#it should mean more engagement with a wider range of stories
ladamedusoif · 5 months
It might be the cold meds talking, but I feel like I need to have a ramble about writing - partly because I’ve seen a few “you write for YOU and whatever you WANT” posts over the last few days, some of which have been spot on and some not so much.
To clarify: this post isn’t about me. Or at least, it’s MOSTLY not about me. It’s just some observations about fic.
This is a lovely and important message. Ultimately, we do all write for ourselves. Of course we do.
But saying “write for you and only for you!” is easier when you’re someone who routinely gets hundreds of notes on a fic within the first couple of hours. Or when you’ve got a massive audience already. Or when you write something that seems to get more attention than anything else in terms of popular characters and tropes (ahem Joel age gap smut ahem).
Trends come and go in literature of all kinds, whether properly published works or fics. That’s par for the course.
But the problem is when it feels like only a certain kind of story gets any attention. When stories with real heart and love and care and feeling seem to be routinely ignored because they don’t fit the bill: they’re slow burns, they don’t involve popular tropes, but they’re proper stories that could exist without any connection to the fandom they’ve been written for.
And, worse, when the people writing those stories start to feel deeply disheartened and as if it’s just not worth it.
We talk a lot about anon hate (spoiler: don’t do it) and nine times out of ten that seems to be based on the idea of people writing potentially triggering or taboo topics saying they’ve received “hate”. (Sometimes this is actual hate and sometimes it’s genuine, considerate questioning around warnings etc.)
Thing is: the people writing the ‘unpopular’ stories get hate - genuine, real, nasty hate - too. This post isn’t really about me, but as an example: I’ve not turned on anon asks in months, because of the last shitfest. And I’m not alone, because I know what people have had sent into their inbox in response to the most inoffensive, sweet stories. It baffles me.
All this is to say - I wish people would be a little bit more open in what they want to read, and would recognise that “anon hate” isn’t just about puritanical prudes trying to “tell people what to write” as seems to be the general assumption. People keep trying to put a bit more diversity out there in the fic buffet, to write loving and carefully crafted stories, and for all the “write it for you” posts it still feels like it doesn’t matter. Like no one wants it. And that’s when writers start to think they’re awful, their ideas are bad, their style is weak.
Worse? They get shitty, mean-spirited asks and comments. (Even if it’s not “hate”. I’m still baffled by the people who say they couldn’t finish a one-shot of mine because there wasn’t a significant age gap between the Reader and the male character… but I don’t think that’s strictly hate, as such. Dispiriting, though.)
And what happens then? They stop writing. The stories cease. And the fic buffet becomes more and more one-note, more and more dictated by prevailing winds and a particular kind of purple prose style. And the readers - who might have found those stories if more people had engaged with them and reposted and shared them - wonder why no one seems to write for them.
A while back I wrote a tag that was something like “there’s room for everything”. Unfortunately, that “everything” remains a little limited, at least in terms of what actually seems to get picked up and gain traction. And “there’s room for everything” doesn’t mean that all writers are above reproach, either.
Try something new, people. Give a soft story a go. Who knows, you might like it.
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gamingavickreyauction · 9 months
This is probably one of my most cancellable opinions, and if Max is reading this, please cover your ears. But:
I think most languages should die.
I get that the reason languages are dying out, and that English is becoming more ubiquitous, is imperialism and neocolonialism, etc. but I just don't think that makes it a bad thing. Basically, the point of language is to communicate, and the more people you can communicate with, the better the language is. Fewer, larger languages means larger collections of people who can all understand each other, consume each other's media, and trade with fewer barriers. In particular, having an international language is great because it makes it relatively easy for almost anyone to trade with almost anyone.
This enables wonderful things: we get more stuff by better exploiting comparative advantage, immigration can be made much easier, especially temporary immigration for work, where it might not be practical to become fluent in the languages of multiple countries you are working in. It also enables people to have a wider range of culture available to them: if your language community is only 1 million people, you will have a thousandth as many books to choose from as a language community with 1 billion people. And this in turn makes serving more niche interests economically viable. Moreover, I think there is a huge benefit to understanding other countries/cultures, which a common language crucially facilitates.
So there are lots of pros - what are the cons?There can also be a loss of culture associated with the loss of language communities - no one can read the works, which is a loss in itself, and that can further mean that the works aren't preserved. Language can also be closely tied to identity - people might feel a profound sense of loss at the language they grew up with dying out, and that's something that should be taken seriously. I must confess, I would be very upset if English were no longer to be spoken.
But in a sense, these are all transient effects. It's callous, but when the last generation of X-speakers dies out, that sense of loss dies with them. It's very difficult to weigh that against tangible economic benefits, against the ability to migrate more easily to where you choose, and to engage with a wider pool of culture. But these latter effects are permanent - once you have a universal language, in the internet age at least, it's not going away. And that, together with a conviction that someone's material needs being met is ultimately the greatest contributor to well-being, inclines me to think that the benefits in the long run outweigh the loss of community and identity to people whose languages are dying out.
And the foreshortening of opportunity to an ambitious young person raised in a small language community is a great tragedy - they can become fluent in a second language, for sure, but that's a huge investment of time that they have to make and puts them at a huge disadvantage compared to their peers.
The loss of culture is also something that can largely be planned around. You can produce and preserve dictionaries and whatever else to make sure that anyone who wants to read documents in language X always can, conditional on having the motivation to actually learn language X (or they can read machine translations of it, which I'm sure will continue to get better). Which rather mitigates the loss. Similarly, a large effort can be put into writing down the well-known stories of a language that is on the way out.
Of course, a lot of rarer stories will fail to be preserved like this, so a lot of loss is inevitable, but those little-known stories are likely to die out in a few generations even if the language maintains a healthy speaking population. So even this can't really be considered a permanent effect - it just means that stories get lost sooner than they otherwise would, not that stories which would have been preserved get lost.
And in exchange, we get an economic environment in which more cultural production can thrive. What wouldn't be feasible to produce for a language community of 1 million, or even 1 billion, becomes feasible with a language community of 8 billion. So we get the production of many new works - particularly niche works - which would never otherwise be made. Permanently.
