#ivan carvalho x reader
bumblesimagines · 1 month
seeing you with them... it made me so mad. i can't explain the feeling.
seeing you with them... it made me so mad. i can't explain the feeling.
Pronoun: they/them/theirs, gender neutral!reader
trying to clean my drafts so the next few starters are kinda old
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"This isn't a good idea, Menci." You sighed into your glass of whiskey, watching the youngest Blanco scan the club for her... girlfriend? Ex-girlfriend? Fling? You hardly knew what the two girls considered each other now but the longing looks, teasing, and Mencia's clinginess spoke volumes as to how they felt about each other. Mencia kept a hand on your bicep, digging her nails into the fabric of your shirt in frustration from time to time. "I'm telling you, Menci, you need to-"
"There she is!" Mencia grinned widely, snatching the cup from your hand and swiftly drinking the contents. Her nose crinkled slightly and she wiped her lips with the back of her hand, her lipstick miraculously staying perfectly put. She set the cup down on the counter and slipped her hand down to your wrist, practically dragging you off the barstool and toward an area on the dancefloor where Rebeka could easily spot her in your embrace. 
"Doesn't Rebe box in her free time? I don't want a black eye-"
"You'll be fine," Mencia assured you, setting her hands on your neck and glancing back in Rebeka's direction. Her smile widening informed you the girl in question had likely noticed you and Mencia, and you sighed internally, wondering how you'd let Mencia wrangle you into helping her make Rebeka jealous. It was childish and impulsive, but things always were when Mencia was involved. You pursed your lips at the girl and she clicked her tongue, giggling softly as she planted a kiss on your cheek. "If anything happens-"
"If anything happens, I'll tell her it was my idea. Nothing's going to happen to you, okay? I promise." Mencia bit the tip of her tongue, more giggles leaving her. An unamused huff escaped you, the buzz of everything you'd drank throughout the night finally beginning to take effect. You pressed your forehead against hers, taking in the glittery eye makeup she'd chosen for the night. It wouldn't be the first time you'd made out with Mencia, hell, it likely wouldn't be the last either. So, with one last sigh, you nodded.
"Fine. But if I end up in the hospital because of you, you'll owe me." You murmured, pressing your forehead against hers and feeling her body shake with airy laughter. Mencia made a hum of acknowledgment and placed her hand over your cheek, pressing her lips against yours. She tasted of cold whiskey and bad ideas. You slipped your arms snugly around her waist and felt her nails lightly scrape the back of your head.
"Babes!" The voice in your ear startled you into pulling away, your head turning to look at Isadora and Ivan. The platinum blonde stared at you with slightly widened, annoyed eyes, her shiny lips slightly curling. Ivan's gaze flickered between you and Mencia, his fingers curling and uncurling before he broke away from Isadora and made his way through the crowd toward the bathrooms. Isadora turned toward you with a scowl, snapping her fingers in your face. "What are you waiting for? Go after him!"
"Alright, alright," You pulled away completely from an equally puzzled Mencia, weaving through the groups of dancing club-goers until you reached the bathroom, spotting Ivan slipping into a stall and closing it in Patrick's face. The sight would've amused you if it weren't for how distressed Ivan had appeared. Patrick craned his neck to look at you over his shoulder, a scowl appearing on his face at the sight of you. 
"What'd you do to him?" He asked accusingly, turning around to face you and pressing his back against the stall door. One might've viewed it as a protective stance, a friend wanting to keep another safe, but you knew Patrick's 'overprotectiveness' was only due to his painfully one-sided feelings toward the boy in the stall. You might've found it pitiful if you hadn't hated the guy's guts since he ruined your best friend's relationship by inserting himself into it shamelessly. Patrick had been indifferent toward your distaste until Ivan stepped foot on campus and seemed more keen on being your friend over his. Watching his face fall each time Ivan brushed him off was a hit better than any drug.
"Bite me." You snapped at him. 
"Hey," Ivan sniffled. "Don't fight. I... I want to talk to (Y/N), Patrick."
