#it’s a pony kind of Christmas album
creativewhizkid · 11 months
I’m actually getting emotional while listening to Days Gone By from the It’s a Pony Kind of Christmas mlp album omg
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ponysongbracket · 7 months
Worst MLP Song Tournament
Please listen to both songs before voting. Remember you’re voting for the WORSE song.
It's a Pony Kind of Christmas
Embrace The Magic Propaganda: look i know some people like this song?? i think?? but i just can't, there's no hook, i can't vibe to it, for some reason sunset's voice in this also isn't that nice to listen to??? like it feels like she's a bit flat on some notes idk it just feels a little to the left of other sunset shimmer songs. the vibes are OFF is what im trying to say
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kindheart525 · 6 months
Every year when I listen to the MLP Christmas album I’m reminded that Rainbow Dash’s cover of Jingle Bells is about her killing her friends /exaggeration
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patchoulism · 6 months
Always had a chuckle out of "It's a Pony Kind of Christmas" album implying Jesus is known in Equestria.
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tortoisebore · 1 year
i love ur little rambles so what do u think the losers coffee orders and music taste is (in hey sharpshooter or otherwise) 🤲
ooooo oooo ooo yes yes yes
((TORTOISE LORE on the days i have to work onsite at my job i almost exclusively set up shop at the coffee place across from the office & listen to my little music & drink my little beverages all day so this particular set of questions resonates with me so bad))
for consistency's sake coffee-wise let's say we're talking starbucks. i think most days sirius would go for something high in caffeine but with a little sweetness to it. a venti iced shaken espresso with oat milk and three pumps of classic sweetener, perhaps. maybe switch that classic out for chestnut praline at the holidays bc he's feeling festive. other days i think he'd want an absolute sugar bomb as a reward for getting through a rough week or bc he was really mature today and refrained from screeching at people in the street when they didn't walk fast enough & blocked the sidewalk when he was in a hurry. on those days he requires a big ole mocha cookie crumble frap or an iced cinnamon dolce latte with an extra shot for fun.
on his walk home he's listening to one of three playlists depending on the day. the first one is a fourteen hour pop girlie playlist that starts with style by taylor swift and ends with kiss me more by doja cat, with some ariana, gaga, spice girls, charli, no doubt, & even some abba thrown in the middle for spice. the second playlist is for mocha cookie crumble days and starts with your best american girl by mitski and features lots of phoebe, lots of taylor, lots of lana, some ethel cain for sure, some select fleetwood mac, maybe some stuff from the 1975's a brief inquiry album. it's all stuff he can dig into & be angsty with & have strong feelings to.
the third is a more generic thought-dump kind of playlist where he just throws in songs he likes. buttercup by hippo campus. the view from the afternoon by arctic monkeys. concussion by girlhouse. ilysb by lany. like....,.,moonage daydream. 6 inch. pink pony club. bring it on home. just a mix of vibes and genres & things he gets stuck in his head.
contrary to popular belief i do think remus is a coffee girlie and would pick a mug of good dark roast drip over tea any day. i think he's simple for the most part & would go after a good tall americano on days he needs the kickstart but a grande drip with light cream would be his everyday go-to. during the summers he switches to a cold brew or plain iced coffee with cold foam if he's feeling fancy. he likes to pretend he doesn't like the frilly expensive drinks but every time he & sirius get coffee together, sirius orders him a grande mocha with two extra pumps of mocha and whipped cream on top & he downs it in about eight seconds.