I recognize that this is kind of easy to say, as my language isn't the one going extinct, and is, in fact, the one serving most as an international language. But I do believe that even if English was dying out, I think I would still hold these beliefs about what the socially best outcome is, even if it didn't personally benefit me. I have always absolutely hated learning languages, but I think even I would be willing to learn, say, Mandarin Chinese if it came with the ability to talk to anyone, anywhere in the world.
It is also unfortunate that the languages that will tend to take over will be the ones of imperial powers, which were imposed on unwilling populations. But I don't think that actually has any bearing on the contemporary ethical issue, as preserving or discarding languages today doesn't do anything to help people who suffered under imperial regimes decades or centuries ago.
This doesn't necessarily mean I support real-world policies aimed at language homogenization because there are always many extra considerations in practice, and there is a history of this being done in brutal ways, often to suppress cultures. But it does mean I near universally oppose policies aimed at language preservation. E.g. I think that children being taught in Welsh in school are being done a huge disservice, as they would have far more possibilities opened to them by speaking English, so there shouldn't be any attempts to have more schools teach in Welsh.
I am interested to know what parts of this people agree and disagree with, as I don't think any of my premises are as controversial as my conclusion. And please don't cancel me, I'm only little.
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farazghurki · 2 months
Creative Careers 101: Building a Portfolio That Opens Doors
Creating a portfolio is an essential step for anyone looking to forge a successful career in creative fields such as graphic design, writing, photography, art, and many others. A well-crafted portfolio not only showcases your work and skills but also communicates your personal brand and professional journey. Here's a comprehensive guide on building a portfolio that opens doors to new opportunities.
Understand Your Goals and Audience
Before you start compiling your portfolio, it’s crucial to identify your career objectives and understand the audience you’re targeting. Are you looking for freelance projects, aiming for a full-time position in a specific industry, or seeking admission to an educational program? Each goal may require a slightly different approach to presenting your work. Knowing your audience—whether potential clients, employers, or admission officers—helps tailor your portfolio to their expectations and needs.
Select Your Best Work
Your portfolio should be a curated collection of your best work, not everything you’ve ever created. Choose projects that demonstrate your skills, creativity, and range of abilities. It's better to have a smaller number of high-quality, diverse pieces than to fill your portfolio with similar projects or work of lesser quality. Aim for a variety that showcases different styles, mediums, or genres you're proficient in, as this can illustrate your versatility and adaptability.
Tell the Story Behind Each Project
For each piece you include, provide context and a narrative. Explain the project's objectives, your role, the process you followed, the challenges you faced, and how you overcame them. This storytelling approach does more than just display your work; it offers insight into your problem-solving abilities, creativity, and work ethic. It can also highlight your growth as a professional by illustrating how you’ve tackled various challenges.
Focus on Presentation
The way you present your work can be as important as the work itself. Ensure your portfolio is well-organized and easy to navigate. Use high-quality images or clear, readable text, and consider the layout and design of your portfolio. It should reflect your personal brand and style, with a consistent theme, color scheme, and font choice. An aesthetically pleasing and professional presentation can significantly impact the viewer's perception of your work.
Go Digital
In today’s digital age, having an online portfolio is a must. It allows you to reach a wider audience and makes your work accessible to potential clients and employers worldwide. There are several platforms and website builders specifically designed for creating portfolios, such as Behance, Adobe Portfolio, and Squarespace. Make sure your online portfolio is mobile-friendly, as many people browse the internet on their phones.
Update Regularly
Your portfolio should be a living document that evolves with your career. Regularly update it with new projects, and don’t hesitate to remove older works that no longer represent your best or most relevant work. Keeping your portfolio current ensures that potential clients or employers are seeing your latest and greatest achievements.
Solicit Feedback
Don’t be afraid to ask for feedback on your portfolio from peers, mentors, or professionals in your field. Constructive criticism can offer new perspectives and insights on improving your presentation or which pieces to include. Additionally, engaging with your community can lead to valuable connections and opportunities.
Personalize Your Portfolio for Opportunities
Whenever possible, tailor your portfolio to the specific opportunity you’re pursuing. This might mean emphasizing certain projects or skills that are particularly relevant or rearranging your work to lead with the most pertinent examples. Personalizing your portfolio demonstrates your genuine interest in the opportunity and can make a stronger impression on the viewer.
In conclusion, a well-designed portfolio is a powerful tool for opening doors in creative careers. It not only showcases your work but also tells the story of your professional journey, abilities, and potential. By understanding your goals and audience, selecting your best work, focusing on presentation, and continuously updating your portfolio, you can create a compelling showcase that captures the attention of potential clients, employers, and opportunities.
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mikiruma · 1 year
hey singlets jsyk you probablyyyyy don't want to have anything related to syscourse in your dni, listening to systems means listening to ALL systems, not just your one system friend. and i KNOW some of y'all just have the one. open your worldview. gain some perspective. also you look like a massive asshole with both "ableists" and "pro-endos" in the same dni paragraph.
'endogenic' (& hell, all the other origin labels) encompasses a much much much wider range of experiences than you think and reducing it down to "i invented my system because i thought it would be cool" is. really stupid tbh. point is there's so much nuance you are missing and if you want to be a good ally you should either 1) stop engaging in syscourse since you don't have a place or 2) if you're going to insert yourself, at least be more informed on more than just the cookie cutter traumagenic origin story
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bloseroseone · 9 days
Why Every Author Should Consider Digital Publishing
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Introduction to eBooks
In today’s digital age, the landscape of digital publishing has undergone a significant transformation with the rise of eBooks. These electronic versions of books have revolutionized the way we consume and distribute literature. Gone are the days when authors solely relied on traditional print publishing. eBooks offer a plethora of benefits that every author should consider.
Benefits of eBooks for Authors
One of the most compelling reasons for authors to embrace digital publishing is its cost-effectiveness. Unlike traditional printing, where production and distribution costs can be prohibitive, eBooks eliminate the need for physical materials, making them a more economical option. Additionally, eBooks allow authors to reach a wider audience, breaking free from the constraints of traditional publishing channels.
Flexibility and Convenience
eBooks offer authors many advantages in the digital publishing, but ease and flexibility are two of the most important. The days of strict publication dates and constrained dissemination options are long gone. Authors can freely release their works on their own terms and instantly reach a global audience with eBooks.
Because digital publication is so convenient, authors can easily revise, update, and republish their work, keeping it accessible and relevant. eBooks enable authors to easily react to the always changing publishing scene, whether it be through changing pricing or experimenting with alternative marketing techniques.
