#it’s so boring now. it’s like the minimalist furniture aesthetic but on a girl who looks like she’s trying to look like a mom
pissfizz · 1 year
Remember when the trendy clothes white girls wore actually had personality and wasn’t just leggings and a plain crewneck with a winter vest on top
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todourouki · 4 years
congrats on 1k+!! can i request for sfw #14 (domestic life w/ them 🥺) with aizawa, todoroki, bakugou, and shinsou? thank you sm!! i love your works :>
AHHH! thank you so much for this, it means a lot! and ugh this is so cuteeee!
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SFW PROMPT #14: What would living with them be like?
including aizawa, todoroki, bakugou, & shinsou
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living with aizawa would be so nice
he’s not a high-maintenance guy
he’s more of a “as long as nothing looks like a piece of shit, we’re good”
matching sleeping bags
the man adores his sleep, i’m sure we all see that
so there’s soft blankets spread over every single couch/lounge-chair incase the two of you decide to nap
every day off, you guys have a tradition on waking up the latest time you possibly could, cooking breakfast together and eating it in bed with a show the two of you are currently binge watching on the tv
aizawa isn’t a bathroom hogger honestly he probably doesn’t even look in the mirror as much as he should
he’s pretty tidy when it comes to leaving his shit where it’s supposed to be
mostly because if he loses it, he knows he’ll be too lazy to look for it and he probably doesn’t have time
the furniture is all monochromatic
i don’t see him as a guy having brightly covered couches in his living room
everything is neutral, black, or white
minimalistic king
due to pure exhaustion all the time, color is out of the question, it reminds him of his students and he hates it but secretly loves it so all of his plates are multicolored
honestly living with aizawa sounds amazing
“Shouta,” you groan, eyes snapped harshly shut die to the light tracing into the room from the now open shades, “close the freaking things.”
Aizawa mumbles right after you, leg kicking the shade he once accidentally lifted with his foot back to where it once was. With the harsh tugs done by his feet, the light in the room finally fleeted away and allowed the comfortable dimness takeover once again.
The Pro-Hero’s arms gripped onto you tighter, nose nuzzled into your neck and bringing your body the kind of warmth necessary within the cold room. “S’go back to sleep, kitten.”
You mustered a smile, eyes still closed and hands running through the silky black hair resting underneath your neck. Mornings with Shouta were always the same— waking up once because of his leg obnoxiously releasing the shades, and both of you falling asleep once again in each other’s embrace.
You felt Aizawa begin to rub your back, fingers twinkling against your bare back soothing you beyond explanation. Within minutes, you felt yourself losing conscience, and you finally drifted back to sleep with the man you loved cradling you with unconscious admiration.
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living with todoroki is exactly what you’d think it would be
i don’t mean to say it
but ima say it
this rich bitch has a ton of antique and expensive furniture lying around
mostly because he loves using his dad’s money
you and todoroki are a weird match
because you both love the exact same things
so all the furniture in your home
whether the living room be one color and bedroom be another
it all weirdly goes together because you’re both so good and coordinating shit
like your couch could be fucking orange
and the blue throw-pillows and decorations you cover your living room with just make sense
just like the two of you
living with todoroki means you figure out just how funny he actually is
also just how dense the boy could be
like he’s so sweet but also a little ✨dumb✨
he doesn’t know how to use the laundry machine and he never will don’t change my mind about this
todoroki loved cold soba we all know that
so there is a specific cabinet underneath the sink filled with all the ingredients for making it
that cabinet has to be restocked a lot
usually on days off, shouto would like to sleep in but he knows he just can’t
so if you like to sleep in, he already went out for a run, took a shower, and made you breakfast by the time you wake up
if you like to wake up early/with him, you find yourself either joining his workout or making him a hearty breakfast by the time he gets back
living with todoroki is really sweet bye i’m gonna go cry
“I just don’t understand why I’d have to press so many obnoxious buttons to get it to wash clothes,” he began, his stoic voice staring harshly at the machine infront of him as you stared at him in disbelief, “it isn’t my fault.”
“Shou, you froze the entire machine..” You repeated, a deadpanned expression on your face as you tried your hardest not to laugh.
You knew your boyfriend wasn’t the best at figuring things like this out, he hated to admit it but his family had done a lot for him back home. And sure, he wasn’t a little boy anymore and should probably know how to work a laundry machine, but he was convinced it acted up with him and him only.
“It was giving me a hard time, I didn’t even realize I froze it until I realized the clothes weren’t spinning anymore..” The frown on his face was one you couldn’t help but smile at, the grin taking over your face as you chortled a laugh.
With your empty hand, you gave the boy a kiss on the forehead, his calculating expression trying to decipher the reason certain clothes needed a certain temperature of water. Moments like this made you realize just why you loved Todoroki so much.
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is a handful
that’s clear to everyone
but living with him, oddly enough, is not
you both have a specific cleaning day
every single sunday morning
and that same night included the two of you watching a movie and having loud in-depth character analysis debate every single time
you both have special cooking days (he has more but it’s ok bc he won’t say it but he absolutely loves cooking for you)
bakugou has been through a lot, my baby
so consistency is something he depends on
he nearly breathes for it
routine is everything in your household, being something you grew accustomed to as well even if it’s not what you’re used to
every day you’d wait for him to get back home on the plush couch in the living room
so that way you’re the first thing he sees when he gets home, as well as a platter of his favorite food for the night and his fav tv show on the tv
he feels like he’s walking into heaven every single day
and depending on your schedules, you get the same thing when you get home if he beats you to it
a show/anime you’re trying to finish, the food you’ve begged him to make, and your loving boyfriend/husband lounged against the couch waiting for your arrival
you both wake up early— sorry, even if you don’t want to
bakugou doesn’t give a single fuck, he will wake you up and force you to either workout with him or start your day with him
on his days off though, you both sleep in until the afternoon
there’s literally no inbetween with your schedules
you’re both either up and ready to go by 8am or finally getting up to brush your teeth at 3pm
“How many times do I have to tell you— the real villain was not Sharpay, but Gabriella!” Your voice boomed, staring at your boyfriend who looked at you as if you had four heads.
“Babe, with all due respect, you’re a fucking idiot!” He retaliated just as aggressive and firm as you. “How can you say that when she’s such a bitch?!”
The credits of the movie you just watched played in the background, popcorn kernels pushing into the skin you had sprawled against your boyfriend. The pink reflected across your shirtless boyfriend, his ears beginning to redden due to the volume of his voice.
“Gabriella walked into that high school and literally stole everything Sharpay worked for,” you retorted, the straw you were drinking from entering your lips as you took a quick sip of the soda, “that’s being a bitch!”
He opened his mouth, signaling you to throw one of the Swedish Fish candies into his mouth and you did. With a laugh, you continued to throw food into one another’s mouth over and over throughout the argument.
“Maybe you resonate with Sharpay so much because you’re both bitches.” He snickered, dodging a pillow that fleeted your side of the couch and into his side by your right hand.
A gasp slipped your lips, narrowing your eyes at his tall figure and shoving a candy down your throat after his words, “maybe that’s why you love me, cause you’re a bitch too.”
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living with shinsou >>>> breathing
shinsou is a gamer idc
there’s a playstation in both your room and your living room for game nights
you guys had a game night
every single friday you guys would sit in nothing but (shinsou’s) t-shirt, and underwear and play nothing but video games all day
you usually end up falling asleep when the sun begins to come up, always taking saturday’s off no matter what for the occasion
you both are clean
being too lazy just like aizawa to have to find it if it’s misplaced
the bedroom look the best bc shinsou gets tired of monochromatic things and you hate living in a boring setting
so the two of you’s aesthetic shines through the room
if you cook, then please know food us up to you
if you can’t cook
money is spent 90% of the time on take out
because shinsou can’t cook for shit i don’t care
sometimes people wonder how it is you both manage to go to work and have a coherent sleeping schedule
and the reason is
aside from shinsou’s clinical insomnia )-:
that the two of you are absolute dumbasses
you spend all day doing homework if one of you is in college
or doing the work that needs to be done if you have just a job
and after that?
it’s just cuddling, gaming, struggling to cook, ordering take out, and eventual sleeping when you both realize you’re both past a point of ni return
most of the time though, you both manage to sleep
it’s more surprising for shinsou though bc he could never sleep properly if he’s alone
the two of you live together in GTA
also, I canon that Shinsou loves watching The Office so you guys binge watch the fuck out of that
living with shinsou is living with a bestfriend that is a civilized adult at certain times that you can cuddle and make out with
a girl can only dream <3
The sound of the console played through the room, your focused face watching the screen in front of you intently. The feeling of the bed moving along side every tap of the controller in your boyfriend’s hands trembled your limbs, your eyes being too locked on the screen to even maintain a balance.
“Go to the left, the left!” You pointed out, your legs sprawled across your boyfriend’s chest as he rested his body horizontally underneath yours.
“I know..” His voice was enough to show you he was focused, his eyes barely blinking as he followed your command and moved the character closer towards the left.
As gun shots erupted through the room, all you could see were flashes of red across the screen and players who had been attacked in Shinsou’s frenzy dead against the floor.
Exhilaration ran through your veins as finally killed the last person, the feeling of his body tending under you making you smile in happiness. You had both been trying to beat this level for weeks and you finally did it, exciting you to no limit.
The phrase “victory” strobed against the screen, making the two of you cheer in happiness at the time being well spent. He landed a big fat kiss on your cheek, pulling you in by the string in your hoodie and pressing you against him.
“Let’s beat some more ass in this next round, huh doll?”
“I’ll believe it when I see it, pretty boy.”
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raccoonsinqueen · 7 years
My Little Princess - Part 2
♚ MobFell Papyrus X Reader, it’s gonna be straight up textbook Yandere with a little Tsundere if you’re picking up what I’m throwing out that window.
♚ Big shock Pap is super evil.
♚ MORE from @skelltales​ YANJAZZ. 
♚ Just like how Mobtale!Papyrus is more mature than Papyrus, Mobfell!Papyrus is more mature than Underfell!Papyrus.
You were beginning to see maybe Papyrus wasn’t as nice as you thought he was.
 When you had came to him in your time of need, Papyrus was eager to help... After he pushed you to admit you were wrong and he was right. But that hadn’t mattered. After all, what’s a little humility when here he was, offering to pay for your living expenses and housing!
 He took you down the hall, leading you by hand, and you quickly realized how minimalistic he lived. There was not a decoration in sight, even when you passed what you thought could’ve been his bedroom. Everything was there if and only if it had a distinct function, which seemed to just include lights and locked doors.
 That was until he stopped in front of a pastel pink door.
 “THIS,” He opened the out-of-place door and put his hand on your lower back to guide you inside, as if you’d get lost or go the other direction if he didn’t. Or as if you’d start running away. “IS YOUR ROOM.”
 You immediately could tell a difference between the room and the rest of his home. Everything was bright with soft colors; the ceiling, the furniture, the walls. Surprisingly, there were no windows, save for one that looked like it had been drawn on with chalk. The bed was big, soft, and a plush purple. There was a vanity along a dresser with various kinds of makeups scattered along its exterior. The closet seemed to be already filled with exclusively frilly dresses, and there was a single box at the very end of the room labeled “TOY BOX”. Across from the closet, there was what looked like a side door that lead to a bathroom.
 “.... My room?” You looked around, your tears being dried as you slowly pulled yourself out of self loathing. “Did this... used to be a child’s room?”
 Papyrus seemed to falter for a second. “A-A CHILD?”
 “Yeah... I mean, with the toy box, the chalk window, the bright colors... I mean, I only assumed-”
 “YES.” He stated, interrupting you. “A CHILD USED TO LIVE HERE.”
 You drew one of the dresses out just a bit. It seemed to be your size?
 “DO YOU...” You noticed Papyrus getting more nervous. It always melted your heart when he got like that, almost like it’s a reminder that even tall, edgy monsters like him get insecure. “...NOT LIKE IT? I thought girls liked this sort of thing...”
 That last part you almost didn’t hear, but it made you chuckle nonetheless. It’s also a nice reminder that he’s not as knowledgeable about certain things as much as he pretends to be. “You’re so funny, Papyrus!” You’re laughter seemed to warm up your skeletal friend’s cheekbones. You were still curious though as to who lived here before you, though. “It’s fine, I like it! Besides, I can’t afford to be picky when I’m... When you’re...”
 Oh geez, you didn’t like it when he put it like that.
