#it’s just that I specifically love them because they are so exuberantly stupid and strong
eyeofnewtblog · 1 month
You know what? This really reminds me of how practical farming and ranchers just…be/exist/coexist with certain conditions. What is the least amount of labor on the farmers/ranchers part, to get a mother to nurse her baby? The farmer/rancher is looking at this as “I genuinely want a good healthy bond, so that the veal grows into streak, but if the conditions aren’t right, I’m left with veal’
Here’s the thing, veal (baby beef) sells at significantly higher prices, but it very rarely sells at the right price, depending on a few categories. (This can also actually apply to grass fed vs corn fed beef stock/cattle herds)
1) steak cuts from adult animals are the most popular and well known, so veal cuts are typically only brought by people who actually know exactly what they’re buying (lamb, it apparently has to be stated, is baby sheep? Going off of a group of American women consensus…I’m probably not going to be invited back to this group of ladies…)
2) ranchers that are already grass feeding aren’t going going to turn their noses up at bottle feeding a rejected calf. (Even in a commercial ranch, you’ll find that a decent cowpoke is going try to save EVERY baby he can)…that calf is either going to turn a profit by being veal, being next year’s butchering, or being a breeding calf, regardless of their mother.
3) The entire point of farming and ranching is to make the next generation of food survive as much as possible, for as long as possible, cull the current herd/crop so that the current generation is amenable, edible, delectable.
4) there’s a lot of people complaining about gmo stuff. Every farmer, every damn day, for every damn minute, wants you to please, pretty please with sugar on top, shut the fuck up and actually study selected breeding techniques and basic genetics and pollination. It’s an actual science, who knew?!?!?
5) honey is vegan, the bees actually like us the same way dogs do…they’re bugs, you have to think about it differently but they actually do like us
6) growing blueberries in the Rocky Mountain regions was totally not worth it, the absolute chemistry you have to learn to make the soil just right for growing is just not worth it…
What is the least amount of effort the government can generate in order to have
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kookie-for-you · 5 years
You Flinch in a Fight
Trigger warning: Mention of previous domestic abuse
You’ve been yelling back and forth for so long, you’ve almost forgotten what even started this argument.  It had quickly spiraled out of control, leading you both to throw words you knew you’d regret in the morning.  Honestly, you were done fighting.  You wanted to make up and cuddle and go to sleep.  But your boyfriend seemed to still have some fight in him.
As you folded your arms, he seemed to take it as an offense and shouted even louder.  “Don’t fold your arms at me like that!” he shouted, and as he did, he raised a hand.  Whatever the reality--throwing it in frustration, going to run it threw his hair, who knew--in that moment, t looked like it was meant for you.  Reacting purely on some instinct you may not have even been aware you had, you immediately covered your face, backing away from him.
Kim Seokjin/Jin:
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It was like you’d thrown a bucket of icy water on him.  Seokjin stopped in his tracks, the hand that he’d raised falling to his side in shock.  “Jagi,” he whispered, realizing what you’d thought.  Taking a tentative step towards you, he reached out this time, holding a hand outstretched for you to take when you were ready.
You did, hand shaking a little bit.  Seokjin smiled gently at you, running his thumb over the back of your hand so lightly you almost didn’t feel it.  “I would never, in my life, hurt you,” Seokjin murmured to you, looking you earnestly in the eyes as he spoke.  “The thought of hitting you is disgusting to me.  Let’s put this argument to bed for tonight, and just relax a little.  We’ll discuss the problem more in the morning.”
Relieved, you nodded, and let yourself be drawn into his arms for a hug, feeling a little guilty for even thinking this man would lay a hand on you in a non-loving way.
Min Yoongi/Suga:
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“What are you...”  Yoongi started to ask, but trailed off as he looked from his own hand, still raised in the air, then back to you, peeking behind your fingers, backed up against the wall.  He went silent, unable to move.  If he was honest, he wasn’t sure why he’d raised his hand like that...but he knew in his heart he would never hit you.
Then why did he raise his hand?  “I...” His voice died once again, and he abruptly brought the hand down.  “I wasn’t going to hit you, I swear,” he told you.  You could see the truth in his eyes and knew he meant his words 100%.  But not only had he scared you; he had scared himself.
You pushed away from the wall, going to Yoongi.  He avoided your eyes, staring down at the ground.  Very slowly and gently, you took the offending hand and brought it to your lips, kissing it.  “I know,” you said.  “You would never hurt me.  I’m sorry I reacted that way.”
“Never apologize for being afraid,” Yoongi replied, clearly still sick in the heart from what had occurred.  He knew his temper could get away from him sometimes.  “Let’s just go to bed, Y/N.  I’m so tired.”  You nodded, taking his hand still and leading him to the bedroom, so you could comfort each other with cuddles.
Jung Hoseok/J-Hope:
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Instantly there were tears in Hoseok’s eyes.  He clenched his fist, bringing it down to his chest.  “No, jagiya, I wans’t going to do that,” he promised over his sobs and sniffles.  “I could never.  I would never hit a woman.  I’ve never even sworn at you before, how could you think I’d hit you?”
Your heart broke.  Your gentle Hobi, possibly the most respectful man you’d met, would never hurt you.  You knew that.  But past experiences still seemed to hang with you, no matter how much you had tried to shake them off.
“I’m sorry,” Hoseok sobbed, still holding his own clenched fist like it was a dangerous weapon that might get away from him.  You crossed back to him, quickly wrapping him in your arms; he accepted your embrace easily, clutching you to him desperately.  “I would never do to you what he did to you,” he said tearfully.  “Can you ever forgive me for making you think I would?”
