#it was fun rping as him but also looking back at how he used to be its like
superbellsubways · 1 month
holding onto the same ocs for years and years changing up their lore and everything with time is always wild. theres Secret Lore nobody i talk to knows about.
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iraprince · 1 year
Absolutely love the Infodump on Cookie she's so good. however!! I remember you made a trio of characters for this game and were torn about which one to play, then decided the other two could be his attendants.
How are those two, what are they up to?? Have you done much with them in the game so far? (And even if not, wanna give us some tastey information about 'em?)
oooh yes! those two are sir velvet the unsmiling (it/she), and damned-if-i-do/dandy (he/they). let's pull up their art (esp now that i have crispy clean new scans!!! i think i have only ever posted this art as shitty phone pics prior to this)
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
ANYWAY. it turns out that even though attendants are a built-in part of the noble sweetheart playbook (cookie's title) and you're SUPPOSED to be using them... for me in practice, when i'm actually playing the game, i just keep totally forgetting lmfao!!!! :') rping with my other party members and chasing quests and stuff is so engaging that my brain is totally booked with just being cookie, let alone two additional npcs, so sadly dandy and velvet have not gotten a ton of screentime in the current campaign
BUT that really just makes me eager to one day play them properly in a different campaign, whether that's them each taking their turn as player characters like was originally intended, or when i'm GMing a campaign of my own (i'm trying to write up something for my friends, but i have no idea when it's actually gonna happen bc i'm so busy rip... but when i do, cookie and her attendants will def be npcs)
i honestly don't have MUCH i can say abt them, bc since i haven't played them much i also havent developed them much... i suppose i can give summaries tho!
in terms of vibes velvet is very much like, "guy who is brooding so hard that it stops being mysterious or having any gravity at all and is mostly just making people wonder if she's like? okay?????" like there is only so long you can spend with your back to the rest of the group clenching your fist and muttering to yourself before people just start kind of glossing over it and being like "oh haha that's CLASSIC sir velvet the unsmiling!!!"... mix this with a heady dose of "[nasal voice] UM, you forgot to collect the homework" and somehow you have created a creature ideal for wrangling cookie's effusive elaborate scatterbrained whims, somehow, most of the time. velvet is really similar to a different Brooding Goth Knight character i have wherein my formula is "make a character who looks extremely fucking sicknasty badass, then never ever ever stop making fun of them ever"
dandy is cookie's quartermaster, and so unlike velvet (who's usually assumed to be traveling around with cookie, even if i am constantly forgetting to roleplay that it's doing that) he mostly chills at chateau gorgeous looking after his liege's affairs and making sure the ppl who live there are fed + sheltered + generally taken care of. they are pretty much velvet's exact opposite in terms of temperament; EVERYTHING gets velvet's hackles up, NOTHING phases dandy. i need to be careful bc i am starting to arbitrarily ship them just from typing this. anyway, dandy is largely non-verbal; they're able to speak if really necessary, but they would just rather not, and if there's really no way around it they'd rather just sidle over to cookie and whisper it to her, and then let her communicate whatever they want to say to the rest of the group on their behalf; if cookie's not around, you're just gonna have to figure out how to communicate w him otherwise. which always works out fine bc dandy is very patient and used to getting along in silence!
that's about all i've got rn... i will def post it here if i come up with or draw anything else that's fun tho :) ty for the ask!
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itsbebebrainrotting · 3 months
Analysis of qtubbo and qphils separate parenting flaws which might get me chased with pitchforks so im not tagging it:
(Long so under a cut)
Phils issue, when it comes to the other eggs, really boils down to his isolation. He only prioritises Chayanne and Tallulah (and he prioritises them by a lot) and only really knows Chayanne and Tallulah. And thats because he doesnt hang out with the other eggs often (and gets panicky when taking care of 3 eggs at once so never really gets to know them).
To him, dapper has cool shit, richas is just mischievous and sunny just likes money. This, as a start, just messes up his interactions with some eggs because he acts more familiar with them than he is and doesnt take a chance to know them better. This is worsened by how non serious and out of rp phil often is because when phil isnt rping the eggs still are. They will take his jokes srs. (And its especially bad with sunny cuz sunny is so defensive of tubbo, who qphil makes fun of a lot, and he also places that same relationship onto sunny, even if he doesnt know her well enough to have that relationship).
He also always prioritises his kids to the point of almost putting other kids down. It was RICHAS at fault in that argument over that painting he had with tallulah (cuz phil doesnt know richas enough to know he had an actual issue there). Phil didnt look for dapper when he was kidnapped and at risk of dying. Sunny and Leo fighting was none of his business. When sunny was sad their pa was gone phil compared it to his daughters loss and accidentally minimised their upset.
And the thing is, qphil isnt even perfect with chayanne and tallulah (enderking aside). He sees chayannes feeling of duty to everyone and encourages it rather than noticing how worrying it is. He also is seemingly unaware how deep it runs, considering how long it took him to notice chayannes hurt after tubbos death (and, may i add, chayannes egg bit with tubbo was way more heavily played into by phil than by tubbo). Hes seemingly a bit more attentive with tallulah (though notably i feel less knowledgeable on tallulahs woes nowadays than i used to - oh how the tides change). I know she struggles with loneliness and abandonment issues, and afaik hes very aware of that. But his own isolation therefore backfired a lot on her and he really doesnt notice. (Note: post reset i would also say qphil is probably less isolated but i cant really since i dont watch him and also most of the post reset phil has been enderking affected)
However, I wouldn't say qphil is a bad father to chayanne and tallulah. He just has one big flaw: He doesnt see the negative effects of some of his own actions and they suffer because of it.
Anyway, now to qtubbo, cuz im a tubbling and this analysis should be fair to both crows and tubblings.
Firstly, lets address post revival tubbo. Hes a lot more direct about his hurt and feelings, which manifests into him being mean and short tempered at times because qtubbo puts up with a lot of shit. This backfires at times onto his relationship with the eggs as he directs a lot of unnecessary anger onto them. He guilted both richas and chayanne for his death, for example.
That, however, isnt the only reasons he is a flawed egg caretaker.
See, qtubbo doesnt (always) have the same issues as phil. He babysits often and knows the eggs he regularly takes care of them really well, caring for them almost as much as he cares for sunny. The only egg id say he really didnt try to get to know at first was dapper (but he went out of his way to resolve the beef there). But, he also went to the end of the world and back for dapper so...
Tubbos issues with the eggs are more about his difficulty providing emotional comfort, than anything else.
For a start, both q and cc tubbo use humour as a coping mechanism. He will make poorly times jokes in dark situations because its his way of coping and dealing in those moments. That leaves eggs feeling hurt cuz he seems a lot less serious than they are.
Then theres the fact that while he lets the kids be kids, he also can struggle with telling the emotional age of the kids (he said sunny was 11 💀). This means he can sometimes act like the kids can handle a lot worse than they can.
Plus, his need for petty drama means he will accidentally upset the kids and not care that them fighting will upset them.
Not only that but he struggles at times to help sunny when she has issues (such as leo and tallulah disliking her at first) in part becayse he himself struggled with those issues irl. Of course he doesn't take the smart course of action there because he doesnt know how to fix it irl, let alone in rp.
Oh and all that also ignores the fact that tubbos suicidal tendencies are pushed onto sunny to the point where they literally have a suicide pact together
So, no, in short, qtubbo isnt perfect either. But that comes from struggling at times to be emotional support as well as his own poor mental health, which is entirely different to phils issues, which stem from his tendency to isolate (and a bit of a lack of self awareness).
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Can we get some some more Trueblood heir Alec for writing wendsday?
How is everbody doing? I hope that this week will be less stressful for you than the last!
Hey anon, i went with star eater which is the alec trueblood sentient shadow au. i hope you enjoy it and that this verse worked for you!
Thank you so much for asking! the week was less stressful but more busy but i'm slowly catching up on all the things i'm behind on! (writing and laundry and i need to thaw some chicken)
Saeth: doing alright. Really sore and tired. Our wrist is killing us because host got into on tumblr (rping as if Pokémon is real) and killed our hands lmao (I’m plural and not the host of our system)
*they've also been playing the new zelda game and finally passed out after refusing to sleep so they could keep playing - lumine
Alec stares at his little sister and his something-of-a-younger-brother Jace and wonders exactly where everything went wrong. It’s one of the rare times that Alec gets to see them both and while he’s still getting used to Jace, he likes the other boy well enough.  Or at least, he does when he’s not encouraging Izzy to break the rules and be stupid.
