#it is two of my favourite foods
black-and-yellow · 2 months
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somekindofmoss · 3 months
Now, I'm not entirely sure what came first, the tcw show or all of the novels expanding on Mandalorian culture, but nonetheless it annoys me so much whenever i watch tcw and they depict the Mandalorian people, one of the most diverse cultures in starwars, all with blue eyes and blonde hair. Mandalorian is a culture, a religion, not a race. A creed anyone of any species or origin can join.
The Mandalorians were so prolific in adoption into their creed, that it lives on despite their ancestors -the Taung- having died out. All you even have to do in Mandalorian culture to adopt someone is speak a vow, (The gai bal manda) which is recognised by Mandalorian law. (and I'm distraught that in the Mandalorian show we didn't get to see Din speak this vow to Grogu, but I digress.)
The show also presents Sundari, Mandalore's capital at the time, as so... clinical and bare? Yes the new pacifist Mandalorians have foregone the war worshipping ways that founded their culture, but the worship of war also bred a celebration of life and relishing each moment and day you get -Shereshoy being the term for it. From a culture like this I'd expect a little more... soul to their home.
They dress everyone in such plain (lack of) colours too!! When the pacifist Mandalorians discarded their armour, did they discard the cultural meanings or importance of colour too? (And I'd love to see New Mandalorians treating their clothing with as much respect and reverence as they traditionally did armour, following the Resol'nare's tenet of Beskar'gam in their own, new way. I have so many thoughts on how the Resol'nare can apply to a peaceful lifestyle, but ultimately I know that's far too much detail for tcw to have delved into, and I'm sure i wouldn't be the first to talk about it, if only there was a show solely about Mandalorians that could explore their culture in such depth-)
Ever since I had a hyperfix on Mandalorian culture a year or two ago I haven't been able to consume Mandalorian related content the same way, and I am trying to resurrect the intense interest because it ended before I was able to learn Mando'a, and by goodness I think it might be working.
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macaiv · 4 months
Source: @/condimentclaire tiktok account
Give Estie that Heinz sponsorship
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garfieldstim · 2 months
Hi can you do a stim board for oranges/ orange themed things
Or maybe a snoopy one whichever you prefer !
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oranges stimboard for @majablossom 🍊
x x x / x x x / x x x
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mysunfreckle · 4 days
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Someting something parenthood, something food as a love language
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museeeuuuum · 1 month
I am on the dunegon meshi hype train
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cinnamon-phrog · 2 months
Check out my brunch 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
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yardsards · 2 years
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i was gonna draw a second pic of them walking together as children but i’m very rusty and therefore slow at art and this took hours and i am Done Drawing for now
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hella1975 · 9 months
I finally started listening to Alex G! I just listened to the album Trick all the way through, so far Change is the most devastating one but we'll see how all the songs sink in over time!
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bubblegum-snowdrop · 4 months
girl wtf you bake your own bread???? that sounds so hard
It's actually not hard! It takes a bit of arm strength and patience, that's all. Besides- it's lovely to make something and wear a cute apron. Mine has cat patterns on it :D
Baking in general is great. Cookies, cinnamon buns [actually made those yesterday too], cake, muffins, pretzels... and that's not even getting into cooking. I recently made my parents a breakfast and I had so much fun!!!! It was eggs [they were over-easy, I think is the term. It was my first time making eggs and I was so proud!], hashbrowns and bacon. Mom and dad loved them!!!!
But yeah- cooking and baking is so rewarding to me, and very calming too. I could spend all day in a kitchen just cooking all sorts of dishes, listening to music and seeing people enjoy it afterwards. I couldn't be a chef or baker though;;; I like going at my own pace far too much for that. BUT ANYWAY!!!! Please give cooking/baking a try, it's wonderful and rewarding. And you only get better with time!
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rainbowcarousels · 10 months
Just wanted to let you know I absolutely LOVE your Nicki-finds-Armand-after-his-suicide-attempt AU. Their interactions are hilariously macabre and your Nicki voice is one of the best I have ever red. Yeah, just wanted you to know:)
Thank you so much for saying so!
