#it was. SO STUPIDDDD it was so stupid. IT WAS SO STUPID oh my GOD
crimeronan · 6 months
thinkin about camila. as i often do. it's been like over a year now so i think the fandom has cooled off enough for me to say this but. one of the Strangest discourses i've ever seen in any fandom Ever was. when ppl were passionately arguing about camila's finances circa thanks to them. it was Such a non-issue that it wrapped back around to me going ".....hm. might have some hurt feelings about this"
like. ok. she's a single-income earner with a daughter paying a mortgage on a house in a connecticut suburb, possibly with medical debt left over from manny's treatment, who is suddenly feeding and housing and clothing five extra teenagers. all of whom have Literally No Clothes Or Resources Whatsoever When They Arrive, who possibly have special dietary restrictions, and for whom she is not receiving Any government aid or fostering stipends because every single one of them is undocumented.
and yet. people were like. EARNESTLY going back-and-forth with LONG ESSAYS of Vicious discourse. asserting that the Only reason to think camila might struggle with money is........ because she's dominican.
and also. that her Literal Illustrated In Canon financial anxiety is just her.... being financially savvy. and showing that she's good at saving money. and that she's too smart and good at managing money to be poor.
like people broke down various vet salaries and connecticut mortgages on BOTH SIDES. to try to pretend this was a convo we even needed to be having.
and the whole time i was like.
i..... i honest to god can't tell, uh. if this is all coming from teens who completely misunderstand the material realities of the american economy (which would be reasonable, it's a show for teens)..... or.....
if you guys like. Actually Hate Poor People As Much As It Sounds Like You Do.
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facecam · 2 years
I got so mad at work today for no reason tbis girl was like "remember to sign the closing checklist" and i was sooooo fucking mad abt it i was like I've been here for 3 months now ive closed half of ky shifts i think i know to sign the closing checklist im not stupid you can stop treating me like im a dumbass i know i need ti sign the closing checklist oh my god i got so mad at her. Then earlier when i was double checking apparel to makesure it looked good she was like " hey you can go into footwear now" IM NOT STUPIDDDD i wanted to throttle her so bad
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paddala · 4 years
so i saw tros again
i decided to take notes while i watched so here ya go
*spoilers ahead*
opening sequence is great, it really sets up the film, we don't know what's in store but they give us some ideas. not sure i loved seeing palpatine or even palps being alive, would have been cooler if he was some kind of poltergeist-y sith demon, also, kylo was on mustafar? we ain't gonna talk about that? ok
skipping to rey and leia, first, i hate the leia scenes, they seem creepy and overdone and not genuine, anyway, why didn't rose go with the trio to pasana? why don't we see more of rose? why am i screaming? aaaaand more creepy leia speaking vaguely to rey
now KOR and kylo fixing his helmet *eyeroll* and now the first order finding out about a SPY!!!!! how utterly stupid and it's literally a plot line from a fANFIC!!!! WHY
the trio on pasana, rey looking at the children longingly always kills me, bc she ends up alone without ben, when the only thing she wanted was a family, this is BAD LUV!!!! "i don't have one yet (a family), i'm just rey," that's what she should have said
rey and kylo first force bond, LOVE IT
lando i guess? i mean i get it but i don't at the same time, i love lando tho so i'm not complaining
i don't really hate anything about pasana, just wish rose was there with them, feels weird and wrong, that's my only complaint
ok i love poe and finn bantering, but we didn't get one ounce of real finnpoe interaction
how does 3p0 have more lines than rose? it makes my brain hurt
why didn't we get more of KOR? like? what the fuck?
rey senses kylo, she said "everyone shut the fuck up im thinking"
chewie getting captured makes so sense to me but yeah
why didnt the trio just leave? why didn't rey just tell them that kylo was coming and that they needed to gtfo? when does this film start making sense? chewie wouldn't have been captured!!!!