“We’re not doing that.” Alec says, interrupting Jace’s latest attempt to form a plan. A plan that Alec already knows wouldn’t work. “Mother left us here with the understanding that we are mature enough to not cause problems or get ourselves into trouble. Are we not mature enough?” Alec gives them both the deadpan stare he’s seen Ragnor give to idiots and is gratified when they shuffle nervously.
“But hermano—” Izzy whines and Alec’s noticed that she only ever calls him that when she wants something, “LA is so boring compared to New York. We just want to see if the demons are different!”
“It’s daytime. The only demons you could hunt are in the sewers. I didn’t know you were so interested in sewer monitoring.” Alec pretends to brighten up and he starts to tap into his tablet when Izzy shrieks and tries to grab it from him.
Alec’s genuinely surprised.
Not many people dare to touch him and certainly not in anger, so it’s with baffled confusion that he watches his shadows pluck Izzy up and deposit her back in her chair.
“That was rude.” Alec comments, because he’s not sure what else to say. “I didn’t realize you were still a toddler, Izzy.” Because he honestly doesn’t remember having to deal with this level of entitlement since Izzy was two and refusing to understand what ‘no’ meant.
“I’m bored and you’re such a dull blade, Alec!” Izzy complains and she huffs and crosses her arms, “Jace and I agreed we were going to have fun!”
“Well, I didn’t agree to that, and this is going to be my Institute.” Alec reminds her, because it is and he’s not about to risk getting what he wants because his baby sister wants to act like a baby. “The portal to Idris is still open, you can always leave.”
Alec nods decisively and says nothing, even when Izzy’s face scrunches up and she sniffles or Jace sends him a dark, admonishing look. Izzy and Jace get to do whatever they want in LA, but this isn’t LA and Alec isn’t that nice. Ragnor’s taught him all about consequences and Alec’s not going to be paying the price for other people’s stupidity.
Also, Alec already knows that Izzy and Jace aren’t interested in hunting demons during the day. The two of them want to see the mundane side of things in New York and if Alec knew anything about the mundane side, he might be willing to show them around.  However, he doesn’t, and he doesn’t trust them on their own. Therefore, they won’t be leaving without supervision and his company.
“We never get away from LA and you’re being such a jerk.” Izzy complains and she looks about ready to throw her plate on the floor, something else Alec thought she’d already grown out of. “You never even visit me, so why is it a big deal if we want to explore here with you?”
“You know why I don’t visit you.” Alec tells her, honestly confused, “I didn’t think you also hated Robert.”
Izzy pales and Jace looks between the two of them with confusion hidden under his arrogance.
“There’s no guarantee Robert will survive a second encounter with my shadows.” Alec explains and he shrugs, unsure why Jace looks so distraught and upset. “Mother says he’s lucky he was left alive. If I visit LA, I’m going to have to see him and if I see him, there’s no telling what happened. So, I guess I’m asking, what changed? Because I thought you still loved him?”
Izzy gives a little, small snarl and falls into the back of her chair with a glower. “Fine, that’s not what I meant. Don’t be stupid Alec, I just meant you could loosen up. Learn to live a little and let us live a little, you don’t have to be this unfeeling soldier all the time.”
“Not letting you break the rules isn’t being unfeeling or a soldier.” Alec rolls his eyes, “it’s understanding that the consequences for the rules you want to break aren’t worth it. Especially when the only reason you want to break the rules, is because you’re bored and curious.” Alec waits a minute and then he looks at them both, “and spoiled.”
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// hello everyone!!
// in short, im not sure if im gonna be comfortable running this blog anymore!! explanation under cut :} (no ones fault, dw!!)
// so, to start, i am a system, and in the past, weve had a history of very easily splitting/introjecting fictives (having alters form that are based on a fictional character, and may look, act, and identify with/as that character in some form). some of you probably already know where this is going
// when i started this blog again after a failed first attempt, i knew this, but i figured i wouldnt introject kieran because ive roleplayed around 6 years ago without introjecting my rp characters, so why should this be different?
// it started as him showing up and being present, so to speak, and reacting/giving me ideas for reactions to some of the things that were being said or done to him. at this point in time, i thought it was just me getting into character
// however, as time passed, he began showing up when i wasnt rping as him, and eventually, kinda recently, fully fronting (taking control of my body)
// so essentially, behind this blog are someones very real thoughts and actions, not just roleplay. the character i was playing is actually entirely real
// i want to clarify here and now that none of use knew he was here and that we were in denial. i also want to clarify that he has not been hurt or made uncomfortable by anything done by anyone (to my knowledge). in all honesty, i think hed be 100% fine with us continuing the blog.
// however, due to him now being real, it feels less like roleplaying and more like impersonation, and looking back, im not sure how happy i am with how ive portrayed him. in actuality, hes quite different than the version of kieran this blog is meant to act as, but similar enough that its hard to sever the mental connection between the two
// i need to think about this and discuss it with him before i make any rash decisions though
// i also wanna thank everyone who interacted w me on this blog!!! it was really fun to meet ygs and see your versions of various characters!!! ygs are free to follow me on my main and ill follow back if i recognize your blog!! (dont be scared to lmk its you if i didnt recognize though!!)
// another small note, though unrelated to this blog, the same thing happened with my nepeta pkmn irl faller blog (@ arsenic-and-catnip ) but from what ive seen our nepeta is having a lot of fun pretending to be in the pokemon universe, and shes characterized pretty similar to how the real deal is, so that onell stay up for now, but if we change our minds well make a post over there!!
// i hope you all can understand. thanks for everything!!
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heartlesscorpse · 15 days
Ask game jumpscare :3 7, 11, 22, A, E?
OH I was busy watching stuff on YT I almost didn’t see this
Moving on to the more important stuff, rather than telling you abt an OC you already know. I’m gonna go on a fucking ramble about my monster hunter oc, Ilya Vasilyev. >:))
So kicking off with number 3, Ilya doesn’t do anything in order to cope while he’s tucking himself to bed, in most cases the moment he’s under the covers this man is already dead asleep in seconds because he’s a deep sleeper, he doesn’t hear shit, he can’t feel anything, man’s just gone from there once he goes eepy. The second option this could go is that Ilya’s not going to bother with going to bed, either a) night terrors from early childhood is plaguing his mind and proving difficult to get a wink of sleep, or b) his fucking nuisance of a vampire boyfriend (who also belongs to another friend of mine), is too busy pestering him for the fun of it. In some rare cases he’d take some small music box his mother used to keep and have that lull him to sleep after some long stressful mission with combatting against monsters or vampires.
7, Ilya gets his whole hit with nostalgia with food related things, things from Russian cuisine things like Pelmeni for example is one thing he really loves eating whenever he has the chance. The smell and everything just reminds him of his mother’s cooking and how he came running back inside the house with his younger twin brother, all ecstatic to eat their mother’s home cooked food. It’s nostalgic at best, the taste and everything is comforting, but at the same time he can’t help but internally cry about it sometimes fbskbfjsbf.
Ilya doesn’t sort well with confusion, and he’s not the type of idiot he claims most people are whenever he doesn’t understand something, in some cases he’d get lost halfway with his co-worker’s explanations with his missions and assignments and then Ilya’s stepping in from there before they go a little too far with their ridiculous explanation like ‘Okay slow the fuck down there, I don’t know half the shit you just spewed so back track a little and start off slowly for me to understand what you’re saying please and thank you.’ So first option being yeah he would be the type of person to seek clarification seconds later when shit starts escalating a little.
Ilya’s not really the type to get jealous as easily tbh, he’s like, a whole lot less and more down to earth whenever it comes to jealousy? Considering his partner’s a vampire he’s not possessive or anything towards him with the fact that why would anybody in this day of age (which is like sort of around the Victoria era which is his timeline), want to date a blood-sucking monster that preys on people?
And lastly, I’m pretty excited of this character, I’ve had him with a few AUs made with another friend of mine with my oc and theirs for a pairing besides their og universe, I haven’t picked up on any writing or rping with him in awhile. I’m hoping I’d get the chances in doing so later on in the summer by the time I’m officially done from school. As for the last question?? Hell naw 💀💀 this mf’s gonna look at me like some small ass bug he could squish underneath his boot, he wouldn’t even take me serious much and look at me like ‘Oh you’re 19? You don’t look like it’ BFKSBFJD, would’ve bruised my ego so badly if him and I ever tried to get along. Overall he’d probably be treating me like a kid lmao.
