#it's!! not a nice feeling!! there is nothing outright wrong and yet I feel like I have a mute button and it's been pressed
anguis-sapphire · 9 months
mmmph you can tell if negative feelings are persistent if the song you always jam out to is not helping with them
I was distracted by Several Happenings in the process of making this post but i'm still saying screw it and posting it
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beatrixstonehill2 · 1 month
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"I'm ready for my injections," Holly told her boyfriend, Ryan.
"Good, you're becoming so obedient. I told you you'd come around eventually. You almost look eager."
Holly blushed, feeling the weight of her breasts hanging off her chest, already about twenty-five pounds each. Fifty whole pounds of pure breast. It felt absurd to her, so wrong, and yet inescapable. It was her new reality. "I'm excited to see them grow for you....."
"That's a good girl," he said, inserting IV needles into her breasts at various points.
Holly winced as her boyfriend injected her breasts with over a gallon of saline each. She remembered when she first met Ryan barely a year ago. He was so charming, they met at the gym and were both very passionate about being fit and healthy. She worked as a gymnastics instructor. Now she couldn't imagine trying to work her old job. The mothers would be horrified at such a huge-breasted cow of a woman trying to teach their daughters.
Soon into their relationship, Ryan mentioned having a big tit fetish. She thought nothing of it, what guy doesn't? Before long, she noticed her breasts were getting bigger and started lactating. He fessed up that he was drugging her water bottles, and apologized, but said he wanted her EE-Cup breasts much bigger. She was angry but as her girlfriend was still excited to please him and get bigger for him, despite not wanting large breasts.
Her breasts got bigger and bigger, impeding her ability to do gymnastics. Women began recommending she get a reduction or chop them off outright. Holly had to reluctantly admit her boyfriend was making her grow them out like this. His fetish consumed her life, made her lose her job, getting so bad she found herself becoming a living embodiment of his kinks. No longer Holly at all, just an object he acted on and molded into his perfect toy.
She gasped as the gallons of saline flooded her breasts, his new favorite means of torturing her. When they were done, her breasts ballooned to double their size, red and swollen, round and very taut like fake tits. He took out the needles and placed heart-shaped bandages over them to help keep her tits from springing leaks. This new way of increasing her breast size would ensure once the saline is absorbed her breasts would stretch, getting saggier, longer, emptier. Instead of being beautiful and full from the breast growth drugs, like a woman who's pumped out a dozen or so kids, her breasts would switch between extremely saggy, floppy and empty, and enormously round and heavy, filled to the point of popping with saline, heavy as two water coolers strapped to her chest.
Holly winced as Ryan tightened her leather straps and added the rest of her corrective harness, which looked a bit like bdsm gear, to help keep her back upright, pushing out her giant saline-filled boulder tits. Ryan smiled, smacking Holly's breasts, which made her recoil in pain. "It feels incredible when I hit them, doesn't it?"
Holly nodded, barely able to catch her breath. "Y-Yes.... Smack them all you want. They're yours."
"Good girl, but they're about to be all of Lower Manhattan's. I want you bringing in lots of money tonight, OK? Smile a lot, eagerly service any man, even the homeless ones or violent looking ones. I can't have you saying no to any clients. Don't worry, I'm taking my anti-STD pills every day so I won't contract all the bugs you're collecting. Oh, and if you don't mind, I want you whoring on the corner by your old dance studio, hopefully some of the moms and other women you worked with might get to see your new occupation. Doesn't that sound nice?"
Holly was blushing beat red. "B-But....."
"None of that. You don't have 'no' in your vocabulary. Now off you go!" he said, smacking one of her breasts again.
"OK.... I won't disappoint you."
"Good, otherwise I might have to paddle all that saline out of your tits when you get home"
Holly yelped as he spanked her, sending her out wearing only her harness and nothing else, to go enjoy her new occupation as a whore with giant saline-filled breasts. Which she slowly started to feel was exactly who she was always meant to be.
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xzhdjsj · 2 months
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Page 142
Zaros x Reader
Zaros is temporarily unable to lie.
For the sake of this fic, let's pretend alchemy and potions, etc exist in Zaros' world😭 Also, this gets suggestive towards the end (just a teensy bit nsfw), if you're uncomfortable with that you might wanna stop reading at the marked point or not read this at all!
I may write a second part for this, but I'm not sure. Lemme know if you guys want a part 2! I hope you enjoy! <3
It was a quiet day, unusually so. That's only because ever since Zaros’ arrival to the palace, a peaceful day has not gone by. His mouth is never closed. He always has something to say and not a care for repercussions. It’s annoying, extremely annoying, and it flares both your anxiety and anger.
Yet, somehow the peace and quiet feels almost wrong. Do you perhaps miss him?
You shake the thoughts from your head. Nonsense. Why would you miss him? Though, it is strange you haven't seen him all day, maybe it would be best if you looked for him. Only for the credit of being an observant host of course, nothing else!
You make your way to his door, slightly nervous to knock, but you do so anyways.
No answer. So, you knock again.
And again, there was no answer which is very unlike him. He may hate your guts but at the very least he’s polite enough to answer his door.
You scan the area for a quick moment, making sure you're all alone in the hallway, then press your ear to the door. How strange, not a soun-
"Can I help you my Earis?", a voice chime behind you.
You shout and turn to face its owner. A palace maid.
"Oh, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to scare you." She bows respectfully, "Are you okay?"
"Yes, yes I'm fine." You sigh and placed a hand to your chest, "You just spooked me. It's alright."
"Apologies your highness. Is there anything I could help with?"
"Uhh no, I was just about to leave."
You swiftly turn to leave, desperate to get away from her. Then you stop at a realisation, maybe she knows where Zaros is.
"Actually," you turn to her, "Have you seen Sarl Zaros today?"
"He was in the garden earlier, my Earis. Though, I have no idea where he is now."
"Right, thank you. That'll be all"
You scurry off, unable to shake the embarrassment you felt. You know she'll keep her mouth shut, after all, if rumours are traced back to her it would cost her quite a lot, but the icky feeling still haunts you mind. What were you even thinking?
You find yourself in the garden rather quickly, but there was no sign of his blonde hair or elegant garments. Just greenery and sunshine. That means there's one last place you may be able to find him, the library.
And sure enough, he's there.
You pick up a random book, not bothering to look at the colour or memorise the title, and take a seat across from him.
"Earis, how nice of you to join me." He mutters, barely, as if he didn't want to speak.
"Is it really? Or are you just saying that?"
"It is... nice." He grimaces but swiftly hides it with the books he's reading. Something about potions and remedies, since when is he interested in alchemy?
"Oh uh- I see" you reply awkwardly. One unusual occurrence after the other, he's never outright nice to you, especially when you're alone. He's always giving you an earful of how spoilt and sheltered you are. What suddenly changed?
The silence engulfs you both, he has his head stuck in his book and you, well you're still in shock staring at him.
"Are you going to keep staring?"
"What?" You snap out of your daze.
"You were staring."
"Oh, no I wasn’t! I just zoned out for a moment. Sorry."
A pathetic lie, he knows it too. He doesn't even honour it with a response, or even look up from his books.
God everything is so freaking weird today!
"Are you alright, Zaros?" You blurt out before you can think.
He finds your eyes finally.
"What do you mean?"
"Nothing! I just- You don't seem like yourself today, I was just wondering if you're unwell."
He sighs, exasperated and tired.
"If you really must know, I was accidentally served a glass of wine containing an elixir of truth. I'm fine otherwise, I just need to get rid of its effects."
"Ahhh, hence the book. I was curious why you were reading that." The wheels in your head turned. He consumed an elixir of truth, which means he cannot lie. It’s no wonder he admitted your company was welcome earlier.
"Hmmm I didn’t think you were so keen about reproduction either my dear Earis.” He eyes the book laid out in front of you.
Confusion laced your expression as you looked down. The title hits you in the face like a brick. It reads
 “Reproductive Biology: Conception”
“Oh, dear god! No, I- I grabbed the wrong one!” Your face burnt of embarassment as you hurriedly returned the book to its shelf.
“Are you sure you didn’t just come here to find me then?” he chuckles at your dilemma.
You don’t answer, but no answer is still an answer. What an awful day! You turn to leave, having had enough of the awkwardness and embarrassment.
“Come sit with me.” He calls out to you, “It’d be rude of me to let you leave when you came all the way here to find me”
Reluctantly, you walked over to the table and sat with him.
“Did you miss me that much?” he pushed his book aside, casting his full attention onto you.
“Of course not, I just thought it was unusual that I haven’t seen you all day. That’s all.” You inform him, “Were you ignoring me on purpose?”
His expression shifts for a moment, but he catches it quickly.
“Why would I do that?” he dodged your question. “Did you miss me berating you?”
“I should’ve left when I had the chance.” You sigh and rest your forehead against you palm and he laughs.
“You’re the one who came all the way here to find me. It’s only fair that I have my assumptions.”
“Too bad they’re untrue.”
“Are they really?”
“You know what?” You retort, “If you want to ask so many questions, I propose a game.”
“A game? Go on, I’m listening.”
“We take turns asking each other questions and answer them truthfully. Not that you really have a choice anyways and I promise to be truthful as well.”
“You definitely have an unfair advantage, but I’m desperate for some entertainment, so I don’t see why not.” He leans forward, resting his face on his interlocked fingers. “Well then, I’ll go first. Did you come all the way here to find me?”
You sigh, “I did, but you already knew that, so why waste a question?”
“I wanted to hear you say it.” He smiled mischievously.
It started off tame, with harmless questions to tease each other. Pieces of memories from the past and truths to white lies once told, but as it progressed there was more than either of you bargained for.
(things get suggestive from here)
“Do you regret leaving all those years ago?”
“No, I don’t. Had I stayed, I wouldn’t know half the things I do now, and I wouldn’t experience the things I did. Besides, you made it clear you never wanted to see me again, I honoured your word for as long as I could.” His words only made your regret worse. “Do you regret being close to me back then?”
“No. Then, do you hate me for driving you away?”
His expression stiffens, and he just stares at you in shocked silence for a minute. “No, no I’ve never hated you. Do you hate me?”
“I could never bring myself to ever hate you. There’s too many memories attached to your face, fond ones that I cannot risk hating.”
“I see.” He murmured quietly.
“Did you think I hated you?”
“You did send me away and called me a leech. It felt kind of obvious. What about you? Did you think I hate you?
“Yes, and for some reason, it scared me. Did you… Did you ever forgive me for all the things I’ve said to you? They were awful, I know that now, and I'm... I'm sorry.”
“I did. As I said, I never hated you, and what good would it serve me to hate the person I lo- the person I grew up with.” He corrected himself. “Do you regret it? Sending me away.”
“Everyday for the past 8 years. I hoped you’d show up to every formal event we held, but you never did.”
“Wow are you sure you didn’t have some of my wine too?”
“Shut up. Did you think about me when you were gone?”
He tilts his head to the side slightly, “More than you’ll ever know.”
“How? What were you thinking?”
“Hold on now, you’re only allowed one question per turn. So I believe it’s my turn now. Did you think of me while I was gone?”
“Yes, I did.” You confessed quickly, “What were you thinking of when you thought of me?”
“So demanding. But I don’t think you want to know that, my sweet Earis.”
“It’s my turn, and that’s my question. If I did not wish to know, I wouldn’t have asked.”
“Fine, but you asked for this. When I thought of you, I often reminisced of our time together in school. Other times, my thoughts of you were quite… inappropriate.”
