#ivanna harland
auralina33 · 1 year
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I SWEAR I’ll post something other than WBF doodles eventually I’m just trying to keep my accounts alive while I deal with the demons (I’ve done nearly nothing but write one-shot after one-shot of niche AUs with a friend this past while)
The red dude in that 2nd one is a friend’s version of Eclipse
Bonus close-up of that last doodle because screenshotting it was awkward
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auralina33 · 1 year
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Long overdue Vanna reference!
She’s about 6′3″. For the mask, both the eyes and mouth glow!
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auralina33 · 1 year
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Went on WBF again, there’s a neat thing coming after this though
I support women’s wrongs
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auralina33 · 1 year
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And the last batch! Vanna icons
In order: “plain”, ADHD, lesbian
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auralina33 · 1 year
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I can’t believe messing with FNAF SB Shared AUs finally got me to draw a non-humanized animal animatronic I’m going to EXPLODE
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auralina33 · 1 year
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Some stuff for a Shared AU with a bunch of friends, the first one was drawn before I decided on the lineless style below for my MSPaint experience
Essentially the AU is one of those AUs where the Gregory character dies and possesses one of the Glamrocks, except we have all of our Gregory characters together here. I’ll be posting it for a hot minute because I’ve drawn a bunch of stuff (It’s fun and I get little treats for it)
Bonus concept for Vivianne outside this AU since I think I haven’t introduced her, I replaced Gregory with her because he just didn’t interest me:
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auralina33 · 1 year
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Memento Mori doodles from a WBF session I had.
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auralina33 · 1 year
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Biblically accurate Luna posting, if I do more of these with them I’ll probably change Sol’s text box colors to be more readable
Red child character is Minnie, who belongs to @i-dont-need-socks-mom !
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auralina33 · 1 year
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My beloved friend grabbed me and said “I’ll pay you to draw your own characters” so I did
Have my first full rendered drawing in a hot minute this took me like 2 days of just hyperfocusing on it for hours. It was worth it though! I had a lot of fun drawing this.
Bonus flat colors since this is technically the first proper, full colored drawing of Vanna:
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auralina33 · 1 year
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Hi, these two take up my brain. Someday you will know why. For now, take this.
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auralina33 · 1 year
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So in this silly little AU we’re toying around with the idea of the dead PizzaPlex kids kind of sort of getting to interact with Ivanna here as they think she’s another one of the deaths. It’s not literally her, but! Symbolism my beloved
Purple character is Percy, who belongs to @acesophiewalten
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auralina33 · 1 year
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I’m continuing on the WBF dumping because I’m tired of my ideas living in my head and there’s something disarming about WBF
Bonus Princess Quest!Moondrop because I changed the whole minigames for MEMO. The others are in it too this guy just gets to be drawn first because reasons:
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auralina33 · 1 year
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So I finally got back from the “Tumblr has too many gifs and makes my laptop explode every time I open it” by getting a new laptop for my birthday
Have a Vanny. This is pretty old but you will see her around.
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auralina33 · 1 year
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Everyone listen to The Mind Electric cover by Chonny Jash
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auralina33 · 1 year
Or have a heart so wet and cold it starts rusting? (Villain!Vanessa one-shot)
I’ve been writing fanfic for a hot minute but this is the first one I’m posting here on Tumblr.
It’s for my FNAF SB AU, Memento Mori. Vanny and Vanessa are different people here, but they’re partners in crime. They’re not blood related also, this isn’t twin theory it’s more like the pre-release interpretations.
Also my animatronic OC is mentioned for like a few lines but he doesn’t feature majorly. Same with some staff characters.
Warning for some implied internalized ableism
They were throwing one of their stupid, stupid parties today.
Vanessa knew what the occasion was. They’d only said it over the intercom and in the emails about a dozen times; We’re approaching the 6 years anniversary of the Freddy Fazbear’s Mega PizzaPlex’s opening! To celebrate, we will be holding a party at the location after hours, there will be food and drinks, be ready to see the animatronics, make sure to dress appropriately…
Of course, there were things they’d kept as hush quiet as possible, likely to avoid someone showing it somewhere and getting them in legal trouble, such as the fact that they were charging people to attend, and yet that attendance was required if you were a fan of keeping your job.
The first several, many times they had pulled things like this, she had been enraged. By now, she no longer cared, and just scoffed to herself as she looked in at her reflection in the bathroom.
