and sees only complete darkness— a rarity for him. The overall silence in his mind seems to indicate a complete shutdown of the thought broadcast system, and the darkness probably means there's no power to floor 500. It's strange: he almost feels asleep.
See, to minimize any excess heat, lighting on floor 500 was kept to a minimum, which of course necessitated ocular enhancement for The Editor. As such, since being chosen all those decades ago, he could always see in the darkest of environments, even with closed eyes. Add to that his constant operator-level access to the stream of consciousness only ever deactivating for his monthly rest, and it becomes pretty clear why his idiotic human instincts are yearning for a hearty nap at the mo. How blissfully unaware of them.
Alright, enough of this stupidity: where the hell is he? He hears the sounds of searing and thick bubbling, so he can't have been out that long. The amount of heat going on is also tremendous, but living and working in an icebox for several decades hasn't exactly tempered his perception of temperature. He tries to move. There's a lot of wet resistance; his backside must be covered in Jagrafess sludge. "So disgusting," he moans to himself, pushing himself away from the chilled wall of the lifeless computer system. In his panic from Suki's bafflingly strong corpse-grip, he'd rolled himself under the main console as a last-ditch grasp at survival. A typically brilliant call on his part, seeing as the metal paneling retained its cold temperature, and likely shielded him from the onslaught of molten innards.
His struggling motion must set something off, because a single light somewhere in the room hums to life. It's on for maybe a second before it fizzles out, once again leaving him blind. "Woooow, how thoughtful," he muses to no one. As he continues to inch his way out, he notices both his legs can move completely unhindered. A devilish smirk crosses his face: "Ohh, see that, you mole? Really tried your best, didn't you?" Feeling around for the edge of the console, he pulls himself up to a sitting position. "All the good that did you, ay Suki? Still had some kindle of life in you, and you wasted it! Your husk boiled away, and I remain completely untouched!"
As if on cue, that same bulb from before reawakens. The first thing he sees after the writhing masses of sinew coating the place are his legs: his left, loafer still shiny, and about two thirds of his right— the only two thirds that seems to be remaining. "Aw, what? No, that— c'mon!" How annoying. It'll cost him at least 3,000 credits for a new one. The end of it, still sizzling, sits in a pool of what he first assumes is anti-freeze, before coming to the conclusion that no, actually: that's just what his blood looks like. He's never really seen it before; always assumed it looked like everyone else's— just how much altering did Max do to him?
Whatever. No time for an identity crisis— he's got to get out of here. For one, it smells like absolute rubbish, but more importantly, it can't be good that he's... leaking, and of course he's got to get the bum leg thing sorted. He's still got administrator clearance for the lift, he'll just go down to the 417th floor, fork over the credits for a leg prosthesis, and blend in with the citizens of Satellite Five until some new, decent opportunity presents itself. He pauses, staring at his reflection in the blue-ish pool of his own blood. His irises are so massive, and his pupils more jarringly so in the dim light. Would the masses even consider him human? The surgeons would probably take one look at the foreign substance seeping from his wound and report him to... well, himself, he supposes. This is what he gets for being too good at his job.
Maybe their expertly curated xenophobia is right, though. Would his name— his real name— even show up in their systems? What would a medical scan reveal? They'd probably find his genome more analogous with one of those cold-faring species. Regardless, It's been so long since another alien's been on the station, the medbay no longer carries anything but iron-based blood— certainly nothing resembling whatever's flowing through his veins. A frown forms, unbefitting of his face. "Bloody hell, I look pathetic," he spits. Fine. Screw it. Guess he's having this identity crisis now. Who the hell even is he without the Jagrafess's influence? Not that it was particularly grand; must've been a pretty flimsy system if it only took one fool and a lucky break to blow it up completely. All that aside, it still gave him power and purpose, and now what has he got?
He perks up— Knowledge. He tilts his head, and a foxy grin sneaks back onto his mien. He's got knowledge. Valuable, valuable knowledge. Knowledge of the Doctor, and his time-traveling capabilities. That anomaly and his human plaything may have squandered his previous, let's say, "business endeavor," but they've shown themselves to be a far more lucrative investment opportunity. He brings himself to his fee— foot. To his foot, and cackles. "Oh Doctor," he sneers, "won't you be excited to see me again." Perhaps there are some benefits to his unexpected survival. How many people in the universe know that there's a Time Lord frolicking about spacetime unsupervised? How fewer can identify him by face alone? The Editor gives another scan of the alien remains around him, and bursts out laughing. "Sorry for the late notice, Max, but my resignation still stands. I think it will greatly benefit both of us." He points at a lifeless eyeball that wound up in the chair next to him— "Can I put you down as a reference?"
As he hears the metered sound of the approaching lift, he puts on his most pathetic pitiable face, and begins weaving his sob story.