Your ear perked up like a kitten. “Tell me more.” You demand.
“Are you sure you want this?”
“Yes. Tell me everything.”
He leans back into his chair, “I thought of you when I was with others. That’s why I was never able to keep a partner.”
“Every time I looked into their eyes I’d think of you, and I knew my adoration was never for them. Every time someone laid below me I’d close my eyes and imagine you instead. The thought of you and what we could’ve been followed me, haunted me, ate away at my very soul. I didn’t want anyone but you, despite my criticism, you are what I craved.” His eyes never left yours, every word, every truth he spoke made your bones feel soft and your stomach tie into an uncomfortable knot.
There should be another word that meant speechless beyond the word speechless, it would perfectly describe how you felt in that moment.
“Zaros I… uhm” Your face is undoubtably red, and you cannot bear to look him in the eyes anymore.
“My turn now, darling.” His body lifted from his seat, and he moved to sit next to you, so close you could smell the scent radiating off of him. “Did you think of me the same way I thought of you?”
You could lie, you could tell him you’ve never thought of him when you were with another and you can tell him you never thought of him when you touched yourself… but he was truthful and you should be too.
“I did” you whisper, barely enough for him to catch, being only a breath’s distance from you.
“Yeah, I thought as much.”
Your information processing is cut short when his lips landed on yours and a warm hand on your cheek. Your eyes widen only to flutter shut. His hand tangled in your hair while the other gripped your waist, desperately pulling you closer. You hold onto his arms for support, too engulfed in this feverish kiss to think of anything. He kissed you like a starving man, he kissed you with 8 years’ worth of longing and every second was deliciously eager-filled and greedy. When he finally pulls away you’re gasping for breath. Your fingers are still gripping into his biceps and his, your waist. He tugs you closer, a silent plea for more.
His breath was warm on your face, and your body felt hot. His body felt hot. There was a sense of urgency in the air, and the world around you faded away again when his lips met yours. Your chest is pressed up against him while he pushes your back into the wall behind, desperate attempts to be as close as you can, A thousand curses upon the layers of clothes that separate you.
Time was definitely slowing down, and every touch of his fingers lit fireworks across your skin. It was addicting, he was addicting. Neither of you could get enough, the longing was too much to ignore. His fingers were warm, so warm they melted into your skin. The buildup of passion was ought to come crashing down at some point but before his fingers could slip further past the fabrics on your skin a familiar voice ring out.
“Sarl Zaros? Are you in here?” The Queen gently called out.
Your bodies split apart in seconds. He scrambles to the far end on the bench, and you rush to wipe your lips. You look over at Zaros, and his chest is heaving, same as yours. God you wished you didn’t look. The way he desperately tried to calm himself down did things to your stomach that you’ve never felt before.
You promptly stand and turn to greet your mother who’s approaching.
“Mother, good afternoon.”
“Oh, you’re here too dear?” she smiles at you.
“Yes, I was just uhm chatting with Zaros.” You lie through your teeth. “But I’ll be leaving now, I have other things to attend to.”
You walk past your mother, hurrying for the giant doors of the library.
“My Earis,” a rasped voice calls behind you. “You forgot your book.”
You turn around and Zaros hands you the book he was reading. You didn’t question it. There was no time for questions.
“Ah thank you Zaros” You flush when his hands touch yours.
“I think you’ll find page 142 most interesting, do give it a read.” His eyes were filled with lust, green embers burning holes into you soul.
“Tha-Thank you.”
You ran. You ran all the way back to your room, locking the door and dropping into your bed face first. What the FUCK just happened???
You wish you could scream, instead you try to process everything that’s happened. It started off so innocently, tame questions and light teasing but evolved to so much more. HOW?
You remembered his words before you left the library.
“I think you’ll find page 142 most interesting, do give it a read.”
You pick up the book he handed you, flipping the deckled edge to page 142. Obviously, there was nothing interesting, just a piece of paper that flutters to the floor. You pick it up, unfolding it carefully, to find a message written inside.
“If you wish to continue, meet me in my room at midnight. I’ll be waiting, my sweet sweet Earis.”
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bowlofsoob · 7 months
O2 thank you, next — freaky friday dupe
notes; all of soobin’s accounts are yn and all of yns accounts are soobin until the end of their birthday
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__________________ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐
It was an uncomfortable feeling. Your limbs felt a little too long and your muscles way too sore for never once setting foot in a gym.
After the initial morning grogginess faded and your vision cleared it didn’t take you too long to put two and two together, even though the conclusion you came to made you sick to your stomach.
You had a soulmate. You had a soulmate. It still didn’t seem quite right. No way it could be right.
After fucking around on whoever’s phone was sitting on the bedside table for a bit you clambored out of bed, immediately falling onto the cold wooden floor. When you finally managed to stand up you found yourself towering over the rest of the room.
You didn’t quite have a game plan, you didn’t even know who you were. A great start would presumably be attending breakfast with the pretty men on the phone and act like everything was normal until you can contact your friends. Easy enough.
You knew you were in over your head when you stepped out into the home and were met by an apartment that oozed luxury, or at least whatever a broke college student could consider to be a luxury. You were out of your element and no amount of studying could've prepared you for this.
As you make your way towards the kitchen your eyes meet those belonging to a pretty male sitting at the counter. He was adorning a hoodie that was pulled over his long hair as he gave you a smile and opened up his mouth to show you his chewed up breakfast. How charming.
“Good morning,” you greet, the voice exiting your lips startling you. The greeting felt too empty so you awkwardly reach out to pinch his cheek, hoping it came off as affectionate and normal but his expression tells you otherwise. You immediately retract your hand and make your way to the other male in the kitchen.
“Damn Binnie, you must be nervous for your show tonight,” the other one chuckles, “You’re being extra nice?”
Binnie? Show?
He hands you a plate of the promised waffles and as you pick up the fork is when you first see your reflection in the metal, it hadn’t occurred to you to do that just yet. It was rather jarring.
“Uhm, where’s the bathroom?” you ask, setting down the plate with crazed eyes.
“Down the hall…like always,” the waffle man says, giving you a quizzical look as you run off.
As you step inside said bathroom you are immediately greeted by a six foot tall man who looked oddly familiar. You gently touched your face, or well your soulmate’s face, and tried not to rip his hair out as you paced the bathroom.
You had no clue what you were supposed to do, they never taught you what happens after you switch bodies with your soulmate in school. And there was no way you could outright tell the two guys sitting in the kitchen who were probably already growing suspicious of you. Fuck, just your luck.
You decided to leave the bathroom and make a beeline for the room you woke up in. And god bless Taehyun for forcing you to memorize his number in case of an emergency because that was your only lifeline at this point.
__________________ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐
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__________________ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐
ᝰ✧ — masterlist — prev | next
comment on this post if i can use ur username in future chapters as a fan account!
chapter 3 will be in soobs pov in him waking up ^^
୨୧✧ — synopsis; in a universe where you and your soulmate swap bodies on your twenty-first birthday and every birthday after that. world renowned soloist soobin is set to have a concert on the day of your guys’ shared birthday, a firm believer he doesn’t have a soulmate and wants nothing to do with them. you, a college student who hasn’t listened to a single one of his songs, swap bodies with him on the day of your final exam and his big concert. you’re now under the public eye for ruining his career and soobin has to deal with your wrath since he failed your exams. he must also process the fact that he does in fact have a soulmate, one he couldn’t care less about.
ᝰ✧ — [1/3] taglist is open! @cartierfiles @lunavixia @jungwonderz @bubblytaetae @goldennika @zzzavid @astrozuya @odisdad @destairea @iwaplant @itssaturdaytoday @hoodiebangtan @sunseeking-cryptid @outerspace02a @buttersmama @luvtyun @vianna99 @matcha-binz @doumachi @pinghyuka @soobsdior @binluvsu @tyussday @xavi-in-kpopland @bervaose @birdie-vhs @hearts4huening @reyarain @gyubatuu @tridentgumfreshy @rjsmochii @ckline35 @mochiixsstuff @bluuswanrina @beomnioa @bluxjun @yelsuki @gugggu6gvai @thesassy-mia @222brainrot @itswinteress @cindywasneverhere @kimgyuuu @fatoompie @haohyo @jongseongslvr @soobinsman @wolfytae-exe @ener-energy @malarign @tocupid @phtogravi
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thedeathlysallows · 6 months
Is It Over Now? (4)
Pairing: Aemond Targaryen x Aemma Velaryon; Aegon Targaryen x Aemma Velaryon
Summary: At least I had the decency to keep my nights out of sight
Warnings: canon typical Targaryen incest.
Here is the masterlist containing all the other drabbles in the series!
Happy Christmas Eve everyone! I'm not sure if I'll get to post tomorrow, so please enjoy this, and have a wonderful time over the next couple of days!
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Whispers travel through the Keep at an alarming rate. Servants and knights alike gossip with one another about the princess disappearing into Prince Aegon's chambers for hours, only coming out once Princess Rhaneyra threatened to send Prince Daemon after her.
Aemond doesn't believe the whispers.
Why should he?
Aemma, his Aemma, would never debase herself with a man such as Aegon.
No, the servants are wrong. They have to be wrong. Perhaps some of the servant girls Aemond fucked finally realized exactly what he was doing, and their jealousy overtook them, leading them to lie about what they saw. Or maybe it's not a lie and simply a case of mistaken identity. Perhaps Aegon is doing the same as Aemond and his whore of the day just happened to bear a striking resemblance to their niece.
Yes, that's it. That's exactly what happened.
And yet...
Aemond finds himself outside Aegon's chambers, as if his subconscious carried him all the way here. He allows the guards to open the doors and announce his presence. He waits. Patiently. Desperately.
"Servants have been whispering," Aemond announces unceremoniously. He takes in the way his brother lounges in bed, skin flushed and a dazed smile on his face. Aegon reeks of wine and sex.
"Servants always whisper," Aegon counters. He's altogether too unbothered by anything Aemond could say or do, the afterglow of a good fuck still rendering his mind hazy.
Aemond decides to be outright. "Did you fuck Aemma?"
"And if I did?" Aegon stands slowly, wrapping the bedsheet around his waist. It's more for his prudish brother's sake than his own. "Tell me what you would do, brother. Keep in mind, I know your dirty little servant girl secret, and it's not above me to let it be known to our sweet little Aemma."
"You'll find it difficult to speak without a tongue."
Aegon smirks. "You would never."
He's right. Aemond would never; however, the threat still feels nice rolling from his tongue.
"Does it burn you up inside, brother?" Aegon tilts his head to the side. "Does it just make that cold heart of yours shrivel even more to know Aemma came to my bed willingly? She's always been meant to be mine-"
"No!" Aemond steps forward, but stops himself from moving further. Aegon is simply trying to goad him, and Aemond can't give him the satisfaction of it working. "You lie. Just like the rest of the Keep."
"Do I?" He gestures to his bed where a small splotch of red colors the sheet still over his mattress. When Aemond says nothing, Aegon claps him on the shoulder. "I'll see you in the throne room, brother."
The throne room.
Aemond almost forgot.
Vaemond Velaryon and his suit to inherit Driftmark is to be brought before the King. Yet another reason for your appearance in King's Landing.
He leaves as soon as the thought strikes him and heads to the throne room. Most of the Lords and Ladies are gathered already, his family included. He takes his place with them and waits. Aegon slinks in not long after, standing between Aemond and Helaena.