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||An Officer's Corruption part Thirty-seven||
Hello there! I'm back with another chapter to the Officer's Corruption series. <3 Thanks to my amazing friend, she got me thinking of a chapter so I hope you like.
If you wish to see how or where everything is going, you can follow up on the chapters down below.
||Chapters so far|| 1-30|| ((Click here))
||OVA Chapters 1-7|| ((Written by my amazing friend demon mun and me)) (Click here))
Part Thirty one
Part Thirty two
Part Thirty Three
Part Thirty Four
Part Thirty five
Part Thirty Six
((Your reading Thirty-Seven))
||Drabble Summary||
After getting more and more information, Oblivion has got some leads that might help in finding the ones that started this. However, she got an alarming text from Luna. What could it be? Also, a new man has come to visit the prison but to deliver some details but he meets with Charlie. Who could this man be? Read to find out.
~Light NSFW is present in this
~Mature and Dark Themes is present in this
~blood warning is present
~drug use is spoken of in this
||Guests in Drabble||
Rave"Oblivion" Daitengu, and anyone else mention belongs to my amazing Rp partner @demon-blood-youths
Luna so-yeon koboyashi, Jinx violet, Yuuka Nakano and others mentioned are my OC's and belong to me. While junichiro tanizaki and others spoken of comes from the anime BSD but also me due to rping as them.
Yuji Itadori is from the anime series Jujutsu Kaisen but also me due to rping as him.
((Note: Their will be grammar mistakes and errors in this drabble as others have this warning. But like I state before, this is written for fun. So I hope you like it and my friend too. I hope you Enjoy.))
----- T Prison - Lower Cells -----
"There we go. That feels much better don't it?"
Yuji smiled seeing a relaxed Jinx sitting with him in the hot bath tub to help relax her and his muscles. Her hair was wet now but some was covering her chest as he was holding her close to him. She seems like a relaxed kitty cat. Or it could be due to the deep purring she was doing right now.
"Seems even after all that you must have tired yourself out a bit huh?" he said but Jinx only relaxed more against him while looking at the water since it was a bit steamy in the bathroom.
"A..a little b..bit." she said but feels him nuzzling against her cheek.
"I see. Well, even so, your still precious and also my little kitty cat. Next time we will get to play a lot more since you did take a peek of us having fun. You must have been lonely." he said but she only hums to nod relaxing against him.
"I was lonely but..it's fine. I'm not the type to hold a grudge.." she said gently though Yuji smiled still while they sat in the bath tub together. He even looks to gently begin rubbing her back while already helping her get clean before she would have to head back. He knew the other two officers might be worried but they knew she was fine.
"Hey Kali? Do you think Jinx is alright? I Hear she's been still on patrol right now." Kali looks up hearing Ink speak, seeing some prisoners just relaxing right now in their cells.
"Ehhh I'm sure she's fine. Knowing her, she tends to be just as bad as you. So I wouldn't worry about it." she waves a hand with eyes closed that Ink tilts her head to think about it.
"Hey, what's that suppose to mean?" she pouts that Kali sighed.
"Is it the same thing like you and the other inmate your watching over? Are you even going to say who he is-"
"I told you I don't tell you anything of what I do remember?! Why are you always so nosy!?" she said.
"I was just curious!" Ink said laughing happily that Kali's eye twitched a bit.
"Uhhh you okay Kali?"
"I'm..I'm fine just..holding back the urge to bonk you on the head..." she said but Ink looks at her then smiled.
~~~Back with Yuji and Jinx~~~
Yeah, they were fine for now, he wanted to savor this moment for a while before she would be heading back later on. This moment was pretty peaceful for him as they relaxed. Even better seeing her relaxing in his arms together.
'So precious..' he thought only to kiss the top of her head.
~~~ Back at Northern State Pentiartary/Main office -----
"So I take it they heard about it too huh? Which results in them sending you?" Dazai was speaking to another male but he was setting some papers and files down. He looks to Dazai but sighed right after.
"Well, you asked us to look into something so we did. Unless you got something else we need to look into." junichiro tanizaki said while looking to Dazai. He was from the other building across from here but he tends to come here to check up on Dazai and give him information if he asks for it. Knowing him, Dazai can count on him for giving hidden files, documents and other things if it's hard.
"I did, I did. I was just doing something else at the moment and having a visitor. But I take it the info you gave me says things are fine? Any leads?" he asked Tanizaki who shook his head.
"Not yet. I got some trails but most of them are cold. I can keep looking into them for the moment till then. Do you have anything that might help with that?" he had his arms crossed but Dazai thinks only to reach into his pocket to take out some paper. He hands it to him as Junichiro opens it and reads.
"So far, that's what I have but maybe you can take a closer look into it? I'll be sure to send whatever I need to you if requested." he said as the other folds the paper.
"Understood." He said but as he was about to turn, the door opens showing someone. Tanizaki sees a woman walking in wearing the uniform. She had blonde hair in a pony tail. She has beautiful blue eyes and has scars on her body judging from what he sees. However, she looks pretty tough.
"Warden Dazai, I got Miss Seon to a room. She is ready for-" she stops seeing another standing there but another male? He looks only to see her look back.
"Oh thank you Charlie. Also, don't be alarmed he's an ally. Tanizaki this is Charlie. One of my officers for a section in the prison. Charile, this is Junichiro Tanizaki, a officer that does more of the shady dark needed things if it's from looking for something needed." he explains this to see Charile and Tanizaki look at one another.
"Hmmm, it's..nice to meet you Officer I take it?" she said seeing him look back at her and nod.
"Yes. It's a pleasure to meet you." he said bowing his head slightly to her that Charlie looks at him.
"Sir, you said he's a hidden hire. You never spoken about another helping out outside." she said hearing Dazai laugh.
"True but don't get me wrong, he's one of my best hired help. Or to say my most dangerous one. He's well known to his job and is able to finish the task no matter what he has to do or who's blood he spills. He gets it." he said simply that Charlie blinks then looks at him. What sort of things does this guy deal with?
"Even so, in time he will be transfered over here to help you and Jason in the future. He's just finishing up some documents for me." he said showing the file folder.
"Even so, I hope you two will get along!" he giggled seeing both Tanizaki and Charlie look at one another. Get along, well, that is for later to see but who knows? Seems like it's a strong possible view.
~~~~~With Oblivion~~~~~
Tae was waiting for Luna to pick up her phone as she dials the number to her. She hopes she would pick up. In a moment, she heard a click on the other line and heard a familiar voice.
"Hello? Tae?"
"Hey Luna, I got your text message, what's going on? You said something urgent.." she said.
"Yes this is urgent. I know you already got the update regarding how Yuu is right? Well...I got more news I have to tell you but it's private. You are alone right?" she asked on the phone.
"I'm alone yeah." she said.
"Well, I'm alone too but here. The reason I'm calling you is to give you another update about her. She..." she sighed on the other line but was in her office with the other officers busy.
"What's wrong Luna? Is their something else wrong with Yuuka?"
"She's....she's gotten a lot worse Tae. Like bad worse." she said.
"What are you talking about Luna? How bad?"
"....Like ill bad." she said. "Ever since the Public Safely Hero Commission sent orders to the doctor they sent, she's been given a double dose of the medicine and shot..she seems like she's...sicker. Even if they say she would be better she don't seem like that." Luna said.
"The double dose? Hold on, they started that right now? I thought it was still being under view?"
"It was before I called to ask about it."
"Okay and Yuu? Is she....."
"I heard she's still taken the medicine and shots but too weak to even fight back right now....those drugs really weakened her Tae. Like baby weak..in a sense."
"What do you mean?" Oblivion asked.
"Well, remember how violent she was when you saw her a while ago or a few days ago? She's not as active anymore Tae. When me and Swan spoke to the head active present, he denied our request to stop the drugs."
"Hold on, he denied the request?! Why!?"
"Because he assumes the drugs was helping her. They say it's their way to insure she won't be a danger to the public."
So now we are trying to get some results of our own to see what the hell is in the medicine and shots Doctor Lee has been given her and of the double shot." she said looking worried.
"We even went to visit her and she....she didn't do much. She was just laying back upright on the bed looking ahead. Her quirk isn't as strong now because the double strength of that medicine and shots are making her weaker and weaker like she's losing her quirk. Hell, purple particles are only seen now unlike what you saw before..it's really gotten a lot more weaker now."
"What!?" When did this start to happen! "Wait wait wait, then how is she now?"