Global Distribution
For authors, one of the most notable benefits of eBooks is worldwide distribution. eBooks may be rapidly and easily distributed internationally, in contrast to traditional publishing, when physical copies may be restricted to specific regions or encounter logistical difficulties in reaching international markets.
This implies that writers are no longer limited by territorial limits and can connect with a wide range of readers worldwide. A book can now be accessed by people worldwide with just a few button clicks, creating new opportunities for visibility and readership. This international reach broadens the readership for writers and creates more avenues for literary cross-cultural dialogue.
Interactivity and Multimedia
With so many advantages, eBooks have become a potent weapon for writers in the ever-changing publishing scene. Multimedia and interactivity are particularly notable as transformative components among these. By enhancing their stories with multimedia components like audio clips, films, and interactive graphics, authors may now engage readers in completely new ways.
This enhances the reading experience and gives the audience access to a more engaging journey. By means of interactive elements, writers can establish more profound bonds with their audience, promoting an atmosphere of involvement and cooperation that surpasses the conventional limitations of written communication.
Analytics and Insights
The advantages of eBooks for authors in the context of digital publishing go well beyond simple dissemination. With the use of analytics and insights, writers may access a potent toolkit that gives them insightful, data-driven feedback about their audience. Authors can obtain profound insights into the behavior, preferences, and engagement levels of their readers by utilizing sophisticated tracking techniques.
Writers may hone their craft and customize their content for optimum impact by using analytics, which can help identify demographic trends and determine which chapters connect the most. These data-driven insights not only improve the interaction between authors and readers, but they also open up new avenues for future literary projects and strategic marketing choices....Continue reading
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bruhtechno · 7 months
Using Top Digital Marketing Services to Create a Social Media Storm | Bruh Techno
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Go Viral: Using Top Digital Marketing Services to Create a Social Media Storm
In today's fast-paced digital wires, making a significant mark on social media is essential for any business, and Bruh Techno is no exception. Whether it’s about a startup or an established brand, harnessing the power of top digital marketing services can catapult the online presence to the next level and make the content go viral. In this blog post, we shall explore the strategies and services that can help any business working with Bruh Techno to create a social media storm as it’s the best digital marketing agency in Jodhpur. 
The Power of Digital Marketing Services
Digital marketing services encompass a wide range of strategies and tools aimed at enhancing your online visibility, engaging your audience, and driving traffic to your website. When executed effectively, these services can lead to increased brand awareness, improved customer loyalty, and, most importantly, the potential to go viral on social media platforms.
Quality Content Creation and Strategy: The foundation of any successful digital marketing campaign is compelling content. For Bruh Techno, this means creating eye-catching visuals, informative articles, and engaging videos that resonate with your target audience. To ensure a steady stream of shareable content, consider outsourcing content creation to professional writers, designers, and videographers who can craft content that aligns with your brand's message. Bruh Techno thrives to be the best digital marketing company in Jodhpur. 
Wise Social Media Management: Managing your social media accounts can be a full-time job. Instead of spreading your team thin, invest in social media management services. These experts can help you schedule posts, analyse data, and engage with your audience in real-time. With the right strategy, your posts will gain more visibility, increasing the likelihood of shares and comments.
Top-notch Influencer Marketing: In the world of social media, influencers hold immense power. Collaborating with influencers in the electronic music niche can expose Bruh Techno to a wider and more engaged audience. When influencers endorse your brand or products, their followers are more likely to take notice and share your content. Bruh techno has been serving as the best digital marketing company in Jodhpur. 
Through the righteous reach- Search Engine Optimization (SEO): Search Engine Optimization is crucial for ensuring your content ranks well on search engines like Google. High-quality, SEO-optimised content can attract organic traffic to your website and social media profiles. Professional SEO services can help you identify relevant keywords, optimise your content, and improve your search engine rankings.
A smart step- Paid Advertising: While organic reach is essential, paid advertising can give your content an initial boost. Consider investing in targeted social media ads to reach a broader audience. Services like Google Ads and Facebook Ads allow you to set specific demographics, interests, and budgets to maximise your reach.
Breakdown of metrics to use- Data Analytics: Data-driven decision-making is at the core of effective digital marketing. Utilise analytics tools to monitor the performance of your campaigns, track engagement metrics, and adjust your strategies accordingly. A digital marketing agency can provide valuable insights and recommendations based on data analysis.
Curate a Viral Marketing Campaign: Now that we've explored the essential digital marketing services, let's discuss how to craft a viral marketing campaign tailored to Bruh Techno's unique identity. 
Be the storyteller- Define Your Brand Story: Start by defining your brand's story. What makes Bruh Techno special? What values do you want to communicate to your audience? Your brand story should be the driving force behind your content, making it relatable and memorable.
Be relevant- Create Shareable Content: Remember that viral content is often emotional, relatable, humorous, or visually stunning. Tailor your content to elicit strong emotions or reactions. Engage your audience by posing questions, running contests, or encouraging user-generated content.
Being vigilant- Collaborate with Influencers: Identify influencers in the electronic music scene who align with Bruh Techno's style and values. Forge genuine partnerships that showcase your brand authentically. Influencers can introduce your music, merchandise, or events to their followers, significantly increasing your reach.
Leveraging User-Generated Content: Encourage your fans to create and share their content related to Bruh Techno. Repost user-generated content on your social media platforms, creating a sense of community and authenticity around your brand.
To Monitor and To Adapt
Constantly monitor the performance of your campaigns through analytics. If certain content or strategies aren't generating the desired results, be ready to adapt and experiment with new ideas. Viral marketing often involves trial and error.
So, in the competitive world of digital marketing, Bruh Techno can stand out and create a social media storm by harnessing the power of top digital marketing services. By crafting a compelling brand story, creating shareable content, collaborating with influencers, and utilising data-driven strategies, Bruh Techno can fetch the viral success any business deserves as it’s the best digital marketing company in Jodhpur. The key is to remain authentic and responsive to the ever-changing digital landscape. With the right digital marketing services, Bruh Techno can turn its online presence into a whirlwind of social media excitement, captivating audiences worldwide.
