#its also taurus season so its time for me to act up anyway
gojowh0rcs · 1 year
my bad for the inactivity!! i have a friend visiting me from the states for an entire month, and i also have school and work so its zapped any extra energy i mightve had to rant about our boyfriend LMFAO
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knifebaby3000 · 2 months
Your OC Tian looks like he could he my OCs brother and I'm so obsessed with him. The beauty marks and the oblivious glazed over look really fucking do it for me
can u share more about him :0c
Omg thank you so much!!!!! I designed Tian to be so extremely husband-coded To Me so I'm happy some of the boxes he checks 4 me ✅ are checked 4 u also ✅🙏🏼
Tian (and Zhu) is the protagonist of two of my projects, the original and its overgrown AU. The OG is........ A xianxia romcom bildungsroman like....... Swan-maiden myth meets FFIX meets Disney Hercules.......... And the AU is what I usually draw/upload, which is a neo noir like...... FFVIII meets........ Drive (2011)....... Meets........... Disco Elysium which is a connection I'm only making right here, right now, as I type?????? Anyway OG-style Baby T is "tiger", "spring", vs Big T who is "dragon", "winter". Both are True Neutral tho I think Baby T leans Chaotic...
Some quick blips: Cap sun, Aries moon, Taurus rising, bday is 31 Dec; 6'2 188cm, ~190lbs 86kg, benches above his bodyweight; vegetarian, doesn't drink, healthiest guy you know (chainsmoking is healthy); blue MCR-coded tobacco depression wifeguy to Zhu’s red LDR-coded cocaine mania guywife
Charm points: natural curls, beauty marks, underbite
Talents: carpentry, wushu, gymnastics, fixing whatever
Likes: Zhu, tofu, his motorcycle
Dislikes: texting, cardio, doing laundry
Songs: MCR – Drowning Lessons + Fashion Statement + Desert Song (it's bad!!!!!!), The National – Walk Off, Hyukoh – 似是故人來 Like An Old Friend Arrives
Motifs: chrysanthemums, smoke, temples, the moon
Not really a talker, he's all abt acts of service and can be hard to understand if you're looking specifically for words. I like to think of him as the lead in a Western film except the horse is a black motorbike – silhouetted against the horizon, never says more than he has to, does what needs doing. His catchphrase is basically "🆗", "Sure." Also he doesn't use guns but anything else goes 🔨
Some flavor:
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More under the cut if this hateful app will let me add one 🤪
I think he's best understood thru the way other ppl talk abt him – so here are a couple names/epithets!
His maternal grandmother is a distinguished mobster known as The Old Empress, which is why most ppl call Tian "Crown Prince", "the Prince", etc. Their family is more/less popularly-elected local deities (see "city god" on Wikipedia) and he's the last of the bloodline But has been refusing to officially inherit for over a decade, though he performs all the duties anyway. Old, old agreements put them above virtually all modern law, generally thru loopholes that allow them to, for example, literally start a gang war at 23 bc you got a little too annoyed Or take an eye for an eye/publicly execute someone as ritual vengeance. Pls note that Zhu is a criminal defense attorney. Smile
They also sometimes call him "Bodhisattva" bc he, due to Circumstances, grew up in a Buddhist monastery from age 8, along with Jin, his baby brother. He became an ordained monk at 20 but disrobed at 22 so he could help Jin thru university. During that time, he worked three primary jobs: seasonal construction worker/contractor, auto mechanic, and plumber. "why not model" No Vanities Lifestyle. He Is Just Some Guy. He Wishes He Were Still Bald. Fuck Fast Fashion Btw.
With his name specifically, Tian Tian, 田 “field” + 天 “heaven/day/sky”, is his entire character – simple, no frills, unassuming on paper, but also strong, steady, salt of the earth. It's a name that once you see him both does and doesn't do him justice, like surely there's something fancier and yet between those two characters you already have the world. The name is also 9 strokes altogether! Fav number and an auspicious one – 9 heavens + if you've ever seen an imperial dragon robe, it's 9 dragons with scales in multiples of 9, eg 81.
A few bonus reasons I chose 天:
I associate him with swans (symbol of beauty but also violent, aggressive birds), 大天鹅 Big Heaven Goose
Single-character names are so elegant/Tough to me
Canonically seen as a "Fifth Great Beauty", literally a man named Heaven, the H is for Husband TO ME
FACT I decided on the monk thing after I named him and I think it's funny. His Dharma name is 釋恒心 Shi Hengxin btw which means "monk", literally, and "resolution"
Final bonus, literally my man:
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ramblingguy54 · 4 years
Escape From The Impossibin!: An Exercise Of Trust & Hope.
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So, I was predicting for this episode to have Della & Louie bonding time together, which there were cool moments with them to be sure. However, what I really liked about today’s story was how it focused on the aftermath of FOWL’s reveal to still be very much alive to Scrooge’s horror and Beakly’s greatly underlying concern. A couple of days ago before Impossibin premiered today, I chatted with some others on Discord about what this episode’s story would explore for its overall message, which the more I thought about, the more I leaned on the idea it would be centered around the notion of trust. Let’s Get Dangerous had a consistent theme of deceitful liars being revealed who weren’t whom they appeared to be, as seen with Taurus Bulba vs Drake Mallard & Bradford’s true nature being known to Scrooge at that hour special’s ending. 
Escape From The Impossibin is all about confronting the growing tension that’s become a threat to a content family lineage of adventurers, who now have to defend everything they stand for in their legacy, once again. That’s something I’ve always appreciated about DuckTales is even when it doesn’t entirely match my predictions, it finds other new ways to surprise me for what it can do. Della & Louie didn’t necessarily get the bonding time I had hoped for, which did admittedly disappoint me, but they did a serve a purpose in their own right that I’ll get to later. Anyways, the spotlight is on the older mentor figures, Scrooge McDuck and Bentina Beakly, who are all too familiar in dealing with FOWL’s antagonism before in Season 1′s episode, The Confidential Case Files Of Agent 22, that especially applies to Beakly’s past in fighting them as an agent of SHUSH for very much longer compared to Scrooge. With how much is at stake you’d very much expect there to be old feelings being drudged up, regarding Scrooge’s trust and respect for Bradford, as well as Beakly’s strict over protective nature with Webby to keep her safe from losing that optimism that makes her stand out as a beacon of hope to inspire others, which they do. FOWL isn’t like Magica or Lunaris who want to make themselves known flat out to the world with their egos. They’re very cunning and cold blooded with going about executing their plans for control of the Earth. Particularly, Bradford is the serious threat most of all because he’s the brains of this outfit giving precision in each order to those under his command. Combine Bradford’s knowledge with the muscle of Steelbeak, Rockerduck’s underhanded scheming, Gandra Dee’s scientific intellect, Black Heron’s lust for more power, and Phantom Blot’s ability to absorb all kinds of magic that gives the McDucks’ a severe scenario they’ve never faced. FOWL is the right combination to put an end to Scrooge’s adventuring because Bradford has kept a close eye on him for so many years. Bradford has seen plenty of Scrooge at his total best and worst most of all. He’s studied upon every detail of Scrooge’s life, for who knows how many years, and is finally putting all of it to use against him, where we get to see the extent of just how well Bradford can read every one of his moves. Lunaris’ intellect was simply a figurative puddle compared to what Bradford managed to accomplish with his high IQ.
The scary thing is Scrooge knows this reality himself, too. 
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That’s one of my favorite elements of Impossibin’s purpose. We get to see Scrooge seriously doubt his abilities. In episodes, like The Most Dangerous Game Night and The 87 Cents Solution, Scrooge has always prided himself in being a very sharp individual who could see every angle and any detail that others couldn’t. Bradford, on the other hand, rivals Scrooge’s thinking that puts an eerie perspective on things for the old man. Scrooge always thought to be one step ahead of the game, but then realizes that someone who’s been by his side for so very long played him like a fiddle all those years. Who’s to say Scrooge isn’t probably thinking back on stuff such as Bradford shutting down his rescue operation for Della, controlling his money usage, letting Louie hang around Bradford in The Richest Duck In The World, finalizing Gyro’s inventions, etc? Scrooge realizes he’s had a dangerous character around the family manor all those years, which makes him doubt his ability to trust himself in protecting everything that he holds importantly in life. Scrooge isn’t just thinking he’s been fooled, he’s doubting every aspect of what made him competent to begin with. Doesn’t help among this moment of self reflection Bradford is there to further rub in that harsh reality of how much he knows about Scrooge.
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This moment gave me chills because it completely put a spin upon the story’s concept. I figured that FOWL would hack Scrooge’s security system, with help from Gandra Dee’s abilities, and I’m glad it went this route, since it shows how dangerous things are this time. They’re not even safe within the confines of their own manor anymore, considering Bradford knows every nook and cranny of it. Scrooge thought only he knew the security system’s password, given its based on the amount of all money in his money bin, but Bradford covered that crucial detail, too. Bradford isn’t leaving any loose ends toward Scrooge in how he’ll go about using any little thing against him for future reference. That’s what makes the stakes higher here than compared to Lunaris’ invasion. This is a much more personal story between a clash of ideals with Adventuring vs Control. Lunaris lacked that emotional connection here Bradford is making Scrooge have to face that adds another layer of tension to this situation. Bradford wants Scrooge to know, “I have control over you. There is nothing you know that I’ve already figured out about yourself.”, and going about hacking the robotic version of himself is the best way to send home that message to him. It can also be interpreted as symbolism for Scrooge fighting his own insecurities when Bradford takes control of the robot to start attacking.
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I need you, the two most cunning individuals I know, to spot any weaknesses.
Now, Della & Louie did serve a big purpose, despite the Plot A point focusing greatly on Scrooge’s existential dilemma, for they were there to remind Scrooge of just how much of an impact his life style has had on them. Della & Louie’s teamwork together throughout the episode is a perfect way to give Scrooge a reality check reminder for how skilled they are as adventurous fighters against unknown dangers. After all, Scrooge passed on his skills to Della, who’d later pass down her intellectual skills to him, too. Again, tying into the whole theme of legacy and what not about how much family can bring out the best in each other. If it wasn’t for what Scrooge had taught them, then he wouldn’t have been saved by Louie’s defining act of being a badass, by willingly diving into the pile of money, which got hit by a gravity changing rosa rune from the robot and ended up crushing it. I wanted to see more mature Louie, so him lifting Scrooge up about how much pride he has in the family lineage was a great nod to it. That in turn, allowed Scrooge to remember why he and their family are strong together. You know, after recent events that have happened in my life, seeing legacy be explored in DuckTales Season 3 means a lot to me now more than ever.
