#it doesn't win in the end because. that's not darius. not really.
randamir · 3 months
never okay about hunter owl house
#sometimes i think about how long he spent in the emperor's coven#how long he spent alone in that tower#believing in belos and his purpose#the justifications he must have told himself when belos finally showed his true colors and gave him that scar#no that's not his uncle. not really.#he's... he's in pain. he's...he believes in me that's why he's disappointed#he knows i can do better#(i can't fail him. i can't fail him. not again.)#i think about how darius watched and let it happen because he had to but also because it hurt#to see his mentor's face following that monster so blindly#maybe some part of him thought the new guard deserved it#some small ugly part of him.#it doesn't win in the end because. that's not darius. not really.#but maybe it was for a moment. maybe he feels guilty sometimes. maybe that's why he had to change his mind.#sometimes i think about how hunter owl house ran away at the end of hollow mind#and how it took weeks of being away from belos to muster the courage of saying /you're lying/#how it took months of being in ANOTHER WORLD to muster the courage to say /he was wrong/#months before he could admit he never wanted what belos gave him#what belos forced him through#the golden guard 'i liked the mazes and the traps'#to hunter 'i want to learn wild magic i want to play flyerderby with my friends'#golden guard who would willingly give his life to protect belos vs hunter who tried to give his life to stop him#wahhhh#(explodes about it)#the code word is oreo
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mdhwrites · 4 months
Do you think the show rewards Luz’s Selfishness too much?
So I normally frame Luz's decision to self martyr herself and stay in her own world as not wanting to bother with the effort to fix her mistake. Let's shift that a bit so we can talk about why the show couldn't have Luz tell ANYONE this deeply selfish choice. A choice that by all means, Camila seems to think is just a bad choice for Luz and for no one else.
But... Luz chooses that her pain and angst is so bad that she doesn't want to help Amity reunite with her siblings. Or to make sure they can live in a world where they're safe. Gus' dad, Willow's parents, Darius, etc. All of them can rot as far as Luz is concerned. She even explicitly states this in For the Future. "Once Eda and King are safe, I'm going home."
No one else matters. LITERALLY no one else matters to her but the people she has chosen to care about and there aren't many of those. This is framed even worse by the fact that by the end of this episode, Camila will effectively say that Luz has NEVER done anything wrong. That trying to critique her at all, to try and give her life skills and friends with the camp after she put people's lives potentially in danger (snakes and fireworks are not meant for school for a reason), was wrong. That Luz just needs to be 'understood'. Part of understanding Luz, especially in S3, means that unless someone attacks her about it, like the dream sequence, WHICH ISN'T HER OWN MIND BUT A FABRICATION AND LIE, she isn't going to think about others. Just her adopted family and herself. And even then, maybe not even her adopted family since they sure as shit didn't matter in Thanks to Them.
BUT. we are supposed to sympathize with her and believe she did nothing wrong, just like Camila. Do not question her motivations, or her efforts, just believe her words.
This is emblematic of the show as well. The first two episodes talk a big game about fantasy vs reality and like Luz's selfish motivations, warped way of looking at things and her learning to be a human being, not a walking, wanna be protagonist will be interrogated. But... Not really. She repeatedly does things that are mirrored in her favorite series. Her final battle line will be a reference to that series and her delusions with that series. People might get briefly upset about her actions but most of the time she either doesn't have to do anything, like Reaching Out or Adventure in the Elements (where she gets a glyph BEFORE making up the fuck up she did) or show how special she is like in Lost in Language and Covention. I can only really think of like one episode after the first two where Luz fucks up and genuinely has to take the brunt of punishment for it, Winging it Like Witches, and even in that one, she is saved before anything bad happens to her before winning with the same trick that hurt her friends, just... Now it's okay because they're all on the same page about it I guess. Couldn't have had Willow come up with something herself because Luz actually was willing to listen to Willow and not force something onto her. That'd be too much work.
