justraffo · 2 years
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#palazzi #buildings #citta #city #isolati #blocks #strade #streets #piazza #square #prospettiva #prospective #luce #light #ombre #shadows #panorama #colori #colours #taranto #puglia #apulia #italia #italy (presso Piazza Maria Immacolata Taranto) https://www.instagram.com/p/CgfRS5-o5O_/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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instacrepi · 9 months
Welkom bij de gevelspecialist- Uw Crepi-expert | InstaCrepi
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InstaCrepi uit Meise is een toonaangevend expert op het vlak van crepi- en gevelisolatie. Met onze ervaring en klantgerichte aanpak zorgen wij voor energiezuinige maar vooral stijlvolle crepi afwerkingen. Bezoek onze website voor meer informatie - InstaCrepi
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miopet · 11 months
i will never be tired of my own narcissism bcuz that hurts literally no one and i am my own #2 fan (bug is #1). however i *am* quite tired of being antisocial.
the trauma i have been through makes it almost impossible to relate to 99% of anyone ever even though i really do like other people, i truly believe most people (and all life) are inherently good or neutral at worst, and i do as much as i can to be someone other people can rely on without sacrificing my own need to rely on others.
i don’t really suffer often from ailments such as embarrassment or severe social anxiety etc because i don’t care to that degree what anyone thinks about me. if i like who i am, i don’t really need anyone else to. but that’s not true, is it? because everyone needs someone else. humans evolved to need positive social reception and i got literally none of that at all as a kid.
of course i do actually want people to like me but i mostly find myself wanting that in a broader, grander, shallower (cough narcissistic cough) sense. i want to be an Artist or Activist someone with a Voice that is amplified and amplifies others with quieter voices. but i LOOOOVE being unknown irl except to a handful of my ~special chosen besties~ also i want to have done good for the world at large by the time i die. and i want to be able to host huge family parties on holidays. i want 10,000 adopted children. so that’s all extremely specific to ask for lol.
mostly i want the peace and safety to make real friends, but it is so very difficult for me due to disability to keep up any relationships because i never have spoons to type or call or play games. and i can’t truly open up to anyone because i just don’t. idk, even. there’s just Something Wrong.
my trauma informed (disordered) genuine (split) personality feels too severe, and too much for anyone including myself. i locked parts of my own brain away for years and punished them relentlessly until they began to punish back. of course we are much better about that now as an adult, but it still happens, and it’s not fair that i feel so pressured to do that just because they remember what happened. my parents abused sa’d and tried to kill me and i am expected to be normal? to be capable of anything remotely like a normal life? it’s all a joke to me honestly but i don’t go wild batshit insane because i am aware of my privileges (as i should be).
but my default is this: i am so angry and i feel so justified in my anger and anyone who isn’t as angry as i am is Literally Wrong. get angry with me, or get the fuck out of my life because if you aren’t fighting with me you must be fighting against me. i, and many other marginalized people, do have every right to feel that way…
but i can’t turn my fight/flight response off EVER and i always pick fight so i force myself to avoid potentially contentious social situations in general… which becomes all of them, becuz how am i supposed to know what is and isn’t acceptable as a visibly trans traumatized autistic dyke bitch?
and so adding antisocial to all of that is like seasoning a bag of salt and vinegar chips with a cup of soft pretzel salt.
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smartechsolutionnl · 1 year
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Smartech Solutions geeft advies over hoe we uw woning slim en vooral duurzaam kunnen maken. Samen maken we onze wereld klaar voor de nieuwe generatie. https://smartechsolutions.nl/
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se-coaching · 3 months
Het Gezicht van Macht en Controle in een Gewelddadige Relatie
In een gewelddadige relatie kunnen toxische personen verschillende vormen van macht en controle gebruiken om hun partner te manipuleren en te onderdrukken. Het is belangrijk om deze tekenen te herkennen en actie te ondernemen om het slachtoffer te ondersteunen. Hier zijn de verschillende manieren waarop macht en controle eruit kunnen zien in een gewelddadige relatie: Dwang en Dreigementen als…
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rikwintein · 5 months
Haiku #75
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twafordizzy · 1 year
Hermans kijkt om naar een vuil huis
bron beeld: pinterest.com We bevinden ons als lezer in de Tweede Wereldoorlog. Duitsers, partizanen en bolsjewieken spelen een belangrijke rol in Het behouden huis van schrijver W.F. Hermans (1921-1995). Een verhaal dat chaos, isolatie, illusie, vervreemding en het absurde combineert en waarin we in het hoofd kruipen van een zwervende soldaat. Een soldaat op pad in verschrikkelijke…
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bjhoutskeletbouw · 1 year
Wat is houtskeletbouw?