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maxwellcoelho · 7 months
Paws For A Cause: Raising Awareness For The Local Potter League
To effectively grow a non-profit organization, it’s crucial to connect with patrons. Social media is the foundation for businesses to interact with a target audience and expand upon themselves by the means of acquiring charitable donations. The Potter League is a local non-profit animal shelter located in Middletown, Rhode Island. Its popular community events, and charity foundations to seek support from the local community so that the shelter can take care of its furry little friends. Though these festivities are held in hopes of accumulating some donations, social media plays a vital role in connecting the shelter to its audience and potential sponsorships. The has a small online following base of 918 followers on Twitter (X)  and 47,000 followers on Facebook, and 13,000 followers on Instagram, showing that their main follower-base is within Instagram and Facebook. Post ratings range from about just a few views and likes to as many as a couple of hundreds of likes and viewers per post.
For my first platform, I chose Potter League’s Twitter page. The twitter page has about 918 followers which is quite small compared to the other platforms. According to one of the shelter’s posts on Twitter, the post seems to be a repost from StreetStoriesWPRI which indicates that The Potter League’s twitter used primarily for reposting promotional content to spread community awareness. However, from a new viewer’s perspective, some of these posts don’t seem to contain a lot of information, but rather just appreciation posts from other pages. Based on an article posted by Forbes titled; 13 Metrics Every Nonprofit Should Be Watching, the article goes in depth with various advanced metrics such as donor happiness, impact and much more which can correlate with behavioral and channel metrics of this nonprofit organization. I believe that there are ways of improving the shelter’s twitter activity. A key weakness that can be spotted in the shelter’s twitter page is the lowered opt-in rates. Again, twitter does not seem to be the primary social media platform the shelter uses to raise awareness, however increasing opt-in rates for twitter can allow a balance with supporters and viewers which can make way for potential donors. To achieve­ this objective effe­ctively, one approach is to promote supple­mentary social media platforms to the audie­nce. This can be done by including watermarked icons of other social me­dia platforms within posts or embedding links to these­ platforms in post descriptions. Additionally, fostering strong communication betwe­en content creators and vie­wers, such as acknowledging comments, while­ monitoring channel and behavioral metrics is highly re­commended. Although the Twitte­r account primarily serves as a community post sponsorship page, it's crucial for the­ shelter to enhance­ its user analytics capabilities to re­ach a wider audience.
In contrast, the second platform that I would like to critique is Facebook. With 47,000 followers, The Potter League has a far larger following on Facebook than any of the other platforms. This indicates a solid connection to the community and a big opportunity for involvement. However, a nonprofit organization's popularity does not always indicate that its supporters are active and supportive of it. Their Facebook page has the advantage of allowing longer and more in-depth updates when compared to Twitter. By doing this, they can provide their audience with a better grasp of their goals, the animals they care for, their success stories, and the results of donations. Sharing heartwarming stories and videos of successful adoptions, rescued animals, and the everyday activities of the shelter may make an account's followers feel more connected to it. On their Facebook page, there are still some things that might be done better. They should first and foremost frequently assess their post engagement data to determine the content categories that connect with their audience the most. They may use this information as a reference to develop articles and campaigns that are more engaging. Additionally, to reach a larger audience and draw potential donations, they can think about purchasing targeted Facebook advertisements. On Facebook, it's crucial for users to interact with their followers. A sense of community and appreciation may be fostered by responding to comments and messages and thanking supporters for their efforts. Engagement may also be increased by promoting user-generated content, such as uploading pictures of adopted dogs. Making targeted fundraising campaigns or events that are simple for followers to take part in and share is one tactic that may succeed on Facebook. They might also work together with nearby companies or influential people to further their cause. In general, Facebook offers The Potter League a great platform to interact with their local community and garner support. They may utilize Facebook to raise awareness and raise money for charities by utilizing their sizable
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joyce-davis · 11 months
Breaking Boundaries: How Diablo 4 is Making Gaming More Inclusive
Breaking Boundaries: How Diablo 4 is Making Gaming More Inclusive
As a long-time gamer and industry expert, I am excited to share the news about how Diablo 4 is breaking boundaries and making gaming more accessible for everyone.
Unprecedented Accessibility Features
diablo 4 is more accessible than ever before, with a range of new features designed to cater to players of all abilities. These include:
Customizable controls, allowing players to adjust settings to suit their individual needs
Text-to-speech, making in-game text and menus more accessible for players with visual impairments
Subtitles with customizable fonts and colors, making it easier for players with hearing difficulties to read and understand dialogue
These features are just the tip of the iceberg, and demonstrate Blizzard's commitment to inclusivity and accessibility in gaming.
Changing the Game for Players with Disabilities
Diablo 4's accessibility features aren't just a nice-to-have - they're changing the game for players with disabilities who were previously unable to play. Take, for example, a player with motor impairments who can't use a traditional controller. Diablo 4's customizable controls mean they can tailor the game to be played with a single hand, or even with a mouth-operated joystick.
Similarly, the game's text-to-speech and subtitle features mean that players with visual and hearing impairments can now fully engage with the story and dialogue. And with these features being customizable, players with a range of abilities can modify the game to work for them.
Building a More Inclusive Gaming Community
By making Diablo 4 more accessible, Blizzard is not only opening up the game to new audiences, but also building a more inclusive gaming community. This is something that the industry has needed for a long time, and it's exciting to see a major player like Blizzard leading the charge.
Through their efforts to improve accessibility, Blizzard is sending a powerful message to players with disabilities: you are welcome here, and you belong in the gaming community. It's a message that we should all get behind.
With Diablo 4's unprecedented accessibility features, Blizzard is setting a new standard for inclusivity in gaming. By catering to the needs of players with disabilities, the company is opening up the world of gaming to a wider audience, and creating a more welcoming and inclusive community. I, for one, can't wait to see what the future holds for accessibility in gaming.
Source: None
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digital-promotions · 1 year
The Ultimate Guide to Digital Marketing Services: How to Grow Your Business Online
In today's digital age, businesses need to have a strong online presence to succeed. This means having a website that's optimized for search engines, engaging on social media, and using paid advertising to reach a wider audience. That's where Digital Promotions New Braunfels comes in. Our digital marketing company offers a range of services to help businesses in New Braunfels, San Marcos, and beyond grow their online presence.
PPC Services in New Braunfels Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising is a powerful tool for businesses looking to increase their visibility and reach more customers. Our PPC Company in New Braunfels offers comprehensive PPC services, including keyword research, ad creation, and campaign management. We'll work with you to develop a custom strategy that meets your specific business goals and budget.
