#it shouldn't take too long
allastoredeer · 25 days
Ya'll want to know the funniest shit?
I'm researching the era when Alastor was alive right now to get a better idea of both his character, the life he lived before Hell, and to hash out a backstory for him.
And so, apparently, Alastor lived through the Prohibition (which was basically the United States government illegalizing the manufacture, transportation, and sale of alcohol because they thought it was the cause of a lot of domestic violence and child abandonment).
Alastor canonically died in 1933.
Do you know how long the Prohibition lasted?
From 1920-1933.
The Prohibition officially ended on December 5, 1933, and now my headcanon is that Alastor died December 6, 1933. Literally the day after he could legally drink all the booze he wanted.
I am learning a LOT about New Orleans and the era Alastor lived through (including the gay community in the city at the time) which has been a lot of fun, and I just wanted to share that tidbit because it is so fucking funny to me.
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hotgirlcoded · 1 year
I technically should clock off now but it would bother me so much if I didn't finish this one thing and get it out of the way 🧍🏽‍♀️
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zordonmlw7 · 2 years
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factual-fantasy · 10 months
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For the past couple of days I’ve really been struggling to get Moon Malfunction done. I’ve been trying to force myself to work on it and just get it finished but I wasn’t really making any progress.. I wanted to draw so many other things and I just couldn’t really concentrate..
That’s when I became sentient once again and realized that I’m not getting paid for this. I can work on/draw what ever I want, when ever I want. Soooo I took an insane U-turn into Octonauts and drew the Octo-dads again. Bet you didn’t think you’d see THEM again so soon huh? XDD 
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ghosttotheparty · 1 year
with every beat of my heart
also on ao3 cw: grief, death of a parent, past child abuse, panic attack
Steve isn't in bed when Eddie wakes up.
That's what wakes him up in the first place. The lack of Steve's warmth, the way the mattress isn't dipping under his weight and dragging Eddie closer to him the way it usually does. It's still dark when Eddie blinks his eyes open, and he slides a hand out over the mattress, feeling the blankets that have been tossed back and set over Eddie's body. It's cold. Eddie pushes himself up, listening closely for the creaky floorboards in the hallway of their apartment, for any indication that Steve just went to the bathroom, went for some water or painkillers, but the apartment is silent.
Eddie sits up, squeezing his eyes shut for a moment. His whole body aches the way it always does when he wakes up, but he pushes himself to his feet anyway, untangling from the blankets in the dark and tossing them back to the bed.
He creeps down the hall, squinting in the dark until he looks around the corner to see the kitchen light shining under the crooked door.
"Stevie?" he says weakly, his voice rough as he pushes the door open.
Steve is sitting at the dining table, his arms crossed on it in front of him. He's staring at the tablecloth like it's speaking to him, and he doesn't look up until Eddie says his name again. He blinks, his eyes raising up to look at Eddie blankly.
"Hey," he says, like it's perfectly normal for him to be here at two in the morning.
"What's going on?" Eddie asks, blinking his eyes in the bright light of the kitchen. "Are you okay?"
"Yeah," Steve breathes. "Fine."
"Steve." He goes to stand next to Steve so Steve is looking up at him, and he pushes a hand through Steve's tangled hair. It's longer now, unkempt and beautiful. Steve blinks up at him, exhaling. "What happened? You have a nightmare?"
"No," Steve says softly. "My mom called."
Eddie blinks, fully awake. She's not supposed to have their number. Steve went zero contact with his parents when they moved out of Hawkins.
"How did she..."
"Joyce gave it to her."
Eddie blinks again. Joyce knows all about Steve's parents. She wouldn't do that without a good fucking reason.
"What did she have to say?" Eddie asks softly, pulling a chair over and sitting down in front of Steve. The chairs are mismatched. All of them are. From garage sales and second-hand stores.