rey trying to pull back the ship should have been like foreshadowing to us finding out that rey actually killed her parents, but no, she ends up being related to palpatine? make it make sense pls
i love zorii but i could care less about her and poe's romantic history
rey in kylos bedroom, LOVE THAT
the way they made hux the spy......the way i hate it so much, hux should have been our other main bad guy, the way hux only wanted to be a spy to destroy kylo, FUCKING PETTY AND STUPIDDDD
rey sweetie i'm so sorry
this scene could have been so powerful if kylo said "rey we aren't so different, i know you killed your parents, the darkness is already in you, just take my hand" BITCH WTF I SHOULD HAVE WROTE THIS MOVIE BUT ANYWAY!!!!
"everybody thinks that they know me, no one does" or "i killed my parents, its been haunting me ever since" SHE HAS DARKNESS JUST LIKE BEN!!!!! THIS WOULD HAVE BEEN A SERVE BUT JJ IS A FUCKING CLOWN AND COWARD
i loved jannah, would have love to see her with rose, but jj is a fucking idiot
finn not being able to let rey do things on her own is SUUUUPER annoying and why i kinda hate his character in this film, it's a year later, ITS CALLED CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT LUV!!!!!
the dark!rey with sharp teeth sends me, what the fuck is dis hunny
"the dark side is in our nature" loved this, if only she wasn't a palpatine and actually killed her parents, THE FLAVOR
ok rey and kylo fighting, i get it, leia calling out to her son bc he's "going to kill her" when that's not what he wants, he's deflecting all her strikes, wtf? rey implailing kylo mAKES NO SENSE!? SHE DOESNT WANNA KILL HIM EITHER? WHY DID SHE DO THAT!? she should have accidentally grazed his arm, then forced healed, wtf is this movie, i ask again (ok i did some digging on this scene and someone said that rey is metaphorically killing kylo ren, which yes i love this, but it still erks me)
rey, i guess metaphorically, redeemed kylo, he's ben now, she gave him life force, he should have lived after he brought back rey, AGAIN WTF (i'm so stupid you guys know this lol)
han and ben......IT MAKES ME SAD BUT HAPPY!! i loved this scene so much, he really looks like ben solo here, he's so confused but he knows that kylo is over with, he's ben now, rey gave him the light he needed, WTFFFHSJDJSKDKJS.... "dad...." "i know" HI IM CRYIBG LSKSKSKSKKS
rey chucking the legacy saber into a fire and luke catching it saying hey wtf you can't do that that's so fucked up as if he didn't toss that mf over his shoulder in tlj, oh man jj really said fuck rian johnson, also leias lightsaber should have been bens, IMO
luke's x-wing just magically coming out of fucking nowhere? didn't he scrap the ship while on ach-to? hm...RIIIIIIIIGHT
chewie dead? nope. c3po memory wiped? nope. ben solo dead? yeah fuck that guy
at this point i've lost interest, i'm waiting for the reylo kiss
p*lps calling rey her granddaughter, i'm literally gonna barfffff
i love him i love him i love him omfg he's so powerful and sexy, literally came to save rey without a lightsaber i love this MAN
The Shrug™
ben being thrown like that by p*lp, i've never hated a villain more in my life
idk like i kinda hate that all the jedi from the past came to rey, when ben was RIGHT. FUCKING. THERE.
oh my fucking god i hate disney "i am all the sith" "and i am all the jedi"…"i am inevitable" "and i am iron man" CAN YOU COME UP WITH SOMETHING ELSE
finn sensing rey dying through the force, i want to die
ben.....crawling to rey....fuck it hurts to bad
he's been through hell hes so scared and sad i hate jj so much
the kiss......cinematic masterpiece, should have ended there, but here we are
again. REY SWEETIE IM SO SORRY, her lightsaber is cool tho
"im rey....rey skywalker" NOT YOU
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timdrakegeocities · 5 years
Tumblr media
im losing my mindddd this post is so stupidddd.... ‘this 19 year old made a couple of stupid sexual posts and someone they know said something not anti enough in their server, therefore they are A Sexual Predator, idk if they actually did anything bad to anybody yet but theyre definitely a pedophile and evil’ oh my god go outside
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sarohara · 4 years
Stranger: hey
Stranger: not f
You: not m
You: ahahahha
Stranger: lol so what ya doing?
