#it looks soooo good with mercutio i love it so much
lithugraph · 7 years
Hellooo :D For the Harry Potter ask please, numbers: 1 - 4, 8 - 10, 12, 15 and 16, 18, 20, 22 and 23, 24 and 25 and finally, 30!
Thanks for the ask! This made me want to go back and read the books, despite my growing pile of books-to-be-read ;)
1.) What is your Hogwarts House and which of that House’s traits resonate the most with you?I rep the bronze and the blue – Ravenclaw here, tried and true! Wit is the trait I most favor – and I don’t mean in the keen intelligence way – I’m talking about the wit as it relates to a turn of phrase used in humor. I love to laugh, and I love being able to make others laugh. Of course I’m always up for debate, but I always try to temper it with a little humor – especially if it starts to get out of hand and people need to be brought back down to earth ;). (There’s a reason Mercutio was my fav in Romeo and Juliet). I do love learning and tend to go through phases where I’m totally obsessed with something and won’t stop until I’ve reached a level of understanding or the next shiny thing catches my attention. But I still have those constants I will never get rid of, like music, Cold War history, and programming.
2.) What is your Patronus and what do you think it says about you?My Patronus is a goshawk. I seem to have a thing for birds – my house is Ravenclaw, most of my tattoos are bird-related, and even my name is a form of a bird’s name. Plus, ever since I was three or four, I’ve always wanted to fly, even going so far as to “invent” and test my own set of wings :D. I think what it says about me is that I don’t like being held back by anything.
3.) Which is your favourite book and why?Oooh, gosh. This one’s tough. There are things I like about all of them, but as for HP books I’ve read cover to cover, back to back over and over again….I’d have to say 3 and 5. 3 was the one that really got me hooked on the series. And 5 I loved for the culmination of ideas. It definitely felt like the climax of the entire series. (And let’s be honest, the battle at the Ministry was more epic and nail-biting than the battle for Hogwarts).
4.) Which is your favourite film and why?I know I’m gonna catch flack for this one, possibly be excommunicated from the HP fandom, but I gotta say it. Prisoner of Azkaban was my favorite film. Yes, it didn’t follow the book. Yes, it was darker and weirder than the previous two films. But…just like book 3 hooked me in the literary series, movie 3 hooked me in the film series. I liked that 3 was darker and had random bits of weirdness and magic happening in the background. Number 3 (book and movie) was all about transition. It was the only book that didn’t have Voldemort anywhere physically in it, and it signified a departure from that tentative Everything Is All Right feeling from the first two. And yeah I’m kind if upset it didn’t do a better job of following the book, but some things don’t translate well from book to big screen.
8.) What is your favourite quote/passage?“Of course it is happening inside your head, Harry, but why on earth should that mean that it is not real?”
9.) Who is your favourite character and why?Despite their flaws, my two favs are Sirius and Snape. Sirius definitely represented that badboy restless energy but I so hoped Harry could have gone to live with him at the end of book 3. He was one of the many father figures Harry had but the only one that was closest to James in personality. However, I wish he would have gotten over that stupid childhood grudge against Snape. Grow up, guys. Seriously.
And Snape. I hated how much of a bully he was – not only to Harry, but to pretty much every student who wasn’t in Slytherin (or at least all the Gryffindors). But rereading the books after his character’s big reveal in book 7 gave me a different perspective of him.
Also, even though he was hardly mentioned, except in book 7, Regulus Black. Can we have some back story on him please? What made him turn? What would Sirius’ reaction have been, if he had known his brother turned against Voldemort? I think that bit of information was foreshadowing on JK’s part, hinting at the much bigger reveal of Snape’s character. But still, I’d have liked to have known more.