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As for Beakly’s B Plot, in terms of how it ties into a neat bow with Scrooge’s story, shows how intense she’s getting at the notion of eventually facing FOWL again. Honestly, I’m not surprised if she’s getting flashbacks of whatever painful or traumatic events happened to her in those Agent 22 days. I mean, for God’s sake, she tells Webby to straight up incapacitate Huey, who was already so scared. Something Webby refuses to agree with as the best course of training methods to better prepare against the greater threat. Beakly’s characterization has always fascinated me with how well she guards her vulnerability, kind of like Goldie in a way, but the difference here is outta great concern for others rather than herself. My mind can’t stop thinking about this scene, as there could most likely be underlying context for why Beakly is getting so worked up over this training. It seems Beakly is carrying a tremendous weight on her shoulders, probably some heavy angst, that it looks like she wants to say, but can’t because of bigger story reasons we’ll find out later in Season 3′s final batch of episodes. Special mention to Donald Duck putting his foot down on Beakly’s very intense training session. Donald knows the trials and errors of what it means to be a parent. He was once very overly protective of Huey, Dewey, and Louie, but learned to let them experience the world for what it is and not hold them back, so I liked how it ties into Beakly’s dilemma of trying to protect Webby from FOWL’s heartless nature.
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Beakly’s plot may have not gotten much focus, but it did a very good job setting up more angst to come between her and Webby’s relationship. Things are gonna get very complicated between them when more things come to light. I’m keeping an eye on Huey’s line specifically. When he said, “The one thing we know for sure is that we trust each other, right?”, Beakly did want to bring herself to apologize of course, but I also think she was close to wanting to confess something else to Webby, too. I’m expecting this moment to be called back to when stuff hits the fan with Beakly’s past and whatever Webby’s origins are.
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Escape From the Impossibin may have unsettling stuff lurking around the corner with how FOWL managed to distract them with the security system, so they could steal away every missing mystery the family has found so far, but there’s a glimmer of light in all of that darkness. A light that is a reminder of what makes the McDuck family an unstoppable force of trust, hope, and most importantly love. Frank said that things were gonna start going into overdrive with FOWL’s battle against McDuck and he wasn’t kidding around. I’m so overjoyed were getting more episodes in November after this episode finished because that would’ve been a painful wait. Season 3 is gonna start giving things it built up a big pay off and I’m totally here for that!
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cloveroctobers · 4 years
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IG bio/info: @/s3bgl00m | 17.4k followers | i hate it here. i hate my username name too. Listen to my podcast wth my mate here...open.Spotify.com/podcast/?!.doomngloom
28 years of age
Born & raised in Liverpool, England...don’t ask if he’s met the Beatles he will completely ignore you if you do
Music shop owner in the heart of town
It’s called, “Kicking Kettles”
loves collecting vinyls, cassette tapes, & cds sorry, what did you expect?
His mother is a children’s illustrator
She’s Ashkenazi Jewish
His father is a graphic designer
And is from Nafplio, Greece
They’ve been separated for about a year now, with seb’s father living in France
His mother was skeptical on dating around while she was in a place of uncertainty in her marriage but with a deep discussion with her husband, then her children, she slowly went forward just to see what was out there & found that she wasn’t sure if she’d be open permanently with other beings
Seb was similar to his mother in many ways...
Has a older sister by 2 years named, Xenia...she’s very bossy, a busy-body, & is very vocal. The opposite of seb
she used to beat up guys just for them to turn around and ask her out on dates, a few of them tried to bully seb but Xenia was not having that ofc
very close to his family, even if things are a little off between mum & dad
I feel like he went through a buzzed hair phase & when he finally made the choice to start growing out his hair, going on 4-5 years now, everyone seemed to approve
Even if they didn’t? It be no matter, sure he’d feel a little awkward if someone he cared about didn’t like it but he was sure they would get over it OR get used to it
The hair only comes out when he’s showering or going to bed
His best friend who’s a barber (and a bit of a douche) tells him he’s got to let his hair breathe more often or he’ll have breakage, seb doesn’t think it’s that serious? He’s not sure how much longer he’ll keep the bun now anyways...
This same friend encouraged him to get a “Pompadour” haircut & seb’s never been so offended before in his life, “I wouldn’t want to look like the rest of you knob-heads.”
Anyways, he takes care of his hair the best way he knows how and it seems to work for him...some slightly expensive haircare products here and there & a trimmer & he’s good to go
When he first started growing his hair out, he felt like he needed to go to the salon to know how to manage it. After awhile he learned how to do it on his own + you save $ that way
uses his hands to talk or holds one hand in the other when having a conversation since he doesn’t know what to do with his hands exactly
He’s a chapstick kinda guy who always loses his before he can finish it (been there)
Absolutely loves Japanese food and eats it almost everyday
Japanese Mayo is the superior condiment, bill can stfu!!
probably watches anime
owns a bunch of vans, beanies, and hoodies
smokes hookah every now & then but isn’t too crazy about it
canon: catlover! I feel like he would have a Sphynx, Abyssinian, Ocicat, or oriental shorthair + was over the moon when his baby had babies !!!
He wanted to keep all 5 of the kittens but knew he probably couldn’t, at least not forever but he was going to wait until they were all at least a few months before he decided to put them up for adoption...which sucks but would ultimately be the best choice, maybe???
tried eyeliner again outside of the villa & finds pencil or pomade is better than the standard liquid liner
likes black nail polish but is slightly embarrassed to be seen out with it, it’s the same thing with the eyeliner...he’s not that confident
the guy is a huge blusher & he despises the fact that his face betrays him 80% of the time
often gets nosebleeds
loves red wine especially if it’s on a rainy day and he’s home to fully enjoy it, he feels like he’s on his grown man shit when he does so
I feel like he’d be a fan of the umbrella academy & thinks it’s way better than stranger things...him & nick have argued over this on doom n gloom!
Five is his favorite
Everything he owns is in either black, red, gray/grey, or green
His main phobia is emetophobia (fear of v*mit) & he won’t share why, that’s just what it is
Canon: he’s not a Aquarius
So wtf r ya? Nick & I would like to know plz
Virgo sun? + Taurus moon? + Pisces rising?
I feel like he’s one of those people that feels the need to bring a backpack with him everywhere and you can imagine it to be black ofc
“Who tf are you Linus? But with a backpack?” His sister often jokes (I do this with my sibs, both of them love carrying backpacks. Me on the other hand? I don’t have time for the shit)
He drives a shitty car from the 90s that’s Engine sounds as if it’s about to blow
but 100% perfers to drive his moped, Atticus around
played football (soccer) growing up to help get rid of his asthma
Cannot sleep with the tv on or any form of light around him, it has to be completely dark & quiet!
He’ll only do so if it’s with Genevieve since you know they’re trying this whole long distance thing out
Are one of those couples that will fall asleep on the phone/cpu together
Genevieve might be the, “no you hang up first” & seb will actually hang up the phone and get into bed lmao
Just for vieve to call back like?!! “I can’t believe you’ve done this!
“Well you said—
“Never mind what I said, sebz!!! It’s extremely rude...”
his last relationship before Genevieve lasted 6-8 months (there was a time when he felt like he was unsure if he was still in a couple with that person, isn’t that a shame?)
his love language is acts of service, he’ll do things for you to ease your worries out of love and not obligation so that you feel valued as his partner & I believe he wants this in return as well
I think he’s a bit of a worry wart too when it comes to certain things even if his exterior might show him trying to hide it
He was super nervous to get his first tattoo on his chest, “if words fail, music speaks” but he found that the slight pain was worth it? And quite nice! then he kept going back monthly and soon enough his arms were completely covered
mum hated it, her baby boy was becoming a man! (It’s not like he’s almost 30 but you know how moms are)
Deff has a collection of silver rings, he’s tried out necklaces but he thinks he looks better with his rings
The slit in his brow came from trying to squeeze thru the broken patio glass door with his sis as if it were some booby trap (not exactly, but a safety hazard forsure!) & a piece of glass fell from above slicing his brow and left him with 4 stitches
Secretly into watching those dating shows before and after experiencing it himself
people he enjoyed seeing on the Telly from previous seasons: jen, jake, talia, erikah, lottie, Noah, Carl, Kassam, Priya, & Hannah
AJ is his best girl friend (besides vieve) they FaceTime quite a bit & chat shit to each other on the daily
Feels like she fits in well with his friend group, which just contains his barber friend — they put up with his banter & give it right back to him but he can also be vulnerable & comfortable with those around him so that’s always a plus
It’s the same with nick, except they share a hobby together, their podcast & that’s what seb wants to keep it as, a hobby, for fun & giggles yet nick is thinking about getting paid for what they do. He thinks it’s a great idea whereas seb doesn’t want this to turn into a career/chore
He’s perfectly happy at kicking kettles
He feels strongly about his stance while nick is on both sides
They’ll figure it out, soon.
How are things outside of the villa & since the boat party? They all have a group chat that they randomly speak up in, in the beginning they would do morning and goodnight texts but that became tedious so they settled for either or. Or simply just checking in to see how each other’s days went with seb secretly being the most curious to everyone’s days
Things are awkward between him and Yasmin, he kinda avoids talking to her tbh & not because he doesn’t want to...its just yeah it’s not the same with him and aj where they can easily move forward, it feels like pulling teeth with Yasmin since they’re some what similar & it seems like she’s waiting on him to take the lead on fixing some imagined issue they have with each other? It’s weird idk
Lives in a cramped studio apartment, it works for him so he doesn’t need any inputs thank you
celeb crushes? Demi lovato, Hwasa, Amanda Seyfried, & Birgundi Angel Baker
as for music? Sleeping with sirens, pierce the veil, teagan & Sara, the pierces, panic!at the disco, all time low, twenty one pilots, x-ambassadors, awolnation, jon bellion— listen when atl dropped? Seb felt like he was reborn okay?! , Japanese breakfast, & great grandpa
Anthem = The Postal Service, “Such great heights”
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Private. Hello there I would like a spirit guide reading please -Rochelle (RS) ♉️
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Hello 👋hi 👋 (🌺Rs)Rochelle are you a 🐂 ♉?
