the-fiction-witch · 2 years
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I was so angry! I wandered around our house for the sixteenth time today going and checking the sofa, checking the table, the windowsill, the mantle going to the porch and checking everywhere possible, I checked all through the kitchen and all through the laundry room. I had turned this damn house upside down looking for them but still, I can't find them, I can't even remember where I left them.
"Hello Isaac" y/n smiled as she hurried down the stairs having had her shower and got dressed going into the kitchen to make her usual cup of tea
"Hello, dear,"
"Rearranging I see?" she giggled having seen everything I had done in my search
"No" I sighed "You haven't seen them have you?"
"seen what?" she asked
"My glasses"
"Your glasses?"
"Yeah I've turned the house upside down looking for them but I can't find them"
"Isaac" she giggled
"Isaac. you're wearing your glasses" she giggled
"you're wearing your glasses Isaac" she giggles taking my glasses off my face giving my nose a kiss and then returning my glasses for me "Better now?"
"Yes. thank you, dear"
"Your welcome" she smiled hurrying back to the kitchen for her tea
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the-fiction-witch · 4 years
NSFW Alphabet: Isaac Hempstead Wright
I've seen this for alot of different characters but I plan on doing my characters and actors for it just because Mostly why not I personally got the frame I'm using off of a bran stark ver from this amazing person https://glamorousstark.tumblr.com/post/186181760349/nsfw-alphabet-bran-stark
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A: aftercare-
As soon as it's all over and your both finished off Isaac will pass a glass of water from the bedside table and pull you close to his chest for snuggles.
B: body parts-
Isaac has an odd fixation with your waist and the small of your back he loves the soft slow curves it creates no matter how he holds you, often pulling you by the waist or ticking it to get attention, but mostly using it to direct you while you ride.
C: cum-
Isaac is quite the gentleman and almost never goes without a condom so your interactions with his cum are fairly limited however if you suck him off he will 1000% pull himself out your mouth and cum all over yours breasts and stomach.
D: dirty secret-
Isaac secretly has a fantasy every time he drives, he always secretly imagines your hand coming over and playing with him while he drives, getting his cock out his pants and distraction him, it's not limited to the car but he does it most in the car, as well as trains, planes, busses anything really where people could see you touching him he secretly wants you to.
E: experience-
Isaac was a virgin when you met so you where his first however having been working on such a sex heavy TV show for a large part of his formative years he had more knowledge then you'd expected but most of it in theory, however he was happy to practice the practical of what he already knew.
F: fave position-
His favourite position is simply you riding him, he loves holding your waist and hips as you bounce naked on him kissing your lips and breasts when he gets close as well as getting to see your face when you cum as well as hold you close when he reached is own.
G: goofy-
It allways starts out giggly and funny as your both not quite sure how to suggest to each other other than literally just saying it, but once he gets horny the giggles melt away
H: hair-
The dark brown continues in a slight trail down from his stomach but the actual area is well groomed and taken care of as he knows it makes it easier for you while giving blow jobs as well as it looks nicer for your distance picture exchanges
I: intimacy-
Isaac is very sweet and affectionate, often times durring sex he'll Tell you he loves you and no matter what he'll look after you.
J: jack off-
Isaac spends a lot of time away, time for filming, time for uni, time for touring, time for his family so in all honesty you don't spend much time in the same room, and after all the moving around in his life Isaac has mastered the art of quick and efficient jerking off, he will often do it to the memory of the last time you where together or perhaps some exchanged pictures.
K: kink/s-
Isaac isn't that kinky, he doesn't mind getting tied up, but he does like when you act all innocent and get out your old school skirt
L: location-
Your favourite is the antique wooden dinning table at his parents house, if someone where to take a black light to that table they would be angry, but it sure does make Christmas dinners a giggle.
His is the back of his car, he doesn't know if it's the danger or the teenage spark of rebellion of having sex in your car but either way he loves it, snuggling up in the back in empty car parks grabbing a condom from the box in the glove box and making the little car bounce up and down for a while.
M: Motivation-
Oddly enough his glasses. You stealing them, you taking them off for him, you playfully nudging them for his attention. He loves when you are cuddled up somewhere and you simply moved sitting on his lap and pulling off his glasses for him putting them on the table it gets him rock hard as he knows if you take his glasses he knows what your going to do next.
N: No-
Anything to do with daddies, physical violence or bodily fluids
O: Oral-
Isaac loves to give and to receive somehow your not sure how but he pick it up somewhere that one 30 Mon blow job is worth an hour of eating out, and Isaac likes to keep sex in your relationship fair, if he gets to cum he makes sure you have one or two as well. However if he had to choose he would pick receiving just because he loves your mouth way to much.
