#its sina btw
i-am-very-heck · 1 year
woo hoo!!! its done and its like 10 images long so im just gonna. put the first image here and the rest under a readmore >:) this was fun
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autism2009 · 2 years
so translating daves first pesterlog line proves difficult. ‘hey so what sort of insane loot did you rake in today’ because i just. have a small understanding of sentence rules. but like nothing specifically regarding sentence structure. also his ‘hey’ is a seperate sort of sentence in my head so i made it 2 messages. rn i have
TG: o toki (hey [direct])
TG: tenpo ni (today) la sina (you) alasa (gather/get) e seme (what) ijo epiku (items interesting/epic)
which is. Fine ig but idk if its accurate at all lolol. btw la and e are connector words. ill probably come back to this later
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selkieblood · 7 months
i know its cheap when a story does a whole saga about the tumult and meaninglessness/fulness of life and then pulls the "and also its a beautiful endless cycle" thing but in AoT it feels earned OK.
the author did bad things or something however im very nostalgic for it
btw this ed captures pretty much peak AoT aesthetics to me. primarily the show is appealing to me for these vibes. the ritual cannibalism the founding mythology the mystique of it all appeals to my autism. and i adore this song soooo much sooooo much.
the actual show loses its head about this and becomes something im ultimately less interested in, however the characters are branded into my mind since age 13 and so i did swell tears maybe two times at the ending movies.
one thing later aot does that i do like is how it plays with the idea genetic memory which is a concept that interests me. take instinct and make it overwhelming to the point free will is in question. but its not just fear of the dark its attempting double triple quadruple political crossings with an end goal of exacting a genocide. and i didnt buy it when i first watched it (especially memories of the future) but on rewatch of some eps - with the help of some emotional investment - it kind of got some gears rolling for me honestly... like yea this is kinda interesting
and the founding titan ymir. the entire titan thing can be summed up as fear of death manifested as the ability to become into a demi god monster, and that ability becoming a sustained bloodline by the fuel that is an unhealthy attachment to the thing that is ironically the object of that fear (although i guess that only describes the condition of titan shifters and not regular ones). very sad girl i like her.
but what i like most is the tragic cannibalism that is literally eating someone you love in order to maintain some ideal or to protect something or for whatever reason. that was the thing most compelling to me about aot. sina rose maria
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ikigyu · 3 years
ate luna huhu😭😭sorry sa napaka-late na reply😭
favorite wpad authors? hmm akin sina @/articstars, @/whereagardenwas, @/UndeniablyGorgeous, and uhh many more na di ko ngayon matandaan kdjfsj
i've been procrastinating too much lately hsdjgjd tapos sasabihin ko sa sarili ko "just for today" lang pero 7 days na pala nakalipas pero di parin ako nakakaalis sa procrastination hole hsjkfk why ganun😔
btw late congrats on 400 hihi yieee <3😚
Madami din sakin e kaso nakalimutan ko din ung iba HAHHA pero noice 😼👍 PLSS SAME BESTIE😩✌ procrastinating at its finest✨ actually dapat kanina pa ako naghugas ng pinggan at nakapaglinis ng bahay kaso ung binabasa kong book ang ganda parang ayaw kong iwan JKASJA at ngayon natapos ko na siya at dko na alam anong isusunod kong basahin😭
btw may irerecommend ako sayo na book (i2 ung binabasa ko), kung dmo pa sya nababasa; ASTIG SERIES by SweetMagnolia. BUT meron siyang konting mature contents ;_; kaya iwasan mo yun kung minor ka, oke?
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bigskydreaming · 4 years
For the fic ask meme, 4, 16, 24, or 28
I will answer 16 now, because No Reason, Just Whimsy, but stay tuned as I’ll probably end up answering 4, 24 and 28 at some point anyway, because like. No Reason, Just Whimsy. *Shrugs*
16.  If you only could write one pairing for the rest of your life, which pairing would it be?
I can’t tell you, see, because I would simply make that one pairing endgame and everything else leading up to it like, contain all the other ships I could not bear to be without. (Hahahaha this is why I could never be a romance author, I can not abide by the rules of HEA or HFN in relationship stories to save my LIFE). So, y’know, SPOILERS.
No but also I’m completely aware that this is cheating and not the point of the question. But I can not choose though, that is the point, like, have you met me? I am the original poster child for ADHD. I’m THAT old.
So instead I will simply say that in the realm of Teen Wolf, Scanny is very very very important to me, which like, surprises no one. But also I would still fight someone who tried to take either Scira or Scallison from me, I remain obnoxiously fond of Scackson’s potential, and I’m still out here being like, the sole Scosh (Scott/Josh Diaz) shipper in all the land, I’m pretty sure, lmfao. 
And I mean, also there’s Scyle, of course. I could never give up the Scyle.
As far as Marvel goes, like, I am going to be riding the high of Bobby/Christian being canon for quite some time, as anyone who has known me long knows that I have been shipping this ship since Christian was first introduced and then written offstage like two issues later….seventeen years ago.
(I have a lot of issues with straight writers making gay characters’ gay-specific tragedies and traumas like….someone ELSE’S angsty back story, while they themselves are just shuffled off the page and considered irrelevant. For those who don’t know, Christian is Emma Frost’s gay older brother who she adored and when their father had Christian institutionalized against his will because he was gay, this was what made Emma break away from the rest of her family for good and set her on the road to becoming the White Queen of the Hellfire Club. 
And then, despite like, this being life-defining for her, not a single writer in the next fifteen damn years ever thought to ask themselves…..hmmm, why would Emma Frost, one of the most powerful telepaths in the world and someone whose personal morality in no way makes her above using those powers, her wealth or Hellfire resources however she damn well pleases in the name of protecting herself, those she cares about, and advancing her agendas…..why would this woman who has never let anything stand in the way of what she cares about before like….simply just…never once in all the years since she was a teenager think to herself….hmm, what if I simply go to the institution where my beloved brother is kept against his will, and just…..made them release him?)
So, aside from always thinking Bobby/Christian would be a great ship with amazing potential given Bobby’s unique history and dynamic with Christian’s sister and the fact that Christian shares a lot of the same traits, backstory and other elements that make Emma an amazing and multi-faceted character and he’s just been sitting there in Limbo for fifteen years with all this untapped potential just waiting to be mined….