Steve stares at him for another few moments, his eyes almost empty. Absent. A pit grows in Eddie's stomach. Steve isn't even moving. He's usually fidgeting with something, tapping his fingers, bouncing his knee, rubbing the fabric of his shirt, rocking back and forth. Especially when Eddie made it very clear when they moved in together that it was all fine. None of it is annoying, or childish, or weird. Eddie waits while Steve stares at him, wanting to reach out and touch him, to hold his hand or his cheek, but the pit in Eddie's stomach says that's not what Steve needs right now.
"My dad's dead," Steve says finally, blinking. His eyes clear up a little bit, finally looking at Eddie instead of through him.
Eddie blinks, straightening.
He doesn't know what to say.
He doesn't know what there is he could say.
"He had a heart attack last night," Steve continues, possibly picking up on Eddie's speechlessness. "He didn't make it." He cracks an odd smile, tilting his head, but it fades just as quickly as it appeared. "Guess all that anger finally caught up with him."
Eddie feels sick. Like he has a fever. Too hot, almost shivering.
"How do you feel?" he asks softly.
"Mom's having a hard time," Steve says, like he's ignoring the question, but Eddie knows it just didn't register. He's not really hearing Eddie right now. "She was crying on the phone, I-- I didn't really know what to say? I said he's in a better place, but that feels so shallow, I mean--"
"Baby," Eddie interrupts. Steve shuts up, looking at him with wide eyes like he's in trouble, so Eddie finally reaches a hand out, holding it open and waiting. Steve looks at his hand like it's foreign for a moment before he slides his hand into it. He's shaking. "How do you feel?" Eddie asks again, slower.
"I..." Steve takes a deep breath, blinking at their hands, at the bands around their ring fingers they bought the day they left Hawkins. Not legal wedding rings, but neither of them has ever really cared about the law. "I don't know."
"Do you wanna go through it or around it?" Eddie asks gently. It's the same question they ask each other whenever they have nightmares or flashbacks or just generally hard days. Always a quicker way to other questions.Do you wanna tell me about it or go back to sleep? Do you wanna describe what happened or watch a movie? Do you wanna talk about it or have sex? Do you wanna cry for a while or go for a drive? But they always go through it eventually, even if they go around it first.
"I don't know," Steve breathes, his eyes suddenly glistening as he stares through the floor. "I don't know, I don't-- I don't know."
"You want me to decide?"
Steve looks into his eyes, looking scared and small and desperate. He nods. Eddie squeezes his hand and takes a deep breath.
"Let's go through it," he says softly, listening to the way Steve's voice stutters in his throat. Eddie nods encouragingly, squeezing again. "'S okay, I'm right here," he murmurs. "We'll go through it together, okay?"
"Okay," Steve says.
"Tell me what you're feeling."
Steve takes another breath.
Steve licks his lips, looking at their hands, and his face hardens after a moment as he bites his lip, and his lip quivers, and Eddie can tell that he's aching to go around it instead. But Steve looks up into Eddie's eyes, and Eddie gives him a nod. You got it. Whatever it is you're feeling, it's okay. And Steve goes through it.
"That man," he says slowly. "Was a piece... of fucking shit."
Eddie almost smiles. He nods.
"He..." Steve takes a deep breath. Eddie squeezes his hand. "He made me fucking miserable. Every fucking day." His voice is firm, unwavering. "He made my life a living hell. And I don't..." He shakes his head like he's speechless, like he's in disbelief, and then his eyebrows furrow as his eyes fill with tears, but he squeezes them shut so the tears all fall down his cheeks, and he steadies himself. "I used to--" His voice breaks, and he chokes on it, pausing to swallow. "I used to lay in bed at night," he says, his voice softer. "And... And wish he'd fucking die. I would wish he'd have a heart attack, or-- or get in a car accident, or be at the wrong place at the wrong time, and it's so fucking shitty, but I--" He cuts off with a scoff, his expression lightening. "Every birthday wish, every eleven-eleven, every goddamn ladybug that landed on me in the summertime. I wished he'd die. I wished he'd be one of those shitty dads that just up and left his family for no good reason."
Eddie listens intently, his eyes burning, holding Steve's hand tightly.