It's about time he became his own boss, don't you reckon?
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justahumblememefarmer · 4 months
Ultimate Doctor Who Poll Round 1 - Matchup 17
Episode Summaries under the cut
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105: The Christmas Invasion - Season 1 Christmas Special: After the Doctor's regeneration, he brings Rose home to her family for Christmas, but collapses. Rose struggles with his new face, not sure if he's even the same person anymore. Prime Minister Harriet Jones deals with contact of an approaching alien spaceship, which has captured an Earth space probe. The probe contained a sample of A positive blood, through which they are able to control everybody on Earth with that blood type. They make them all walk to the top of the nearest roof and stand at the edge. The aliens demand that either half the world will be sold into slavery, or the 1/3 of the population with A positive blood will die.
Still unconscious, Rose and Mickey bring the Doctor to the TARDIS as it's the only place that's safe. Detecting advanced technology, the aliens teleport the ship aboard, along with Harriet Jones and some of her colleagues. They attempt to negotiate with the aliens, but several people are killed. Finally, the Doctor wakes up and exits the TARDIS, still feeling out his new form. He challenges the alien leader to a duel for the fate of the Earth, and they engage in a sword fight. The alien cuts off the Doctor's hand, but his recent regeneration allows him to regrow it, win the fight, and force the aliens surrender.
The aliens flee, but Harriet Jones orders the firing of a weapon they'd prepared as a worst case scenario. The alien ship is destroyed, angering the Doctor, who threatens to bring down Harriet's administration, spreading rumors that she is too ill to continue. Although both are nervous because of his change, the Doctor asks Rose to keep traveling with him.
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152: The Long Game - Season 1, Episode 8: The Doctor takes Rose and new companion Adam to the future, on a space station in the year 200,000. Adam deals with culture shock from the future, but the Doctor notes that history seems to be off course, and that the culture, technology, and lack of non-human species aboard are signs that something has gone wrong with history.
They meet a journalist and sit on a news brief, where several reporters beam information directly into her head to broadcast out. An unknown person watches on a monitor and detects a glitch from one reporter. An alert interrupts the news session and announces that the reporter has been promoted to Floor 500. The journalist is jealous of this as supposedly the walls of Floor 500 are made of gold. The reporter travels up to Floor 500, where she is found to be a freedom fighter using a false identity, and is killed.
Adam leaves to go to an observation deck to get his bearings, while the Doctor and Rose continue to investigate. They find that Floor 500 is pumping enormous amounts of heat down to the rest of the space station, and get the journalist to begin questioning whether what she's been told is true, why nobody comes back from floor 500, why there are no aliens aboard, and why there it is so hot on board.
Adam meanwhile discovers a computer terminal and attempts to gain access to Earth's history, and leave a message on his mom's voicemail in the past, but is denied access as he does not have a brain chip. He goes to the ships medical center, where they are able to install the chip, a hole in his forehead that will allow his brain to interface with the computer.
The Doctor and Rose gain access to Floor 500 and go up, where they meet the Editor, who works for a creature called the Jagrafess. The Jagrafess runs the entire human empire, controlling it through selective information in the news feed broadcast. It also generates an enormous amount of heat, which is pumped down to the rest of the station to keep the Jagrafess alive. The Editor wonders at how he doesn't know the Doctor and Rose, as he has access to all the information in the empire, but has no record of them at all.
At that moment, Adam accesses a computer through his brain spike, giving the Editor access to all of his knowledge, including about the Doctor and Rose, as well as the TARDIS, including Adam's key. He plans to take the TARDIS to control humanity even earlier in it's history. The journalist had followed the Doctor and Rose up and overhears all of this, and accesses a terminal to revert the heating, and pump it back up, killing the Jagrafess and Editor and allowing the Doctor and Rose to escape.
The Doctor says that history has been set right now, and he takes Rose and Adam away in the TARDIS. He brings Adam back home, kicking him out of the TARDIS for attempting to bring back information from the future for personal benefit, and erases the voicemails he left his mother. He leaves with Rose, telling Adam to live a quiet life so that nobody sees his brain chip.
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doctorwho-rewatch · 10 months
S1E7 - The Long Game
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This episode had promise but I think ultimately failed to deliver. The opening scene is a cute collage of future civilisation tropes - the hustle and bustle of a thriving human society on a satellite, brain chips and kronkburgers with patajos. It’s colourful and cheerful and seems to hint at something not quite right.
But the plot itself is nothing to speak of. The Almighty Jagrafess is a weak villain that we learn little about - the Editor seemed to be the more villainous (Simon Pegg is the only good thing about this episode) - and there’s some drama about the media controlling the news. But so what? Nothing seemed terribly at stake here and the resolution just didn’t feel impactful. It just felt...dull.
