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People who I am close with know where I stand on issues. I am aware that I am connected to many people who don't share the same views as I do....That's OK, that's what makes the world work, our differences. Most of them are still good people, friends, and relatives, and I will never force my views on others, or argue that they have to change their minds....Agreeing to disagree is valid. However, lately I am tired of feeling like I am actively censoring myself, just because I am tired of arguing with people who have no argument. I am tired of screaming passionately at brick walls and dead ends. I am entirely too empathetic to put myself in situations like that. At the end of the day my heart already hurts seeing all the terrible things happening in the world, the live being lost, the laws being passed, the ignorance. I am thankful I only see it on Facebook, and then have the opportunity to research it myself, and form my own opinion. I'm thankful I don't have cable, and thus don't watch the news. I always go into every discussion with an open mind, and open to reason and compromise. Sometimes I can be wrong, sometimes we all can be wrong, but when you are arguing with someone who has built a wall (#howappropriate) around their own views, then what is the point? And don't think that my frustration is one sided, this comes from both extreme sides of the Left and Right. I was....having a conversation....why although I am not the hugest fan of Hillary, I do feel extremely strongly about #NeverTrump . Regardless if he "Gave so many women work opportunities" or "Funded his own campaign, and is a great business man" - regardless of the "facts" that this person used to try and prove that Trump is such an outstanding guy, and fit to be president, or why all the stones being thrown at Trump are misplaced, that does not change the hateful rhetoric plaguing his campaign, the violence that his campaign inspires in people, the injustices and bigotry that permeate the policy of his Vice President, and a million more reasons why I am scared, I am terrified as a woman and feminist, already fighting against misogynistic lawmakers, who would deny me agency to make decisions over my own body as quickly as they would ask me to fetch them a beer and a sandwich. I am terrified as a (proudly) open bisexual woman and LGBTQ ally. Maybe most importantly, I am terrified as a human being that loves the diversity of other human beings who are the bricks in the foundation of my day to day experience. I am scared, because there is a chance that a man named Donald Trump could possibly be in the most important chair in our government, and people on both sides are being ignorant, careless, and blinded by their own stubbornness and walls. #ISupportedBernie #IWillVoteHillary #TrumpCannotBeAllowedToWin #IStandForHumanity
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