"The only time I ever prayed," Steve says quietly, "to a god I never even believed in, it was to ask God to make my dad fuck off the face of the earth." He laughs again, dryly, weakly, shaking his head. "And now..." He swallows again. "Now, fucking what?" He looks up again, at Eddie, but he's looking through him again. Eddie nods anyway, listening. "Now I turn twenty-four, and I'm long fucking gone and he just... Now he dies." His lip is quivering, his eyes gleaming with tears. "That's not fair," he whispers.
Eddie shakes his head in agreement, because it's not fucking fair. It's not fucking fair that Steve lived in that goddamn house in fear for his whole life, his whole childhood, surviving instead of living, and only now, when he has a home, is it safe to go back.
"And that's--" Steve chokes. "That's cruel, and shitty of me to say, but I-- I don't care."
"'S not shitty, Steve," Eddie says, squeezing his hand.
"It is," Steve argues weakly. "But I don't care. He... He hurt me. For years," he says, and he's crying now, tears falling down his face that Eddie wipes away with every ounce of care he can. "And now he's dead, and I never got to tell him to his face how much he hurt me. Or how much he scared me, and I never got to tell him that I'm not scared of him anymore. Because he--" He swallows, blinking tears out of his eyes, emphasizing with a movement of the hand that Eddie isn't holding, like he doesn't want to let go of Eddie's. "Because he was nothing," Steve chokes, "but a fucking coward that put his hands on a child, and that really wasn't fair."
Eddie nods, pride glowing in his chest because Steve is getting it. He's getting everything that Eddie's tried to tell him for years, every time he's woken up from nightmares about coming home late to find his father waiting to interrogate him, about breaking a glass dish as a child because the counters were too high.
"But he-- I'm so angry," Steve says, the last word breaking on its way out, too breathy and soft. "Because why now?" A tear falls from Eddie's eye, and even in his anger and confusion, Steve wipes it away gently, almost mindlessly. "I'm twenty fucking four, and he-- he dies now. Why not-- Why not when I was eight? Or-- Or twelve? Or fifteen? Why not when I needed it to happen? Why not when I prayed for it to happen? It's not fucking fair."
"No," Eddie chokes. "'S not fair, Stevie."
"I'm so angry," Steve says, crying, gasping for breath, his hand trembling as it grips Eddie's. "I'm so angry, Eddie, I don't-- It's like there's no space in me for anything else."
Eddie lifts his hand and kisses it softly, because he can't find any words right now.
"Is this grief?" Steve wonders out loud, his eyes wandering to the floor, tracing the tiles desperately like they'll lead to an answer. "Do you have to love someone to grieve them?"
Eddie's chest aches. He wants to go around it. He doesn't want to go through it anymore.
"Because I have never loved him," Steve says almost thoughtfully, passionately. "But I..." He's still looking at the floor, and a part of Eddie wonders if Steve remembers that he's even here. If he's even still speaking to Eddie, or if he's just thinking out loud. "But if something happened to you," Steve says, answering Eddie's silent question, "or-- or Robbie, or Dustin, or..." He shakes his head, shrugging weakly. "I would be... on the floor. Screaming-- I-- I don't think I could handle it, I would be so... so angry." He looks up into Eddie's eyes. "At the fucking universe, at God, at everything that could possibly be responsible for it, but with him," Steve says. His head tilts forward, and his eyes widen. "I'm angry at him. It's like he died out of fucking spite. Like he knew, like he fucking waited. And that's not fair."
He's quiet for a moment before,
"Is it my fault?"
Eddie blinks a tear out of his eye, squeezing his hand tightly.
"Did he die because I left?" Steve asks. "Was it too much for him? Did he..."
"Steve," Eddie says firmly, prompting Steve to look into his eyes, and Eddie leans forward, speaking slowly, deliberately, firmly, leaving no room for argument. "This is not your fault. Nothing he ever did to you was your fault. You understand me?"
Steve's lip quivers, and tears spill from his eyes.