"You heard him." You smirked and Patrick's jaw clenched, his shoulder roughly colliding with yours as he stormed by you. You rolled your eyes at his retreating form, one hand rubbing your shoulder and the other reaching for the stall door. You tugged it open just enough for you to slip inside before closing it behind you and facing the sun-kissed boy. 
"Hey." Ivan greeted weakly, rubbing his eyes with the back of his hand and sniffling at him. He cleared his throat, uncharacteristically timidly fiddling with his fingers. If you'd learned anything about Ivan Carvalho in the few months you'd known him, it was that he was anything but timid. He was confident, cocky, yet overall a sweet guy. 
"What's wrong, Ivan? What happened?" You asked him softly, taking slow steps toward him until you stood in front of him and gently took his hands into yours. Ivan chuckled softly, his fingers curling around yours. He inhaled deeply and tilted his head up to look at you, his adams apple bobbing when he swallowed thickly. Your brows furrowed at his nervous demeanor. "Are you oka-"
"I think I love you." The words tumbled out of his mouth, forcing you into stunned silence as your ever-growing tipsy state rendered your brain into a confused mush. Ivan laughed forcibly, his gaze flickering away nervously. "I... I've liked you since I first saw you in class. I- I thought you knew. I thought you knew and- I... seeing you with Mencia... it made me so mad. I can't explain the feeling. It hurt. I guess this is how Patrick feels like, huh? Must be karma."
"Can I kiss you? I... I just want to know what it feels like."
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r0b1ns · 2 years
CHARACTERS: Samuel, Omar, Guzman, Ander, Polo, Patrick, Ivan, Valerio, Bilal
CW: none
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He doesn't care.
You went to school together but separated when he went to the rich kids school.
You meet every day after classes to gossip.
If you need he helps you with school work
He's smart
He was never ashamed to admit to everyone you're dating
You like sitting on a cliff near you at night while he tells you about the assholes he goes to class with
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It took him long enough to actually start dating you.
Both because you're a guy and because of your money status.
So he keeps you a secret.
Of course you don't like it, but you understand.
You meet up almost every day in a secret place only the two of you know.
Or in your house, if your parents or whoever you live with know.
Eventually you get sick of hiding and you get into an argument.
You break up and he feels too miserable without you so he tells his friends first
And than his family
The don't take it so well, not because you're a guy, but because you're not rich.
But they get used to it
He invites you to every party he goes to
And buys you expensive things
You always tell him not to, he listens but occasionally still buys you something
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If you go to school together you're unseparatable.
You sit together every class, and if you have different ones you meet immediately after.
You try to keep it down and look life regular friends
So his family won't find out.
If you go to different schools you both snick in the middle of the day to meet halfway and smoke
Sometimes you get in trouble cause you arrive late to class
You love making jokes about samu and Nadia, how they're both with the rich kids they used to make fun of.
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He really doesn't care
Neither does his mom
You practically live with them
She really adores you.
You always go clubbing together, and Guzman really likes you
You make him happy and encourage him to send you to his father
Ander, unlike Guzman, doesn't buy you expensive shit.
He understands it makes you feel weird and respects it.
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It took him time to accept it
He did grow up rich and IS rich
But with that character development I believe he'll be completely ok with it
His moms obviously dgaf about you being a guy, but the fact that you're not rich?
They'll accept it eventually too
He brings you to every event
He takes big pride in you, and if you have a school dance or something he'll absolutely go with you
He likes buying you stuff, but you made a deal it won't be too often or too expensive.
He even picks you up from school sometimes.
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He doesn't care, but he does use it as a rebellious act towards his father
He invites you to his house constantly.
Doesn't buy you things, but he does pay for dinner, clubs, drinks etc..
He's afraid you're with him only for his money
He has some trust issues
So he pushes you away.
But you're stubborn and don't give up easily
You constantly have to reassure him you live him and he deserves happiness
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He honestly doesn't even thinks about that sort of things
He likes you because of you, not your money.
After his dad accepts himself he's very chill with you,
If you like football you're his new best friend.