remus is a hozier stan confirmed. remus is a boygenius stan confirmed. he likes poetic lyrics more than anything so sirius puts him on mitski and taylor. i like the idea that his music taste was a little outdated most of his life bc his parents had a huge record collection that they inherited from his grandparents so he just....played music all the time as a lonely little kid looking for things to do. when he was nine the only album he listened to all christmas break was otis redding's the dock of the bay & that made him gravitate toward stuff like leon bridges & amy winehouse as he got older. he learned about spotify four years after everyone else did & still only has two playlists. his parents loved the 90s rock girlies and they listened to a lot of the cranberries and fiona apple CDs around the house, so all those albums are really nostalgic for him now. he puts sirius on jeff buckley & regrets it instantly bc literally all he does now is play remus' grace vinyl full-volume and remus is afraid they're going to get a noise complaint. you can hear it in the stairwell sirius the neighbors are going to get mad please
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horsemusicherald · 5 months
Daniel Ingram - Jingle Bells (Faulty & Whirly Tail Remix) | Happy Hardcore
Christmas may have passed already, but that doesn’t mean you can’t keep up the holiday spirit! Faulty and Whirly Tail teamed up this season to deliver one heck of a remix of “Jingle Bells” from the official “It’s A Pony Kind Of Christmas” album. It starts out all cute with the sound of a music box, before smashing its way into a high energy banger with a strong kick, snare, and bass matching the…
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dustedmagazine · 1 year
Spice World — There’s No I In Spice World (Meritorio/Tenth Court)
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There's No I In Spice World by Spice World
Spice World comes alive in starts and stops. “What a Pity What a Shame,” the first song on the band’s debut LP, crawls its way forward at a snoring tempo, dozing off to sleep and then snapping back awake like it’s lounging on the living room couch. And in fact it was written on one, late at night in the house that guitarists Jonny Burrows and Lyndon Blue share in Fremantle, Australia, where the album was also recorded. The song could be mistaken for just getting going, or finally petering out, at least a dozen times during its five-plus minutes: its intertwining acoustic guitars starting their short climb and then collapsing into final-sounding strums, the skeletal, ticking drums going momentarily still and then picking up again. “Oh what a pity, what a shame. You barely made it to the starting lane,” Burrows and Blue sing in sighing, off-kilter unison in the chorus, their way of acknowledging, perhaps, the song’s strong aversion to steady motion.
The band, which also consists of Julia Suddenly, Rhian Todhunter and Layla Martin, got off to a similarly fitful start. Originally forming as a quartet in early 2021 (with Martin joining more recently), Spice World played a single but well-received show in Perth before drummer Suddenly had to return to Melbourne, all the way on the other side of the continent. Band activities were mostly put on hold, as a result, until about a year later, when she returned over the Christmas holiday and they decided to document the band’s songs. And so, with limited time before Suddenly was due to leave again — and even less recording experience — Spice World took the live approach to recording their debut album, capturing 10 tracks in just five hours and bottling the ramshackle synergy that had made their first show so special. 
The result of that recording session, There’s No I In Spice World, is the sound of dolewave colliding with the K Records spirit. There’s just something about the enthusiastically scrappy manner in which these songs are delivered, and the homespun warmth of the recording, that brings visions of Beat Happening — and the enduring DIY label’s early years, in general — to mind. The pleasingly clunky drumming, the unselfconsciously off-key vocals, the party-in-the-living-room vibe of the thing — it’s all very 1980s Olympia. But Spice World will no doubt remind you even more of the many disaffected jangle bands pouring out of Australia in the early 2010s, especially Lower Plenty and Bitch Prefect, with their offhanded musings on everyday mundanity and the ways one might escape it. Like on “Dying To Go,” when Burrows, in their endearingly nasal tone, ponders “spicing up” their life by faking their own death so they can leave the drudgery of the daily grind behind (the idea hits them while they're struggling to get moving with their day and jamming to some Spice Girls, hence the band name). “Where'd Jonny go, I haven’t seen them in a while?” they envision everyone wondering when they disappear, their bandmates’ voices all piling on top of one another to help pose the question. It’s the dolewave ethos of “less work and more play” taken to an absurdist extreme. 
As shambly and whimsical as these songs are on the surface, they also hit with surprising poignancy at times. “Mountain Pony 20,” the album’s most downbeat offering as well as its best, epitomizes this. On first impression, the song’s wilting guitar work and simple, shaky beat lend it an underbaked aura. But give it a few replays, and some time to settle between your ears, and you’ll find that it packs the kind of gut punch you’d more expect from someone like Townes Van Zandt. Beginning with a lyric about getting high on the couch, “Mountain Pony 20” slowly reveals itself as a meditation on an incongruous relationship, where the couple in question can’t even agree on the color of the mold on a loaf of bread. In the chorus, Burrows’ narrator is confronted by their partner with the question of whether they believe in love. “Because I’m not wasting all my time with you if you don’t,” they warn him. Burrows’ answer, delivered atop the flagging thump of the bass drum as the song is winding down, doubles as a withering self-realization: “Don’t give (your love) to me cuz I’ll tear it down / If you give it to me, I’m going to tear it down,” they sing, and it feels like the ground being pulled out from underneath you.