 “R-right...” You held your breath for a second. “Papyrus... Is there anything I can do to make this up to you? I feel just awful taking advantage of you like this... Anything at all?”
 Papyrus’ breath hitched anytime you said anything , but you just ignored it. “WELL... I SUPPOSE I WOULDN’T MIND A SMALL TOKEN OF GRATITUDE FOR MY EFFORTS...”
 You smiled. Now you’re getting somewhere. “Anything you ask as much as I am able, you name it!”
 “YOU...” He started to heat up a deep shade of ruby as he looked off to the side, “YOU COULD... YOU COULD BE M-MY... . . . Y-YOU COUL-LD GIV-VE YOUR-RSELF... . . .”
 You listened intently. You were sure asking for help is hard for him. Afterall, it was hard for you. You set your hands down on his, and almost immediately he blurted out an answer.
 Whoa, that was loud. You had to slam your eyes shut and reopen them just to regain focus. But once you did, you smiled bright and happy. “Easy Peasy! Consider it done!”
 Papyrus put his skull into his hands and exhaled, “YES. MAKE ME COOKIES. THAT’S WHAT I WAS GOING TO ASK.”
 “What kind would you like?” You tilted your head. “I’m not the best cook in the world, but I’m not the worst either.”
 “OF COURSE YOU’RE NOT THE BEST, I’M THE BEST.” Papyrus was a chef? How curious! You didn’t know this! But before you could even question it, he moved on. “I SUPPOSE I HAVE A RATHER FONDNESS FOR OATMEAL...”
 You snorted, “Oatmeal? The most boring flavor?”
 His genuine and exaggerated demeanor left you rolling with laughter, “Hahaha! Oh my goodness!”
 “TH-THEY-” He was getting less irritated and more embarrassed as your laughter pressed on. “THEY CAN HAVE DINOSAUR EGGS IN THEM, THAT’S THE LEAST BORING THING!”
 HRK-! The kid’s dinosaur eggs oatmeal! Oh geez, THAT was funny!
 But you had to stay strong and keep it in, because you knew if you busted out into laughter it would only hurt his feelings. “Ha... Alright, alright, fair enough...” He seemed triumphant over your fold, as if he won you over with his intellect alone. “I’ll make you oatmeal cookies with the dinosaur eggs, if you bring me the ingredients. I’ll have to go to the kitchen to bake them in the oven though...”
 “NO NEED.” He held up his hand as he pulled out a phone. “I’LL ARRANGE FOR AN OVEN TO BE MOVED HERE. THAT WAY, YOU NEVER HAVE TO LEAVE THE ROOM.”
 “Oh!” You said. “You don’t have to worry about doing anything like that! It’s okay, I want to leave the room! I’d love to see more of the house, if you didn’t mind...”
 “I WOULD MIND.” You were startled by his forwardness, but he just kept talking like it was the most nonchalant thing to say. “BESIDES, YOU WOULDN’T LIKE WALKING ALL THE WAY TO THE KITCHEN EVERYDAY, YOU’D GET TIRED OUT.”
 ... How far away was his kitchen? Wait... “Everyday? You’d like me to make cookies for you everyday?”
 Papyrus raised a bonebrow at this, “YOU BELIEVE IT IS TOO MUCH TO HANDLE?”
 “No no! Not at all!” You smiled. “In fact, I’m glad! It’s the least I can do to repay my debt...”
 Papyrus hummed to himself, turning a little redder at your statement. “... AS YOU SHOULD FEEL...”
 And so you did make cookies for Papyrus. He installed a pastel mint colored oven in your room and gave you the supplies you needed. Unfortunately, Papyrus wasn’t there for you when you made it, he seemed to be rather busy all the time with his job... But you did the job without a complaint since it seemed to be the only way you could repay him, and he seemed to enjoy them considering he described them as “RATHER ADEQUATE”. That’s about as good as the compliments get when it comes to him.
 As the days went on, you fell into a rather comfortable routine. Papyrus was a very punctual man, and demanded that, as long as you live with him, you would be too. 8:00 AM on the dot he would expect you to be awake, dressed, and prepared to greet him at the door. He was very particular about this, which you found strange, but you did as he asked. One time, you purposefully slept in to see what he’d do, and after knocking on the door loudly a couple of times and shouting your name, he rammed the door down with an expression you could only describe as a mixture between rage and... panic? The moment his eyes laid on you, lying sleepy in your bed, he’s expression cooled to a sigh of relief, but only for a second. After that cool relief, he was back to his frustrated lecturing. He talked your ear off for two hours about the importance of punctuality, or at least being not as negligent and oblivious as to not even answer him when he calls out to you.
 At this time is when he brings you coffee from that coffee shop you two went to so often. Oh, when you catch the smell of the delicious beverage, you always feel prone to wanting to sit in the aesthetically pleasing cafe. But whenever you mention it, Papyrus always seems to distract you with something else... He also brings you breakfast and a packed lunch as well. The contents always include “THE EXACT NUTRITIONAL NEEDS FOR A LITTLE GIRL SUCH AS YOURSELF!” It usually consisted of a croissant or a bagel, some margarine, a piece of fruit, and a glass of water. Whenever you wanted something else, as long as it wasn’t bad for you, he’d go out and buy it for you the next day.
 8:30 AM was when Papyrus had to leave for work. He’d lightly clack his teeth on your forehead, and then head out the door without another word. One morning, right before he was about to leave, you asked him what he worked as.
 “MY EMPLOYMENT?” Papyrus seemed... colder at this.
 You nodded, “I’ve always been curious! You’re so busy all the time, rushing around and all...”
 A shiver crawled down your spine at the expression Papyrus gave you. You had never seen him look at you like that... Save for the time you refused to apologize at your old work place. It made you feel... Bad. “ YOU DO NOT NEED TO KNOW. ” His tone was biting, almost venomous.
 “I-I....” You looked down. You wanted to cry.
 You heard him sigh in resignation, before you felt his gloved hands trace your jawline. “I... I’M A CONTRACTOR. OF SORTS. THERE, HAPPY?”
 You looked up at him. His features had softened. You smiled, gratefully, and nodded.
 “Right.” You affirmed, and he smiled at that. It was nice seeing his rare smiles.
 “GOOD LITTLE GIRL.” He pet the top of your head, before placing a mock kiss on your forehead. “I’M LEAVING NOW.”
 “Have a good day!” You called out, watching him leave.
 He didn’t respond, but you saw the smile tug on his face and the warmth in his features.
 Papyrus wouldn’t return from work until 7:00 PM later that night, with dinner. One would expect that you’d get bored from the ten hours you had all by yourself, but you surprisingly kept yourself busy. The toy box you had on hand was luckily not just there for show, but instead was filled with all kinds of entertaining things. There was an easel and paints, a drawing pad with colored pens, an assortment of different instruments ranging from a small harp to a flute, a jump rope, chalk, multiple notebooks with pencils, a few colored balls, many many puzzles, an assortment of different kinds of books ranging from textbooks to fantasy novels, and a pair of dancing shoes. Not to mention, if you ever wanted any more “toys”, Papyrus would hand them over in a heartbeat.
 You were a particular fan of the books he gave you, and you were always overjoyed when he’d bring a new one home. You loved learning new things when it came to nonfiction, like one that taught you the biology of arthropods or the one that taught you how to read topographic maps. You also quite enjoyed reading the nonfiction stories very much, your favorite genre being fantasy! Your favorite book had to be one about a girl who was forced to live with a terrible beast, only to find out he was actually very kind and the two fell in love. There was also a romance book you rather quite enjoyed, but after you expressed to Papyrus your admiration for the main love interest, the book mysteriously disappeared.
 While you did enjoy many of the different items you had, there were two things that Papyrus required from you. Number one was that by 7:00 PM you have a batch of cookies made ready for him. You liked to surprise him with a new flavor every time, but it was never really much of a surprise since he provided the ingredients. And number two was that you practice dance. You had never really been particularly extraordinary at dancing before, but Papyrus demanded that you get at least some form of exercise everyday and that this “WAS THE EASIEST WAY!” To prove you had been keeping up with your dance practice, he’d make you learn a new one everyday, and show off that dance with him in the evening. You were shocked to find out how good of a dancer he was, but you mostly peeved because he just spent the entire time critiquing your dance skills. You were pretty sure he just chose dancing as a form of exercise only because he wanted to dance with you, anyway, so why’d he have to point out everything you did wrong as well?
 Oh, well. You enjoyed it, he enjoyed it, so you were just fine with this.
 But something... was missing.
 It had been at least a couple weeks since you really got comfortable with your routine. You noticed that something was aching in you. What was wrong? You had everything you could want? Food, clothes, entertainment, a soft bed, working air conditioning, what else were you missing? Maybe you could ask for Papyrus’ advice when he gets home...
 Man, Papyrus really didn’t show up often... Only for about thirty minutes in the morning and then maybe an hour or two at night... You missed him.
 You didn’t just miss him! You missed your friends, you missed making friends, you missed the people you were able to work for, you even missed being able to talk on the tele with your family when you could, you missed people in general ! That’s what it was! You were lonely !
 It seemed the only times you lived for were when Papyrus came in, and that was soooo far and few inbetween... Well, that’s alright! You’ll just go out and take a walk! Let’s just grab some shoes and...
 Huh. You never noticed before, but Papyrus never gave you any shoes.
 Oh, well. That didn’t matter anyway, you were lonely enough to go on a walk with no shoes on. Besides, you were sure it wasn’t too cold outside.
 You quickly stumbled over to the door, excited to finally get out of this stuffy room. You hadn’t realized it, but you really hadn’t left that room since you came to Papyrus! How nice it will be to finally get some fresh air. There wasn’t even a real window in this room, for heaven’s sake! Now, let you just...
 You wiggled the door knob. It wouldn’t budge.
 Was it stuck? Surely, he wouldn’t have... You started frantically budging it back and forth.
 It was...
 Oh, boy. Oh, boy... This had to be some kind of a misunderstanding! There’s no way he’d keep you here against your will , right? Right? Of course, not! Papyrus was a little rough around the edges, but he was kind to you! He even let you stay with him in his home! Granted, he’s been pushing you to do that since the beginning... But he comforted you when you had lost everything! Granted, that was after he pushed you to wrongfully admit an apology... But!
 But he was Papyrus ! Secretly-kind, awkward, shy, tsundere Papyrus! How could he, lover of the oatmeal with little dinosaur eggs in it, keep you here against your will? He was your friend! Papyrus, the blunt, easily-frustrated, prideful, ... mysterious, quick to anger, ... harsh, demanding, tyrannical.... best friend you know and love?
 You blinked. Now that you think of it... There was something off about him... You know monsters usually tend to be a little more hostile than humans, it’s just apart of their culture, but hostile isn’t the only word you’d describe Papyrus as. It’s almost like things just... fall perfectly into place for him?
 You shook your head. No! Don’t start thinking like that! This was obviously just one big mistake, he accidentally left the door locked, and that’s it! Just wait until he comes back. You’ll see. You’ll explain the situation, he’ll realize his mistake and probably get a little flustered about it, and then take you out with him on a walk himself. Just wait....
 And so you did. Your nerves wouldn’t calm down, you couldn’t even think about practicing your daily dance, you could only pace back and forth, reassuring yourself that your close friend would be here soon.
 Finally, at 6:30 PM, you sat yourself on your bed and just stared at the clock, waiting impatiently for 7:00 PM to come.
 6:40 PM. On the one hand, you were nerve wracked at the thought of him coming home. What if your worst fears were realized? What if he... ! No! Don’t think like that!
 6:50 PM. Everything was going to be fine! Why were you so nervous? You know Papyrus, he’s like a sea urchin, spiky on the outside, soft on the inside. Of course, some sea urchin are venomous... Nope! No, it’s all going to be alright!
 6:55 PM. Why did you keep having to reassure yourself? Was your subconscious trying to tell you something? Were you just being paranoid?
 6:59 PM. What if he never came home? What if you were stuck here forever?
 You made a beeline to the door, grabbing it and swinging it open. You didn’t even wait a second before you collapsed into your spiky friend’s embrace.
 “Y-Y/N?” He stumbled over his words. See? There was no way someone who gets flustered over a hug could keep somebody against their will.
 “Papyrus! It’s so good to see you, I missed you so much!” You exclaimed, looking up to him. “I’ve been waiting for you all day!”
