#its clear they're basically just kids; kids who are severely messed up but are able to find comfort in each other.
daveydavs · 5 months
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haircoveredwriter · 3 years
Carol's Origin Story: 5 most underrated scenes
There are some moments that always come to mind when fans of The Walking Dead think of Carol Peletier; ones seared into our minds from sheer awesomeness or heart-wrenching emotions no one can escape. Yet such multi-faceted characters cannot be simply broken down into their 4 best episodes for one to truly understand who they are and how far the journey they've traveled to get here. As such, we will examine a few poignant stages along Carol's journey which deserve their recognition.
5. Teaching the kids at the prison to fight
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Following the fall of Woodbury, our survivors were inundated with new people joining them at the prison and looking for some semblance of leadership. A role which Carol takes on easily and with devout purpose; arranging schedules to help the community run smoothly as well as maintaining the perimeter fencing's safety. Although she's not content simply to sit back and let her past be repeated, fearing it was her own lack of education that lead to Sophia's tragic death. Not if she has anything to do about it. Disguised as regular storytime, she quietly instructs the children on basic weapon usage and how they can protect themselves when they're threatened; a lesson that proves extremely helpful upon the Governor's return and subsequent attack. If it were not for Carol's tactical thinking, Mika and Lizzie might never have saved baby Judith or Tyrese for that matter, and Rick would have never gotten the happy reunion he'd been dreaming of.
4. Her facade in Alexandria
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Becoming who she needs to be in any given situation is much more than a talent for Carol, it is a survival mechanism. Something she'd had to learn during her marriage to Ed in an attempt to appease his temper and evade his ever-present wrath. Though it was truly mesmerizing to watch her read the room within an instant of entering Alexandria - a community they knew nothing about or whether it was to be trusted - and switch over to her previous meek, demure persona without missing a beat so that she would have the ability to protect her family. The Wolves would have served well to have noted this point sooner. While Carol has donned her veiled mask multiple times since, in the show's series, it's the first iteration which shows just how intelligent this woman is.
3. Saving Lydia in The Storm
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Reliving a parent's worst nightmare is horrible enough to experience once but for Carol she, unfortunately, lived through many losses of children, the most recent being her adopted son, Henry, at the hands of Alpha. Swallowed up by pain and grief, her feelings of self begin to fracture as she fears she's losing any hold of who she is. When the group is forced to venture into the eye of a terrible winter storm, she finds herself face to face with the daughter of her son's murderer and has to battle her own dark inner thoughts as well as the young girl's suicidal tendencies. Despite the immense burden of blame weighing on her heart (of other's and herself), Carol is able to connect with the mirror image Lydia displays, seeing her own past traumas and pain being experienced by another and it's then that Carol chooses to reach out to provide the support she'd never had to the suffering teenager. True strength comes from the ability to use one's own pain to help others ... this is the definition of Carol Peletier.
2. 'Warning' Merle
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"People underestimate me ... don't underestimate me." Why this scene was cut from the broadcast airing I will NEVER understand! Carol has always been protective over those she cares about, although when Daryl's brother, Merle, arrives at the prison, potentially jeopardizing his mental & emotional well-being, Carol doesn't bat an eye before making it clear to the elder Dixon ... if he messes with Daryl, she'll take him out in his sleep. There are so many subtle aspects to this scene that draw the viewer in at the same time shock them to their core; whether it is Carol's sweet and reserved presentation, her ease in mentioning descriptive details proving she has already been keeping track of Merle, or the mere fact that in a way the man in front of her displayed several tendencies which she had cowered from earlier in a previous life. This is also the first instance where the strengthening bond between Carol and Daryl shows how deep it goes, and how far the star-crossed soulmates will go to protect the other from anyone or anything.