I’m always going to be gleeful about this ship and with a special fondness for Sina Grace for bringing Christian back from comic book Limbo and laying the foundation for this ship, like, just because like……I feel its long overdue and the only way to ACTUALLY make anything decent out of the bullshit that was mining his oppression for the sake of another character’s angst: by finally giving HIM the chance to be a character who is affected by all that, developed and moved forward from all of that, is the FOCUS of all that…..and even more importantly, now after being left offscreen for fifteen years by writers who considered his narrative nothing more than tragic filler….he finally has a chance to be an example of a gay character who gets to come BACK from all of that and move FORWARD from it, and like…find healing and happiness with another character, like Bobby.
So Bobby/Christian is actually hugely important to me for a variety of reasons, especially right now since this is all just happening recently, and I will love them forever and in defiance of the inevitable bullshit some future writer pulls that will piss me the hell off. Y’know, just going off of Vegas odds or whatever.
Aside from Bobby/Christian I’ve also always had a weakness for Bobby/Johnny Storm because they are the most iconic ice and fire characters out there and I am basically twelve. I also have blogged at length in the past about all the reasons I’m a huge fan of Bobby/Bishop and not just because their ship name would make them a literal bop. Again, I refer you to the thing where I’m basically twelve. But yeah, there’s a whole history there where when Bishop first came back into the past and met the X-Men who’d all been legends in his time, he kinda fanboyed a little over Bobby because of Bobby’s future legend, and then was kinda like….oh, that’s it? about him once he got to know Bobby and Bishop became like, the physical embodiment of underwhelmed. 
And ever since then Bobby’s always low key been like, a hyper-active puppy around Bishop, like, trying not to SEEM like he cares an awful lot about whether or not he’s managed to impress Bishop but because he can’t be subtle to save his life, mostly just coming across as “am I living up to the hype now? how about now? am I legendary NOW? What about now?” and I dunno. Its just kinda cute and a fairly unique dynamic, and Bishop has this deliberately bland, blink and you miss it sense of humor with the right writers and that I’ve always thought has a ton of potential for him to be privately amused by this tendency of Bobby’s, enough that he’s unwilling to confess to him that Bobby actually earned his respect years ago by this point, and he just doesn’t want to let Bobby know because then he’d stop. 
And then in terms of DC, I’ve posted a lot a lot a loooooooooot about my love for Dick/Kory in canon, and how they - and by extension we - were robbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbed, and if DC doesn’t give me my canon Mar’i and Jake Grayson one of these days, I don’t care if they have to import them from another universe and then have this universe’s Dick and Kory awkwardly try to co-parent them while living their own lives separately before finally coming back together and falling in love all over again and then becoming a single united family unit forever and ever in the most ridiculously complicated comic book version of the Parent Trap ever, like…..
I can’t even think of an over-exaggerated threat creative enough to convey just how badly I want and need this, DC, give it to meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee plzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
And then also, I’ve actually posted a lot a lot a loooooooooooot (though not in a few years, probably, so those posts are all super old, lol) about how I think Kyle and Donna are a criminally under-rated canon couple and were actually really really good together because they went through so much together and Kyle literally grew so much as a character specifically on the things Donna called him out for the first time they dated, like, literally so he could be BETTER, and then with how anticlimactically they ended...because the thing is, they never actually even broke up! It was this thing where like, when Donna went to LA with Kyle for his high school reunion and to literally MEET HIS MOM, like HELLO, that is not a basic relationship step, that is Advanced Dating, like…..that is where they were at in their relationship when Donna literally got the call then and there that her ex-husband and her son had just died in a car accident. 
And Donna was devastated of course, and Kyle was devastated too - for her, and also in his own way, because he’d adored Robert and like, there were these issues where they were super cute and took him to the zoo together and Kyle was bonding with him and just like, melting over this kid, and Robert and Terry were killed by a drunk driver, and like, there was a later story where Kyle just went apeshit on this drunk driver he encountered because he had all these repressed feelings about Robert’s death and how it had hurt Donna and he’d made sure not to show any of that to her or even let on that he hurt for Robert’s loss in his own way, because he didn’t want to make it about him, he KNEW better…
And anyway, the point is…they never actually broke up in the sense of either of them at any point being all, oh we no longer love each other or think this can work, we need to end it. Instead, Donna said that she needed to take some time away from Kyle and everyone else and just…come to terms with what she’d lost and figure out who she even was now in the wake of that….and Kyle totally understood, didn’t argue or try and change her mind, he just said take as much time as you need, I’ll be here when you’re ready, and oh btw, here’s this lantern construct of a locket that I want you to keep because as long as it exists you’ll know that a part of me is still thinking about you and wanting you to be happy, wherever that is.
And then like…..less than a year later, DC did their super weird Dark Angel story where Donna was erased from reality and then had to be ‘recreated’ from Wally’s memories, and for awhile just existed in the form and identity she’d been recreated from, which was based entirely on what Wally knew of her and thought and felt about her, and so there were huge gaps in her identity where she was missing stuff she should have known but didn’t now because WALLY didn’t know about it.
Such as how when Donna met Kyle’s subsequent sorta-girlfriend Jade some time later - I say sorta because she and Kyle were still figuring things out at that stage, and Jenny-Lynn in part didn’t know if she wanted to actually get into a relationship with him because she thought he was still in love with Donna - well anyway, when Donna and Jenny-Lynn met in a later issue and she said all this to Donna, Donna reassured her not to worry about it, she was reading more into it than actually existed because she and Kyle had never been that serious anyway. 
Which. SCREECH! Brakes please. HOLD UP. 
Like, I’m sorry JAY FAERBER YES I REMEMBER IT WAS YOU WHO WROTE THAT ISSUE UGGGGGH, but like, in what UNIVERSE is “dated, broke up, then got back together later because she thought Kyle had matured a ton since they first tried dating and now they were so much stronger as a couple that she oh I dunno, introduced him to her son and they went on playdates together, went with him to meet his mom, had a never-vanishing lantern locket construct that signified just how much he would always love her” uh…..’never been that serious anyway’? I’m. What? Does not compute.
LOL. Anyway, point is, so things like that actually make sense when you factor in the role Wally’s memories and perspective played in who Donna literally WAS for awhile (and the understandable existential crises she went through as a result). But like, at the point in time when Kyle and Donna were most serious, Kyle was still fairly removed from a lot of the rest of the DC universe, he wasn’t a core member of the JLA yet and usually operated independently, and he and Wally were NOT close at all yet, let alone friends….in fact, for as long as Donna and Kyle dated, Wally pretty much still actively hated and resented Kyle for just existing, since he’d always been close with Hal since he was a kid and Hal was his Uncle Barry’s BFF-and-homosexual-life-partner-in-all-but-name. 