 “Y-YOU-?” Papyrus swallowed, his expression brightening and brightening with that bright red color. “-I...” He cleared his throat. “... I DON’T-”
 “Papyrus, the door... It was locked!” You expressed your worries in a single breath, waiting for him to realize his mistake and let the relief wash over you.
 The ruby, conflicted expression Papyrus wore was wiped away with a look of shock, then... cool calculation. You didn’t really fancy the later of his expressions. “YOU... TRIED TO LEAVE.”
 “I wanted to go on a walk...” You stepped back. Why did it feel like you said something wrong? He wasn’t...
 You took a step back, you could feel your heartbeat picking up. “I-I needed the fresh air...”
 He took another step forward. “THE AIR SEEMS FINE IN HERE.”
 “I’m-!” You took another step back, but you stumbled back onto your bed, making your height difference even more apparent. “Papyrus, I want to go outside!”
 “...” His breath was controlled... too controlled, almost as if he was forcing it to be that way. “NO.”
 Not? Allowed? A rush of rage clouded your judgement for a brief moment, “What do you mean I’m not allowed ?!”
 “IT MEANS YOU ARE NOT GOING OUTSIDE , Y/N.” His eye sockets were stern and unchanging.
 You stood up, angrily, your face heating up with conniption. “Who are you to tell me what I can and can’t do?!”
 “YOUR CARETAKER.” He replied with an unusual amount of calmness. Like the calm before the storm. “THE ONE WHO FEEDS YOU, CLOTHES YOU, GIVES YOU ENTERTAINMENT, COMFORT, AND GUIDANCE.”
 You recoiled with distaste. That’s what he thought he was to you? A... caretaker? Like a pet owner? You shook your head, “I don’t... I...”
 “WELL?” He mockingly grabbed squeezed your cheeks together, a twisted smile on his face. “AM I WRONG?”
 You smacked his hand aways, your rage building once more. “It’s not like I’m not grateful for what you’ve done for me, but you don’t have ownership over me! You can’t tell me what to do!”
 “I’m not spatting anything!” You hissed. “I’m asking for common decency !”
 You faltered, and Papyrus seemed to receive some kind of sick enjoyment over seeing you stumble.
 You flinched, flabbergasted at his sudden cruelty. You knew Papyrus was a lot of things, but you didn’t think truly cruel was one of them...
 “You... You’re right...” Papyrus’ smirk grew wider with triumphant, but you weren’t done yet. “I’ve taken advantage of you, and I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have done that.”
 His grin faltered, “IT’S NOT-”
 “But I won’t do it anymore. I’ll pay you back for everything. But I’m not staying here anymore.” You pushed passed him, and began walking towards the exit, but you were stopped by the claws of what you once considered your closest friend.
 He grabbed your wrist and easily, but painfully, tossed you onto the bed.
 “Ow-! Hey, Papyrus-?!”
 “ Y O U . ” His voice sent your skin crawling as you pushed yourself back as far as you could away from the monster. “ A R E   N O T   L E A V I N G .” He grabbed you by your ankle and dragged you towards him, despite your protest. Without a second thought, he grabbed your wrist and threw you into the bathroom before slamming the door.
 “Wha-?” You went to try and open the knob, but, alas, it too was locked. “Hey! Papyrus!”
 “PAPYRUS!” You slammed on the door, repeatedly, “YOU CAN’T-!” But you fell back when you heard one loud BAM on the door.
 “ YOU ARE TO STAY SILENT UNTIL I RETURN! ” He erupted, startling you out of your skin. “NOBODY WILL HEAR YOU, ANYWAYS...”
 That statement alone sent you into panic. Nobody will hear you because nobody’s around, nobody will look for you because nobody knows your gone, nobody will find you because Papyrus, your best friend, has kidnapped you. You are utterly and completely alone .
 “GOOD.” He took your silence for obedience, which made you want to spat it back in his face. “I WILL BE BACK TOMORROW. IF YOU’RE A GOOD GIRL, I’LL LET YOU-”
 You started to cry. This seemed to make Papyrus hesitate.
 “...” You could tell he was debating something within himself. So... he does have a conscience... you could use this... “I... I’LL BE BACK LATER TONIGHT...”
 And with that, he stomped away.
 It must’ve been only a few hours while you cried to yourself. Who was this monster you had grown to love, and why had he betrayed you so much? Did he plan this from the beginning? The robbing, the unfortunate events, the fire ? All so you would come running to him? His own manipulation twisting you into being his... being his doll! You couldn’t stand it, what you thought he was and how he tricked you! But you would never truly know how much he did nor how much he did not.
 All you felt now is that you wanted to sleep....
 S l e e p . . . . . .
  You were awaken by a knock on the door. It was gentle, quieter than you ever heard him knock before.
 “Y/N?” He said, carefully. “HAVE YOU LEARNED YOUR LESSON?”
 What time was it? It had to be sometime way early. Or late.
 “ Y/N. ” Papyrus’ voice was more insistent this time.
 “I-I...” You cleared your throat. “I have...”
 You heard the sigh of relief beyond the door, before it opened up before you. Papyrus was casting his eyesockets to the side, but opening the door far enough for you to come through.
 You stood up shakily, shying away from the monster. He stood back from the door to allow you to come through, which you did as you kept your eyes on him.
 “YOU...” He cleared his throat, before sitting down on a chair he pulled up. The room was dimly lit, you could tell, since the only light source seemed to be a few candles he put out. “UNDERSTAND WHY I DID THIS, CORRECT?”
 For only a brief second you saw the door, before your eyes immediately fell back to your captor to not raise suspicion.
 It was wide open.
 You thought carefully, very carefully, more carefully than you ever have. You thought back to your hugs to him, what made him flush, what made him nice. You only had one shot, this was it. Time to play the role of his doll.
 You took a sheepish step forward towards him, before you became a little bolder, stepping right in between his legs. Once again, even sitting he was taller than you. His expression shifted from guilt to surprise at you boldness, and he complexion turned a bright crimson as you draped your arms around his vertebrae. “I think... I think I might know why...”
 “I-I... I DID IT TO PROTECT YOU.” He quickly looked away from you. You could feel the heat off his face. “I DON’T WANT TO LOSE YOU, I DON’T WANT ANYONE ELSE TO HOLD YOU, I WANT YOU TO BE MINE . MY LITTLE HUMAN, MY LITTLE GIRL , MY LITTLE... P R I N C E S S . ”
 “I... see...” That’s all you could say, how could you say anything to that?
 “I-I-” He swallowed at his own openness, his crimson coloring turning a bright pink. “I KNOW YOU MIGHT BE MAD NOW, BUT! BUT I CAN MAKE YOU HAPPY HERE! JUST MINE AND MINE ALONE! ”
 “I might be yours alone, Papyrus.” You saw how your words affected him, he almost melted in your hands. “But I’m so alone . You’re gone so often... I...”
 “YOU’RE SO DESPERATE FOR MY TOUCH, MY ATTENTION, MY AFFECTION WHEN I COME HOME...” His breath gained as he leaned toward you, the warmth burning even hotter.
 “Yes, but I’m so lonely! I miss having friends!”
 “Friends with an S, Papyrus.”
 Papyrus seemed to search his mind for answers, “WHAT... WHAT ABOUT SANS? WHAT IF HE STOPS BY?”
 You gave him an annoyed look, “The first time I met Sans, he reeked of mustard and kept making a pass at my butt and got irritated when I refused to sleep with him.”
 Papyrus seemed even more disgusted than you did, his grip tightening on your waist. “ THAT MANGY... YOU WILL NEVER SPEAK TO MY BROTHER AGAIN.”
 That was one order you were sure to follow. “Understood... But that still leaves-”
 “YOU WILL LEARN TO LIVE WITH JUST ME.” Your heart broke at his order, and his expression softened as yours did. “Y-YOU... IT WON’T BE AS BAD AS YOU THINK IT WILL BE... I’LL BE... G-GOOD FOR YO-OU...” He pushed your hair behind your ears.
 You traced your fingers along his cheekbones and he melted again, the shy pink in his complexion returning. “Stars, I wish I could bring myself to hate you.” You said, honestly. His eyes went wide with surprise, but you continued anyway. “But... You’re the same. You’re the same stubborn monster who lost his gloves and was too prideful to say “thank you”. How is it that I still love you even though you’re my captor?”
 “ L-Love?” He barely whispered, his breathing gone erratic.
 “I don’t believe...” You drew closer to him. “I could love anyone the same way I love you...”
 “ Hah... hah...” He seemed to just bask in your words.
 “My only friend, my captor, how you’ve twisted my heart.” Your breath danced along his teeth, you were so close. “Let me repay the debt. Will you close your eyes for me?”
 “ I-I don-n’t...”
 “Please?” You whispered, and he obeyed.
 You drew him close, but slowly pulled away until he was sitting alone. He seemed confused by the sudden lack of warmth, and that’s when you took your chance to slip past the door. As he opened his eyes, you slammed the door shut, found the lock and locked it.
 “ Y/N?! ” You heard the doorknob twist and jangle, before a loud SLAM erupted the frantic movement.
 “If it’s any consolation...” You rested your forehead against the door. “I meant what I said. I’ll never love anybody like I love you again... with fear.”
 “ Y/N?! STOP! DON’T YOU DARE-!! ”
 “Goodbye, Papyrus.”
 You turned around ran. You ran and you ran and you ran. You knew for sure that door wouldn’t hold him for long, but it just had to be enough for you to put enough distance to make it impossible for him to find you. You won’t go back to the city, you can’t. You’re sure he’d find you. You had to run, run somewhere else, somewhere far away from the city. You didn’t know where, you just knew you had to run.
 And you did.
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ilyashrayber · 6 years
The Mission
  When I first entered high school, I knew absolutely nothing. No work ethic, no plans, and perhaps most alarming, almost no friends to speak of. I was so young, and yet, it felt like the world was already closing in around me, as if some metaphorical caution tape was already cropping up on things I wanted to do and people I wanted to meet. I had no knowledge of what was around me, and even more so, it felt like I never would. But as you get older, things start to change, and you feel more and more doors open up, one after the other, in a way that could only make sense with the passage of time. If I’m coming off as vague, it is because it’s hard for someone like myself to specify exact moments when you feel validated, satisfied, and as if you’ve broken away from an almost self-imposed mental barrier. But if there was a place that embodied the transition from the timid, smelly, and raggedy boy I was to the slightly less timid, smelly, and raggedy man (by Jewish law) I am today, it would be the Mission District.
I would be remiss to bring up the Mission without addressing the growing, all-encompassing wave of change that is hitting it right now. What used to be a primarily Latinx community comprised of families, artists, and blue collar workers has been all but washed away by white software engineers in search of some strange, exoticized concept of ‘urban grit’ and ‘authenticity’. Where there once were family owned groceries, optometrists, and photo studios, I now see exorbitant pre-fixe menus, ‘organic’ clothing stores, and the occasional (read: extremely common) misuse of local history to sell me something. I am exhausted, and I don’t even live there. Additionally, the privilege of being a cis, white man is something that makes me just at fault when I do not speak up as those who are actively destroying a piece of what makes this city so dynamic. It is a tricky tightrope to walk on, and the best thing people like myself can do is listen, and help when asked, whether that is giving our time, money, or a mix of the two to help preserve the integrity, and magic, of the Mission.
 I remember the first time I ever had a sleepover. It wasn’t with the kid next door to me, or at a birthday party, or even in the first 14 years of my life. Instead, my first sleepover happened in my freshman year of high school. This isn’t super uncommon among children of immigrants, but nonetheless, I felt like I was missing a key piece of the American experience. When it came to mind, before I actually went to one, I had, like most things, romanticized each and every single aspect of a sleepover. I had imagined a world where we would get to the house, only to be greeted by plates of fresh grapes, served to us on priceless marble while enjoying French brut in tall glasses. Instead, we made eggs at midnight and drank Tropicana Orange Peach Mango (henceforth known as ‘OPM’) straight from the carton. In place of sampling liquors from around the world and discussing literature, we downed Kirin Ichiban and talked about girls from our high school we would definitely want to go out with but definitely would have no idea what we would even begin to do if we ever did. Usually crouched down, in the basement, trying to stealthily sip our brew while an adult was upstairs. All this happened in a Victorian on the corner of 27th and Guerrero, a house purchased by my friend’s father for $70,000 right when he got out of the Navy in the 1970’s. It had four bedrooms, an insane kitchen leading out into the backyard, and a circular top floor window, one situated right above the bed of my friend who would always invite me over. It was through this window that I had witnessed car break-ins, smelled the waft of burritos only a couple blocks over, and totally messed with other people trying to get in at the front door. They are good, sacred memories that put a smile on my face when I remember them, both in their quality and the sheer quantity that I have of them.