She’d decided to have fun with it, at least. The suit she was wearing– How she loved it, it was sharp and tidy and made her look far more polished than any dress ever did– had been cleaned and ironed thoroughly, and she was glad to see it still fit her perfectly, as it had since her prom. It’d made attending the event worth it back then, and she hoped would make this stupid party a little more bearable.
Her makeup seemed fine, too. There was no hiding her freckles, but she at least could appreciate how black lipsticks and eyeshadows looked against her porcelain skin, how they made her features stand out better.
It gave her an ominous, dark look that she was sure kept some people from talking to her, like those raven-women one would see in movies and series. That was good. She wasn’t interested in their shallow conversations, in their attempts to get to know her as, at best, an empty urge to be polite.
She looked just how she wanted to.
Now, she just needed to stop checking this.
There’s no point in it anyways. I don’t know why I bother.
Giving a dismissive shrug to the woman in the mirror, she turned and walked out.
Not even three steps out of the bathroom, she was met by neon lights, music blasting, and people walking to and fro as they talked, sang, and complained. She could hear soft steps, the louder tap of some formal shoes, and the quiet, annoying humming and whirring of the animatronics’ systems.
Glancing around as she dodged people and ignored whoever it was that had just said her name, she could see why.
Glamrock Freddy, Glamrock Chica, and Glamrock Bonnie were greeting the general public, talking about something that was quickly disregarded by her ears, probably the establishment’s history or simply stupid tales about their lives. They reminded her of people that way, going on and on about nothing, demanding attention and sharing far too many details that made her want them to shut up.
Melody was somewhere across the room– closer to where she was than she liked, which she quickly aimed to correct– hanging on to Roxanne’s arm, and they were with a pair of humans.
The first human with them had dust brown skin and curly hair, and was carefully watching Melody with that pitiful, pitiful look they always held on their face. It could almost make her laugh, to see someone who was always looking so tired and even sad. One could wonder why, but in her eyes? Wondering wasn’t worth the time.
The other human was a tall man, who had actually come to bother her with Luis a few times. What was his name again? Something with M, with a foreign pronunciation… right. Manuel. His laugh was deep and grating, she could hear it from here, and his makeup was much like Roxanne’s, not that it flattered either of them.
Roxanne had her scratch-on-chalkboard voice, and all those attempts to make herself look cool, straighten her back, whip her hair and pretend her confidence wouldn’t be destroyed if any of the people she was with were to criticize her.
And Melody?
Oh, how insufferable he was. Even as she stepped back, she could see every single idiotic quirk that grinded her nerves about him. His foot tapped incessantly, the volume of his voice was painfully quiet to the point she couldn’t even hear him from here, he kept shifting his weight around, side to side, he was looking elsewhere rather than at the people he was with, and- was he wearing headphones? Of course he was. Of course he damn was. No way the little princess would just sit here and handle the music like everyone else, was there? He’d probably made a sad face until one of the humans he was with surrendered their own.
She must have been staring harder than she’d thought, because after a long moment, the animatronic turned in her direction, seemingly having noticed her eyes on him. And there must have been something in her eye, because his smile quickly faded, his position changed into something nervous and off-put, and he quickly moved to hide behind Roxanne.
Deciding she was done fixating on this, she walked away right as the people with him noticed her. It wasn’t worth getting into an argument over.
So, polished black shoes clicked through checkered tile, lit by the colorful, glaring neon lights. She kicked some confetti away, and kept her attention on that, only paying enough mind to her surroundings to ensure she wouldn’t stumble into anyone. The song that played right now was pounding on her ears, but she tried to ignore that.
No one would talk to someone so clearly closed off, so clearly unpleasant. She’d stopped trying to pretend now. She was one of those stone-faced women in the movies now, except not in a glamorous, sexy way, but in a way that made people feel disgusted. That had been her for years now.
And she’d grown old enough to be fine with that.
No one would talk to her, except for maybe the marketing boy that couldn’t seem to take a hint. She needed to put a special effort into avoiding him, she remembered.
Her head lifted in alarm, and she looked around, searching for any possible threat of discomfort. Nothing, she could see nothing, they were judging her, not pitying her, it was fine-
She paused, and looked around in disconcert, finally processing the familiar nickname said by the wrong voice.
There were two rapid taps to her shoulder, and she whipped around, damn near ready to swing a punch at whoever had the guts to touch her.
Only to then stare at a familiar animatronic, staring at her with an amused, questioning look on their face.