Social Media Marketing in New Braunfels Social media has become an essential part of any digital marketing strategy. Our New Braunfels Social Media Agency can help you establish a strong presence on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. We'll create and curate engaging content that resonates with your target audience, helping you build a loyal following and drive traffic to your website.
Video Marketing in San Marcos Video is quickly becoming one of the most popular forms of online content. Our Video Marketing Company in San Marcos can help you harness the power of video to promote your business. We'll create engaging, high-quality videos that tell your brand's story and showcase your products or services. Whether you need product demos, customer testimonials, or brand videos, we've got you covered.
SEO Services in San Marcos Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of optimizing your website to rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs). Our SEO Services in San Marcos include keyword research, on-page optimization, and link building. We'll work with you to develop a custom SEO strategy that drives traffic to your website and improves your search engine rankings.
Why Choose Digital Promotions New Braunfels? At Digital Promotions New Braunfels, we're committed to helping businesses succeed online. We offer a range of digital marketing services designed to meet the unique needs of each of our clients. Here are just a few reasons why you should choose us for your digital marketing needs:
Custom strategies: We don't believe in a one-size-fits-all approach to digital marketing. Instead, we'll work with you to develop a custom strategy that meets your specific business goals and budget.
Experienced team: Our team has years of experience in the digital marketing industry. We stay up-to-date on the latest trends and best practices, ensuring that our clients always receive the best possible service.
Transparent reporting: We believe in transparency and accountability. That's why we provide detailed reports on all of our digital marketing services, so you can see exactly how your campaigns are performing.
Affordable pricing: We offer competitive pricing on all of our digital marketing services, so you can get the most bang for your buck.
Contact Us Today Ready to take your digital marketing to the next level? Contact Digital Promotions New Braunfels today to learn more about our services. We'll work with you to develop a custom strategy that meets your specific business needs and helps you achieve your goals. Whether you need PPC services in New Braunfels, social media marketing in San Marcos, or SEO services anywhere in between, we've got you covered.
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5 questions with Nii Ayikwei Parkes
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Why do you write?
This is an odd question for me, because I don't think I've ever not told stories. I think writing is a vital part of my conversation with the world, it's one of the ways I make sense of things. So, perhaps I write so I can be less foolish.
Azúcar has elements of magical realism, for example, the fictional island of Fumaz and the Soñada family tree bring to mind Márquez’s creation of the Macondo and the Buendía family in 100 Years of Solitude. Have you been inspired by the genre? How has it informed your own storytelling?
I have an aversion to the name of 'magical realism', but I have absolutely been inspired by the work of Vargas Llosa, Garcia Márquez, Fuentes - as well as African writers such as Mongo Beti and Ngũgĩ wa Thiong'o, whose work leans on satire. Reading Latin American fiction in translation, the way they owned and moulded the Spanish language to their cultural experience of the world, pointed me to greater possibilities in my use of the English language, which I had been taught to use in very rigid ways. Azúcar is partly a thank you note for those language lessons.
A large part of your writing focuses on women and girls not only your experiences, but the collective feminine experience, which you describe with empathy even while writing about a time when, as you say in Azúcar, “a woman hid her true powers”. Would you agree the feminine experience is a significant aspect of your work, and if so, how have you come to think about it with such a heightened sensitivity?
The odd thing is everyone's first experience of the world is through women, but I never really thought about women's experience as distinct until I read So Long a Letter by Mariama Bâ at the age of 12 or 13. I mean, that's the power of privilege; when you have it, you can't see the world as anything but complete. Once I began to see from the additional perspective that reading that book gave me (a West African woman's perspective), I couldn't experience the world without that filter. The time I had always spent in the company of women and girls suddenly became revelatory. My mother was a midwife so we had women coming to our home for advice all the time, and I just soaked it all in with the fervent commitment of a seasoned eavesdropper. I think the accumulated experience of over three decades of listening is what gives the sense of the feminine experience in my work. However, I would argue that it is not significant; it is as it should be, but we have largely learned to read without expecting it, so it stands out when it is simply present.
A lot of your poetry, for example, your collections The Makings of You and The Geez, cover a family history that moves from the Caribbean to Sierra Leone, and your own life between London and Ghana. Is it hard to write about this cultural experience while engaging a wider audience who may not have a similar background?
I really don't obsess over the journey of the audience; I trust that if I render any story with true honesty and vulnerability, then a human audience will be engaged (in ways that I can't predict). Ultimately, how similar are backgrounds? We receive stories according to our interior landscape, and those can differ wildly even amongst people who have grown up in the same exterior circumstances - cases in point would be the adult versus child experience of the same war, or the masculine versus feminine experience of the same space.
Charlie Parker or Charles Mingus? Robert Johnson or Lead Belly?
Oooh, the first option isn't even fair - completely different expressive outlets, but both genius. Robert Johnson over Lead Belly though, just because I like when a story has gaps, leaving space for my imagination to inhabit. I think Lead Belly is a more accomplished storyteller, but Johnson makes you feel an incredible range of emotions and his guitar technique is stunning.
Buy a Copy of Azúcar from Peepal Tree Press
Thank you to Lila Bovenzi for her help with the questions.
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barbarewjohnson · 1 year
Why Brand Content Creation is Important for Businesses
If you’re a business owner, it’s important to understand the role that brand content creation plays in building your company’s identity. Your brand is more than just your logo or slogan – it’s the overall impression that your customers have of your business. And one of the most important ways to shape that impression is through the content you create.
Think about the last time you researched a purchase online. Whether you were looking for information about a product or service, reading reviews, or watching videos, chances are you came across some form of branded content. This could be anything from an article on a company blog to a social media post from the business itself.
Creating high-quality, original content is essential for any business that wants to stand out from its competitors. But with so many businesses competing for attention online, simply having decent content isn’t enough – your brand content needs to be truly exceptional if you want it to make an impact.
Why Brand Content Creation is Important
Why is brand content creation important?
Well, to put it simply, creating content is one of the most effective marketing tools that you can use to promote your brand. By producing high-quality, original content, you can reach a wider audience and build trust and credibility with potential customers.
In today’s digital world, consumers are bombarded with an endless amount of information and ads from brands competing for their attention. This means that standing out from the crowd has never been more difficult – or more important. Content marketing allows you to cut through the noise and create something that is genuinely valuable to your target audience.
