#it is sad to not be here as much but also πŸ‘‹πŸ˜Œ i'm happy to be free at the same time so ✨
chrisbangs Β· 26 days
i finished thesis, won an award, and have graduated.. hello πŸ‘‹πŸ₯Έ
#i'm not coming back but :') hello#i forgot i even had tumblr still on my phone djdkdkdkdk#i just opened it for the first time in ??? 5 months or smth i think idk for sure#life is weird :')#remember when i said i wanna drop out every day of my life :') bc i suck at design#welp i won an award for my design thesis :')#jsjdjdkdkdkdj#turns out having friends kinda changes your life πŸ«‚#having friends at school has actually :') made me a happier more normal person lol#i haven't been miserable?? i haven't wanted to kms ... i have been so happy and yes school was shitty but i wanted to go and try hard bc#my friends motivated me to stay and try and that's crazy :') idk#felt really loved and like i belonged somewhere for the first time in my life 🫨 like woah ppl like me and wanna be my friend? me??#:') i'm really happy... isn't that weird#i used to want to kms every other day hsjdndkdkdks lol 😭#now i'm like 😭 every day i look forward to waking up bc i'm happy and i have ppl who love me and i wanna see them again and i wanna spend#time with them again and play games with them again :')#literally stayed up till ??? 4 am yesterday talking to one of them like#😭#god jm djjdkdkdkd idk :')#my life is good...#???? IM NOT MISERABLE IDK GUYS#wild af#even winning the award was such a shock like πŸ₯² damn . who ? me?#ppl from like :') this big design thing in toronto we're praising it too like djdjdodjdkdj#:') it's kinda crazy.. i was super !#man.. i cant believe how 5 months ago i was gonna kms πŸ₯ΈπŸ‘† and now i'm like erm actually maybe we do need to live#:') anyway#i hope ppl on here are doing good πŸ«¨πŸ”¨#it is sad to not be here as much but also πŸ‘‹πŸ˜Œ i'm happy to be free at the same time so ✨
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warmilksz Β· 1 year
How will your future spouse comfort you when you are sad?
Pick a Ghibli character Intuitive reading
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Hi everyone πŸ‘‹β˜ΊοΈ here is another reading I hope your ur day is a little brighter after reading thisπŸ’•πŸ«£ (⁠ ⁠˘⁠ ⁠³⁠˘⁠)⁠β™₯ Ghibli movies are my favorite movies ever. So I decided to make that the theme on this post! πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–Thanks for reading, liking, reblogging and sharing πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–
**just a disclaimer: take what resonates and leave what doesn't for others. Go with he flowwwww It's a general reading (⁠~⁠ ̄⁠³⁠ ̄⁠)⁠~
CENTERING: Aight, just inhale for 4seconds, hold for 6, exhale for 8! Put all thoughts of the future and past to rest. Feels your hands, your chest rising and falling. We will get in touch with your intuition by appreciating the present.
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They really care, they love you. If you want to be alone they will respect that and leave you alone. I'm getting that when you guys are happy your really happy together. This may be my physical group 😳. Maybe they might try to soothe you sexually. I think they are kinda awkward when ur sad and they may not know the right words to say at times. But they know what makes you feel good so they will try to comfort you that way if u catch my drift 🫣. But I'm getting you may not always be happy after that, and may want to be left alone sometimes. Just to process your thoughts. (I'm feeling kinda heavy, are you going through something tough rn?) In any case, your spouse knows that u need space for you and wants to respect it by leaving you alone when you need it. And when you're ready to open up, they will be there waiting for you ready to hear you out πŸ€—.
Hmmm interesting I'm drawing a blank here. Maybe this person doesn't wanna show you, or has a hard time being vulnerable. The thing is, If you were sad, it would still shake them up emotionally. It's like they want to be this tough and strong for you on the outside ,your rock. But seeing you cry would shatter their heart inside πŸ₯Ί! They would feel obligated to action. Like if it was something someone said that saddened you, they would confront them. If not they would immediately want to find a solution for you. On that note, I'm getting a strong masculine and possible feminine vibe here. Like a knight and a princess ☺️ Mainly the masculine one tho . Like one of you is kinda stoic and the other may be sensitive 😩. I think your relationship will teach them more about feelings and how important it is to be intune with emotions and not close their heart to things. U Will help them with it
Similar to pile 1 they will have a lot of respect for you and want to treat you like the independent person you are. But they also feel drawn to you when you are sad. It's very nurturing.. Im also picking up that some of your spouses are good communicators and they may have a way with words but for the most part, choose to stay silent and just hold you gently when ur sad. They want you to be at peace when ur with them, they wanna be your oasis in the dessert. I think they realize deep down they really just wanna scoop you up and never let you go from their arms πŸ˜’πŸ’•. I think you'd let them too 🩷😭 Awe! Sometimes silence and a gentle hug can speak more than any words.
