#it usually takes me like an hour - two hours to watch a single episode coz i have to keep pausing lmaošŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­
mwagneto Ā· 6 months
Not sure if thisll help you mate but i get mad secondhand embarrassment (assuming thats what youre talking about in the ofmd post) from media all the time and ive found that listening to music at the same time really helps not sure why
ohhh no it's not second hand embarrassment i just genuinely get too overwhelmed to watch things sometimes like the second i sense smtg i want to happen in media might happen i have to like hit pause and go through the 5 stages of grief first. it literally took a herculean effort to unpause gomens after i realised they were about to dance
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aquarianlights Ā· 6 years
Depending on how tomorrow goes, I may or may not go MIA from every single social media site and texting app that everyone knows me on without any notice but this. Iā€™m not really telling anyone. Posting a mass update here and maybe fb later. But even if tomorrow goesĀ ā€œwellā€ or anywhere in theĀ ā€œgoodā€ category...I may be too overwhelmed to be talking to anyone or on any kind of social media for a while. Hours, days, weeks. If it goes poorly, expect me gone for at least a month. If Iā€™m still alive by the end of that---which I should be, coz I will have Echo right by my side and he will never leave my side again and I will do everything in my power to push through and be positive and be a good dad for him---then I will eventually crawl back onto social media. But my queue may run out for the second time in my entire time since I made this blog like 6-7+ years ago. Itā€™s only run out once so far and thatā€™s because it wasnā€™t maxed out and slowed down before I got institutionalized once and that was a longer stay than normal. Normally I manage to get out before my queue runs out and then ...ā€treat myselfā€ with a queue filling binge of positive stuff and foxes and glittery things and nerdy things and all things christmas and cold weather. Just general stuff I like...packing it full, coz itā€™ll usually be on the very last few posts by the time I get out, but no one will have noticed my absence coz it wonā€™t have run out.
But the personal space I will need from how intense this could potentially be...is terrifying for me. I usually go to social media to cope. Somehow, this is so terrifying, that stepping away from social media, stepping away from my friends, and venturing out on my own and putting myself in rather dangerous situations would be my best way to cope. Other than pouring my hours into research and schoolwork... I do have plenty of medical texts to read that I havenā€™t had the time to do more than skim over [stares longingly at them all].
The amount of overwhelming this is ....is just... it would break a neurotypical person and shred them to pieces. For me? Iā€™m not sure what it will do. The good thing about my particular neurodivergency is that I donā€™t have much of a conscience to work with (I thought the auditory hallucinations were what everyone was referring to as a conscience until professionals finally told me thatā€™s not what a conscience is and upon further research found I didnā€™t have one which is great for this situation but damn). I
This could potentially be the hardest moment of my entire life, but I wonā€™t know that until Iā€™m lying on my death bed. This could potentially be the biggest mistake I ever make, but I wonā€™t know that until Iā€™m lying on my death bed. This could potentially be the best thing that ever happens to me, but again... I wonā€™t know that until Iā€™m lying on my death bed. As of right now...at the age of 26...on the date of February 24th, 2018. . .this WILL be the hardest day of my entire life to date. This will be the hardest thing I will ever have to do in my life, no matter the outcome. Iā€™m not scared; Iā€™m sick. I feel like itā€™d be a better idea to kill myself than go through with this. Iā€™d get to avoid the whole thing.
I hate how logical that is.
And I hate how thereā€™s literally not a single counter argument to it and not even one downside. There WAS one downside and that was that my friends would grieve and/or care but the two people who I was worried about caring/grieving and it affecting their lives have thoroughly proven it wonā€™t and that they do not. Thatā€™s not pessimism or anything. Thatā€™s just cold, hard fact. Yeah, itā€™s a sad fact. But. . .itā€™s fact nonetheless. And I gotta look at the truth one way or another. Facts donā€™t change just because theyā€™re not in my favour.
I really do hate how logical suicide is right now.