 The Victorian sat on the cusp of Noe Valley and the Mission, leaning more to the former when you went east and more to the latter when you went west. And boy, did we go west a lot. We would often leave the house at night, with no plan at all, burnt out from playing video games, and simply walk down Mission Street trying to process what it was we were seeing as little baby birds sprouting their wings for the first time. People were out drinking and dancing, the air had a palpable energy to it, and it seemed as if everything was right with the world. It was a sensation I knew I wouldn’t have for a long time, but I wanted it anyway. Street vendors, taquerias, and the only CEX in the city were the main draws, but it was the friendly faces, life experience, and exposure to cultures outside our own that really made us want to stay.
  The stretch of 24th Street that begins on Mission and ends on Potrero is perhaps my favorite dozen or so blocks in the city. It has everything anyone could need, ever. Casa Lucas is the exclusive grocery store I shop at when my folks are out of town and I’m calling the shots, and believe me, it’s worth every penny of the Muni fare I feel disillusioned to pay. The fruits and veggies there taste better than any trustfund soulcycle hayes valley bullshit they’re trying to feed you over at Whole Foods, and at a fraction of the price. Plus, they’re the only grocery in the city I’ve found that stocks the very specific kind of kola I’ve become dependant on, imported all the way from Oaxaca. When I say that this kola fucked up my world, I am being modest in the effect it had on me.. I don’t even know the name of it, but I reach for the stuff everytime I’m on 24th because it has that kind of hold on me. Days get brighter, and nights get longer, whenever I feel the sweet, smooth liquid gold pass through me. Anyways. Moving on. Not only does 24th have the most kick-ass grocery in the entire world, they also have maybe the best cheap seafood ever, in the form of Basa Express. Ignore the sign that was made in Microsoft Paint. Appreciate the fact that this is a no frills, what you see is what you get kind of seafood place where you can grab a freshly made California roll for 5 dollars. With ceviche and sashimi being just a little bit more than that, it’s a refreshing change of pace from the recent increase of trendy seafood places with exposed wood and vintage buoys hanging everywhere. There is no exposed wood here. There is no old photo of a ship captain the owner bought on eBay. There is no lengthy description of how the fish lived and died along with a short obituary. It is just good, cheap seafood that you can feel good about eating.
 Walk up and down 24th and you’ll realize the plethora of people and places that feel like hidden gems, but have been there all along. I stand by Humphry Slocombe as the best ice cream in the city, while the vast majority of my friends cry out in support of Mitchell’s, another place that is very good but in no way a competitor to Humphry and his offerings. The classic at Humphry’s is to walk in, have no idea what you want, and then have the young college kids behind the counter begrudgingly ask if you want a sample. That is just the way it works. If I can just be bougie for one second here; they have a Wine & Cheese flavor. And it’s delicious. If this is the hill I die on, so be it. After a nice little ice cream break, I like to peruse the various cultural offerings, in the forms of records and books that 24th has to offer. I always have to walk into Pyramid Records, which, dare I say, is the most finely curated selection of wax in the entire Bay Area. Is there a huge selection? No. Do they have deep discounts and unbeatable prices? Not really. But is there a dude behind the counter who compliments my sneakers everytime I’m there? Yes. There is. For myself, Pyramid has a beautiful mix of international, lounge, and soundtracks on vinyl, which just so happen to be some of my favorite genres in music. It’s all designed in a super clean, minimalist-but-nowhere-near-boring type of aesthetic. I feel like I’m in a music video for a bedroom pop artist when I’m in there, and that’s all I could ever ask for. When talking about literature however, it’s hard to beat Alley Cat, a big bookstore with a gallery and event space in the back. I’ve picked up some of my favorite graphic novels from this spot, and their mystery section makes me feel good. Adobe Books a few blocks up is great too, and it sports a much more intimate setting for falling in love with any number of books, local or not. I’ve seen many a performance inside of Adobe, ranging from Chicana poetry, all the way to a solo performance from the bassist for Real Estate. Great books, great vibe, and it always feels nice to support a place that feels like an institution. For any bookstore, that should be a slam dunk. And it is. Usually directly into my wallet.
  There are tons of other great places on 24th, especially if you’re into just sitting down and having a good time. There’s the OG Philz, a coffee shop with perhaps the comfiest furniture in any cafe, and Haus, half a block down, where I may or may not have a crush on every single female barista that works there. Again, this is unconfirmed. I would really love to recommend Wise Son’s, a jewish deli with an insane breakfast salad, but every since I took edibles right before I ate there and thought I was in 1920s New Orleans, it has been a tough sell. They have a very nice restroom, however, that they’ll let you use if you ask nicely. St. Francis Fountain, a diner nearing the very end of 24th, has the best pancakes in the city. I am sorry but everyone got together and voted on it, and there will be no recount. Whether chocolate chip, banana, or even, dare I say, vegan, these guys are a home run every. Single. Time. It is almost uncanny how good they are, and are the definition of a food that is ‘good for the soul and not so much the love hips.’ Lastly, when you come up on Mission, you’ll no doubt see a line going out the door for the much beloved El Farolito. If you ask me? It’s good, but it’s definitely not my favorite. I try to explain it in terms of ice cream flavors. When you take your kid to go get ice cream, you always start with vanilla. There’s a reason it’s the default, you know? Well rounded, satisfying, and very inoffensive. I feel the exact same about El Farolito. (Cue the thinkpieces attacking me.) It is the vanilla ice cream of taquerias. My favorite, however, is also in fact on 24th, and it goes by the name of Taqueria Guadalajara. More salsa options, less rice, and juicier meat is what drives me to make this almost sacrilegious decision. Plus, there’s never a line. And that in and of itself should be celebrated.
   The Mission is so, so many things. But most of all, it is not mine. And it’s probably not yours, either. I simply play, and for a little bit, worked there. There is so much to celebrate about this neighborhood, and so, so much that we as a city should try to preserve, even if it considered by many to be ground zero for gentrification. Be respectful. Think about your actions. How will this affect others? If you live there, try broadening it to a macro level. How will this affect my community, one that is already going through an incredible amount of change, and the heartbreak that comes with that? What can I do to make things better? Always say thank you, and respect those that came before you. These seem obvious, but it’s easy to forget with everything going on. At the end of the day, I like to hang out in the Mission, and I bet you, the reader, probably do too. So let’s just try and not be complete asshats about what we choose to do in a community that is experiencing an immense shift, both culturally and economically. Let’s just try and be a little better next time we’re there.
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samuelmmarcus · 6 years
20 Modern Minimal Nursery Room Ideas
Nowadays, preparing the baby’s nursery room is a must for parents-to-be. In fact, some couples buy a new home just to accommodate a nursery!
Do you think it’s too much? Of course not! Parents would do anything for their little ones!
So, when we talk about nursery rooms, it is not just the furniture or the decors that matter, but it’s the function that gets the number 1 spot in the list. A beautiful space is useless if it is not functional at all.
Can you get what I’m trying to point out?
When one focus on function, rather than aesthetics, the design tends to be simpler. This way, it is more practical and functional. You won’t see any useless item in the room.
But don’t get me wrong. Minimalist spaces are not boring at all! There are also decors but everything is minimal. And yes, this is what we are going to show you today, some modern minimalist nursery room ideas for your little ones.
When you scroll down below, you will see some amazing nursery rooms despite their less sophisticated designs! Take a look:
1. Central District Townhouse
Ore Studios
This room feels larger and brighter with a quiet backdrop to the carefully selected furnishings. Simple animal head prints were added to the wall.
2. Carrick – Nursery
Dale Design
The parents of the baby boy who sleeps in this room wanted a nursery that is soft enough for an infant but still edgy enough to grow with him even into the tween years. With that, the designers came up with a modern space that used contrasting color scheme by pairing a pale blue/green with charcoal grey.
3. Baby Cotton
Turbo Beds
A combination of elegant curves, contemporary lines, and a crisp white color made this nursery look really stunning. Round, over-sized knobs for the cabinets give it a unique playful look.
4. Greta Crib
Room & Board
We would all agree that the crib here added softness, warmth and a cozy feeling to the nursery. What’s nice about this is that it can be converted into a toddler bed. The cabinets and shelves also look great which makes it easier to organize things.
5. Children’s Rooms
Elizabeth Lawson Design
A modern nursery that could be nice for either a boy or a girl! This unisex nursery features some elephant designs on the walls that look totally nice.
6. Monochromatic Nursery
A Curated Room
Another gender-neutral nursery with a dark wood floor and brown floor. The gray walls add some texture to the space and it is a good match with the furniture in it.
7. Addison’s Nursery
Inspired By…Designs
A cute nursery for a baby girl with light pink colors around it. Love the gallery on the wall!
8. Modern Purple Nursery
Rocker Refined
The modern yet vintage rocking chair that you can see here was custom designed by Rocker Refined. It adds a classic touch to this modern nursery with a beautiful transparent crib.
9. Locke’s Room
Mary Wyar Photography
For your future scientist or astronaut, this would be a lovely space. A simple colored wall and patterned fabrics are enough to complete the look. Check out a roundup of blue nursery rooms if you want to get more ideas using this cool color.
10. Middleton Hills Entire House Nursery
Mader Designs
Although it appears challenging to design the room with a ceiling like that, the designer managed to come up with a beautiful modern nursery. White and dark gray really looks good together especially if the space is well planned.
11. Scarsdale Home
YDC design
I could say that the parents wanted something simple but artistic. You can sense that from the rainbow tassels on the wall and the wallpaper that covers some part of the ceiling. Who says you cannot add patterns in a minimalist space?
12. Minimalist Modern Nursery
Little Crown Interiors
The owner of this nursery wanted something that is expressly modern and unique. The design of the nursery was pulled from the gorgeous acrylic crib adding sleek and modern furniture. There are also pops of bright blue, lime green, and charcoal grey.
13. Colorful Nursery
Having a simple space does not mean that you cannot add colors to it anymore. Look at how this nursery added colors to the area through the crib’s bedding set.
14. White Celestial Nursery
Little Crown Interiors
Do you want an all-white nursery? Try something similar to this! Actually, it used very light pastel colors in some decors. On the wall above the crib is a light gray moon. There are also other celestial decors in the space too.
15. Dumbo Penthouse
Karen Chien Inc.
Spot the yellow colors in this simple modern nursery with a wooden crib. From here, one can also get a good view of the outdoor space through a large window.
16. Hugo’s Nursery
Nest Design Studio
To break the white colors in the space, a black and white wall was added as the backdrop if the gray crib. It is also nice that it has a bench right beside the picture window.
17. Regency at Windermere Show Home
Modern Era Design
Now this one is indeed simple! Just a few wall decors and it’s done! An area rug on the floor added some style to it. Notice that the color light green/ neon green is used subtly in the space.
18. Liljeholmen
One look at this, and you will immediately know that a little boy owns it. It is not blue or green but black and white totally works for a nursery room too!
19. Cape Cod Refresh
Christian Williams
What makes this nursery nice is not just that geometric wall but also its brightness. We would all agree that this is indeed a beautiful bright space where the baby can get a nice nap.
20. Pebble Gray Polka Dots
Storkcraft Manufacturing USA Inc.
The first thing that came to my mind when I saw this crib is are popsicle sticks! This gave me an idea that we can DIY a crib for dolls using popsicle sticks. Apart from that, the look of this nursery is really nice and simple. With the combination of gray and white, it looks really neat. Adding a polka dot accent wall of the same color is a nice way to add some creative flair to it.
I would say that these modern minimal nursery rooms are really beautiful! It is indeed true that there is beauty in simplicity like what we can see in the above spaces. It won’t hurt to add some decors, for course. But putting only a few decors make the space look even nicer. However, if you prefer a nursery room with more colors, you can do that too! Whatever you choose would be perfect for your little bundle of joy as long as you have every essential item to make it functional. After all, function matters more than appeal! Need help with designing your space? Here are some tips on how to design your baby’s nursery room.
from Home https://homedesignlover.com/interior-design/modern-minimal-nursery-room/ via http://www.rssmix.com/
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dawnjeman · 6 years
20 Modern Minimal Nursery Room Ideas
Nowadays, preparing the baby’s nursery room is a must for parents-to-be. In fact, some couples buy a new home just to accommodate a nursery!
