#its just better to watch the cartoon
canonically47 · 24 days
the more i think about it the more fiore’s DCAS elimination makes no sense. they could’ve eliminated her much earlier but kept her around strictly for... what? what has she done in DCAS? whereas in S1 she was a master manipulator and strategist, they absolutely massacred her character in DCAS, they put her in the worst team of the season (they were doomed from the start when they made james the first vote), and she had no real reason to leave. literally all her time at camp seemed to be building up towards a reconciliation with alec and we got fuck nothing. the writers are on crack and have completely forgotten the plot. they have slowly killed off every good part of the show to replace it with cheap and petty drama and too much t*mj*ke screentime for anyones good. i absolutely fucking hate this season because it has so few elements that save it. DCAS is to ONC what wish is to disney
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nightjarring · 3 months
Watching people fight over and defend hh is insane. People who think it's good have utterly shit taste obviously but im mostly baffled by the other people who have come to the conclusion it sucks but also really need there to be a moral or ethical reason to justify why it sucks. It can't JUST be ugly or annoying or poorly made, it needs to be morally irredeemable.
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whywoulditho · 5 months
guys. GUYS. watch carmen sandiego. like Right Now.
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c0smiccom3t · 1 year
Ladies, gents and everyone in between with whatever gender you are,
My current hyperfixations.
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Current Blorbo i love so much and also who i'm rooting for:
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pick him up like he weighs 2 grapes
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drinkingpoison · 4 months
I thought upon watching it I'd understand people's obsession with the hh pilot... I still do not
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mxdotpng · 8 months
i think the whole "miles is ALSO spider man" debate becomes worthless when you realize miles is in fact referred to as spider man in every single rendition of him..... except for the ones aimed at 4-8 year olds. which at that point makes your argument mean nothing
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neonbuck · 1 year
i find it a bit funny when i see posts like "you should watch more than just CARTOON for CHILD" and i just know that they are doing it to seem cool and tumblr snobby, and all their friends watch bluey and the owl's house and maybe play 2 video games for adults
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This post is no shade to Izzy fans. (Obviously I'm sick of Izzy stans but the Izzy Jar guys and Izzy enjoyers are cool and can probably skip this post because I'm gonna complain about your boy) It's just my personal opinion.
Izzy is so boring dude. Like my initial impression of the show is like oh what a neurotic little villain, and the role he plays cross Ed is interesting. But to me Ed is what makes him interesting. Ed is an interesting character and Izzy plays a huge role in his story. Their relationship is interesting.
But Izzy on his own is like... So boring to me. And every time Ive said "idk what's interesting about him" I've gotten in trouble for it. I even had one person say "IDK what to tell you when we have so many wonderful interviews and panels from the creators" and I was just sitting there like... Yeah I've seen those. They make him even more boring. Like am I the only one without the Izzy wool over my eyes? Because like at the C2E2 panel for example I feel like Con said "he's got a lot of layers and all of them are bad" and everyone just stopped listening after the word layers.
Like in the interviews there's been a some of talk about Izzy's sword fighting, like that's his one skill, his signature weapon. And people are like 🥹 he likes sword fighting!!! And I'm like "oh... So there's no secret piano skill that he's hiding? His hobby is just violence?"
Like the most interesting thing about him is that he likes getting choked and force fed his own toe. Like the fact that he gets horny about depraved shit is my favorite thing about him. But also the depravity isn't even like fun it's about exerting power for him, which is like the most boring reason to be into it. It would be so much cooler if he was into erotic forced auto cannibalism for the love of the game rather than some 24/7 bdsm fantasy of being Blackbeard's dog he has. It's like I love it don't get me wrong, but also whip my balls is the superior masochistic flex. I'm being fed too well by this show to succumb to that
Ill admit that part of this is that I find people who are obsessed with power to be viscerally unappealing (I'm an anarchist politically so) and I think repression is the enemy and hedonism is like my favorite thing and I hate work. Like I'm predisposed to be a hater. Except despite all that I'm not actually a hater I just don't understand the hype.
And again, if you like Izzy that's fine. My brain decided to latch onto Calico Jack I do not sit on very solid judging ground here. But it seems like I'm the only one who's just like "yeah Izzy? Useful for causing problems, kinda mid."
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woolydemon · 1 year
not u people claiming the shitty fred from the Velma cartoon is a result of. racism towards white people
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oscill4te · 7 months
One day i will not be obsessed with the cr/amp twins. Maybe i will like it a normal amount. Or maybe not even like it at all one day. I intertwined that show too deeply with my identity. Generally when I am super hyperfixated on something, i am using it as escapism from thinking about my real life.
#like to me 2023 is just mass escapism via an obscure cartoon and internet addiction. kind of sad.#2022 was awful though so 2023 is a mass improvement but damn#some parts of myself looove the show. others parts hate it for what it represents in my life.#i also should stop using tumblr/my phone or at least limit my usage. but. one day at a time#escapism is just nice in general#txt#not in the longrun but it feels so great in the moment being immersed in something that isnt your real life#when your current real life sucks ass but feel too scared to make those big changes that are essential#to you being happy and stable in the long run#easier to forget your real life and just watch shitty cartoons. idk. i shouldn't even be blogging this stuff publicly lol#like i am genuinely not well. i am a benign lolcow.#who overshares and tbh i never even expected this blog to even get followers o.o so now im like#maybe i should stop. i dont know. find better outlets. lol#maybe try to connect with my realworld. my brain desperately doesn't want to leave the fantasy escapism world it created though#i feel like an age regressed loser and idk I want to shape up so badly#im 24 i should be way more ahead than this yknow. i just stagnated in 2023. because 2021-2022 was so awful#idk its complicated man#like 2023 was needed. but it is such a hazy blur. it feels so unreal. we are still in 2023 and it already feels so far away#i feel i need to try to change my life and priorities in 2024. i just have no roadmap. no people to ask..#i have to teach myself on my own. ill probably make a lot of mistakes but thats okay#my next goal is to try a new job even though it scares the everliving shit out of me#i accepted i wont be able to drive safely so I need to carefully plan. i need to be okay with taking risks. i need too.#i need to work on my tardiness social skills and my appearance so I can get a new job too without insta rejection#i dont know. i want to prove my family wrong too and have good things. good mental health. financially stable. takes care of herself.#ik spite is a shitty motivator. but i just wanna prove it to myself. that I am capable of m#okay too many tags smh. gonna stop here
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Ok last post. The magical girl transformation scene is the main reason I decided Im not watching the new superman cartoon unless friends of mine really really like it. The second reason is because I saw a screenshot of deathstroke and I cant take the way he looks in it.
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ofc ive always had adhd, but personally what really fucked up my attention span is agar.io (and being depressed enough to play it for hours every day. people whose lives are ok dont do that shit)
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allbeendonebefore · 1 year
trying to get in the right headspace for work and instead all i can think about is “i need to make myself a reference sheet for drawing western wear because on the one hand i screw up certain things all the time but on the other hand i also see other people making the same mistakes and i want to save us all from doing it and this is just taking up too much RAM in my brain right now >:’(
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2003daredevil · 1 year
I dont care what percent of the flash you think is Bad CW show vs Special but in the end the flash did for superhero media what the mcu thinks it did
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chaoticwholesome · 1 year
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