#it's such horseshit
cowpokezuko · 3 months
I think one of my favorite genre of fandom slapfighting posts are the ones where people complain about not having enough masc4masc ships and that not every gay man needs to be feminine. Baby I know you spend to much time on tumblr.com but if you go outside, you will find that masc queer men are so much more socially accepted than fem queer men. Femininity when performed by men is still so taboo to so many people in the real world so maybe it's good actually that there's spaces where men are not ridiculed for being feminine and it's actually celebrated. I promise it's not hurting you.
Is there some valid criticism of fandom culture and the way they objectify gay men? Yeah, but femininity and feminine gays are not the enemy I promise.
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arsenicpanda · 2 years
I'm so annoyed that Riverdale didn't have Tabitha ask Jughead to return from the sweet hereafter just so they could avoid solidifying the intensity of Jughead's feelings for her in one direction or another. It's cowardice and it's bait and it's bullshit
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therealjammy · 8 months
Fuck You Tube not allowing ad blockers of any sort; I still can't figure out how to get around it on UBlock Origin even tho it feels like I did everything right...
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tcmmykinard · 15 days
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This is Eddie's house. I'm not really a guest.
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liquidstar · 1 year
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parasiticstars · 1 year
hey friendly reminder that “the loss of any human life is an inherent tragedy” and “the ≤1% paying a quarter of a mil. a head and signing a contract that explicitly mentions ‘death’ to disturb a mass grave while shoved in a literal bluetooth cheap-ass metal cylinder made by a company that eschews safety got exactly what they signed up for” AND “we shouldn’t have wasted taxpayer money to find a crumpled up Pringle’s can during several refugee crises” are all opinions that can and should co-exist.
Of course, we shouldn’t be so gleeful in their horrific deaths, especially there was a literal teenager that didn’t even want to go in there. Internet anonymity be damned, it’s the death of basic decency. And of course, we should rightfully be outraged that watching a bunch of ultra-rich blow their money to do something objectively incredibly stupid (to a MASS GRAVE with human fucking bone dust and preserved shoes, I cannot stress enough) is what’s hitting headlines and what people care about.
However, if you have any sort of basic human decency and a morality view more complex than that of a six year old, I’m sure you can easily reconcile all three valid opinions.
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dmbakura · 2 months
there's yaoi vs yuri discourse on twitter (again) and I'm just lmao because maybe people would want to create more f/f stuff if a lot of the fandom spaces surrounding these pairings didn't cultivate such hostility and policing to everyone doing it in a way that hasn't been approved of by the high sapphic council. I don't find it a coincidence that a lot of the types that complain about this shit don't even write fanfic or make fanart, they just use ao3 stats as a metric for fandom as a whole and treat it like some weird popularity contest. as a lesbian it's just embarrassing and it's gonna drive people away from wanting to engage with f/f spaces at all
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secrettreestuffidk · 2 years
the problem with getting too deep into the science when you already have a hypersensitive Bullshit Detector is that they start admitting that the models aren't necessarily 100% accurate but they're the best we have to explain the things we can observe
and then you start seeing it everywhere
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spiritofjustice · 8 months
i don't dislike Vriska as a concept. she's a good and interesting character. but i will never forgive Hussie for bringing her back and having her magically fix every single meteor crew members' problems. motherfucker spent literal years developing Rose's teen alcoholism, Terezi going through an abusive relationship, so on, only to retcon all of that and say Vriska fixed everything so it never actually happened in the new timeline. realistically Vriska would've made everything worse. honestly
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secretarysong · 3 days
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unrelated to the art but i think Zuke isn't necessarily a singer or an all-out karaoke person HOWEVER. In his head there's a very small list of really specific songs he'd cause a scene over of his own volition & his favorite is Perpetual Fool by Spacehog
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star-rie · 3 months
i made this a while back 🐴
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cookinguptales · 10 months
so distracted by the implication that guillermo wasn't using his full strength against the baron because he was too afraid of hurting the vampires he sired.
like not only is he again placing their well-being above his own but I think he was doing pretty well considering he wasn't using his full strength and couldn't use crucifixes!!!
....I mean also, belatedly, he really probably killed a lot more than just the vampires in that theater, huh? he killed all the vampires they turned, too, probably.
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eightyfours · 6 months
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December 18th, 1966.
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phantomrose96 · 10 months
How has olimar not turned evil yet
If Olimar became the villain in Pikmin 5 I would simply say "I understand. He's allowed to do this." and I would help him do whatever he's doing.
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aquapolis · 10 months
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average day in the life of
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elalmadelmar · 2 years
Man, I just do not vibe with that post that was like "if you're butch, you're obligated to throw yourself into dangerous situations to protect feminine queer folks."
Like, one, wtf? Butches are still human beings, not fantasy knights. Being butch doesn't mean signing up to put your life on the line! A crew cut isn't enlistment in the Armed Forces Of The Queer Agenda, thx.
And second, isn't that just the good old "men go to war, protecting the women" patriarchal bullshit binary transposed onto the queer community? Taking the folks who are busting through those arbitrary designations of gender roles and acting like it's fresh and progressive now that you've swapped out men for butches and women for femmes? It's still the same turd, just with a little new polish.
Femininity doesn't require vulnerability. Masculinity doesn't require sacrifice. Doesn't matter what language you dress them up in.
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