P: pace-
It always starts very slow and loving, sweet and caring but it gets faster and faster till you both explode with pleasure.
Q: quickie-
Neither of you are apposed to a quickies as they made up alot of your early relationship having to deal with you both living at home and having to doge family and such like, which lead you to some very creative quickies like in the shower together or in the laundry room ontop of the washing machine.
R: risks-
Isaac doesn't like to risk it much, or so he says.
Secretly he loves risking it.
S: stamina-
It varies, some days he can go four hours and hours and others he cums when your kissing, it mostly depends how much he's been away and how much you have seen each other, but you have began to notice if he jerks off alot while away he lasts hours when he comes home, something important to remember for his next trip.
T: toy/s-
A few toys mostly for you as he knows sometimes when he's been away he gets a little overwhelmed seeing you again and he can't always make you cum before he does so you have a couple toys but your not allowed to use the toys on your own only Isaac is allowed to use them on you.
U: unfair-
Isaac isn't a tease, he just wants to make you happy and make you feel good, undeniably sometimes he does it using some unfair tactics but you don't mind as most days he gives you an extra one more then him just so your happy
V: volume-
Loud! But he tries, he bites his mouth and kisses you all over to try and stop himself from screaming about how good it feels but he'll make sure you make enough noise for the both of you.
W: wild card
Isaac doesn't like pron, he finds it odd and uncomfortable, the only thing he does like is GIFs and pictures mostly stuff where you can't see the faces of the pornstars so he can imagine it's you and him, he has tried many times but can't get into porn at all, he just needs you to send him some pretty pictures.
X: xray-
Isaac being the long lanky boy that he is to no surprise I'm sure,
His cock is a fair width and girth however very long atleast seven inches if not more, initial this put a hult to sexual activity in the relationship due to your fear of him being to big, however you where very mistaken and Isaac fits snuggly hitting all the right places. Similarly he had concerns about you using your mouth for fears you wouldn't be able to take it all but after a couple weeks of trying over a summer you proved you could take every inch.
Y: yern-
When Isaac is away he yerns for your touch, your kisses, your pussy, and that doesn't change once he's home if he's in the mood he'll stop at nothing till your both satisfied
Z: zzzzz-
Isaac won't go to sleep till your snuggled close in his arms he will always check you've cum and that your happy and often asks "your sure you don't want another one? Before bed?" He likes to make sure your satisfactied and happy before you snuggle up and drift off to sleep together.
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the-fiction-witch · 4 years
Room 206
dominik528 said:  Reader/Isaac Wright smut-ish where the reader is a lucky fan getting to meet the actor and then invited to his hotel room where they make out and dry-hump.
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I stood beyond excited, I had one the contest of my dreams getting to meet a member of the GOT cast before a Talk show, I didn't know who it was going to be but I was on bouncing off the walls with excitement as the staff took me up to the hotel room, I blushed hard as I reached the door 206, the security left me so I knocked on the door trying to imagine who it would be
"Ooohh... Hi, You're the contest winner right?" Isaac asked as he leant on the door
"Yeah" I blushed looking at him, as he stood in his blue button-down and lighter blue jumper, his tight black jeans hugging his every curve, his thick black glasses sat perfectly on his nose and his hair done sweetly and cute.
"Yeah come on in" he smiled letting me in the room it was a beautiful luxurious hotel room and he shut the door behind me we had some chats and took some cute little pictures till he was about to take one of us together for Instagram and he gave my cheek a kiss and I blushed hard a little shocked "What's the matter?" he asked
"I uhhhhhh............... I uhh I ummm" I stutter unsure how to respond
"Was it my kiss?" he asked and I nodded "Awww I'm sorry," He blushed
"No, It's okay" I blushed hard trying not to look at him
"If you want I can do it again?" He smirked giving my shoulder a kiss  
"well I uhhh" I stutter
"Sorry... it's okay" he blushed "if you don't want to kiss me?"