Do you think it’s too much? Of course not! Parents would do anything for their little ones!
So, when we talk about nursery rooms, it is not just the furniture or the decors that matter, but it’s the function that gets the number 1 spot in the list. A beautiful space is useless if it is not functional at all.
Can you get what I’m trying to point out?
When one focus on function, rather than aesthetics, the design tends to be simpler. This way, it is more practical and functional. You won’t see any useless item in the room.
But don’t get me wrong. Minimalist spaces are not boring at all! There are also decors but everything is minimal. And yes, this is what we are going to show you today, some modern minimalist nursery room ideas for your little ones.
When you scroll down below, you will see some amazing nursery rooms despite their less sophisticated designs! Take a look:
1. Central District Townhouse
Ore Studios
This room feels larger and brighter with a quiet backdrop to the carefully selected furnishings. Simple animal head prints were added to the wall.
2. Carrick – Nursery
Dale Design
The parents of the baby boy who sleeps in this room wanted a nursery that is soft enough for an infant but still edgy enough to grow with him even into the tween years. With that, the designers came up with a modern space that used contrasting color scheme by pairing a pale blue/green with charcoal grey.
3. Baby Cotton
Turbo Beds
A combination of elegant curves, contemporary lines, and a crisp white color made this nursery look really stunning. Round, over-sized knobs for the cabinets give it a unique playful look.
4. Greta Crib
Room & Board
We would all agree that the crib here added softness, warmth and a cozy feeling to the nursery. What’s nice about this is that it can be converted into a toddler bed. The cabinets and shelves also look great which makes it easier to organize things.
5. Children’s Rooms
Elizabeth Lawson Design
A modern nursery that could be nice for either a boy or a girl! This unisex nursery features some elephant designs on the walls that look totally nice.
6. Monochromatic Nursery
A Curated Room
Another gender-neutral nursery with a dark wood floor and brown floor. The gray walls add some texture to the space and it is a good match with the furniture in it.
7. Addison’s Nursery
Inspired By…Designs
A cute nursery for a baby girl with light pink colors around it. Love the gallery on the wall!
8. Modern Purple Nursery
Rocker Refined
The modern yet vintage rocking chair that you can see here was custom designed by Rocker Refined. It adds a classic touch to this modern nursery with a beautiful transparent crib.
9. Locke’s Room
Mary Wyar Photography
For your future scientist or astronaut, this would be a lovely space. A simple colored wall and patterned fabrics are enough to complete the look. Check out a roundup of blue nursery rooms if you want to get more ideas using this cool color.
10. Middleton Hills Entire House Nursery
Mader Designs
Although it appears challenging to design the room with a ceiling like that, the designer managed to come up with a beautiful modern nursery. White and dark gray really looks good together especially if the space is well planned.
11. Scarsdale Home
YDC design
I could say that the parents wanted something simple but artistic. You can sense that from the rainbow tassels on the wall and the wallpaper that covers some part of the ceiling. Who says you cannot add patterns in a minimalist space?
12. Minimalist Modern Nursery
Little Crown Interiors
The owner of this nursery wanted something that is expressly modern and unique. The design of the nursery was pulled from the gorgeous acrylic crib adding sleek and modern furniture. There are also pops of bright blue, lime green, and charcoal grey.
13. Colorful Nursery
Having a simple space does not mean that you cannot add colors to it anymore. Look at how this nursery added colors to the area through the crib’s bedding set.
14. White Celestial Nursery
Little Crown Interiors
Do you want an all-white nursery? Try something similar to this! Actually, it used very light pastel colors in some decors. On the wall above the crib is a light gray moon. There are also other celestial decors in the space too.
15. Dumbo Penthouse
Karen Chien Inc.
Spot the yellow colors in this simple modern nursery with a wooden crib. From here, one can also get a good view of the outdoor space through a large window.
16. Hugo’s Nursery
Nest Design Studio
To break the white colors in the space, a black and white wall was added as the backdrop if the gray crib. It is also nice that it has a bench right beside the picture window.
17. Regency at Windermere Show Home
Modern Era Design
Now this one is indeed simple! Just a few wall decors and it’s done! An area rug on the floor added some style to it. Notice that the color light green/ neon green is used subtly in the space.
18. Liljeholmen
One look at this, and you will immediately know that a little boy owns it. It is not blue or green but black and white totally works for a nursery room too!
19. Cape Cod Refresh
Christian Williams
What makes this nursery nice is not just that geometric wall but also its brightness. We would all agree that this is indeed a beautiful bright space where the baby can get a nice nap.
20. Pebble Gray Polka Dots
Storkcraft Manufacturing USA Inc.
The first thing that came to my mind when I saw this crib is are popsicle sticks! This gave me an idea that we can DIY a crib for dolls using popsicle sticks. Apart from that, the look of this nursery is really nice and simple. With the combination of gray and white, it looks really neat. Adding a polka dot accent wall of the same color is a nice way to add some creative flair to it.
I would say that these modern minimal nursery rooms are really beautiful! It is indeed true that there is beauty in simplicity like what we can see in the above spaces. It won’t hurt to add some decors, for course. But putting only a few decors make the space look even nicer. However, if you prefer a nursery room with more colors, you can do that too! Whatever you choose would be perfect for your little bundle of joy as long as you have every essential item to make it functional. After all, function matters more than appeal! Need help with designing your space? Here are some tips on how to design your baby’s nursery room.
from Home https://homedesignlover.com/interior-design/modern-minimal-nursery-room/ via http://www.rssmix.com/
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kadinim-ol · 6 years
20 Modern Minimal Nursery Room Ideas
20 Modern Minimal Nursery Room Ideas
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Nowadays, preparing the baby’s nursery room is a must for parents-to-be. In fact, some couples buy a new home just to accommodate a nursery!
Do you think it’s too much? Of course not! Parents would do anything for their little ones!
So, when we talk about nursery rooms, it is not just the furniture or the decors that matter, but it’s the function that gets the number 1 spot in the list. A beautiful space is useless if it is not functional at all.
Can you get what I’m trying to point out?
When one focus on function, rather than aesthetics, the design tends to be simpler. This way, it is more practical and functional. You won’t see any useless item in the room.
But don’t get me wrong. Minimalist spaces are not boring at all! There are also decors but everything is minimal. And yes, this is what we are going to show you today, some modern minimalist nursery room ideas for your little ones.
When you scroll down below, you will see some amazing nursery rooms despite their less sophisticated designs! Take a look:
1. Central District Townhouse
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Ore Studios
This room feels larger and brighter with a quiet backdrop to the carefully selected furnishings. Simple animal head prints were added to the wall.
2. Carrick – Nursery
Dale Design
The parents of the baby boy who sleeps in this room wanted a nursery that is soft enough for an infant but still edgy enough to grow with him even into the tween years. With that, the designers came up with a modern space that used contrasting color scheme by pairing a pale blue/green with charcoal grey.
3. Baby Cotton
Turbo Beds
A combination of elegant curves, contemporary lines, and a crisp white color made this nursery look really stunning. Round, over-sized knobs for the cabinets give it a unique playful look.
4. Greta Crib
Room & Board
We would all agree that the crib here added softness, warmth and a cozy feeling to the nursery. What’s nice about this is that it can be converted into a toddler bed. The cabinets and shelves also look great which makes it easier to organize things.
5. Children’s Rooms
Elizabeth Lawson Design
A modern nursery that could be nice for either a boy or a girl! This unisex nursery features some elephant designs on the walls that look totally nice.
6. Monochromatic Nursery
A Curated Room
Another gender-neutral nursery with a dark wood floor and brown floor. The gray walls add some texture to the space and it is a good match with the furniture in it.
7. Addison’s Nursery
Inspired By…Designs
A cute nursery for a baby girl with light pink colors around it. Love the gallery on the wall!
8. Modern Purple Nursery
Rocker Refined
The modern yet vintage rocking chair that you can see here was custom designed by Rocker Refined. It adds a classic touch to this modern nursery with a beautiful transparent crib.
9. Locke’s Room
Mary Wyar Photography
For your future scientist or astronaut, this would be a lovely space. A simple colored wall and patterned fabrics are enough to complete the look. Check out a roundup of blue nursery rooms if you want to get more ideas using this cool color.
10. Middleton Hills Entire House Nursery
Mader Designs
Although it appears challenging to design the room with a ceiling like that, the designer managed to come up with a beautiful modern nursery. White and dark gray really looks good together especially if the space is well planned.
11. Scarsdale Home
YDC design
I could say that the parents wanted something simple but artistic. You can sense that from the rainbow tassels on the wall and the wallpaper that covers some part of the ceiling. Who says you cannot add patterns in a minimalist space?
12. Minimalist Modern Nursery
Little Crown Interiors
The owner of this nursery wanted something that is expressly modern and unique. The design of the nursery was pulled from the gorgeous acrylic crib adding sleek and modern furniture. There are also pops of bright blue, lime green, and charcoal grey.
13. Colorful Nursery
Having a simple space does not mean that you cannot add colors to it anymore. Look at how this nursery added colors to the area through the crib’s bedding set.
14. White Celestial Nursery
Little Crown Interiors
Do you want an all-white nursery? Try something similar to this! Actually, it used very light pastel colors in some decors. On the wall above the crib is a light gray moon. There are also other celestial decors in the space too.
15. Dumbo Penthouse
Karen Chien Inc.
Spot the yellow colors in this simple modern nursery with a wooden crib. From here, one can also get a good view of the outdoor space through a large window.
16. Hugo’s Nursery
Nest Design Studio
To break the white colors in the space, a black and white wall was added as the backdrop if the gray crib. It is also nice that it has a bench right beside the picture window.
17. Regency at Windermere Show Home
Modern Era Design
Now this one is indeed simple! Just a few wall decors and it’s done! An area rug on the floor added some style to it. Notice that the color light green/ neon green is used subtly in the space.
18. Liljeholmen
One look at this, and you will immediately know that a little boy owns it. It is not blue or green but black and white totally works for a nursery room too!
19. Cape Cod Refresh
Christian Williams
What makes this nursery nice is not just that geometric wall but also its brightness. We would all agree that this is indeed a beautiful bright space where the baby can get a nice nap.
20. Pebble Gray Polka Dots
Storkcraft Manufacturing USA Inc.
The first thing that came to my mind when I saw this crib is are popsicle sticks! This gave me an idea that we can DIY a crib for dolls using popsicle sticks. Apart from that, the look of this nursery is really nice and simple. With the combination of gray and white, it looks really neat. Adding a polka dot accent wall of the same color is a nice way to add some creative flair to it.
I would say that these modern minimal nursery rooms are really beautiful! It is indeed true that there is beauty in simplicity like what we can see in the above spaces. It won’t hurt to add some decors, for course. But putting only a few decors make the space look even nicer. However, if you prefer a nursery room with more colors, you can do that too! Whatever you choose would be perfect for your little bundle of joy as long as you have every essential item to make it functional. After all, function matters more than appeal! Need help with designing your space? Here are some tips on how to design your baby’s nursery room.
0 notes
polandandspain · 6 years
20 Modern Minimal Nursery Room Ideas
20 Modern Minimal Nursery Room Ideas
Nowadays, preparing the baby’s nursery room is a must for parents-to-be. In fact, some couples buy a new home just to accommodate a nursery!
Do you think it’s too much? Of course not! Parents would do anything for their little ones!
So, when we talk about nursery rooms, it is not just the furniture or the decors that matter, but it’s the function that gets the number 1 spot in the list. A beautiful space is useless if it is not functional at all.
Can you get what I’m trying to point out?
When one focus on function, rather than aesthetics, the design tends to be simpler. This way, it is more practical and functional. You won’t see any useless item in the room.
But don’t get me wrong. Minimalist spaces are not boring at all! There are also decors but everything is minimal. And yes, this is what we are going to show you today, some modern minimalist nursery room ideas for your little ones.
When you scroll down below, you will see some amazing nursery rooms despite their less sophisticated designs! Take a look:
1. Central District Townhouse
Ore Studios
This room feels larger and brighter with a quiet backdrop to the carefully selected furnishings. Simple animal head prints were added to the wall.
2. Carrick – Nursery
Dale Design
The parents of the baby boy who sleeps in this room wanted a nursery that is soft enough for an infant but still edgy enough to grow with him even into the tween years. With that, the designers came up with a modern space that used contrasting color scheme by pairing a pale blue/green with charcoal grey.