Really ... if I guessed you correctly you are Taurus in your natal birth chart (I am an aspiring astrologist and zlso do in-depth Astrology Reports based off of your natal birth charting so please do nog hesitate to ask for That next !
Your SpiritGuide is Cressida
💎🦋Galactic-Arctic Fox🦋💎
She is a mystical interterrestrial being from a galaxy through another realm not too far away but just out of reach !
Cressida has been with you since 2018 and should remain by your side as a companion, spiritual guardian 🙏 ✨ and your synchronicity lessons for the rest of your life.
Why is Cressida with me and trying to help or heal my situation and past situations or for future situations anyways? Well.. heres an in depth description of what this particular animal spirit totem means ..
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Whats Cressida doing? How can I place her in my life and recognize her?
🦋Whether the White Arctic Fox appears in dreams, visions, waking life or synchronicities, it is a sign and message that you are to keep going, amid the test of your nature and character. Some powerful forces are working on your behalf to sort things out in a favorable outcome or way soon. Whatever you may be going through will soon pass. These tests and trials have made you stronger, and giving in is for the weak. You should realize how far you have come. You will be arriving to a place of rest and completeness soon. 🦋The Arctic Fox is a sign to trust yourself, above trusting anything or one outside of you. At least for the purpose of clarity. IN other words, it is time to pause, breathe, and receive insights from your oversoul or higher self. As a seeker of truth, you cannot allow someone or something else to dilute what you sense. Take time out to refuel so that you can come from a place of neutrality.🦋 You will need to be stubborn in a forthcoming opportunity and trust your instincts. Even if you collaborate with others, or cooperate with them, you must keep your eyes open as no one can look out for you the way that you can for yourself. In other words, watch your own back. Don’t give that responsibility entirely to others.🦋 The Arctic Fox teaches us that, we are only beings and we are all doing things to survive. Your trust is only owed to a higher source. You can cooperate with others, but the key is to look out for yourself always. Don’t just expect others to put you first. 🦋Always follow up, and if possible do things yourself when it comes to projects that require your creativity. The White Arctic Fox is a message that you want others to be better than what they are showing you. In other words, you are looking at the aspect of how a person can be and not what or who they truly are. If you are a part of a group of people who are being intentionally deceptive, it is best to clear up your acts now rather than later. 🦋The Arctic White Fox is about seeing beyond what we are shown, and hearing beyond what we are told. Your psychic senses will be heightened at this time.💎 Pay attention to what is being revealed. 🧿
⚠️This message isn't, obviously resonant with all whose paths it crosses, as perhaps you may come into contact with someone of this vernacular, mastery or skill. Therefore, it is a sign from the universe that you're meant to work with such a person. ⚠️
🦋What does She look like? 🥀
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Her fur is multidimensional and is actually the softest known material other than silk in this universe and all other universes including hidden realms..
Since she is a Galactic Arctic Fox you'll expect to see that she looks rather like a regular Arctic White Fox from our home planet Earth🌍But has different highlights and dimensions to her skin and her fur body. She has *fur tattoos* which are blue-- they represent the Element Water(do you have a lot of water 💧in your natal birth charting , I suspect you do 😉 )Her fur tattoos are like a war paint that was branded onto her when she became fully mature and with the seasons her other markings show up - each season - has a different shade of white to blue hue or even teal like transference that takes place , its quite magickal to see.
What is Cressida's personality like?
🦋Cressida has a strong, but warm and gentle but also courageous and brave personality and soul as a Galzctic Arctic Fox 💙 ❤ 💖 She conducts herself with a sense if integrity in every situation(no matter what!) 🦋Integrity is a personal trait that has strong moral principles and core values and then conducting your life with those as your guide.🦋 She has a lot of compassion for all of humanity but especially you (Rs) ♉ This character traits example feels deep sympathy and pity for the suffering and misfortune of others, and you have a desire to do something to alleviate their suffering..She sees that you may be suffering maybe and has messages for you just about to come up .. old on we need to finish her character profile (bio)
🦋Cressida is an honest Galactic fox just as much of them are but there are more certainly the few bunches who are so mischievous that they are notdared to be messed with (worse than the worst fae)
🦋She has strong reliability. This SpiritGuidr's character quality can be consistently depended upon to follow through on your/her commitments, actions, and decisions. She does what she says you she will do.🥀🌍(88% of the time)
😷She hopes you wear a mask because she is very worried and concerned about your welfare during this coronairus. Please don't fall asleep 😴 🙏 😫 😪 😩 😭yet 😴you'll miss her message for you... im going to stop talking zbout her personality there id so much lol.
What is my SpiritGuide messages?
Cressida has a numerology message she has been sending you many other synchronicity but she asks that you pay attention next for the number # 536 if you haven't seen it by now already...
Number 536 is a blend of the energies and attributes of number 5 and number 3, and the vibrations of number 6. Number 5 resonates with major life changes, making important choices and decisions, promotion and advancements, adaptability and versatility, personal freedom and individuality, life lessons learned through experience and resourcefulness. Number 3 offers assistance and encouragement, communication and enthusiasm, growth, expansion and the principles of increase, broad-minded thinking, self-expression, talent and skills. Number 3 also resonates with the energies of the Ascended Masters. Number 6 relates to love of home, family and domesticity, honesty and integrity, responsibility, compassion and empathy, finding solutions, grace and gratitude, the ability to compromise, emotional depth, provision and providing and the material aspects of life.
Angel Number 536 brings a message from your angels to maintain a positive attitude in regards to your monetary and financial circumstances as changes are taking place that will ensure that your material and monetary needs are met. Your positive affirmations, prayers and optimistic outlook have manifested opportunities to attract prosperity and abundance into your life. Trust that your Spirit Guide(s) especially Cressida.. will surround, support and guide you through these important changes.
Number 536 is a message to trust that the changes you may be going through are happening for your highest good. These changes may involve your career choices, your place of residence and/or an important relationship. Your angels support you through these changes and offer guidance and assistance to make transitions easier. Trust that these changes will have positive effects on your life and will ensure a continued supply of abundance to meet your daily wants and needs.
Number 536 encourages you to move forward with positive plans and ideas as they will prove to be most beneficial in all ways for yourself and your loved ones. 
Spiritual Messages...
Cressida wants you to be inspired, creative and most of all live out your destiny!!
🙏 Please take this advice seriously! You need to think about:
Surrounding yourself with people who reflect the character traits you want to embrace.
🦋They will inspire and motivate you to build these traits in yourself.
🦋Try to avoid people who have a weak character and make bad decisions.
🦋When you live your life being true to yourself and honest with others you manifest positive energies and desired results and outcomes. Speak your truths with gentleness and love and accept others with grace and understanding.
Monthly Message from your Spirit Guide ✨ 💛 ❤ 💖
A creak you hear in the dark could be the settling of an old house, or it could be a burglar creeping on the stairs. Loud voices you hear coming in through the windows could be your neighbors arguing, or it could be those same neighbors sharing good news. The lamp going out on your nightstand could be a sign that electricity has shut down, or it could mean you need a new bulb. There is often more than one way to interpret something, and usually there's nothing to worry about. Remember that today, Taurus, if you are tempted to follow worrisome thoughts. It's more likely there's nothing to worry about.
This is a great week(jan 11th to jan 17th) for you to finally finish one or two of those big projects you put on hold a while back. You may have thought you would never be able to get to them, but if you actually put this into your schedule and get started, you should see that it will all fall into place, and you'll get everything else done that needs to be done. This is also an ideal time to complete important conversations that were left dangling, maybe because there was no answer at the time, or because someone was being elusive about responding. You should find it easier now to get answers and receive honest reactions. Crossing all of these things off your long list will give you a great sense of satisfaction. You may even find that because of this efficiency, you will be inspired by a new idea that allows you to tap into a talent you have not used lately, and that would be a great idea. You have been very assertive in trying to attract an investor, team member, or partner for some project you want to take on. However, you are advised now to take a wait-and-see approach and be patient. What you need will materialize if you kick back a bit and let it come to you.
Thank you for meeting your Spirit Guide!! If you have any questions, concerns, or additional specific questions to ask your Spirit Guide you can always Astral travel and speak to her directly but; if you prefer that I take another independent in depth dive into your world I will 🌍🦋 🌎 I will answer up to 2 questions per ask Thanks for allowing this experience to take place, please 🙏
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Much Love😍 ❤ Divinae
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furederiko · 7 years
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"Boy! I'll put my faith into your words." Kyuranger episode 29 heralds the arrival of the show's big bad, while delivering a fatal blow to its audience's heart...