It's part of why the more you interrogate Luz's intentions and motivations, it gets BAD. So much of what she does could be easily grafted onto a kid trying to play hero or not learning anything from past mistakes. Don't ever forget that Teenage Abomination says "Listen to your mentor about their specialty," then The Intruder says "Don't take shortcuts to magic" before then in Adventure in the Elements, Luz takes a shortcut for magic while also not listening to Eda and almost gets people killed for it. GREAT JOB LUZ! Much development, such depth.
And yes, lots of shows will have characters yoyo and the like but these are within HALF A SEASON of each other. It usually takes a little longer for most animated shows to straight up start repeating lessons. Hell, yes, it is theoretically a problem for Amphibia too with stuff like Bessie and the hibernation episode both featuring Anne's impatience but also S1 is genuinely about how Anne is fighting between the lessons she's learning and her growing empathy versus how she used to be with her selfishness and laziness. Also, both episodes might be about her impatience but they genuinely tackle it in different ways, with one being about disregarding the rules because of overconfidence and the other one is out of boredom. For TOH... It's just that Luz wants the magic she thinks she should have, as easily and as fun as she thinks it should be instead of weird and actually taking work, and fucks it up because of that same motivation.
That same motivation that doesn't treat reality like reality. According to the show though, that's just the best way to be. Follow your own version, fuck everything else. That's what Luz gets to do in the end after all and she's the one literally blessed by God to be correct.
So yeah, I think her selfishness might be a touch rewarded.
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polyhexian · 7 months
What's the endgame for custody battle scenario?
Like, who ends up with custody over Hunter? Or is it all of them?
Endgame is... Probably still jasper. He's going to eventually win everyone over. Eda is already on his side for the bit. As soon as Darius realizes WHO he is he's on jaspers side. One Raine finally knows what's going on... After a decade of calling in favours... This IS hunters father. He is clearly concerned for his well-being, safety, and happiness. He's his dad and he wants him and he fought to save him and they really don't... Have any good reasons to keep him from him. The only real roadblock is convincing hunter; because jasper won't take hunter if he doesn't want to go, but... He's gotta convince him
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anemodaycare · 2 years
In your Adrian post you mention regression is more common amoungst the coven heads then they thought. Are there other coven heads who agere as well? Do you have some hc on them?
I do!! Personally, I think that Raine, Hunter, and Lilith (they may be ex coven heads but they count in my heart) also regress! I think the other coven heads are just used to it at this point.
But anyway! Here's
Raine Whispers, Lilith Clawthorne, and Hunter Agere Headcanons!
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Raine Whispers:
They regress to cope with stress, both brought on from being a coven head and worrying about things in general
Anxiety will do that to ya
Raine's regression space can range from 5-10, but it mostly ends up being lower on that range
When they were a teen, Eda was their caregiver
Now that they don't really have anyone, they try not to regress
Terra found out a while ago and things were not pretty. Raine hates her more than anything
They stay in their quarters and lock themselves away
In their quarters, they have a hidden toy chest and old stuffed animals that Eda won them
They are 10x more emotional when little and honestly a little bit of a cry baby
They've restricted themselves from using their scroll while little
Last time they did, Eda got a text from a very small Raine
"mmmmiss u moma"
They usually pretend that it didn't happen afterwards
Their quarters are sound proofed thanks to the last bard head
So when they're small, they have little dance parties and sing to their stuffies
It doesn't scare them! Those are their friends!
They love chewlery
Their favorite piece of chewlery is shaped like a butterfly and half chewed through
Strong jaw.
They stim a lot when alone
Mostly small jumps and flapping their hands
They refuse to drink any tea when small
They have thrown it when given
A tragedy, truly. That time out was brutal
Lilith Clawthorne:
Similar to Raine, she also regresses due to stress
She also feels like she's lost so many years of her life to the Emperor's guild and man. that really stung to think about
Her age range is a lot smaller, mostly around 2-3
Thankfully, Gwendolyn understands and encourages it, so she finally gets all of her mom's attention!
She's a very happy toddler, surprisingly
Very cuddly, as well
Her palisman will nest in her hair while she's regressed to keep her constant company
If she's left alone for too long, she cries. A lot.