When you enter the room, trailing behind your mother like a good little heir to the throne, Aemond's eye is on you instantly. He searches up and down your body, scanning for any hint that Aegon was indeed telling the truth, but he sees nothing. You stand with your shoulders back and head high as you listen to Vaemond's unhinged speech. Aemond hears little of it. He's too focused on you, all but begging you to look at him. When you finally do look over the breath leaves his chest. Your gaze is sharp but softens into comfortable familiarity as you look at him.
I love you, he wants to say.
"Speak plainly," King Viserys snaps, pulling Aemond's attention back to the matter at hand.
Vaemond bares his teeth. "Her sons are bastards."
"I'll have your tongue!" Viserys makes to get off the throne, but Daemon is quicker. Dark Sister arches through the air and frees Vaemond's head from his neck.
Your uncle turned step father smirks. "He can keep it."
Aemond watches your reaction carefully, taking in the way you turn ever so slightly towards your mother. Your face goes deathly pale as you clutch your stomach. You've clearly no appetite for violence still.
"Aemma," Aemond says in a reverent whisper. The sound can't possibly reach you, but your eyes seek him out once more, and he can't help but step towards you.
"Aemond," Alicent snaps.
And just like that you look away, your own mother pulling you close and whispering something to you when she notices Aemond's staring.
Aegon leans over, dropping his voice so low that only Aemond can hear it. "Someone informed our dear sister of your escapades with pretty light haired serving girls that bear a shocking resemblance to her precious daughter."
"You're using a lot of words to say you told her."
"I didn't." Aegon's expression is grave. "I would make a spectacle out of it. You know that. Mother believes she has spies in the Keep."
Aemond takes his brother's words in stride.
"I advise you be more discreet," Aegon continues after a pause. "It's not a good look to lust after your brother's wife. Though if you can manage to not make me look like a joke I might let you have a taste after I put a babe in her belly."
It takes everything in Aemond not to reach over and strangle his brother. He's had enough of Aegon's lies. He didn't bed Aemma, he just wants to torture Aemond.
"She doesn't deserve a man like you," Aemond says simply.
"We shall see, brother."
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yanderes-galore · 2 years
The news about Resident Evil 4 remake made me rewatch some videos of the original and, anyway I was thinking about how Leon gets infected by Las Plagas and all. May I ask for a scenario or concept of infected!Leon being protective of his Darling?
There's some really good fan art concepts online of Las Plagas! Leon, ngl. Pulling from those. Take this as an AU. May make this a scenario later as I found it came out nice.
Ended up as a Las Plagas! Leon general concept sorta, lol
Yandere! Las Plagas! Leon S. Kennedy Being Protective
Pairing: Romantic/Animal/Pet-Like
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Yandere-like behavior, Feral beast Leon, Murder, Violence, Stalking, Overprotective behavior, Possessive behavior, Monster loving.
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- Let's say Leon doesn't get the Las Plagas parasite removed in time.
- The mission is officially considered a failure and Leon is left trying to regain his more human mind.
- Everything is just so fuzzy....
- He's just about going feral and is much different from how he is when human.
- How you fit into this can be up to you.
- You could be Leon's partner, someone not infected in the village Leon's investigating, or someone deployed to find Leon's whereabouts.
- In any of these ways Leon would probably act the same.
- He has a much more feral mind than his usual self due to the parasite so how he finds you might be through stalking.
- He plans on hunting you down but some human part of his mind holds him back from leaping on top of you.
- He's better than that... he has to be.
- You could imagine Las Plagas! Leon however you want but personally I like to imagine him like a hybrid of the Verdugo.
- Tail, claws, sharp mandibles, etc.
- However if you want more accurate to the game you can imagine him keeping more of his human form without all that.
- It doesn't change his advanced reflexes, endurance, and speed.
- He's no longer human but he's strong enough to keep at least some moral compass.
- By the time you catch a glimpse of him it's clear something's wrong.
- His clothing is ripped due to excelerated growth and attacks from other villagers.
- His eyes are crazed, drool is dripping from his mouth.
- Everything about him looks dangerous to you, but you notice he never makes any attempt to outright lunge at you.
- Leon's always staring at you from afar.
- His eyes are trained on you but he usually is atop a building or behind something.
- You don't entirely see his full appearance until you run into danger.
- Perhaps you're surrounded by infected villagers, or managed to find an even bigger/stronger foe.
- You think you're a goner...
- Left to die by being maimed in this village that reeks of death.
- Then, there's a roar.
- Before your eyes you see Leon on a rooftop, eyes burning in fury at your enemies.
- You heave a sigh in defeat and close your eyes, trying to keep your distance.
- Then you see Leon not attacking you, but defending you.
- The beast growls and does what he can to protect you until nothing else moves except you and him.
- Then Leon turns to you, eyes focused before keeping close to you.
- He can no longer just watch you from afar.
- He needs to be beside you to keep you safe.
- That leads to you and Leon becoming (forced) companions.
- He never talks much, only following you around like a strange puppy.
- Not many come near you after Leon forces himself by your side.
- Most of the time he walks on two legs, yet sometimes four is faster.
- When Las Plagas! Leon is feeling protective he'd probably wrap himself around you and growl.
- If that doesn't work then he goes in for the kill.
- There's also a chance Leon would be affectionate even in this form.
- Although he is rough with it.
- Rubbing against you harshly, pulling you into abandoned buildings to hold you....
- Leon becomes an overprotective guard dog as a Las Plagas beast when it comes to you.
- In his human mind, he adores and loves you.
- Although the parasite makes him much more like a beast when it comes to expressing such thoughts.
- He doesn't care what happens to anyone who crosses him or you.
- As long as he can keep you safe then his claws will rip them to shreds.
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goggles-mcgee · 29 days
Ashes of Rage: Act 1 - (Heart)Breaking News
Chapter 6 of the story for @miner249er
A03 Beginnning Last Chapter
Summary: It was supposed to be a nice day, a nice picnic, a nice distraction...but it didn't happen like that and Rose didn't know how to process it.
Notes: Hope you enjoy the read! Also, sorry for the late update but my job, idk if I told y'all, I got a new job! I work for my state's child support services division and can't really work on personal things while in the office so this did take some time.
Also like small disclosure, I did do research but I in no way think what I got was 100% so take the actions of the police with a grain of salt. ^u^
(Heart)Breaking News:
Confused. Betrayed. Angry. These were all words that described how Rose had been feeling lately and yet she pushed herself to attend the class picnic with Juleka. It hardly even compared to past picnics they had had in the past. The usual soft, pillow-y blanket was replaced by a blanket so thin that the still present morning dew that draped over the prickly blades of grass stabbed through the fabric easily and brought a chill to her legs and an itchiness that seemed never ending. It was irritating but Rose didn’t want to say anything and make Kim feel bad since he was the one to bring said blanket. Plus it would have most likely broken the tentative good mood everyone was in. She was doing her best to stay the happy-go-lucky Rose that everyone expected her to be but it was getting harder and harder to do so as the days went by. Even her appetite had been affected by her mood, she just simply wasn’t hungry which made her want to cry. She tried her best to eat because when she was sick she hadn’t gotten to eat a lot of food like she was able to do now but looking around at the food that laid on the blanket there just wasn’t anything that looked nor sounded good. 
The food from her memories of past picnics danced around her thoughts and mocked her. The food from those times had been homemade and filled her with such warmth and joy even if something hadn’t been the best tasting. But today everything was store bought, not that there was anything wrong with that! There was just something about everyone bringing something homemade to past picnics that made this one feel lacking. Rose simply couldn’t help the way her stomach clenched and mouth watered remembering the food from the past but it would quickly die when she remembered that was when Marinette had been part of the group. She always encouraged everyone to bring something homemade without even outright asking for it. It was like knowing that she herself would make something for the picnic and not just ask her parents to give her something, motivated everyone else to do the same. And the smile she had given to everyone when she saw what they brought seemed to make the sun shine brighter those days. Then things changed abruptly and Rose had questioned whether those smiles were real or an illusion as Lila had mused aloud about. It scared her to think someone could be so manipulative. Her views changed once more when she watched Nadja’s broadcast.
 The speculation that Marinette had…that she had died that night…hit particularly hard. All Rose could think about was every instance that the pig-tailed girl had been there for her and the rest of the class. She thought of all the laughs they shared and even tears. Marinette was always there and hearing the news was like a slap to the face. How could Rose ever think that Marinette was anything but genuine? How could the class think that? But then that would mean Lila had lied or just severely misunderstood something and everyone just believed it and turned on their friend. Rose couldn’t even remember the last thing she had ever said to Marinette but it was more than likely nothing nice since she had believed the girl to be a bully. That thought made her appetite really disappear and her stomach clench. She was sure everyone else was thinking similar things so really it would be cruel to expect homemade food at a time like this. The weather that had once been predicted to be sunny and cloud free was still sunny but a biting wind had plagued the day every now and then. So things looked well and good but it hid small disappointments all throughout.
 It reminded Rose of those true crime documentaries that Juleka loved to binge. The families tended to have a pattern in the one's she watched, where on the outside they seemed like the perfect family with the perfect life but behind closed doors they were anything but. It reminded her of the situation the class was in. Except most had well and truly believed in the perfection others perceived them to have. It would have been extremely ignorant of Rose to say she didn't notice how the rest of the school looked at her class in envy, because she did and she tried her best not to show how pleased that made her. She never wanted to come across as entitled or anything of the like, she knew their situation had been a rare one. Where everyone in class got along, with the exception of Chloe and Sabrina in the beginning, and their teacher was nice and kind. They had the picture perfect class. 
Until they didn’t. 
Oh they still acted like it was, Rose was mature enough to admit that, because everyone wanted that envy and that admiration their class was accustomed to. She recalled how Lila wanted to warn the other students in different classes about Marinette’s ‘true’ self but somehow Alya and Max had talked her out of it. She knew Lila hadn’t been happy about that so the girl group decided to take her out for lunch as what could only be described as a bribe the more Rose thought about it. It made her throat dry in guilt and shame. She hastily grabbed her cup of lemonade and took a big drink and nearly choked at the speed she did so. She managed to refrain from coughing and hoped no one noticed her little slip up. Thankfully it seemed like no one had so she took the time to look over at her friends. Alya and Nino were setting up her tablet as the police were going to be giving a statement on everything, Max and Alix were playing some kind of switch game together with Markov giving advice. Mylène, Ivan and Sabrina were snacking on the food and talking about something. Kim was laid out next to the blanket staring at his phone, and Juleka was listening to music in one ear.
It was then that Rose remembered she was also listening to music and it was like the realization broke the dam on her hearing and everything came alive around her. She did her best not to wince at the guitar solo that started off in a high pitch since she didn’t want Juleka to think she didn’t like the song. She did her best to be as nonchalant as possible as she took the earphone she had in out, she was more of a headphone person since earphones tended to hurt the inside of her ears if she wore them too long. Juleka knew that which is why she didn’t look upset when she noticed Rose taking out the earphone. “How’s your ear? The song wasn’t that long was it?” 
“Don’t worry Jules, the song was great. I’m just a little thirsty. I finished my lemonade so fast…” Rose lied and was grateful that Juleka seemed to buy it. 