- The goal of 'Save Naga' team has to be put on hold, because a much dire problem has arisen. As shown last week, the ORION spaceship has 'returned' to the present day as a wreck, an ancient wreck. It's been sitting there for 300+ years, and nothing inside it had seemingly changed. Even Horologium Kyu Globe is still stuck on its cockpit. - Leaving behind Balance and the others as they continue looking for a way to bring Naga (who gets a special day off) back into the light, Lucky heads out solo with the Leo Voyager to check on the 'Time Travel' team. I'd argue that they should've just form Kyuren-Oh and go all together, but Naga is equally a critical issue that needs to be taken care of right away. Otherwise Echidna would reach and eliminate him first. A Kyuranger without a core member like Naga can't actually be called Kyuranger, right? - Arriving 333 years prior in the past, Lucky is greeted by two things: his friends all unconscious on the ground, and a hostile-looking mysterious man in white. Unlike Lucky, audience should have met the latter last week. But this time we finally hear him introducing himself as... Orion, the Strongest Warrior of the Orion Constellation System. He's not being hostile to Lucky though, but to a Deathworm that jumps out behind him. The Deathworm then runs away after swallowing one part of Argo Kyu Globe's component. Before you think that this scene is not important, do remember how Puppis was found in the present day... Fun fact: In case your Math is a little worse than mine, 3 + 3 + 3 equals 9. So the 333 years time jump must be a fun little nod as well. Hmmm... who would've thought Puppis was hidden on the Deathworm's body that long? - Hahaha... OF COURSE Orion - who reveals he's on Earth having just placed Tsurugi in the cold sleep - doesn't easily believe anything that comes out of Lucky's mouth. It would be delusional nonsense to him. Particularly the part about Don Armage being alive in the present day, because the warrior had just witnessed his death not long ago. Trivia: Can't believe it took me 29 episodes to realize this stupidly obvious pun: Don Armage is an anagram for the word 'Armageddon'. How could I have missed that all these time? *smh* - Lucky's statements are immediately confirmed by Tsurugi, who (along with the others) conveniently comes to his senses. Not only Don Armage is still reigning to the present time, he was also the mysterious attacker than assaulted ORION and the 'Time Travel' team. His death in the final battle, was nothing more than Past-Tsurugi and Orion's false assumption. Yes, the 'Time Travel' did mess around with the flow of time by showing up there (which resulted to the ripple effect we saw last week), but they weren't exactly responsible for the Don's revival. He was never defeated to begin with! - The same with the Vice-Shoguns. Tecchu, Akyanba, and Kukuruga... all three shows up safe and sound to ambush the ORION, eventhough Past-Tsurugi and Orion believed they have defeated them before. I wonder if there's a hidden secret for this, then? Also, these are not the ones from present time. These look different, less monstery, so they must be the originals! Gotta admit, I really much prefer this more 'natural' plain look of them. Aside from Akyanba's horrendous chest piece, of course... - Hold on... if Raptor is able to fly ORION to a safer place, does that mean the past has just been changed again? I mean, geographically-speaking, now it shouldn't be in the spot where 'Save Naga' team found it before, right? That means, the 'Time Travel' team was meant to die at that moment, but Lucky stepped in and somehow messed up the rule of nature once again. Hmmm... this is why the logic of time travel tends to be... confusing to figure out. - Goodness grace, how I LOVE seeing Orion in action. Particularly that hexagonal 'Crystal Shield' that complements his 'Crystal Club' weapon nicely. His actor imbues him with this angry, brash, roughness, but also mature heroic aura, which feels different to the youngsters (including Commander Xiao, who acts like a teenager every now and then) of Rebellion. It all fits with the mythology of Orion being the 'Great Hunter', and the unpopular theory that he might actually be a disguise of Herakles! - His 'old-man' chemistry with Leo Red is fun as well, to the point Tsurugi is calling them as quite a combination" later on. And that might not be a coincidence. After a brief disagreement between Orion and Lucky, Tsurugi has a friendly heart to heart river-side talk with the former. Yes, we finally understand why Tsurugi had that 'sudden change of heart' during the Reds Rivalry episode: because Lucky somehow lit a fire inside him! That's right, proven over and over again, Lucky does serve as the motivator of the team... - Their conversation gets more interesting, because it leads towards... Orion's newborn child. While Orion makes a detour on Earth to deal with Tsurugi, his wife has taken the child to safety in her home world. Where? The... *drumrolls* Leo System? Yep. By comparing this to Lucky's un-lucky past, then this is pretty much a confirmation to my theory (as well as that latest spoilery rumor). If you ask me, he is most definitely Orion's son. But how is Lucky NOT 333 years old then? Let's see... perhaps time travel has anything to do with that? - By the way, Over-Time might have refered to Orion's child with a male pronoun 'HE' in their subtitle, but as far as I can tell, the dialogue NEVER explicitly stated the gender. Both Orion and Tsurugi only uses the word 'Kodomo' that vaguely means 'Child'. A most likely intentional choice, to keep the reveal a surprise, so that critical audience like yours truly don't catch the twist much earlier than it should be. However, there's also the possibility that Orion himself is still unaware of the gender. That makes sense since he hasn't returned home yet. - As for the disagreement, it's about Lucky's decision to change the past, by tracking Don Armage, and ending his threat right away, once and for all. Much like Pyxis, it seems Holorogium also has a limited energy, so it can only be used one more time to get the team back to the present time. That means the team isn't allowed to do other 'sidetrips'. Anyone can say and complain as much as they want about Lucky, about him being TOO optimist in this situation (Orion even calls him STUPID, clearly being a metaphor to some audience right now... *grins*). But even I have to admit, he has a really strong and logical point here. Waiting around to heal before taking down Don Armage, means giving him a chance to recover as well. In the end, the difference in power level between the two parties would only stay the same anyway. So why not just... go for broke, right? If they succeed, then the present universe will be rid off Armage's wrath. If they don't, they die a hero and things just continue the way it mostly was. - Looks like the other Kyurangers are also thinking the same thing. They won't abandon Lucky and letting him fight on his own anyway. It's an inspiring heroic moment, until Orion steals the show once more by lending his hand. He can even singlehandedly fend off Kukuruga's attack, the proof of being the strongest man from his star system. It seems a fire is lit inside him too, as he becomes convinced after hearing Lucky's rousing speech. Aaaaw... this is the part where I wish Orion has the ability to become a Kyuranger too. - Draco Commander summons Ryutei-Oh with Aquila Pink (LOL at that stylish wing commentary) and Dorado Yellow to deal with giant Tecchu; Scorpius Orange, Taurus Black, and Phoenix Soldier tag team to face Kukuruga; and Leo Red joins forces with Orion to defeat Akyanba. As their resolutions resonate with one another, the combination of Leo Red and Orion's power begins to... unify and form a NEW POWER. What a giant tease though, because the process is halted halfway before fully resulting anything. LOL. Fun fact: The episode itself is keeping this new power a mystery, but then an official Bandai commercial for said item was aired as soon as the episode ended. Someone from either Bandai nor TV Asahi didn't get the note, huh? LOL - Only Kukuruga is left, so giant Don Armage decides to show up and enter the battle himself. The Kyurangers send an "All Star Crash!" attack, and blast him away. But if Phoenix Soldier's attack didn't work the last time, will this one, with just 7 out of 12 members do much better? NOPE. Armage reveals his true form instead, and it's a no brainer! I mean... an ugly-looking brain-infested winged-skeletal alien creature, like one would expect from a B-level horror flick (or "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle". Kraang, anyone?). And he debuts with a chilling warning shot! A bullet of darkness that pierces through Lucky's gut, paralyzing him instantly. OH NO... yet another cliffhanger!
Overall: If I didn't know anything about Kyuranger, and you came to me saying "Old-man, episode 29 is the show's penultimate!", then I think I would've believed you. In older seasons with smaller scope and lesser quality (like... Ninninger, perhaps?), this episode COULD likely serve as one. The team was already facing the show's big bad, hence the intensity and stakes involved here DID feel like a climax. But we all know that's not the case, because there's still around 19-20 episodes after this. Yep, THAT MANY! Meaning there's still more coming ahead of us, eventhough this episode alone was already a beast to unpack. If there's one issue I had with this episode, it's the whole time travel paradox thingy. Thankfully, the action and general tension totally made up for it. And of course, that shocking cliffhanger too. Holy Moly indeed... Next week: Seeing White... PS: TV-Asahi began airing special announcement by Lucky and Sentou regarding the Super Hero Time's timeslot schedule change, that will come into effect October 1st, 2017. You can also catch it online. Meanwhile, a promotional video for "Kyuranger Bluray Collection Vol. 1" has also been released. The extra feature looks real fun! Dang it, if only I have an abundant extra money to purchase one... *sigh*. And that "Special Event" DVD too! Aaaawww... T_T
Episode 29 Score: 8,4 out of 10
Visit THIS LINK to view a continuously updated listing of the Kyutama / Kyu Globes. Last Updated: September 5th, 2017 - Version 2.13. (WARNING: It might contain spoilers for future episodes)
All images are screencaptured from the series, provided by the FanSubber Over-Time. "Uchu Sentai Kyuranger" is produced by TOEI, and airs every Sunday on TV-Asahi. Credits and copyrights belong to their respective owners.
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garrettsthings · 7 years
Uchuu Sentai Kyuranger Episode 1 Review
As promised, the subs are out, so here’s my review of the first episode. I don’t know if I have more than one episode review in me, but we’ll see how much people like this review and if I have enough spare time when future episodes come out. If you like this review, please don’t hesitate in letting me know!
Anyway, our highly anticipated story begins by immediately following up on one of this season’s most ambitious promises: the scale. We get a brief scene of Earth being invaded by our villains, the Jark Matter Shogunate, but we immediately pull out to see that our little blue planet is just one of many planets in need of a saviour, and it’s left ambiguous whether or not we will ever see it again in the course of the series.
With no time to dwell, we are then taken to another planet that Jark Matter is invading, and we are introduced to three of our nine heroes: Hammy/Chamaeleon Green, Champ/Taurus Black, and Sparda/Dorado Yellow. These three are all well acted (to those of you who saw my earlier first impressions post, yes I appreciated Hammy’s actress more on a second viewing), and play off each other well with great chemistry. I would have loved to see them be the focus of the episode.
Unfortunately, tradition dictates that we need a guy dressed in red to be the leader, which brings us to our first negative of the show. Enter Lucky, another successor in the proud tradition of screaming, hot-blooded red rangers, here to assault your eardrums with his catchphrase “YOSHA LUCKY!!!” Honestly, on paper, the catchphrase sounds like such a minor thing to complain about, and really as far as catch phrases go, it’s really not that bad. Except that he says it nine times in the first episode. And he always screams it at the top of his lungs. No exceptions. Not only that, but he can also be a bit of a jerk, calling characters who don’t want to risk their lives cowards who don’t deserve to fight. Don’t worry, this attitude gets him punched later.
Now I’ve read some people comparing Lucky to Ninninger’s Takaharu, and I really don’t feel that’s a fair comparison. Takaharu’s actor (while really not a bad actor by any stretch) was clearly not at his best when trying to play up the character’s hot-blooded nature. Lucky’s actor is, and so his moments of screaming and rushing off seem less forced and generally make him an easier pill to swallow than Takaharu was. That being said, those of you who found Yamato from Zyuohger to be a breath of fresh air might be lamenting having to deal with another hyperactive leader for the next year.