She loves being carried
Which. is good because she has a strong mom
While she was living at the Owl House with Eda and Luz, she spent a lot of time with Hooty
"Hootsifier" turns into "Hoo"
Hooty is. Crying tears of joy
Lilith loves coloring. So so much
It's easy and stress free
While she was at the Owl House, her and Eda did it a lot
"This is just like when we were kids, Lily!"
Ever since she's left the coven, she's just been a lot happier
He is so baby coded.
He deserves a childhood. And a good one
His age range is mostly 0-4
He's a very cranky kiddo if he's not constantly attended to
Thankfully. His caregiver (and dad) is Darius
Darius won't admit it, but he is sort of a helicopter parent
Hunter wants nothing more than to play with others
But he is much too tiny.
Thankfully! The Emerald Entrails are incredibly understanding
They work together for some killer babysitting
And Hunter gets to be with his favorite friends and play! It's a big win for him
Flapjack is never far behind. That bird is almost as bad as Darius
He can't choose a favorite activity
He wants to do everything, all of the time
Is it to make up for lost time? Or is it just him being an excitable baby?
Also really big on being carried and cuddled
He hides under Darius' cape when he's overwhelmed and small
"Little Prince.. What are you doing there?"
"Hide.. Dada help!"
My favorite au. Where Hunter just gets to be a kid and taken care of
He has a cardinal bottle and paci
He carries around his frog plush
Please hold his hand. He needs it
Darius has a leash for him. It's attached to a backpack so he doesn't wander too far
He can't help it! He's curious!
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mando-of-esverr · 2 years
How about: Gambling with a shifty character and getting really mad at them, only for them to later end up saving the other character’s life? As a force-sensetive with a tick for telekinetic, Ziv is very good at betraying in most kinds of dicegames! (and I also still have @eineschattengestalt who as a telepath is even better at playing unfair, ha!)
//HHHH I apologize in advance for this but it seems today my brain is in "NO STARTER—ONLY PLOT" mood today ><;;
//But I can absolutely this happening before Ziv and Darius go traveling. Where Darius is taking his downtime from his position at Hawkeye Asset Protection at a gambling joint doing dice and card games. Then we've got Ziv over there messing with everyone just by winning all the games, and Darius finally getting frustrated and being like, "You're cheating. I don't know how but I know you're cheating. No one has a win streak that long."
//And Ziv just being like "If you can't prove it then all you're doing is having a tantrum. So if you can't handle losing, head somewhere else~"
//At which point Darius is just full of frustration but because he's also one of those lawful types, he can't counter her—especially since he doesn't know she can use the force. XP
//Fast forward to some event in the town—some fight or battle or an attack on the town—and it's Ziv's medical knowledge that saves him and gives him the ability to save her back.
//After that, I imagine after everything is settled, she and Darius meet as he's getting ready to head off-world, exchange thank yous and somehow she's like "So, where are you off to?" Darius: "Back to work I guess. Downtime isn't up but I don't exactly like working for free and if I stay here, they aren't gonna like it when they get the bill." Ziv: "Well fi you don't like working for free how about an offer?" Darius: "You have my attention." Ziv: *jingles credits* Darius: "You have my rapt attention."
//Thus Ziv becomes Darius passenger and further shenanigans ensue
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ineffable-gallimaufry · 6 months
💚 💜, or 🏵️ for your wips!
okay so answering for the golden ghosts because. yes. i like em. and since you didn't specify characters... well i can't do every character because. there's too many. but i will answer with the characters i have the most interesting facts about honestly
also putting this under a cut because it might get a bit long (and there are spoilers)
💚 {green heart} - what is this character's heart's desire? will they obtain it? find out that it's different in the end?
hunter- at this point in the wip, hunter's main goal is to be accepted and be a good golden guard. but, as the wip goes on, she's going to realize she's trans, realize that belos does not want the best for her, and her goals are going to shift more into living a life that's happy with her friends and family! that's eventually going to happen but it's gonna be hard...