"Still the same. She still gets frequent hallucinations and she's more afraid now. I don't know what he's been doing but something is off with that damn doctor they sent us. It's like their trying to either get her to become quirkless or...I'm worry they are going to do more worse harm."
"......And she didn't even react to you nor Swan?" Oblivion asked.
"No. She just kept looking down even after Swan checked on her. She's not responding to us but the look in her eyes they dulled out. Lost their color Tae. That damn doctor says the medicine is 'working' and she's not as dangerous but it looks like it's only killing her from the inside. I don't know why but it feels like she's just lost in her little world without responding to anyone else. We can't get through to her." Luna said covering her face.
This was not what she was expecting but Tae only grips her phone to try calming down. Anger was rising inside of her but she looks ahead before asking, "Can I see her? Or can you do a video call?"
"Huh? Well, yeah I can but Tae..I really don't think you want to-"
"Luna please..I need to see for myself."
"......" Luna was quiet on the other line but sighed closing her eyes. "I can do that. Just a moment."
Tae heard some shuffling noise in the back but heard that Luna was leaving her office to where Yuuka was. She still was in the main hall before heading down to the right. She gets to the medic ward hallway section and goes into the area. A few were not in this area but she was heading to the other one where Yuu was.
The medic ward for heavy observation 24/7 was there but she was looking at the door where Yuu was. Doctor Lee was off today so Swan was watching her. She knocks on the door. "Swan? You in there?"
Obivion heard the door open in the background.
'Yeah, I'm here. You come to see Yuu again?' she asked as she lets Luna come in.
'Yes but..I got Oblivion on the phone and she wants to do a video call with her to see how she is.'
'....I..Is that wise? What if she-'
'She needs to see her Swan.....' Luna said but Swan only sighed to nod.
'Understood..' she said going to help sit Yuu upright on the bed. Luna moves but she sits down to pull the phone back but puts it on speaker.
'You still there Oblivion?'
"Yeah, still here."
'Alright. I'm going to put you on video call but you might not like what your about to see. Are you still sure?' she asked.
".....Yeah...I'm sure."
"Okay..Hold on."
Oblivion lowers her phone but looks seeing the screen change to a video call showing connecting please wait on her screen. She hopes Yuuka was alright but she was not expecting to see just how bad Yuuka was. Within seconds, the connection went through showing a room. It looks like the medic ward alright but she saw Swan and Luna.
"Oblivion, you there?"
'Yeah, I'm here. Where is Yuuka?" she asked but the two looked at one another but sighed.
"She's here.." Luna lifts up the phone but points it to show Yuu. As soon as Oblivon saw her, her own eyes slowly widen seeing Yuu's condition. Yuuka Nakano was sitting up right in bed but she looks ahead while not moving a inch. Her purple hair was messy but kept up in a pony tail, she was wearing a shirt and sweatpants while looking at her fingers. They seem to be shaking a little. She looked really tired but not thin since they still were giving her food. She just looked ill with bags under her eyes but she was only remaining quiet looking ahead. Oblivion looks shocked but she sees her.
"Yuuka?...Yuuka, can you hear me? You have a visitor today..." Swan said hoping she was respond but she didn't. Luna saw she remains still but her eyes were hidden.
'As you can see, she's been like this since she got the double dose shot and medicine. It's pretty strong and it's effecting her physically and mentally. We got word we think she's seeing things in her mind. Or having bad memories that keeps haunting her. We are trying to do everything in our power to keep her calm Tae but...we are worried of what those assholes are really planning on doing to her.'
"I......she's been like this since the damn double dose was given to her?" she said seeing Swan answer.
"Yes. That's what I got from her recent blood work. She remains like this but still gets the heavy nosebleeds and having trouble sleeping. It's like she's too scared to close her eyes because of seeing things." she said but Oblivion said nothing gripping her phone tight wanting to break it but she was keeping calm trying not to. She looked so tired and sick. What the hell is with the drugs?
Being quiet, Oblivion looks to her. "Yuuka? Hey, can you hear me? It's me, Officer Seon...." she speaks loud enough in hopes she hears her voice. The two looks at Yuu seeing her not respond but Oblivion looks worried now.
"Yuu...please can you hear me? It's me......please let me know you can hear me.." she said a bit louder from the phone but hearing that made Yuu blink her eyes slowly before Luna carefully shows the phone and Oblivion on it. In a moment, Yuu slowly looks to Oblivion but saw her on the screen.
In a minute, Yuuka slowly reaches to touch the screen of the phone but Luna saw Swan hold it near her that Yuuka reaches to hold it in her hands to look at it. She can see her but she seems so far away.
The two were silent but was shocked seeing she spoke! She was silent all that time but she only shook holding the phone.
"...Yes, it's me Nakano."
"......Where......a...re...you....you..d..disappeared...f..from here.." she speaks quietly.
"..I'm.....out at the moment but I was calling to check on you...see how you been." she speaks in a calm down even if she was angry now. Those assholes. What have they done to her!?
Yuuka said nothing laying back but Swan helps her lay on her side as she was looking at the phone with a hold stand to keep it there. She looks at the screen with dulled eyes.
"You....went....out...I...g...get i..it.....I h..hope...you c...come b..back...I'm..s...scared. I'm s..scared of t..the doctor..the ni...ghtmares....t..their getting w..worse...I don't wanna s...sleep.." she mutters in a tired tone.
"Easy now Yuu..You have to get sleep. It's not healthy to stay up like that." Tae said but saw Yuu only grips the sheets trying not to freak out but tries calming down.
"But b..bad things..t..the w...orms..t..their still....c...crawling inside of m..me....r..ready to r..rip out..I'm s..scared Oblivion..I'm s..scared.." she said softly.
"T..the scary w..worms....their eating me f..from..inside o..out...It's s..scary..I'm s..scared..they started getting a...agitated a..after they gi....ve....new m..medicine. It hurts al..all over and f..from injection s..spot..it was....to h..help with d..dangerous quirk....it's d..dissappearing...." she said and shows trying to form some goo but the two with her and Tae saw purple particles but no goo.
Both Luna and Swan was shocked seeing how weak it's gotten. Even Tae was shocked.
'I can't..e..even use my flames r..right now..t..too tired...I'm too tired.....to conjure up some...' she said. 'Then it m..means I'm g..gonna....be quirkless r..right? Is t..that what the p..people wan..wanted?' she mutters.
"No no it's not Yuu. That's not what-"
"It's true..s...see?" she shows her arm seeing the injection spot but it shows some bandage covering it since they gave her another one. Oblivion said nothing but Yuuka lowers her arm to look at the phone.
"I'm..s..sowwie...I'm s..sorry f..for being m..mean t..to you and o..others h..here..I was j..just scared....I'm scared being a..alone......."
"Yuuka, your not alone. I'll be back soon okay? Just hang in there for me. When I come back, I'll help you okay? You don't have to be scared.." Oblivion said but Yuu looks to the phone but she only blinks once slowly to relax.
"You w..won't..l..leave me a..alone?"
"I won't...I'm trying to help you, Yuu but when I have what I need, I'll be there with you..I promise. I'll find the ones that did this to you...and make sure they pay for this..." she said that Yuu only held the phone near but she was quiet. It was rather nice to hear her voice and it was calming to her.
She remains quiet but only looks to the screen that Tae saw tears now running down Yuu's cheeks. She was really upset about this.
'P...lease....c..come b..back okay? I really...wanna..s...see you come b..back...I'll..t...try to be c..calm..' she mutters. Tae was quiet though, she's never seen her that calm before even when meeting her. Was this...how she used to be before the drugs? She wasn't sure but it seems like it.
Oblivion sighed but looks at the phone.
"Don't try, just....just give it your best. I want you to rest more Yuuka okay? You have to try and get some sleep. Rest up....that's all I ask." Tae said but Yuu only looks to her then down.
"I..I'll..t..try..I......." she started to speak only to feel something run down her nose. Yuu blinks to look seeing her blood again that she reaches to touch it. "......"
"Yuuka?" Luna said.
"Oh no, not again." Swan said worried trying to clean her nose but Yuu was moving away from her. "Easy now..I'm not going to hurt you.."
"N..No no..d..don't...don't touch me! Don't touch me!" she said suddenly freaking out as she tries to move away, Luna tries to help keep her still to calm down. "NO! Please let me go! Let me go!"
"Yuu calm down!" Luna said wincing as she was thrashing violently now.