Anyway, having crashed into the middle of a fight between the three Kyurangers and Jark Matter, Lucky immediately decides he wants to join their crusade against evil. The problem? Lucky doesn’t have a Kyu Tama, the magical device that allows the Kyurangers to transform. The “solution”? Lucky immediately sets out on his broken space scooter with absolutely no idea where to look or what he even need to do to earn a Kyu Tama, leaving the other Kyurangers to scramble after him before the poor sap gets himself killed.
*sigh* Only 49 more episodes of this guy to go.
Anyway, I’ll stop the plot synopsis there before this gets too long, let’s instead talk about what didn’t work. Like almost every modern Sentai before it, Kyuranger feels the need to rush everything into one episode. Spoiler alert: we get 5 Kyurangers assembled this episode, as well as a megazord fight. And while I don’t think it was as rushed as Ninninger’s premiere there was a lot to shove into twenty-five minutes. So much so that there was no sense of world-building. We know absolutely nothing about this vast universe except that Jark Matter is taking over everything and that’s bad. But the Kyurangers are here to stop them and that’s good! Oh... and there’s apparently a space-weather station on the radio. That’s all we get, we don’t learn anything about what the Kyu Tama really are or where they come from, or how the Kyuranger got the equipment to harness their power, or anything about the culture or mythology of the universe we are supposed to care about our heroes saving.
On top of that, we know even less about the villains. We know the names of two of them, Don Almage and Eridron, but not much else. We know Almage is kind of a jerk who blasts his underlings with psychic power via hologram (not sure how that works) and Eridron is kind of a jerk who... is not as high ranking as Almage which probably means he’ll try and betray him later. With Zyuohger’s premiere, we knew Ginis was a lackadaisical conqueror who clearly thirsted for some real entertainment, Naria was his stoic second-in-command, Azald was the boisterous warrior, and Kubar was the scheming intellectual. None of those are very much I grant you, but it’s still more than what we got from Jark Matter. We never even hear the names of the enemy mooks or the elite mooks, making the battlefield look like a hodgepodge. Even during the megazord fight, when an elite mook is grown to giant-size to fight Kyurenoh, he comes completely out of nowhere with no explanation for why he’s giant.
So with all of this in mind, it probably sounds like I hated this episode, doesn’t it? Was there anything good to find here?
Oh, goodness, yes.
The special effect for this season are most certainly on point. For anyone afraid that this would be an Earth-bound season that just happened to have a space-them just because, fear not. We get fights on three different planets and in space itself, and the show makes sure we know it. Not once did I look at a planet the Kyurangers were fighting on and think to myself, “this is so clearly Earth”. No, this show is about world hopping, and it makes sure you know it. Either through impressive uses of CGI (though I would have liked to see more practical effects for the zords other than Leo Voyager) or practical effects and set designs, this show will definitely be visually distinctive.
And then there’s the fight choreography. While Zyuohger’s first episode still has me wowed the most for most impressive fight scenes, Kyuranger comes in close second with some incredible looking stunts and weapons. There are some obvious stock-footage scenes of special finisher set ups, but unlike in Zyuohger, the actual execution of these attacks is integrated into the episode footage rather handily, making the fights dynamic and eye-popping.
And then there’s the megazord fight. My goodness, the megazord fight. One of my concerns with Kyurenoh’s limb swapping ability was “Okay, if you’re going to have that, then each limb should have its own ability or function so you have a reason to choose a certain formation over the others.” Short version: they do. I won’t spoil the specifics, but there is no component of Kyurenoh that does not feel useful in some way, and the mech utilizes all of them to provide a deeply satisfying, eye-catching battle. Not only that, but the mecha fight takes place on a small ice-planet/moon, giving a welcome change of scenery from the usual cities. Those who look carefully will also see a tiny research facility on the planet, adding yet another impressive detail and adding a nice sense of scale to the fight.
And a final note: while I did criticize the show for rushing things, I do want to point out that, in a show where the selling point was nine rangers, it could have been much worse. Instead we get Lucky, Garu, Champ, Hammy, and Sparda joining the team this episode, with Raptor serving as mission control and Balance and Naga making a cameo at the end. Stinger didn’t even show up and while he is one of my most anticipated characters this season, I appreciated the show of restraint.
Overall, I complain a lot, but this really was a good episode all things considered. I’ve come to expect that the first episode of a modern Super Sentai be a half-hour toy commercial at this point, and as far as those toy commercials go, this one was pretty good. The second episode is usually the one that introduces the plot, so it will be the best judge of whether or not we have a good show on our hands. As it stands now though, I have no reason not to tune in next week to find out.
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💕February Horoscopes💕
BDRP Task: Write twelve horoscopes, either for your own characters or others! You can use either Western or Chinese astrology for this task. 🔮✨
Release/Warning: In no way, shape, OR form am I an Astrologer/Psychic or have any idea about anything via the Zodiac! I just did a lot of research and it took me way longer than I thought since I’m literally posting this at the end of the month instead of the beginning like it’s supposed to be lmao. 
♈️ Aries: Oh the dear young babies of the zodiac, you’ve been more social than normal. You’ve become more self aware as to who you are as a person which has helped you to grow and want to be around people more. You also are having more hope and faith as to what the future is going to bring, which is a heavy feat to have so thank you Aries for being optimistic for the rest of us! With your Venus being in the 12th house this means you’re going to be feeling forgiving and selfless. Like I said, you’re going to feel more open to being social so with these two things paired maybe, Aries, you’re going to forgive someone in your life and allow them back in. I encourage you to socialize, Aries, because right now you’re going to be making new friends and it will be a lot of fun.  Also, if you’re feeling creative your ideas and hidden talents will come out, so create! But watch out for Mercury going into retrograde toward the middle of the month, this may make communication hard and create unwanted mishaps.
♉️ Taurus: As we all know it’s Pisces season, Taurus, this means that we’re all going to be in tune with our spirituality and you may feel a lot more powerful psychically than normal. Don’t dismiss this feeling! You will be seeing signs this month that mean something for you. There are no coincidences. Pay attention to signs and dreams, okay? Try writing them down or telling someone about them in order to remember them better and more accurately for later. Also, Taurus, a passion or talent you’ve had in the past will return to you this month. Do with it what you will, but maybe think about getting back into it, hmm?
♊️ Gemini: You are naturally a writer and communicator, and you need to communicate with yourself and express who you are. Hear me when I say this, Gemini, at this time anything that you put out or publish with a talent, if you have some sort of way to express yourself creatively then get it out there then some sort of wish of yours is going to come true. You will get recognition and success! You just have to try! Now, you might have some sort of relationship or person trying to hold you back from this success because they either want to impact you negatively or they’re just scared of letting you go in fear of you getting too far away from them. This could be an issue for you, so while I do encourage you to put your talents out there watch out for someone holding on too tightly, Gemini.
♋️ Cancer: This month, Cancer, know your own worth! A lot of people have been challenging you this year, but this was a character building experience not a sign that you need to doubt yourself. You have been focused, and motivated to succeed, and this will pay off for you! This month you will be given many options and you will be unsure of what this decision will be, you will be even more confused due to the amount of choices you have been given. You are going to have a lot of mental confusion due to Mercury being in retrograde so make sure you give yourself a break please! Cancer, you may feel like you need to keep moving forwards, but treat yourself. Just chill out and don't over work yourself otherwise your frustrations will only make it worse for you. 
♌️ Leo: You might feel like you’re being unfairly judged because you live your life a different way, you feel misunderstood. You’re really connected to animals right now, during Pisces season we’re all getting in touch with our spirituality, and you’re going to connect with the animals in your life or are seeing signs through animals you may be seeing on a day to day bases. If you’re seeing an animal over and over again, look it up! The universe might be trying to tell you something. There is also going to be a big change in your life this month, Leo. Make the change! It will bring you great things, even if you have some doubts or people have been telling you not to do this, try taking it anyways. Your success will come from this, don’t let your fear of getting out of your comfort zone stop you from being happy, Leo.
♍️ Virgo: You will be self aware, have had revelations, and will be happy and invigorated with these revelations. Virgo, you are going to have some sort of beneficial partnership in your life that brings a lot of wealth and joy, a wish will come true in this month for you. A meaningful relationship will enter your life, or if you’re already in a relationship and have tight friendships, something will happen to strengthen this friendship. Expect someone to come into your life who channels something for your spirituality, and a message will be received through this person. But watch out, dear Virgos, there could be some sort of unhealthy sort of competition toward you or an unhealthy fight. There is some sort of unhealthy dynamic, an unhealthy attachment, or you might even realize it is yourself that is acting toxic toward the people around you. This will challenge your newly found self worth, so stay strong Virgo and know your worth. You don't need this relationship or hate to keep you moving forward.
♎️ Libra: My Libras, I know you’ve been feeling very alone and misunderstood and you might have a lingering feeling of loneliness. Maybe there is some conflict in your relationships or you're trying to ignore toxic behavior from other people. This is not a sign to sequester yourself or to stay in these unhappy feelings! You are being pushed to stand up for yourself and to stop being apart of these unhealthy relationships that you have been quiet in. You need to understand that these relationships are harmful to you, this is the time when you need to assert healthy boundaries, it’s time for you to speak your truth. We all know that you like to keep the peace, but you forget yourself, too. Luckily, Libra, you are also going to feel a turn around in your life. Either school or work or some part of your life is going to feel fun for you whether that’s a new class you enjoy or finally getting a job that you actually like. 
♏️ Scorpio: This is a time when you guys will have love offers or a love interest, a time when love will be very important to you, or you will strengthen a relationship you have. You're going to be a lot more emotional than normal, because Venus will be in your 5th house. Now Scorpio I know you're feeling some sort of dissatisfaction at work or school and it's completely normal! You're getting clarity in your life as to what is important to you, is the work your doing what you still want to be doing, is work more important than your relationships right now. It’s giving you a better picture on what you need to be doing in order to make yourself happy and fulfilled. You might be experiencing some setbacks and failures in your life and I know for my Scorpios this may seem hard and like you're moving backwards, but that’s alright. Take a break, do something fun, and come back to what you're working on when you’ve laughed a little bit. This may give you the opportunity you need for a new idea that will lead you into success.
