#isreal hamas war
artemishasthebluez · 3 months
actually pissed the save gaza tags arent trending but shit like hazbin hotel was. please please PLEASE start spreading those tags. we need to speak up. thousands are dying. the isreal defense force and hamas is commiting war crimes against palestine. gaza’s death toll has reached 26,257 Palestinians killed and 64,797 wounded since the start of the war.
V**ziepop is a zionist and actively supports the war crimes Isreal is commitjng. She is DISGUSTING. She mocks the boycotts and is on Isreal and Hamas’s side.
if you have any available money, please donate to the following charitys, and if you dont, please speak up against hamas and isreal by spreading the word. the last remaining hospital in Gaza has been attacked. noone has anywhere to go.
update: i have been informed that tumblr is on isreals side. do NOT give tumblr good reviews, dont buy shit from them. they are supporting actual fucking war crimes. its time to stand up. we will not be silenced.
Just because the strike is over doesn’t mean we stop fighting.
some other posts for info:
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underleveledjosh · 6 months
You Are Not Obligated
Nobody is obligated to speak about Palestine. Nobody is obligated to speak about Ukraine. Nobody is obligated to talk about ANY political issue. If you don't want to talk about any of these issues because it is too distressing for you, you are valid. You are NOT complicit, you do NOT have blood on your hands. Do not let those toxic assholes on Twitter or other sites tell you otherwise. They're abusive, and they want to control you. Your mental health comes first. Is this about ignoring these issues? No. This is about the fact that nobody gets to decide what YOU post.
This is not even mentioning that, realistically, those politicians up at the top don't give a shit about us whether or not we agree with them. We are merely a bunch of little pawns to be be used by them. They don't give a shit, and they will ignore us. Either that, or they will abandon us once they decide that our usefulness has ended. This is not a nihilistic view. This is a realistic view.
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lucina-rae · 5 months
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boguspearl · 5 months
Israel keeps 7,200 Palestinian prisoners, of which 250 of them are children. They can be detained with no arrest warrant, no right to a phone call, and no lawyers present. Detainees can be held for 75 days without receiving official charges, and can be barred from seeing a lawyer for up to 60 days even during their own court sessions. Sworn affidavits of nearly 800 detained children have show that 86% were never informed of the reason for their arrest. 80% were strip searched, 42% denied adequate food and water, 31% denied access to a toilet, 97% not allowed to see a family member, and 55% made to sign papers in Hebrew, not their native tongue of Arabic. 75% faced physical abuse, 58% experienced verbal abuse, intimidation, or humiliation, and 36% were threatened or coerced. The "administrative detention" system employed allows them to indefinitely detain Palestinians without charge and is renewable every 6 months. Two legal systems exist in Israel: that of the civillian and criminal legal system which prosecutes Israelis, and that of the military system which prosecutes Palestinians. Israel is the only country in the world that prosecutes children in military courts with such a lack of fundamental fair trial rights and protections. Since 2000, approximately 13,000 Palestinian children have been detained.
I'm sorry but I know all of this already I know that Isreal is a terrorist state that regularly breaks the rules of engagement as well as human rights rules and even a few war crimes BUT don't tell me and try to convince me that palastine is any better because face it they are doing so much things that's bad too from kidnapping CIVILIANS and MILITARY FAMILIES incase you forgot but the world doesn't seem to care because Isreal is the supposed greater evil right well let me say this, the world needs to stop not punishing the little guy simply because there's a bigger fish thats done worst things because thsts how rapist's and murders and palastine gets away with things
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palisteinpoi · 4 months
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And there is no war in ba sing se.
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lifewithchronicpain · 6 months
I don't care if the IDF can prove Hamas worked out of these hospitals. They're the ones who still decided to bomb and attack them. Don't give me their outrage that Hamas uses them as human shields when the IDF looks at that and say "guess I'll kill them all then".
If they want the moral high ground, they have a duty to be fucking better than this. I don't want any hospital attacked but don't even fucking pretend they cannot be more surgical about it and spare the hospital damage and lives. Especially if it's a goddamn war crime to not.
I also don't care if Hamas is stockpiling fuel, they are terrorists, I expect no less. Once again, I expect the side claiming the moral high ground to do fucking better and these hospitals need fuel yesterday!
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socialjusticefail · 1 month
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Deranged extremist is giving shocked Pikachu vibes on response to be called out for his extremist views. The person who is quoting this tweet added several images proving what he said.
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acnews · 2 days
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lukadjo · 5 months
Misinformation Central!
From the article authors channel:
"Visegrad 24 has become a viral sensation, and the number one most influential source of online news about the Israel/Palestine situation.
Yet it constantly publishes fake news and false information which whitewashes Israeli crimes.
Worse still, this shadowy organization is actually funded by the right-wing Polish government.
Find out who controls this group and what their agenda is by checking out my investigation (please share widely):"
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valenteal · 3 months
Friendly reminder that genocide doesn’t absolve a group of people of all wrongdoing. Yes someone tried to wipe out your culture and you have suffered. That doesn’t mean it’s ok to turn around and do the same to someone else.
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eva-knits12 · 2 months
Mom kidnapped by Hamas: Nurses at Gaza hospital cheered at captured ‘pre...