Nicolas was one of the characters that I very much latched onto when I very first read the books - in fact, Lestat/Nicki was my first ship before I read QOTD and I always found the lack of utilisation of him in fandom really disheartening. I even got my hopes up when Lestat couldn't find him in Memnoch but so sad that he's one of the only constants to remain dead. I understand that's part of the tragedy of him, but I guess I thought if the others from the era get their shot at a life after, he ought to as well.
Trying to balance Nicki's difficulties - Lestat saying joy was hard for him is such a sucker punch because of how frequently in TVL Lestat draws lines between Nicki running his mouth or making a show compared to genuine feeling and how he can see the difference in his face - while showing that I suspect some of the worst of his early vampire mania came from the absolute trauma conga line that preceeded his being made into one is not the easiest, but I hope I'm managing.
I think once he got past his own sense of betrayal and managed to settle himself with the trauma if not deal with it, it wouldn't be all that different to Armand which makes their interactions fascinating to me. They are both dealing with a percieved sense of betrayal and their world view being thrust upside down at the same time and I think Armand did the best he could given the state he was in, but they deserved a chance to rebuild. Especially given Nicki's known for being acerbic and not holding back when I think Armand needs a sense of harshness because the softness, the pity, the compassion of the others is just not something he can deal with at that point. He's too raw.
I do have parts of the next bit written but I want to get it right because Nicki meeting Louis has been something I've wanted to do a for a long time.
This is also a reminder that I really need to give that AU a name now there's a few things in it.
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folkloregirlfriend · 11 months
i love my older brothers so fucking much
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kiwichaeng · 1 year
I could say I want to watch 911 Lone Star for the plot but I don't make a habit of lying to myself
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calandrinon · 1 year
I tried to make a toum for my potato salad but it didn't emulsify so I added it to an egg yolk and made aioli.
If anyone does this I suggest you taste the failed toum first because it was SO GARLICKY oh my god
call that ustu-rai
(usturoi = garlic, Rai = heaven)
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ibijau · 1 year
“you know the kitchen always knows when it’s you because you always order this”
welp I guess I can’t return here ever again because now I’ll feel self conscious about that
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yououghtaknow · 1 year
they weren’t lying, that going outside, talking to people, going on a walk to get a little drink from the gas station really helps your mental health
#went to the writing thing!!! got a GOOD amount of work done did a Quick Sweep of my second act to edit more in depth later#and talked to some cool people about art and gender and disability and politics and stuff!!!!!!!#it's Nice being around people who aren't My People because i feel like i'm allowed to have opinions#ANYWAYS my bpd has been spiking because of [redacted] doing [redacted] and [redacted] and [redacted]#BUT i have evening plans of watching adventuring party and planning out more Long Term work <3#ALSO I BOUGHT MYSELF A NON-SAFE DRINK AND I LIKED IT#as in not one of my safe foods#i got a little strawberry yogurty drink thing and it was really nice!!!! AND it was only 90p!!!!!#and i walked home as the sun set and it was really nice even though i got lost because i was in a part of the city i'm not used to#BUT i managed to navigate all by myself (by following bus stops of the bus i got up to the place)#currently feeling very in my bejeweled era. feeling very i miss you but i miss sparkling!!!!!!!#i love discovering myself again after Trauma and Horrors. sadly this will probably all go away on saturday but we stay silly!!!1#i just feel more like a Person when i'm on my own or with people i'm not close to#ALSO I BOUGHT A BOOK TODAY#it was one of my favourite poets and i got to talk about him with the bookstore owners and it was so nice to have people Understand#AND I TALKED ABOUT WRITING PLAYS WITH A GUY WHO WAS ALSO WORKING ON HIS PLAY#we talked about being actor-writers and Bridging The Gap of the two mediums#he also recommended me some workshops i was going to sign up for anyway but it was nice of him :)#i LOVE being in queer and neurodivergent spaces!!!!!#i was very shy and socially anxious but i was able to approach people and have conversations the whole time!!!!#i did sit on my own to do my work but i preferred it that way :) i also needed so much table space for all my pages#ANYWAYS. rambling over. had a nice evening. this is my little journal entry :)
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