"I'm so angry, Eddie," he whispers brokenly, and Eddie nods.
"I know, honey," he says, and he stands, pulling at Steve's shoulders until Steve wraps his arms around Eddie's hips tightly, burying his face in Eddie's belly. Eddie pushes his fingers into his hair, tugging it firmly the way he likes, and he looks up at the cracked paint on the ceiling when Steve's shoulders shake as he cries. "You haven't done anything wrong," he says gently, his voice wavering. "There's nothing wrong with you."
"I'm so angry," Steve sobs into his shirt, and Eddie can barely understand him. He nods even though Steve can't see him, pulling his hair again, sliding a hand down to his upper back firmly. "I'm so angry."
"You can be angry," Eddie says softly.
The sun is rising by the time Steve stops crying. Eddie is tired from standing, but he'd stay here for days for him. Steve leaves his face buried in Eddie's belly for a little while as he catches his breath, and Eddie combs through his hair softly, holding him, loving him. When Steve finally pulls away, his eyes are wide.
"My heart," he says breathlessly. Eddie's stomach falls, and he lowers himself to kneel on the floor in front of Steve. "'S beating too-- 'S beating too fast."
"You're okay," Eddie says softly, taking Steve's hand. It's shaking almost violently, and Eddie holds it tightly. "You're okay."
"Heart attack," Steve says, his chest rising and falling quickly, his eyes flicking back and forth between Eddie's. "I'm--"
"You're not having a heart attack," Eddie says calmly, leaning close to look into his eyes, squeezing his hand before he holds it to his own chest. "You're having a panic attack. You're okay."
"Eddie, I'm-- I'm gonna die," Steve chokes, his voice slurred with panic, his words muddled together. Eddie blinks tears back, staying calm for him, and he shakes his head.
"You're not dying, my love," he says slowly. He reaches a hand up and pushes his fingers into Steve's hair, pulling it gently. "Take a deep breath for me."
Steve tries, but he's hyperventilating, his eyes wide and crying, looking desperately at Eddie, who nods, taking a deep breath himself, exaggerating the rise and fall of his chest, holding Steve's hand to it.
"You're okay," Eddie says. "Your heart is okay."
"'M angry," Steve says weakly, breathlessly.
"You can be angry," Eddie says calmly. "Your heart is okay, even if you're angry." He takes another breath, and Steve follows along, even though his breath catches and stutters and he gasps as Eddie is still exhaling. "You're not your father, Steve," Eddie says softly. "You're nothing like him."
"Eddie," Steve whimpers, squeezing his eyes shut, pressing his hand against Eddie's chest harder, his other hand gripping Eddie's forearm. "Please."
"I'm right here, baby," Eddie murmurs. "Take a deep breath for me."
Steve tries again.
"There you go," Eddie whispers. "You're okay."
"'M okay," Steve mumbles weakly.
"That's right, Stevie, you're okay. Deep breath, all the way in, all the way out."
Steve tries again.
And again.
And again.
Steve falls against Eddie when he finally gets a clear breath, like the exhale deflates him, and Eddie wraps his arms around him tightly. He's trembling, like he's freezing.
"I love you so much," Eddie murmurs in his ear. "You did so good, baby."
Steve whimpers. He's crying again. Eddie combs through his hair and keeps murmuring to him softly.
When he stops crying, Eddie carefully shifts to hold his head between his hands, and he presses kisses across his face, even though his skin is covered with tears, and his nose is running. He kisses over his forehead, and the bridge of his nose, and his cheeks, and his eyelids, and his lips, and his chin, and across his jaw and down his neck, all the while whispering to him.
I love you so much, Stevie. You did such a good job. You're okay, sweetheart.
When Steve opens his eyes, there's a soft sort of absence in them that only gets there after particularly bad nightmares. (The ones where Eddie doesn't make it.) Eddie lowers back to the floor, looking up into his eyes, and he runs his thumbs over his cheeks softly. Steve squeezes his wrist weakly, exhausted.