“That’s a quick fix.” Juleka mumbled with a small smile as she stood up and went to get Rose a refill of lemonade. Rose tried her best not to think of how Marinette would bring the customized cups she made for everyone to a picnic. They were paper cups that she printed designs on and bought each one in bulk. It always made Rose feel special when she would get her pink and purple kittens printed cup with her name in a beautiful cursive old font. Today’s cups were plastic with their names written on them in permanent marker. It was still cursive, Juleka had wonderful cursive and did her very best to make it look nice so Rose felt bad about the disappointment that swelled in her every time she saw the cups. She did her best to not let it show when Juleka turned with a smile to give her her drink. 
“Thank you.” 
“No problem.”
The lemonade Juleka got her was the perfect blend of sour and sweet and yet she couldn’t enjoy it. Even though it was her favorite lemonade, one that Alix made sure to bring because her friend knew it was her favorite. Rose wanted to cry. But she couldn’t, not now, she felt like she didn’t deserve to. All of them, everyone here was trying to be as normal as possible in the light of their revelations. No one said it out loud but Rose was sure that they all came to the realization that they had made a big mistake. More than a big mistake but none of them knew how to voice it nor accept it nor move past it. They were stuck in some messed up limbo. Marinette was…dead. There was no other reality, a person they had been good friends with then broke that friendship was dead. Rose didn’t know if they all felt like her though, like they didn’t deserve to cry over Marinette being gone because they weren’t friends with the girl when she died. It was depressing. 
Worst of all no one could get a hold of Lila. Maybe she felt bad for the misunderstanding that drove the class, minus Nathaniel and Chloe, away from Marinette. Lila was so kind and thoughtful that Rose had no doubt that the girl was probably drowning herself in some kind of misplaced guilt and Rose’s heart broke more at the image her mind conjured of an alone Lila crying nonstop and apologizing to a photo of Marinette. Though, thinking of it, Lila probably only had a photo of their latest class picture that had Marinette in it. The thought was sad all the same and Rose wished once more that the class had been able to get ahold of Lila. She felt like the girl could have used a picnic like today to unwind and see how everyone supported her and were there for her. Even if the picnic felt off to Rose, maybe it would have been the thing that helped Lila feel better and come back to school. 
“What seems to be the matter Kim?” Max’s question got Rose and almost everyone’s attention. It was then that Rose realized just how quiet the usually boisterous boy had been all day. It made her somehow feel worse. 
Kim sighed loudly and rolled onto his back, “Ondine hasn’t been answering my texts, calls, ChatSnaps, Rapidgrams, basically anything and everything that I thought I could use to try and talk to her. She’s been mad for a while now and I don’t know why.” 
“Did you guys fight recently?” Rose asked. 
A sigh once again. “That seems to be the only time we talked but that was like two months ago! She said she wanted a break and wanted, no needed, time away from me.” 
“...Well, if she said she needs time, Kim. then…” Nino awkwardly pointed out. 
“But how much time? It’s been ages!” Kim whined and while a part of Rose felt sorry for him, another part felt for Ondine. Maybe it was like some weird female sense or something but Rose understood that when a girl says she needs time, she needs more than a few days. Kim had always been impatient but he clearly needed his friends’ comfort. 
“Well,” Juleka hedged, “how bad was the fight?” 
By the wince Kim gave, it was bad and all the girls in the group looked at each other. It seemed like they all came to a consensus because they all gave Kim sad looks. “Did you maybe misunderstand her? Did she really say she wanted a break or did she say you guys were broken up?” Alya asked carefully. 
“No! I mean, I don’t think she really meant broken up. I know we have been fighting and everything but Ondine and I always make up.” Even though he said that, Kim didn’t look too sure. 
“What were you guys fighting about anyways?” Alix asked lazily from where she laid out across the blanket. Rose wished the skater had been looking at her because she would have at least seen Rose’s glare to pipe down. She had done her absolute best not to ruin the peace, even when she hadn’t been paying all that much attention, then Alix went and ruined it! 
No. Rose couldn’t think like that. They were all in this together so they had to stick together. She sent a silent apology towards Alix for her somewhat unkind thoughts. It did truly feel like they were only in this weird situation together. Rose had kind of thought that they would be getting some sympathy from the other classes or at the very least, Mme Mendeleiev’s seeing as Kim and Ondine were dating. Plus Marc was in that class and Nathaniel and him were friends, but that class had been sending them looks… Rose didn’t know why and she hoped it had nothing to do with Kim and Ondine’s fight, but a part of her felt like that had nothing to do with it. The rest of the school also sent them looks, but there were also the constant whispers that went on around them and were more than likely about them, but no one had come up to them to say anything. It felt like everyone was mad at them, but Rose couldn’t understand why. Though she knew it would come to a head one day, she dreaded that. 
“We were just fighting about-” Kim had started but abruptly stopped before Alya and Nino shushed him and waved everyone towards them. The volume of Alya’s tablet increased dramatically so they could all hear presumably the police statement that the reporter had been impatiently waiting for. They didn’t get to hear the introduction but that was fine, Alya had probably started screen-recording already. They all tried to catch a view of the live broadcast on the screen, it seemed like they were filming in front of City Hall. 
“...Before we get into the details we would like to warn that the details and evidence we bring forth is not for the faint-hearted. As everyone knows we have been investigating the destruction of the Agreste Mansion, and whether it was a planned attack or an akuma. We have ruled out the involvement of an akuma, but it was also not a planned attack.” Everyone could hear the deep breath the officer took. “Again, it was not a planned attack. We don’t know exactly what happened but with evidence we have gathered, we can make a pretty good guess.”
“We were working under the assumption that this was an attack on the Agreste family and thus were doing everything we possibly could to bring them justice. During our investigation, we happened upon the security cameras that had their footage backed up, thankfully. It was as we were reviewing the footage that we found…the disturbing truth. This will shock many and maybe many won’t believe us but we have provided some of the footage for this announcement and will be shared with the media.” Everyone waited with bated breaths. Rose felt like she had stopped breathing all together.
“Gabriel Agreste…Gabriel Agreste was Hawkmoth.” The officer stuttered out and by the roar of sound by all her friends and fellow park goers they hadn’t missed a word he said. 
“No…No he couldn’t…I know the dude was a dick and a half but there’s no way he was Hawkmoth.” Nino said in disbelief. 
“I know this is upsetting and … shocking but I promise you will get your proof afterward. Nathalie Sancoeur was his accomplice. She was Mayura.”
“I mean if Mister Agreste was Hawkmoth then that would kind of make sense.” Alix muttered. 
“And Adrien Agreste…”
“No. There’s no way my bro was involved! If that’s what he’s implying then we know it’s bogus!” Nino yelled out as he stood up and paced.
Rose silently agreed. There was no way Adrien could be involved, he was a shy boy but overall very nice. They never hung out one on one but he was always very kind to Rose and she had seen him try and talk some sense into Marinette in the beginning of the whole ‘Lila is a liar’ thing. She admired his determination to try and get Marinette to see reason and his unwavering faith in Lila. It was one of the many reasons why she thought they’d be a good couple. At least Lila could talk to Adrien and be around him without becoming a mess. She felt bad thinking that but it was the truth and it had been so frustrating that everyone of the girl group’s plan to make Adrienette happen crashed and burned because Marinette couldn’t do something. But Adrien always handled the situations with grace and a lot of patience so again, there was no way that Adrien knew or had anything to do with his father’s crimes. No way at all. 
“Adrien Agreste was Chat Noir. Before you cheer or sigh in relief, let me be frank. Chat Noir is now believed to have been a ruse to lure Ladybug into a false sense of security and give her trust to who she believed to be her partner.” 
The roar of denial and betrayal shook Rose and she couldn’t even be sure if she had joined in. It felt like she was in daze, in a haze, just completely adrift in what they were hearing. She both wanted to and didn’t want to listen anymore. She didn’t want to believe what she had heard but at the same time she felt a burning need to know everything.
“He lured her to the Agreste Mansion, it seems, in a false drop on Gabriel Agreste, who, as we said, was operating as Hawkmoth. The tables turned quickly and…” The officer’s eyes looked glossy but his face was red in what could only be, barely contained anger. “Ladybug’s earrings were taken. She was…she was struck by Chat Noir and taunted from the looks of it as we were not able to get audio from the security videos. Then…then something happened.”
He paused. “If any children are watching this I beg the parents to either turn it off or make sure the children do not hear.” 
For a city as noisy and chaotic as Paris tended to be, it seemed like everyone was quiet and holding their breath like Rose was. 
“What we believe happened, is that Ladybug, in a last ditch effort to save us all…sa-sacrificed herself in a way we can not explain. With a scream of rage the screen turned red and then nothing, but at the scene we found evidence of this sacrifice. A sizeable puddle of charred blood and pieces of burnt clothing. Furthermore, we now have an identification of Ladybug and it is with a reluctant and heavy heart that we share this with you all. But we have been given permission by her family to share.”
Rose tasted blood, she hadn’t even noticed she had been biting her lip in anticipation. 
“Ladybug was a child, a child who without hesitation protected us time and time again, up until her last moments. Her parents felt like it would disrespect everything he had done for us to not share her name. This girl was none other than our very own, Marinette Dupain-Cheng.” 
Marinette Dupain-Cheng.
Rose missed probably the rest of the announcement but the ending…the ending had her snapping back to focus so fast that if mental whiplash was a thing, she knew she would have it. 
“..And it seems like Gabriel had more help than previously thought. One guaranteed individual we know of is a minor so we will not be giving her name. With that being said, if anyone has any information of the whereabouts of Giada Rossi and her daughter, please contact us. Thank you.”
Rose was…everything at once yet numb somehow. She didn’t know how to react or if she even should react. But it seemed like someone did as she heard angry footsteps approaching their group, they were purposeful so there was no mistaking where they were heading. Rose turned to see who it was, partially hoping it was Lila to tell them it was a misunderstanding and she had an explanation that would somehow magically fix everything, but no, it was Ondine. Ondine and Mireille and Aurore and what looked to be all of Mendeleiev’s class plus a couple others from other classes. Rose distantly watched as Kim scrambled to get up and run towards Ondine with a teary smile on his face but something was wrong. Wrong, wrong , wrong. 
The resounding slap that came next confirmed her thoughts and with the way it snapped her out of said thoughts, you would think she had been the one who had been slapped. 
Everyone was still. All they could do was stand and stare at the sight of Kim’s cheek turning red from the harsh slap he had received from Ondine. Then it was like a dam burst and everyone started shouting at one another, some were even getting into the faces of those who had just arrived. It was awful and scary and Rose hated every second of it. Rose would bet things would have turned physical if it weren’t for Markov being present, it was well known he recorded whenever he felt like Max was in trouble. It had caused some issues with the school. Rose had never been more grateful for Markov’s presence than that moment as it provided a distraction for Rose to grab Juleka’s hand and run away. It was cowardly perhaps, maybe she should have stayed and defended Kim. Maybe she should have been a silent support for those trying to get answers from an angry Ondine and the rest of those who arrived with her. Maybe she should have asked why they were mad. 
There were so many ‘maybes’ that it was overwhelming and that was a big part of why she ran. Rose simply was overwhelmed and her brain felt fried with all the information they heard from the conference and the events that followed. She needed a safe space to digest it all and calm down. Luckily for her, the Liberty was parked close by and it was somewhere she wholeheartedly considered a safe space, plus she thought it would help Juleka, who’s rapid heartbeat she could feel beneath her fingers wrapped around the goth girl’s wrist. She only stopped her run once they were aboard and then she was finally able to stop and breathe. She had just caught her breath when she heard footsteps and noticed Luka making his way towards them. 