Een houtskeletbouw woning is een houten constructie waarbij de balken verticaal geplaatst worden en dit op een bepaalde afstand. De ruimtes tussen die verticale stijlen worden dan gevuld met isolatiemateriaal.
De opmars van houtskeletbouw wordt de laatste jaren meer en meer duidelijk en is al goed ingeburgerd. 
👉Lees meer op onze web pagina.
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soaveintermezzo · 6 months
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Il faro di Thridarangar, uno dei luoghi più isolati al mondo, oceano Atlantico, a pochi chilometri dalla costa delle Isole Vestmann a sud dell'Islanda.
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instacrepi · 7 months
Instacrepi - Expert in Isolatie en crepi | Renovatie buitengevel
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Neem vandaag nog contact met ons op voor een vrijblijvende offerte - InstaCrepi.be
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gravehags · 2 months
ghoulettes and ghouls handling your depressive episode
i’m going through it right now and could use a little ghoulish support okay
Cumulus - Anticipates it before you even say it out loud - she can tell in the way you hold yourself, the tone of your voice, even your smell. When you break down crying, she’s already got a plan. She turns your bed into a cozy little nest and stays by your side, listening to you talk. And if you don’t feel like talking about it, she holds you, humming your favorite song (because of course she knows it) softly in your ear. She’ll always join you in the bath or shower, gently washing your hair and scrubbing your skin before wrapping you in the fluffiest towel.
Aurora - Is devastated when you come to her admitting you’re unwell as she always thought she could read you so well. Gives surprisingly fierce hugs for such a tiny ghoulette and gets angry that your brain would make you feel this way. If you’re into retail therapy (for better or worse) she’s your girl and she’ll spoil you just to see even a hint of a smile on your face. The rest of the ghouls know better than to question the pile of packages in your room.
Cirrus - Out of all the ghouls and ghoulettes, she’s the realest with you. She’ll sit down with you and hold your hands as you speak your negative emotions or negative self talk and then she’ll calmly counter them with the factual truth. You are smart, kind, and capable. Your brain is lying to you and can get fucked. She’ll talk with you until you have nothing left to say and then she’ll reinforce exactly why you are an amazing person.
Sunshine - Like Aurora, was under the impression she could read you and your emotions and is shaken to turn to you with a smile one day only for you to look at her with tears in your eyes. She hates how quiet the depression makes you, hates the way you barely look at anything but the ground. Humor is her go to tactic and she’ll make fun of herself and all the other ghouls just to see you crack a smile, no matter how small.
Aether - Like Cumulus, he senses it even before you get the words out and has already taken you in his big arms. His love language is physical touch and will be present for you in whatever way you need him. If that means a shoulder to cry on then he’ll curl in bed beside you and wipe your tears. Always makes sure you are eating enough and staying hydrated as well as taking your meds if you’re on some.
Swiss - Kind of oblivious since he’s usually preoccupied with what’s going on in his own head but when he notices you eating less, sleeping more, and wandering around with red eyes and tear stained cheeks he kicks himself. He’ll approach you gently, softly, and with a sweet endearment asks if you need to talk. He’s an amazing listener and holds your hands in his the whole time you speak. Sympathetic crier, absolutely.
Mountain - Actions speak louder than words for Mountain, who overhears you talking about your depression with another ghoul. The next day he calls out to you when you shuffle into the kitchen and he asks if you’d like to take a walk with him. He’ll take you on his favorite walk into the woods and hold your hand, instructing you to breathe deep and listen. Being in nature with him is always healing and rejuvenating.