Like, it was only after Kyle became one of the core JLA alongside Wally that the two of them finally worked out their mutual antagonism and became friends, but before that, Wally was NOT shy about expressing he hated this new GL guy and wanted nothing to do with him, even though it was for unfair reasons, sooooo……like, its not really that shocking that even though Wally and Donna are two of each other’s oldest friends and super tight, like, he was never going to be the friend she called up to let him know how great things were going with her and Kyle these days, lol, y’know?
So it makes sense that when Donna was first magically reconstituted thanks to Wally’s memories/view of her (btw, this was because Wally was out of phase with reality and was in the Speed Force at the precise moment that Donna was erased from reality by the Dark Angel’s magic, and that’s why he alone remembered her and was the template for undoing what the Dark Angel had done). But anyway, it makes sense that she would for a time have had very little memory or even knowledge of her and Kyle’s prior relationship, and basically just know/remember what little Wally actually knew of it. So from her perspective then, it could very well have seemed that they were never that serious, and everyone but Kyle like….kinda just nodded and figured okay, you would know after all, and just…..everyone ended up walking away with the idea that they were just this brief fling and neither had ever had strong feelings for each other, let alone love.
The problem I’ve always had is that eventually Donna DID regain her full memories and her own sense of self, and like….she was Donna again, through and through, existing as she always had without being limited to just Wally’s view or memory of her.
Soooo, at THAT point, she should have been perfectly aware of what her and Kyle’s relationship had ACTUALLY looked like, in its entirety, and I mean, I can understand them not getting back together at that point. It’d been years, they both were in very different places, Kyle had eventually gotten together with Jade after it was expressed by Donna herself that there was no reason not to, given that its not like they were ever that serious….so by the time Donna herself would have realized otherwise, I can totally understand her feeling that the moment had passed for them, that Kyle had moved on (just as Kyle had only ‘moved on’ once he felt there was no longer a chance of them returning to what they were). Like, all of that is super weird and complicated even by ridiculous comic book soap opera standards, so I mean….lol, how do you even BEGIN that conversation, y’know?
Buuuuuut, it just kinda sucks that at no point after that Faerber issue has any later writer ever had either Donna or Kyle discuss their previous relationship(s) in terms of what it ACTUALLY was, for BOTH of them, rather than just this trivial, ancient history fling that neither had ever been super invested in….even though for several years in the nineties they were one of THE major hero couples in comic books.
So. Yeah. As evidenced, I have a lot of unresolved Donna and Kyle feelings lol.
And then of course, there are and always will be my epic “OMG DICK AND KYLE COULD BE THE GREATEST SHIP AND END ALL THE SHIPS LIKE COULD YOU EVEN IMAGINE” feelings, but like. That’s a thirty pound tome in and of itself, so. Like. Just picture the two of them standing staring soulfully into each other’s eyes and then me, creepily fixated on them twenty feet away, chin propped up on my hands and going awwwwwwww while my own eyes like, sparkle anime style but also are the heart-eyes motherfucker meme at the same time.
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zzarizzaristore · 4 years
So my bebe surprised me (ayiieee) actually hindi lang naman ako kase pati ang buong pamilya HHAAHAHA NA VIVISIT SIYAAAA YAAYYY So ayun hahaha super wala naman akong idea na makakapunta na siya here kase nga MECQ pa and walang public transpo, plus walang bike, plus, wala rin siyang quarantine pass. So hindi namin talaga alam kung ano pang ibang way para magkita na ulit kami after more than two months. (huhuhu) Pero shempre meron pa rin namang way. At yun ay kung papayag si Ate First na ihatid siya here hahahha sobrang tagal na naming nag-iisip kung pano na nga kami magkikita after ECQ ganyan. Kase shempre mahirap naman mag-public transpo. So, bibili ng bike. Nagtitingin tingin na siya online, pero ang mamahal. Hindi rin naman kami magaling tumingin kung maganda na ba yung bike na yun for that price mga ganun. Nento nento ko lang din namention kay Nanay na interested nga siya magbuy ng bike. Tas sabi niya edi dun daw sa may Zapote. Edi tinanong ko magkano ang range ng mga bike dun ganern. Tas shempre depende daw yun kung ano ang gusto niya. Tas na yung isang bike na bago bago lang ang itchura na binabike here, dun daw nabili yun sabi ni Nanay. 6k. And I think reasonable naman ang price kase mukha pa ngang bago bago lang and parang mga 10k yung orig price ganern. Tas ayun na nga HAAHHA Shempre surprised talaga ako kase kahit naman pinayagan na siya ng fam umalis, EH HINDI NGA MAKAKALABAAASS HAHAHAHA Tapos na super wala sa utak ko na pupunta siya ng maaga kase around 2pm na normal niyang gising HHAAHHA So ayun. Normal day, normal tong its sa umaga HAHAHHA Tas biglang may tumigil na sasakyan sa tapat ng bahay. Edi nag-pause kami para tumingin. AND SIYA ANG LUMABAS SA KOTSE NA YUNNNN!!!! (WAAAHHHH!!!!) Pinapasok namin siya shempre and TULOY PA RIN ANG TONG ITS!!!  