fish-d · 7 days
i mean it and im not kidding, if we get TVA stuff on sunday my soul will leave my body ne'er to return
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rot-harley · 6 years
!!! am jade!!! does a boof!!! b o o f ! ! !
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cassunzelsun · 12 years
Lol now I am tracking the nearlyhands tag
this is a thing that is happening
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fish-d · 5 days
something about the conflict between book and show in this adaptation is what makes the show so electric, i think. like obviously people who don't know anything about the books enjoy it plenty, but the way rolin & co. have reshuffled elements both from IWTV itself and also from subsequent books (all the way up to prince lestat, if we count dr. fareed!) adds SO much
like every fandom has theories and headcanons and predictions, but being armed with the imperfect roadmap of book canon to decode a show that tries to be spiritually true to the novels but is almost never true beat-for-beat is a recipe to make me feel like every sunday i have to disarm a bomb
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fish-d · 1 year
yesterday, before i started queen of the damned, i thought the daniel/armand stuff in the tag was cute! its fun. i enjoy it. haha hes gonna fuck that old man.
having just read devils minion for the first time, if assad zaman and eric bogosian do not kiss on the mouth on television i will be mailing my own corpse to amc corporate headquarters
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fish-d · 11 months
returning to tumblr to say im seeing probably my Most Important Media Idol in person on friday for the first time and ive settled into a perpetual state of "dog who knows its time for a walk"-excitement. im gonna be so nauseous all week and im jazzed about it
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fish-d · 11 months
this barbie needs to be back in minneapolis
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fish-d · 11 months
the most darling friendships are the ones who are kind and patient when you get jumped by a new hyperfixation. friends who will make a detour to the gas station of your mind even when u have somewhere u promised to go... man
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fish-d · 1 year
can't stop thinking about chart-topping sensation The Vampire Lestat circa 2022. like........ he just invents Ghost, right
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fish-d · 1 year
on the one hand, im immensely grateful to whichever person had the foresight to record one of the two (2) nights drew sarich played lestat on broadway, but also now im trapped into caring a lot about another gay drew sarich vampire musical performance and i didnt think i was going to have to do that again
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fish-d · 4 years
“The Battle of the Pekes and the Pollicles" is a jellicle nativity play. no i am not accepting criticism at this time
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fish-d · 4 years
i return!
guess who was at the kennedy center for american theater festival region 1 this whole-ass past week and forgot to post about it
anyway im back, babey, and ready to post about some fuckin CATS
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fish-d · 4 years
🧡 - Best choreography?. 💚 - Have you noticed anything during a watch of any adaptation that others might not have?, 🖤 - Any cat you don't like at all?
ahhh thank you omg !!!
🧡 - Best choreography?
as far as versions with choreography i prefer, the 2016 revival/us tour 6 (which are? roughly identical, far as i can tell?) are so phenomenal. the fusion of the original bway choreo with andy blankenbuehler's beautiful and unusual additions just. GETS me, both as an audience member and as a dancer myself !
💚 - Have you noticed anything during a watch of any adaptation that others might not have?
is it weird if i say mungojerrie and rumpleteazer's romantic chemistry in the 98 film? there's just something about those two actors that speaks to their chemistry as people, and they bring SO much of that to the stage -- like. their moments during the ball? SO charged! other productions ive seen definitely have less of That Energy.
🖤 - Any cat you don't like at all?
maybe two weeks ago i would have said coricopat and tantomile as a duo, but theyre growing on me :)))
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fish-d · 4 years
💘 - Costume, Design and Make-Up of one or more of the cats that stands out the most to you? || ❤️ - Relationship headcanons? (both romantic and platonic) || 🧡 - Best choreography? || 💛 - Any background interactions you love? || 💚 - Have you noticed anything during a watch of any adaptation that others might not have?
oh HELLO anon !!!
💘 - Costume, Design and Make-Up of one or more of the cats that stands out the most to you?
ive recently fallen in LOVE with alonzo's stage design! hes SO striking and i love that his strong personality comes with such a strong visual element. really though i. couldnt pick a favorite. theyre all so beautiful ;;o;; (w/, ofc, the exception of bananas missteps like rap tugger. oh god, rap tugger)
as far as the 2019 film goes (bc i do love it...) i just. really dig judi dench as old deuteronomy, visually. shes so dense and fluffy and regal!
❤️ - Relationship headcanons? (both romantic and platonic)
ive got a lot of onions about this but im gonna leave it unanswered for now, bc im putting together family trees :')
🧡 - Best choreography?
answered already !
💛 - Any background interactions you love?
skimbleshanks is a background STAR the entire 98 film and for what i saw of us tour 6. disapproving of tugger, wrangling kittens, providing paternal advice to both rumpleteazer and mistoffelees -- i cant help but skimblestan.
💚 - Have you noticed anything during a watch of any adaptation that others might not have?
answered already, although it just occured to me that this means "...that others might not have [noticed]", not "...that other [productions] might not have", so i maybe answered it wrong?
so to answer it correctly this time: every second of every version has been gif'd; im still catching up on the things all of you guys have noticed !!!
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fish-d · 6 years
why does ao3 discourse display such a fundamental lack of understanding of, like... the consequences of censorship of transformative works outside the letter of the law
sure, people only want certain kinds of stuff gone. nsfw rpf, underage content, etc etc. i get not wanting to see shit you dont like/that disgusts you in a place you frequent! thats valid.
but the point of ao3, as a service, is to fundamentally prevent the kinds of mass content deletions that plagued transformative spaces in the early 2000s and before, and to do that, they have to be completely neutral about all content that doesn’t break actual US law.
if they banned, say, rpf tomorrow, that would open up the possibility of banning any kind of content, which opens up the floodgates for third-party influenced censorship. like, suing the OTW for the banning of fic featuring a fetish or an IP or whatever because “if you can ban [x], you can ban [y]”.
it’s an actual forreal slippery slide, legally.
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fish-d · 6 years
i havent truly gotten into mcu fanfic since like 2012 but there Has to be an absolute wealth of fic about all of asgsrd living on the ship for an indeterminate amount of time, rebuilding their society and supporting their king's decision to marry his adopted brother or whatever, right? like the full-on "fuck infinity war, we do politics and slowburn now", yeah?
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