You: listening to music
You: wbu? lol
Stranger: what's your genre?
Stranger: I m watching netflix
You: wait, that one
You: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3IcWNiwRPEI
You: oh sorry, u watching
Stranger: is it kpop?
Stranger: lmao
You: nahhhhh
You: it's Bastille
Stranger: then I will check it out
You: oke
You: listen with headphones pls
Stranger: is it english?
You: yea for sure
Stranger: ok cool
Stranger: oh it's 8d audio lol
You: it's a famous song, I would say lol
You: yea that's why " listen with headphones" lol
Stranger: damn
Stranger: I used to listen to them a lot
Stranger: but then I got bored of it
You: they're siiiickkk
Stranger: coz it got saturated
You: ohhh i know i know
Stranger: hahaha where ya from?
You: Brazi
You: Brazil* damn L
Stranger: damn the l
You: Wbu
You: AHHAHA yea
Stranger: I'm from london
Stranger: the L
Stranger: how old are you
You: Oh that's cool
You: Nice place, right?
You: Um, i'm 16
You: how old r u?
Stranger: yea pretty good
Stranger: I'm 19
You: oh gotcha
You: that's ok if i ask ur name?
Stranger: I'm mike
Stranger: hbu
You: hey mike
You: mike like Michael? or just mike..
You: Im Sarah :)
Stranger: just MIKE
Stranger: or call me maniator
You: oh OKAY
You: Maniator hahaha
Stranger: yea like mike + terminator
Stranger: too cliche
You: Ohhhh Jeez AHAHAHAH
You: That was funnt
You: funny
Stranger: that's what you gotta go through when you come on omegle
Stranger: LMAO
Stranger: YEa thank you
Stranger: it's £5 for that joke
You: HAHAHAHAH omegle sucks
Stranger: should i send my paypal?
You: Oh oke, i owe u this dude
You: yea for sure
Stranger: okk cool later
You: lmao
Stranger: don't ya forget to pay
You: nah i wont, trust me
Stranger: huh these audience
Stranger: all they want everything's for free
You: yeaaa ikr
You: damn,
You: stupid people huh
You: lmao
Stranger: yeaa damn
You: yeaaa
Stranger: i hope you rich lmao
You: ohhh yea, im sooo rich
You: u don't even know buddy
Stranger: can you send £5 then
Stranger: you owe me duh
You: yea, i can..it's not that expansive right
You: pensive
Stranger: yea not expansive at all
You: yea nah expensive..
Stranger: yea yea hahahaha
You: hahahah
Stranger: what ya doing here?
You: wyd now mike
You: ooooohhh
You: shut up
You: um well, nothing really..just talking to weirdos bc i'm bored
You: u know
Stranger: it's sometimes fun
You: really SOMETIMES
You: just s o m e t i m e s
Stranger: but for me, if the weirdos are girl
You: ahahahahha
You: simp
Stranger: you don't have many female weirdos here
Stranger: :(
Stranger: simp af
You: well, how can i know right..i'm not weirdo, i mean, not that weirdo
Stranger: there are typed in weirdos?
Stranger: types*
You: yea maybe
Stranger: what are they
Stranger: wtfff
You: let's figure out ahahahah
Stranger: how do we do that?
You: i have
You: no clue
Stranger: fuck it then
Stranger: how's life
You: life sucks
Stranger: ahh you got me
Stranger: do you have bf/gf?
You: u should know that come on
You: ooh
You: not that
You: nah i don't
You: do u?