3. Baby Cotton
Turbo Beds
A combination of elegant curves, contemporary lines, and a crisp white color made this nursery look really stunning. Round, over-sized knobs for the cabinets give it a unique playful look.
4. Greta Crib
Room & Board
We would all agree that the crib here added softness, warmth and a cozy feeling to the nursery. What’s nice about this is that it can be converted into a toddler bed. The cabinets and shelves also look great which makes it easier to organize things.
5. Children’s Rooms
Elizabeth Lawson Design
A modern nursery that could be nice for either a boy or a girl! This unisex nursery features some elephant designs on the walls that look totally nice.
6. Monochromatic Nursery
A Curated Room
Another gender-neutral nursery with a dark wood floor and brown floor. The gray walls add some texture to the space and it is a good match with the furniture in it.
7. Addison’s Nursery
Inspired By…Designs
A cute nursery for a baby girl with light pink colors around it. Love the gallery on the wall!
8. Modern Purple Nursery
Rocker Refined
The modern yet vintage rocking chair that you can see here was custom designed by Rocker Refined. It adds a classic touch to this modern nursery with a beautiful transparent crib.
9. Locke’s Room
Mary Wyar Photography
For your future scientist or astronaut, this would be a lovely space. A simple colored wall and patterned fabrics are enough to complete the look. Check out a roundup of blue nursery rooms if you want to get more ideas using this cool color.
10. Middleton Hills Entire House Nursery
Mader Designs
Although it appears challenging to design the room with a ceiling like that, the designer managed to come up with a beautiful modern nursery. White and dark gray really looks good together especially if the space is well planned.
11. Scarsdale Home
YDC design
I could say that the parents wanted something simple but artistic. You can sense that from the rainbow tassels on the wall and the wallpaper that covers some part of the ceiling. Who says you cannot add patterns in a minimalist space?
12. Minimalist Modern Nursery
Little Crown Interiors
The owner of this nursery wanted something that is expressly modern and unique. The design of the nursery was pulled from the gorgeous acrylic crib adding sleek and modern furniture. There are also pops of bright blue, lime green, and charcoal grey.
13. Colorful Nursery
Having a simple space does not mean that you cannot add colors to it anymore. Look at how this nursery added colors to the area through the crib’s bedding set.
14. White Celestial Nursery
Little Crown Interiors
Do you want an all-white nursery? Try something similar to this! Actually, it used very light pastel colors in some decors. On the wall above the crib is a light gray moon. There are also other celestial decors in the space too.
15. Dumbo Penthouse
Karen Chien Inc.
Spot the yellow colors in this simple modern nursery with a wooden crib. From here, one can also get a good view of the outdoor space through a large window.
16. Hugo’s Nursery
Nest Design Studio
To break the white colors in the space, a black and white wall was added as the backdrop if the gray crib. It is also nice that it has a bench right beside the picture window.
17. Regency at Windermere Show Home
Modern Era Design
Now this one is indeed simple! Just a few wall decors and it’s done! An area rug on the floor added some style to it. Notice that the color light green/ neon green is used subtly in the space.
18. Liljeholmen
One look at this, and you will immediately know that a little boy owns it. It is not blue or green but black and white totally works for a nursery room too!
19. Cape Cod Refresh
Christian Williams
What makes this nursery nice is not just that geometric wall but also its brightness. We would all agree that this is indeed a beautiful bright space where the baby can get a nice nap.
20. Pebble Gray Polka Dots
Storkcraft Manufacturing USA Inc.
The first thing that came to my mind when I saw this crib is are popsicle sticks! This gave me an idea that we can DIY a crib for dolls using popsicle sticks. Apart from that, the look of this nursery is really nice and simple. With the combination of gray and white, it looks really neat. Adding a polka dot accent wall of the same color is a nice way to add some creative flair to it.
I would say that these modern minimal nursery rooms are really beautiful! It is indeed true that there is beauty in simplicity like what we can see in the above spaces. It won’t hurt to add some decors, for course. But putting only a few decors make the space look even nicer. However, if you prefer a nursery room with more colors, you can do that too! Whatever you choose would be perfect for your little bundle of joy as long as you have every essential item to make it functional. After all, function matters more than appeal! Need help with designing your space? Here are some tips on how to design your baby’s nursery room.
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jeaunesoumise · 6 years
20 Modern Minimal Nursery Room Ideas
20 Modern Minimal Nursery Room Ideas
Nowadays, preparing the baby’s nursery room is a must for parents-to-be. In fact, some couples buy a new home just to accommodate a nursery!
Do you think it’s too much? Of course not! Parents would do anything for their little ones!
So, when we talk about nursery rooms, it is not just the furniture or the decors that matter, but it’s the function that gets the number 1 spot in the list. A beautiful space is useless if it is not functional at all.
Can you get what I’m trying to point out?
When one focus on function, rather than aesthetics, the design tends to be simpler. This way, it is more practical and functional. You won’t see any useless item in the room.
But don’t get me wrong. Minimalist spaces are not boring at all! There are also decors but everything is minimal. And yes, this is what we are going to show you today, some modern minimalist nursery room ideas for your little ones.
When you scroll down below, you will see some amazing nursery rooms despite their less sophisticated designs! Take a look:
1. Central District Townhouse
Ore Studios
This room feels larger and brighter with a quiet backdrop to the carefully selected furnishings. Simple animal head prints were added to the wall.
2. Carrick – Nursery
Dale Design
The parents of the baby boy who sleeps in this room wanted a nursery that is soft enough for an infant but still edgy enough to grow with him even into the tween years. With that, the designers came up with a modern space that used contrasting color scheme by pairing a pale blue/green with charcoal grey.
3. Baby Cotton
Turbo Beds
A combination of elegant curves, contemporary lines, and a crisp white color made this nursery look really stunning. Round, over-sized knobs for the cabinets give it a unique playful look.
4. Greta Crib
Room & Board
We would all agree that the crib here added softness, warmth and a cozy feeling to the nursery. What’s nice about this is that it can be converted into a toddler bed. The cabinets and shelves also look great which makes it easier to organize things.
5. Children’s Rooms
Elizabeth Lawson Design
A modern nursery that could be nice for either a boy or a girl! This unisex nursery features some elephant designs on the walls that look totally nice.
6. Monochromatic Nursery
A Curated Room
Another gender-neutral nursery with a dark wood floor and brown floor. The gray walls add some texture to the space and it is a good match with the furniture in it.
7. Addison’s Nursery
Inspired By…Designs
A cute nursery for a baby girl with light pink colors around it. Love the gallery on the wall!
8. Modern Purple Nursery
Rocker Refined
The modern yet vintage rocking chair that you can see here was custom designed by Rocker Refined. It adds a classic touch to this modern nursery with a beautiful transparent crib.
9. Locke’s Room
Mary Wyar Photography
For your future scientist or astronaut, this would be a lovely space. A simple colored wall and patterned fabrics are enough to complete the look. Check out a roundup of blue nursery rooms if you want to get more ideas using this cool color.
10. Middleton Hills Entire House Nursery
Mader Designs
Although it appears challenging to design the room with a ceiling like that, the designer managed to come up with a beautiful modern nursery. White and dark gray really looks good together especially if the space is well planned.
11. Scarsdale Home
YDC design
I could say that the parents wanted something simple but artistic. You can sense that from the rainbow tassels on the wall and the wallpaper that covers some part of the ceiling. Who says you cannot add patterns in a minimalist space?
12. Minimalist Modern Nursery
Little Crown Interiors
The owner of this nursery wanted something that is expressly modern and unique. The design of the nursery was pulled from the gorgeous acrylic crib adding sleek and modern furniture. There are also pops of bright blue, lime green, and charcoal grey.
13. Colorful Nursery
Having a simple space does not mean that you cannot add colors to it anymore. Look at how this nursery added colors to the area through the crib’s bedding set.
14. White Celestial Nursery
Little Crown Interiors
Do you want an all-white nursery? Try something similar to this! Actually, it used very light pastel colors in some decors. On the wall above the crib is a light gray moon. There are also other celestial decors in the space too.
15. Dumbo Penthouse
Karen Chien Inc.
Spot the yellow colors in this simple modern nursery with a wooden crib. From here, one can also get a good view of the outdoor space through a large window.
16. Hugo’s Nursery
Nest Design Studio
To break the white colors in the space, a black and white wall was added as the backdrop if the gray crib. It is also nice that it has a bench right beside the picture window.
17. Regency at Windermere Show Home
Modern Era Design
Now this one is indeed simple! Just a few wall decors and it’s done! An area rug on the floor added some style to it. Notice that the color light green/ neon green is used subtly in the space.
18. Liljeholmen
One look at this, and you will immediately know that a little boy owns it. It is not blue or green but black and white totally works for a nursery room too!
19. Cape Cod Refresh
Christian Williams
What makes this nursery nice is not just that geometric wall but also its brightness. We would all agree that this is indeed a beautiful bright space where the baby can get a nice nap.
20. Pebble Gray Polka Dots
Storkcraft Manufacturing USA Inc.
The first thing that came to my mind when I saw this crib is are popsicle sticks! This gave me an idea that we can DIY a crib for dolls using popsicle sticks. Apart from that, the look of this nursery is really nice and simple. With the combination of gray and white, it looks really neat. Adding a polka dot accent wall of the same color is a nice way to add some creative flair to it.
I would say that these modern minimal nursery rooms are really beautiful! It is indeed true that there is beauty in simplicity like what we can see in the above spaces. It won’t hurt to add some decors, for course. But putting only a few decors make the space look even nicer. However, if you prefer a nursery room with more colors, you can do that too! Whatever you choose would be perfect for your little bundle of joy as long as you have every essential item to make it functional. After all, function matters more than appeal! Need help with designing your space? Here are some tips on how to design your baby’s nursery room.
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shinyurio · 6 years
20 Modern Minimal Nursery Room Ideas
20 Modern Minimal Nursery Room Ideas
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Nowadays, preparing the baby’s nursery room is a must for parents-to-be. In fact, some couples buy a new home just to accommodate a nursery!
Do you think it’s too much? Of course not! Parents would do anything for their little ones!
So, when we talk about nursery rooms, it is not just the furniture or the decors that matter, but it’s the function that gets the number 1 spot in the list. A beautiful space is useless if it is not functional at all.
Can you get what I’m trying to point out?
When one focus on function, rather than aesthetics, the design tends to be simpler. This way, it is more practical and functional. You won’t see any useless item in the room.
But don’t get me wrong. Minimalist spaces are not boring at all! There are also decors but everything is minimal. And yes, this is what we are going to show you today, some modern minimalist nursery room ideas for your little ones.
When you scroll down below, you will see some amazing nursery rooms despite their less sophisticated designs! Take a look:
1. Central District Townhouse
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Ore Studios
This room feels larger and brighter with a quiet backdrop to the carefully selected furnishings. Simple animal head prints were added to the wall.
2. Carrick – Nursery
Dale Design
The parents of the baby boy who sleeps in this room wanted a nursery that is soft enough for an infant but still edgy enough to grow with him even into the tween years. With that, the designers came up with a modern space that used contrasting color scheme by pairing a pale blue/green with charcoal grey.
3. Baby Cotton
Turbo Beds
A combination of elegant curves, contemporary lines, and a crisp white color made this nursery look really stunning. Round, over-sized knobs for the cabinets give it a unique playful look.
4. Greta Crib
Room & Board
We would all agree that the crib here added softness, warmth and a cozy feeling to the nursery. What’s nice about this is that it can be converted into a toddler bed. The cabinets and shelves also look great which makes it easier to organize things.
5. Children’s Rooms
Elizabeth Lawson Design
A modern nursery that could be nice for either a boy or a girl! This unisex nursery features some elephant designs on the walls that look totally nice.
6. Monochromatic Nursery
A Curated Room
Another gender-neutral nursery with a dark wood floor and brown floor. The gray walls add some texture to the space and it is a good match with the furniture in it.
7. Addison’s Nursery
Inspired By…Designs
A cute nursery for a baby girl with light pink colors around it. Love the gallery on the wall!
8. Modern Purple Nursery
Rocker Refined
The modern yet vintage rocking chair that you can see here was custom designed by Rocker Refined. It adds a classic touch to this modern nursery with a beautiful transparent crib.