caleb- caleb's heart's desire is kinda in a weird space because before he died, he just wanted to live a normal and happy life with evelyn, raise their kid together, etc. but ever since his death, he's been wanting to let the guards live out his dream and also he's kinda in a bit of a revenge thing but that usually takes a back seat. he does fail for a really long time on the first thing and the second thing he definitely fails on pretty much forever but he realized at one point near the end of the story that... he doesn't really care about making belos pay as much as he wants the ghosts to be able to move on and live better lives, which they eventually do.
joseph- joseph's the only guard who i've really thought a lot about internal motives for, his first real want is to be able to get off the mountain he's been living on forever (i promise i'll post chapter three soon it makes sense there) but after that (and after he is taken by the collector) his main want is just to be with hunter/bailey because they really care about her.
and then all of the other characters, i haven't really thought through as much, a lot of the other ghosts just want to be alive again, a lot of the other characters are just like. power. or . having a good life. those are just the three most interesting ones for you
💜 {purple heart} - is this character queer? in which ways? (or are any of your characters queer + which ones? if asker can't think of a character to ask about)
hunter- using hunter right now as a name is a bit of a misnomer because what's eventually planning to happen is that she's going to be transgender! she's going to eventually start going by bailey, using any pronouns, and she's also aroace!!
alexandria- alexandria is also a trans girl, also she's an ace lesbian!
sebastian- now seb's a bit complicated because of the system thing, i'll put the other members of the system in their own places but seb himself is alloaro and gay!
roslyn- roslyn is one of seb's headmates, she's a trans demigirl, ace lesbian, and uses she/they pronouns<3
mars- another one of seb's headmates, mars doesn't use pronouns and is aroace/agender. triple a for the win i suppose
atlas- last of seb's headmates i promise, atlas uses she/he pronouns and he's gnc and gay
oliver- oliver is just ace and gay it's cool. i said he was bi before but he just uses the word gay honestly.
joseph- this is a HUGE spoiler but after hanging out with the collector for long enough, he realizes he's also a demiboy and starts using they/he pronouns and going by the name puck
as for canon characters that have queer headcanons in here (excluding bailey i already talked about her): eda and lilith are both demigirls and use she/they pronouns, adrian is a gnc gay and uses he/she pronouns, darius is gay, willow is alloaro and pansexual. and also trans and uses she/they, luz is fully just gnc and uses they/she/he pronouns, gus is trans and aroace, i think that's it for things that are different
and then i also have some side characters, the scout squad that i can put in really quick:
eloise- he/they pronouns, gnc lesbian
sparrow- they/them pronouns, agender and polysexual
jade- she/they pronouns, transfem and aroace
eclipse- she/he/it/xe pronouns, genderfluid and abrosexual
agnes- he/she pronouns, boyflux and achilliean
roza- she/her pronouns, queer and polyam
jamaal- any pronouns, arospec and bi
everyone is just a bit queer in my heart okay (has no self-control)
🏵️ {rosette} - talk about where your inspiration comes from!
the inspiration for this au came from coraline because. i love coraline and the idea of the ghost children was my inspiration mostly. and yeah, it kinda went from there
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specter-writes · 11 months
Hi, could i get a matchup for toh?
Pronouns: she/her
Sexuality: heterosexual
Zodiac/MBTI: intj, sagittarius
Appearance: long black hair, black eyes, 187 cm, very pale skin and i'm builded like models on 60s fashion illustrations, for some reason i always look like i'm sad
Personality: mix of a kuudere and hinedere personality: introverted, calm, quiet, reserved, sophisticated, polite, snarky, witty, sarcastic, blunt, honest, apathetic, intimidating, morbid, unfazed
Likes: art, plants, animals, philosophy, thanatology, literature, serial killers, insects and bugs, witchcraft, classical music, goth music, classical gothic literature, history, forensics, criminology, anthropology, psychology, mythology, books, animals (especially cats), nature, tea
Dislikes: can't think of any. i care only about things i like
Hobbies: science, learning new things, knitting, sewing, gardening, cooking, baking, playing chess, taking long solitary walks to secluded places, reading, writing, drawing, general handicrafts, dollmaking, cryptid hunting
Hi hello good to have you here!
I would match you with:
Darius (platonic)!