♐️ Sagittarius: You should be having an extra boost in confidence this month, believing in who you are and what you are doing. Watch out though, some challenges will come up for you. You are wanting to prove yourself and to fight for what you’re doing. Your belief in yourself may have been challenged recently by someone, a co-worker or teammate or a peer of some kind, and so your ego has been challenged by other people. This has allowed you to level up in life by pushing you to do better because you had something to prove. You’re going to be productive and disciplined due to these challenges this month. Just remember that other people don’t have as much stake in their claims about you as YOU do, Sagittarius. Be kind to yourself, you’re doing great. 
♓️ You have been making changes that have really helped how you feel about yourself and your health. You’ve done something that have brought you some sort of peace. Maybe you decluttered (thank you, Marie Kondo), or got rid of someone in your life that was bringing you down, maybe you’ve added exercise or are on a different medication, or have given up on an old habit. Whatever it was, Capricorn, you made the right decision because you are healthier and I know it hasn’t been the easiest time for you, and because you’ve decided to fix your life, you’re feeling a lot more positive! Because it’s Pisces season, we’re getting forced to get in touch with our spiritual side and in order for you to get there you’re going to have to go through some sort of perception change. Maybe its how you see yourself through a struggle or change you went through, or a physical change due to moving. Know that you’re on the right path. Don’t worry. Take care of yourself! You might feel a little down and doubting yourself and your worth, it’s okay. If you're comparing yourself to others and doubting who you are, going trough this internal struggle, listen to me: YOU ARE WORTH IT. YOU ARE TALENTED! And don’t forget it. 
♒️Aquarius: Right now maybe you feel more comfortable helping other people than you do yourself because you don't know what you want so you're trying to focus on others. You're confused about what you want and don't see your own talents. You’re letting other people tell you what you're worth. You're feeling like you have to swallow your own needs, you've been way too flexible with putting other people before yourself. You're having a hard time thinking about what you want for your future. You've been doubting your own creativity and talents but there's no reason for you to doubt yourself. Keep developing your creativity! Because you're finally going to be able to find the thing you enjoy and find the path you want to take. Aquarius, keep in mind that you are worthy of love and people’s time. You don’t need to put yourself down in order to make other feel better. This month you’re going to feel like other people need you, and while maybe they do, you need to think about yourself, too. 
♓️Pisces: You are going to be reunited with a friend this month. Some sort of reunion or socialization because the Sun is in Aquarius in your 12th house, Pisces. Maybe you've felt like relationships haven't been working out but this is going to change this month! You’re getting a resurgence of your social life! You've been working so hard with your nose to the grind that you've been neglecting yourself, so you're going to feel a little more drained than normal. Listen to your body and take a rest when you need it. Take a break, have fun, Pisces. With these friends you’re going to be connecting with, even. You are going to reconnect with people who you relate to and who will heal you. Some of you might not have the courage to put yourself out there and to get recognition or to try something new, maybe there's not a lot of courage there, and I understand that, but right now you can do whatever you want you just have to trust yourself and go after it! 
0 notes
fashiontrendin-blog · 6 years
What the Zodiac Says About Your Family Dynamic
What the Zodiac Says About Your Family Dynamic
Astrology is but one small block in the massive Jenga tower of family dynamics, but let’s poke it loose anyway — just for fun. It’s the holidays! With respect to our post-nuclear-family landscape, I don’t presume to know anything about your domestic life, but for our purposes, your “family” can be any group of people with whom you feel safe and loved. It can be your little brother and single mom, the funky cousins who only come around once a year, the group of ladies that you get drinks with every Friday night or your significant other. I’m not here to judge your familial crews; I’m just here to interpret what random star patterns might say about your place in them. So grab some eggnog and your sun sign and join me below for a reading of your family role.
It’s probably fairly easy to spot the Aries in your family. They’re the ones who get super-competitive during the innocent tradition of New Year’s Eve charades or come to the annual reunion with a fully rehearsed skit. This is the cousin that’s always Instagramming new tattoos or the older sibling who tries to persuade you to go skydiving.
Aries is a striking, daring sign that isn’t afraid to be the center of attention. These people will say how they feel in any situation — and that includes family dinners, get-togethers and group outings. This brash nature can rub people the wrong way sometimes. But Aries is also a fiercely loving and generous sign. You can always count on the Aries in your family to take risks for you and support you through big decisions. They’ll let you crash on their sofas anytime — just be prepared for frequent pep talks and soliloquies along the way.
As a typical earth sign, Taurus needs structure and routine on a regular basis. But Taurus is unique in that this sign also exercises daily creativity. You probably go to a Taurus’ house every year for Thanksgiving because the meals are consistently excellent — and there’s always an extra surprise dish waiting for your approval.
Taurus often gets the reputation of materialism. In reality, Taurus simply values comfort and luxury. Their homes are always impeccably decorated; their holiday parties have perfectly curated gift bags; the presentation of the buffet table would make Chopped judges cry. Taurus revels in sharing this lifestyle with the people they love, and so they play the role of host with unmatchable grace.
Gemini is the stereotypical fun-loving, rule-breaking family member. This is your parent’s sibling who gave you chocolate donuts for breakfast when you weren’t supposed to have sugar. This is the aunt who wears all black and travels the world, bringing you unexpected and exotic gifts on your birthday.
Geminis are highly social, attentive and energetic. Gemini is the most restless air sign, which means that both their minds and their bodies are constantly in motion. They’re always spearheading the conversations as well as the weekend outings, so don’t let this sign’s flighty reputation fool you. Chances are, the Gemini is the person blowing up your family group chat — and they’re always the one who follows through on the wildest and best plans.
Cancer is the classic “mom” of the zodiac — they’re protective, supportive and highly expressive. If you’re blessed enough to have an actual Cancer parent, whether mother or father, you probably lived in the designated playdate house among your friends. If you have a Cancer in your friend group, they probably have the coziest, most welcoming apartment for movie nights.
Cancer is the sign that will care for you and look out for you, no matter what. They will text you after an exam to ask how it went, and they’ll offer to role-play with you to practice for a big date. If that sounds weird, Cancers are kind of weird. But they’re mature and sentimental and everything you want a family member to be, too.
Leos are strong, willful and impossibly proud. This is the family member to go to if you need someone on your side — whether you’re fighting with a sibling, trying to persuade your mom to let you go to a party, or still waiting on your friend to fulfill a Venmo request. If you manage to convince a Leo of your position, you have an ally for life. They stand their ground, and they’re not afraid of a debate.
This sign is also extremely affectionate. Leos enjoy displaying their affection in tangible ways — and while they don’t necessarily expect anything material in return, they do expect gratitude and appreciation. They feel threatened by apathy. So if you’re near a Leo this holiday season, make sure to smile extra wide when you open their present; it’ll make all the difference.
I once described the Virgo in my friend group as “the glue that holds us together.” Four years later, it’s still completely true: Virgos are the voices of reason for many families and group dynamics. They’re the ones who will step in and mediate when you’re having a ridiculous argument about travel plans or where to eat — they’re known for their reliability and tranquility in the face of stress.
That being said, earth signs value ambition and drive, so don’t be surprised if your Virgo parent is always asking about that “upcoming promotion” or if your Virgo sibling is a straight-A’s shut-in. While those are stereotypical readings of the Virgo sign, it’s true that these people are usually meticulous, organized perfectionists. They hate useless squabbles, but they’re happy to squabble for a noble cause.
If your holiday season is typically tinged with family stress, I’d be surprised if you have a Libra in your group, as Libras are unnaturally gifted conversationalists. They are excellent at diffusing tense situations, and their optimistic outlook tends to saturate any social gathering. Unlike Virgos, Libras won’t try to face the problem head-on, mediating a situation through rational discussion; rather, they’ll distract the group with board games or memes or a particularly charming anecdote. Libras work efficiently and subtly to barter peace.
Occasionally, a Libra will come off as a try-hard. But that’s just because they hate confrontation and love to feel loved. With a Libra in your group, you’ll have access to a gym buddy, a style consultant, a person who remembers to bring your favorite wine every time they come over — and if that’s what a notorious try-hard brings to the table, who would refuse?
The Scorpio vibe is very much “the sibling who’s barely left their room in months and it’s becoming vaguely worrisome.” This sign can be a little angsty, intimidating or difficult to talk to. But at its core, Scorpio is a water sign that values and seeks human connection. Water signs are famously sensitive and family-oriented; Scorpios in particular possess an extremely acute intuition and can easily detect insecurities in other people.
Scorpios are contradictory in nature; while they can be highly selfish, they’re also sympathetic. This can manifest as martyrdom, particularly in familial structures. They’re very sensitive to tension and may have difficulty vocalizing their emotions to their parents (as children) or to their children (as parents). However, they’re extremely honest and spontaneous people, so be careful not to fill a Scorpio with too many secrets before they serve the wine at your family dinner party.
Everyone has that family member who plans sporadic trips, builds forts for the kids’ sleepovers and always tells the best jokes — the family member who starts the party but is occasionally the reason why it ends, too. This is the essence of a Sagittarius. They usually don’t know their own power. Sagittarius is an outgoing, charismatic sign with an undeniable streak of recklessness.
Sagittarians are independent and adventurous from the get-go. If you have an archer sibling, like I do, then you may remember that they tried to run away as a child for no particular reason. Or perhaps they threw raucous parties while your parents were away but never seemed to suffer any consequences. This confidence, this lust for life, lends itself to the Sagittarian magnetism. They’re always the life of the party — even if the party is at your grandma’s house.
I can imagine that having a Capricorn in your household is a little like living inside of Jay Gatsby’s head. The decor is purposeful and pristine; even your parties are carefully mapped out so as to achieve a specific goal. Capricorns are hard-working, self-sufficient individuals who have a plan. I don’t know what the plan is or what it’s for — does anybody, really? — but I know that they have one.
