sadsunfloweresque · 2 years
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recklessfuture001 · 10 months
I'm an Idiot.
I feel like I need to reassess myself and who I am. Reposition things a bit. Dig in to less disturbed earth. Why did I think I was so smart? It’s such a stupid thing to think. I think I was possessed. Possessed by an idea that blinded me with its promise. I’ve made so many mistakes. I wish I would learn from them better. Why am I so stubborn? I didn’t know that I could affect things. I felt…
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johncklima · 4 years
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Quarterly freezer inventory. #ithinkineedhelp #freezerinventory (at Waukesha, Wisconsin) https://www.instagram.com/p/CGu0opQges_/?igshid=1kh62ep56k1li
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All I ever tried to do was, to take your hand, and make it out of this darkness. Z.Y.
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justnightthoughts · 5 years
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Sometimes i catch myself sitting like that in the shower, waiting for something to happen... often enough I rethink about situations and stuff but still it won't get better... I am here again guys- I don't feel as bad as a few years ago but I feel it coming, crawling up my body😐 And I am scared.
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viminens · 5 years
You know, I was saying that my suicide attempt didn’t make me crazy and that I was fine, but then I realized I was having a conversation with my reflection in the kitchen window.
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nicholle03 · 5 years
My dreams be wack
So like I have a psychology college class and one of the assignments was some type of dream analysis and breaking our dreams down. So like how tf am I supposed to explain to my teacher that I think I saw the devil in my dreams but only that it was a mouth mounted on my bedroom wall and it was talking to me sinisterly, and for the life of me I can't remember what it said but it still gives me chills when I think about it.
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m1az66 · 6 years
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I think there's a point I've reached
In not being able to express myself fully
Not anymore
I think I've gotten so used to the idea
That I have to hide myself
That I have to be strong
That I have to keep moving forward
But if I could
I think I would
Take just a moment and reflect
And feel okay being not okay
And let my weaknesses take over
And cry my emotions away forever
Like ash leaving between my fingertips
Soft and warm and silent
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How??? Do you get one???
What is even the deal with boyfriends??? Like, do you obtain them??? Or earn them??? How do you find the Fanboy Boyfriend???? How do you not scare all male beings away??? Is it reasonable to ask what Hogwarts house they’re once you become interested in said male??? Do they appreciate being pet and groomed??? Do you even groom them or do they do it themselves???? Do they need to be fed cause I think they need to have water and food to survive??? What’s the average life span??? Also is it ok to like,,,,follow them around like you are their shadow or is that considered,,,,,not cool???? Popular people, teach me your ways, o boyfriend obtainers. P.S. I want a Misha Collins, is there a level you reach to get one?
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dazringtail · 7 years
An old fanart i drew a year ago
I figured not everyone of you ahkj-fans here is on Furaffinity (which is fine), so imma upload this Pic of Karl here (hah, who else, amirite?!)
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I drew it about a year ago. You probably recognise the pose. My Karl sculpture is based of it.
I wasn’t sure about uploading it here, because it is quite implicit and i’m a lil ashamed of how much i like him...that way.. but heck, “Enter the Fanaloka” got Karl-bedroomeyes galore (which is why i love that episode <.<).
Yes, he’s sitting on the bed, yes, he’s smiling and yes, he’s giving that inviting look to whomever is standing in front of his bed. Sue me for having a crush on him for over a year now (please don’t sue me i have no money)! xD
Since we’ve never actually seen his bedroom yet (now that would be one episode i’d watch... forever) i kinda went with the style of his chairs and table.
I also have a clear white background with only Karl as my lockscreen on my phone. Everytime i unlock it in public i sorta shield it from strangers, geee imma so ashamed of myself sometimes xD
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clarepachuau · 7 years
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#paparoach @paparoach liked my comment🔥🔥🔥🔥 aaaahhhhhh i cant even..... #ithinkineedHELP
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It’s just one of those days that you feel meh 😒
Sadness is here again.
Can someone just come hug me and tell me that it’s okay to be sad? And actually just be here.
Really, sometimes I don’t know what to do with this sadness. There’s a lot of people I know but there’s noone who really knows what I feel. I wish someone knows. I wish someone knows whenever I feel sad and will come and comfort me.
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shanes-lifeguard · 5 years
I was drawing a side profile of a man and it turned out pretty good
Now I can't tell if I find him attractive because of my amazing drawing skills or my low standards
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I make her lose herself and finders keepers. #confidencecomingthrough #mydarkhairisgrowingonme #vampire #ithinkineedhelp #makeup #callmewhatyouwant #stillcutetho #blueeyes #iloveme #takenoshit #babe
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vmunton · 7 years
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OH.MY.GOODNESS #wherehaveyoubeenallmylife #m&ms #coffee #nut #ithinkineedhelp #itsarealthing #justdiscovered (at Belleville, Illinois)
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m1az66 · 6 years
Do you ever feel
Burdened with your own
Feeling as if you're
Trapped and Suffocating
Struggling to take that
One Breath
You need to calm down
I worry
Then over worry
And worry even more
That if I can't make it
If I can't catch that
One Breath
I'll be buried
But it's not a scary thing
What's scary is...
I'm okay with not taking that
One Breath
I hope my worries fill my lungs
Fill my thoughts
Fill my voice
And bury me
With all my burdens
Then my burdens would be mine
And mine alone
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