Eddie gets him a glass of water and stands next to him as he sips it slowly, running his hands through his hair, closing his eyes when Steve leans against him. It takes a while for Steve to finish it, but Eddie waits patiently, knowing the glass is heavy in his hand, knowing Steve wants to disappear right now. When he finishes the water, Eddie sits back in the chair in front of him, holding both his hands tightly. Steve is slouching over, looking at their hands. Eddie squeezes.
"Stevie," he whispers.
"Yeah," Steve breathes.
"Look at me for a minute."
Steve's eyes raise to his. They're glassy, shining brightly, and Eddie's chest hurts.
"It's okay to be angry," he says softly, intentionally and carefully. "And it's okay to cry. And there's nothing wrong with anything you're feeling. You understand me?"
"I don't wanna be angry," Steve says weakly, his voice small. "'M tired of being angry. I don't wanna turn into him."
"Steve," Eddie whispers. "You are nothing like him." He reaches a hand to Steve's chest and holds it there. "You have... the purest heart out of anyone I know," he says gently. "You would never do any of the things he did to you."
"I know," Steve breathes, but he doesn't seem to believe him.
"Do you trust me?" Eddie asks. Steve nods without hesitation. "Will you believe what I tell you?"
Steve stares into his eyes, now clutching Eddie's hand in both of his.
"You have a beautiful soul," Eddie whispers. "And I trust you," he adds, raising his eyebrows, watching Steve's lips curve into the smallest smile Eddie's ever seen. The morning sunlight is shining on him now. He looks like an angel, his messy hair glowing in a golden halo. "You are a good, good man," Eddie says softly. "And I will remind you as many times as you need, I will remind you with every fucking beat of my heart, that you are a good man."
Steve's lip quivers again, and he closes his eyes like he's absorbing the words. A tear slides down his cheek. Eddie wipes it away tenderly.
"I love you so fucking much, Stevie."
"I love you too," Steve gasps, taking a hiccuping breath, but he exhales smoothly, blowing the air out so it blows Eddie's hair.
"Let's go to bed," Eddie murmurs.
Eddie leads him down the creaky hallway, holding his hand, after pouring him more water to drink. Steve gets in bed while Eddie pulls the curtains together more to block the sunlight, and then he crawls into bed too, already holding his arms out for Steve to lie in. He closes his eyes, pressing his face into Steve's hair, running his fingers through it when he feels him crying again.
He doesn't drift off until he knows Steve is asleep, when Steve is heavy against him, relaxed and breathing evenly, slowly.
Instead of going to the funeral, which his mother calls about the next week, Steve stays home with Eddie and watches a movie. Steve starts to cry halfway through it, wracked by guilt and fear and anger, and Eddie just wraps an arm around him silently, pulling him close and pressing a kiss to his cheek. Steve smiles the next day, light on his feet and bright in a way Eddie's never seen, and through all the years Eddie's known Steve, he's known about his father, but he realises after the funeral is done with that he never really knew the extent of it. Because after the funeral is done, Steve never has to worry about anything to do with his father again. And his eyes shine brightly, and Eddie thinks there might be a whole galaxy behind him that Eddie still hasn't explored.
Steve still gets angry sometimes, but that's okay. Because his father's face is fading from his memory, and his mother never calls him again. And Eddie reminds him as often as he can that he loves him, that he trusts him, that he's pure and beautiful and has a heart of gold. That he's okay, that he's good.
After his father dies, Steve never dreams about him again.
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and they were partners! oh my god they were partners...
Do you ever think about how in the original Treasures of knowledge game, Carmen and Jules were partners at ACME and probably had all sorts of adventures together? do you?? because i do, all the time
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missholoska · 6 months
happy halloween!! I've been spending the past 2 weeks working on a short comic about my soriel kid and despite my best efforts it won't be done in time, so for now here's a preview 🎃
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liquidstar · 6 months
Oh fuck tomorrow I'm going to be a little birthday boy I keep almost forgetting
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seagulley · 6 months
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Little dog went on a city walk today and did perfectly!