"......" Oblion was shocked hearing this and seeing it was worse. However, she saw but Swan quickly have some golden feathers floats around her. Yuuka tenses seeing the feathers but when they were around, she slowly started feeling sleepy.
"St...stop..l..let me.."
"Rest Yuu your safe...just calm down.." Swan said in a quiet tone trying not to scare her. Luna kept holding her but Oblivion saw the whole thing before Yuu goes limp in her arms.
"What the hell was that!?" Oblivion asked seeing Luna lay her back on the bed.
"That's..something she does if she freaks out or something she's seeing that we aren't. She's been doing that for a while now or maybe side effects from the drugs. Right now, we have to keep her here to insure she won't attack staff which she hasn't. Right now, we are worried. We don't know how bad this can get for her......but we will do everything to insure she is alright." Luna explains but Oblivion said nothing to nod.
"I..I get it..I'll do everything in my power to help her and come back. Just..keep watching her for me till then okay?" Oblivion said.
"We will don't worry. If you find anything let us know but I'll do the same keeping you up to date. Just...find out the jerks that did this to her and make them pay Tae." Luna said.
"I will..just keep a eye on her....I'm counting on you two." she said seeing them nod before the video call ended. Oblivion slowly lowers the phone down but when she did, she slowly stood up to try and process this. When she did, she punches the wall hard looking down.
She's never seen her like that and it worried her. She was a strong woman but not right now. She was someone that needed help......for now, she lets out a slow breath to try calming down.
Whoever did this to her...they would pay dearly for this.
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deisbookofdemons · 2 months
Meet the Mun
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ᴡʜᴀᴛ ᴍᴀᴅᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ᴘɪᴄᴋ ᴜᴘ ᴛʜᴇ ᴄᴜʀʀᴇɴᴛ ᴍᴜꜱᴇ(ꜱ) ʏᴏᴜ ʜᴀᴠᴇ?
Okay I'll put this for my canon characters. Pamoon, Lance, Shelby are from main and ended as my favorite ZB characters. Zatch Bell is also my childhood. Fango and Adler are underrated and I decided to have them as muses originally on an older blog. Ra- Always thought he was a cool deity soooo. Zorc- Had fun with him influencing Ramses so I ended up making him a full on muse. Charles- Who doesn't love this man? Of course I had to pick up Charles. Fredrick- Cheese hat. Need I say more? Jaques- I found him an interesting past Toppat leader. Larry- Thought he'd be interesting to play. Sheriff- Cause yes. Whitty- Whole reason why I got into FNF and I think he's a cool character. Tricky- Tricky mod is what got me into Madness and boi was I right when I though this crazy fucker would be fun to play. And ofc I just had to have his minions and that gremlin. Tiky I just found cute. The Sheriff- Hmmm... don't know other than I just like him. Gestalt- Boi did he scare me in the game and I like some characters like that. Plus a cool looking monstrous big boi. V2/V4- Big bois and I like em. The Maker- I love star and galaxy stuff and instantly liked this deity the moment I saw him so how can I not rp him? White Hank- Bestie got Hank and I ended up liking White Hank so I added her. She's a lot of fun. Franziska- Picked her up cause she was my first fav AA character. Until I started liking Sebby. Sebastian- Still like him VERY much and I picked him up since he's a very fun character. Delicia- A fun and underrated character. I like her nicknaming thing too. Twinkle- How can I not pick up a tiny star fellow? I had to not long after I rolled him up and played as him in the game. Axem Rangers X- SMBZ is a big part of my childhood and I always thought they look cool. HIM- PPG is another part of my childhood. Also love just how creepy and how much of a threat he is. And I tested rping as him in Among Us. DJ Music Man- Asked if I or bestie should have him. Bestie said I should so he ended up as muse of mine. DCA- Help Wanted 2 brought back my love for this boi and bestie was fine with duplicates so Daycare bois ended up being the first duplicate. Brighton and Twila- Old muses I brought to this blog. Muse came back for em.
ɪꜱ ᴛʜᴇʀᴇ ᴀɴʏᴛʜɪɴɢ ʏᴏᴜ ᴅᴏɴ'ᴛ ʟɪᴋᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴡʀɪᴛᴇ?
Don't like NSFW stuff.
ɪꜱ ᴛʜᴇʀᴇ ᴀɴʏᴛʜɪɴɢ ʏᴏᴜ ʀᴇᴀʟʟʏ ᴇɴᴊᴏʏ ᴡʀɪᴛɪɴɢ?
I like just about anything. And boi do I love angst and dark stuff. Shippy stuff to ofc.
ʜᴏᴡ ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ᴄᴏᴍᴇ ᴜᴘ ᴡɪᴛʜ ʜᴇᴀᴅᴄᴀɴᴏɴꜱ?
Things connected to canon usually. Sometimes I have help from bestie.
ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ᴡʀɪᴛᴇ ɪɴ ꜱɪʟᴇɴᴄᴇ ᴏʀ ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ᴘʟᴀʏ ᴍᴜꜱɪᴄ?
Always have a song playing or watching something in the background.
ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ᴘʟᴀɴ ʏᴏᴜʀ ʀᴇᴘʟɪᴇꜱ ᴏʀ ᴡɪɴɢ ᴛʜᴇᴍ?
Winger. 1000% a winger. Not really a planner.
ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ᴇɴᴊᴏʏ ꜱʜɪᴘᴘɪɴɢ?
Selective. Usually ship characters with bestie. Multi on occasion.
ᴡʜᴀᴛ'ꜱ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴀʟɪᴀꜱ/ɴᴀᴍᴇ?
October 8th
ꜰᴀᴠᴏʀɪᴛᴇ ᴄᴏʟᴏʀ(ꜱ)?
ꜰᴀᴠᴏʀɪᴛᴇ ꜱᴏɴɢ(ꜱ)?
I love so many. Madness 7's theme is one of them along with Enter the Nexus.
ʟᴀꜱᴛ ᴍᴏᴠɪᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ᴡᴀᴛᴄʜᴇᴅ?
A bit of a certain Sonic ova movie I think.
ʟᴀꜱᴛ ꜱʜᴏᴡ ʏᴏᴜ ᴡᴀᴛᴄʜᴇᴅ?
Watching the Powerpuff Girls rn. The og ofc.
ʟᴀꜱᴛ ꜱᴏɴɢ ʏᴏᴜ ʟɪꜱᴛᴇɴᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ?
-Looks at playlist- A remix of the DJ Music Man boss fight.
ꜰᴀᴠᴏʀɪᴛᴇ ꜰᴏᴏᴅ?
I'll eat just about anything. Love that Ramen I had on my birfday and love buffalo chicken maccy cheese.
ꜰᴀᴠᴏʀɪᴛᴇ ꜱᴇᴀꜱᴏɴ?
ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴀ ᴛᴜᴍʙʟʀ ʙᴇꜱᴛ ꜰʀɪᴇɴᴅ?
@corruptedbunny-multimuse is bestie.
tagged by: Stole it from @timid-plumber tagging: YOU and @corruptedbunny-multimuse
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arcaeda · 10 months
toa anniversary munday!
Celebrating TOA and the people who contribute to make our group what it is.
Repost, don't reblog. Only fill in what you feel comfortable sharing!
Happy anniversary, TOA! Here's to many more years spent together.
Name: leon!
Pronouns: he/him mainly but they/them? also sick
Birthday (no year): aug 30th whats up my fellow virgos
Where are you from? What is your time zone?: i'm from good old virginia but ive lived in a few different state. i currently live in illinois (insert peace sign hand emoji here) i'm also central time! midwesterners make some noise
Roleplay experience: my first experience rping was when i was like 12 or so. i started off doing cringe ass rp in deviantart group chats (if anyone remembers those). i didn't start doing (cringey attempts) @ legit para rp until i was 15 or 16 where i used deviantart and tumblr interchangeably. i experimented with panfandom rp for a bit and then a little while after that i found toa!
Got any pets?: my two chihuahuas who are brothers bae and skippy! i post them in gen media sometimes (bae is the white one and skippy is the one that looks like a frito)
Favorite time of year: autumun girlies rise up
Some interests and things you like: video games and animanga, mostly. i like (mostly j)rpgs, visual novels/otome games and rogue-lites. i used to bingewatch 30 episode animes in one day when i was younger LMAO. nowadays i mostly just stick to reading manga with my favorite genres being shoujo & josei. i don't stick to the new anime seasons anymore so these are some oldies, but my favorite anime of the past would probably be kaitou saint tail and nana. the newest anime i've probably enjoyed and actually remember is akatsuki no yona.