 Elsewhere, “Trouble” is as relatable a song as you’re likely to encounter about the modern malaise. It’s a midtempo jangler, like most of There’s No I In Spice World, but distinguishes itself with the addition of Blue’s violin playing, giving it some high-lonesome shading. Over its verses, “Trouble” unfurls its list of the many things that Burrows is having a hard time with these days ranging from the everyday (“staying away from the screen”), to the interpersonal (“trying to love you”), to the existential (“trying to see an end”). It might have been easier, and no less accurate, for them just to say everything, but that would be missing the point: shit’s hard right now, man, and we’re all feeling it. Metaphorically at least, Burrows seems to acknowledge this when they sing about walking by a friend’s house that’s “overgrown” and “falling down.” Spice World, on the other hand, seem to have found strength in the struggle on There’s No I In Spice World and it’s a beautiful thing. What’s harder to gauge, based on the band’s minimal web presence and general modus operandi, is whether this is the end or just the beginning? 
Chris Liberato
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23rdhunter · 2 years
Tagged by @toasthaste in a "put your playlist on shuffle and post the first 10 songs" thing. I used my Spotify "liked" playlist, ~ 800 songs, and skipped if it played more than one song per album. It's less representative of my taste than I'd prefer because most of my songs are in specific playlists rather than the "liked" heap (I should fix that. Somehow). Anyway:
Here's Toby by Henry Mancini, from The Great Mouse Detective soundtrack
At one point I was able to hum almost this whole soundtrack, it's fantastically evocative. This part is just a fun piece about a mouse introducing another mouse to his pet Basset Hound.
Don't Cost Nothing from Steven Universe, featuring Tom Scharpling and Zach Callison
The music from Steven Universe is so good! It's weird and emotional and short. There are a handful of songs I had to just sit down with and absorb, most notably "It's Over Isn't It" and "Here Comes a Thought." Also it uses the ukelele heavily, which is great if you have a ukelele and want to learn songs you like.
Old Dan's Records by Gordon Lightfoot
I love... almost all of Gordon Lightfoot's music, tbh, the whole telling a story by singing a song thing is just really good, and this song in particular nails the whole 'soft nostalgia for something that happened to somebody else' vibe.
World's Best Kiss from Galavant
The Rose by Bette Midler
Overheard my boss singing this one, went home and tracked it down. It's good.
The Heart Carol from My Little Pony's "It's a Pony Kind of Christmas" album
This one's okay actually? I like the whole album. The music's great but also for how they tried to remove the Christ from Christmas. Didn't work, but I appreciate the effort/worldbuilding.
Twist of Fate by Olivia Newton-John from the Stranger Things album
I uh, don't actually recognize this song. I watched the first three seasons of Stranger Things and downloaded the album when Spotify was doing some kind of promotion gimmick thing, but ended up not listening to it.
Adamant Fortress by Trevor Morris from the Dragon Age: Inquisition soundtrack
Yes! This was the first song in my dnd background music playlist. The video game is also really great, beautiful and fun.
Someday from The Hunchback of Notre Dame
I forget if this is a credits song or exclusive to the album. Not a bad song but it definitely trails behind... every single song from the actual movie, which is stunning.
Ah les crocodiles by Monde des Titounis
Ah, was kinda tempted to skip over this but we're killing the part of you that cringes here so, uh. Found les Titounis when trying to absorb french vocab, kept them around because I work with kids and many of them Love these songs. I have sung C'est la Baleine many times.
Tagging people! Note that you're not at all obliged to do this if I tag you. Also if you see this and I didn't tag you but it looks like fun, do it anyway and tag me! (has that ever worked? has anyone ever seen that and actually gone on to do the thing? I feel like that would take a great deal of courage) anyway, tagging @just-evo-now @otterknowbynow @rusalkii @ashen-rose-thorn @xactodreams @ghostofasecretary @change-the-rules
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angiestown · 7 months
idk if you guys appreciate christmas albums sung by Your Favourite Cartoon Characters, but after my pony rewatch I found out there's a my little pony christmas album and I'm kind of obsessed I just think it's so cute how they found the perfect song for each character. like as I was listening the first time every song I was like "oh clever, they absolutely WOULD sing that". also aside from the word "christmas" itself, all the christian lyrics have been replaced with neutral or pony lyrics which is a nice bonus
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lily-patent-pending · 8 months
Tag ppl you wanna know betteeer
Tagged by: @gracelikesfries (i copy pasted your post to use as a template and i'm terrified i'm gonna somehow post it before i'm finished typing ._.)