She sighed in relief at the sight of him, knowing he could provide comfort to Juleka and herself. She smiled at him but that smile quickly fell once she saw the look on his face. Luka was a chill guy through and through so it was pretty rare to see him mad. The boy marched towards them with purpose and it startled Rose so much that she instinctively took a step back. Then the yelling started and Rose couldn’t handle everything anymore. She felt bad for just letting Luka yell at Juleka but she could feel herself zoning out as she tended to do when she heard fighting. 
It was an old coping mechanism of hers.
At first the yelling was all she heard, then it dulled to an unpleasant buzzing. 
She hated the buzzing.
But she hated the sound of yelling and fighting more.
Her last coherent thought before she drifted too far was, ‘ Why was this happening? ’
Next Chapter
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alright fuck it not the usual post but this needs to be addressed right now and I'm not about to pussy out even if I'm probably going to be attacked for it.
Now I personally haven't gotten any bad apples over here yet and I'm not going into the specifics but there has been a couple Anons attacking a certain friend of mine and this needs to stop real quick. I know I'm not popular, this likely won't get the reach it needs, but I don't care because atleast someone will see it. Unfortunately no CW tags for this one either because this needs to be seen.
I don't know who you are, of course I don't, but god. You don't just go telling people to off themselves when you don't even know them. Hell, you knew their mental state before that and still went right ahead and told them to, most of the time people don't even know about that before sending dumbass shit like what you said.
And the fact is, you hid yourself behind an Anon instead of just saying out outright. No, Anons aren't cowards like you are. Hell, it's brave in itself to just send a simple ask in my opinion and I'm really grateful of all the wonderful Anons here. But the fact you went ahead and told someone to kill themselves WHILE hiding behind Anon just shows to me how much of a goddamn coward you really are not even being able to muster up the balls to say it on main. To me that just removes any credit or power you could have had.
Yes, life is hard. Yes, in most cases it will get more difficult. But with the help of the people that care about and love you, you can persevere and enjoy those good days or happy moments in life. Hell, one day it won't be as hard as it is. I know that struggle, hell, I struggle with it myself. But I believe in you and that whoever is reading this that you can carry on and work through it, have some fun in the meantime, nothing is worth losing your life over. And to jackasses like that anon.. Perhaps go outside, feel the sun on your skin, breathe in some fresh air and go on a walk. Perhaps after a nice relaxation you'll rethink sending shit like that.
I'm tired, stressed, feel sick, have a headache and just want to go back to sleep for a month. But I can't rest if there's someone out there doing shit like this to the people I care about, nonetheless just enjoy things and pretend that nothing's wrong, not if this is what I keep waking to. I can't do much of comfort myself, but I can speak, and speak I will. So, Anon, either get your shit together or stop being a goddamn coward and show yourself. I don't think any of us want to have to deal with this again.
Apologies if the wording on this is god awful but I do hope that atleast the message got across. I won't be answering asks here for a bit just to make sure that it's seen but feel free to send them in still I suppose.
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hastalahamon · 3 months
Now that I've slept on it, i gotta say, I don't think New's plan ever involved any of them surviving this, including him. I think his plan was to make them all admit to it, kill them, make Phee admit to his role in it, kill him, and then kill himself.
If... and that's a BIG if for me, since i'm still on my white is sus agenda, but if white is truly innocent, maybe he gets to live.
none of them are redeemable. some of them don't exactly deserve to die, but as an older sibling, i understand the rage New feels. in fact, i'm finding it a tad difficult to grasp how tame he's being about it.
and i see nothing wrong with him doing this for selfish reasons. this happened to him too. he lost his brother, his whole family because of these assholes. he gets to be angry and sad because of it. and he gets to deal with it in a way that helps him. it wasn't some sad accident that cause the ruin of his entire family, these cunts did all of this on purpose.
his comment that it doesn't matter what non would have wanted is valid af. non is dead (or is he), they made sure they ruined that boy completely, they don't get to weasel their way out of this piggybacking on his kindness. they don't get to use him for their own gain, AGAIN
AND JIN. do not even get me started on jin. mr nice guy whose first reaction after NOT confessing his feelings and finding out his crush has a boyfriend and then seeing said crush being raped by a teacher is TO FILM IT. even fluke was like wtf man. you know you're fucked in the head when even fluke judges you. fluke's been silent the entire time, about EVERYTHING, but this was the hill he decided to get judgy on.
jin was instrumental in getting non to go along with all of their shit. he was the nice friend who'd put his hand on non's shoulder, bat his eyelashes, and get non to do whatever the gang wanted. he talks big game about how they're mean in calling non greasy, and yet he never, not once stopped the others from bullying non. even fluke calls him out on it when tee drugs non and takes him away. jin get's all oh no they're taking non away and fluke outright tells him to do something about it if he has a problem with it... and surprise surprise, jin does nothing.
and phee, phee doesn't get to forgive jin. it's not phee's place to understand and forgive, phee washed his hands of non, he was done with him, and just cause he feels guilty for his last words to non doesn't mean he gets to absolve himself of his guilt by finding someone who's done non worse and forgiving him. that video ruined non's life. and even if he could come back from such a scandal (he was coerced (read raped), what fucking scandal, but that's a different conversation), that video was directly used to stop any chance non ever had of being found by the police or the police even looking into his disappearance.
and even if jin wasn't the one who leaked it, he was the one to film it. in fact, i repeat, it was his first reaction to seeing his UNDERAGE crush being raped by a teacher. had jin not been a colossal dick, that video wouldn't even exist in the first place, and no one would use keng to make it seem that non ran off with his lover.
also, i don't think non is dead. and i don't think white is there by mistake. and i'm sus of that friend of tee's. he got way too much screen time for someone who's supposed to be there just for exposition.
and that bob haired thug, the one that's all i don't know i don't know. SUS. last time someone didn't know didn't know nie huaisang took down meng yao and exposed all his crimes.
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phantasmiafxndom · 1 year
How do you Gyutaro would react to his owner giving him his own room? And not only that but taking in his sister as well? I would really like to know!
I'm leaving the Daki part out of this one, since I have that waiting as another request already~ :3
. . .
He's somewhere between confused as to why you'd bother, and deeply uncomfortable with that much of a privilege. Gyuutarou isn't at all used to being treated like he's worthy anything, and even when he's been with someone kind for a while, too much attention is terribly overwhelming. Fearing it might be some kind of cruel trick, he tries to avoid using the room, at first. Surely you'll punish him if he assumes it's really meant for him, right? The idea that you'd actually be so generous is difficult to comprehend, especially when there's no outward cost for accepting it.
Eventually, he'll have no choice but to accept the offer of his own space, fearing that you'll be angry if he refuses it outright. It feels uncomfortable and vaguely wrong to have something so nice for himself... and yet, the privacy to hide from your attention when he's starting to get panicky and self-conscious is way too nice. It still feels weird that you're just letting him have this, but it's easier to adjust to it when time passes and nothing goes wrong.
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hoedamn-eron · 10 months
baby, please - part 9
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After your disastrous call with your parents, you decide to take yourself baby shopping. You invite Santi.
Warnings: A long chapter. Mentions of being sick, so emetophobia warning. Brief mention of unsupportive family members. Some swearing. Had to find a shopping mall in Florida and navigate through it so please excuse the inaccuracies on which stores are actually in there. Like mega fluffy towards the end. Barely proofread. Word count: 4,974 F!Reader, no use of Y/N.
This isn't my favourite chapter, it didn't go the way I had planned it, and even after a few rewrites it's still doesn't feel right. Also, I wrote so much of this before my One Drive decided to crash and it didn't save anything, despite me having my autosave on, so I lost like 5 hours worth of work. And I happened to have been written during a bad week at work so it's probably not my best.
Part 8 ● Series Masterlist ● Part 10
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The following weeks after your disastrous call with your parents and sisters were a blur of work and preparations of pregnancy and birth. Your company’s new clients, who were ‘happy with the updates to their social media, and a few print outs every now and then’, were taking up most of your time, but that wasn’t an awful lot of time. So when you were at home, you were reading all the baby books you could find, trying to absorb as much information as possible.
Regarding your birth, you had been looking into a birth plan. You wanted to go as naturally as you possibly could. You were interested in a home birth, with a birthing pool. You read up about the benefits of being in a familiar environment and an unhurried birth, but you were carrying twins. It would be more difficult than a single baby birth, and what if something went wrong? What if you had to be rushed to the hospital? If there was an emergency, you didn’t want to wait for an ambulance and travel. And also, you would need a bigger place for that, which may not have happened for you yet. So, you were leaning towards a birth at the hospital. Sure, it won’t be as relaxed as you would have liked but if you wait as long as possible to go, then you wouldn’t be there for long. Your insurance did only cover a three day stay at the hospital.
 You’d talk it through with Santi, but you’re not going to see him until your next appointment.
Your bad mood hadn’t gone unnoticed. Emily had been hovering over you for the past few days, doing odd jobs for you and just generally keeping an eye on you. You’d be flattered if she wasn’t so…concerned all the time.
“Is everything okay?” Emily asked you for the eightieth time that week.
You don’t even react anymore. “I’m fine, Emily,” you answer robotically, almost a habit to you now.
“You just seem really down,” Emily said, pouting as she leaned forward in her chair, looking at you with sad eyes.
“I had a fight with my family, that’s all,” you replied. “It’s nothing new.”
She stared at you for a moment before nodding. “Okay. Just let me know if you need anything. A snack or a coffee.”
You glance at her as she turned back to her computer. You were convinced she knew about the pregnancy. She hadn’t outright said it, or indicated otherwise, and yeah, Emily was nice, but not this nice. You wondered if Santi had said anything, but when you had asked about it in the past, he didn’t sound like he’d told Emily.
You shake your head at yourself and return to your computer. You’re just being paranoid. And a Negative Nancy.
Although your bump was starting to show a little bit, even as early was you were, and it wouldn’t be long until you had to come out to work that you were expecting. You had already drafted an email up to Harriet to send whenever you were ready, you just needed to get to that point. But you were enjoying your own little pregnancy bubble for now, you had time to tell her, and the rest of the office.
You sigh as you lean back in your chair, staring at the email trail you had going with a potential new client. You needed some new clothes. Your pants were getting tighter each week and you were uncomfortable most days. When you were at home, you lived in a pair of sweatpants that belongs to a long-lost ex-boyfriend, in times gone by. You never bothered to get in touch to return them after your break-up, because, honestly, they were too comfy to go back. Maybe you could treat yourself to some retail therapy that weekend; you hadn’t started buying baby things yet, don’t people already have at least a few items at this point? Maybe you should get started.
You could invite Santiago and give yourself the opportunity to talk about the birth plan.
You bite your lip as you stood from your desk. “I’ll be right back,” you say to Emily, already turning and pulling your phone out of your pocket. You barely heard her acknowledgement before you make your way out of your office and to reception.
You scroll for his number before calling him. It doesn’t take long until Santi’s answering, “Hey, cariño, everything okay?”
You pause, suddenly think that you’re being too forward; too hasty. You could have waited to call until after work when you were at home. Hell, you didn’t even need to call, you could have just texted him. All because you wanted to know if he wanted to go baby shopping with you this weekend. This wasn’t an urgent thing, you could have made the same arrangements tomorrow. You shake your head at yourself, muttering about what an idiot you were, about to tell him ‘goodbye’, you ‘hadn’t mean to call him’ –
“Hey,” he called your name down the phone at your sudden silence. “Are you all right? Is something wrong?”