Enjoy your brand new father figure! Also, you have a sibling in hunter if you want one. I was trying to think of a romantic option but the only dude in the hexside crew is Hunter, and I don't really see that. As much as I love that TOH is femme led, it does make matchups for my hetero girls a little harder. That's okay though, because who doesn't love the slightly posh purple guy?
You know that thing that divorced dads do where they get their kids gifts to try win their love? He does that, except minus the guilt. I just think his love language is gifts. I also feel as though he'd be a progressive religious person, you feel? So whatever religion you think suits him best, he'd love if you participated, but you absolutely do not have to. I also feel like he plays piano, and you DO have to do that. No matter how trash your recitals are, he's always embarrassingly doting and close to tears, then he just sort of snaps back into it, clears his throat, and straightens up, back to serious. That happens a LOT, especially in public. He wants to keep up his uncaring veneer of professionalism and fails over and over again
Daralador??????? Yes????????????? Absolutely, daralador. All of it, all the fluff. You may get relentlessly teased and drained of info on your crushes, but boy oh boy does darius get it back tenfold. at this point you know more about their relationship than either of them. what can I say, you both like to be involved
I also headcanon that darius is really good at sculpture (abomination magic and so on and so forth) so he sometimes either conjures up a model out of abomination goo or just brings your sketches to life. You do it every Friday over tea, it's a fun experience for both sides. You occasionally draw his sculptures as well
You have all sorts of little trinkets he's made of clay, abomnation, hell even paperclips. He tried to teach you and Hunter to sculpt once and it went... Poorly to say the least, especially on Hunter's end. He tried to make a little wolf but it looked like a depressed beagle. You faired slightly better but that isnt saying much. Darius still loves your messy, sorta bad sculptures even if they are trash
hes essentially the opposite of those weird southern parents who threaten their daughters boyfriends or even just male/masc presenting friends.
you couldn't ask for a more supportive parental figure in your life
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stellocchia · 2 years
Saw you talking about Odalia and if she ever loved Alador
I personally think she loved him but not like a partner and I would say like a pet but some people treat their pets better than anything else
Also it was probably "love" or only about a year until their relationship with Darius just dropped or until they lived together and she realized just how much she hated some of his traits
Like you know how some people are like yeah those traits don't annoy me until you live around those traits
So basically I think there was love but not how you love an equal and that it didn't last long at all in the grand scheme of things.
Now if you asked me if I thought Alador loved her the answer would be a yes and his love lasted longer.
I dont know it is just fun to talk about if she loved him or not
Their previous disappearances made it seem like there was love but here comes the previous episode where we see she overworked him and that she just doesn't seem to like anything about him
Yeah, see, the only reason why I do think she loved him at some point is because of the background stuff we've seen.
They seemed to get along in the raeda past episode, while they were hanging out with Darius. But also in the picture we've seen of young Alador winning the fighting thing Amity took part in as well, Odalia seems really into him. And we know that by that point they already dropped Darius because Darius was very unhappy about Alador's victory.
So there is a possibility of Odalia having genuinely been into Alador even if you don't take into account the fact that they've had 3 kids together (which honestly could mean absolutely nothing too).
But then things got seriously abusive as the years went on. Odalia overworked her husband, to the point where he had to work through his sickness with half the employees. And the reason why Alador did it was because his kids were being threatened by Odalia. He knows how working for her is, he knows that even if it wasn't child labour it still wouldn't be a fate he wants for them.
So we know at the very least that by the end of it all the love was gone and what kept them together was mostly greed on Odalia's side and fear on Alador's.
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postalninja · 2 years
A ⭐ for you :)
Things I can think of, in no particular order!