Last song: "Sweet Hibiscus Tea" by Penelope Scott. i tend to listen to albums or songs on repeat a lot when i first find them, and that's what i'm currently doing with The Junkyard 2
Favorite Color: pastel pink, but mint green is a close second! (the only hex code i know by heart is #00ff7f, which used to be my favourite colour. that's the shade picture below, although now i prefer a slightly more blue shade. maybe #00ffb3
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Currently Watching: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic; i don't really watch shows (since i don't have a TV and i don't have access to any streaming service... and i'm too afraid to pirate stuff >.>) so it's kind of a lie to say i'm "Currently Watching" anything except like, YouTube series. but i watched the first episode with some friends a while back and i really enjoyed it, and i'd like to watch more with them sometime. i also started watching Ben 10 with a different friend over Summer, but neither of us are great at following up on stuff so that fell through.
Last Movie: i watched an outdoor screening of Back to the Future recently. the movie was good, if a bit weird (i've seen it before as a kid but i forgot that Libyan terrorists were a major plot point??? or that his mother kept trying to seduce him???) but i didn't bring a coat and i was freezing by the end of it.
Currently Reading:
Non-fiction - i don't really read non-fiction, and to be honest i can't think of one that i'm reading currently off of the top of my head. but i'd like to read The Anthropocene Reviewed by John Green. i've read all of his other novels and listened to all the episodes of The Anthropocene Reviewed podcast, just haven't gotten a chance to read the book yet.
Fiction - i got a copy of Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow for Christmas that i've only recently started reading (i tend to not read for months at a time and then plough through a whole book in a weekend, like i did with Will Grayson, Will Grayson). i'm not far enough in to give a solid review. i'm also reading Dying to Know You with a friend, which is nice :)
Sweet/spicy/savory: Savoury, although i also like sweet stuff (and i have a pretty high tolerance for what i'd consider sickly). i can handle spice fairly well, but i don't necessarily enjoy the sensation by itself.
Relationship status: single and unsure if i'm even interested in a relationship. i don't really have a solid idea in my head of what would differentiate a romantic relationship from a platonic one, either.
Current Obsessions: i have a few long-standing ones (namely Pokémon, Undertale, and FNaF) that come back with a vengeance every so often. last week i went into a frenzy and wrote a 50+ slide presentation about shiny Pokémon, and i've been watching a lot of FNaF and Deltarune theories - i'm really interested in seeing what different conclusions people come to.
Last googled: i specifically didn't Google to find a picture of my favourite colours until after writing this section... and then proceeded to search "my little pony friendship is magic" to make sure i had the name of the show right (with the punctuation and whatnot). uhh the last things i looked up on my phone were "dialog" and "dialogue" (to see if they were different words or just a color/colour situation) and "i'm going to buy an absurd amount of orange juice".
Currently working on: uhhhh ummmm... i'm... making a slideshow on the story of FNaF ? and, y'know, starting university, i guess. idk, mostly just taking stuff as it comes at the moment.
i'm gonna tag @funnydogy because we're mutuals but haven't really interacted (and yet your posts about sans the skeleton eating cigarettes have affected my everyday life) and @scrampton because you also reblog posts about sans eating cigarettes. what's up with that?