When done correctly, brand content creation can help you achieve a number of objectives, including:
– Building brand awareness and equity
– Creating loyalty and customer relationships
The Benefits of Brand Content Creation
There are many benefits to creating brand content, including building trust and credibility with your audience, humanizing your brand, and differentiating yourself from your competitors.
Creating trustworthy content can be the difference between a one-time purchase and a lifelong customer. When you produce high-quality content that provides value to your readers, they begin to see you as a credible source of information. This is especially important for small businesses who may not have the same name recognition as larger companies.
Humanizing your brand means making it relatable and relatable equals profitable. In today’s day and age, customers want to do business with brands they feel understand them on a personal level. By sharing stories and producing content that showcases the people behind your company, you’re able to create an emotional connection with potential customers.
Differentiate yourself from the competition by having a point of view. There are probably dozens of other companies selling products or services similar to yours. So how do you make sure prospective customers choose you over someone else? Developing strong beliefs about what you do – and then infusing those principles into every aspect of your marketing – is one way to help set yourself apart from others in your industry
The Different Types of Brand Content Creation
Brand content creation covers a wide range of marketing activities. It can be used to create awareness of your brand, generate leads, or even close sales. The key is to produce high-quality content that resonates with your target audience.
There are several different types of brand content you can create:
1) Awareness content: This type of content is designed to introduce your brand to new audiences and get them interested in what you have to offer. It should be informative and engaging, without being overly salesy.
2) Engagement content: Once you have someone’s attention, the next step is to keep them engaged with your brand. This type of content should be interesting and interactive, such as quizzes, infographics, videos, or blogs.
3) Conversion content: The goal of conversion content is to convince your readers to take a desired action, such as signing up for a newsletter or making a purchase. It should be clear and concise while still providing value.
The Process of Brand Content Creation
When it comes to creating brand content, there is a process that needs to be followed in order to ensure that the end result is effective and achieves the desired objectives. The first step is to understand what the brand’s goals are and what target audience they are trying to reach. Once this has been established, the next step is to come up with ideas for content that will resonate with this audience and help achieve the objectives laid out by the brand. Once these ideas have been generated, it’s time to start creating the actual content, which can be in various forms such as articles, videos, infographics or even just images. After the content has been created, it then needs to be distributed through various channels such as social media, email marketing or even paid advertising. And finally, once the content has been published online, it’s important to track its performance and see how it’s impacting overall business goals.
Tips for Creating Effective Brand Content
1. Always keep your brand in mind when creating content. Whether you’re writing a blog post, designing a new product, or filming a commercial, make sure that everything you do is true to your brand identity. This will help create consistency and build trust with your audience.
2. Be sure to target your content towards your desired audience. Creating great content is worthless if it’s not reaching the right people. Figure out who you want to talk to and then craft messaging that appeals to them.
3. Make sure that your content is original and fresh. With so much information available online, it’s important to stand out from the crowd by offering something unique. Your audience will appreciate innovative thinking and clever ideas that are relevant to their interests
Case Studies: How Good Brand Content Can Help Grow a Business
When it comes to growing a business, good brand content can be extremely helpful. After all, effective branding leads to increased name recognition, which can result in more customers and sales. And one of the best ways to create strong branding is through quality content that accurately represents your company’s values and mission.
But what exactly is “brand content?” Essentially, it’s any kind of communication – whether written, spoken, or visual – that helps define who you are as a business. This includes everything from your website copy and social media posts to your product packaging and marketing collateral.
Creating strong brand content isn’t always easy. But it’s definitely worth the effort because it can help you attract new customers, build loyalty among existing ones, and ultimately grow your business.
In conclusion, businesses should invest in brand content creation to stay relevant and top-of-mind with their target audience. Not only does quality content help build trust and credibility, but it also allows businesses to share their unique voice and perspective – ultimately helping them stand out from the competition.
So if you’re looking to give your business a boost, remember that creating compelling, original content is key. After all, without a strong foundation of quality content, your business will have a hard time achieving success in today’s digital age.
The post Why Brand Content Creation is Important for Businesses appeared first on SwiftCreator.com.
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Why Brand Content Creation is Important for Businesses
If you’re a business owner, it’s important to understand the role that brand content creation plays in building your company’s identity. Your brand is more than just your logo or slogan – it’s the overall impression that your customers have of your business. And one of the most important ways to shape that impression is through the content you create.
Think about the last time you researched a purchase online. Whether you were looking for information about a product or service, reading reviews, or watching videos, chances are you came across some form of branded content. This could be anything from an article on a company blog to a social media post from the business itself.
Creating high-quality, original content is essential for any business that wants to stand out from its competitors. But with so many businesses competing for attention online, simply having decent content isn’t enough – your brand content needs to be truly exceptional if you want it to make an impact.
Why Brand Content Creation is Important
Why is brand content creation important?
Well, to put it simply, creating content is one of the most effective marketing tools that you can use to promote your brand. By producing high-quality, original content, you can reach a wider audience and build trust and credibility with potential customers.
In today’s digital world, consumers are bombarded with an endless amount of information and ads from brands competing for their attention. This means that standing out from the crowd has never been more difficult – or more important. Content marketing allows you to cut through the noise and create something that is genuinely valuable to your target audience.
When done correctly, brand content creation can help you achieve a number of objectives, including:
– Building brand awareness and equity
– Creating loyalty and customer relationships
The Benefits of Brand Content Creation
There are many benefits to creating brand content, including building trust and credibility with your audience, humanizing your brand, and differentiating yourself from your competitors.
Creating trustworthy content can be the difference between a one-time purchase and a lifelong customer. When you produce high-quality content that provides value to your readers, they begin to see you as a credible source of information. This is especially important for small businesses who may not have the same name recognition as larger companies.
Humanizing your brand means making it relatable and relatable equals profitable. In today’s day and age, customers want to do business with brands they feel understand them on a personal level. By sharing stories and producing content that showcases the people behind your company, you’re able to create an emotional connection with potential customers.
Differentiate yourself from the competition by having a point of view. There are probably dozens of other companies selling products or services similar to yours. So how do you make sure prospective customers choose you over someone else? Developing strong beliefs about what you do – and then infusing those principles into every aspect of your marketing – is one way to help set yourself apart from others in your industry
The Different Types of Brand Content Creation
Brand content creation covers a wide range of marketing activities. It can be used to create awareness of your brand, generate leads, or even close sales. The key is to produce high-quality content that resonates with your target audience.