Ivan prefers staying at your house, to escape all that partying his dad does.
He likes your house, it's small and cozy, and quiet.
He sometimes wishes he was normal like you, not famous dad, no too much money on his hands, but you have to remind him that he's very privileged and he needs to appreciate.
Doesn't like showing up at your school, there are a lot of fans and he doesn't like the attention
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Totally ok with it.
Likes to shove your relationship to his dad
He's very handsy with you no matter where or who you're with
Takes you to every club known to men
Buys you so many drinks
Treats you like a prince
If someone says something about you he's already there kicking their ass
He likes randomly showing up to your classes and getting you in trouble so he can have more time with you
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Doesn't give two shits
He wasn't interested in your money status before and does not now
He even feels more at ease with you because he's surrounded with a lot of rich people, and you make him feel equal
Idk where he lives but you two like going out more than staying home
Just sitting in a random park or abandoned site.
It takes the pressure off of him to be with someone who gets him
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bumblesimagines · 27 days
you don't have to leave, you know.
stay the night tonight.
Ivan Carvalho
you don't have to leave, you know.
stay the night tonight.
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Stepping out of the shower, (Y/N) rolled his shoulders and wrapped the towel around himself, running a hand over his dripping face as he opened the bathroom door and stepped out into the bedroom. Ivan remained in bed, curled up amongst the covers and blankets with his face half buried in a pillow. He cracked open his eye and smiled at the sight of him, raising his head and rolling himself over onto his back. 
"You should take a shower. Maybe change the sheets, too." (Y/N) advised, separating his scattered clothes from Ivan's and tossing them on the bed until he located his briefs. 
"Mm... you don't have to leave, you know." He said softly, pushing himself up and crossing to the other side of the bed to grab hold of (Y/N)'s wrist, gently pulling it toward him and brushing his lips over his knuckles. (Y/N) stretched out his fingers, brushing them along his cheek and feeling him lean into his touch. "Stay the night tonight. We can have whatever you want for breakfast and go to school together." 
"Ivan..." (Y/N) sighed softly. "You know we can't do that. I like you, Ivan. You're a sweet guy. But... I really don't want you or anyone else getting the wrong idea. We're friends, and sometimes we sleep together. That's it." 
"Friends have sleepovers all the time." Ivan pointed out with a cheeky grin. 
"What are we? Six year olds?"
"Come on, (Y/N)," Ivan groaned softly, moving onto his knees to be at eye level with him, his hands coming to rest on the sides of his neck and draw him in. Ivan pressed their lips together, fingertips digging into his skin lightly. "I can make it worth your time." He promised with a twinkle in his eyes. (Y/N) bit the inside of his cheek and rolled his eyes. 
"Fine. Just this once though."
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bumblesimagines · 7 months
you were a waste of my time.
how long have you known?
Ivan Carvalho
you were a waste of my time.
how long have you known?
pronouns: they/them, gender neutral
i am a patrick hater first and human second
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It'd been silly to think Patrick Blanco would ever keep a promise. He'd assured you time and time again that he and Ivan were over, that the spark there had died and he no longer viewed Ivan as anything other than a friend. In retrospect, you should've seen it coming. Patrick had happily pursued Ander despite knowing Ander was in a happy relationship and he'd blissfully pursued Ivan even after repeatedly being rejected. So, when you stumbled across him kissing Ivan and your boyfriend leaning into it, the surprise had been momentary and easily replaced with numbness and indifference.
Scribbling down some notes from class, you hardly noticed the footsteps approaching you from behind until someone swooped down and planted a kiss on your cheek. Cologne invaded your nostrils and you recognized it quickly, a prickle of annoyance flooding your veins as you craned your neck up to look at Ivan. Taking it as an invitation, Ivan leaned down to kiss you again but when you turned away, his lips met the top of your head. A quiet huff left him and he hooked a ringed finger under your chin to tilt your head again.
"How's Patrick? Did you have fun at his place?" Your words made him pause, doe eyes blinking rapidly and puckered lips contorting.