Stranger: yea i do
You: tell me her name
Stranger: life does suck
You: or his*
Stranger: oh no i'm single
Stranger: lmao
You: oooohhh
Stranger: stop fucking confusing me
Stranger: lmao
You: u said "i do" wth AHAHAHA
You: Im not confusing u
Stranger: i do for the previous message
Stranger: fuck it fuck it
You: okay
You: fuck it fuck it
Stranger: fuck it fuck it
You: yea exactly
You: cool kid
Stranger: hot kid
You: cold kid
Stranger: soft kid
You: hahaha got u
You: oh come on
You: tough kid
Stranger: no kids
You: hell, no kids
You: definitely, no kids
You: god forbid
Stranger: no kids foreverrrr
Stranger: no protected sex
You: yeaaaa ikr
You: ahahha jesus
Stranger: that way no kidsss
You: or abortion then
You: ahahah oh damn
You: that's mean
Stranger: that's ewwww
You: choices
Stranger: yea yeaa
Stranger: but never that
Stranger: it sucks duh
You: yea ikr
You: but who am i to judge
Stranger: yea yea
You: why r we talking about this AHAHAH lol
You: that's so random
Stranger: i don't fucking know
Stranger: damn you are pain
You: im so bored
Stranger: pain to my brain
You: whyyyy
You: i'm a angel dude, respect me
Stranger: be my weed
Stranger: take me high
You: is it a lyric or something?
Stranger: i'm so low fuck my life
You: i'll show u a song
Stranger: no show me the bomb
Stranger: which kills all the song
You: heeeey i love songs, shut up
Stranger: ok
You: the song is called "all time low"
You: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AXnqkVTFUqY
Stranger: 8d?
You: AAHAHAH not this time
Stranger: better huh
You: It's good & sad but happy at the same time
You: better? ohhh come on
You: 8d is amazing oke
Stranger: yea better
Stranger: 8d was cool when I wa skid
Stranger: was kid*
You: nice way to call me kid
You: i like it
You: stupidddd ahahah
Stranger: well kid got butt hurt
Stranger: coz she's a pain in my ass
You: oh no kidding!
You: really?
You: ahahha jk
Stranger: I wanna be the pain in your ass
Stranger: lmao
You: go listen to the song and shut uuup
You: oh i appreciate that but nah
Stranger: I m listening bitch
Stranger: shut up
Stranger: lmao
You: Oooo oke bitch
You: lmao
Stranger: what ya doing?
You: guess what
You: same as before
You: talking to u
Stranger: do you smoke?
You: Ew
You: nah i don't
Stranger: ok ok
Stranger: what the's dirtiest thing you have ever done?
Stranger: if not weed
You: well...i swallowed a 0,25$ when i was 2
Stranger: ewww you dirty fuckerr asshole
Stranger: LMAO
Stranger: you have something better?
You: yeaaaaaa that was definitely the dirtiest thing i've ever done
You: dude idk, i don't remember nothing plausible lol
You: wbu?
Stranger: damn you clean bitch
Stranger: i hate you
You: YEAAA im a cool kid, i'm sorry
You: nah u mean, u love me
Stranger: well if you cool or not depends on what kinda person you are
You: oh yea?
You: zzz sure
You: im not that cool then
Stranger: hahaha
Stranger: lamme make you hot
Stranger: lmao
You: oh weirdo
Stranger: so what would me my kind of weirdo?
You: the typical weirdos
Stranger: fuck you
Stranger: I'm unique
Stranger: rare in market
You: oh yeaa? oke so ur THE weirdo
Stranger: wanna join my league bitch?
You: ur awful
You: u know that right
Stranger: yea I do
You: Mr fucking best weirdo
Stranger: idc if you don't like my awfulness
Stranger: but it's pretty cool
You: AHAHHA if u say..who am i...?
Stranger: you are the weirdo bitch
Stranger: how's that?
You: nahhhh
You: u mean
You: "you are the amazing best weirdo"
You: nah nah nah
You: i meant, fantastic!!