Rain - Like Mountain, he believes in the healing power of nature but his way. He’ll take you down to the lake one night when a full moon illuminates the water and have you strip to your skin and follow him into the shallows. Step by step you follow him until your feet still touchy the sandy bottom but the water reaches your shoulders. When he instructs you to climb into his arms you actually laugh, the sound startling you, but you acquiesce. He holds you in the water under the moon until your fingers are long wrinkled.
Phantom - He’d be oblivious if it wasn’t for the way your lips hang in a frown more often than not these days and he remembers how it was when he was first called from the pit. The loneliness, the isolation…he’s all too familiar with these feelings and shudders to think of you suffering through them. If you want to talk, he’s here to listen but if you simply want another being to exist beside you as you go about your day he’s even better at that.
Dewdrop - An even better listener than Swiss, despite his sharp outer shell. He puts on a big show of being thorny but the instant he catches you hastily wiping tears from your cheeks he’s by your side and guiding you to the nearest quiet room. He doesn’t always know the right things to say but that’s okay, you’re happy he’s around and that he cares. And Satan, does he care. Constantly checks up on you throughout the day, whether it’s by text or popping in to see you in person.
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smartechsolutionnl · 1 year
Spouwmuurisolatie & Zonnepanelen
Smartech Solutions geeft advies over hoe we uw woning slim en vooral duurzaam kunnen maken. Samen maken we onze wereld klaar voor de nieuwe generatie.
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falcemartello · 7 months
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Cos’è veramente la UE?
“L’Unione Europea è oggi strutturalmente uno stato imperiale autoritario” Philippe Fabry
La pandemia e la crisi Ucraina hanno consentito alla Commissione Europea di arrogarsi il diritto di dare la direzione politica ai paesi membri, come quella di decidere campagne vaccinali obbligatorie e fornire da subito armamenti all’Ucraina.
La Commissione è una sorta di potere autocratico che risponde poco o niente al Parlamento, che è l’unica istituzione con una parvenza democratica. La Commissione, inoltre, non è limitata nel potere da nessuna carta costituzionale, che non esiste in Europa.
Essa è l’emanazione del Consiglio Europeo che è un super organo, un esecutivo al quadrato. Il Parlamento avrebbe la possibilità di intervenire con censure nei confronti della Commissione, ma servirebbe una maggioranza di 2/3, un risultato praticamente impossibile.
La Commissione approfitta di questo predominio e agisce indipendentemente con il monopolio dell’iniziativa legislativa. Cioè è esclusivamente l’esecutivo che fa le leggi. Una burocrazia che governa senza controllo.
La UE è diretta dalle élite di Bruxelles con una cultura globale basata sull’ecologismo, il multiculturalismo, un certo femminismo radicale e l’LGBTismo. Una cultura tutta metropolitana, perché solo nelle aree urbane si può pensare di sostituire l’automobile con il pullman o con la bicicletta. Inoltre in città c’è la maggiore concentrazione di LGBT, dato che in campagna sarebbero più isolati e a disagio.
Siamo in una arretratezza democratica impressionante. Questo autoritarismo di Bruxelles sta crescendo anno dopo anno. Non a caso Junker dichiarò al Figaro nel 2015: “Non ci possono essere scelte democratiche di fronte ai trattati europei” Ursula Von der Leyen a settembre 2022 ha spiegato chiaramente gli intenti della Commissione nel caso qualcuno volesse metterla in discussione. Lo ha fatto in occasione delle ultime elezioni nazionali in Italia: ”Ci sono gli strumenti a disposizione di Bruxelles per sanzionare eventuali attentati ai principi democratici dell’UE in caso di vittoria della coalizione di destra nelle elezione di Domenica prossima in Italia”
C’è da aggiungere altro?
Fortunato Nardelli
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apeir0nn · 3 months
vi capita mai di sentirvi isolati e successivamente di sentire il bisogno di confrontarvi con qualcuno che però non c'è perché nella vostra realtà le persone con cui confrontarvi sono ben poche e per di più non stimolanti e quindi poi vi sentite ancora più soli e isolati?
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