The one thing that was really interesting to see, though, is what a bad companion looks like. The Doctor and Rose now have a dynamic going. She is beginning to understand the absolute privilege she has been given, by travelling with the Doctor. Adam, the leftover from last episode’s Dalek, doesn’t quite grasp that. More than that, he is seeing this opportunity through the lens of ‘how can I get the most out of it for myself?’. Not quite the perspective that sits well with the Doctor and I am relieved he’s kicked out at the end of the episode.
Mind you, I wouldn’t say no to that vomit-o-matic thingy though...
QUOTE: “You’re no fun.” “Let me out of these manacles, you’ll find out how much fun I am.”
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besidesitstoowarm · 1 year
"The Long Game" thoughts
not a lot to say about this one honestly. it's extremely straightforward and heavy-handed, which isn't a knock bc i really like the message, it's just what it is
i like nine setting up rose so she can try to show up adam. he's just a little goofster. "he's your boyfriend" "not anymore" got a laugh out of me
adam means nothing to me and i assume he means nothing to anyone. it would be one thing if he were recklessly hungry for information, but his first thought was how to profit off it, just like van statten. he's a little bitch. and he's not even sexy
jagrafess is nice. always nice to see simon pegg. if anyone here has seen the expanse, this episode gave me similar vibes, in a very... condensed, slightly sanitized way. idk, the design of the station, the control of information, the creepy blue dead people controlled off chips in their brains. if you haven't seen the expanse, you should, it's one of the best sci-fi shows ever made imo
it's interesting that they specifically call out a halt to immigration as a symptom of something being wrong, cause it kinda works two ways. in one sense, stoking fears about immigrants (the never-explained "threats") is an extremely easy way to generate the type of fear and simple bigotry that makes people easy to control. see maga (jagrafess is basically just roger ailes tbh). in another sense, it's necessary; when human beings are exposed to people/beings from more diverse walks of life, when we learn more, we become more tolerant, generous, and caring. by forcing away people from other planets, it insulates satellite five, keeps their culture basic. this is essentially the entire principle keeping small, rural towns in the midwest a vibrant political red
i like that it's framed not as making the population stupid, but of making them complacent, teaching them not to bother asking questions, not out of fear but just lack of interest. apathy is dangerous! this entire story has only gotten more relevant in the past 20 years
next one up i have historically never understood the appeal of but at least then it's straight bangers all the way through
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fan-kingdoms · 10 months
okay i could go on and watch the next episode but i don't wanna cuz ik nine dies in it ;-; im gonna hold off and work on the merlin meets the doctor fanfic instead HSVFJFBFNFNF
but no seriously its getting SO GOOD. it was already really really good but OMG. my mind is jusr,,,, cue jack's implosion sound effect from boom town. i am so excited and so terrified and please nine dont leave me so soon i love uou
but bro just the freaking. EMOTIONAL IMPACT of lynda telling nine that him killing the jagrafess is what STARTED the bad century on earth and satellite nine and the fucking GUILT im devastated. and when he thinks rose is dead and he's just so numb and motionless until he snaps and breaks them the hell out of there (but even then, even when hes at his- well maybe not angriEST but REALLY FREAKING ANGRY AND DEVASTATED, he STILL doesn't resort to shooting people to get what he wants. STILL he's understanding and tender and caring, STILL he has sympathy for the controller, STILL the concept of him shooting the defenceless workers out if nothing but anger is so preposterous he just scoffs at it. the size of his heart is so huge im in pain)
bad wolf. the daleks. just how long is this long game? wait oh my god me typing that just made me remember there was an EPISODE titled the long game and it was the first satellite five episode. how long have the daleks been planning this? when did it start? not with satellite five im guessing, it had to have been much older. i have SO MANY QUESTIONS and SO MUCH FEAR (please nine dont die) and im SO EXCITED. holy shit
(sidenote i think my love for the doctor is gonna end up making the fic as emotional as it is silly)
yeah these eps make your brain want to explode it’s like nothing makes sense but Everything makes sense all at once and it’s so much but also you want More information too and YEAH ITS SO GOOD THIS SEASON WAS SO WELL WRITTEN
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dungeon-stream · 11 months
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"the mighty jagrafess"
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dougielombax · 1 year
So, what actually was the Jagrafess?
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dwsoundtracker · 1 year
1x07: 0:36:15 - 0:37:39 (the jagrafess wants the tardis)
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nerds-yearbook · 3 years
In 200,000 AD The human race should be in its 4th Great and Glorious Empire, but in one alternate timeline it is being artificially held back. The time traveling alien the Doctor (Doctor 9) and his companion named Rose discover that the answer may be found in Satellite five which provides over 600 channels of news and entertainment to Earth. In this possible future, people have chips implanted into their heads so they can download information directly into their brains. ("The Long Game" Doctor Who, TV)
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