For this pile, I'm getting they're such a try hard lol. It's really sweet and I'm already feeling kinda bubbly for this pile hahah. If u was sad, they would take one look at your face and be able to tell without you saying anything. This person takes notes on you πŸ“–πŸ©·! They would probably start being extra nice to you aswell. I'm getting buying you ice cream, or other sweet stuff, buying you shoes or that thing they saw you staring at while you didn't notice them. Maybe this person is well off 😌 cause when your sad they want to buy you happiness lol. Hmmm, if happiness was made, they'd buy the factory for u 😏 But they know that is just a bandaid. I think they love you so much they can't stand to see you feel sad. As adorable as it is, it's important to feel all your emotions, even the sad ones. Maybe you guys can cuddle and cry together. I'm getting they would share your tears just so you'd have less of them πŸ˜’πŸ’˜
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theflyingfeeling Β· 10 months
when I felt happy and carefree again for a while
(= a concert report of a kind from BC @ SΓ€rkΓ€nniemi 11.8.2023 πŸ–€)
- First things first, the weather report: partly cloudy most of the time, not too warm but not too cold either (until maybe after the gig; I knew I didn't pack my super sexy gloves in vain 😌)
- The atmosphere was rather chill at the amusent park where the concert was held, so we had a chance to hang about and even go to exactly one ride lol (which was quite enough for us and we actually had a fun time and really put the amusement in amusement park tyvm, unlike the other (10-ish) people in the ride who looked like they'd rather be literally anywhere else)
- Also @wearenosaints and I were asked to give our extremely coherent and otherwise correct opinions about the Back To School event to the press like the very important people we are so yeah if you see our faces on the paper tomorrow that's us hiiiii πŸ‘‹
- I was pleasantly surprised to get MUCH better spots than what I had last time BC played at SΓ€rkΓ€nniemi (=couldn't see shit from the stage being so low and all the phones and fucking CARDBOARD SIGNS blocking our view), our spots were rather excellent tbh, at least in comparison to what I was expecting
- ...aaaaaaand then the cardboard signs appeared πŸ™‚
- So yeah if anyone was filming a video at that time (just before BC came on stage), the collective voi vittu! that can probably be heard in the background when the signs first appearedΒ that was definitely us hiiiii πŸ‘‹
- I know the five months between my previous BC show and this one is a short time in the grand scheme of things I guess but I assure you it's felt like half a lifetime at least, so it was an exciting moment to see all the guys run on stage one by one, I was so thrilled about seeing them with my bare eyeballs again that I was surprised everytime any of them showed up lol, for example I think Joonas was the last one I saw and it took a while for him to come to our side of the stage too, so I was like "oh yay Porko's here too!" as if I had forgotten he's in the band as well πŸ˜‚
- We saw a LOT of Olli and 😩😩😩😩 he's such a sexy motherfucker that I'm actually mad about it. I love how he really puts his whole goddamn pussy into the show, and the way he's so flirty sjfjfjkfkfkffk for a while I thought he had, you know, someone special watching him from the side of the stage because he kept flirting and making faces towards someone on his left side the whole fucking time, but then I figured Santeri was filming there so I guess he was just flirting with the camera like the common slut he is <3
- (and this totally did not give me any fic ideas about flirty!Olli and jealous!Allu πŸ‘€)
- Speaking of Aleksi: 😩😩😩😩😩
- He's nice-looking alright although I've never really been that attracted to him, but literally the first time I saw him tonight I was like 'well damn, Aleksi looks fine as hell?' 😩😩😩😩 the hair he has now looks sooooooo good on him, the shirt he was wearing really brought out his tits made him look rather desirable in my eyes, I may have an itsy-bitsy crush on him now byeeeee πŸ’€
- idk man being there just felt a bit like coming home? 😭 there weren't any surprises in the setlist but honestly I didn't expect there to be, it was sort of comforting actually to know exactly how it was going to go and the guys seemed happy about playing in Finland again as well (Niko: "Everyone here knows our songs!!" πŸ˜‚πŸ₯°)
- They also teased us about the Nokia Arena show that's apparently happening at some point in (near?) future πŸ‘€ I mean, don’t quote me on this lol they didn't spill any actual deets but it's gotta be Nokia Arena right? I mean, what else could it be lol
- But yeah. Lately there's been so much stuff in my life that's been stressing me out and making me feel uneasy and worried and some of it even a little sad (just earlier today I had to fight back tears in the bus because I was upset about something that had happened I know I shouldn't be upset about and yet...), but during the show? None of that shit mattered. For those 60 minutes, I was so completely happy and carefree again πŸ–€