“N-no, sorry,” you say, feeling your face warm and suddenly feeling shy. “I didn’t mean to call. Well, I did, but I should have called after work, I’m sorry. Did I take you away from something important?”
“No, not at all,” Santi replied.
You both fall into silence. It wasn’t awkward but it wasn’t comfortable either. You faltered for a moment before you blurted out, “Do you want to come shopping with me? This weekend? On Saturday, I mean. For the babies?”
You were met with quiet, and you had thought he had hung up on you, but he eventually answered, “Sure. Anything in particular you were looking for?”
“No, not really,” you say. “I just…wanted to have a look around, you know? Get some clothes or something.”
“Yeah, yeah, sounds good,” Santi replied. “There’s some baby store that Frankie recommended, we could go there.”
“Yeah, that sounds good,” you say. “I can…meet you there or we could together, if you wanted?”
“Yeah,” Santi says, before he blurts out, “I can pick you up. If you want.”
You bite your lip. You’d made the point since you found out you were pregnant to keep things as separate as you could, more for Santi’s sake really (and because you didn’t want to rely on anyone). But, your chest warms, for some reason, at the thought of going together to the store.
You give a small smile. “Okay. It’s 11am okay or is that too early?”
“That’s fine, cariño,” says Santi. “I’ll see you on Saturday.”
“I’ll see you then,” you say before saying your goodbyes and hanging up.
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You wait outside your apartment building for Santiago. You’d been thinking about your shopping trip all week and you were feeling oddly nervous. You weren’t sure why, you’d seen Santiago many times before, but not this…casually. Not regarding the pregnancy, anyway. The only time you had really spent together was for prenatal appointments.
Throughout the week, you were toying with the idea of texting him, cancelling the whole shopping trip and just going by yourself, or even with your friends. But you hesitated, since Santiago said he wanted to be involved, and it would be a good bonding experience for you both. You were in each other’s lives now for the next nineteen years, after all. You wanted your children to grow up in happy, healthy households, where their parents could communicate openly.
You were pulled out of your thoughts when Santi pulled up in front of you in his truck. You desperately wanted to ask him if he was thinking about getting a car, just something that would be able to fit two car seats. But you’d already changed so much of his life already, and you didn’t want to push his boundaries. You climbed into his truck, sending him a ‘hi’ as you close the door behind you.
You buckle yourself in as you ask, “So where is this place anyway?”
“Florida Mall,” Santi replied as he set off. “It’s called The Children’s Place. Frankie says it’s mostly clothing but there’s a Dillard’s and a Macy’s for other stuff if we wanted to look.”
You nod. “Yeah, okay, that’s fine. I was looking at Ikea for the big furniture anyway,” you say. “And I need a bigger place for that, so it can wait for now.”
Santi nodded. “I can help you out with that too, if you need,” Santi offered, glancing at you for a moment before turning his eyes back to the road. “Don’t want you lugging around heavy furniture when you’re pregnant.”
You push down the warm feeling you felt in your chest as you nod at him. “I’ll let you know when I have it.”
There was an awkward pause before Santi broke it. “I’ve been meaning to bring this up to you, and I get that it might be a little early but…what’s the situation going to be when they’re here?”
Your brow furrows. “What do you mean?”
“Do I need to get furniture too?” Santi asked, giving you another glance. “Because it’s not a problem if I do. I have a spare room and it’s big enough for two cribs. Maybe. I’ll have to clear it out, I’m using it as storage for the moment.”
You stare at him for a moment, that warm feeling coming back to your chest tenfold. He wanted to have the baby furniture at his place? He wanted to have the chaos and the mess that two babies would bring? You vaguely think of if he brought women home back to his place, how they’ll question if he had kids or where the kids were, would it ruin his game? What if he decided to get with someone seriously and they didn’t want the baggage of children from a previous relationship (using the term very loosely). Like you mentioned before, you didn’t want to be telling him what to do. You’d encroached on his life enough already.
“Hey, I know those cogs are working overtime, don’t overthink it,” said Santiago at your silence. “I’ve told you, I’m in this with you. I don’t mind if my life changes a little bit.”
You take a deep breath before letting it go. “Okay.” You nod. “You should get some furniture. I want them to have a relationship with you so it would be nice if they could spend some time with you at your place.”
Santiago nodded before turning to you and giving you a closed smile. “Okay then.”
You chat idly for the rest of the journey about what you had both been up to since the last time you saw each other, and you brought up how your friends were doing and how your family now know that you were pregnant.
“And? How did it go?” he asked, an eyebrow raised in question. “With your family?”
You go quiet before answering, “Not as pleased as my friends were.”
You leave it at that. He doesn’t pry, just gives a nod, and says he’s sorry to hear that they weren’t as supportive. You shrug, looking away from him because you refused to cry about it anymore than you already have, telling him that you’ll get over it and you had him and your friends. It would be your parents and sisters missing out, not your babies.
You pull into the mall and Santiago parks as close as he could to the entrance, claiming that you shouldn’t be walking as far.
You laugh at him as you unbuckle your seatbelt. “I’m pregnant, not elderly.”
He shakes his head. “I’ve heard you complain enough to Jennifer about your joint aches to know you’re gonna want to sit down in about an hour.” He starts climbing out his truck.
Your mouth falls open in mock offence as you climb out the truck also. “That’s so rude, Santi!” you close the door behind you.
“Rude, but true. Come on,” he nods towards the mall entrance before you join him, walking together into the busy mall.
You take a look at the mall map, finding the store Frankie recommended. “It’s towards the back. It’s next to a Build-a-Bear.”
“We can look in those too, if you want,” Santi says.
You grin. “I always wanted a Build-a-Bear when I was a kid,” you said. “My mom would never let me get one.” Your face falls at the mention of your mother.
Santiago, ever the observant, quickly changes the subject. “We can get one each for them. We’ll both pick an outfit for them.” He grins at you.
You take a moment before plastering a smile on your face. “Sure. Oh! Can we stop at a candy store first?”
“We can,” Santi replied, how brow furrowed slightly. “Why?”
“I’ve ran out of watermelon Sourpatch Kids,” you reply, already walking through the mall for the closest candy shop. “I’m constantly craving them. It’s all I want to eat. Think I might be funding them alone.”
Santiago gave a small chuckle, shaking his head at you. “We can get all the Sourpatch Kids you want.”
“As long as it’s watermelon,” you said, giving him a pointed look.
He sighs in amusement, putting his hand on your back and leading you through into the mall as he nods. “As long as it’s watermelon.”
It doesn’t take you long to find the candy shop, Santi making the joke that your pregnancy gave you the nose of a bloodhound. You snorted a laugh before buying four packs of watermelon Sourpatch Kids. Santi’s eyes widened as you stuffed them in your bag before opening one as you both walk out of the store. “That many?” he asked.
You gave him a look before he raised his hands slightly in defence. “They’re so good,” you mutter, before chewing on a sweet slowly, giving a light moan as the taste.
“Cravings hit you this week?” Santi asked.
“Like you wouldn’t believe,” you say, already eating another sweet. “They’re all I think about. These and Diet Coke.” You shake the open bag of candy for emphasis. You hesitate before asking if he wanted one, and to your relief, he said no.
“Not a candy kind of guy,” Santi said as you both meander through the mall.
“Good, ‘cause I only offered to be polite,” you said, taking another from the bag.
Santi huffed a laugh through his nose before nodding around the stores. “So, where do we start?”
“Let’s go to the place Frankie recommended,” you say. “I’m curious.”
You both made your way to the store, grabbing a basket as you walk in. The place was full of colours, with character shirts and holiday specific clothing. Santiago stuck close by, taking a look around and asking for your opinions on some things. Between the two of you, you ended up grabbing a copious amount of baby vests and baby grows, mostly white, and some tiny socks which you had internally freaked out over at the size (so tiny!).
You also excitedly grabbed a few holiday themed outfits for the next year.
“That’s hideous,” Santi said as you look at an obnoxious Christmas jumper for a nine-month-old.
You smirked, obviously agreeing with him, but deciding to mess with him a bit. “But it’s so cute, and small. Can you imagine how cute a little baby would be in this?”
“Please don’t get it,” laughed Santiago.
“I’m gonna get it,” you say, putting it in your basket before grinning. “To spite you.”
You pretended a few moments later that you hadn’t seen him discreetly pick up the jumper and put it back on the rack. And you both didn’t say anything about the ‘missing jumper’ when you went to pay either.
With Santi carrying your bags that he offered with some dispute from you, you make your way to any other baby shops you could find. You got a little teary (damn hormones!) as you looked at the shoes and more socks, and some of the costume you found, like the little Mickey and Minnie set you found, or a Beauty and the Beast dress, which happened to be your favourite movie when you were a kid.
When you made your way into Cotton On Kids, you found yourself some maternity pants and jeans, and that’s where you realised that Santiago was a browser. He briefly mentioned that he wasn’t much of a shopper for himself, never mind other people. Especially kids. But you saw him eyeing up a pair of white sneakers and a couple of Metallica t-shirts. You encouraged him to buy them if he liked them; they could stay at his place and the babies could wear them when they were staying over.
He hesitated before grabbing two pairs of each, looking down at the shirts and thumbing at the material before smirking up at you. “My favourite band,” he said.
You smiled and shook your head as you went to make your purchases.
After a while, you did in fact need to sit down, just like Santi predicted. You both decided it was probably a good stopping point to have some lunch anyway, since you had nearly worked your way through two of the four bags of candy you had bought earlier. You took a seat as Santi went to Five Guys, getting some burgers and fries, and the biggest Diet Coke they offered.
“How’s your morning sickness?” Santi asked as he sat down opposite you.
You shrug. “Better but still not great. I’ve taken to drinking ginger tea instead of coffee nowadays to ease it.”
“And does it?” Santi asked, unwrapping his burger.
You pulled a face but nodded anyway, unwrapping your own burger. “It did a bit but it tastes disgusting. I’m going to give mint tea a try, since Gabrielle told me try that with lemonade. It helped her, apparently.”
You talk about stuff happening at work, your new clients, your suspicion that Emily might know you’re pregnant, something that Santiago laughed at.
“She had to take in a book for me,” he replied. “‘The Expectant Dad's Survival Guide’ that Frankie’s kindly let me borrow.”
You give him a swat on the arm. “You’re the reason she thinks something’s up,” you laugh. You make a mental note to get your own books.
You eat your food and talk some more about your upcoming appointment next week and you mentioned to Santi that you were thinking about a birth plan; since you were having twins, you were likely to go into early labour, so you wanted to be as prepared as possible.
“And what are you going to do?”
You sigh. “I think I’ll just go for a standard hospital birth, as natural as possible. I’d like a home birth but I’m paranoid something is going to go wrong.”
“You can talk to Jennifer about it,” said Santi. “She’ll know more about it than we will.”
You finish your food, feeling more relaxed than you did before as Santiago grabbed the bags. You make a quick detour to the bathroom to puke your guts up. You might have to give up cheese at this point, since it always seems to trigger your morning sickness. You come out of the bathroom, Santi handing you a bottle of water that he very nicely got for you. Your heart swells as you take a sip before you both make your way round the rest of the mall.
You do, in fact, take a look in Build-a-Bear, but decide on getting them another day. You made sure Santi promised to come with you.
After a few more stops (and a few more bags of toys and clothing for the babies and you), you make your way into H&M. Gabrielle had mentioned they were good for kids clothing, but you did notice everything was looking a little sad and beige, but you gave Gabrielle the benefit of the doubt. Santi had wandered off since he mentioned he needed to look at some jeans for himself, so you moseyed through the clothing, spotting a few bits of clothing you liked.