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brookston · 10 months
Holidays 8.26
Alice Doesn’t Day
Animal Farm Day
Battle of Manzikert Anniversary Day (Turkey)
Congressional Startup Day
826 Day
First Thnork of the Year (Fairy)
Herero Day (a.k.a. Red Flag Day; Namibia)
Heroes’ Day (Namibia)
Horseshoe Day
International Content Creators Day
International Cosplay Day
International Day Against Dengue
International Hausa Day
Jamaat-e-Islami Foundation Day
Jay Report Anniversary Day (UK)
Kantanka Day (Ghana)
Liquorice Day (French Republic)
Make Your Own Luck Day
Musical Yoga Day
National Black Family Business Day
Namibia Day (a.k.a. Heroes’ Day; UN)
National Dog Day
National Got Checked Day
National Honey Bee Awareness Day
National Kelly Day
National Logan Day
National Ranboo Day
National Toilet Paper Day
National WebMistress Day
Our Lady of Czestochowa (Poland)
Paul Anka Day (Ottawa, Canada)
Kneel in Protest Day
Repentance Day (Papua New Guinea)
Spark the World Day
StartUp Day
Toilet Paper Day
Tvimanuor (Double Month; Iceland)
Typewriter Day
Women's Equality Day
World Painted Dog Day
WTF (Wave to Friends) Day (Mini USA)
Food & Drink Celebrations
Cherry Popsicle Day
National McChicken Day
4th & Last Saturday in August
Bartletide (a.k.a. Burning Bartle; UK) [Saturday closest to 24th]
Giants of Ath Festival begins (a.k.a. De Ducasse; Belgium) [4th Saturday]
International Bat Night [Last Saturday]
International Play Music on the Porch [Last Saturday]
Iroquois Indian Festival (Albany, NY) [Begins on Last Saturday]
Pony Express Day [Last Saturday]
Schemitzun begins (Green Corn Pow Wow; Mashantucket Pequot, Connecticut) [Last Saturday]
Speak Kind Words Saturday [Saturday of Be Kind to Humankind Week]
Independence Days
Official Recognition Day (Abkhazia)
Feast Days
Adrian and Natalia of Nicomedia (Eastern Orthodox Church)
Adrian of Nicomedia (Greek Feast Day) [brewers]
Alexander of Bergamo (Roman Catholic Church)
Ceferino Namuncurá (Christian; Saint)
David Lewis (Christian; Blessed)
Feast of Our Lady of Czestochowa (Poland)
Gelasinus (Christian; Saint)
Genesius of Arles (Christian; Saint)
Genesius the Comedian (Christian; Saint)
Ilmater (Finnish Goddess of the Water Mother)
Jeanne-Elisabeth Bichier des Ages (Christian; Saint)
Kirby and Jeffy (Muppetism)
Lizzie Borden Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Mariam Baouardy (Melkite Greek Catholic Church)
Melchizedek (Christian; Saint)
Ninian (Christian; Saint)
Our Lady of Częstochowa (Christian; Saint)
Rufino Tamayo (Artology)
Simplicius, Constantius and Victorinus (Christian; Saints)
Teresa Jornet Ibars (Christian; Saint)
Teresa of Ávila (Christian; Saint)
Usuki Stone Buddhas Fire Festival (Japan)
Vancanson (Positivist; Saint)
Women’s Equality Day (Pastafarian)
Yoshida no Hi Matsuri (End of Mt. Fuji climbing season; Japan)
Zephyrinus (Christian; Saint)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Lucky Day (Philippines) [47 of 71]
Taian (大安 Japan) [Lucky all day.]