“There’s nothing to forgive,” you assured him, feeling tears prick at your own eyes.  You and Hoseok stayed like that a long time, crying in each other’s arms.
Kim Namjoon/RM:
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He quickly lowered the hand.  That was stupid, he scolded himself.  He knew what sort of stuff you had gone through with your ex.  He’d only been going to grab his own hair but had moved a little too fast and a little too exuberantly, and now you thought he was a monster.
You were still huddled against the wall, but shakily had started to lower your hands.  Namjoon took a steadying breath, letting his leftover anger from the argument leave him.  “Oppa would never hurt you, baby girl,” he reminded you, repeating words he’d said to you before.  “Oppa would never even lay a finger on you without your consent.  Oppa knows you know that, and also knows you can’t help reacting the way you do sometimes.  If you want, I can leave for a little while so you can calm down.”
“No,” you said quickly.  You already felt foolish for believing Namjoon would hurt you, even for a second.  “I’m sorry, I just...”
“Don’t apologize, baby,” he told you.  He held a hand out to you, but didn’t move towards you.  It was an invitation, a peace offering, one you took readily.  You allowed yourself to be drawn into his arms.  “I’m sorry this argument got out of control,” he said.  “Let’s go rest instead, hmm?  We’ll talk more tomorrow.”
Park Jimin:
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Jimin was horrified with himself.  He was horrified with himself because he had been going to grab your arm.  Definitely not to hit you, but in his anger, his reaction to you folding your arms had been to unfold them for you.  You backing away had snapped him out of it.
Hot shame washed over his body as his anger cooled as quickly as it had flared up.  He was scary when he was angry.  He knew that.  And yet he’d let himself get mad at you, yell, and make you feel threatened.  You, the most precious person in his life.
“I’m so sorry,” he said, quiet, staring at the floor by your feet, too ashamed to look you in the eyes.  “I would never hurt you, jagi.  I love you too much to hurt you.”
In an instant, Jimin had changed from a terrifying imposing figure back into your loveable boyfriend.  Your heart swelled with emotion as you felt matching tears to his trickle down your cheeks, and you crossed the room to him.  Cupping a hand on his cheek, you turned his face upward to you.  “I know you wouldn’t,” you assured him.  “I just got startled.  I love you.”
Relief passed over Jimin’s face as you said those words.  “I love you too, jagi,” he murmured, burying his face in your shoulder.
Kim Taehyung/V:
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Tae’s face didn’t change for the longest time as you stared at him from up against the wall.  He didn’t move, his face stone.  The only thing you saw change was his hand start to shake, still raised in the air.  Seconds ticked by like hours as you two stared at each other.
Then a single tear fell down his cheek.  “I wasn’t...” he began, his voice thick with emotion, and his hand shakily came down.  “I swear, yeobo, I wasn’t...”  His face wasn’t stone anymore and instead it was your Tae, with heartbreak in his eyes and shame written across his features.
“Tae,” you murmured, taking a shaky step to him.  But he surprised you.  He took a step away from you, and then another, keeping the distance between you two.  
“I don’t--I don’t want to scare you,” he said.  Tae knew that he was tall and had a deep voice and by all accounts could be a very scary person, and for this entire argument he hadn’t thought about that at all.  And then you’d thought he would hit you.  He’d let you think he’d hit you.  
“I’m not,” you told him.  “I just got startled Tae, I’m sorry.  I know you wouldn’t hurt me.”
“I wouldn’t,” he said.  He crossed the room slowly, coming in front of you and falling to his knees.  He wrapped his arms around your waist, resting his cheek on your stomach.  “I would never hurt you.”
Jeon Jungkook:
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“Why are you cringing?” Jungkook asked, confusion being the first thing he felt.  He’d only thrown his hand in the air in frustration; honestly, he hadn’t even been aware of the motion.  “What’s wrong?”  Worry started to overtake the confusion as he saw you peek out from behind your hands at him.
Clarity flooded him as he was reminded of the countless talks his hyungs had given him when he told them about how he had a girlfriend.  Specifically something that Namjoon-hyung had said.
“You’re a strong grown man, and she’s a woman,” he’d said.  “I know you’d never hurt her, but--”
“Never,” Jungkook had replied, feeling sickened by even the thought.  “Hyung, I love her.”
“I know.  But you have to be sure to always respect her, and always be careful.  Accidents happen, and actions can be misconstrued.”  
At the time, Jungkook had nodded and rolled his eyes, sure that he could never make you think you’d be in danger with him.  Not him, your adorable little Kookie.
But now that moment had come.  You had thought that he’d...what?  Slap you?  Grab you?  Hurt you in some way?
Jungkook felt his heart break right then.
“N-noona,” he stammered.  “I wasn’t...I wouldn’t hurt you.  I know I’m...I mean, I wouldn’t ever use my strength on you, I wouldn’t.  No matter how m-mad I might be.”
“Kookie, it’s--” you started to say but he cut you off.
“Please don’t leave me,” he begged, a tear escaping his eyes.  “I promise I wasn’t going to hurt you.  I never will.  I love you so much, noona.  So much.”  Jungkook’s words kept going, a babble of apologies for the fight and his action and scaring you, swearing he would never do you harm.  He didn’t stop babbling until you pulled his head into your shoulder and soothingly rubbed his back, letting him cry out his anxiety and fright.
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