- Many thanks to the peeps who tolerated my bad jokes today and only made little fun of my cool and sexy gloves, you know who you are and I love you <3
- See you next week 🀝
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lipglossanon Β· 3 months
Coming here is so comforting I swear. Sometimes I go through the pro ship tag to see what people are doing and saying cause idk if I should consider myself pro shipper or not, cause some of the stuffs I read are definitely too dark and taboo for a lot others but at the same time I know that I do not need to label everything about myself so I'm like well I like this thing and that other thing and that's it. But it makes me kinda angry seeing people sΓ³ easily and simply judge others based on what they like as if it immediately makes them a bad person, as if thoughts are harmful and dangerous like they're actions.
And I hate specifically when I myself feel uncomfortable with what I like cause I know that rationally it makes no sense but???
Have you ever felt like that? Writing and reading things that have made people madβ„’? And if so how do you deal with it? Most of the time I'm pretty good at just being like πŸ™„ but sometimes it just bothers yk
Howdy anon!! πŸ‘‹
And I’m so happy my blog’s a comfort to you!😌 πŸ₯°
It’s so funny to me how different the term pro ship is now; back in my day πŸ‘΅πŸ» it just meant that you were pro someone else’s right to ship who and what they want. Nutjobs took that to mean you accept any and all things instead of using their brain to think just cause you accept certain things doesn’t mean you condone others πŸ™„ fucking idiots
Anywho, I will get fired up about that so best move on 🀣
It’s sort of this new wave online where media literacy has been tossed out the window. Honestly just any critical thinking. And people are so scared of being criticized or hated on that they’re quick to jump on what’s considered β€˜the correct’ bandwagon
Like some 1984 shit where they’re off tattling to Big Brother cause you like something they find an issue with πŸ™„
But to answer for real, I think it bothers all of us who enjoy/write/read darker content (hell even in the dead dove community some people get crap for liking things that other find distastefulβ€”like bitch we’re all in the same boat lmao)
I feel like I’m just all over the place anon and for that I apologize lol
Not sure if it’s much of an answer but I’m the same as you; I do tend to overlook it, let it slide off my back so to speak. I’ve also taken to blocking a lot more than I ever have before. If I see a blog sharing or spouting off about censorship of any form or fucking asinine comments like β€œpeople who like x y z should just kill themselves” then they’re blocked and off my feed for good.
It pisses me off though; I really don’t understand where this purity policing and being jerk asses to strangers online started to pick up speed. They can go back to their sad little chat rooms and bitch to each other in that echo chamber and leave the rest of us to enjoy our online experience without being hated on (but no they gotta feel like they’re in the right πŸ˜’)
Sorry to the long ramble/rant of an answer, anon. Just know you’re not the only one! And that the block button is your friend!! πŸ’œ
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shiro-s2e2-erukinzu Β· 2 years
I've had to get up super early for the past few days and I haven't gotten much sleep because of how hot its been lately... 😩 So, when I got home yesterday, I was too tired to write a review for episode 11... πŸ˜…
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Yesterday's episode covered Missions 16 and 17 of the manga, and it was great!! 😁 They pretty much adapted both of the chapters perfectly!! πŸ˜„ I really liked how they animated Anya getting her first Stella Star! It's almost exactly how I imagined it looking animated!!! 😁
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This episode also introduced HIM at the end:
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🎢"HERE COMES THE BOY...!"🎡 πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†
I won't spoil anything about what's to come next, but... When the Spy X Family anime returns in the fall, (because the last episode of this part of the season looks like it's going to cover the first Extra Mission and Short Mission 1... YAY!!! πŸ˜„) IT'S GONNA BE POPPING!!! πŸ˜†
Also, I absolutely love how this looks in the anime:
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(I ain't ready for Mission 20 to be animated... 😡)
Anyway, there were no major or minor changes that I noticed... Except for clarifying that all of the activities that Twilight made Anya do was in their house and not outside like I always thought for some reason...! πŸ˜…
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And of course, they also censored the blood in Yor's imagination of the dogs for Anya...!