There are several different types of brand content you can create:
1) Awareness content: This type of content is designed to introduce your brand to new audiences and get them interested in what you have to offer. It should be informative and engaging, without being overly salesy.
2) Engagement content: Once you have someone’s attention, the next step is to keep them engaged with your brand. This type of content should be interesting and interactive, such as quizzes, infographics, videos, or blogs.
3) Conversion content: The goal of conversion content is to convince your readers to take a desired action, such as signing up for a newsletter or making a purchase. It should be clear and concise while still providing value.
The Process of Brand Content Creation
When it comes to creating brand content, there is a process that needs to be followed in order to ensure that the end result is effective and achieves the desired objectives. The first step is to understand what the brand’s goals are and what target audience they are trying to reach. Once this has been established, the next step is to come up with ideas for content that will resonate with this audience and help achieve the objectives laid out by the brand. Once these ideas have been generated, it’s time to start creating the actual content, which can be in various forms such as articles, videos, infographics or even just images. After the content has been created, it then needs to be distributed through various channels such as social media, email marketing or even paid advertising. And finally, once the content has been published online, it’s important to track its performance and see how it’s impacting overall business goals.
Tips for Creating Effective Brand Content
1. Always keep your brand in mind when creating content. Whether you’re writing a blog post, designing a new product, or filming a commercial, make sure that everything you do is true to your brand identity. This will help create consistency and build trust with your audience.
2. Be sure to target your content towards your desired audience. Creating great content is worthless if it’s not reaching the right people. Figure out who you want to talk to and then craft messaging that appeals to them.
3. Make sure that your content is original and fresh. With so much information available online, it’s important to stand out from the crowd by offering something unique. Your audience will appreciate innovative thinking and clever ideas that are relevant to their interests
Case Studies: How Good Brand Content Can Help Grow a Business
When it comes to growing a business, good brand content can be extremely helpful. After all, effective branding leads to increased name recognition, which can result in more customers and sales. And one of the best ways to create strong branding is through quality content that accurately represents your company’s values and mission.
But what exactly is “brand content?” Essentially, it’s any kind of communication – whether written, spoken, or visual – that helps define who you are as a business. This includes everything from your website copy and social media posts to your product packaging and marketing collateral.
Creating strong brand content isn’t always easy. But it’s definitely worth the effort because it can help you attract new customers, build loyalty among existing ones, and ultimately grow your business.
In conclusion, businesses should invest in brand content creation to stay relevant and top-of-mind with their target audience. Not only does quality content help build trust and credibility, but it also allows businesses to share their unique voice and perspective – ultimately helping them stand out from the competition.
So if you’re looking to give your business a boost, remember that creating compelling, original content is key. After all, without a strong foundation of quality content, your business will have a hard time achieving success in today’s digital age.
The post Why Brand Content Creation is Important for Businesses appeared first on SwiftCreator.com.
https://ifttt.com/images/no_image_card.png https://swiftcreator.com/content-creation/why-brand-content-creation-is-important-for-businesses/
https://ifttt.com/images/no_image_card.png https://swiftcreatorcom.wordpress.com/2022/11/30/why-brand-content-creation-is-important-for-businesses/
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scamalert · 2 years
Wolf Growth Review-Instagram Tool bot
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If you’re looking for the best Instagram growth tools to help grow your account and followers, you’ve come to the right place. Wolfgrowth is a leading Instagram growth tool that helps users gain more followers on their accounts by engaging with new users daily.
In this blog post, we’ll explain what Wolfgrowth is, why it helps users grow their following on Instagram, and how you can sign up for it today. Keep reading to find out everything you need to know about this useful app.
What is the Wolfgrowth?
Wolfgrowth is one of the best Instagram growth tools available to help grow your Instagram followers and engagement. It’s also one of the most popular and fastest-growing apps on the market. The app offers a unique service to users where they can engage with new people by liking, commenting, story viewing, and following their accounts.
Check out wolf growth the discount Link (click here)
This helps you to engage with other users and ultimately grow your Instagram following by making new connections. The Wolfgrowth app, like most Instagram hacks and tools, is designed to let you grow your followers from scratch. If you don’t have any followers, then you can’t expect to gain any followers by posting your photos to your account. The app works by letting you engage with other users to get your account noticed and ultimately have more people follow you. With a large following, you can reach a wider range of people to grow your brand and ultimately increase sales.
Why Should You Use The Wolfgrowth App?
The first and foremost reason to use WolfGrowth is to kick start growth on your Instagram account. What WolfGrowth does is it starts engaging with people who have similar interests to you. This helps you to get noticed and start building up your following on Instagram.
Check out wolf growth the discount Link (click here)
Creating a following takes time, and the WolfGrowth app helps you to get the ball rolling. You can also use WolfGrowth alongside other Instagram growth hacks and tools to help grow your account even faster. The other reason you should consider using the WolfGrowth app is to engage with your current followers on Instagram.
Engaging with your followers is one of the best ways to help retain current users. The more you engage with your current following, the more likely they are to stick around and remain engaged with your brand.
How Does The Wolfgrowth App Work?
The Wolfgrowth app works by allowing you to like, comment, story view, and follow other Instagram accounts. This helps to engage with new users and ultimately grow your following. Over time, these new users will notice your posts on their feeds and might follow you as a result. tool views millions of other people's story views this then ultimately helps you grow your Instagram following and reach more people.
follow and unfollow method nowadays Instagram can block your Instagram account The app uses a mixture of genuine and automated Instagram accounts to engage with other users. This means you can use the app to grow your account 24/7 and help reach a wider range of people on Instagram. Automated accounts are a common sight on Instagram, and the app lets you take advantage of these bots to help grow your account faster.
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Pros of Using The Wolfgrowth App
There are several benefits to using the WolfGrowth app. First, you can use it to kick-start your Instagram growth. If you’re just starting out on Instagram and don’t have many followers, it can be hard to gain traction. You might not have time to grow your following manually, so using the WolfGrowth app to engage with new users can help you get going.