HAHAAHAHAH Pinalaro ko rin siya and sabi niya mag-order na nga raw ako Zark’s (WIIIHHHH!!!) Nag-open ako ng foodpanda para may shopback hehe kaso wala eh. So try ng grab. Wala rin. Last chance, lalafood. Meron sa lalafood kaso wala yung bundle promos eh. So nag-decide kami na tawagan ko na nga yung mobile number ng Zark’s. Tas ayun. Na wala raw silang delivery. Tas sabi ko kahit nakalagay na nagdedeliver sila via Angkas. Tas wala raw ngayon mahirap. Tas ayun. Sabi sakin na ako na lang daw magtry. Sabi ko kung pwede sila nalang baka mas madali. Tas sige raw. Update niya ko. Tas nagmessage after, mahirap raw makapagbook ng driver sabi. Marami rin daw natawag sa kanila ngayon nahihirapan din magpabook kase busy nga raw ang mga riders. Btw, nag try nga pala muna kami nug ‘MyKuya’ na app. Parang pasabay something. KASO WOW ANG MAHAL NG DEL CHARGEEEE HAHAHAHA Tas ayun. Sabi ko liligo na lang muna me. Tas after maligo, nagtext pala ulit yung sa Zark’s. Na tatry pa rin daw niya ganern. Sabi ko sige. Mag wait kami ng hanggang 2pm. Kase nga baka pag hindi ko nainform, madouble order ko. Tas ayun. By past 2, tumawag ako kung may nabook na. Wala pa rin daw. So sabi ko sige ako na lang. Tas na sabi niya sige raw tas message ko lang yung rider na informed na siya tungkol sa order ko. Tas ayun. Nag try na me sa lalafood, and mabilis lang nakahanap ng riderrrr yayyyy. Gumamit rin ako ng voucher for free delivery. So 19 pesos na lang binayaran namin sa del fee hehe yeeyy!! Tas ayun. Mabilis lang din siyang nakapunta sa Zark’s and nakausap na niya yung rep ng Zark’s. Tas tawag daw ako for order confirmation ganyan. Tas ayun naaaaa HAHAHAHA Waiting game na lang kami sa delivery na iniexpect namin na mabilis lang din naman kase nga MECQ, walang public transpo, PERO ASA NAMAN HAHAHAH SAN KA BA NAKATIRA GURL KAHIT ECQ TRAFFIC PA RIN HAHAHAHA Tas ayun DUMATING NA SI KUYANG RIDERRRR AND FINALLY CRAVINGS SATISFIED NAAAAA Thank you babeeee!!!!!!  After kumain, tumigil nang mag tong its kase busog na nga. HHAHAAH ANTOK NA HAHAHHA Around 6pm na ata kami umakyat sa kwarto kase nga sobrang init here kapag tanghali. Tas ayun. Hindi na kami nag dinner kase super busog nga. Pero around 10pm nagugutom ako and wala nang biscuit or bread sad naman hahhaah. May natira pang ulam so yun na kinain ko hehehe
 Finally matutulog na ulit kami magkatabiiii hihihi natulog kami around 4am na kase shempre sinusulit naming at uuwi na rin naman siya ng maaga. Maaga kaming nagising. 6:30 pa lang nagising na ko XD And nagising ko rin siya XD Hehehe suri babeee SO AYUN NGAYON KO LANG NAREALIZE YUNG ORAS NG NATULOG NAMIN HAHAHHA PARANG TULOG SA TANGHALI LANG AH HAHAAHAH Tas ayun. Tumawag na si Ate First ng around 8am na maya may na raw siya susunduin. So extended hours pa yeyyy!! Tas ayun. Around 2pm na ata, saka lang tumawag ulit. BUKAS NA RAW SIYA SUSUNDUINNN!!! SOOOOO EXTENDED ANG 2D1N LANG DAPAT NG ISA PANG ARAW~~~ WIIIHHHH!!!! So ayun. Tuloy ang sugal. Naalala ko papaturo nga pala ako sa kanya mag poker. XD POKER IS FUNN!! Sobran bilis lang ng pera XD So tinuruan na din namin sina Nene and Nanay and Antot to join the fun HAHAHAHAH Tas ayun. Tig-25cents lang ang laro SUPER MAHIRAP KAMI OKAY HAHAHAHHA End ng laro, nabawi ko naman yung natalo ko sa tong its HAHAHA Bale tres  na lang talo ko XD Tas ayun. Nag buy na lang chicken joy for ulam. After kumain, POKER ULITTT HAHAHAHAHA Nag stop na kami ng 8pm kase nga baka may mag-ikot nang baraggay kase curfew hours na.
 Mas maaga naman kami natulog ng second night compared sa first night kase nga, need to catch sleep and hindi naman kami nakatulog nung tanghali or hapon kase nga mainit. Tas ayun. Cherishing another night na magkatabi kaming matutulog. Hihihi. Today, we woke up at 7:40 a.m. na. SARAP MATULOOGGG And shempre ako ulit ang reason kung bakit nagising na rin si bebe hehe again, sorry sorry babeee hahahah. Feeling ko kaya nagising na ko kase ganun talaga ang oras ng gising ko ganern. Body clockkk kahit walang pasok XDD Shempre today sure na kaming uuwi na talaga siya kase wala na siyang pamalit na damit, 2 shirts, 1 sando, and 1 pair of undies lang naman nadala niya. Kase nga ang buong alam, 2D1N lang. Tas ayunnnn kumain na kami breakfast, tas around mag 11 tumawag na si Ate First na otw na sila. Nasa labas ako nung time na tumawag and nalaman ko lang na tumawag na pala kase dala na ni bebe yung bag niya. I felt sad nung nakita kong dala na niya bag niya. Inisip naming kung ano pang mga baka maiwan niya ganern. Tas after minutes, dumating na ang sundo XD We hugged, and hoping na makakapagkita na ulit soonest.
 Shempre kala namin wala na siyang naiwan kase nga nag-isip kami ganyan XD Pero meron pa rin pala AHHAAH Naiwan niya relo niya here XD Pero keri lang daw kase hind inga naman naalis ganern XD She’s having sepanx on their way back home hahaha.
 Sobrang parang ang unreal ng 3D2N na yun. Siguro kase sobrang happy lang to finally wrapped around each other arms na ulit. Daming ganap ni bebe ngayon para raw sipag sipag baka mapayagan ulit HAAHAHAH After niyag maglinis ng house, nagsalang na siya ng mga labahin. Nagpapahinga muna siya ngayon kase nga nakasalang pa naman yung mga puti XD COMEBACK IS REAL SIYA NGAYON HAHAHAHA
 Last night pala nalaman niyang nagpopost na ulit ako here, and alam kong updated naman siya before tas na tumigil na rin siya magvisit ng blog nung hindi na rin ako nagpopost. Tas ayun. Kaya niya nalaman kase nakalimutan ko sabi ko may ipapakita ako sa kanya. Na nakalimutan ko agad kung ano yun, and Nakita niya yung tumblr. Kung nagpopost pa rin pa ko ulit. Sabi ko hindi na HAHAAHHA EH KASE MALAMANG MAGBABASA SIYAAA Tas sabi niya weh raw. So shempre sabi ko yes nagpopost na ko ulit AHAAHAH Tas ayun. Sabi ko sabay kaming magbasa kase feeling ko nga na yung iba kong napost here nakalimutan ko na napost ko pala yun mga ganun HAHAHAAH Tas ayaw niya kong pabasahin HAHAHA Sabi ko bakit ayaw niya eh ako naman gumawa ng mga post na yun HAHAHAH Tas ayun. Na malayo layo na siya. Ay mga rants akong tinatanong niya ano nga raw pala reason behind that ganern. Inexplain ko, and yung iba nakalimutan ko na bakti nga ba HAHAHAHA Tas ayun. Sabi niya na dito raw pala ako naglalabas. Pero alam din naman niya yun XD Pero yung iba niyang nabasa na bakit daw hindi ko sinabi sa kanya ganern.