The Meaning of Family: In this story I introduced H'aanit and Olberic's daughter as an original character, so of course I needed to give that baby a name! I wanted something that was in the style of S'warkii but referenced both her parents. I actually ended up dreaming the name B'renit - I guess my subconscious was working on the problem, and it came up with the perfect answer! I also had to pick a name for the family's new animal companion, and since Linde is of German/Dutch/Scandinavian origin, that's where I focused my research and found Lieven, which is Dutch and means 'dear friend'. Seemed pretty perfect, so I went with it! Ballade No.1 in G minor: This story was my assignment for Chocolate Box, and I was so excited to write it because I was once a music major and writing slashfic about Romantic Era composers seemed like a lot of fun! But I got too in my head about doing historical research at first, so I had to get over that feeling of not knowing enough before I was able to just hammer it out. Also, I kind of want to share this story with my uncle some day, because he is an opera singer and also gay, so I feel like he would be able to appreciate it! :)
Changing Fate: One of the many plot ideas provided to me by my partner. He is my idea-man, always suggesting scenarios that make me go "Damn! I need to write that!" and this fic was entirely one of those instances. Fun fact: he also writes really, really well, but doesn't do it often if at all because he is so in his head about it that he doesn't enjoy doing it (I often describe it as him taking half an hour to write a one paragraph email, which isn't actually an exaggeration). But I will just go ahead and bang out a first draft in 20 minutes and not question it until I edit. So it's a win-win, though I feel like I'm getting the better part of the deal because he is so much better at plot stuff than I am.
Would She Love Me if She Knew?: When I was planning out this story and knew that I wanted to introduce the prince of the Cliftlands as a villain, I originally considered making him be Therion. But I was hesitant, because he is such a fan favorite, and I didn't want the fandom to come after me with torches and pitchforks. But then I thought, why not make him Darius, a character that everyone already hates?, and I came up with a different idea for incorporating Therion instead.
A Reason To Stay: I posted this fic, my first for the Auron/Lulu pairing, with accompanying fanart, but I believe I had started working on the drawing first. I had already drawn some Aurlu smut (posted under the title Words Are Not Enough) and wanted to make another piece for them since I was in the midst of my shipping obsession with them. So while I was writing the fic, I kept the logistics of the drawing and the pose in mind as I was writing the love scene between them.
I could keep going, but that is probably more than anyone actually wants to read already, hahaha!
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How are the blorbos from your cartoons doing bea?
Like so there's the Core and there were kinda some theories floating around for a while that Andrias' dad might have been part of the collective within it AND THIS EPISODE JUST CONFIRMED THAT WHICH MAKES SO MUCH OF THE CORE'S TAUNTING SLIGHTLY LESS FUNNY IN HINDSIGHT (still funny though)
Like this man. This now grown up king, no longer a prince, spent a 1000 years just trying to rectify his 'mistake' in the eyes of his father. And all he gets is just "I'm almost proud of you"
Also just. Andrias being unable to let go of the past and what happened with his friends. Andrias taking Leif's betrayal and deciding to keep "her and her kind" in line. Andrias dismissing Barrel. Andrias basically driving the current societal hierarchy of newts, toads and frogs. Andrias being unable to let go of the past and something something his manchild tendencies.
"That's all I've waited to do" SURE BUT YOU DON'T LOOK EXCITED
The moon is falling down. Amphibia is dying. The fricking prophecy about the three girls. MANY THOUGHTS
I know I've only been rambling about The Core and the King but I also really enjoyed The Root of Evil because mmm the callbacks and seeing Apothecary Gary again and how the whole village had sinister vibes and the surprising alliance at the end!
I haven't even covered the newest Owl House episode yet but I very much enjoyed it! It was especially fun catching little details about characters we know in the present and trying to figure what happened to make them that way (because Alador, Odalia and Darius were friends! What happened there????)
BUT THAT MAKES SO MANY THINGS EVEN SADDER IN HINDSIGHT. Like their confrontation with Eda at the parade, them looking back at Hunter with concern when he was trying to lead the coven heads to the meeting
AND THE REVERSAL OF ROLES. Raine and Eda broke up originally because Eda was pushing them away due to her curse but now Raine's pushing Eda away in order to protect her from getting involved with the Emperor's Coven
And also Eda and Raine not fighting each other to win the ribbon during Terra's game was something so good. Just, it feels like a little call forward to me. Eda could have taken out Raine or fought them but she didn't. Emperor's Coven tryouts were said to be upcoming, and how Eda and Lilith wanted to try out together. We know in the present they had to fight each other for the position. Eda not fighting Raine to get the ribbon. Eda not fighting Lilith to get the position. Eda doesn't fight her friends or those she cares about for opportunities.