Some funfacts & trivia about you: im gonna be real with you all im terrible @ sharing fun facts about myself. uhhhh idk i guess i've swallowed whole pennies and dimes before as a child. i also ate a whole tube of toothpaste on christmas day and puked it up later..... i ate a lot of weird shit as a kid apparently
What non-Fire Emblem games do you play?: uhhh most of my main interest in vidja games is fire emblem, but actively rn i play like mobage and rhythm games on the side. other big interest games for me would probably be the botw series (not neccesarily zelda overall but), persona 5, ffxiv a LOT in the past, hades…. i cannot think of anything else off the top of my head LOL
Favorite Pokemon type & Pokemon: blaziken you are my favorite little guy. my favorite type is probably electric or ice though.
How did you get into Fire Emblem?: i saw fire emblem awakening at gamestop and remembering marth from smash bros decided to buy it
What Fire Emblem games have you played?: there are some i've only read the script for, but for actual games that i've played : geneaology, shadows of valentia, blazing blade, some of sacred stones, path of radiance and some of radiant dawn, awakening, conquest, three houses and engage!
First Fire Emblem game: awakening
Favorite Fire Emblem game: geneaology will stick with me in my heart until i die, but like i also really did enjoy engage. she's climbing up there boys
If you’ve played the following games, who was your first S support? Who would you S support nowadays?
Awakening: chrom bc i didnt realize how s supports worked (though i did already like him when we married). my first marriage by choice was with lon'qu. i usually play f!robin, but if i do m!robin i marry cherche teehee
Three Houses: claude my beloved
Engage: alfred. hrk
Favorite Fire Emblem class: i fucking love mage knights so much. so glad engage brought them back
If you were a Fire Emblem character, what would be your class?: villager LMAOOOO but nah for real i think i would probably be a cleric, not by choice but because it would be the only thing i excel @ in universe. (my ass weak as hell)
If you were a Three Houses character, what would be your affiliation?: golden deer rePRESENT WOOOOOO
If you were an Engage character, which Emblem would you Engage with?: sigurd for completely totally normal reasons. marth if you forced me to choose someone else
How did you find TOA?: on twitter! and i am so glad i decided to apply hehe
Current TOA muses: veyle and caeda!
Who was your first TOA muse?: sigurd! i wrote him here for around two years i think, but i also had prior experience writing him before toa teehee
Do you think you have a type of character you gravitate towards?: i definitely think i gravitate towards the parental figure therapist type.
What do you believe you enjoy writing the most?: i love writing idiots who mean well the most i think (looks at sigurd and my very old tormod muse)
Favorite TOA-related memory: everyone swapping and trading letters of their mun name in the discord server. also anything 0 days since our last food discourse related
How do you pronounce TOA? 🤔: toe-uh! since the day i was born
Got any delusions that didn’t see the light of day that you’d like to share? 😉: (barking and growling at you) i am thinking of bringing back timerra after i recover from top surg tho.
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xxlordalexanderxx · 1 year
Get to know the author!
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name: Jessica or Slurku
pronouns: She/Her
preference of communication: Either here via IM or Discord. I don't like to give out my discord freely, if you really want it, ask.
most active muse: Alexander and Cromwell. Don't got time for anyone else atm.
experience / how many years: Been RPing since March 7th 2006 for nearly 17 years now ( I have that kind of memory) I got my start on Gaiaonline did a lot of anime RPs like Inuyasha and Full Metal Alchemist and Naruto and Pokemon and I'm not fucking proud of how I used to write shit either. I would take a 3-4yr break before coming back to RP on tumblr where I was in the Wreck it Ralph fandom from 2012-2018. I would occasionally RP on skype when that was relevant as well. I had a few RPs in dA notes for some reason but that didn't last long.
platforms you use: tumblr, not interested in RPing in discord or anywhere else.
best experience: When I first debuted my evil ( or more evil and animalistic) King Candy Cybug and freaked a bunch of people out, that was funny as hell.
rp pet peeves: Being rushed for anything ever. This is my hobby and you are not paying me, do not ever rush me for anything even if you are nice about it. Because regardless of how nice your are I can still see that you are being impatient with me. I am a person with a life and health issues who also takes care of a parent with no kidneys.
Too many fight RPs scare me, I get skeeved out because I had a horrible fucking time after a while in the WiR fandom. Just constant fight and big-dick muse measuring is annoying. Anyone can make their muse god.
This isn't to say I won't do them, there has to be reason for it. Alexander looking to hunt someone but said quarry decides to fight back is more than welcomed.
Not being able to land hits on muses when fighting and taking all the hits sucks and I will write myself out of said fight because at the point things get boring. Fighting is give and take. Alexander is tanky and I will write him as such but he can be hurt too.
Lore breaking is pretty upsetting to me.
People who don't readmore super long replies. There's really no excuse not to do it, you can do it on mobile even so...
Making starters for people who never answer them. I will not do so again but you are free to throw one my way.
Relentlessly and constantly, and I mean over staying your welcome with annoying my muse get's tiring at some point. I do have fun with Alex getting irritated but if it's just all the fucking time I get a little irked myself. I know it's fun to poke at the big bad scary monster man but my brain starts to hurt piloting this big bitch of a man at some point, please chill sometimes.
fluff, angst, or smut: All are good in moderation.
plots or memes: I don't mind either or.
long or short replies: For plots, medium to long as long as things are formatted to not clog the dash. I don't mind short replies but only if muses are just shooting the shit. I'm not a fan of one-liners for plots.
best time to write: When I'm well rested, fed, showered, properly medicated, hydrated, caffeinated, and gotten my irl stuff taken care of and whenever I feel like it.
are you like your muse(s): Sometimes. In a more milder sense I'm not trying to eat people I'm a lot nicer than he is but I don't take any shit either.
tagged by: Stolen from @cflight
tagging: God
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parallelroutes · 11 months
Munday Meme
2, 6, 7, 12, 14, 16, 17 and 18
— 2. Who are your longest rp friends? in 2008 i joined bulbagarden (forum from the pokemon wiki bulbapedia) and met a guy who also rped and had similar irl interests. i joined an rp forum with that guy in 2010, was in and out until he left in 2014 and we kept in contact. didn't rp after that, but we are absolutely still friends to this day and send each other pokemon things, talk about current fandoms, etc. probably my 2nd oldest friend i keep up with in general, tbh.
— 6. NOTP for your muse? tyl!byakuran/anyone LOL. in all seriousness, i really can't wrap my head around byakuran/uni in any romantic/nsfw sense… like even besides the massive age/experience gap from before, i only see them as emotionally close in a platonic sense?
i still enjoy poly tsuna/uni/byakuran from the trinisette trio flavor, but that's also kind of conditional and if tsuna wasn't there i don't think i can see it. imo, just not a dynamic that would exist without tsuna there, if that makes sense.
in other news, shoichi/byakuran isn't a NOTP so much as i'm just really tired of him being the Only one i see people ship with byakuran. they're just so much more fun as best friends? platonic soulmates? partners in crime? balance each other out, etc.
hmm. maybe i just struggle shipping with characters that knew him really well in TYL. funeral wreaths are a struggle too. a current!genkishi would be super difficult to make work but i did have an idea a long while back. BUT WAIT. gamma or spanner 👀
— 7. What are some similarities between you and your muse/muses? i am super weird too. independent. we both have terrible diets. i will eat 3 muffins in one day instead of lunch/dinner if i have them in my room. most obviously, adhd.
— 12. What’s one random headcanon about your muse that people mightn’t know? (at the end/under the cut)
— 14. What do you look for in a rp partner? for longer plots/threads/verses? i love people who can generally match my enthusiasm or come up with ideas or has enough time to talk about it here and there. also love it when partners can take a bit of initiative in keeping it going too.
for just small threads? anyone who reaches out, really. i like almost everyone lmao, rping is included.
— 16. Least favourite trope? i don't know if it counts as a trope but i just don't really like seeing how many people only focus on him in a very dominant role in ships? it's just preference. there is nothing wrong with it and it makes sense for TYL byakuran anyway, but it's a least favorite for sure. (it's in part because it's the only way i ever see in fanart. i am Tired just thinking about it.)