And I really do hate how there isnā€™t a single counter-argument to it. And how I have absolutely no one in my corner right now and how I have to support every single one of my friends despite the fact I have told them over and over again that I canā€™t be there for them and to stop and to back the fuck off with their damn problems, because Iā€™m going through too much of my own stuff to help them with theirs. Thereā€™s only two people I will put aside my ridiculous mountain of issues that could possibly lead to my death and hopefully will to help...One has proven she is and always has been in my corner no matter what sheā€™s going through. And the other has proven that she is definitely unreliable and wonā€™t be there for me no matter how hard I try for her. The first one... She is the strongest person ever and she will get through my death. She will. Sheā€™s been through worse. The second one wonā€™t care even in the slightest or even notice. Iā€™m pretty sure sheā€™d be relieved and happy, tbh. Lol. Sheā€™d be out there thinkinā€™Ā ā€œFINALLY, DAMNā€ lolololol. I know I would be. Like, I know I WILL be when I finally do it and get to move on to the next plane of existence and get those brief moments as an infant where youā€™re not able to speak or communicate in any way because you have all your memories from your past life? Yeah. Iā€™m gonna be fucking throwing a party in whatever form of a crib or bed type thing my new planet and new species has. I hope to fuck my new species is a lot more peaceful than this one. And I hope theyā€™re more advanced and more intelligent. I guess that depends on my karma and I have no clue where my karma is at right now tbh coz Iā€™ve done so many EXTREMELY horrible things in my life, but Iā€™ve also done almost the exact same amount of EXTREMELY amazingly genuinely GOOD things in my life at this point that it practically balances it out to 0 so Iā€™m just all [shruggy emoji] on whether the omnipotent fate aliens would demote or promote me during reincarnation. Sighhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
Man. Tomorrow may just kill me. Hell, if I donā€™t kill myself before I start the drive tomorrow, I have 2 1/2 hours of driving to think about killing myself every single goddamn second during the drive there...and if, for some weird reason, I donā€™t have my dog on the way home...... I will have another 2 1/2 hours to think every single second about killing myself. And how the fuck easy would it be to do on Blood Mountain? Iā€™m p sure my car takes via the route that goes over Blood Mountain. People die on Blood Mountain just driving normally.... All I gotta do is push the limits a little. Not hard to die on Blood Mountain...lmao. Not hard AT ALL. I hope my GPS takes me that way coz thatā€™s when I start recognizing where I am and know Iā€™m getting SORT OF close-ish I guess??? and then that idea of suicide just sounds WAY better so...not a bad idea to take a BUNCH of pills in the town right BEFORE blood mountain and then speed through it when I canā€™t feel my fucking feet on the pedals and am nodding off at the wheel so that I drive my car right through a guard rail or over the side of the cliff OR right into the rock wall. Yep. That sounds p fucking fantastic. Ugh. I have the worst ideas regarding car deaths and I can never do it coz I donā€™t wanna total my car.... Lmao. The only thing that stops me from doing it is coz I donā€™t wanna total my car and being a med student, my mind goes through the entire list ofĀ ā€œwhat COULD happenā€ and how slow of a death if no one finds me and this and that and calculations and blah blah blah and palatalization and amputations and blah blah BLAH and ruining dreams for if I am FORCED into living and BLAH BLAH BLAH and car suicide is the absolute WORST idea for someone who NEEDS a bright, fast, chaotic, able-bodied future if they are forced to live omg lmao BUT....I mean, I have so many other methods in my head that I know practically all the things and Iā€™ve tried so many ways now that I just know what I can and canā€™t handle and I think tomorrow is gonna be the make or break. But having Echo in the car with me after being broken..........will force me to stay alive. Which will suck so badly. But I will have to also compartmentalize all my pain and my negativity so that heā€™s not even MORE stressed out than by all the commotion of the situation and then by this crazy car ride and by most likely throwing up in the car.