 Btw, may tumblr account din siya pero hindi niya naman ginagamit XD Minessage niya ko gamit yun kanina and napost na siya ng first blog post niya hahahah
 Welcome to Tumblr world babe!!
 I made the draft of this post via MS Word muna kase kain sa data if sa mismong site na me XD Two and more than half pages siya here, kasya kaya ‘to sa isang buong post??? HAHAHAHA Let’s see HAAHAHHA
 Thank you sa lahat ng efforts mo babe!!!! See you again soonesssstttttt!!! Kahit kavi-vc lang natin kanina and we are on vc again ngayon so basically, nakikita naman natin ang isa’t isa HAHAHAH mwaahhhh
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Any mermaid Aus? (Love your blog btw)
Hey there, Anon! Sorry for the delay, Mod K and I have been a bit slammed as of late! I put together a little list of Mermaid fics for you, all I’ve which I’ve read and love very very much! 
Élan by WriterfortheTylwythTeg
(Rated Mature, words 187502 multichapter, complete) 
WARNINGS: Graphic Depictions Of ViolenceRape/Non-Con
Eren is a graduate student who, after getting out of an abusive relationship, has sworn he will never love again. He’s doing an internship at the Sina Aquarium, a rescue and rehabilitation center for aquatic animals, and the only aquarium rumored to have a mermaid, determined to study the elusive creatures. He soon finds out that it’s no rumor, and that the mermaid, rescued from a water amusement park where he was abused for over a decade, is just as broken as he is. However, gaining the trust of the creature who has tried (and in a few cases, succeeded) to kill any human who has ever entered his tank is not going to be easy.But it turns out that their shared pain is in fact the driving force that pulls them together, and that their bond may be more life-changing than either of them can fathom.
The Little Merman by ZWorld
(Rated Teen, words 4991, oneshot, complete) 
Eren Yeager, a merman, has always been curious about humans and life beyond the shore. One night, as a ship passes over the water above his hideout, he makes a trip up to investigate - Only to find himself fall in love with a human prince. 
A Mermaid’s Home by thorsten_is_in_the_hood
(Rated Mature, words 26781, multichapter, complete) 
Hanji and Levi were on a search to find and study tropical mermaids.Instead, they find something better- Eren, the type of mermaid that was thought to be nothing more than a myth.
My Green Eyed Merman by Ashratherose
(Rated Mature, words 8233, multichapter, complete) 
Levi Ackerman - Captain of the school swim team, rules the team with an iron fist, but even so his crush, Eren Yeager, always seems to hold back.What he learns isn’t what he expected at all…
30 by A26
(Not Rated, words 10215, oneshot, complete) 
Levi is a cursed albino merman with a bad temper and a ticking time limit to his thirty year lifespan which is drawing dangerously close to its end. The remedy for his curse? True Love.
No one thus far has captured the salty creature’s heart, that is until he lays eyes on a certain brown haired young man who is tasked with the impossible… Cleaning his tank.
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anmfama · 5 years
Senior high was not easy for me nor for us. May pagkakataong mapapagawa ka sa mga homeworks, mapapasagot, madaming ibat ibang gawain. Aminin natin sa hindi na kapag mag senior high tatablan talaga tayo ng fighting spirit na pakiramdam natin this is the college. Hindi ko lang alam kung ako lang yung talagang ginawa yung best until nalaman yung mga kahinaan natin na mag li lead satin sa talagang kahihinatnan. Na basta yung mga pinapangarap mo magpapalit palit hanggang sa mareach mo na kung para san ka talaga. Alam ko nang marami nang mahihirapan bago pa man mag shs na matapos na magsearch tayo ng mga reaksyon at komento nila sa facebook tungkol sa strand. Pero ang talagang hindi ko inexpect na mararanasan ko ay yung halaga ng relasyon. There was a time nung grade 11 na im officially drained. Hindi ko dinadamdam pero ramdam ko pa din ang pagiisa. Matapos kong lumipat from tvl to stem lagi nang mabenta sakin ang pumasok sa kasuluksulukan ng library walang tao.Na inaaraw araw ko na dahil wala naman akong close. Magbasa ng mga adobe lightroom books, 00's magazines, mga cookbook at kinakalikot ang blackberry kong de- pindot hanggang malowbat. Naalala ko pa paguwi ko non napabili ako ng yosi. Nagsimula nung pinatikim ako ng pinsan ko hanggang sa sinubukan ko na din. Totoo nga, masarap siya. Ang nagpapasarap ay yung pakiramdam kong nakalimutan ang mga emosyong di nakikita ng iba, paghithit, ang pagbuga ng usok, amoy ng sigarilyo, lasa ng menthol. Na parang isinasama na din problema mo. Pwede namang ijudge moko dahil jinudge ko din ang mga naninigarilyo dati. Masama nga pero pasensya na, wala ka sa posisyon. Dadating na 3 sticks ako kada araw. Hindi ko kilala, ako ba yun? Wala akong mapagkukunan ng saya. Gayunpaman, nawala ang pagkaadik ko uminom, marahil dahil nawala na ang relasyon ko sa barkada. Hindi ko sa sinasabing b.i. sila. Katunayan sila pa ang nagpasaya at nagpaganda at sa bawat araw na kasama ko sila na puro katuwaan lang nakalimutan ko nang mamimiss ko pala sila pag nagkalayo layo na kami. kada isang tropa ibang school na ngayon. Andami nilang alam sakin, background sa family, lovelife. Lahat ng pinakatakot akong sabihin sa iba, sa kanila ko lang nasasabi. They became really part of my life. Ang paaralan ko dati ay kinasanayan ko na. Kaya hirap akong mag-adjust sa panibagong school. I became so isolated na manhid ay hindi ko na maramdaman na may mga kaklase pa pala ako. Hindi sa ayokong makipagkaibigan pero, pakiramdam ko iba ako sa kanila, well in the first place its a private school, ibang environment, beh pag nandun ako feeling ko isa ako sa mga others. May panahong sa isang sulok ako ng room habang sila nagsasaya at hindi ko mapigilang itungo yung ulo ko at umiyak. Because i miss my jhs friends. Gusto ko nun sila na lang ulit kasama ko na komportable na. Pero yun mabalik tayo, madalas ako magtwitter nun. Nasama sa mga napost ang mga gusto kong sabihin na medyo dapat sinasarili na lang. Hatred ang word na magdedescribe sa mga pinost ko. Nasa isip ko nun hindi ko naman talaga ginustong pumasok dito, sina mama lang ang pumilit. (Thats my biggest excuse for you. sorry) At may ginawa pakong isang kalokohan sa school na masyadong hindi na katanggap tanggap kung ikkwento ko pa. 