10.) Who is your least favourite character and why?Ginny Weasley. I really had no opinion of her *until* the big transformation in book 5 when she goes from shy girl to twentieth century fox. Like, why? Why couldn’t she have just remained that shy girl with a crush on Harry? I’ve been that shy girl. For my entire elementary, middle, and high school life. And having your friend tell you to “just be yourself” doesn’t magically snap you out of being shy. What was so wrong with Ginny being shy, or introverted? She had a lot more potential for development when she was the quiet Weasley girl with a talent for hexing and Quidditch goal keeping – it gave her a kind of mystery. Sure Harry saved her life in book 2, but why couldn’t she have repaid the favor by saving him from situations, especially in book 5 with Umbridge? Why couldn’t she remain the calm and collected quiet girl who stood up to a professor for Harry thereby garnering Harry’s attention and which would have made for a more compelling reason for him to suddenly realize he fancied her too in book 6? Nope. Instead we get the cliche “Oh she’s suddenly hot because she talks and stuff and has guys dating her that aren’t me.” Bad play, Rowling. Bad play.
12.) Which character deserved better and why?Snape deserved a thousand times better! Dude. Like seriously. Up until that moment, when Harry’s looking at Snape’s last memories, I honestly never knew how I felt about Dumbledore. I never got why people trusted him. He always seemed so well-meaning and like a really eccentric grandpa on the surface(which I never really bought), but his motives were never quite clear. And when Dumbledore reveals everything to Snape, why Harry must be protected and what he (Harry) must do, and Snape’s reaction, I just…..ugh! I lost what little trust I had for Dumbledore then. And, yeah, so Snape deserves all the things and then some. It was the ultimate double agent getting double crossed. He betrayed Voldemort after what happened to Lily and started working for the “good” side to make up for what he’d done, only to get betrayed by them in return by unknowingly helping Harry, the last piece of Lily, to be led to the slaughter.
15.) Which character do you feel you have the most in common with?Probably Lupin. I know what it’s like to be stuck between two friends who are making a very bad decision and not speak up and then feel guilty about it and try to make up for it years later.
16.) Which character’s death hit you the hardest?Sirius Black. Was not expecting that one and was in denial for the longest time.
18.) What would be your favourite and least favourite Hogwarts classes?Favorite: astronomy, herbology, care of magical creatures, potionsLeast Favorite: charms, history of magic (if still taught by Prof Binns), divination
20.) What is your favourite spell?I solemnly swear that I am up to no good.
22.) What do you think Amortentia would smell like to you?Sandalwood, damp earth and leaves, coffee brewing early in the morning, hazelnut, crisp autumn air, the metallic and exhaust smell of a subway station
23.) What do you think your Boggart would be and what would it change into?Mine would be the same as Molly Weasley’s :(
24.) What is your favourite magical object and why?Wands. I think it would be neat to learn more about wand lore.
25.) Which of the Deathly Hallows would you pick and why?I wouldn’t pick any. I wasn’t really won over with the whole Deathly Hallows concept, tbh. Maybe if Rowling had introduced them more directly sooner? But, nah. To me, they represent an unhealthy obsession, something you’ll never truly achieve, like a carrot and stick tease.
30.) If you could ask JKR one question, what would it be?What happened to Harry’s extended family? His grandparents? I understand the Potters probably all were killed by Voldemort or Death Eaters, but what about the Evanses? Canonically, Lily and James were born in 1960 and had Harry in 1980. So they were only twenty/twenty-one when they died. Assuming Lily and James’ parents had them when they were 20/30/40, grandma and grandpa Evans would have been 40/50/60 when Harry was born – still plenty of life left, unless heart disease runs jn the family? So…..what HAPPENED TO HARRY’s grandparents on his mom’s side? This has always bugged me. Why did he have to go live with the Dursleys? His mother’s protection spell worked as long as he lived with a member of her family and called that place “home,” so why couldn’t he live with his grandparents? What happened to them? Why didn’t the Death Eaters or Voldemort go after the Dursleys too, especially since they were the most unapologetically Muggle family in the entire HP universe. Did Lily cast some protection spell over her sister and the Dursleys? Obviously Petunia knew enough about Voldemort to utter a little eep at hearing he had returned in book 5, soooo….? I mean, I do think it was pretty clear Petunia had absolutely no external love for her family after that comment in book 1 about her perfect sister, so I think it’s reasonable she had no family photos hanging around, but surely Harry would have been curious and maybe gone snooping? I don’t know. I just wish there had been some kind of an explanation there. I think Lily Evans’ back story/genealogy would have made for a more compelling search in book 7 instead of the Hallows/Horcruxes thing, especially since Harry knew about the protection spell at that point. Just sayin’.
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