I cannot wait for Hollow Mind on Saturday though! I have a whole bingo sheet in my brain filled with theories. I can't wait to see which ones get proven
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autismcupcake · 2 years
When I started shipping it if I did:
I dunno exactly when but pretty much since Eda's Requiem I was like "oh man they're so divorced" and some time after that I was like "yeah they're dating actually <3"
My thoughts:
I HAVE SO MANY I LOVE THEM!!!!! Okay first of all here is my timeline of dalador momence. They definitely dated at some point in high school and probably broke up before the photo we saw of Alador at the Bonesborough Brawl? Then absolutely divorced moments for a fucking WHILE.... I don't have a clear time they would get back together but they WOULD and then Amity and Hunter are basically step siblings and they fucking hate it so much POV you are Alador and have to stop your daughter from murdering your new kid for the third time this week :(
What makes me happy about them:
They are literally two dorks who love abominations.... They go about their work different ways but they are literally abomination dorks.... AND I LOVE HOW HAPPY THEY ARE WHEN THEY'RE YOUNGER..... THE FUCKING WAY THEY LOOK AT EACH OTHER...... Besties to lovers to enemies to lovers <3
What makes me sad about them:
HONESTLY... It's just WHAT HAPPENED to them... Like we see them so happy in Them's The Breaks Kid.... Alador looks so HAPPY in that photo of him winning the belt... Then we go back to present day and everything's all fucked :(
Things done in fanfic that annoys me:
Honestly there's so little fic about them I haven't seen anything Consistent that is like "oh I fucking hate this so much"
Things I look for in fanfic:
Again there's not much fanfic about them but if I had to choose.... I just want them to be happy.... Let these middle aged dorks be happy together...
Who I’d be comfortable with them ending up with, if not each other:
I really don't know if there's anyone I would ship either of them with? Like we don't know many other people either of them know/have been close to? I honestly Do Not Like Odalia with Alador because fuckin!!! First of all horrible vibes second of all she fucking killed that butterfly he was looking at!!! She just... Doesn't seem to actually like him that much??? So :( I don't know
My happily ever after for them:
I just want Alador to keep working on his relationships with his kids like he started to do with Amity and I want Darius to keep like building a relationship with Hunter and I just!!! I want them to be happy. Also the family sitcom potential. Think about it.
Who is the big spoon/little spoon:
I. Dunno? It doesn't matter vibes from both of them
What is their favorite non-sexual activity:
I think they should be allowed to talk about different applications of abomination magic together as a treat <3
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wrestlezon · 2 years
liveblog containment post for aew rampage 5/27/22
i was out and about for lunch when it was live and then took a big nap
matt sydal vs bryan danielson! cool wrestlers alert dang matt sydal's gear looks good. nice outfit. its got a good balance of negative space. great design. note to self: insert pic later
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see look! its good
ok that bit with danielson on his knees? yoooo
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also? im glad sydal's hair isnt wet. im going to have to send an important update about this to my friend who is a lapsed wrestlefan man i never understand how sydal can do a standing backflip and then end up facing the way he faces at the end of it. acrobat heck yes!!! flip onto your feet!!! oh shit!!! the jumping roundhouse kick thing into getting caught into flipping danielson down?? heck yes me watching matt sydal and bryan danielson standing on top of the ring corner: gay sex is so complicated reverse powerbomb :O cool match but also rip
ooooo danhausen and hook recap promo
what the, what are the hardy boyz doing here LMFAO OH MY GOD? GANGREL??? OH MY GOD THE MATT FACTS? THE OVERLAY???? INCREDIBLE good shade being thrown omg??? not gangrel!!! he doesn't deserve this violence!!!!!!! yay the hardy boyz are here cutler the bump boy ok i really hope gangrel was talking to the hardy boyz like "oh i thought they were you. i got confused"
theyre adding MORE matches to the ppv? now we got darby vs kyle o'reilly on there??? theres a billion matches already!! oh i remember something about there being a big sports game going on on sunday and tony khan not wanting to start the main event until that ends... i guess itd be easier to choose to run that match or not run the match depending on how the schedule is looking than tell everyone to dynamically adjust their match durations