 Nung Grade 11 at ang mga kaklase ko dun hasang hasa sa pagpapaliwanag sa harapan at nadisappoint ako sa sarili ko na bakit hindi ko kaya yung ginagawa nila. (btw sila ang pinakamatalinong section na nakasama ko aon) Kasi ako dati walang kaexpe experience magsalita, as in isa ako sa mga tipikal na taong takot magkamali. But then, ilang reporting nako nakasama because they influence me. Kasi kahit papano hindi ko din maisip kung pano ako naglakas loob. Hindi ko piniling section yun, yung assistant sa principals office ang naglagay sakin. Sa totoo lang sa una nastress akong kasama sila, na kahit teacher hindi mapigilan ang kaingayan ng stem d. Nung tumagal nasanay nako. Sa kabila ng kaingayan napupunta sa katatawanan. Nang mga panahong bitter pako sa school ehh kapag nagjojoke sila pigil na pigil ako dahil matatawa nako. Ang pag pe-face play ni Jeff na kumakahol din. Pinakaloko-loko si tendras. Sa panahong hirap kami may mga magpapatawa kaya kahit papano gumagaan. Sa mga honors naman namin sa room. Hindi mapaghahalataang matalino pala si Pavo.  Tahimik pero may ibubuga pala si Lorenne. Si ella din. lahat ng qualities na maganda sa babae magaling makisama at beauty & brain at mabait nakay first honor na (valedictorian ng tirona) .Pero ang kakaiba si Christian, para sakin siya ang pinakamagaling sa room. Magaling magreport, nagpapaliwanag ng walang kahambugan, Andami niyang trivia. Bawat explanation niya may saysay.  Madaming alam hindi lang sa edukasyon pero ang pinakanagpapagaling sa kanya ay higit na din sa salita ng Diyos. Hindi man kami close pero kung ano mang ugali meron sya malamang swerte ang nakatadhanang babae para sa kanya. 
 Binigyan ako ng baste ng opportunity na makapasok ng basketball. Unang bes ko pa lang makasali sa intrams kaya masaya din na pagtapos ng mga laban, sa huli kami ang nag kampyon. It was grade 11, andaming nangyari. Pumasok ng tvl, tahimik. Lumipat ng stem, iba ang level ng ingay. The truth is ang section ng stem d ay walang makakapigil. Pero hindi katulad ng iba tulad nga ng sinabi ko kanina, na ang stem d nasobrahan man sa kaingayan, may ipaglalaban naman, marurunong, nagkakaisa. Hindi mo maiisipang antukin dahil mapagod ka man pero kung sila ang kasama mo laging may ganap, basta iba iba ang emosyon. May ganap, kung mapaaway man sa ibang section, di inaasahang may magfaint sa room, mapawalk out ang teacher pero mas madaming pros na ang kapalit ay sosorpresahin ang teacher with pa- cake / pa design sa room (na sa huli kami magtatatanggal) kakantahan ng walang katapusan ng happy birthday ang celebrant ,ginabi sa bahay para gumawa ng gown kasama ang buong section, yung dating nagwalk out samin nakipag groupie na nung last couple of weeks) nanalo din kami nung giant symbo. Concert ni tj monterde at jRoa, mga pa-misa, christmas lightning, carrera de oro(10k running), intrams, kainan sa foundation day, fud & pa-games sa christmas party.. scimath circle, hanggang manood na lang ng movie kay Sir Hermie hanggang matapos ang sy.. Mabait si sir hermie (clf teacher). Mapagpasensya si maam noguera na hanggat may nakikita siyang estudyanteng hindi maintindihan ang pre-cal & basic cal, repeat lang. Si maam roher laging active, na lakas ng boses nya nung first day walang pinagbago hanggang huli para yung charming face ni maam. Si sir ng research na halos istorya ng experience, na dun kami chill. Yun namang parang classmate lang ng section si sir jc na nasa bangkok na ngayon, at natatawa pag pumipiyok. Mala-siri ng iphone si maam na principal na ngayon. Pinakaidol ko magturo ng g11 si sir hernandez ng philosophy at nung g12 si sir paulo na kahit physics na ang subject ay gusto pa kuhanin ang entrep subject namen. Nagclearance at nagenroll, nagpahinga... sa kabaligtarang walang ganap sa buhay sa bahay tumambay. Nagkalikot ng kung ano ano, nagrecord, nagbasa ng libro ni lloyd cadena, at napabili ng art materials, nagpaint gamit ang mumurahing watercolor at brush galing palengke. hanggang nagfirst day, at dapat stem 12d na dating section, na ngayon binago ginawang stem12b kaya di ko na classmate halos mga g11 dati. 