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And that's pretty much it! 😁 I'm glad that anime only watchers finally got to witness Anya save that boy Ken and receive her first Stella Star!! πŸ˜„ It's one of my favorite things that happened in Spy X Family and it won't be the last...!! 😊
I would also like to mention that I still absolutely love the dub for Spy X Family as well!! πŸ˜„ I've seen all except for episode 10 of the dub, and I enjoy it just as much or even sometimes more than the sub...!! 😁 I usually watch the sub first by myself, and when the next dub episode comes out, I usually watch it with my family!! 😊 It's one of my favorite things to do with family right now, so I gonna be a sad when the anime stops for the time being... 😌
But anyway, that's all I gotta say! πŸ˜„ I gonna leave y'all with this expression that Twilight gave Anya cuz I think it's hilarious!! πŸ˜‚
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See y'all in the next Mission...!! Later! πŸ‘‹πŸ˜Š
P.S.: HAPPY FATHER'S DAY to all who celebrate it!! πŸ˜„
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astrojoy Β· 3 years
Just a note for people who play video games (or a hobby that others look down on)
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Really quick let me explain what just happened to me/rant I guess πŸ‘‹πŸ˜³
So basically. My grandmothers an alcoholic who drinks everyday from around 10 am to when she goes to sleep, so around 10-12 am , I have to stay at her house for a little while until the house I'm gonna move into is cleaned and stuff. Well I'm someone who has never really delved into video games too much in my life. I absolutely love them and wish I could play them more but normally I can't. I have other passions too. I was given an opportunity about a week ago if I wanted to play on a game. So of course, I've been steady trying to beat it but also not being completely submerged (I can't sit for long periods of time because my body starts to ache) And a disclaimer, I actually do chores and work around our house and yard, I have to and I do it just to not hear my grandmother talk bad about us like she enjoys to do when she decides she has the chance. My grandmother came in my room today slurring her words and asking if she could come watch me play on my game. I was taken back. I'm not rude but I also didn't really want her near me so I finally just said "sure" and she sat on my bed. She's a very negative person by the way. Loves drama. But she started mumbling. "That's crazy" she couldn't get over the fact that games have changed and such. She doesn't like them at all. Then she started entering in passive aggressive comments. "I'm not being mean but blah blah blah" and it started making me upset. Not only was she in here but she was also making me feel really irritated and hurt. She then got up and said "you need to get a job"
As a 17 year old girl entering her senior year of high school in a few weeks this was kinda a little late. Not only that, but I actually have put in applications for places near me to help my mom out but I haven't been cleared/taken of course. I mean I'm a 17 year old without a high school diploma, so I don't really expect much. Then I told her that and she gestured her arm towards the tv, sipped some of her beer, and stated "well ya know, you need a life" dramaticing the "life" part. This sentence actually really made my heart pang. As someone who can be positive and spread light to others, but be quite sad at times when I'm alone, I've already thought about this. How I don't have as much passion for anything anymore ever since I moved in and etc. And for her to say this "get a life" kind of scenario really effected me
Concluding this
Dear gamers,
Video games are a hobby. They are what you find fun. There is absolutely nothing wrong with playing them. Obviously be a responsible and kind human who isn't hurting your health or anyone around you, but gaming is not bad. Playing games does not mean you should "get a life" because you already have one. This whole societal stereotype of how gamers are depicted in a bad light, especially with older folk, it's crazy. Gaming is a hobby just how reading is! Yet you don't see people bashing people who read books do you? Instead they actually seem to praise them as they are people seen as sophisticated/intellects instantly. Yet a gamer can't be?? It's crazy. Follow your heart. Follow your calling. Play them games and have fun. Sometimes if nothing else can make you smile but you have a hobby that actually does but is looked bad upon- DO IT! Feel happy and content. Just because others don't like to see you be happy doesn't mean you should feed yourself into their lower vibration. Don't listen to them, listen to yourself. Don't live your life like they lived theirs, miserable. If your happy and spread that happiness to others, then others can feel this as well. Somewhat of the domino effect. Stay gaming πŸ’–πŸ˜Œ
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