#it is kind of crazy that ateez had both Bouncy and Crazy Form in the SAME year
maxsix · 6 months
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brother-emperors · 5 months
Contempt it may be, but I really love to think what kind of clothes you would give modern au Antony. I love the way you draw clothes in general!!
I mean, I have several modern AUs! even if I don’t personally like him, I’m not gonna exclude Antony or do him dirty on purpose, it’d be rude to the story/scene and also extremely boring. he’s interesting! he’s like if someone had a match constantly lit around a lot of gasoline.
his modern AU “look book” so to speak is a mix of Kai’s live performance outfits when he was doing Rover, Seonghwa’s corset look from Ateez’s Crazy Form MV, and Josh Cullen’s red suit for professional settings (shirt optional ofc. if Antony IS wearing a shirt, it comes with fancy and ornate stickpins. or maybe the stickpins are a threat. get something with hostile intent, babygirl. like scorpions or snakes or whatever), and this specific outfit San wore for a Bouncy live performance. Usually paired with military jump boots. Hard knuckle tactical gloves, jeans that are reinforced at the kneecaps, military fatigue jacket all in rotation as well. Also somewhere in here: a look I would call night club bouncer™️, worn primarily during his Caesar era and also around the end of his relationship with Cleopatra. Jewelry is both a personal statement and a threat, so it’s a little situational although he has an affinity for rings as long as he’s not brawling, but always gold, never silver. Cleopatra buys them both matching Coach bags, and he borrows stuff out of her closet too.
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canyouhearthevoices · 6 months
'Crazy Form' MV First Reactions
Another comeback, another ATEEZ win in the MV department.
This MV is a great continuation on from the story in the previous MVs - it has aspects from Don't Stop, Guerrilla, HALAZIA, and Bouncy. The MAMA performance showed the direct continuation from Bouncy, and I'll discuss Bouncy and other elements later on.
I liked it, of course, and, although the song still has some growing to do (and the crotch-grabbing and hip thrusting in the choreo needs to go), it's still, as expected, an overall win.
So let's discuss it.
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First, I love that the intro starts with a flag - a very ATEEZ thing. The last time I remember flags being this salient is in WONDERLAND - they were in HALAZIA, but they were more like prayer flags there, not these massive 'heralding-the-coming-of-the-king' flags.'
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So here we have the city they've been taking over - from Guerrilla, HALAZIA, and Bouncy - the moon (the Cromer takes power from the phases of the moon), ATEEZ flags (of course), and these weird industrial tent things that may or may not be covered in solar panels. The cool thing about the tents is 1) they become more interesting the longer you look at them, 2) they hide even more of ATEEZ's army, 3) they look pretty cool and make a nice, intimidating, symmetrical backdrop, and 4) they kind of look like stadium seating - showing how popular ATEEZ have become.
ATEEZ and their multi-meaning visual language coming back again. As expected.
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Of course, we start with our Captain, and, of course, he is wearing his Captain's mark.
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I think this move is super goofy and funny but it does do an interesting job of revealing San so I can't fault it too much.
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I hope I don't need to tell you that 1) there is some anarchy planning going on here, 2) we are in a futuristic world, and 3) they are back in the shed they do all their planning in.
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Also back in circular towers. Is this a prison? Is Yunho breaking out? It's possible... I mean, anything's possible with ATEEZ.
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It seems that their shed has had some significant upgrades. Probably coming from the revenue of drug dealing.
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Mingi what is the point of looking cool in your car if you then immediately crash said car?
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Mingi in bar scene? Check. Which means? He's up to no good.
Now this is really interesting story progression IMO. In Bouncy, we had Mingi in a dingy wild-west bar, murdering people. So here, we see him in a high-end bar, so we expect more murder. But instead, as we would expect with high-class things, he is...
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Buying Iron Man's heart? Okay probably not - it's probably some other random high-tech thing they need. But it's not only this that is interesting - it's the fact that in both MVs, Mingi drinks something weird - some chilli cocktail in the first one, and... strawberry milk??? in this one.
Possibly to further show how different ATEEZ are from the rest of the world?
Anyway, strawberry milk is superior to alcohol every day.
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Wooyoung's working on something.
Now, interestingly, if you remember back to my post on ATEEZ's positions on their pirate ship, Wooyoung's spot was undetermined. This scene (assuming the director chose this task and Wooyoung specifically, which we should assume) suggests to me that he is some sort of mechanic/dude with technical know-how. Other evidence that he has this, and in general, a supportive role, is how he is often seen backing San up (in general, and especially in Bouncy), and how in Guerrilla, he was involved in hijacking the media systems of the government.
We could perhaps say he is a fixer-upper-er? And I say it like this, because, if we go by the theory that Wooyoung knows Hongjoong is crazy, and is trying to stop him (I presume to fix the universe, save the world, etc), then, this role makes sense for him. He is literally trying to fix the universe and the group, and Hongjoong.
Food for thought.