 Representing stem12b. Gayong may mga kakaunting kaklase ako dati na kaklase ko pa din at kakaunting mga kaklase sa klase ng sj303 na ti- thirty+ lang kame. Mga kabaligtaran ng stem11-d. Ingay na sapat lang, at yun since adviser namin ay clf. Attendance is a must pag may mass. Swerte kaming naging adviser namin si sir romnick.  Nakakatuwa ang humor ni sir kapag napipilitan sa pagtawa o di naman nagjoke siya pero walang tumawa. Dito din nagsimula ang business ng section na Burger Technology a.k.a. Burtech. Isang proyekto para sa Entrepreneurship subject. May kakaunting inilugi man ng unang araw ngunit bumawi at mas dumoble ang tubo ng aming tinda: malunggay burger, french fries, spam fries, icedtea at nung huling araw nagka free popcorn sa mga bibili ng combo namin. Dito ko nakita ang abilidad ng dati ko ring kaklase. Sa pagiging lider at pangunguna sa mga proyekto ng sabayang pagbigkas, nakita namin ang kahusayan ni Roceline sa pamumuno. Ang minana ni Pung na pagiging prangka ng kanyang mama na paborito kong teacher nung jhs. Ang walang pinagbagong si Christian. Kay Mark na kaklase ko nung elementary at ngayo'y ulit kaukausap ko pati na din ang pagdating ng dalawang kaibigang sina Nicole at Normalah. May naging kasama na din mula sa paaralan ng rosario institute na sina Hazel, Krista at Gab. Ang kahusayan ng memorization ni sir Jeff, na lahat ng parte, functions, ng katawan, halaman, kahit pinakaloob looban ng buto, utak, dahon at kung ano anong makikita sa microscope. Ang pagmamaling akala na masungit at brutal mula sa pagiging madisiplina lang naman ni Maam Caperida ay isa sa dapat may ugali nang bawat isang guro. At ang tumatak saking paborito kong teacher na si Sir Paulo Noceda, nakakabilib ika nga ang kasipagan at masigasig na paraan ng pagtuturo na bihira sa ipinapakita na siya lang ang nakagagawa sa kabila ng araw-araw na pagbabahagi ng kaalaman at pagsuway sa iba't ibang klase ng estudyanteng itinuring na anak. Ang mga nagpapaaliw sa halos buong taon ng pagiisip ng sunod sunod na aktibidad at mga gawain na sinimulan ni Jade na suma binabae na kung wala siya ay walang magpapasaya at magpapakalma ng magiinit na emosyon sa klase, sinamahan pa ng kalokohan at mga kakornyhan na siyang nakakatawa kayna jheremie at jaycee, ang lakas ng boses ni go. Na nahaluan man ng pansamantalang pagwawatak ng grupo ng magtotropa ay naging maayos sa huli. Ang maganda sa section ay may open forum na bihira lamang ginagawa ng mga ibang nagsasari sariling section. Sa malapit na pagtatapos ng school year na ito ako nagkaroon ng trabaho,  namulat sa mga iba't ibang tao na makakasalamuha na hindi lahat ay magugustuhan ka, datapwat mas mabuting sabihin na ang lahat ay anak ng Diyos kaya't ang lahat ay may mabuting kalooban  na mapatawad ka at magpatuloy sa buhay nila ng wala ka na. Hindi lang dahil makakalimutan nila ang kinaiinisan nila sayo pag dumaan ang mga taon, kundi pati na rin nakapagpasalamat kang may nakilala kang taong katulad na nakapagbigay ng aral sa isip ng pakikipagkapwa. Hindi man natin mabago ang pakiramdam nila satin ngayon, pagdating nang araw ay mabubuo na ulit ang loob nila na kilalanin ka bilang isang bagong tao. 
 Ang baste ay isang tahanan na kahit hindi ko ipinapakitang ako'y napamahal ay sumatotal na dito ka maggo-grow at dito mo makikita ang lahat ng kahinaan mong akala mong ikaw lang ang nahihirapan pero may mga taong may mas mabibigat pa pala, at sa kanila mo matututunan na mas maging matibay. Nagpapasalamat ako sa paaralang ito dahil dito ay bibigyan ka ng pinakanakakawalang ganang mabuhay na dahilan, na siyang magdidikta saating Kailangan pala natin ng Panginoon. Andaming positivity na makukuha sa Baste dahil ang nagpapasaya naman talaga ay ang mga estudyante at kaya naging espesyal ang isang paaralan dahil dito nangyayari ang lahat at ito ang home at mas gumaganda sa tulong na din ng mga Pari. Madaming nangyari na hindi ko iniinda, kumuha ako ng lakas sa bawat kapwa kong nahihirapan na ihandle ang life. I see Beben has an anxiety as I looked at her eyes everytime she smiles and giggles. Pung was really open and on point to what he really feel, at sa pagiyak niya ay maaamoy ang depression. Si Margaret ay naiintindihan ko ang pagiging hyper niya at maingay sapagkat sa paraang iyon doon niya mailalabas ang pagpawi ng lungkot at doon niya naipapakita sa mga tao na matapang siya sa handang ibato ng panghuhusga at proud siya sa anak niya. Arriza na kitang kita ang pagod sa mukha niya pero she pushed herself na pumasok. Si Zachary na affected ang pagpasok sa school dahil sa broken family, parenting and such pero nananatiling talkative sa klase. Noemi and Wendell was too energetic everyday but I know they hide cry. Si Nicole na overthinker pero she is one of the good person i've met. Ang mga jokes ni Jade na nag ge gain ng saya sa school na nauubos sa pag-uwi. They inspired me! Angiisstrong natin! and now we are not yet finished, may college at nonstop future work pa. Masaya na magthankyou sa Graduation Day! Wala na din to soon! Di natin alam na mamamatay tayo sa baka maaksidente, magkasakit, o gawan ng krimen. Hindi mapapatay ng pagkamatay ang mga naiambag natin sa mundo! Let's do more and be better for everyone! SSCRd-C, we are batch 2019, signing-off. 
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snkpolls · 7 years
My favorite characters in snk
Hi ! I thought about sending my votes as an ask at first - but I just have so much love for these characters and shingeki no kyojin as a whole that I finally decided to share my thoughts ! (My very long thoughts. I hope this post is not too long.)
Now, before I begin : WARNING - THIS POST CONTAINS MAJOR SPOILERS FOR THE MANGA, anime-only fans beware
(Also, there’s a tldr at the end if you don’t wanna read my rambling haha)
1. Annie Leonhardt
Annie is one of my favorite characters of all animes. To be completely honest, I don’t exactly remember why she’s my favorite character, as she became it when I watched SnK’s first season, two or three years ago. But I’m pretty sure it has to do, first, with the fact that she is my favorite titan - the female titan. I love its design and its abilities (like creating that crystal armor thingy). I really like Annie herself, because of her fighting abilities and her cold demeanor. I love the fact that she deals with her guilt by isolating herself. I loved the scene at the end of season one when she transforms in Sina and laughs before and then that thing with her ring - that scene was insane. Also, “I guess I just want the weak who do get swept along with the flow to be considered human too”, god, gotta love that line (didn’t even need to look it up, i apparently memorized it).
She better get out of her damn crystal one day, I swear, I really want to discover what she’d do, if she learned about everything that happened since she’s been crystallized. (Or I’d like to see what would happen if the Survey Corps tried to manipulate her into betraying Marley and fighting on their side - could it work ? How would they achieve that ?) Basically, she hasn’t been there for like 70 chapters or something but I still love her lots and I still think she has a lot of potential.
2. Reiner Braun
My second vote goes to Reiner for many reasons. I didn’t notice him all that much in season 1 to be honest, but then I learned he was the armored titan, and then there’s the fact that at his core, he’s a really good person. He wants to protect people and help his comrades… so much that he develops a second personality, more or less - his guilt is breaking him. It’s sad that he finds himself in such a situation - he was led to believe the people within the walls were devils, but then, when he discovers most of them aren’t that bad, he has already caused the death of so many of them ? That’s horrible (and genius, don’t mistake me - I love that).