Check out wolf growth the discount Link (click here)
The app can also help you engage with your current followers on Instagram. Engaging with your followers is important since it helps to retain them. As a result, your followers are more likely to remain engaged with your account. The app can also help you get noticed by more users on Instagram. With a larger following, you can expect to reach a wider range of people and ultimately grow your business.
Cons of Using The Wolfgrowth App
The main downside to using the WolfGrowth app is that you need to spend money to use it. The app costs around $99 per month, and there’s no free version to test out. There are other Instagram growth hacks and tools that are free to use and can help you to grow your account.
The Wolfgrowth app is a good service, but there are cheaper ways to go about it. You also need to be careful when using the WolfGrowth app to prevent getting banned. You should only use it on a few accounts and avoid taking too many actions per day.
The other downside is that the app doesn’t guarantee results. You should also be careful not to spam your followers and risk getting banned.
Final Words
The Wolfgrowth app is one of the best Instagram growth tools on the market. It’s also one of the fastest ways to grow your followers and engagement on Instagram. The app works by allowing you to like, comment, and follow other users on Instagram.
This helps you to engage with new people and ultimately grow your following. The Wolfgrowth app is a good service, but there are cheaper methods to go about it. You can also use the app to engage with your current followers on Instagram to help retain them better.
The downside is that the app costs around $99 per month, and there’s no free option to test out. You should also be careful not to spam your followers and risk getting banned.
Check out wolf growth the discount Link (click here)
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dopetattooblog · 2 years
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Reclaiming the Narrative – a new tattoo installation at the NMMC by Black and POC tattoo artists – Things&Ink
We’re so fired up to expose that The Countrywide Maritime Museum Cornwall has opened a brand new short-term exhibition:  British Tattoo Art: Reclaiming the Narrative,  which is now open up in Falmouth.
 Reclaiming the Narrative functions  14 parts of artwork by Black and POC tattoo artists , all functioning in the British isles now. The artworks signify a celebration of up to date tattoo artwork on Black and brown pores and skin. The installation varieties a strong inventive response to the museum’s critically-acclaimed 2017 exhibition   Tattoo: British Tattoo Art Discovered   ,  which was the premier accumulating of genuine objects and original tattoo artwork ever assembled in the British isles. 
 The artworks represent each a celebration of tattoo artwork – especially on Black and brown pores and skin – and a assumed-provoking and powerful obstacle to Countrywide Maritime Museum Cornwall’s very own cultural choice-creating all around the original 2017 exhibition,  Tattoo: British Tattoo Art Disclosed . There had been omissions ( the 100 Arms  for example had been all developed on white / male tattoo practise pores and skin) and the exhibition should really and could have been approached otherwise. There must have been far more conversations – and this new addition to the exhibition is acknowledgment of that.  It’s time for adjust, to confess exactly where errors have been manufactured. 
 These will work are also meant as a positive intervention into a wider, necessary discussion around variety of representation – historical and present-day – in the tale of British tattoo artwork. Reflecting on the original exhibition technique, these functions have been commissioned to handle omissions and cultural biases contained in the narrative of the 2017 exhibition, and are meant to be a direct  intervention into a broader, needed and essential discussion close to range of representation in the story of British tattoo artwork.
 The installation has been guest curated by our editor Alice Snape (who also curated the 100 Fingers, the centrepiece of the authentic exhibition) and designed in partnership with direct artist Charissa Gregson aka Glasgow-primarily based Tattoo artist Rizza Boo, of Shadow Operate Tattoos. 
     Direct artist  Charissa Gregson  with her tattooed torso,   Starry Crown   – which is the central piece of function in Reclaiming the Narrative     Here’s what Charissa Gregson / Rizza Boo, proprietor of Shadow Work Tattoos, Glasgow had to say about the exhibition:  
 “Following the brutal killing of George Floyd in 2020, persons all in excess of the planet have been engaging in extra discussions about social injustice, law enforcement brutality, institutional racism and anti-Blackness. We observed this echoed by means of the tattoo local community with clientele and tattooers sharing some of their encounters of anti-Blackness inside of the industry, ranging from subtle microaggressions to outright racism. There have been conversations about the deficiency of appreciation and illustration of black artists, insensitivity when tattooing cultural topic matter, the destructive effects of whitewashing pics of consumers to in shape a unique aesthetic and the typical absence of awareness and misinformation all-around tattooing darker pores and skin.
 “We know that illustration matters. This show feels like an essential addition, showcasing the work of Black and POC tattooers, earning guaranteed we are integrated in this specific record of tattoo history. It is a smaller indicator of development that the plaques and silicone arms employed in this project are now offered in a marginally additional assorted palette, which just one would hope will proceed to grow. Supplying a wider assortment of colours, skin tones, so that even extra people would see a illustration of their pores and skin provided in an exhibition like this. 
 “When requested to contribute to this project, it was obvious to me that we must get extra artists involved. A solitary piece by one particular artist would only be the illusion of range and give a wrong impression of the cultural and inventive diversity that really exists in our communities. Keeping place for more artists and offering platform to their creativeness provides a more true look at who is tattooing in Britain suitable now. With this task we seek out to disrupt and challenge some of the misinformation, give voice to the particular person artists and allow us to share some of our collective tale.”
  Reclaiming the Narrative is open up now at the  Countrywide Maritime Museum in Cornwall:  
  The exhibition incorporates: 
  Charissa Gregson’s tattooed torso,  Starry Crown,  which celebrates the Black woman overall body and sorts the centrepiece of the exhibition. 
      Extra designs on synthetic skin plaques together with will work from:
         Manni K, Jolie Rouge   Natasha Jackson, Prophecy Tattoo and Piercing   Lord Montana-Blue, The Fantastic Struggle Tattoo   Sarah Louise Powell, Neon Wolf Tattoo Studio   Samantha Bee, INKLOUNGE Tattoo Studio    Rakhee Shah, Xotica Tattoo Company    Nish Rowe, Blu Xion Tattoo    Jade Clark, Coronary heart of Glass Tattoo   Samuel Ayobami Paul, Artkilledme   Ash Tyson, Ouroboros private studio     Yasir, Fake Pores and skin Tattoo   Jezz-lee Wooden, Samsara Tattoo Parlour   Pedro, Grey Area Custom made Tattoos 
      by    Yasir, Phony Skin Tattoo         by    Ash Tyson, Ouroboros private studio           by    Samuel Ayobami Paul, Artkilledme
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