max caster vs dante martin! omg caster u cant say that about darius!!! rude!!!! nooooo that isnt your job aaaa boo the gunn boys LMAO they totally missed that shot-- whoever is in charge of switchin' cameras mustve been mid-sneeze or somethin glad they had the instant replay set up tho what a sick move by dante dude im always surprised at how big max caster is. every time what is it about him that makes his size deceiving... does he just not hold himself like a big guy? is his head too big proportionally to the rest of his body? does he just have short and stout legs unlike most tall guys who are, like, 75% leg??? what IS it he lost and my friend yelled in anger. sorry your boy cant win matches on tv. welcome to my world
samoa joe vs adam cole promo I Do Not Want Adam Cole To Win This least controversial opinion ever, probably. but still
DAN LAMBERT ALERT 😑😣 oh look scorpio sky got his lakers belt oh looks like they didnt forget about the second tnt belt ... yeah sure have disrespectful sloppy sex on all the championship belts. hate this i think kazarian being exasperated with them is funny but it can't make up for the rest of this
ruby vs statlander promo! look-- i dont think statlander, who was a sudden emergency replacement for the tournament, is going to win this. even though she should. she really should get something, because she rules. this promo almost convinces me that she could have a chance of winning this match though also?? ALL your friends betraying-- statlander the best friends never betrayed you. wh-- why. first youre not an alien and now this. if i didnt see chuck wearing his aloha walter shirt on tv i would think they were trying to retcon the best friends from television existence. im not going to turn into a catastrophizing wrestlefan but what about my favorite stable HUH? WHAT ABOUT THEM
struggling to appreciate this ruby vs kris match because im still worked up about gimmicks where are the goofball women. where are they. where are the joshis why they are not around. jade is a mean buff strong lady, must we have two mean buff strong ladies and zero goofballs? bring back the joshis whoa-- are they really gonna make statlander win this? no they-- no they wouldn't design the tournament to be won by an emergency replacement ok there it is jesus the boos. like yeah i agree but still damn they should not have put statlander here in a bit part to lose, shes too popular. but like, i guess they kinda got caught between a rock and a hard place, because its like "oh we have an open spot here that we need to fill immediately-- who is available? who is good? who is popular?" and statlander checks all those boxes. but maybe they have other plans for her? like, if they want her to go and get jade's title or thunder rosa's title later, they would want to diversify their title allocation across different wrestlers right? so... patience? i dunno. i feel like kris statlander has such a bad run of luck because like, man. that velvet/hirsch/statlander feud never gettin an ending or resolution...
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ponytailcoby · 6 years
Walker treated Andi how she's always wanted Jonah to treat her. Walker treated her like she was special in this episode and Jonah has never really done that in a romantic way. He's a good friend, but that's it. I think the end of them is coming very very soon because she's started to like Walker. I don't think it'll take Andi long to decide about Jonah, there's not really a contest between walker and jonah because Walker actually likes Andi in that way and Jonah doesn't
 Andi and Jonah are done.  Andi said so herself.  She told him she didn’t feel that way about him anymore and I don’t think it has anything to do with Walker. I think it’s about her feelings and how she wants to be treated.  I don’t think it matters that Jonah is trying to win her back (under duress btw) even if she does agree to them being a couple it’s just because she feels guilty.  They should officially end it in that first episode after the hiatus so that Andi can move on and Jonah can focus on getting the help he needs to handle his anxiety.  
Now about Andi and Walker.  They breathed life into my cold dead heart, Anon, so I want to thank them for that lol!! Walker seems like such a good guy already and I love the way he and Andi are together.  We already know that Darius has filmed more episodes and it’s pretty likely he’ll be more involved in season 3 so I definitely hope their relationship continues to develop and Andi finally gets the real boyfriend that she wants.
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