#ive been on semi hiatus
blackskorpi0n · 11 months
have you watched the maggie & negan show yet the first episode is free on prime & im watching the rest on free trial rn
i can’t lie the first episode was so trash like it pmo kinda 😭😭
Dead City is what it's called right??? I've seen clips of it here and there and it looks interesting, but also I'm scared af to start it 😭 If the first episode trash then idk......I might delay watching 😩
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monmuses · 2 months
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gonna try to focus off of tumblr while i have my queue full. i'm heading home in a couple of days and i need to focus on homework. that, and i'm... not exactly in the best of moods with some stuff i've been seeing for the past couple of days (just a build-up of stuff, including today).
apologies to the new folks (and old folks with new blogs) that have followed me recently - i'm probably not gonna get my queue back up and running til i get home. i'm in need of a major distraction and i need to focus on everything else before going home.
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haresvoid · 4 months
Likely gonna go on a semi hiatus for some mental health related reasons
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skxrbrand · 9 months
he got the girl, the skull, the house, the axe whats next for ol skarb-b?
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"...What girl?"
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twiceland · 1 year
people who rb and queue and run 2+ sideblogs i applaud u
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feistyvampire · 1 year
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He’s standing by himself around the area of Savior’s Respite, just taking a quiet moment of solitude for once instead of immersing himself into the night life of the city.
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sunwoozs · 2 years
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Content Creator Tag Game // Coloring Before vs. After ♥
-i was tagged by @klmwonsik !!i admittedly still haven’t /perfected/ my coloring yet as i’m still fairly new to gifmaking. i kind of just mess around with the camera raw filter in ps until something happens LOL. it sometimes takes hours (not even exaggerating) i try to make cohesive gifsets which honestly depends on the lighting + colors in the source material, but recently ive enjoyed making the reds/oranges more vibrant and the blues more cyan!
-♥♥ i’m tagging @sangmil and @hwatermelon since i love their colorings :] anyone else can do the challenge who wants to ofc!!
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fortislumen-archive · 2 years
i'm  extending  my  hiatus  until  the  end  of  the  week  now.  presence  here  will  be  scarce  as  well  as  on  dcord.  i  ask  for  your  patience,  especially  if  you've  followed  me  recently.
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ceebit · 8 days
i miss being active but i don't have as much passion for writing as i used to have :/
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lonelyshrimp · 1 year
a new post on my art blog and 2 more queued up for the coming days? 😳 woag
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wooahaes · 2 years
heads up tht if i go on semi-hiatus on main, i wont be doing the same here since i can basically hide on a sideblog lol just hang out in my drafts page while i work on stuff
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tteokdoroki · 7 days
semi-hiatus announcement 🎀!!
hi everyone! idk if anyone noticed lol ive not rlly been around n so i fear i am going on semi-hiatus for a while! i’ll be back periodically to check on ficsforgaza stuff - dunno when i’ll be back but im not enjoying tumblr rn and things in my life are up in the air so i’ll be taking a wee step away. tis no longer fun when a girlypop app on my phone is affecting my mental health!! my avoidant attachment style is telling me to just LEAVE but thats mean n while things are uncertain i want to say bye bye first!!!
i may be on tomorrow for some fun and games, its weird, i dont think ive ever not celebrated my birthday with the tiny ppl on my phone from tumblr so!! maybe we will do something together <3
for now tho, i wont put the blog on private so people can still snoop if need be, my queue is running and if it runs out then whoops… <3 moots r free to ask for discord n socials !
hopefully i can comeback and write for u all again. until then!! stay safe my loves and pls drink water. ily 🥺
back to navi
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macchitea · 8 months
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sorry for the lack of activity on here lately!!! ive been pretty swamped with schoolwork since uni started and haven't been able to post as much;;
because of that, ill be going on a semi-hiatus from now on to focus on school
that said, ill likely still be around to check asks/dms and post when i have the time!!
thx for sticking around!! <3
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fourthclone · 4 days
upon further thought and discussing my current feelings with a friend, i think that for rn the healthiest thing for me to do is to go on a short indefinite hiatus instead of a semi-hiatus.
vent/a bit of where i’m at atm - it IS rp related so feel free to skip. TLDR im taking an emotional and mental health break for my own sanity.
i think that it’s safe to say that i’ve been struggling for a long while in this fandom? and this has been going on since 2020. and while i won’t go into explicit details about my feelings and what ive experienced bc it is a lot and i don’t want my negativity all over the dash, it gets very exhausting trying to portray this character as one who deserves his place in the final fantasy vii compilation as a whole just as much as any other character. it hurts a lot feeling like i somehow have to prove that.