9. Locke’s Room
Mary Wyar Photography
For your future scientist or astronaut, this would be a lovely space. A simple colored wall and patterned fabrics are enough to complete the look. Check out a roundup of blue nursery rooms if you want to get more ideas using this cool color.
10. Middleton Hills Entire House Nursery
Mader Designs
Although it appears challenging to design the room with a ceiling like that, the designer managed to come up with a beautiful modern nursery. White and dark gray really looks good together especially if the space is well planned.
11. Scarsdale Home
YDC design
I could say that the parents wanted something simple but artistic. You can sense that from the rainbow tassels on the wall and the wallpaper that covers some part of the ceiling. Who says you cannot add patterns in a minimalist space?
12. Minimalist Modern Nursery
Little Crown Interiors
The owner of this nursery wanted something that is expressly modern and unique. The design of the nursery was pulled from the gorgeous acrylic crib adding sleek and modern furniture. There are also pops of bright blue, lime green, and charcoal grey.
13. Colorful Nursery
Having a simple space does not mean that you cannot add colors to it anymore. Look at how this nursery added colors to the area through the crib’s bedding set.
14. White Celestial Nursery
Little Crown Interiors
Do you want an all-white nursery? Try something similar to this! Actually, it used very light pastel colors in some decors. On the wall above the crib is a light gray moon. There are also other celestial decors in the space too.
15. Dumbo Penthouse
Karen Chien Inc.
Spot the yellow colors in this simple modern nursery with a wooden crib. From here, one can also get a good view of the outdoor space through a large window.
16. Hugo’s Nursery
Nest Design Studio
To break the white colors in the space, a black and white wall was added as the backdrop if the gray crib. It is also nice that it has a bench right beside the picture window.
17. Regency at Windermere Show Home
Modern Era Design
Now this one is indeed simple! Just a few wall decors and it’s done! An area rug on the floor added some style to it. Notice that the color light green/ neon green is used subtly in the space.
18. Liljeholmen
One look at this, and you will immediately know that a little boy owns it. It is not blue or green but black and white totally works for a nursery room too!
19. Cape Cod Refresh
Christian Williams
What makes this nursery nice is not just that geometric wall but also its brightness. We would all agree that this is indeed a beautiful bright space where the baby can get a nice nap.
20. Pebble Gray Polka Dots
Storkcraft Manufacturing USA Inc.
The first thing that came to my mind when I saw this crib is are popsicle sticks! This gave me an idea that we can DIY a crib for dolls using popsicle sticks. Apart from that, the look of this nursery is really nice and simple. With the combination of gray and white, it looks really neat. Adding a polka dot accent wall of the same color is a nice way to add some creative flair to it.
I would say that these modern minimal nursery rooms are really beautiful! It is indeed true that there is beauty in simplicity like what we can see in the above spaces. It won’t hurt to add some decors, for course. But putting only a few decors make the space look even nicer. However, if you prefer a nursery room with more colors, you can do that too! Whatever you choose would be perfect for your little bundle of joy as long as you have every essential item to make it functional. After all, function matters more than appeal! Need help with designing your space? Here are some tips on how to design your baby’s nursery room.
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sentrava · 7 years
Artist Spotlight: Swedish Multidisciplinary Designer Tekla Evelina Severin
Scandinavia has a reputation as the birthplace of monochrome interiors. Muted color palettes dominate interior magazines full of pristine Scandinavian rooms with no personality or point. In reality, that’s not what it’s like to live in Scandinavia. There is a whole world of colorful and quirky interiors. Vibrant oxidised greens! Vintage florals! Oversized patterns! But let’s not go too crazy; it’s all in moderation and a minimalist framework.
Tekla Evelina Severin embodies this aesthetic; clean and simple, but also bright and lively. Her images capture dramatic colour in bold angular settings – almost brutalist architecture. She also creates images for brands like Bright Volumes, Clashist and Stockholm Design Week.
In 2012, Tekla was working as an interior architect in Stockholm when she decided to start using Instagram to share photos of her space. Over time, and with help from her growing audience, she became a multidisciplinary designer with work including advertorial photography, art direction, set design and branding. There’s a common thread through all her work: her bold colours in a unique minimalist universe.
Meet Tekla Evelina Severin, the Scandinavian queen of colourful minimalism:
When did you begin working as a designer?
September 2015. It was really a slow process. The year before it was 80% at the architecture office, then eventually two days a week. I’ve always been a controlled person that likes safety, and now I can’t handle three months stuck on the same project.
I studied interior architecture and furniture design at Kanstfack. Some people wanted to do furniture design, and some people, like me, wanted to work with space. We had different teachers each with his or her own approach; it wasn’t continuous. We had to adapt to each teacher’s approach, rather than being able to fulfil our own vision. I’m a little critical, but I wouldn’t be where I am today without it.
    What was your vision?
Back when I started studying, I had a really strong plan. And then, a bit like the military, at my school they break everyone down. Everyone was dealing with a lot of anxiety.
  Wow, it sounds like going to acting school!
Yeah! I found it a bit like that.
  In terms of the way you shoot, you prefer starting with the space, and then thinking about the furniture
Yes, because I think that the space comes first, otherwise it’s just design for design’s sake. I feel that’s a bit too much surface. Also, I like large scale installations.
      Why did you choose your particular mediums?
I really didn’t chose. They chose me! It start with people asking: can you do this? Can you do that? I like to be a yes-sayer. It just grew like that. I didn’t want to sit in an office, drawing on a computer for ten hours a day. It started more like street photography, and more like doing my own small still life things. I only took photos with my phone.
    So you think your philosophy of saying yes was helpful?
Yes! Totally. It’s the best way to challenge yourself and find a new path. It was therapy for me by letting go of the the control; not knowing what to do next month. It was like: Ok! I say yes to this!
      Who or what inspires your work?
Oh wow, so much! For photography, I love the classic still life by Irving Penn, and the light, colors and mood of Maurizio Di Iorio. I like the postmodern architecture of Ricardo Bofill, Richard England, Luis Barragan and Richardo Lagoretta. For interiors, Guillermo Santoma is a favourite from Spain, and also Swedish Note Design Studio.
I’m inspired by the shapes and colors by so many artists: Marie Louise Ekman, Karin Mamma Andersson. I love the shapes and palettes by fashion brand Bright Volumes.
I really like being interdisciplinary, bringing in graphic design, art, fashion, even still life photography. You can find inspiration anywhere. I’m inspired by public spaces like subways stations, especially in Stockholm.
    How do you find being part of the Instagram community?
I travel a lot with my Instagram. We’re invited, for instance, to a concert hall opening and I’ll invite other people too. That’s fun, and I’ve met some great soulmates on my travels, but it’s strange because people are all very different. I’m not the one who wants to run in first to get the best angle. Lots of people have big cameras, and I feel like you’re losing the fun of it. For me it’s really important to keep it as Instagram started.
Also, there’s the Instagram anxiety, asking: “ooo, should I post that?” People ask me at parties when they’re drunk: “what do you think about this photo, is this one better?” I try to not get into that mode. It can be contagious, especially when travelling with other Instagrammers.  
    My personal Instagram is one big latergram. Do you share immediately?
Yeah, mine too! There’s a lot of pressure when you’re on these trips when people have paid for you to be there. I want to be present in the moment, and I also want to have time to process the image. I’m a slow Insta-photographer. I don’t like to take a photo and five minutes later feel I have to post it. I see it more like an aesthetic rather than a diary and sharing “ooo, look what’s happening!”
    How do you feel if an image doesn’t get many likes?
Different. Sometimes I can’t stop doubting. Other times I think “ok, but this is what I want to say about this subject,” and I’m confident. It’s really different. One photo can get 800 likes, another one can get 3000, so it really depends.
    Do you think there’s a secret to getting more likes?
Actually, I’m part of this secret Swedish Instagram group where people discuss algorithms of Instagram. Some people say: “my best time to post is a 7.13 in the evening,” but I’m not like that. It’s really a big business, and all the people there are complaining about the new algorithm and how their posts aren’t showing. And they have four times as many followers as me. Everyone is just very anxious!
I think it’s so boring to keep posting the same kind of photos. If I post a person, I don’t want to do it again for the next post. Maybe I want to have a still-life, or then an interior. The one that gets most likes is the same thing, the same minimal facades, the same nature shots with the girl in the flower field, again and again and again. I think that’s really interesting. Why do people want to see exactly the same thing? It’s like it’s safe.  
    Yes, it’s so boring. This is a challenge with our Instagram, because we want to share unique aspects of Scandinavia, but this isn’t always as popular as another bike in front of a facade
I think that being true to yourself is the winning concept in the end. When you start adapting to your audience, the audience can feel that too.
  Tell us about your latest projects
Right now I’m working on the exhibition design for a furniture designer for Stockholm Design Week. Then in early December, will also do two architectural shoots in Oslo. Later in February, I will go to Caribbean to shoot for a travel magazine.
    You do a lot of beautiful shots of subway stations. Where do you find them?
In Stockholm! You have to go. The Stockholm stations are just more interesting. The other ones in California are just tiles and colors, much more Germanic order. Where as in Stockholm’s subway stations have a different artist in each station.  
    How would you describe your aesthetic?
I would describe it as colorful, of course. Graphic. Before I think my work was a bit more toward maximalism, but now I like going more minimalist. But I think that’s a boring word so I don’t know if I want to use it. I think bold would be the right word.
    Do you feel your work is particularly Swedish or Scandinavian?
I would say no. That’s why I started my own space on Instagram. I was bored with those rich clients that wanted the Scandinavian beige. I’m really drawn to color, especially Mexican and Spanish architecture and colours. Of course it’s with my own Scandinavian approach.
    It seems to be a broad spectrum in Scandinavia. On one end it’s monochrome and beige, but on the other there’s Henrik Vibskov and Marimekko
I think there’s a bit of trend anxiety in Stockholm, because people know that it always works with black. I think Swedish people are famous for having trend anxiety. Maybe because we’re so far in the North, we want to be in it too.
  Yeah, it blows my mind how much Swedes know about popular culture and the latest trends
Yeah, and I think it’s because people don’t really have confidence in themselves, and the remote geography that makes us feel excluded. We want to be part of it.
Follow along on Tekla’s instagram and get inspired!
Artist Spotlight: Swedish Multidisciplinary Designer Tekla Evelina Severin published first on http://ift.tt/2gOZF1v
0 notes
sentrava · 7 years
Artist Spotlight: Swedish Multidisciplinary Designer Tekla Evelina Severin
Scandinavia has a reputation as the birthplace of monochrome interiors. Muted color palettes dominate interior magazines full of pristine Scandinavian rooms with no personality or point. In reality, that’s not what it’s like to live in Scandinavia. There is a whole world of colorful and quirky interiors. Vibrant oxidised greens! Vintage florals! Oversized patterns! But let’s not go too crazy; it’s all in moderation and a minimalist framework.
Tekla Evelina Severin embodies this aesthetic; clean and simple, but also bright and lively. Her images capture dramatic colour in bold angular settings – almost brutalist architecture. She also creates images for brands like Bright Volumes, Clashist and Stockholm Design Week.
In 2012, Tekla was working as an interior architect in Stockholm when she decided to start using Instagram to share photos of her space. Over time, and with help from her growing audience, she became a multidisciplinary designer with work including advertorial photography, art direction, set design and branding. There’s a common thread through all her work: her bold colours in a unique minimalist universe.
Meet Tekla Evelina Severin, the Scandinavian queen of colourful minimalism:
When did you begin working as a designer?
September 2015. It was really a slow process. The year before it was 80% at the architecture office, then eventually two days a week. I’ve always been a controlled person that likes safety, and now I can’t handle three months stuck on the same project.
I studied interior architecture and furniture design at Kanstfack. Some people wanted to do furniture design, and some people, like me, wanted to work with space. We had different teachers each with his or her own approach; it wasn’t continuous. We had to adapt to each teacher’s approach, rather than being able to fulfil our own vision. I’m a little critical, but I wouldn’t be where I am today without it.
    What was your vision?
Back when I started studying, I had a really strong plan. And then, a bit like the military, at my school they break everyone down. Everyone was dealing with a lot of anxiety.
  Wow, it sounds like going to acting school!
Yeah! I found it a bit like that.
  In terms of the way you shoot, you prefer starting with the space, and then thinking about the furniture
Yes, because I think that the space comes first, otherwise it’s just design for design’s sake. I feel that’s a bit too much surface. Also, I like large scale installations.
      Why did you choose your particular mediums?