1. Saving herself in "Look at the Flowers"
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You can be your own worst enemy. When times get tough, it's easier sometimes to fall back on habit rather than going for what you want or need. Both these are true for Carol when we find her in season 10. Alpha is dead, Henry's death has been avenged ... yet neither brings her the peace she's sought and she finds herself running again from her emotional turmoil rather than head back to Alexandria to face it with Daryl. Along her instinctual journey she can't escape the voices inside her head which take on the physical representation of the woman she hates the most, Alpha. Every horrendous thing anyone has ever told her or things she has told/believes about herself come flooding through, one after another, until fate deals its hand and pins her overnight beneath a boat with no way to escape. The incoming promise of death seems nearly accepted before the prospect of losing Daryl is too much for Carol to take and she musters her courage, dislocating her shoulder and then killing the incoming walker. This is the moment where she decides she is done running. This is the moment where she chooses her relationship with Daryl over everything that has come or will in the future. This is the moment where Carol decides she is worthy.
Carol Peletier Origin Story (3/7)
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misstartrekandel · 4 years
3rd Wheel
707 x reader
Aanndd it's based off this picture I found on tumblr
However instead of selfies its video diaries :) and yes this was originally posted on my wattpad, so of you see it on there that's why, no plagiarism here
Saeran faced the camera his twin had given him. It was recording but it took him a moment to find the right words.
"A part of my "recovery" is expressing myself through journaling. However my...brother...and his..girlfriend- suggest it would probably be better to talk about my feelings than to write them. Something about better verbal communication so Sae...so Saeyo...Saeyoung gave me this camera...but MC came up with the idea first...I've only been here for- maybe two weeks...since I left..Mint Eye-"
The name of the place seemed to drag him back where he was weeks back. The pain and loneliness he felt still left the same sinking feeling in his chest, not fully able to forgive his brother but also feeling betrayed by the one person he thought cared about him. He slammed his hands on the desk the camera was placed and then soon stopped the recording and stormed off from his room, not exactly going anywhere but simply to leave behind the device that brought up those emotions.
He pushed record on his camera and brushed the crumbs off the corners of his mouth. "So today MC made us cookies. They tasted good. I liked them. I like her too. She's..nice. I don't know how my- how he got so lucky. I just-" He pressed his hands to his temples "I guess I just wanted to say that the cookies were good. Chocolate chip. I hope she makes more...."
Instead of the camera showing Saerans bedroom as it normally does, this time it was an area with concrete floors and cages full of animals.
"So Saeyoung wanted to get a cat. I feel terrible about any one of the unfortunate animals he picks today. MC will treat it okay, but Saeyoung...he just can't be trusted with cats. But he insisted. And MC agreed. So here we are."
He angled the camera to show the large collection of felines surrounding him, then to his sibling and his girlfriend examining one of the kittens.
"Really Saeyoung? I mean, I just..- don't people normally get either the cutest cat or the ugliest one? That is the most..umm..boring cat in here. Especially for your taste."
Saeyoung grinned as he picked up the grey tabby and held the pet to his chest. "Ah well I'm pretty sure the author of this is so used to seeing other authors use either an incredibly messed up cat or a perfect one and really just wanted your average house cat. You know to be original."
Both MC and Saeran looked at him quizzically, however neither of them had the the ability to reply to his comment about his choice of pet, and with 707s girlfriend being quite familiar with being left speechless, decided to simply leave and go to the adoption worker.
"Oh...oh okay she just left umm okay hold on." And he turned off the camera.
"So today I got some rather exciting news. According to.. S-Saeyoung I'm going to be his "best man". Basically MC is going to be my sister!...in law? Sister in law? Sister in law yeah...they're gonna get married. I guess weddings are a big deal. They're taking several months to prepare this...I can't believe that he's able to commit to her when he-...sorry MC said that a part of my recovery is to forgive and forget. Apart of moving on so I...well I guess if anything I'll be happy for her. But I don't want to wear that jacket...."
The cameras view showed Saeran in a tuxedo, hair still unkempt, and a white table cloth, with a piece of uneaten cake.
"They finally got married today. They're so gross...anyways MC looks really pretty, her dress is long, I've never seen one like it. We stood at this post thing with a priest or whoever who said they could get married. It was very long and not very exciting. Eventually we got cake though and that was nice. Its not too bad at all actually. Look at them dancing. They're terrible at it."
He changes the view of the camera to the newlyweds as they clumsily danced hand in hand.
"They'll be gone for 3 days for a 'honeymoon'. Which is better for me...they're uhm...loud sometimes so...ahem I should go now."