I’m hoping to take the BH test with Kaija sometime next year and wanted to see where she’s at with her manners in a busy urban environment. I've taken her downtown a few times before, but it's not a regular thing for us (since we'd both rather spend our time wandering around in the middle of a forest & away from people lol), so I'm really happy with how well she behaved.
Kaija wasn't fazed by noisy 18-wheelers and trams, by scooters whizzing by unexpectedly, or by yelling, running children. She could calmly walk past other dogs and didn't attempt to approach or greet people unless they interacted with her first. We also stopped for a coffee at a dog-friendly cafe, where Kaija chewed her bully stick and then promptly fell asleep. Good dog! :)
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favesgrave · 10 months
blurr deserves a vacation but honestly i think he'd be the guy who can't fucking relax and would keep finding problems to solve
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ectonurites · 5 months
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#tragically had to skip the 'are you afraid of me' exchange i love at the start bc. this scene is Long#super dark times#josh templeton#zach taylor#sam edits#btw i'm firmly in the 'Josh didn't kill John' camp. bc to me THIS scene is the point that... makes the most sense as Josh's breaking point/#'villain turn' if that's what you'd want to call it. because this is really when Josh... sort of 'officially' loses Zach. from early on in#the movie it becomes clear how much Zach is like... an anchor for him—the way Josh is just fucking *chanting* his name in distress during#the Daryl accident. The way Josh begs Zach to believe him that it was an accident. The way Josh turns to Zach for answers/clarity/direction#Like even if we want to take a cynical approach and think of it as Josh just latching onto Zach in the Daryl situation because he was There#rather than that being an established thing w/ them... in the aftermath of that same incident Josh is still looking to/depending on him!#Josh self isolates at first... but after they talk & Zach tells him they shouldn't act weird Josh goes back to school. (yes#he lashes out there because He's Dealing With The Crushing Guilt but *all* of 'em are acting off then—Charlie specifically calls attention#to the idea they all probably are) Josh goes to the party just like Zach said they should and is *visibly confused* when Zach seems mad to#see him there. He goes to Zach's house to talk and you can SEE how caught off guard he is by what Zach says. Even though the script version#of this scene is VERY different from the final version I do think this one bit of description from it is... insightful: 'Josh seems sincere#almost vulnerable. But Zach is too focused to see it.' LIKE in this scene Zach is already convinced Josh has lost it! He's trying to act#more neutral about it (claiming they could just 'draw a line') but we saw his phone call with Charlie. Because of his own guilt-fueled#paranoia—something shown pretty clearly through the assorted dream sequences and like tht scene of him walking in the hall hearing people#gossip about Daryl—it seems like everything lines up too well! that '*of course* it's Josh and what if it's *been* Josh all along and well#then the role *I* played in the situation really isn't *my* fault because it was all *Josh* and...' etc. even if that's more subconscious#But like... this scene is really when it hits Josh! from the moment he asks if Zach's afraid of him now like... there's a shift. although#Zach says he isn't... i mean he fucking stumbles on the word 'afraid' (like... he hangs on the 'f' sound a moment too long to sound natural#its very subtle but like Noticeable). But Josh sees right through him. Zach doesn't trust him anymore. Zach thinks he's the bad guy. the#monster. Josh feeling like he lost the last person he had in his corner feels like the most realistic thing to... push him over the#edge. like that's a compelling tragedy to me—the idea that these two poorly coping with the Daryl situation in these separated ways where#they *aren't* talking/communicating ends up CREATING the feedback loop that makes everything get worse and worse.#But for that to be the case... it wouldn't make sense for Josh to have just randomly killed John before this scene. I think it's a more#interesting story if certain things really ARE just coincidences but it's that Zach's paranoia won't let him see that 🤷
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kvetchinglyneurotic · 3 months
“What the fuck do you want, Lasso?”
“Can’t I just be nice to my friend?” he asked.
Roy raised an eyebrow. “One, you’re not my fucking friend—” Ted made an expression like a sad, middle-aged puppy. “And two, that’s not what you’re doing. You’re trying to fucking flatter me, or some shit.”