I really didn’t chose. They chose me! It start with people asking: can you do this? Can you do that? I like to be a yes-sayer. It just grew like that. I didn’t want to sit in an office, drawing on a computer for ten hours a day. It started more like street photography, and more like doing my own small still life things. I only took photos with my phone.
    So you think your philosophy of saying yes was helpful?
Yes! Totally. It’s the best way to challenge yourself and find a new path. It was therapy for me by letting go of the the control; not knowing what to do next month. It was like: Ok! I say yes to this!
      Who or what inspires your work?
Oh wow, so much! For photography, I love the classic still life by Irving Penn, and the light, colors and mood of Maurizio Di Iorio. I like the postmodern architecture of Ricardo Bofill, Richard England, Luis Barragan and Richardo Lagoretta. For interiors, Guillermo Santoma is a favourite from Spain, and also Swedish Note Design Studio.
I’m inspired by the shapes and colors by so many artists: Marie Louise Ekman, Karin Mamma Andersson. I love the shapes and palettes by fashion brand Bright Volumes.
I really like being interdisciplinary, bringing in graphic design, art, fashion, even still life photography. You can find inspiration anywhere. I’m inspired by public spaces like subways stations, especially in Stockholm.
    How do you find being part of the Instagram community?
I travel a lot with my Instagram. We’re invited, for instance, to a concert hall opening and I’ll invite other people too. That’s fun, and I’ve met some great soulmates on my travels, but it’s strange because people are all very different. I’m not the one who wants to run in first to get the best angle. Lots of people have big cameras, and I feel like you’re losing the fun of it. For me it’s really important to keep it as Instagram started.
Also, there’s the Instagram anxiety, asking: “ooo, should I post that?” People ask me at parties when they’re drunk: “what do you think about this photo, is this one better?” I try to not get into that mode. It can be contagious, especially when travelling with other Instagrammers.  
    My personal Instagram is one big latergram. Do you share immediately?
Yeah, mine too! There’s a lot of pressure when you’re on these trips when people have paid for you to be there. I want to be present in the moment, and I also want to have time to process the image. I’m a slow Insta-photographer. I don’t like to take a photo and five minutes later feel I have to post it. I see it more like an aesthetic rather than a diary and sharing “ooo, look what’s happening!”
    How do you feel if an image doesn���t get many likes?
Different. Sometimes I can’t stop doubting. Other times I think “ok, but this is what I want to say about this subject,” and I’m confident. It’s really different. One photo can get 800 likes, another one can get 3000, so it really depends.
    Do you think there’s a secret to getting more likes?
Actually, I’m part of this secret Swedish Instagram group where people discuss algorithms of Instagram. Some people say: “my best time to post is a 7.13 in the evening,” but I’m not like that. It’s really a big business, and all the people there are complaining about the new algorithm and how their posts aren’t showing. And they have four times as many followers as me. Everyone is just very anxious!
I think it’s so boring to keep posting the same kind of photos. If I post a person, I don’t want to do it again for the next post. Maybe I want to have a still-life, or then an interior. The one that gets most likes is the same thing, the same minimal facades, the same nature shots with the girl in the flower field, again and again and again. I think that’s really interesting. Why do people want to see exactly the same thing? It’s like it’s safe.  
    Yes, it’s so boring. This is a challenge with our Instagram, because we want to share unique aspects of Scandinavia, but this isn’t always as popular as another bike in front of a facade
I think that being true to yourself is the winning concept in the end. When you start adapting to your audience, the audience can feel that too.
  Tell us about your latest projects
Right now I’m working on the exhibition design for a furniture designer for Stockholm Design Week. Then in early December, will also do two architectural shoots in Oslo. Later in February, I will go to Caribbean to shoot for a travel magazine.
    You do a lot of beautiful shots of subway stations. Where do you find them?
In Stockholm! You have to go. The Stockholm stations are just more interesting. The other ones in California are just tiles and colors, much more Germanic order. Where as in Stockholm’s subway stations have a different artist in each station.  
    How would you describe your aesthetic?
I would describe it as colorful, of course. Graphic. Before I think my work was a bit more toward maximalism, but now I like going more minimalist. But I think that’s a boring word so I don’t know if I want to use it. I think bold would be the right word.
    Do you feel your work is particularly Swedish or Scandinavian?
I would say no. That’s why I started my own space on Instagram. I was bored with those rich clients that wanted the Scandinavian beige. I’m really drawn to color, especially Mexican and Spanish architecture and colours. Of course it’s with my own Scandinavian approach.
    It seems to be a broad spectrum in Scandinavia. On one end it’s monochrome and beige, but on the other there’s Henrik Vibskov and Marimekko
I think there’s a bit of trend anxiety in Stockholm, because people know that it always works with black. I think Swedish people are famous for having trend anxiety. Maybe because we’re so far in the North, we want to be in it too.
  Yeah, it blows my mind how much Swedes know about popular culture and the latest trends
Yeah, and I think it’s because people don’t really have confidence in themselves, and the remote geography that makes us feel excluded. We want to be part of it.
Follow along on Tekla’s instagram and get inspired!
Artist Spotlight: Swedish Multidisciplinary Designer Tekla Evelina Severin published first on http://ift.tt/2gOZF1v
0 notes
sentrava · 7 years
Artist Spotlight: Swedish Multidisciplinary Designer Tekla Evelina Severin
Scandinavia has a reputation as the birthplace of monochrome interiors. Muted color palettes dominate interior magazines full of pristine Scandinavian rooms with no personality or point. In reality, that’s not what it’s like to live in Scandinavia. There is a whole world of colorful and quirky interiors. Vibrant oxidised greens! Vintage florals! Oversized patterns! But let’s not go too crazy; it’s all in moderation and a minimalist framework.
Tekla Evelina Severin embodies this aesthetic; clean and simple, but also bright and lively. Her images capture dramatic colour in bold angular settings – almost brutalist architecture. She also creates images for brands like Bright Volumes, Clashist and Stockholm Design Week.
In 2012, Tekla was working as an interior architect in Stockholm when she decided to start using Instagram to share photos of her space. Over time, and with help from her growing audience, she became a multidisciplinary designer with work including advertorial photography, art direction, set design and branding. There’s a common thread through all her work: her bold colours in a unique minimalist universe.
Meet Tekla Evelina Severin, the Scandinavian queen of colourful minimalism:
When did you begin working as a designer?
September 2015. It was really a slow process. The year before it was 80% at the architecture office, then eventually two days a week. I’ve always been a controlled person that likes safety, and now I can’t handle three months stuck on the same project.
I studied interior architecture and furniture design at Kanstfack. Some people wanted to do furniture design, and some people, like me, wanted to work with space. We had different teachers each with his or her own approach; it wasn’t continuous. We had to adapt to each teacher’s approach, rather than being able to fulfil our own vision. I’m a little critical, but I wouldn’t be where I am today without it.
    What was your vision?
Back when I started studying, I had a really strong plan. And then, a bit like the military, at my school they break everyone down. Everyone was dealing with a lot of anxiety.
  Wow, it sounds like going to acting school!
Yeah! I found it a bit like that.
  In terms of the way you shoot, you prefer starting with the space, and then thinking about the furniture
Yes, because I think that the space comes first, otherwise it’s just design for design’s sake. I feel that’s a bit too much surface. Also, I like large scale installations.
      Why did you choose your particular mediums?
I really didn’t chose. They chose me! It start with people asking: can you do this? Can you do that? I like to be a yes-sayer. It just grew like that. I didn’t want to sit in an office, drawing on a computer for ten hours a day. It started more like street photography, and more like doing my own small still life things. I only took photos with my phone.
    So you think your philosophy of saying yes was helpful?
Yes! Totally. It’s the best way to challenge yourself and find a new path. It was therapy for me by letting go of the the control; not knowing what to do next month. It was like: Ok! I say yes to this!
      Who or what inspires your work?
Oh wow, so much! For photography, I love the classic still life by Irving Penn, and the light, colors and mood of Maurizio Di Iorio. I like the postmodern architecture of Ricardo Bofill, Richard England, Luis Barragan and Richardo Lagoretta. For interiors, Guillermo Santoma is a favourite from Spain, and also Swedish Note Design Studio.
I’m inspired by the shapes and colors by so many artists: Marie Louise Ekman, Karin Mamma Andersson. I love the shapes and palettes by fashion brand Bright Volumes.
I really like being interdisciplinary, bringing in graphic design, art, fashion, even still life photography. You can find inspiration anywhere. I’m inspired by public spaces like subways stations, especially in Stockholm.
    How do you find being part of the Instagram community?
I travel a lot with my Instagram. We’re invited, for instance, to a concert hall opening and I’ll invite other people too. That’s fun, and I’ve met some great soulmates on my travels, but it’s strange because people are all very different. I’m not the one who wants to run in first to get the best angle. Lots of people have big cameras, and I feel like you’re losing the fun of it. For me it’s really important to keep it as Instagram started.
Also, there’s the Instagram anxiety, asking: “ooo, should I post that?” People ask me at parties when they’re drunk: “what do you think about this photo, is this one better?” I try to not get into that mode. It can be contagious, especially when travelling with other Instagrammers.  
    My personal Instagram is one big latergram. Do you share immediately?
Yeah, mine too! There’s a lot of pressure when you’re on these trips when people have paid for you to be there. I want to be present in the moment, and I also want to have time to process the image. I’m a slow Insta-photographer. I don’t like to take a photo and five minutes later feel I have to post it. I see it more like an aesthetic rather than a diary and sharing “ooo, look what’s happening!”
    How do you feel if an image doesn’t get many likes?
Different. Sometimes I can’t stop doubting. Other times I think “ok, but this is what I want to say about this subject,” and I’m confident. It’s really different. One photo can get 800 likes, another one can get 3000, so it really depends.
    Do you think there’s a secret to getting more likes?
Actually, I’m part of this secret Swedish Instagram group where people discuss algorithms of Instagram. Some people say: “my best time to post is a 7.13 in the evening,” but I’m not like that. It’s really a big business, and all the people there are complaining about the new algorithm and how their posts aren’t showing. And they have four times as many followers as me. Everyone is just very anxious!
I think it’s so boring to keep posting the same kind of photos. If I post a person, I don’t want to do it again for the next post. Maybe I want to have a still-life, or then an interior. The one that gets most likes is the same thing, the same minimal facades, the same nature shots with the girl in the flower field, again and again and again. I think that’s really interesting. Why do people want to see exactly the same thing? It’s like it’s safe.  
    Yes, it’s so boring. This is a challenge with our Instagram, because we want to share unique aspects of Scandinavia, but this isn’t always as popular as another bike in front of a facade
I think that being true to yourself is the winning concept in the end. When you start adapting to your audience, the audience can feel that too.
  Tell us about your latest projects
Right now I’m working on the exhibition design for a furniture designer for Stockholm Design Week. Then in early December, will also do two architectural shoots in Oslo. Later in February, I will go to Caribbean to shoot for a travel magazine.
    You do a lot of beautiful shots of subway stations. Where do you find them?
In Stockholm! You have to go. The Stockholm stations are just more interesting. The other ones in California are just tiles and colors, much more Germanic order. Where as in Stockholm’s subway stations have a different artist in each station.  
    How would you describe your aesthetic?
I would describe it as colorful, of course. Graphic. Before I think my work was a bit more toward maximalism, but now I like going more minimalist. But I think that’s a boring word so I don’t know if I want to use it. I think bold would be the right word.
    Do you feel your work is particularly Swedish or Scandinavian?
I would say no. That’s why I started my own space on Instagram. I was bored with those rich clients that wanted the Scandinavian beige. I’m really drawn to color, especially Mexican and Spanish architecture and colours. Of course it’s with my own Scandinavian approach.
    It seems to be a broad spectrum in Scandinavia. On one end it’s monochrome and beige, but on the other there’s Henrik Vibskov and Marimekko
I think there’s a bit of trend anxiety in Stockholm, because people know that it always works with black. I think Swedish people are famous for having trend anxiety. Maybe because we’re so far in the North, we want to be in it too.
  Yeah, it blows my mind how much Swedes know about popular culture and the latest trends
Yeah, and I think it’s because people don’t really have confidence in themselves, and the remote geography that makes us feel excluded. We want to be part of it.
Follow along on Tekla’s instagram and get inspired!
Artist Spotlight: Swedish Multidisciplinary Designer Tekla Evelina Severin published first on http://ift.tt/2gOZF1v
0 notes