“...Heya.” There was a half-laugh, and that face, painted two shades of blue and framed by long white hair, craned up slightly to look at her, “Earth calling to Nessie! Everything okay over here?”
“Well, duh,” The animatronic talked just like her dearest one, but in that low, raspy voice, and lifted a hand, tapping ‘his’ own head, “Of course. We’d have bigger problems if it weren’t me.”
“Are you unhinged?” Incredulous didn’t quite cut how Vanessa felt right now, “What in the world are you doing? Why isn’t Sunnydrop in control? Why in the world would you approach me?”
“Sunny is sleeping, because they stayed up until the crack of dawn yesterday. And what’s wrong with me being with my favorite girl? I thought you’d be happier to see me.”
The affectionate words, said in that voice, made something painful and acidic rise up her throat. She swallowed it down, and decided to reprimand.
“You’re going to blow our entire cover. Everyone knows the Daycare Attendant, especially the Moon version, doesn’t like me.”
There was a small ‘pfft’, and an eye roll, “Do you really think anyone cares? C’mon, Nessie. No one’s watching. No one gives a hell about what Moony does. We’re fine.”
“I… I guess. Fine.”
“You don’t sound happy about that.”
She couldn’t help it. She just made an uncertain face, and tried to push down that strange, sickly feeling in her stomach.
The animatronic, no one else would guess otherwise, seemed to think for a moment, “...Is it the voice?”
“Do you not like me talking in his voice? I can’t do anything about the face. But would it be better if I talked in my own voice?”
Vanessa shook her head, “It’s fine. That’d be completely ridiculous. You’re already risking it just by being with me.”
“We can go somewhere else. Bet you no one’s going to come looking.”
Whether she liked to admit it or not, this sounded very, very tempting. And clearly, Ivie knew this, with the way her- remote control toy leaned forward and gave her a little grin. She glared back, which only got her a soft head tilt in response.
“You’re ridiculous,” She sighed.
“Is that a yes or a no?”
Without another word, Vanessa took the liberty to grab the animatronic’s arm, and start leading them away from the crowd and the voices, to which Ivie soon had them follow, with a small skip to their step, swinging Vanessa’s hand slightly as they walked together.
Eventually, they came to a darker, quieter spot, where most people didn’t hang around or even glance towards, probably because there were no snacks, and the music was muffled. The latter wasn’t a downside for her, however. It was nice to get a break.
She stuck a chip she’d snatched off one of the tables into her mouth, and glanced back at the… morbid… thing.
Ivie was acting as she usually would, adding to the dissonance. She moved her puppet in front of her, hopped back a step, then held out its hands, “Okay! Watch this.”
With this, the animatronic’s hand came to knock at his own chest, and he made a noise which Vanessa could assume was Ivanna trying to have him clear his throat. It sounded the most like he was glitching, and if it weren’t because nothing else seemed wrong, she really would have wondered if Ivie just broke him.
“Hellooo!” A new voice called out of that mouth, familiar and comforting, with its light, angelically high sound.
The horrible feelings fading the slightest bit, as long as she didn’t look at the animatronic directly, Vanessa couldn’t help but find herself starting to feel curious, “...How… are you even doing that? I don’t see any reason why these machines should be able to play external audio through their voice boxes.”
They stared at her for a moment, then went limp and looked down, then simply shrugged. When she continued, it was still in that voice, like that of a joyful spirit.
“I don’t know, honestly! I just started poking around the parts of the system I have access to. I opened a thing here, I followed a little rabbit hole from there, a pop-up showed up and I accepted it, then another one and I accepted that too, and then I talked and heard my voice through the screen. Neat, right?”
Vanessa stared back.
On one side, she could certainly facepalm at how easily Ivie could have ruined everything doing whatever she did. On the other side, it was clear she’d just been finding any way to entertain herself, and that smile was almost adorable.
“I can’t believe you.” She finally responded.
“Well, you’d better believe me!” The animatronic gestured to itself.
“I can’t leave you unwatched for even 1 day. Incredible. This is going on the ‘Ivie being insane’ list. I’m going to have to reorganize it and all.”
Vanessa put in a specific effort to make her tone and expression completely deadpan, and felt the slightest bit rewarded when this earned her Ivie’s laugh. It was slightly rough and hearty, and filled her heart to the brim.
Ivie’s laughter cut into some small giggles, before the puppet shrugged, “You can always count on me to give you an interesting day!”
Then, however, it slowly dropped, and Vanessa had a softly concerned look directed at her.