This Israeli mother and her daughter were captured and kidnapped by Hamas. Nurses at Gaza cheered over their prey. She immigrated to America. This is a Jewish mother. 
Before you call yourself a Christian, keep in mind that Christianity is a sect of Judiasm. I have a Jewish descendant in my lineage, via my great-grandmother, Anna. So, yes, I have Jewish heritage. (It’s funny because people think I’m either Italian or Irish, when my lineage on both sides is complicated. I’m also Native American.)
No human should be seen as prey. I don’t care if she was a Christian, Catholic, Muslim, Buddhist, black, white, Asian, Middle-Eastern, Indian, Native American, European, Russian, Portuguese, Brazilian, Chilean, Argentinian, etc. 
I’m pro-people. When others are cheering over someone who they see as less than, then we’re going to have a problem. I guess the Hippocratic Oath doesn’t apply in this situation. When it comes to taking care of someone, the nurse epically failed at her job. In the States, that’s enough to get her fired! You are in the medical field. You are surrounded by people who are injured, sick, may have been displaced, and had to leave their homes on short notice. That doesn’t make this right. She was in need of medical attention, and she was seen as less than because that’s what the nurse was taught. 
In war, I don’t think we realize that there’s innocent lives caught in the crossfire. This woman was kidnapped by Hamas. 
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qupritsuvwix · 3 months
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shi1498912 · 5 months
Offener Brief zum Nahostkrieg Historiker wenden sich gegen Vergleiche von Hamas mit Nazis
Renommierte Holocaust- und Antisemitismusforscher warnen davor, den Terror der Hamas mit dem Völkermord der Nazis zu vergleichen. Das verzerre die Ursachen der Gewalt und fördere antiarabischen Rassismus.
Von Christoph Gunkel
22.11.2023, 16.42 Uhr
Eine Gruppe von Holocaust- und Antisemitismusforschern hat in einem offenen Brief in der »The New York Review of Books«  mit deutlichen Worten vor einer politischen Instrumentalisierung des Holocaust gewarnt. Mit »Bestürzung und Enttäuschung« habe man Aussagen führender Politiker und bekannter Persönlichkeiten des öffentlichen Lebens zur Kenntnis genommen, die »sich auf die Erinnerung an den Holocaust berufen, um die aktuelle Krise in Gaza und Israel zu erklären«. Dies führe aber, so heißt es in dem am Dienstag veröffentlichten Statement, zu gefährlichen Verzerrungen: »Israels Führung und andere benutzen das Bild des Holocaust, um Israels kollektive Bestrafung des Gazastreifens als Kampf für die Zivilisation gegen die Barbarei darzustellen, und fördern damit rassistische Narrative über die Palästinenser.« [...] Im Offenen Brief verurteilen die Forscherinnen und Forscher die »skrupellose Gewalt der Anschläge vom 7. Oktober«, bezeichnen aber zugleich die israelischen Luftangriffe und die Invasion des Gazastreifens als »verheerend«.[...]
Bitte lest euch diesen Artikel durch
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boguspearl · 5 months
"The world needs to stop not punishing the little guy" more than 15 000 Palestinians have been killed since Oct 7th including 150 people in the West Bank where Hamas is not located and Biden has pledged $14.3 billion dollars of military aid to Israel.
I believe I said the world needs to stop not punishing the little guy. Think about it Isreal and palastine have been at war for years now every time Isreal wants to start peace negotiations palastine flips out and starts killing when then can't get exactly what they want I mean seriously now tell me what exactly do they want here do they want the border restrictions lifted if so stop smuggling weopens and sending suicide bombers, do they want to be treated as equals then they should see themselves as such first stop this we were here first so you should move out nonsense. Palistine should stop picking fights with a country who's military force is basically big enough to equal there population the boundary lines have already been drawn up they should just deal with it already then maybe and here is a crazy thought if they act like they are peaceful and not a threat then maybe peace negotiations can actually happen this time around because everyone is sick of this already I mean look at Egypt the peace keepers in the Isreal and palastine conflict even they pulled out and let chaos run wild
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palestinegenocide · 1 month
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There is nothing we can do about Israel other than everything
The war on Gaza is being used to advance fascism and white supremacy in the US. It is also opening people's eyes to global systems that require genocide to continue. To stand with Palestine is to transform those systems and build a different world.
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cimerran-714 · 2 months
Hey, Hamas supporters. I know that you love to shriek about how Israel is "zionist" and a "terrorist" country, but are you aware that it had repeatedly offered peace deals with Hamas which were always rejected?
Since the beginning, Israel has always wanted to co-exist peacefully.
Israel accepted the UN resolution of making Jerusalem an international city without it being controlled by either nations. Palestine did not, which lead to the Arab-Israeli war.
The Peel Commission Plan of 1937. It was offered by Israel, but rejected by Palestine.
The Oslo Accords of 1993: Well, Palestine agreed to accept it, but did not fully implement their commitments, but it's essentially the same thing.
At the Camp David Summit in 2000.
The Trump Administration Peace Plan in 2020.
Oh, and they rejected a cease-fire literally three days ago or so.
But yeah, according to bigots like you, it's Israel that is fault at here. So much for liberals claiming to fight for "human rights" and "equality".
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