You don’t pay much attention to wear you’re walking, and you give a small ‘oomf!’ as you lightly bump into someone, quickly apologising before you take a good look at him, your eyes widening. “Craig!”
He looks at you with confusion before a spark of recognition takes over his face. “Oh, hey,” he says, recalling your name. “How are you?”
You hadn’t heard from this guy since you cancelled your date when you found out you were pregnant. “Uh, yeah, I’m good. How’re you?”
“Not so bad,” Craig replies. He clears his throat and nods to your pile of baby clothes. “For you, or…”
You blink in confusion for a moment before looking down at the clothes. You give a laugh. “Yeah, uh…for me.” You show him your bump for a few seconds. “Just coming out of my first trimester.”
“Right,” Craig said.
“You?” you asked, nodding to the clothes in his hand.
“Nephew’s birthday.”
“Oh.” You both fall into an awkward silence.
You open your mouth to tell him goodbye, but he quickly cuts you off, “I’m sorry that I never got back to you. About our date.”
You make a noise of nonchalance. “You don’t need to be sorry for anything, I cancelled on you.”
“I know, but I was being a little bitter about it and I’m sorry, but now I see that…” he nods to your clothes bundle. “You had some…stuff going on.”
You sigh. “Yeah, well, I wasn’t feeling great, and I found out I was pregnant that night and it was…very unexpected, so…”
Craig’s eyes widened. “Oh shit, I didn’t know you cancelled from that.”
He was as good looking as you remember him, from his pictures. He was handsome, in a Clark Kent kind of way. Tall, dark hair, piercing blue eyes, he was a genuine heartthrob. It was what attracted you to him in the first place. That, and the fact he made you laugh, and he was charming, and was good fun. You wondered very briefly what would have happened if you had gone out on that date with him, if you had just put off testing for one or two days.
“Yeah, it was…a lot,” you say. “It's, uh, settled down, finally. How about you? What have you been up to?”
“Oh, you know, the usual work stuff.” He shrugged. “Work’s busy. Trying to find some free time for hobbies.” He gave a small chuckle.
“Ugh, tell me about it,” you say. “All my time at the moment is prenatal appointments and work. I’m working on setting more boundaries for myself.”
“Good for you,” said Craig. “It’s hard balancing work and life, never mind being pregnant.”
“With twins,” you say.
“With twins, no way!” Craig said. “Congrats!”
“Thank you,” you say, giving him a smile.
“Hey, hermosa,” Santi greeted, suddenly appearing at your side. “I gotta get these!” he grins excitedly, holding the small jerseys of a team you weren’t familiar with in his hands before he finally looks between you and Craig. “Sorry, am I interrupting something?”
There was something to his tone that made you think he knew he was interrupting something. “This is, erm…Craig.” You gesture to Craig. “Craig, this is Santiago,” you introduce him. “He’s the babies’ father.”
Santiago gave Craig a tight-lipped smile before holding his hand out to him. “Nice to meet you.”
Craig smiled before shaking his hand. “You too.”
“How do you know Craig?” Santiago asked you, giving you a too nonchalant look as he places his free hand on the base of your back. You mentally note it was the second time that day he’d done it that day.
You look between them before clearing your throat. “Craig and I were going to go on a date.”
“She cancelled on me,” Craig joked.
You look at him with an amused look on your face, gasping in mock upset. “Because I found out I was pregnant.”
“Oh,” Santiago said, looking between you both before he smirked. “She went on a date with me too and look what happened.” He motioned to your bump.
“Okay,” you say, grabbing Santiago’s arm, feeling your cheeks growing hot with sudden embarrassment. “Good to see you, Craig.” You call, already turning to walk away.
“You too,” Craig said. “Don’t be a stranger, okay?”
You waved your hand in acknowledgement as you walk to the other side of the store.
You take a quick glance at Santi as you stop in the girl’s section and mindlessly start looking through dresses, just for something to do. Santi, the smug bastard, was smirking at you. “He seemed nice.”
“He was. He is,” you say, still looking through the clothes, a little more aggressively.
“You should ask him out,” Santi said. “Again.”
You pause for a moment before looking at him, an unamused look on your face. “No.”
“You’re single, you should,” Santiago said. “He didn’t seem to mind you were pregnant.”
“That’s not…look, it’s complicated,” you say. “No-one wants a pregnant woman as their date.”
“Are you looking to date?” Santiago asked.
You give him a look. “Why are you being weird?”
“I’m not being weird,” Santiago said, blinking at you almost innocently.
“You are,” you say. “Why are we talking about my dating life? I haven’t even thought about dating since I found out I was carrying your spawn.”
Santiago snorted a laugh. “Charming.”
“I don’t want to talk about it anymore, Santi,” you say, turning away from him and back to the clothes, still not really looking at them. “I just wanted this to be a nice day, with you, about us and the babies.”
Santiago looked at you with an unreadable look on his face for a few moments. You didn’t know what to say, you didn’t know why you felt so embarrassed that you had ran into Craig. It had never been an issue for you before, running into an ex, but maybe it was because you were pregnant. Maybe it was because you were with Santi. Maybe it was because you just wanted to still be in your pregnancy bubble, with Santi, where everything wasn’t so fucked up, where you could pretend to be in a loving, stable relationship for the time being.
After a moment you sigh, averting your gaze. “Sorry. That was unfair to you, I shouldn’t have said that.”
“No, you’re right,” said Santi, slowly nodding. “I was a bit of an asshole, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to come across as possessive, I was just messing with you.”
You bite your lip at him as he looks down at the jerseys in his hands, and you know it’s so he doesn’t have to look at you, to keep his hands busy. You frown at him, feeling bad before you lightly clear your throat. “I’m sorry. Really. I know it’s no excuse, but my hormones are all over the place and I was really nervous about today – “
“Why?” Santiago asked, suddenly looking up at you.
“What?” you asked, blinking at him as if you missed his question.
“Why were you nervous about today?”
“Because…” you pause, sucking in your lips as you looked down at your shoes in further embarrassment before deciding just to suck it up. “Because this is the first time we’ve spent together outside of my appointments…and our date.”
Santi just looked at you in confusion. “So?”
“So,” you emphasise. “I just…wanted today to be a good day. I wanted to just feel a little bit normal about this whole thing and not just the couple who aren’t actually a couple who got pregnant after a one-night stand.”
He goes silent again as he stares at you, and you feel your cheeks burning again. God, you just can’t seem to keep your mouth shut today. Your brain obviously isn’t working and it’s probably best if you just stick to being casual with Santi and not try to force anything, like you said before.
You open your mouth to tell him that you should probably go, but he beat you to it.
“This is still new to both of us,” he said. “And I know you have your way of doing things and you want to be the best you can at this, and I don’t doubt you will,” Santi raises his eyebrows pointedly at you at you give him a look. “But you have to remember that it’s not just you. Okay? I feel like I’m walking on eggshells because you’re so Goddamn independent that I’m worried I’m going to say the wrong thing and upset you. Like before.”
You sigh, throwing your head back. “I’m sorry.”
“And stop apologising when you haven’t done anything wrong,” Santiago said. “Stop worrying you’re going to upset me.”
You give another sigh before you look at him. “We need to learn to communicate better.”
Santi faltered before nodding. “We do.”
“We should talk more, outside of,” you motion to your bump. “This.”
“We should,” he gave another nod.
“I’m…” you were about to apologise again but stopped yourself, deciding to go in a different direction. “I’m glad you wanted to come with me today.”
“Are you kidding? And miss out on embarrassing you in front of an almost date?” Santiago grinned as you swatted him arm.
“Asshole,” you muttered before motioning for him to follow you. “Come on, let’s go and buy these football jerseys,” you say, smiling at the small shirts still in his hands.
“It’s a baseball team,” Santiago replies, smirking and falling into step with you.
“Shut up,” you say, giving him a good-natured shove as he laughs at your blunder.
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Tagged - @khonsulockley, @bluenredndeath
89 notes · View notes
May I request headcanons for Shinji, Byakuya and Shunsui where their crush is feeling insecure about their body. What would they do to comfort them? Thank you so much! :)
You picked such wonderful characters! I haven't gotten to write for Shinji or Shunsui yet so this was a new one. I also really like this request and since I didn't want to be overly specific about the body type it was left vague hope that's alright.
Shinji is very smart even if he doesn't always show it so it's something he notices pretty quickly
He might not outright ask you about it but once he notice he'll do everything he can to prove your perfect in his eyes
Praise is not something Shinji gives out easily, weather it be for looks or skill it's just not something he tends to do but its constant
Even small changes don't go unnoticed by him and its in those details that his compliments hold meaning, things about your style or how you hold yourself the way you look in the sun or after a good sparring session it's endless with Shinji 
If you talk with him about it Shinji won't fully know how to handle it, he knows this is something that takes a lot of trust and it warms his heart to know you trust him 
" I think you're perfect. Everyone has some flaws that's just normal, ya look great all the time and no matter I think anyone who says otherwise is just an idiot for not seeing it. That goes for you too.”
It's not as easy for someone like Byakuya to figure out how you're feeling he's smart but also very closed off
You're always on his mind and he's watching out for you all the time so at some point he does start to get the feeling that somethings wrong with you
However Byakuya is someone that doesn't like to beat around the bush so once he figures it out he'll just outright ask you about it
Whether you tell him or not doesn't matter, of course he wants you to tell him but if you don't he understands that
It wont change what he does either way but hearing it from you makes him just a little more confident in saying this since it feels less invasive
After talking Byakuya will in his own way try to prove why you're so amazing in his eyes, from asking you to train with him to taking your opinion into account when doing things it's subtle but for Byakuya it means everything
" You will always be your worst enemy but even with that please understand that you are so much more than you might think. Picking flaws in oneself is easier than finding the beauty that lies within. Both inside and outside you are the most lovely flower to ever be seen."
I think Shunsui would notice it right away but might not say anything directly until he knows more
Instead his method is much more roundabout and sweet in fact you might not even realize it's happening
Shunsui already talks about you a lot its something everyone has gotten used but it's more intense now
Whenever you get brought up its always praise and nothing but praise
Going on and on about how wonderful you look and how amazing you are, talking about how nice you look today or something cool you did and it's always when he knows you're around to hear
If you start to notice this and ask him he just laughs saying this is just something he does anyway, ask any squad mate or other captain and they can all tell you it happens regularly
At some point Shunsui will just outright ask you if it drags on long enough since he's truly worried about what you might think of yourself
" To me you've always shined brightly. No one could compare to you even if they tried. You're one of the most gorgeous and talented people out there even if you don't see it, let me try to show you things from my point of view."
I'm sorry this took so long! I really like this one but it was harder than I thought to write. I think maybe it's because I also read fanfics but it was hard not to write about my own insecurities but I wanted to make this general since it's something everyone has to deal with. Anyway, thank you so much for requesting and reading. I hope you enjoyed it. Today the 18th is my birthday so later today I'm gonna write something more indulgent. Have a good day or night! - Lilly
397 notes · View notes
cool-kink-sis · 10 months
As someone who despises Cassandra and everything she stands for since you can't change her mind on anything, she fights you every step of the way and even if she begrudgingly agrees, nothing changes, she shoves her religion in everyone's face etc etc.
My point is I always found it odd that Solas validates her whilst ripping everyone else to shreds, Cassandra is rude, patronising, narrow minded and by her own admission: bad tempered and doesn't plan ahead.