"Right now MC and I are making a gift." He points the lens to her and she lightly smiles and waves, still decorating the small box in her hands.
"Wanna show what we will put in the box?" Said camera man asked, and MC grinned and held up a stick with two lines on one end.
"We decided it was best to put this in a box before we put it in a jar of candy, you know because if not that would be incredibly gross." She explained, then dropped the object into the gift box.
"We're watching all of the Avengers movies tonight, mainly for me to catch up. He will probably eat the entire jar before the first movie even starts so I'm sure I actually won't be able to see anything..." Saeran said with a hidden grin "But it's okay, I think I would rather see Saeyoungs reaction than any movie so..."
"Jesus Christ Saeyoung shut up you're so loud. I knew this was gonna happen that one night I couldn't sleep because you two-"
"Be civil. You're brothers. And Saeran do not finish that sentence."
"Look at this!" The younger twin pointed to his sister in laws stomach, then touched a certain area and made a noise of excitement once he felt the babies movement "They move! They move! I didn't know they could feel me! Saeyoung come here! Your kid is kicking!"
Idk this was surprisingly hard to write. I wanted to show Saerans recovery but also not move to fast and make him OOC (if it wasnt clear this takes place over a long period of time). Kinda failed at that. It was a cute idea but I think I bit off more than I could chew with his character, especially since Cheritz can't exactly show all of his character development, and I'm not sure what it's like to get over being brainwashed and drugged. I just really love stories where my Choi boys are united :)
Thank you for reading this junk~
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callsignbaphomet · 3 years
Ok, so, originally this was gonna just be a million fuckin questions, and it'll prooooobably turn into one of those question chains from several months ago. BUT to start I think I can do just like, three. First, tell me ALL about the area in Norway where Jelani was growin up, absolutely anything and everything you can think of about it. Secondly, tell me ALL about babby Jelani! Again just anything and everything you can think of! Lastly, how exactly do those magic weapons work? :o Like, once they're made can anyone grab them? Can he only have one at a time? Stuff like that! Basically just use this as a chance to talk about all those things! :3
So Jelani was born and raised near what is known as Hammerfest today (woohoo subarctic climate!). Honestly he’s been everywhere and just about seen everything but nothing compares to when he was growing up in that area and watching the Aurora Borealis with family and friends in a comfortable silence while just taking it all in, ya know? Being born in 870 CE meant there was no light pollution so every night the sky always lit up and the stars were so shiny and there were millions and millions of them which was absolutely insane to see and had a lot of significance because of his mom’s culture and their relationship to the stars.
They were close to the coast so there was a lot of fishing and sailing. He was also partial to that area because it was close to the sea and close enough to the mountains where it felt like a happy in between. He’s not a fan of being too far from some source of water. That place was perfect as he could see all kinds of sea dwelling animals like whales and seals, squids though he’s not a fan, he’s kind of scared of squid especially the really big ones he saw every once in a while. He especially liked puffins as a kid since he thought they were kinda silly. Inland he saw his fair share of reindeer, foxes, bears, wolves and otters which he completely fell in love with and still loves as an adult. Show him pictures or videos of otters and he’ll melt, if he sees one irl he’ll practically die from the amount of cute. There were also the more supernatural creatures though he mostly grew up around a lot of werewolves.
Oh! And sure, he’s not a big fan of the sun but even he has to admit that the midnight sun is pretty impressive and beautiful in its own right. It was gorgeous to see it and he did enjoy walking around in the middle of the night and still see the sun out.
Also, despite the location, he was exposed to a lot of different people as the village was flagged as a safe area which saw a ton of traders and all were welcome regardless of who you were or if you were human or non-human. He saw everything and interacted with all sorts of people from the local Sámi People, Middle Eastern, Asian and even other African people. And after his mom found out her family were still alive and well they’d also visit each other when they could. Honestly, his upbringing was kinda fairy tale like.
qasdxcfgbhn well, Jela as a little kid was always hanging around his parents, grandparents and especially his brother. Since Loke’s 13 years older than him Loke often watched him and played with him a lot, he wasn’t even asked to he just did it because baby brother. Like the instant Lo first saw him it was like love at first sight type of shit. He learned to speak clearly very early on which surprised everyone at how clear and structured his speech was for a kid so young and then they learned he was a very fast learner and really smart and was always curious and asking tons of questions.