An American in Paris (Film; 1951)
Bodyguard (BBC TV Series; 2018)
Bosko’s Picture Show (WB LT Cartoon; 1933)
Boy in Darkness, by Mervyn Peake (Novella; 1956) [Gormenghast #5]
Colombiana (Film; 2011)
Crossing Delancey (Film; 1988)
Cup of Gold, by John Steinbeck (Novel; 1929)
Detouring America (WB MM Cartoon; 1939)
Dog Gone South (WB MM Cartoon; 1950)
Eragon, by Christopher Paolini (Novel; 2002)
Fire and Ice (Animated Film; 1983)
Hey Jude, by The Beatles (Song; 1968)
Lamb in His Bosom, by Caroline Miller (Novel; 1933)
Leisure, by Blur (Album; 1991)
Merry Christmas, Mr. Lawrence (Film; 1983)
Natural Born Killers (Film; 1994)
The New Mutants (Film; 2020)
Our Idiot Brother (Film; 2011)
Strange Brew (Film; 1983)
Sunshine Superman, by Donovan (Album; 1966)
Tennis Racquet (Disney Cartoon; 1949)
Those Were the Days, by Mary Hopkin (Song; 1968)
Three Thousand Years of Longing (Film; 2022)
We’re in the Money (WB MM Cartoon; 1933)
Your Name (Anime Film; 2016)
Today’s Name Days
Gregor, Margareta, Mirian, Teresa (Austria)
Adrian, Adriana, Adriyan, Adriyana, Natali, Nataliya (Bulgaria)
Aleksandar, Branimir, Melkisedek (Croatia)
Luděk (Czech Republic)
Ienæus (Denmark)
Hilma, Ilma, Ilmatar, Ilme, Ilmi (Estonia)
Ilma, Ilmatar, Ilmi (Finland)
Natacha (France)
Margarita, Miriam, Patricia, Teresa (Germany)
Adrianos, Natalia (Greece)
Izsó (Hungary)
Alessandro, Oronzo (Italy)
Broņislava, Broņislavs, Glauda, Natālija, Nate (Latvia)
Aleksandras, Algintė, Gailius, Zefirinas (Lithuania)
Eivind, Even, Øyvind (Norway)
Dobroniega, Joanna, Konstanty, Maksym, Maria, Wiktorian, Zefir, Zefiryn, Zefiryna (Poland)
Samuel (Slovakia)
Teresa (Spain)
Östen (Sweden)
Andrian, Andriana, Natalia (Ukraine)
Percival, Percy, Travis, Trevis, Trevon, Trevor (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 238 of 2024; 127 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 6 of week 34 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Coll (Hazel) [Day 19 of 28]
Chinese: Month 7 (Geng-Shen), Day 11 (Bing-Chen)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 9 Elul 5783
Islamic: 9 Safar 1445
J Cal: 28 Hasa; Sevenday [28 of 30]
Julian: 13 August 2023
Moon: 72%: Waxing Gibbous
Positivist: 14 Gutenberg (9th Month) [Vaucanson]
Runic Half Month: As (Gods) [Day 14 of 15]
Season: Summer (Day 66 of 94)
Zodiac: Virgo (Day 5 of 32)
0 notes
ponysongbracket · 6 months
Worst MLP Song Tournament
Please listen to both songs before voting. Remember you’re voting for the WORSE song.
It's a Pony Kind of Christmas
Piggy Dance
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kindheart525 · 1 year
Year 7 of not knowing who the hell Pop Fly is in the MLP Christmas album
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brookstonalmanac · 10 months
Holidays 8.26
Alice Doesn’t Day
Animal Farm Day
Battle of Manzikert Anniversary Day (Turkey)
Congressional Startup Day
826 Day
First Thnork of the Year (Fairy)
Herero Day (a.k.a. Red Flag Day; Namibia)
Heroes’ Day (Namibia)
Horseshoe Day
International Content Creators Day
International Cosplay Day
International Day Against Dengue
International Hausa Day
Jamaat-e-Islami Foundation Day
Jay Report Anniversary Day (UK)
Kantanka Day (Ghana)
Liquorice Day (French Republic)
Make Your Own Luck Day
Musical Yoga Day
National Black Family Business Day
Namibia Day (a.k.a. Heroes’ Day; UN)
National Dog Day
National Got Checked Day
National Honey Bee Awareness Day
National Kelly Day
National Logan Day
National Ranboo Day
National Toilet Paper Day
National WebMistress Day
Our Lady of Czestochowa (Poland)
Paul Anka Day (Ottawa, Canada)
Kneel in Protest Day
Repentance Day (Papua New Guinea)
Spark the World Day
StartUp Day
Toilet Paper Day
Tvimanuor (Double Month; Iceland)
Typewriter Day
Women's Equality Day
World Painted Dog Day
WTF (Wave to Friends) Day (Mini USA)
Food & Drink Celebrations
Cherry Popsicle Day
National McChicken Day
4th & Last Saturday in August
Bartletide (a.k.a. Burning Bartle; UK) [Saturday closest to 24th]
Giants of Ath Festival begins (a.k.a. De Ducasse; Belgium) [4th Saturday]
International Bat Night [Last Saturday]
International Play Music on the Porch [Last Saturday]