Now, where we’re at in the manga, he’s in a very unique place. He knows that Walldians (is that an official name for the people within the walls ? I don’t know but I’m using it, this is gonna make this easier) - so, I was saying, he knows that Walldians aren’t actually devils, but the people in Marley aren’t bad either. But it’s not like Walldians are sinless, good samaritains either - they killed Bertholdt, are keeping Annie prisoner… (does Reiner still thinks Annie’s being tortured, btw ? Did he ever find out that she’s just stuck in her crystal ?). I read somewhere that “he’s realizing there’s no good side” and I find this perfectly accurate. He’s kinda stuck, there’s not much he can do, and he’s also pretty much about to die (aren’t his 13 years almost over ?). Talking out of line, trying to tell people that Walldians aren’t worse than Marleyans, that exterminating them won’t restore Eldia’s honor or whatever, doing that would have no point - even if anyone believed him, it would put his family in danger and he’d be a traitor to both sides…
Also, I loved discovering his backstory. He enrolled in the warriors program for his family, for his mom, how cute is that ? His father is Marleyan too, that’s pretty interesting. And as a warrior in training, he was the underdog, he was far from being at the top of the class, that’s kind of a contrast from how he was in the Walldians’ military. His young friendship with Bertholdt was pretty cute too ! It’s nice to think that friendship evolved and got stronger, and to think that they could truly rely on each other when they probably felt so alone because they were traitors.
So, Reiner has got to be lonely now - because of what he knows about Walldians and because of what he lived inside the Walls, and because he is the only one to know those things and to have live that because Bertholdt is dead. I think he feels like nowhere is really home anymore, like he doesn’t have a place anywhere… Anyway. I’m rambling at this point, but yeah because of season 2 and the latest manga chapters (also his beard, at first I thought it looked odd lmaoo but now, god am I on board with this look…) he’s now one of my fave characters.
3. Ymir
Wow, I really love titan-shifters, don’t I ? Anyway. Season 2 wrecked me and amazed me and made me love Ymir so, so much. It caught me by surprise actually, i never thought I’d love her so much. But god - her backstory, her interactions with Christa, her characterisation… all of that made me totally fall in love with her. I feel like in a way, she’s the most original titan-shifter, because she was always kind of between the two sides - Walls and Marley. She’s not a warrior whose mission is to eradicate Walldians, but she’s not a fighter aiming to free the people of the Walls either. She literally fell onto the power of the titans by chance. She’s a titan-shifter that was never meant to become a titan-shifter and I love that.
I love her selfishness a lot. I love how she changed from a false god who died for her people to a girl that took a conscious decision to live for herself. I love how even though she wanted to live for herself, she still, still fell in love with Christa. I love how she revealed her secret and endangered herself to save Christa (in s2 ep 4 and 5). I love how she encourages people to be themselves and to live for themselves like she does. Also, I didn’t mention it in Reiner’s part, but that conversation :
“Ymir : I’m shocked. I was under the impression that you had no interest in women.
Reiner : Yeah. And it doesn’t seem like you have interest in guys, either.” YAAAAS MY QUEER SOUL IS THRIVING !!
Ahem. Anyway. Her whole scene in season 2 ep 10 with the sky just after she’s become human again after 60 years ? That was insanely beautiful. Also her titan form is pretty cool, I love that its strength lies not in its pure physical strength but in its small form and strong jaw. You have to be clever to use that titan and boy is Ymir clever as hell.
4. Pieck
(Wow, another shifter, what a surprise haha). So, this vote might seem surprising because Pieck has barely appeared, she has existed for less than like 5 chapters haha, but I actually already quite like her. I mostly like her for her potential - I’m really looking forward to learning more about her. I like that she forgot how to walk because she spent too much time in her titan form, that brings up new questions about the shifters and brings to light an interesting aspect of shifting (even though staying a long time in titan form might be an ability unique to the cart titan). With the way shifter heals, I think it’s like, one of the first time we learn about a physical consequence of another sort. Apart from that, I also like her because with Annie, they’re the only two women in the warriors (that possess a titan. That will probably change soon with Gabi but whatever. Still, Annie and Pieck are the only women of the “first generation” of shifters).
5. And that’s all !
I hesitated about voting for a fifth character too but in the end I couldn’t decide who I wanted to vote for. Here are some of the people I hesitated about : Hanji, because she’s crazy in the best way, because she’s excited and incredibly smart and curious and idk I just love her. Rico Brzenska, because no matter how minor a character she is, she is badass as hell, and she was really cool at the battle of Trost (or that one time when they used Eren to plug the hole in the wall, idk if I have the right name for it). Hitch, because I love how snide she is, idk. Bertholdt, because he’s discreet but nice, because his guilt makes him interesting (a bit like Reiner), because of his beautiful speech in season 2 ep 11. Levi, because - well, the same reasons as everyone, his strength but also his loyalty to his fellow soldiers, also because of that one manga scene of torturing that one guy with Hanji, also because of his face in s2 ep12 when he learns that titans are humans.
So, that’s it ! I’m looking forward to seeing the results of this poll but I’m gonna be happy no matter what because SnK is incredible and there is no bad character. I’m looking forward to season 3 and to the next manga chapters !
tldr ; so, i apparently like titan-shifters a lot, because my four votes go to : Annie Leonhardt, Reiner Braun, Ymir and Pieck. I couldn’t bring myself to choose a fifth person, I love too many characters haha.
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dragongirlafro · 7 years
Pokémon X adventures: AZ's Return
Crowds of people gathered in Lumiose City to celebrate the five defenders of the Kalos region, as well as to cheer on its new champion, Yvonne!
Is that a full model of Dexio and Sina I see??👀
… Hey, it’s AZ.
Ooh, he wants to battle!
Look at this crowd of cardboard cutouts.
Well, that was free.
It’s his Floette!
*double gaaaaaaaassssssp*
I found the meme!
This is so sweet. A sweet ending to a sweet game.
Uh oh.
Well, guess that’s all, folks.
I’ll probably post some post-credit things, like catching legendaries, and whatnot, and then that’ll be a wrap for X adventures and then onto Omega Ruby!
btw I’m not sure if I want to title my Omega Ruby play through “Pokémon Omega Ruby adventures” or maybe shorten it to “Pokémon OR adventures”. If anyone has been reading through this series and would like to see more, let me know if you have a preference. (Otherwise I’ll probably go with the latter option because it’s shorter.)
Previously: Yvonne VS. Diantha
Next: Kiloude City
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