This is why Capricorns make excellent caretakers. They’ll pour their whole heart into making sure you feel loved and safe. They’ll do anything to make sure you succeed. This is true whether you have a Capricorn for a parent, best friend or wise neighbor whom you go to for advice. A Capricorn will listen carefully and help you map a plan of attack. They’ll make sure that both your coffee and your morals are strong.
If you want to understand the Aquarius’ role in a family, look no further than the hero of the holiday classic Home Alone. We can debate this movie’s true intended audience until the McCallisters come home (it seems a little gory for children, no?) but Kevin’s Aquarian spirit is undeniable. First, he’s a little strange. Second, he embraces his independence from a very young age. Third, and most importantly, he’s ingenious.
An Aquarius may find themselves misunderstood within their own family dynamic, acting as a sort of outlier — perhaps not to the extent that their parents will forget them while going on vacation (twice), but an outlier all the same. Aquarius is the sign that embraces individualism and uniqueness more than any other in the zodiac. As with Kevin, this is what affords Aquarians their resourceful, inspired nature; he may be the family loner, but that’s what makes him an icon.
Aquarius may be famously unique, but Pisces is the true eccentric of the zodiac, adorned with a deeply compassionate, understanding soul. The Pisces in your group is the person who gives you a crystal to help you ward off negative energy, or makes extremely accurate Netflix recommendations. More than anything else, Pisces is a perceptive sign. Even if your Luna Lovegood-type cousin only comes to your house once a year, she probably knows you better than you may feel comfortable with. That’s how they’re such excellent gift-givers.
Water signs, and Pisces in particular, can usually be counted on for a sympathetic ear. If you need to rant or unload — but don’t necessarily want advice — a Pisces is your best bet. They have advice, sure, and it’s probably really good, but they’d never insert themselves into your life without your explicit permission. They often prefer to remain on the outskirts, calmly observing and absorbing the emotions.
Illustrations by Allison Filice. 
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furederiko · 7 years
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It's the first post of MAY 2017! Yipeee... And it's about an '11 in 1' set, which is the highlight of Kyuranger episode 12!
- If you think Lucky was just having a bad day last week, well, it gets worse. The Rebellion needs to analyze Ikagen's weakness, so a replay of his battle with the Squid Assassin is necessary. Basically, everyone is shoving that defeat to his face! Poor guy. This is a great scene though, because it's a bit rare to see Super Sentai heroes trying to come up with a solution by figuring things out together from battle footage. In many cases in the past, things were mostly solved conveniently on the fly. - As if acknowledging his bad luck isn't enough, Lucky's luck continues to run out. Even Kyulette rejects him! I don't know about you, but seeing a guy who is usually cheerful and couldn't care less about the world gets all so gloomy, is... infectiously depressing and sad. This marks the first time in the season that a Red member is not officially part of the away team. Yes, Hammy, you've totally read our mind. In fact, none of the center positions (Commander Xiao being the other one) are, which is interesting. I wonder what would happen if they ever require a mecha fight? Anyway, Stinger is leading Garu, Hammy, Balance and Naga this time, with the sole mission: to test their theory about Ikagen. That's all. - I've suspected that Ikagen's invicibility is caused by a hidden powerful macguffin that he placed his crowd. Perhaps a Kyu Globe? Apparently, that's not the case, because there was never anything like it that granted him the skill of foresighting enemy's movements. Nope, turns out, MANY parts of his body act as some kind of sensor that would react to others. Think of it like... Spider-Man and his Spider-Sense. That's how he's able to predict attacks and does that cool "The Matrix" move. Definitely not psychic. What's fascinating about this reveal however, is the use of #16 Serpens Kyu Globe to check Ikagen's reactions. This is one of the easy reason why this season is nothing but fantastic. It's these little decisions that flip audience's mind, because they come unexpected in a smart way, but also not feel forced at the same time. I mean, who would've thought that out of 88 constellations, an unorthodox one like Serpens would come handy as solution to the current situation, right? I certainly didn't see it coming. Beside, Ophiucus Silver being assigned to use this particular Skill Kyu Globe, is also a nice touch. In case you're forgeting, in the mythology, Ophiucus IS a Serpent-Bearer/Tamer. XD. - Clearly, Ikagen is not an enemy that can be dealt with singlehandedly. Which by the way, was Xiao's mistake in the past, that caused the life of his boss Big Bear. He needs to be attacked from all 11 directions, so the Kyulette conveniently debuts the #SP Kyuranger Kyu Globe. This means, similar to when they dealt with Eridrone, everyone must participate the fight. That is, everyone except Lucky, who surprisingly refuses to join them. He argues that he's not fit to be a Kyuranger anymore, thinking he only became one because of luck. Aaaaw... someone is getting the wrong idea here! People might have complained about him being loud and rambunctious, but for me, this gloomy sulking (and dumb) version is much more annoying. This forces Xiao to have a nice SERIOUS pep-talk about Lucky's true strength of positivite thinking. Heck, even Garu is compelled to knock some senses out of the guy, calling him out to take responsibility for getting him onboard in the first place. NICE one guys, he deserves a wake-up slap IMO. But does everyone else need to watch this drama from the monitor? *sigh* - Thankfully though, we are able to get an extended glimpse of Lucky's not-so-lucky and instead painful past because of this. Which sounds a bit like the backstory of Superman, by the way! Not to mention, Lucky might NOT be his real name, because that's just the way he wants to see himself while growing up in Planet Luth. This is... intriguing, and I'm certain this is going to play out into something bigger in the future. Who knows, perhaps the show is going to have a 'Darth Vader'-esque reveal, considering all these time Lucky serves as some sort of mirror to Luke Skywalker? I initially thought they are going to pull this twist with Stinger's brother, but the ending of this episode already debunks that theory. You'll see why... - Anyways, all Kyurangers minus Leo Red joins forces to take on Ikagen. As Ikagen later remarks, 10 against 1 DOES feel a bit unfair. But on the other hand, it signifies that Ikagen is definitely a powerful enemy. See? He's not even budging, because he has more than just 10 'eyes'. Cue Lucky, who slowly gains back his confidence thanks to his friends' trust, to show up and save the day. In an unexpected CLEVER way too! By using the Gemini Kyu Globe to create numerous clones of himself! An act that easily overwhelms Ikagen and catches him off guard. Sure, this scene must be annoying to some audience. I mean, one is loud enough for them, and now there's an army of him (I count there's at least 128 of them. Yikes!!!). But the most important thing is, it WORKS. Brilliant move! Now that Ikagen is blind, he can be taken down far easily. - And so we have our first 11 Kyurangers transformation scene! Aaaaw, what a sight. What a glorious scene. Those colors simply look amazing, albeit the extended length of the roll call. LOL. And the action sequence that follows is well thought-out too. We have one team (Draco Commander, Libra Gold, Aquila Pink, and Ophiucus Silver... who feels a little out of place because he's using a Sickle LOL) using long-ranged attack, the second (Lupus Blue, Taurus Black, Chamaleon Green, Dorado Yellow) strikes with melee hits, the third unit (Ursa Minor Skyblue, and big bro Scorpius Orange) proceeds with their signature whip-like weapons, and finally, Leo Red tops it off by bringing Ikagen to the epicentrum. "Kyuranger All Star Crash!", wicked group finisher! Of course, the fact that it requires all members to deal with each Menaster, leads us to two possible concerning truth: Either this year's villains are galactic-level super powered beings, or... the Kyurangers have the weakest solo members in Super Sentai history! LOL. - It might be the first option though, because as soon as Ikagen grows giant, the Kyurangers are once again outdone. To think that our heroes are already using both Kyuren-Oh and Ryutei-Oh, with the three remaining Voyagers (Libra, Ophiucus, and Aquila) serving as support! Ikagen's dark acid rain even renders them down. Then again, thanks to last week's preview, we already know the solution. Yes, by combining the two mechas in "Super Say the Docking", to debut the 8-Voyagers combination RYUTEI KYUREN-OH. Don't be fooled by its mighty appearance though, because I don't think it's that impressive. Especially if you compare it to past intricate combinations like Engine-Oh G9 or even Wild Tousai King). Ryutei-Oh practically only docks on Kyuren-Oh's back to form some kind of blaster unit, and don't forget there are other Voyagers being left out. This one is NOT exactly a full-team combination. The much bigger and complete one is undoubtedly being saved for the show's later half, anyway... LOL. - "All Star Scramble Break! Super Galaxy!". Ikagen is no more. And Puppis Kyu Globe has been retrieved. Now the team only needs to locate two more. Lucky is back to his usual cheerful self as well, and I gotta admit, it does make me smile. But no time to rest, because Madako is still at large. And she's heralding the arrival of the next major antagonist to Earth: Scorpio. Yes, despite the new scary look, it's the one and only. He even mentions Stinger's name specifically... Ouch! I absolutely didn't expect to see him showing up this early in the game. Looks like a bro-brawl between the Scorpius System Menaster and his lil bro is coming much sooner that I thought... - Speaking of lil bro, Kotarou is FINALLY taking the spotlight in the ending dance (with Hammy this time)!!!!! YAAAY! All scenes, as well as that circular shot, now consists of 11 Kyurangers now! Looks hectic, but awesome because nobody's left out. LOL. Hold on... that's NOT the only change happening in this new version. They've also altered the choreography a bit! Now that's interesting, because it was still the same until last week. Seriously, go ahead and check. Does this update take place due to the complain that the first version was considered inappropriate? Or because it's just meant to be that way? Hmmm... Oh well, at least it's a good change, even if a bit awkward.
Overall: Thanks to episode 11 doing the heavylifting, things got off easier this week. If anything, what made this episode better, is that it felt focused. The team nailed their mission to eliminate Ikagen, and Lucky gained some boost of confidence about himself through Xiao and Garu. It's good-ol teamwork! I admit, these part DID feel predictable, but the writers still managed to somehow surprise us through the minor details. So eventhough not the best, it was certainly one of the better episodes so far. I'm still holding out on the concern that the plot might be moving too fast, but let's just wait and observe how it develops. Perhaps there are indeed much bigger plans in store. Oh, and one more thing. Some might say that having 11 Kyurangers felt a little overwhelming, and they did make a good point. But I disagree. As long as it served a purpose, I certainly don't mind such large cast. In fact, we're getting diversity of race (these guys originated from various kinds of planets after all), gender (remember, the mechanical beings should be considered genderless), and also age (from the youngest in Kotarou to the eldest in Xiao). That's always a wonderful thing for me. Beside, the color combination alone is too glorious to dismiss. Am I right? LOL... Next week: Zombie Attack? Hammy takes center stage, while Stinger and Champ deals with their past.