Iroquois Indian Festival (Albany, NY) [Begins on Last Saturday]
Pony Express Day [Last Saturday]
Schemitzun begins (Green Corn Pow Wow; Mashantucket Pequot, Connecticut) [Last Saturday]
Speak Kind Words Saturday [Saturday of Be Kind to Humankind Week]
Independence Days
Official Recognition Day (Abkhazia)
Feast Days
Adrian and Natalia of Nicomedia (Eastern Orthodox Church)
Adrian of Nicomedia (Greek Feast Day) [brewers]
Alexander of Bergamo (Roman Catholic Church)
Ceferino Namuncurá (Christian; Saint)
David Lewis (Christian; Blessed)
Feast of Our Lady of Czestochowa (Poland)
Gelasinus (Christian; Saint)
Genesius of Arles (Christian; Saint)
Genesius the Comedian (Christian; Saint)
Ilmater (Finnish Goddess of the Water Mother)
Jeanne-Elisabeth Bichier des Ages (Christian; Saint)
Kirby and Jeffy (Muppetism)
Lizzie Borden Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Mariam Baouardy (Melkite Greek Catholic Church)
Melchizedek (Christian; Saint)
Ninian (Christian; Saint)
Our Lady of Częstochowa (Christian; Saint)
Rufino Tamayo (Artology)
Simplicius, Constantius and Victorinus (Christian; Saints)
Teresa Jornet Ibars (Christian; Saint)
Teresa of Ávila (Christian; Saint)
Usuki Stone Buddhas Fire Festival (Japan)
Vancanson (Positivist; Saint)
Women’s Equality Day (Pastafarian)
Yoshida no Hi Matsuri (End of Mt. Fuji climbing season; Japan)
Zephyrinus (Christian; Saint)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Lucky Day (Philippines) [47 of 71]
Taian (大安 Japan) [Lucky all day.]
An American in Paris (Film; 1951)
Bodyguard (BBC TV Series; 2018)
Bosko’s Picture Show (WB LT Cartoon; 1933)
Boy in Darkness, by Mervyn Peake (Novella; 1956) [Gormenghast #5]
Colombiana (Film; 2011)
Crossing Delancey (Film; 1988)
Cup of Gold, by John Steinbeck (Novel; 1929)
Detouring America (WB MM Cartoon; 1939)
Dog Gone South (WB MM Cartoon; 1950)
Eragon, by Christopher Paolini (Novel; 2002)
Fire and Ice (Animated Film; 1983)
Hey Jude, by The Beatles (Song; 1968)
Lamb in His Bosom, by Caroline Miller (Novel; 1933)
Leisure, by Blur (Album; 1991)
Merry Christmas, Mr. Lawrence (Film; 1983)
Natural Born Killers (Film; 1994)
The New Mutants (Film; 2020)
Our Idiot Brother (Film; 2011)
Strange Brew (Film; 1983)
Sunshine Superman, by Donovan (Album; 1966)
Tennis Racquet (Disney Cartoon; 1949)
Those Were the Days, by Mary Hopkin (Song; 1968)
Three Thousand Years of Longing (Film; 2022)
We’re in the Money (WB MM Cartoon; 1933)
Your Name (Anime Film; 2016)
Today’s Name Days
Gregor, Margareta, Mirian, Teresa (Austria)
Adrian, Adriana, Adriyan, Adriyana, Natali, Nataliya (Bulgaria)
Aleksandar, Branimir, Melkisedek (Croatia)
Luděk (Czech Republic)
Ienæus (Denmark)
Hilma, Ilma, Ilmatar, Ilme, Ilmi (Estonia)
Ilma, Ilmatar, Ilmi (Finland)
Natacha (France)
Margarita, Miriam, Patricia, Teresa (Germany)
Adrianos, Natalia (Greece)
Izsó (Hungary)
Alessandro, Oronzo (Italy)
Broņislava, Broņislavs, Glauda, Natālija, Nate (Latvia)
Aleksandras, Algintė, Gailius, Zefirinas (Lithuania)
Eivind, Even, Øyvind (Norway)
Dobroniega, Joanna, Konstanty, Maksym, Maria, Wiktorian, Zefir, Zefiryn, Zefiryna (Poland)
Samuel (Slovakia)
Teresa (Spain)
Östen (Sweden)
Andrian, Andriana, Natalia (Ukraine)
Percival, Percy, Travis, Trevis, Trevon, Trevor (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 238 of 2024; 127 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 6 of week 34 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Coll (Hazel) [Day 19 of 28]
Chinese: Month 7 (Geng-Shen), Day 11 (Bing-Chen)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 9 Elul 5783
Islamic: 9 Safar 1445
J Cal: 28 Hasa; Sevenday [28 of 30]
Julian: 13 August 2023
Moon: 72%: Waxing Gibbous
Positivist: 14 Gutenberg (9th Month) [Vaucanson]
Runic Half Month: As (Gods) [Day 14 of 15]
Season: Summer (Day 66 of 94)
Zodiac: Virgo (Day 5 of 32)
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noloveforned · 1 year
happy holidays everyone! four hours of holiday hits tonight on wlur from 8pm to midnight. last week's holiday show re-airs at 8pm followed by the 2012 holiday show at 10pm. you can listen to either show at your convenience below (or the previous link).