“And there’s plenty to flatter.” At Roy’s warning growl, Ted held up his hands. “You ever thought about coaching?”
“Fuck no.” He had, actually, ages ago when the end of his career still seemed like some far off distant future that’d never truly arrive. Had gone and got certified and everything.
“The boys really look up to you. They’d love to have you back with the team.”
Roy shook his head. His chest ached, heart pounding dizzily. “I was a shit captain,” he heard himself say at a great distance.
“You weren’t.” Ted sat down next to him on the sofa, hands on his knees, expression painfully earnest. “Maybe needed a little reminding there, in the beginning, but heck, ain’t that the reason there’s a reward for ‘most improved?’”
“Yeah, for fucking primary schoolers,” Roy said. He tried to picture it, standing trapped at the side of the pitch with his fucked knee while the lads played on without him. “Ted, I can’t. Not— not now. Not yet.”
“That’s alright,” Ted said gently. “Hey, you ever play FIFA? I’ve gotta practice up before I go see Henry; he’s been kicking my butt.”
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justawhitewall · 1 year
hello, hope you are well. could we maybe, possibly, have a tiny sneak peek of the masterpiece that is mirages of you? pls 🥺
i gotta say, this ask yanked me out of my writers block, so thank you <3 here's a little preview of the next chapter!!
“Can nuns get hickeys?”
Beatrice frowned. Her hand rose halfway to her neck, then froze. “Physically? Nuns have the same anatomy as anyone else, I suppose, so if someone were to –”
“Beatrice.” Ava folded her arms in front of her. “You know that’s not what I meant. Are you, like, allowed or whatever?”
Beatrice’s mouth twitched downwards. “Well there’s no specific rule about it, but I wouldn’t consider a hickey chaste. Why? Are you…” She trailed off, then straightened her shoulders. When she spoke again, her voice was pitched down, soft and a little dangerous. “Are you thinking of giving a nun a hickey?” 
Well, shit, now I am. 
Beatrice’s eyes didn’t leave hers. It almost felt like she was issuing a challenge, like Ava had crossed a line and Beatrice was – well, Ava didn’t know what she was, but she knew what the words did to her, and pushed that feeling down as far as she could.  
“No,” she lied. She stepped forward, raising a hand to Beatrice’s neck and lowering the collar of her shirt an inch or two. She hadn’t seen it up close, but now that she had, it was undeniable. “You already have one.” 
She let her fingers trail against it for a second, curious. 
“Ava,” Beatrice said. There was a quiver in her voice that Ava didn’t quite know what to make of. “I can explain.”
Ava shrugged and pulled her hand away. “Don’t have to.” 
“I – I don’t?” A hint of something hopeful colored the edges of her words, and Ava felt bad for being angry. Beatrice deserved to explore, to live a little. She’d taken her vows younger than most, she’d said, and they were about to wage war on a dude who was either a demon or the devil in a battle for Earth itself. Beatrice deserved to enjoy the little time they had in this idyllic town however she pleased.
Ava just wished it was with her. 
“You can do whatever you want.” Her voice sounded tight, unnatural, even to her own ears. “If you need me out of the apartment just – leave a sock on the door, or something.”
Beatrice frowned. “A… sock?” 
“Yeah. Like in the movies, when some dude bro brings a girl back to his dorm he leaves a sock on the door to let his roommate know.”
“‘Dude bro?’” Beatrice shook her head. “I’m afraid you’ve lost me. But I – Ava, I’m not bringing anyone home.” 
For a second, Ava was relieved, until she realized that that made it worse, actually. Beatrice was hooking up with someone – where? In public? In their house? Her imagination took the thought and ran. The image was becoming a bit sharper, and she didn’t like it one bit. 
“I’m just trying to say that it’d be fine if you wanted to.” 
Beatrice raised an eyebrow. “It would?” 
“Of course.” Ava put on her best smile, then, to her own horror, reached out and lightly punched Beatrice in the shoulder. “It’s like, totally cool. I’m glad you’re getting out there.”