"I see something that must be done so I do it, I see no reason to stand around talking about it."
Not a direct quote but something similar.
It's everything Solas hates and yet he validates her experience, ignores the oppression, the system, the cruelty, the tranquil, the templars and everything else she's apart and complicit in and I LOVE the idea that he's playing nice to her because she is in a position of power.
Right from the start in Haven, it's clear she's running shit with the soldiers, people defer to her and Solas mentions she has threatened him several times. I cannot remember for the life of me but there is a point in the game where magic is going off and Cassandra marches up to Solas and says "Speak, apostate!" This is not at the start of the game because I recall thinking 'what happened to using his name?"
When things go wrong, he's just another mage to her now and Solas knows that. They are not friends.
Cassandra could be dangerous to Solas at his current power level, he doesn't think much of her at all but she could overpower him, order him dead or lobotomised so he keeps his opinion to himself when it comes to her and plays nice, agrees and butters her up probably how he did to people way back when, court intrigue an all that.
He speaks to Leilana but holds her at arms length, likes Josephine because she is polite and loves his stories, no interaction ever with Cullen (not that I blame him for that but I imagine he's not fond of him either).
I love when Solas schmoozes, manipulates and feels nothing because he's soft spoken and an outright bad so people don't expect a lie in another form, a lie in twisting the words and feigning interest. He as good as Bull when he wants to be.
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The rollcake scene from ep 17 aired today, May 6th.
The anime follows the manga pretty closely with some nice little additions. Like this exchange:
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Where we actually get to see Kaito accept the gift with his own hands.
Before that, look at his expression. How even when he’s caught by surprise, his eyes are always so soft and unguarded when they’re looking at Akiho.
And that gentleness carries over into how he handles her gift as well.
He’s likely thinking ‘Akiho-san made this (for me), I must be careful with it’ on top of how he’s already being careful to not even let his fingers touch hers. Because he respects her and that would be unprofessional. That would cross the line he knows not to cross <- this is a crucial point to keep in mind.
Then the way Akiho goes from nervous to overjoyed once he takes the box because this is the first thing she’s ever made for anyone.
And not just anyone but a special someone. Her special someone.
So of course, she’d be anxious over whether he would accept it. Of course, she’d be so thrilled when he did.
They didn’t even start eating yet but she’s already so happy that she was able to take one step closer in conveying her feelings to him and that he didn’t reject her.
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Then the part where the scene diverges for a moment from canon. Unlike in the manga, where Akiho quickly runs away out of shyness, here she doesn’t have an excuse to hide behind.
Instead, she starts criticizing herself again. Apologizing for “saying something weird” when she did nothing of the sort.
As pointed out in the previous episode (and in chapter 60), it’s obvious that Kaito doesn’t like it when Akiho puts herself down.
Even though she really stunned him speechless this time with her request for him to laugh more, he’s already thinking of what to say to refute these negative thoughts about herself.
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But unlike how he usually tries to reassure her (gently and subtly), this time he’s significantly more forward with his approach.
He puts a halt to her downward spiral by placing his hand over hers, crossing the line he has been so careful not to all this time.
He outright says to her there’s no need for her to apologize, that she didn’t do anything wrong.
And for the first time, he dares to be honest with his feelings for her, crossing that line again.
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It’s just one line. But with that one line, Kaito lays himself bare before Akiho. He’s not playing the part of her servant, polite and considerate but always at an arm’s length.
He’s being himself for once, his true personal self.
And his true self wants Akiho to know how happy she’s made him.
Just with her simple gesture and her words to see him smile more, he knows how much she appreciates him. How much she cares about him.
Which is the biggest deal for Kaito because nobody has ever cared about him before. He had always been treated as a thing to be ordered around and used by others.
So to hear something so kind from the person he loves most…it makes him want to respond to that.
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It seems anime!Kaito wants to reciprocate in what little way he will allow himself to (he’s staring so deeply and intently into her eyes, letting them say what he can’t) before the inevitable where he would have to separate himself from Akiho in order to save her.
There’s not enough time left for him to enjoy being with her, to show her how grateful he is for her presence in his life. He knows there are only a few chances to do that and this moment is one of them. It has to be now because if not now, then it’s never.
Even though he puts her to sleep shortly after to bar her off from inquiring further. Even though he thinks she will won’t remember him after he rewrites everyone’s memories and erases himself so telling her these feelings might’ve been pointless…he still wanted to let Akiho know at least once before she forgets.
That she made him feel loved and taught him how to love someone in return.
And that’s the greatest gift anyone can receive.
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aysekira · 10 months
Being a cdrama fan is frankly exhausting, you can't just enjoy the creativity and stories bc there are a 100 behind the scenes considerations and changes happening all the time. I know most industries don't respect writers but chinese dramas take the cake, they're the least respected when their work is the most important, it's why so many dramas end up being horrible. And these new regulations are so frustrating because some shows need 50 or 60 or 70 episodes, nirvana in fire joy of life ming lan, already a lot of shows are cutting their episodes so they air at the same time instead of waiting 12 months, how the hell are you going to tell a 60 or 55 episode story in 40 or less episodes? They keep adding these insane rules as if they're trying to kill the industry outright, you can't make harem shows, you can't make queer shows even if they're sanitized to high heaven, lord forbid couples have sex or sometimes even kiss like normal people, you can't have reincarnation which is why we end up with so many shitty rushed xianxia endings they can't give us more. Sometimes you find something so great it makes all the mess worth it but the way they're going they're not going to leave room for even the tiny tiny slivers, the 0.01% of dramas that are great that somehow manage to make it through the cracks despite their best efforts. It's clear their is something very wrong with the industry when they make 400 dramas a year yet not even 40 of them are good, it's truly the wild west out there bc most of these dramas you'd watch them and think they're money laundering schemes bc no way this actually got made. They need to stop caring about pretty faces and paying them insane amounts of money and start hiring good writers but I'm not going to hold my breath... Sorry for the rant I just had to let this out lmao
let it all out anon: this is a safe space :) i wholly agree with everything you said since i'm a firm believer in that while you could aim for a very tight, cohesive&coherent writings (which i assume would be the aim of this rule); there's only so much you could tell before that compression ceiling hits& all hell broke loose in terms of story telling.
to add more to your examples, i cackled in imagining just how absurd it would be if NEF, rebel princess, secret advisors, three kingdoms cut down to those limits at it might result in qi heng being non existent (minglan), advisors being a singular advisor instead& more. and those, like your examples are the kind of dramas that (similar to the examples mentioned) needed the length to fully flesh out their dimensions.
i do not know what to say to make you feel better about it but my personal approach (esp recently) is just to have no hope about it, zero expectations-- then if it turns out to be good; it'll be a very nice surprise (personal example: currently airing LYF. i expected nothing&even side eyeing it a bit before it airs because well uh the casts&promos shown didn't tickle my fancy one bit back then-- and now it's practically my current obsession)& if it's not then it'll be just a passerby of a show and no investment (time/interest) was made whatsoever :)
or may i suggest venturing more to kdramaland as they have all sorts of good ones recently/currently airing (19th life, my dearest& lovely liar to name a few)& i heard from a very trusted source (@dangermousie) they have quite the stack waiting in line to air some of which you could see from the poll here: https://www.tumblr.com/dangermousie/725177465537003520/the-sageukcostume-kdrama-you-are-most-looking?source=share
you have a good day now anon :)
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Hi Makenzie
I'm sorry for bothering you, but as I followed your blog for over a decade now and this is the first time I need to deal with questions around sexuality, it seemed to me like the best way to get good and trustworthy input was to ask you.
There's a lot of context to this, but the TL;DR is that I (a trans masc) used to staunchly believe I'm aroace (which I'm still not sure of that I'm not) until last month this person swaggered into my life and basically upended my understanding of myself by somehow making it so we're in a relationship together. That means that for the first time in 23 years I have to think about the downstairs equipment and, worse, use it.
Now, my partner is absolutely lovely, don't get me wrong, but I am very much not into sex at all. Or like, it's fun, but it's also a chore and while I like the intimacy of it all, I just... don't like sex. It's extremely painful and since my partner has been circumcised it takes so long to get them off (over 4 hours!), even on their own- the closest we've come to me being involved at all when they do is my letting them come in my mouth by some last-minute manouvering- and even so, after two times I physically cannot bring myself to do it again, which puts them off too.
I know one of your mottos is that orgasms aren't the end-all-be-all of sex, but it seems to be the only thing to make the whole ordeal worth it at all. It's like we're stuck in a feedback loop where I only put up with sex because I want them to enjoy themself, and they need to see me enjoy myself to enjoy themselves, but with them having a really hard time getting of and me being physically unable to (even on my own: I never feel anything, even if the muscle-spasms indicate something happened).
I'm very worried about the strain this will put on the relationship, since they told me on the very first day that they do need to get their rocks off, and while I'm fine with them watching porn to get off and the occasional comment that they would prefer me have the body of one of those actresses, I'm not secure enough in this whole relationship yet to just set them free sexually. Not in the least because a part of me doesn't want to lose the way our sexuality works atm. It's dysfunctional and painful, and there is practically no benefit to it at all, but it's fun having them so close. If only the rest of the deal didn't exist.
It's basically a lose-lose situation where I was wondering if you could tell me if I should be worried about the sheer amount of pain I experience with penetration (also with tampons: the two times I tried putting one in, I ended up crying on the bathroom floor because of the pain) and if you maybe have any advice regarding the rest of the whole shitshow.
Thanks in advance and have a nice day!
hi anon,
oh my god there's a lot to unpack here
before we get into the important stuff I just want to open by saying your partner's four hour plateau period is maybe not an outright medical marvel but is definitely unusual, and both scientific and anecdotal evidence indicate there's no particular reason why that should be linked to circumcision. I have no idea what would actually be causing that, but it's probably not a lack of foreskin! just wanted to point that out, because it's interesting.
anyway, and much more importantly: you two should not be having sex with each other and maybe need to just break up entirely.
literally every single thing about how you are talking about sex indicates to me that you don't want to be having it, you don't like it, it's painful, you don't see the point, you can't bring yourself to do it... literally stop doing it. stop that right now. there's literally nothing but trauma that's going to come from repeatedly forcing yourself into something that sucks this bad for you.
okay, so, where does this leave your partner? well, in grand sex witch style I am humbling suggesting that they either put up or shut up. sex is important to them and that's fine, wahoo yay sex, but they've chosen a partner who Does Not Want To Do Sex At All and that has consequences, namely that they do not get to have sex with that partner.
if you're uninterested in opening the relationship up (which is fine!) that means they either need to cope or y'all need to break up, which frankly sounds like it might be awesome for both of you based on everything you're saying here. no one is necessarily at fault here, but this is a major lack of compatibility that seems like it's only going to keep eating at both of you. there are lots of different ways to be intimate in a relationship, and you both deserve to find someone operating on a more similar frequency.
also, hey, this?
I'm fine with them watching porn to get off and the occasional comment that they would prefer me have the body of one of those actresses
you shouldn't be fine with that. talking about anyone's body like that is shitty, let alone an intimate partner. I would hit somebody with a car for that, personally.
also hey PS if tampons suck that much there's a chance you have vaginismus, a condition that causes the vaginal muscles to reflexively and often painfully tighten to prevent penetration. it's a fairly common condition that's often caused by anxiety or trauma, and in many cases the easiest solution is to Stop Putting Things In Your Vagina.
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