I need to stop thinking about this and distract myself but I also need to rest my joints so I guess Iā€™m gonna watch a documentary.... something nice and calming but also stimulating... I just wish people didnā€™t talk so monotone when narrating documentaries. Especially when itā€™s about the supernatural and extraterrestrials and government experiments and stuff. Like COME ON, NARRATORS. GET EXCITED. GET INTO IT! FOR FUCKS SAKE, THEREā€™S A REASON PEOPLE GET PUT TO SLEEP BY DOCUMENTARIES AND ITā€™S NOT THE DOCUMENTARY....ITā€™S YOU! THE NARRATOR! YOUā€™RE THE ISSUE. GET INVOLVED. GET HYPED ABOUT THE INFORMATION! GET PASSIONATE. FOR FUCKS SAKE, ITā€™S COOL STUFF. FUCKING ACT LIKE IT, YA DAMN MONOTONE, ROBOTIC NIMROD. Ergh. Someone needs to sign me up to narrate a documentary. I used to speak at public rallies about puppy mills all over my county to educate the masses during high school because I was enraged about it and TRUST ME when YOUā€™RE having FUN WITH IT or ENRAGED BY IT or THINK THE INFORMATION IS COOL and REALLY GET INTO IT...........SO WILL YOUR AUDIENCE. Itā€™s not the information thatā€™s boring. Itā€™s not the documentary thatā€™s boring. Itā€™s not the subject material. ITā€™S THE NARRATOR. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. YOU DONā€™T EVEN HAVE TO PAY ME JUST LET ME DO THEIR DAMN JOB CORRECTLY SO I CAN SHOW THEM HOW TO DO THEIR DAMN JOBS SO THEY CAN LEARN. FUCK.
dfkhdglskagjdshlkg Omg.
No okay now Iā€™m gonna get angry at a documentary narrator for not doing their job correctly. Lmao. Gotta watch something uh.... Passionate. I guess. But that doesnā€™t require too much focus. But doesnā€™t numb my mind. Star Trek. I always default to Star Trek. Jfc. I guess Iā€™mma pop on some Weyoun heavy episodes while I wait for theĀ ā€œall clearā€ on my joint timer thing so I can get up and exercise and do some fucking research and maybe pleasure-read for a bit before more joint resting because long drives and lots of heavy lifting is a big no-no and Iā€™m not supposed to but things arenā€™t gonna pack themselves. Things arenā€™t gonna sort themselves?? LIKE??? Fuck itā€™s gonna be SO hard leaving majority of my material possessions that have so much personal value to me. :/ Argh. I donā€™t even have the ability to take them in order to sell them. I donā€™t even have that kind of strength or time. AHHHHHHHHHHHHH
EDS is a fucking bitch, man. Fucking BITCH. T-Therapy better fucking cure EDS. Like. Theyā€™re all on board with it. 4 of my specialists are. And Iā€™m meeting with my HRT doc next week. This coming week. So.... weā€™ll see. She cordoned off 2 appointments for me for all the things. Sigh.Ā 
Oh right. Yes. Joint rest.
Iā€™m bad at this. I hate resting. I really do. I hate being stationary. I hate not being able to do stuff. I HATE THIS AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH EDS is a fucking killer for people with former suicidal depression who had had it all their life and it had apparently been fixed by meds and now suddenly itā€™s back like WOW fuck EDS. Ugh. And Iā€™m getting all these phone calls from my docs as my tests come back telling me I need to change my diet to avoid this and that and change this and that like whole HUGE lifestyle changes but addingĀ ā€œWeā€™ll go over the full thing at our next appointment, but I STRONGLY ADVISE...ā€ Iā€™m like,Ā ā€œWell bitch as long as you tell me itā€™s just advise and not a MUST, I want a damn biscuit okay. Fuck your no gluten.ā€ But then again, I have a stomach ulcer so I canā€™t really eat ANYTHING right now so wah. [whines]
[stops now...for real this time...but reluctantly and rather bitterly]
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