And deep down, she was. Beatrice deserved to live authentically. She deserved to explore, to experiment, to thrive. Again, she just wished it was with – 
No. She squashed the thought, twisted her metaphorical foot on top of it to make sure it was good and dead. She wasn’t going to be like this. She was going to be a good friend. 
Beatrice looked down at her shoulder, frowning at the spot Ava had just nudged with her fist, then back up at Ava. “Ava, I – “
“I should get back downstairs. I think I heard Hans call for me.” 
She hadn’t, and she was pretty sure Beatrice knew that, but Beatrice nodded anyway, her mouth flattening into a thin line as she nodded. “Right.”
that's all for now, but I have been chipping away at it little by little and hope that the rest will be done soon!
I don't think I've talked about this much on tumblr, but I had about a month or so there where I was having some problems with my hands and couldn't write much at all, and once I got that more or less sorted, the writers block had set in. I really appreciate everyone who has sent an ask or left a comment, you've all been very kind and patient and it's been lovely to feel that support :)
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riderkaitlyn5 · 2 years
York: How long does it take before you start hallucinating from sleep deprivation?
North: I think-
Wash: Seventy-two hours
North: How do you know?
Wash: There's a clown behind you
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i felt like drawing the thing drawn in snatcher plays 4 (i think it was 4 anyways, cant be bothered checking)
(snatcher plays by @bit-b)
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original screenshot i got
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my funky lil drawing
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merakiui · 1 year
omg getting tag teamed by trey and cater while drunk in these tags !! your brain is massive as always 🫶🫶
also cater getting serious orz i never knew i needed mean(er) cater in my life but i'll 100% be brainrotting about that for the forseeable future!!!
[also trey changing the flavor of his own shots in the original drunk reader post. he's so mean >:o!! (i love him still)]
Yes!!! Just two kind and helpful upperclassmen helping you when you’re drunk. <3 aren’t they so sweet?
Serious Cater is always so fun to think about. I love the idea of him dropping his outgoing, extroverted side and becoming more colder or less cheerful when you’re drunk because you’re too intoxicated to realize the shift, so you won’t ask any questions if his tone isn’t what you’re used to. It’s such a shock to hear him sound anything less than cheery, but I think it’s so good to think about. orz I love a serious Cater who doesn’t have to keep up any masks when you’re drunk.
Trey is so sneaky. (๑•̀ㅁ•́๑) !!!! His UM is very useful during drinking games because he can trick you into drinking more simply by changing the taste so it will go down easier. And you would not expect him to do such a thing because he has such a kind face and he is so patient and sweet. But it is exactly that type you have to watch out for!! (I also love him despite his mischievous behavior hehe.)
#twisted chit chat#h2o2-and-baking-soda#oh!!! being tag-teamed by the housewarden + vice housewarden duos while you are drunk...#with trey and riddle it is essentially trey easing a very embarrassed and inexperienced riddle into sex#while assuring him that you will like it and so will riddle so he shouldn't worry and should just move his hips more#so that your mouth takes trey deeper#with azul and jade it's a competition to see who is better at railing you dumb and filling you the most#leona and ruggie is also a competition of sorts#but it's more so leona proving he can wring the most orgasms out of you without putting in too much effort#vil and rook is just the most nasty sex you will ever have#vil can be as filthy as he wants because you're too drunk so you won't remember if he looked anything less than beautiful during it#and rook will always be there to hype him up and say he's beautiful no matter what <3 so it's a very good time for everyone#kalim and jamil... also very messy sex so many positions because kalim can never settle on one for long enough#kalim's making you drink more while jamil's pounding into you from behind <3 he holds the glass to your lips and praises you so sweetly#malleus and lilia are fun because i think they also might engage in a little rivalry over who can make you feel the best >:)#i think they will also dote on you the entire time#you're on the brink of overstimulation and tears are in your eyes but they will both smile down at you and coo so sweetly#telling you you're doing well and that you are so good for them
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