Even since he was little he really loved animals so he was always seen chasing after them or somehow petting them and playing with them. Learned to ride and care for horses pretty fast and when he got his own it was like fireworks went off in his head. Even in present day he sees a horse and it’s like instant childhood memories flooding him. Btw his first horse was a mare he named Dagny, just like his ball python in modern times lol, it was a Fjord with a grey coat and a two tone mane and he loved her to bits. Aside from that there was the family dog named River because she loved to swim. He also liked cats but they didn’t have a cat because Loke was scared of them and Sanaa (for different reasons related to another creature) wasn’t fond of them. They don’t hate cats but they’d rather just keep ‘em at arm’s length.
Then teen Jelani who was...I don’t wanna use the word difficult because he wasn’t but let’s just say different for lack of a better word. It was around this time that he was realizing he wasn’t like his family and it actually hurt ‘im a lot. Especially since his mom was an arcane berserker and it was like a huge deal so they all thought he was gonna be one too. So in come the feelings of alienation and the doubts and the semi angst and the moodiness. He was never disrespectful to anyone but he was often moody and often felt down. Around this time he was also learning he had some unique abilities of his own that no one else had and since no one else had them he learned to control them but not without incidents. Not to mention that since he was very little he could see and hear and talk to things that no one else could really see. Some were friendly and others weren’t. Mix in the regular hormonal shit teenagers go through during puberty and it made for a bit of a mess. This kind of “weakened” him and his old self (which he nor anyone else knew of) was starting to rear in and it was kind of scary. He was actually fluctuating between his old personality which was chaotic af and his present self and both seemed to clash a lot. Once this started happening the migraine attacks and the nosebleeds began as well as the sleep paralysis, night terrors, insomnia and the nyctophobia and they all seemed to hit him really hard and suddenly. So all of that mixed in made the ages of 13 through 17 really, really fucking messy.
But family and friends were with him through it all and at 17 and a half he chilled out and learned to control himself and managed to suppress his old self. He’d learned to use and handle his abilities responsibly, still felt a little out of place but his family was sure to always let ‘im know they loved him no matter what and his grandfather especially let him know that his differences weren’t a bad thing and that they made ‘im special. By 18 he was back to his cheerful old self though sometimes he still felt bad about being different but didn’t let it get him down. However, he now had to cope with migraine attacks, night terrors, nyctophobia, random nosebleeds, insomnia and sleep paralysis which he still has even in present day.
Okay so berserkers are non-humans that have the ability to summon powerful weapons and very sturdy armor from nothing thin air. The armor can take a beating but if they get targeted by a barrage of attacks the armor can break and they’d have to summon the armor again but there’s a cool down of about half an hour so it’s better to hang on to the armor even if broken or get your ass to safety. The weapons don’t break though. Oh and if an armor broke and they summon it again it’ll show up as good as new. Berserkers can summon up to two different weapons so which ones they summon depends on the person’s taste and comfort level.
These weapons can be summoned and dematerialized at will and have no cool down. Anyone can grab them if the berserker it belongs to doesn’t mind though why would a berserker use another one’s weapon unless they wanna be offensive and kill ‘em with their own weapon? It’s not offensive, more like yikes.
Now, since Jelani isn’t a berserker he managed to figure out a way to mimic berserkers’ ability to summon a weapon from thin air though unlike grown up berserkers he isn’t limited to just two types of weapons. For example Loke is able to summon a two headed axe and a bow, nothing more nothing less. Jelani can summon whatever he wants as he can manipulate the shape. His mom’s tribe are partial to glaives so he mainly uses a glaive. His weapons however are made of an unknown material that’s insanely hard and impossible to even crack. His weapons can’t be wielded by anyone other than himself bc as soon as someone else touches them they dematrerialize. It also looks weird, like it’s so dark it swallows all light and no light bounces off of it. He can’t summon armor though so that’s where the blacksmith comes in. His uncle Jørgen made his look like his dad’s and his mom’s.
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