You: better now
Stranger: just take any of the shit but be the bitch
Stranger: lmao
You: anyways
Stranger: anyways what
You: whatever anyways
Stranger: fuck the anyways
Stranger: slime on it
You: i love "anyways"
Stranger: i will kill the anyways
You: slime on it AHAHAHHAAH
Stranger: choke him up
Stranger: yea so am I
You: Yea for sure
Stranger: toxic level infinity
Stranger: wanna talk outside omegle?
You: 100% toxic>>>
You: finally. that's a good one. question, i meant.
Stranger: okk what do you use?
You: instagram
You: nah i don't got snap
Stranger: no insta no snap
You: oh
Stranger: just whatsapp and twitter
You: AHHAHAH no way
Stranger: or telegram coz one guys aske me to
Stranger: lmao
You: oh okay
You: whatsapp then
Stranger: ok cool bitch weirdo
You: i got that one
You: fantastic**
Stranger: bitch
Stranger: +44 7438917818
Stranger: what's yours
You: nahhh
You: ah okay
You: i was about to say "i'm not gonna get ur name bitch, i'll give u mine"
You: but anyways
You: +55 63 84867632
You: wait lemme check if that's right
Stranger: hahahha
Stranger: well your name's my bitch
Stranger: so get the fuck out
Stranger: lmao
You: i hate u, u know that
You: im not ur bitch, bitch
Stranger: yea you are
Stranger: gonna be the pain in your ass remember
You: ahahahahah
You: alzheimer
You: (not in this life)
Stranger: well in all the lifee huh
You: and yea that's right, my number, sure
Stranger: dude you have my number
Stranger: just message asshole
Stranger: lmao
You: I'm laaaaazy dude
You: oh whatever
You: wait
Stranger: hahaha
Stranger: get the floor clean
You: i hate u
Stranger: strip off and hate me
Stranger: forever hate me down
You: +44 7438917818, is that right?
You: yea, forever hate u
Stranger: ahh you slow girl
Stranger: wait
You: shut up, i told u im lazy
Stranger: what's your name?
You: u don't even remember AHAHAHHA
Stranger: I do
Stranger: lol
You: uhum
Stranger: messaged you bitch
Stranger: go check
You: nah
Stranger: clean the floors
Stranger: huh
Stranger: fuck you
Stranger: get the fuck away
You: u fuck u
Stranger: fuck meee
You: yeaaa fuck u
Stranger: damn you pervert lmao
You: AHAHHAHA ur creepy
Stranger: don't turn me on bitch
You: do it
You: anyways
Stranger: do what perv?
You: shut up darling
Stranger: oh so I am darling now?
Stranger: nice transition
You: don't be happy
You: but yea, only in a sarcastic tone
Stranger: lol
Stranger: fuck the sarcasm
Stranger: let's make kids bitch lmao
Stranger: the kids we have
You: did u forgot?
You: no kids, hell, no kids
Stranger: go unprotected with pills?
Stranger: lmao
You: no sex, no kids, that's the better way
Stranger: you think I'm 60?
Stranger: wtf lmao
Stranger: i have still got the power huh
You: poor elderly
You: u don't have to lie..we know that
Stranger: listen you the kid
Stranger: i'm the adult
Stranger: the hot one
Stranger: huh fuck off
You: oh and more
You: THE weirdo
You: did u forgot?
Stranger: yea the best fucking one
You: oh yea, ik that, good boy
Stranger: bad boy*
You: oh if u say so
You: damn bad boy
Stranger: are you a good girl?
You: me, myself and i, yea we think we are
You: at least a good person ahaha
Stranger: blow me then
You: yea im gonna blow u up
You: with a bomb
Stranger: do it with your tongue
Stranger: lol tell me when you get uncomfortable
You: creepy boy
Stranger: let me crawl on you
You: if i were a floor...
You: But it's not the case lol
You: ha ha ha
Stranger: funny
Stranger: gtg see you on whatsapp
Stranger: byeeeee
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