— 17. Are there any AU’s you’d like to explore but haven’t had the chance to yet? i have a specific immortal!byakuran fantasy au that i want to use as a verse someday but not sure if i'll have the chance tbh. might have talked about it before?
the tl;dr is he became a pseudo-deity with six others but was kicked out of the makeshift-pantheon a long time ago. he was stuck with his immortality/power and was left to wander the world like that.
— 18. Do you listen to music whilst writing? If so, what kind of music? i can only listen to music while writing if i loop one song and know exactly how it goes. usually it just ends up being either a song for the atmosphere or a song i'm currently addicted to. picking music gets distracting tbh.
moved 12 since it mentions nsfw. it's under the cut.
— 12. What’s one random headcanon about your muse that people mightn’t know? on account of not doing nsfw, i don't really mention it lol. i do have gray-asexual on there for this interpretation, but the ace part is really apparent. there is that he had more than enough abuse of that variety. now he just doesn't care, doesn't see a point, nonexistent drive. if i did any nsfw it would be focused on the partner bc i'm sure he'd remember how to Do Things like that from all those different lives.
the gray part is that i think he would try if thats what a partner wanted? i think he'd be okay if he trusts/loves someone enough (demiromantic) but probably not often.
would also like to mention you don't see me doing any nsfw on this blog because he is only 15 and 18 in the two main verses. that speaks for itself, i hope? i guess post-canon 10YL or college-age verse or something might work, but still not on tumblr.
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stainedmystery · 2 years
Who Am I?
Howdy! I go by Midnight, she/her. DM / Asks will likely always be open, so feel free to message me :D! I love chatting, whether it be about my characters, yours, or ride lore! I also enjoy RPing, especially coming up with grand, dramatic, interactive stories. 
This blog is dedicated to mostly my Alton Towers ocs, though there will probably be at least cameos from some other park characters. I’ve been world building and character designing for so long I finally decided it’s time to write some stories and get my work out there.
I am not an artist. Every piece of art you see on this blog is likely going to be a commission/drawn by a friend, so please always keep an eye out for the tags! These artists are EXCEPTIONAL. I recommend all of them to you if you’re ever looking for a commission artist! They’re also cool people to follow too... 
I am an author, however. I’m currently working on a daily october challenge! 
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These are my main Alton characters, drawn by the marvelously talented horror artist Xan. 
From left to right, we have:
Addie: Addie is my GalacticAir, she’s a never-ending ray of sunshine who always keeps positive, no matter how far off course the situation has gotten. She’s a whiz with technology and the heart of the group. 
Will: Will is my Wicker Man. Beora, the head goddess of the Beoren, realised their tactic of ‘murderous fire cult’ wasn’t popular with attracting new cult members, and decided to take a 180 with this marketing stunt. What if the next head of the Beoren was once the town’s most beloved golden boy? He... has very little idea on what’s going on but that won’t stop him from trying his best to live up to his newfound cult leader job. 
Teresa: Teresa is my Thirteen, and I also love to describe her as my Scooby Doo Villain. A blind young girl who lives in the woods, she uses her telepathic relationship with the plants to navigate. She also uses every cheap haunted house trick in the book to scare off townsfolk who attempt to get too close to her ‘crypt’. 
Nicole: Nicole is my Nemesis, a trained super solider for the Phalanx. She is easily one of their strongest and swiftest operatives, able to take on intense threats no one else can tackle. As political tensions rise, Nicole has stayed loyal to the townsfolk, determined to keep everyone safe... Even as propaganda from certain bitter exes attempts to paint her out to be a monster. 
Oliver: All Oblivion OCs are named Oliver, and I am no exception. Oliver is that one, sane, straight-man to this chaotic friends. Spending most of his time in the local bookshop keeping records of everything that occurs, he is consistently visited by just about everyone to solve their issues. He’s always around to help Addie with her latest invention, lend an ear to Nicole as she complains about what nightmarish thing Joy has done of recent, and be a reality check anytime Sadie tries to scheme. 
Sadie: Sadie is my Smiler, and is the most chaotic of the group. The wild card, no one can ever seem to predict what she is about to say or do... Much to Nicole’s frustration. She’s just here to have a good time guys, she just wants to have fun in the moment and live life to its fullest... And never have to consider the consequences of her actions. 
Joy: (not in the photo) Joy is a Sanctuary OC, leading the Ministry of Joy. Dr Kelman is such a revered and exceptional character that I’m unsure if I’d be able to write for him, so Joy is his son and currently leads the Ministry of Joy in his absence. Joy is as evil as they come, spending most of his time on unholy experiments within the basement of the Sanctuary. Never trust a deal made with him, there will always be an unforeseen consequence that’ll leave him laughing, and you 6ft under. 
(As I go on and post whole character introductions, I’ll come back and edit this so there’s hyperlinks on their names). 
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angelic-din-mortem · 1 year
I guess I should clarify something after talking to some people, but putting it on this blog for reasons.
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So I know a few things I do on here are a bit...odd? Be it how I follow people, interact, send or in many cases don’t send stuff, or my rping style, or even why my muse is the way he is, or my activity habit. So let me just explain a bit and get it out of the way, not being forced to do this, just that sometimes people don’t get the right idea for why I do things.
Following people: I usually NEVER follow people first, on ANY of my blogs. Simply because I am not sure if my muse is wanted or not, or myself for that matter. Some people prefer being followed by certain muses or fandoms, so to not cross their comfort I usually don’t follow first. Sure I may follow back if they followed me, if I am comfortable or interested enough and its a character I can see myself rping with, yeah...
Interact: Simply put, I am a people pleasure, I want make everyone proud and happy and all that...but last few years on tumblr and FF14, etc, I was used and abused in so many ways then I care to admit, making me VERY paranoid and uneasy around others, doesn’t help I am naturally shy, and not one to care for a lot of attention, so sorry for not reaching out first usually... Usually interact more with friends and people I talk to in ways that I can be comfortable to reach out to them, ic or ooc, but I sadly can’t do this with everyone and every day... so sorry...
Sending stuff: Pretty much above reasons, fact that Idk if people would want a meme from me so I just don’t send one unless asked or told I can in person, I just don’t want to annoy or make people feel required to answer. And I get super nervous if its appropriate to send, so usually only do this if confident enough and or comfortable with the person.
Rping style: Thing is, I am rarely on, fact is I was gone a lot the last few years trying please people on FF14 to point that was all I did. Got so bad and blew up in my face so hard I was so scared to come back here, afraid they bring the drama here, and they did in a sense, but not as much. So I am rusty from being gone a lot do to drama and health reasons. Also I am dyslexic, both reading and speaking, my grammar sucks, due to these things and being so rusty with rping, I know my writing can be unreadable, making it hard for people want to continue, and usually write with people comfortable with my writing or asking me for understanding, luckily my best friend and rp partner can read my stuff very well so least I got that going.
My muse: He is actually pretty mellow and quiet and not so much of a sore thumb guy, but he wants to be because it’s important for him be out there for people at times. I am usually very secluded and quiet myself, Angelic helps me cope and be more happy and carefree and relaxed from writing him. He is a very complete character that pretends be very simple because people can handle simple and straightforwardness, though he may not seem so forward in speaking. Lol. He is a prized muse I wrote for over ten years in all kinds of fandoms, he used to be very popular in a lot of them, now, most people moved on, and as for myself and my breaks, well... He is just a muse I want be one day, a lot of things I have experienced and seen I put in him, quite proud of it, he’s far from perfect, but doesn’t stop him from trying be the best he can, I look up to him for that.
Activity: I have health issues...what more...I am still recovering from years of abuse... To be quick, I am a mentor in FF14, all my classes are 90 (ALL CLASSES), I have over ten accounts, I am used to helping one to six or more people in things. I rarely ate or slept, hell I missed a lot in the game due to being told to speed through or else... fun... Being the people pleasure I am, I tried everything, crafting and gathering and helping with story to savage content to helping with rooms and clothes and rping and you name it, probably did it. My like was consumed by FF14, more so by people I wanted to please and be proud of me...It was...bad...didn’t eat or sleep really... mind none stop focus on wanting help and be useful and wanted...it...was...BAD...so bad I had friend demand and plea to take breaks and rest and stop doing any FF14 for a week or more... Yeah... It blew up in my face, severely, three times specifically... Luckily majority left my life, still tries stir drama with me... but whatever... Hence why I was gone a lot here as well because some used to rp with me...I am a lot better, but I have a lot of health issues still (always will be), and just...yeah...recovering... so that’s why I am so sparse, some great days and some good days and weeks or even months I am gone, lol. That’s me. I don’t tend to promote my blogs now because honestly, I am tired... And I just...well...I want people naturally come to me because they are interested in me and my muses, be it Angelic or some other...may mention muses on other blogs and here but yeah...Idk... I used to be very popular on a lot fandoms and now I just want to rest after everything. LOL... Look at me being a old retired person mentality. Hahahaha! But yeah, just..hah... Yeah...