"What?" He nervously laughed and pressed his thumb into your chin, affectionately rubbing your skin. "Love, I was with Isa. She needed some help choosing what outfit to wear to the party tonight, remember?" 
"The more you lie, the stupider you look, Ivan." Your words made him reel back, a look of hurt flashing over his pretty features. If only he'd taken time to check his social media, he would've seen the countless posts Isadora had made with Cayetana throughout the day. You rolled your eyes and shook your head, turning your attention back onto the notes. "Aunt Sandra was right. You were a waste of my time."
"How... How long have you known?" He asked quietly, slumping down on the seat beside you with downcast eyes. 
"Since my birthday party when you snuck off to make out with your ex." He winced and you nearly rolled your eyes again when his own eyes suddenly flooded with tears. Ivan reached out to carefully take your hands into his, pulling them toward his face and kissing your knuckles. Anyone else might've melted right then and there, but Sandra had raised you and Rebeka right. If only she could see it now, she'd have a laugh. 
"Sinto muito, meu amor." Ivan murmured, voice soft and gentle. You snatched your hands out of his grasp and he released a shakey breath. "It- It was a mistake. That night Patrick said he wanted to talk and I thought nothing of it-"
"Sounds like he's been wanting to talk a lot recently. You've been blind to Patrick's behavior since you met him. You don't see how he operates, how works toward making everyone around him miserable just because he is. He messed with Ander and Omar until the two couldn't be together and he's doing it again now. Patrick doesn't care about what you want. He only cares about himself." You flipped the notebook shut and rose from the chair, listening to it scrape against the tile. You shoved the notebook into your bag and slung it over your shoulder, taking one last look at him.
"Patrick will only let you go once he's taken every ounce of happiness from you. Have fun with that."
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bumblesimagines · 2 years
“ that guy's a real jerk. you should be with someone who respects you. “ “ and who would that be? “ Iván Elite x male reader? please
“ that guy's a real jerk. you should be with someone who respects you. “ “ and who would that be? “
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You stared at your phone and felt a prick of defeat. Your messages were left on read and with that, you considered yourself single. The relationship with your ex had always been on and off but you hoped one day you'd be able to stay together with him for longer than a month.
"I know that sad puppy eyed look." You looked up at Patrick and sighed, shutting your phone off. His newest friend, Ivan, offered a boyish smile and waved. You wouldn't consider Patrick a friend but seeing as you were the only other openly gay kid at school apart from Omar, it seemed as if he believed that made you his best friend, even if he didn't act like it behind your back.
"Is it the asshole again? I told you not to take him back." Patrick scoffed and sat down beside you, motioning for Ivan to do the same.
"Yeah, well, he promised he'd take us seriously this time." You muttered and leaned back against the bench. Ivan tilted his head and glanced at Patrick.
"(Y/N)'s been on and off with this guy for like a year but he's an asshole and (Y/N) needs to realize his value." Patrick explained to Ivan, gently nudging you and giving you a pointed look. You caught the way Patrick eyed Ivan and resisted the urge to roll your eyes. Patrick was looking for brownie points by acting like a good friend.
"I don't understand people who string others along. Just be honest." Patrick sighed and shook his head. Ivan nodded in agreement and scooted closer.
"We've got your back." Ivan smiled warmly and he let his hand brush over yours subtly. Patrick looked at his phone and stood up.
"Ari needs me. I'll be right back." Patrick said and walked away, texting away on his phone. You watched him go and scoffed.
"Why are you friends with Pat? He's only friends with you cause he wants to sleep with you." You looked at Ivan. Ivan grinned and nodded, resting his arm behind you.
"I know. I see the way he looks at me in the showers. Why do you still chase after your ex? That guy's a real jerk. You should be with someone who respects you."
"And who would that be?" You asked softly, raising a brow at boy. Ivan got a twinkle in his eye and his grin only grew. He leaned in and pressed his lips against yours, one hand coming up to cup your cheek. Ivan broke contact and let out a soft giggle, resting his forehead against yours.
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