“...And to get you out of places where you’re not comfortable. I want to ask, are you okay? You were covering your ears pretty hard back there.”
She very, very hurriedly shook her head, “Of course I am. It’s not that bad. I’ve had worse.”
“Alriiight… We can go farther from the speakers if you need, do remember that.”
“I don’t need that- But-” She sighed, “Thank you. I do guess I like it better here. So now, let me ask…”
“Yes?” Ivie’s voice came, slightly confused, but willing to listen and answer, paired with a head tilt.
“Why did you come approach me? You know it’s risky.”
The puppet looked away, and shifted its weight slightly, crossing its arms, “...Well, it gets lonely where I’m staying, you know? I can read, I can watch stuff, I can plan things, but I don’t really have anyone to be with.”
In hindsight, it should have been obvious. But Vanessa still found herself making to say something, before letting Ivie continue speaking instead.
“I just wanted to be with you. And I figured this would be a half-decent way to do it. I… promise I’m trying to be careful. I know it’s a bit dumb, but-”
“It’s not dumb.” Vanessa shook her head, “I don’t know how I didn’t realize. It should have been obvious.”
“It’s okay! I know there’s not a lot we can do about it.”
“Maybe. But… I’ll go see you once everyone’s gone. Would that be of help?”
“...Yes.” It gave her a gentle smile, much like Ivie’s, always like Ivie’s, “Yes, it would.”
Ivie noticed her stare, it seemed, and walked up until she was right in front of her. And so, they stared at each other for a long moment. She couldn’t quite stay in place, and her foot moved on the floor, resisting the urge to tap. Ivie probably was moving where she was, but in front of her, stayed still.
After a good several seconds, any leftover uncomfortable feelings Vanessa held started to fade to pure questioning.
Then, Ivie giggled, poked her, and backed up again, making her raise her eyebrow.
“What was that?” Vanessa didn’t get it.
“You’re cute when you’re confused.”
This got her to feel almost insulted, though she knew, deep inside, she didn’t really mind. Especially not seeing the look on Ivie’s face as she continued to examine her expression.
After a moment, she scoffed, “Dork.”
“That’s not a real word.”
“You’re no fun.” Ivie gave her an icy mock-glare, which she wasn’t impressed by, then dropped it and grinned, “Anyways, what were you doing until now? Because it seemed like you’ve been just trying to glare people to death for the past hour.”
“For how long were you following me?”
“I was trying to catch your attention!”
She rolled her eyes, “...I wasn’t doing anything interesting. I was just trying to avoid people. You know how I feel about them all.”
“I could tell. You gave Melody a good scare.”
“He deserved that much. He’s fucking annoying.”
Now Ivie’s mouth opened into a lightly confused look, “Really? I’ve always thought he was really cute.”
“I don’t know what it is about him. I just can’t stand him. I can’t wait for when we get to him, maybe then I’ll be able to tell him to bother me as little as possible.”
“Well, I-”
Ivie suddenly paused, and stared ahead. Her expression shifted slightly, but Vanessa couldn’t tell what was up. At least, not until Ivie spoke, mumbling as quietly as she could to herself, softly placing a hand on her chest.
“Oh, Moony- Shhh, shhh, no… I can’t say much, but I can say Melody’s going to be okay for a while. We’re not going after him any time soon. Don’t freak out on me, okay?”
Vanessa stared at her- No, no, at her puppet- Suddenly having those horrid feelings weigh back on her. She hated these moments. They made her want to crawl out of her skin.
“Do they- Does it… talk to you?” She tried asking, putting a mental distance.
“...I don’t think you’ll like the answer to that, Nessie.”
She looked down at the ground, and messed with the decorative buttons on her suit. Her throat felt dry, yet like something wanted to rise. Her face felt hot, in a bad way. Her expression wasn’t much different from usual, but her hands were unsteady.
Ivie noticed this, and the moon-puppet-thing looked at her in concern. It made a pose as if thinking, then Ivie had it snap its fingers, and it spoke up again, “Hey… How about you go get yourself some more snacks? Maybe a drink? And save some chips for when you come see me, pretty please?”
“Sure- Sure.” Vanessa nodded, hurriedly, as she adjusted her suit and started to walk past her and away, “I can do that.”
“Great! See you in a minute, then.”
“...Yeah. I’ll be back. See you.”
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auralina33 · 1 year
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Vanny. Or, more like, Ivanna Harland.
This is a bit more symbolic. Some girls are just dead girls after all.
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