So yeah there you have a general idea of things. I won’t mention stuff like this usually if at all, as I try keep most things privet these days unless they are pertinent to the muse or something important enough, but yeah. Anyway back to rping.
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rakimaiirisa · 1 year
Damn, my blog had gone mostly quiet,huh? Been playing fallout 4 and role-playing as my sweet boy,Jake. Also obsessing over danse again xD. But getting back to Jake, as much as I love rping as him, it can get annoying and oftentimes sad getting into his mindset.
Annoying because I find myself unable to start or fail certain quests because I just cant imagine him doing that or making decisions that bother him morally. Sad because I can feel how strong are his emotions are when he's struck by memories of how things were or when he's reminded of Nora or Shaun. Won't lie, I kinda cried when he met Father. Doesn't help that I use a mod to make his son look like an aged version of him. Those beautiful blue eyes that are uniquely Jake's staring back at him as Father explained the situation they were in. Man, I dunno, it got to me when I saw Jake's expression on learning the truth. Crazy, huh? And don't get me started on Danse. Jake's head over heels in love with him. Like he loved Nora but Danse sets his soul on fire, ya know? To the piont that romancing any other companion is out of the question.. like I love curie and tried to romance her only to feeI guilty afterwards and revert to a older save. Wish there was a mod to tell your companion how much you love them but there's not any :( Anyway, I am having fun and it's reminded me how much I love this game and why I love this game sm 🥰
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ofdetonation · 2 years
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name.    tristan!
pronouns.    he/him, also they/them.
preference  of  communication.    discord!  even if i suck at responding.  this is why i put a disclaimer in my “about me” section.
name  of  muse.    katsuki bakugou!  or bakugo.  idk i prefer how it looks with the u.  (nudges all my other blogs under a rug for the time being.)
rp  experience  /  how  long.    oh man i’ve been writing on tumblr for so long now, i don’t really remember the exact length...  probably close to 10 years?
best  experience.    i think i had the most fun writing s.oldier 76 in the height of o.vw, and some of my best personal experiences were when i dipped into r.v.b while rping a.gent w.ashington, or a.gent w.ashingtub (affectionate).  BUT my best overall experience has been here, with katsuki, using this url since i first picked him up!  i was deathly afraid of re-entering the animanga scene after the hellscape of 2013-2015 f.airy t.ail, but i found myself in all the right groups here in the b.nha rpc, and it’s honestly gotten me through so many rough patches.
rp  pet  peeves  /  dealbreakers.    ooo i surprisingly don’t have many peeves?  i guess i much prefer when people utilise the tagging system.  as for dealbreakers, i’m not sure...  just generally terrible people, i guess.  i do rely on my intuition to decide that one, so it’s pretty subjective, but it hasn’t been wrong so far.
fluff,  angst,  or  smut.    definitely NOT smut.  sldkgj it just irks me in so many ways, let alone the fact that i would never on this blog.  but angst and fluff are generally on par with each other nowadays!  i used to be such an angst fiend, it was all i would write, because i liked to commit war crimes and hurt people with my writing.  i have had fluff really grow on me recently, though.  maybe because i think katsuki fucking deserves it.
plots  or  memes.    i’m so bad at plotting but i actually REALLY enjoy it at the same time.  i love just bouncing an idea back and forth endlessly, and then delve into the next idea, and then the next one.  it’s like a continuous string of development and building on each other’s ideas until we find a new idea to move onto!  and if i were better at consistently messaging people, this would be the go-to.  memes are just as good though!  especially if it’s something where i can offer a sort of beginning bond that can be built on top of.
long  or  short  replies.    when i write, i tend to write A LOT.  i try to keep things short but i’m so bad at it that my definition of short is like...  a paragraph.  that being said, i do love having the opportunity to have both!  sometimes i don’t write as much and having short threads on hand means i can keep writing without writing a whole ass novella.
best  time  to  write.    well, i’m aussie, so picking a time to write is.  hard.  i write best when it’s anywhere between 12am and 2am, but i also write early-ish morning, late afternoon...  it all depends when my uni classes are (if i’m not in holidays), and when i’m feeling the muse.  unfortunately i never quite align with my rp partners.  sobs.  why do y’all have to be across oceans.  i am just a funny little man chilling on my funny little island-country-continent with my funny little anthem (down under, men at work).
are  you  like  your  muse.    looks at katsuki.  uh.  sometimes, i guess?  i’m generally pretty smart and have decent common sense.  don’t know if i can carry the same anger that he does though.  i’m probably more like my other muses, really, but this isn’t about them smh.
tagged by.    @knightinsourarmor​ (thank u reina!)
tagging.    pfft who hasn’t done this yet?
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single-malt-scotch · 2 years
it is funny seeing now what ppl have surged in popularity in fandom, namely the ppl i watched years back mindcrack era that i dont feel like even got that much attention in the (much smaller) fandom. like at least fandomwise i never felt like bdubs or etho were that popular in regards to fics and stuff, mostly comparing to others at that time- tho bdubs and his later roleplaying (bteam) did gain him more attention i think. and like, nebtho was certainly a dyanmic ppl liked but it was otherwise pretty contained to those few moments and the fics were very much nonexistent even tho that fun pair. when i did see etho it was often with team canada as a whole. and in similarity w bdubs i feel like etho got more attention during more of that kinda phase (but nothing comparable to now). and ofc im speaking from experience of the ever tiny tumblr community... undoubtedly ppl leaned towards certain guys and it just kinda encouraged more focus on those people.
but i was curious if i could see how correct my memories were. while ao3 is a thing with tags im not sure if itd be skewed due to other things these people are in, so i thought itd be interesting to go to the salad and take a look since it was one of the most contained places for mindcrack fics i used back then
(under the cut bc this got even longer. sorry i can shut up abt fandom analysis and how things change <3)
some of these tags usages can be like... minor appearances. but at first i was surprised to see bdubs with a whole 478 tagged fics... but then the etho tag has a whopping 895. i think hes mentioned in a lot of fics in passing, but still thats a lot more tagged than i wouldve thought in the end. but i can say i really do remember bdubs getting very little attention in the fic area back then so. some of the other notably highly tagged people were beef (601), guude (753), kurt (731), nebris (662), pause (715), vechs (985), and zisteau (860).
leaving vechs at #1, etho at #2, and zisteau at #3. i was not a vechs reader but goddamn he really was everywhere fandom wise i recall, so that adds up. z and etho were definitely people i saw getting more attention at the end of my mindcrack era too (mostly z with vechs). of course some of this again should be taken w a the note that there are likely a lot of background appearances/minor ones. regardless, to know that even some of them were mentioned enough to add up like that is kinda wild when you think about it. i had some blinders on because i cared mostly about kurt and zisteau, and no surprise they have been tagged 700-800 times either- sms wasnt the most popular, but i know it came up quite a bit.
i did take a quick look at the mindcrack tag on ao3 but it houses wayyy less fics (466 right now) than the salad so, i guess its a better idea, mostly because it is what was popular back when these ppl werent as popular!
but in terms of now??? what got me back to watching these guys was being surprised at a post about bdubs that had like, 5k notes. so obvious things have changed A Lot. i mean hell. the salad has 2,578 fics tagged. ao3 has ummm 10k+ hermitcraft fics and 3k+ last life fics.... and for both etho and bdubs, theyre tagged in over 1k hermitcraft fics (2k, if you count last life as separate). actually an even more amusing comparison is Doc- on salad theres 213 tags and hes never someone i considered writing about or reading about (shockingly i did write him once) but in the hermitcraft tag on ao3 hes up as one of the most tagged with 1,940.
i find it so interesting how things change direction. bdubs was kinda early on the rping ideas and its no shock people caught on to him more- but etho is someone im surprised has exploded in popularity now? but also not? like im surprised interest like now didnt catch on until recently. the way people have molded a character and Vibe with him now Makes Sense. i think i always saw him in similar ways years ago, but that fandom attitude hadnt caught up, the fanbase was too small. but its wild to go from a few sporadic fics focused on one of these guys to like..... very very consistent interest, headcanons, fan art, fics, etc. fucking wild.
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