"No no, of course, I'd want to kiss you" I blushed
"Yeah?" he asks "You wanna kiss me?" he smirked giving my shoulder a kiss and holding my hand he smirked caressing my cheek and kissing my lips softly his lips were so soft and he tasted like, tea, smoke and cider he kissed me deeply till he pulled away "Ummm you're a good kisser" he smirked "Unusual for such a beautiful girl to be such a good kisser" he smirked
"Y-Your a good kisser too" I blushed
"You Like kissing me?" he smirked and I nodded "you wanna keep kissing then?" he smirked and I nodded "Come on" He smirked holding my hand and pulling me with him to the little bedroom with a huge bed he sat on the bed and pulled me close so I stood between his legs "You wanna come to sit on my lap beautiful?" he smirked I blushed hard and nodded so he put his hands on my hips and pulled me to sit on his lap, I blushed so hard as I felt his hard cock under me his chest tight against my own he pulled me to kiss him again so I kissed back holding his neck pulling him closer as he slowly began to grind on me by gently moving my hips as we kissed, slowly our kisses got deeper and deeper eventually turning into making out as he kept grinding my hips onto him, I blushed harder pulling away moving so he didn't have to which made him smirk more
"Ohh Isaac" I blushed
"What's wrong?" he asked
"I uhhh I ummm" I blushed
"You wanna keep going?" he asked and I nodded "then why did you stop?" he asked
"Worried about you being late"
"Don't you worry about that beautiful" he smirked kissing me pulling me closer as our grinding turned to humping till he pulled back, biting his lip and he smirked his dark eyes looking at me up and down a moment "I can't wait any longer" He smirked holding my waist and flipping us over so I was laid on the bed and he was on top of me in between my legs I couldn't help but giggle as he kissed me again
"Mr Wright! you have ten minutes!" a security person yelled at the door
"Aww guess you have to go" he sighed helping me up and fixing my dress for me going back to the main room "I had a nice time meeting with you" he smiled
"I had an amazing time" I smiled going towards the door
"Hey, stay for the show, as soon as its over. Come back to my room" He smiled holding my hand "We'll finish what we started" He smirked
"Okay" I blushed "I'll be back later" I smiled
"Before you go" he said stopping me again and grabbing a hotel napkin, "Here write your number down I'll text you when I'm back in my room" He smiled
"Okay" I smiled writing my number on it and he happily took it putting it n his phone and he rang me making my phone go off "Okay I'll see you later" He winked
"See you later" I smiled giving him a kiss...
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the-fiction-witch · 5 years
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I blushed a little as Isaac and I laid in his little single bed, his back against the mattress his shirt off and on his bedroom carpet. His black skinny jeans unbuttoned and unzipped revealing his dark purple boxers with white elastic waistband just a bit, my knee in-between his legs as I laid down his body my tight black leggings snuggly on my waist, my shirt off somewhere in his room his hands sat firmly in my back keeping me inches from him our skin sticking a little in the heat of his bedroom, not wanting to open the windows or door in case someone heard us. His lips on mine sweetly and passionately his glasses sometimes colluded with my head but it always made us laugh when it did happen
"Y/n, Could I?" He asks pulling away getting his breath back as he lightly sat up "Could you what?" I ask "Could I take your bra off?" He asks his fingers already playing with the metal clasps on my back as his tongue licked across his bottom lip as he looked at me "Yeah" I smiled so he pulled me closer back to his lips I kissed back happily running my hands softly in his chest he smirked into our kiss moving his hands up to attack the bra clasps he eventually got all four hooks undone and tugged at my straps to I moved away from his lips pulling it off completely he bit his up glancing at my breasts and he pulled me so there was not an inch between us my breasts pressed directly to his chest his hands in the small of my back as we kissed for a while till I noticed his hand move down to take a chunk out my arse "Umm Isaac" I giggled
"What is it y/n?" he asks
"What is that hand up to?" I ask
"Groping your sexy ass, Why?" he smirks
"Why are you doing it?" I ask
"its too sexy to keep my hands off" he growled
"Isaac..." I warn
"Don't try and tell me you don't like it" he smirks
"Get it off Isaac or I won't kiss you anymore" I warn so he sighed slapping my arse and returning his hand to the small of my back
"Happy now babygirl?" He lowly growls
"Very" I smiled pulling him back to kiss me he pulled me closer into the kiss his hands slid up my Back a little until I noticed his hand softly gropeing my breast as we kissed I let him enjoy himself moving a little on him to gently and slowly move my hips against him "Ummm y/n..." He says as he pulls away breathless and excited "leggings off babygirl" he growls I shook my head playfully and he smirked biting his bottom lip as he looked at me his hands grabbed my arse hard digging his nails into the cotton of my leggings he grabbed them hard ripping the seam apart and pushing them down as far as he could get them leaving me in just my panties He smirked pushing his jeans down his legs and kicking them off his legs leaving him in just his boxers He smirked pulling me closer so no inch of us was apart I smirked into the kiss as I could feel his cock hardening, it growing and twitching as it went from soft and