no love for ned on wlur – december 16th, 2022 from 10pm-midnight
artist // track // album // label the boy least likely to // a happy christmas baby // christmas special // too young to die colleen green // christmas is for everyone // coco's christmas ep // (self-released) beach bunny // christmas caller // christmas caller digital single // mom + pop still flyin' // st. veit // festivus compilation // highline the reds, pinks and purples // we won't come home at christmas time // they only wanted your soul // slumberland the essex green // green christmas // you wish- a merge records holiday album compilation // merge slow club // it's christmas and you're boring me // christmas, thanks for nothing ep // moshi moshi elizabeth morris // the season // athens ep // (self-released) happy spendy // i remember xmas (happy clarinetty version) // lost map christmas card compilation // lost map jad fair // hurray for santa claus // joyful noise holiday party, volume six compilation // joyful noise darren hayman // blue tinsel, red tinsel // stars compilation // where it's at is where you are alicja trout // joey ramone for christmas // (bandcamp mp3) // (self-released) boyracer // what kind of christmas do you want? // magic to me ep // (self-released) lisa prank and seattle's little helpers // all i want for christmas (is to be with you) // gimme what i want ep // father/daughter bunnygrunt // season's freaklings // better than fruitcake compilation // sound system les deuxluxes // la fille du père noël // (bandcamp mp3) // (self-released) after the fall // totally tired (of xmas) // (bandcamp mp3) // third uncle little joey farr // rock and roll santa // a christmas gift to you from norton records, volume two compilation // norton martin mull featuring the sondra baskin glee club // santafly // santa's funk and soul christmas party, volume two compilation // tramp nervous twitch // you ruined christmas // a very cherry christmas, volume eleven compilation // cherryade say sue me // christmas, it's not a biggie // christmas, it's not a biggie ep // damnably detroit junior // christmas day // santa's funk and soul christmas party, volume one compilation // tramp sharon jones and the dap kings // just another christmas song // it's a holiday soul party // daptone kelly finnigan // heartbreak for christmas // a joyful sound // colemine julie aubé // ça c'est noël // ça c'est noël digital single // (self-released) jetstream pony // hit the snow // grief of a (frozen) sailor 7" // snowflakes the wedding present // the loneliest time of year // twenty-four songs // scopitones rosey pm and turtle's breath // all star (christmas advert version) // a very clammy christmas 10" compilation // delicious clam organos // nuttin' for christmas // ptlk vs grptps: naughty party anthems compilation // potluck rosie galaxy and the galaxy girls // you're on the naughty list // a familyre christmas, volume five compilation // sounds familyre les bicyclettes de belsize // a very indie christmas (2017 mix) // a very cherry christmas, volume twelve compilation // cherryade rat fancy // you stole my xmas sweater // (soundcloud mp3) // (self-released) the crystal furs // drinking alone on christmas // drinking alone on christmas digital single // kitten pants neil brogan // i wanted to believe (in christmas) // two christmas songs, 2021 ep // (self-released) natalie prass // everybody's having fun (it's christmas time) // (bandcamp mp3) // (self-released) chris mastheim (a.k.a. nicholas krgovich) // o come all ye faithful // chris mast style ep // (self-released) low // some hearts (at christmas time) // some hearts (at christmas time) digital single // sub pop
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splungecoyote · 4 years
Pinkie Pie's Twelve Days of Christmas
Made by me! Please go to my Youtube channel and give it a like!
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