and it has hurt to have people come into my hc posts in the past to complain about retcons as if i somehow had something to do with them by simply applying what’s been shown to me in remake and rebirth. i’ve always tried my best to be respectful to pre-established content, and i’ve always tried to incorporate roche in a way that does not directly contradict previously established lore. i understand the frustration. but my passionate headcanon posts about my muse are not a space for you to vent your frustrations about how -square enix- has retconned SOLDIER lore. i’m trying to make sense of it myself.
yet there are times where i do feel as though i’m encroaching on people’s fond memories of the original compilation by writing this character, and if you think i’m being sensitive about it, i don’t feel like i am completely irrational in feeling this way. this has been happening since 2020, and it’s tiring always having that in the back of my head, to the point where i sincerely approached one of my friends far prior to rebirth to tell them i wasn’t going to go along w this blog because simply put, i just didn’t want to put up w that again - i feel welcomed most of the time - but lore-wise and universe-wise, only to a certain extent at times.
however, i also realize that this is a severe discredit and slap in the face to people who have been nothing but kind to me and i am immensely grateful for that. fandom is a lot better than it was in 2020. it was absolute chaos back then. and the people who have been kind and receptive to this muse and who have been respectful VASTLY outweigh those who have not been.
and so i’m writing this to acknowledge that because i’m seeing a consistent pattern of hyperfocus on the wrong things ( likely because fandom as a whole has slowed down and so has my energy levels, giving me too much room to ruminate ) , the best course of action is to take a complete step back, despite me loving this character utterly. i think it will make me feel a lot better to take some time to focus on other things and keep my mind off negative thoughts. come back with a better perspective. i don’t want to sully this blog with bad vibes or. somehow appearing like sb who wants to be pitied or comforted all the time. when the bad feelings get too big, its simply time to take a step back.
i profusely apologize for my emotionally unstable behavior as of late, so i’ll be taking a step back for my own mental wellbeing. i am not certain when i’ll be back, but i am hoping it won’t take long. at least. i don’t plan on this becoming a lengthy thing longer than a month. i will keep you guys posted.
i am open to discord roleplays via discord at mooglerific. i will be focusing exclusively on tohru adachi for a while over at @infog, albeit on a semi-hiatus level.
i appreciate you guys greatly! stay safe!
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wttcsms · 2 days
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📌 semi-hiatus !!
hi everyone! i am currently going through a lot of (exciting!) changes this summer! on sunday, I’m officially driving & moving in to my new apartment in my capital city to start my new big girl job at the firm who gave me my fellowship <3 (moving in on sunday just to be up early the following monday is pure insanity, but i like a packed schedule), not to mention that on tuesday, my summer classes for my last ever semester of grad school begins!!
i will not be active starting tomorrow through the first week of june since i’ll be knees deep in work and school and getting my life together LOL. some things i’m hoping to have done by the time i do get back:
-> my last commission for may (all my commissioners are absolute angels and i love them all 🥹🤍)
-> first part of “it always leads to you” for sae itoshi <3
i’m going to rb some fic concepts and whatnot that ive been thinking about. please feel free to send me any characters you want to see for those concepts + im making a tiny poll to gauge interest in what content you want to see more of on this blog. thanks! 🫶🏻
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laprimera · 1 month
posting at 11 PM cause cryptic hours why not. just a little further update that my semi hiatus is become more of a hard hiatus and I think Ill be taking my leave in early June. I was planning a big dash event to send off to but it's a lot of work to begin with between my irl shenanigans 🤔 Im now pivoting to a full time artist esp with trying to set up at vending spots and being active on socials to keep up with them darn algorithms and trends. I didn't want to make anything definitive until I noticed it's taking up like 70% of my time and craft fair season is upon me.
and Ill admit I wanted to leave the rpc earlier but oough im so attached to ya'll < 3 Ive been finding it a lot easier and a lot less stressful to rp through discord with pals where Ill be at. And although there wont be some big event send off I dooo wanna doodle something with some final summaries of what the plot was going to be to wrap Geeta (and the connected muses) up.
Im also deactiving muses starting from the oldest-not really used or forgotten about blogs to current after Im archived some headcanons, lore or silly posts I wanna keep. I wiilll be keeping geeta's up though even after I take my retirement. The name is gr8 and I guess this is as good a use for "laprimera" as it can get lol.
But Im not off tumblr nor am I completely done making headcanons, doodles and the what not. They'll just be on my main @shiny-miltank and peeps who have my discord can still grab me there to say meowdy or rp privately 👍
Meanwhile Ill be attempting to finish final plot points with peeps who've grabbed me for theirs (mostly on here, riley and briar). thanks for keeping up with me meanwhile ' v ' /
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