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I love Yunho's reaction. Also, he too is working on something. So maybe it's the concept. Or, it could be related to his role as the Second Mate - whose role is to make sure the ship is going the way it needs to, and who thus, would also be involved in whatever he needs to be involved in to make sure they're going the right way.
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In 'Don't Stop' they sent out the unbeatable San-Wooyoung team to do the dangerous gambling, but in this MV they send their precious maknae? Rip Jongho. He does look very cool in this scene, though.
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Jongho shows an A card, and, since this guy has a Z card, I assume this is a subtle hint that he's been completely readable and completely under Jongho's control the whole time?
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Epic freeze-frame. That looks like Mingi's body and outfit on the right - or am I hallucinating?
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Seonghwa's stylists knocking it out of the park yet again. Anyway, he's rocking out. I don't have much to say about that - as the 1st mate, he is the face of the group when Hongjoong is behind the scenes. He was literally framed as THE spirit of ATEEZ and HALATEEZ in HALAZIA. Hence, he's basically their 'headliner' or 'frontman' - hence, he jams out in front of their followers. And punches us.
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Not entirely sure what's going on here - is he rising? Falling? Both? Neither? Eh.
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Skaterboy Hongjoong and graffiti artist Yeosang AU? :o
Don't ask me.
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So, you all know that I usually hate anything crotch-grabby or hip-thrusty - I'm a very, very, deeply ace person. But this is acceptable. Because this shot isn't sexual - this is a hilarious 'haha look how much better than you I am, I'm going to sit on you without a care in the world' kind of shot. It adds character and comedy to the MV, and emphasises how cool ATEEZ are. It also gets even better when you think about how the cameraman had to get down on the ground, and the director had to direct Wooyoung to shove his butt in the camera. They then had to do all the set-up it takes to take a shot (a surprising amount), do the whole 'and... action!' thing, and then take MULTIPLE takes of Wooyoung shoving his butt in the camera. Absolutely hilarious.
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I could have told you that. I love the reporter's face in the background. And how Hongjoong still has his Captain's mark. Of course.
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Well, buddy, that's what you get for breaking the law.
A lot of people pointed out how he looks actually insane when he's running here - he's got the blend of joy, adrenaline, insanity, and fear going well. And... well, yeah, he is insane. IRL, but ESPECIALLY in the storyline.
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He's so insane the police don't know what to do with him...
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Here is a cute puppy - a continuation of Hongjoong being associated with animals. I assume this is his dog, since it doesn't have a police dog uniform or anything.
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Another great reaction in this MV, and the usual ATEEZ posters.
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I love the comic frames, but I'm not so sure what their point is other than to punctuate the song, add visual interest and spunk, and highlight how crazy and villainous Hongjoong is.
Which I guess is a purpose, but I mean STORYLINE purpose.
Perhaps that they are taking over the media? And of course that Hongjoong is crazy.
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The insanity's moving down the heirarchy... none of us are safe.
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Epic kpop transitions are back. And yes, that was Mingi in the background.
And that's it for this part. See you in the next one where I can share more cool images!
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ladyelainehilfur · 6 months
ATEEZ The World Ep. Fin: Will Album Review
We Know: repetitive, lacks a strong melody
Emergency: repetitive, but the bridge is great
Crazy Form: quintessential ATEEZ, which kinda works against them this time. Lacks a strong melody. Bad english lyrics.
Arriba: Catchy enough, but the lyrics can grate
Silver Light: catchy but probably won't have much longevity
Crescent Pt. 2: amazing soundscape, actually ascending, what a great sequel
Dreamy Day: it's giving "Dreamers", which is never a bad thing, good background listening
Matz: honestly Seonghwa should stick to singing, sorry babe. This song needs a better topline.
It's You: WHO is going off in the background sounding like Jongho?? Song is just okay.
Youth: very Mingi-esque. Needs more interesting production. Might be cute live.
Everything: typical trot singer ballad, wish he had sung something more memorable. He should take notes from Gaho.
Fin. Will: I usually love Maddox's narration, but it was a bit corny this time + no evil laugh :( Good soundscape.
I kinda think ATEEZ need to try something new. There are some fans who love their upbeat, happy songs and some who prefer their hard hitting rap-centered material, and it'll be impossible to please both, but that doesn't mean only their hard hitting stuff should be the title tracks. I'm the former who's able to enjoy the latter only if the latter has a melody to appreciate. Bouncy was a step in the right direction, but Crazy Form is a small step backwards.
A lot of people will disagree, but the Treasure series was them at their strongest. Their tropical edm material will sound dated/very lazy if they try it again now, so maybe they need another Answer moment.
Anyway, I won't pretend this album doesn't exist like I did with Fever Pt. 2, but I'll likely exclusively listen to the songs in green. I kind of expected not to like the majority of the album, but ATEEZ have managed to surprise me in the past (Fever Pt. 3 ✊) so maybe they'll do it again next comeback.
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