Episode 12 Score: 8,1 out of 10
Visit THIS LINK to view a continuously updated listing of the Kyutama / Kyu Globes. Last Updated: May 1st, 2017 - Version 18. (WARNING: It might contain spoilers for future episodes)
All images are screencaptured from the series, provided by the FanSubber Over-Time. "Uchu Sentai Kyuranger" is produced by TOEI, and airs every Sunday on TV-Asahi. Credits and copyrights belong to their respective owners.
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furederiko · 7 years
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Beware the sting of the Scorpion! This recap-view for Kyuranger's 3rd episode, also marks the end of February...
- Before I start, I need to state one important thing first! It just occured to me after watching episode 2 again... this show also feels like a Super Sentai version of "One Piece"! Not just from the theme of adventure from one place to another (in this case planets, instead of islands), but through its characters as well. Lucky might have had his name derived from Luke Skywalker, but it could also be a simple reference to Luffy. How could I have missed that? Spada the fighting chef is basically Sanji. Witty Hammy might feel similar to... Nami. Balance's personality is a mixture of Usopp's goofball and Brook's dandyness, while Naga Rei is a blend of Robin's silence and Chopper's naivety. Big robot Champ is basically a bull version of Franky. Hot-blooded Garu is... Zoro, and not just because they sound the same (duh?). And many other similarities. I might be overthinking this, but "One Piece" is being produced by TOEI Animation, and is still hugely popular. So it makes sense right? Okay, now that that's out of the way, carry on... - We get to see a glimpse of Champ's backstory in this episode. YAY! And hey, did Champ (who is a robot, unlike Balance, so he claims) just... dream? Wow, this bit easily reminds me of Zane from "The LEGO Ninjago" series. It also helps that Professor Anton (Tsuyoshi Ujiki), his creator even looks similar to Dr. Julien! His whole 'being in Robot Wrestling Championship' also reminds me of "Real Steel". I also just realized that Champ couldn't wear his Rebellion jacket properly due to his body size, hence why he hangs it on his right shoulder. On a side note, are the Kyurangers playing... pool? WOW. That's another ball reference! - Commander Xiao Long Bao debuts! He's obviously a Dragon, a Purple one, and I'm really digging his design. If you think we already have too many goofballs in form of Lucky, Balance, and Naga (basically due to him parroting other's expression), then you might need to bite your tongue. Don't expect a stern figure like Doggie Kruger of "Tokusou Sentai Dekaranger", or a wise compassionate one like Torin of "Zyuden Sentai Kyoryuger", because Commander Xiao is easygoing, carefree, and well... can't seem to take things uhm, seriously. His cheesy/corny pun-tastic gags easily reminds me of Nariya Ookido (Samson Oak) from the new season of "Pocket Monsters"! At least Xiao's hillarious though (seriously, I'm chuckling like crazy with everything he does), and not annoying like Nariya. His voice actor Hiroshi Kamiya (the voice of Trafalgar Law in "One Piece", and Takashi Natsume in "Natsume Yuujinchou") sounds 'different' here. Which is a pleasant surprise, considering it's rather RARE to hear him sounding gruff and un-ikemen-like. At first sight, that is, because his natural voice does become familiarly recognizable after a while. - However, his personality and constant teasing to Raptor isn't the utmost important thing regarding this debut. Why? Two reasons. First, I might be mistaken, but it seems Raptor's the only one who has known him. I mean, even the first three members Hammy, Champ, and Spada looks at him like a stranger. Second, because our Commander shows up by bringing loads of Auxiliaries Kyu Globes... all at once! I count there are 13 of them at the table. WOW!!!! I know there are at least 45 of these collectibles confirmed so far (because... I have the list, duh?), and it could go on towards 48 if the show's following Ptolemy's Constellations instead of the 88 modern ones. But do they have to reveal so many at the same time? What's wrong with obtaining them one by one? At least, I thought the show is going to do that *sigh* - By the way, as suspected, we get an update for the Opening Sequence once more. It contains a 7-members transformation scene now. Although... the way Libra Gold and Ophiucus Silver are standing with a little distance from the others looks rather... awkward. I get that the empty space is meant to be occupied with the remaining two members, but it still looks odd. With what's happening in this episode, looks like we're going to get the full version after 5 episodes. - This week's destination is Planet Needle, a so-called desert planet. And it's about to go even dry soon (in just three hours!), because apparently, the planet is in danger thanks to Jark Matter draining on its Planetium, its vital energy source. This is accomplished through a special spaceship called Moraimarz. Sounds like a plot from Netflix's "Voltron Legendary Defender", right? To be honest, when I heard the phrase 'desert planet', I sort of expected something like... Tatooine, perhaps? Alas that's not the case, because obviously Japan doesn't have the kind of natural open-space setting to pull this off practically. It still acts as the inspiration for the new character's clothing choice though. - Aaah, yes, we have another new character, and it's Stinger (Yousuke Kishi)! Eventhough he has actually showed up on the closing scene last week, parading around that odd-looking pendulum. LOL. I wonder why he debuts alongside Commander Xiao? Could they be... linked somehow? Hmmm. Anyway, true to his namesake, Stinger has crazy... stinger! I've read about this ability before, but I never expected that it would be this cool. It is used as an offensive poison-inducing weapon, and I really love how it's conveniently serving as some kind of whip too. Particularly when it is used to strangle Champ during their duel! - Yes, intriguingly, Stinger is linked with Champ's backstory! This has got to be a red-herring, but for now he's being regarded as the man behind Prof. Anton's death. The twist of the day, is that he's already a Kyuranger, and even has his own Constellation Blaster! #2 The Poison Star Scorpio Orange debuts, but not on the same side. Yep, only episode 3 and we already have an anti-hero on the loose! One that even takes down 5 Kyurangers without breaking a sweat. - This is a wonderful development, because it signifies that Stinger could very well be the first Kyuranger ever, even before Raptor joins the team. Commander Xiao must have known him already too. Hence why he's evading all sense of urgency. In fact, I have an inkling feeling that Stinger is acting as some kind of... spy/undercover agent. A ruse to get him close enough to Eridron. Proof? The poison he had struck to the Kyurangers, wears off on its own, which means, it's never lethal! Not just that, the way he treats the Malistrate Moretsuyo-Indaver strikes me as odd. Sure, he does attack him because he hates to be interfered, but he might have said that as an excuse to fight alongside Leo Red. - Just like Garu, Champ is in this not just to protect the universe, but also for revenge. Which is why they get along nicely. This is where a naive character like Lucky organically comes into play. His pure sense of justice doesn't want Champ to have a grudge against Stinger, because both are Kyurangers. After all, they need ALL NINE to form a complete set, right? It would be wrong if one member is working with Jark Matter. Beside, his easy logic says that a bad guy wouldn't be able to awaken a Kyu Globe, which is a very valid reason, IMHO. I just hope this doesn't mean that Champ's story will be resolved very quickly. - Interestingly, Champ, Stinger, and Lucky are all zodiac-based Kyurangers, right? (Taurus, Scorpio, and Leo). Speaking of zodiac, Gemini Kyu Globe (Futago/Twins) becomes the first Auxiliary Globe used in the show. Obviously, it is used to create a twin/clone, and so we have two Leo Reds now! Raptor herself delivers this item for Lucky to use. Wait, if she's on the ground (and clearly enjoying the fight), who's piloting the Orion? Balance! After all, controlling other machine is his ability. And see? The other members have recovered easily as well. - I can't explain the reason why Scorpio Orange summons his Scorpio Voyager to stop Leo Red, but highly likely it's a fan-service to Super Sentai mecha fans. Yep, while Kyuren-Oh is duking it out with the Moraimarz (the spaceship has a robo form!), we're getting a parallel fight between the orange and black Voyagers as well. Poor Chamaeleon Green gets her Chamaeleon Voyager position-swapped by the more offensive Ophiucus Silver though. That's twice in a row! LOL. As for Dorado Yellow? We get to see his Voyager's finisher instead. "Kyuren-Oh! Meteor Break! Super Galaxy!". - In the end, angsty Stinger is NOT part of the team yet. Worse, he's officially working with Eridron now. Thus his silhoutte becomes Dark instead. Will Lucky be able to win him over as friend? Or will Champ's words be proven, that he's a foe? Friend or Foe, that is the question. Oh and one more thing, the ending dance only adds Xiao Long Bao, with Spada (who's having a blast with the choreo!) and Hammy taking the spotlight. Guess we shouldn't expect Stinger in it until he's officially part of the team, eh?
Overall: I knew it! I've suspected that Stinger would easily steal my attention when I first saw him, and he did. But that's not all. He's vying Balance's place to be my favorite character of the show, giving the mechanical lifeform a run for his money. I really liked Stinger's anti-hero debut, as well as Champ's backstory. Unfortunately, the latter is also the reason why I'm not giving this episode a higher score. Right now I'm worried that the robot wrestler's story would be resolved too quickly. I might be worried for naught though. With that said, the season's world-building continued to impress. The fun new Commander was a great addition, because it's clear that he might be something more than meets the eye. Can't help but wonder what kind of secret he has under his sleeves? Perhaps, a rather heroic one? Hmmm... ;D Next week: The Final (for now, at least) Kyuranger debuts... Clumsy dreamer Raptor-283 steals the spotlight!
Episode 03 Score: 8 out of 10
Visit THIS LINK to view a continuously updated listing of the Kyutama / Kyu Globes. Last Updated: February 26th, 2017 - Version 05. (WARNING: It might contain spoilers for future episodes)
All images are screencaptured from the series, provided by the FanSubber Over-Time. "Uchu Sentai Kyuranger" is produced by TOEI, and airs every Sunday on TV-Asahi. Credits and copyrights belong to their respective owners.
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