normal to hard and needy I giggled pulling away pressing a kiss to his nose then his lips, then down his jaw and starting down his neck I knew he was enjoying it as he was biting his mouth to stay quiet often glancing at me kissing him I stopped as I reached the base of his neck running the tip of my nose along where his neck and shoulder met which made him laugh. I picked a spot there and began to suck biting on his soft pale skin to make sure the love bite will be there tomorrow "Uhh uuhhh y/n" he mutters under his breath not wanting to alert his mother downstairs to what we where doing he craned his neck a little giving me much more space to suck and bite his eyes fluttered shut as I moved away examining my work he had a deep purple mark on his neck it was obvious and would be there for days I looked a little like a vampire bite as you could see the indentations from my teeth in his skin I smiled kissing down his neck down his chest he pulled me a little closer enjoying himself immensely till I reached his V so I ran my tongue across those lines suggestively "uhhh!" He moans In shock "y/n... Closer babygirl" he groans "Closer? To what Isaac?" I ask "Closer to my cock... please" he begs "I need you babygirl" he groans "just a kiss? Or a little suck please" he begs his breaths uneasy his hands twisted in the duvet cover I smirked moving lower kissing around his cock though his boxers "uhhhh god... Take them off please" he begged "I might... I might not Isaac" I smirk he went to pull me back to kissing him but I stopped him pulling the waistband of his boxers down enough to see his hard cock sitting in his boxers looking every so lonely and desperate for attention the vains of his shaft prominent where he hadn't been touching himself lately and his head almost a different colour desperate for an orgasum "how long has it been Isaac?" I ask "A month" he complains " A month? Owww my poor sexy boy" I smirk running my hand across his cock "Ummmmm.... It has been a long time babygirl, he's missed you" he smirked "come on its been so long since he saw you last where's his hello kiss?" He asks so I smiled giving his head a little soft kiss running my tongue along the most sensitive spot as I did lick that little spot o could taste his salty pre cum "uuuhh...." He moans rolling his head on his pillow desperate for more "how could I ever live without you babygirl" he smirked "Well... You'd just have to jerk off more often" I smirked "No... My hands could never replace you" he smirked running his finger along my face pulling me by my chin back up to kiss his lips I melted into his heavenly kisses pushing my almost naked body against his naked body feeling very inch of Isaacs body against my own I suddenly heard my phone go off so I pulled away answering it even if Isaac I was still trying to kiss me and grope my chest "Well be five minutes, to pick you up" my mother says "Okay five minutes" I smiled before hanging up and pulling Isaac from where he had been nuzzled in my chest "time for me to go home Isaac" I laugh "What no...come on Just a little longer babygirl" he begged kissing all over me "Sorry Isaac" I smiled getting up and getting my bra back on "Can I come see you Tomorrow night?" He asks "If you like too" I smiled fixing my hair as I got my shirt on "Can we.... Have sex this time?" He asks cuddling me from behind as I re did my lipstick where I had gotten smudged from making out with him "If your a good boy" I smiled grinding my arse against his hard cock "Uhhh... Come on baby girl five minutes, just take your panties off I can be done in five minutes" he begs "No Isaac, I'm already gonna have to make up an excuse about my leggings dirty boy" I laugh "Fine..." He complains "till tomorrow babygirl" he smirked "Till tomorrow Isaac" I laugh just as we heard a horn from outside so I gave him a kiss and went off home
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the-fiction-witch · 5 years
Play Times Over
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I smiled as I opened my bathroom door tucking my towel up a little better to hide my naked body, I saw Isaac sat on the sofa playing video games after a couple of seconds I heard an eruption of cat calls, wolf whistles and hollaring I was a little puzzled as it's not the sort of thing Isaac ingages in even when I am naked I looked over and noticed the sound wasn't coming from Isaac but the speakers on the TV "oooooohhhhh Isaac is that your girlfriend" a voice laughs "Yes," he answered "hey honey, sorry I forgot you where still in the shower" he smiles "It's okay, have fun with your game" I smile giving him a kiss and going to bed to get changed I could hear the laughing and conversation in the next room so as soon as I was dressed I went out to the living room and sat on the sofa beside Isaac yet no Calling this time "hello Isaac" I smile nuzzling into his neck "Awww hello honey" he smiles kissing my head "Why aren't you talking with your friends anymore?" I ask "Ohh no I am, I turned off the camera though didn't want then cat Calling you, I can only hear it though the headphones" he says as he covered the mic with his hand so his Freinds wouldn't hear us "Okay, you play your game I'll just cuddle" I smile holding him tightly "Awwww, okay honey" he smiles giving my lips a little kiss and returning to his game talking with his Freinds after a while I giggled moving my hand down his chest I saw him glance and smirk out the corner of his eye till I moved to nuzzle my head on his stomach "what are you doing down there?" He whispered "Nothing, I'm cosy" I smile Innocently "Okay cosy girl" he smiles Petting my hair I spotted his cock slowly growing in his pants making me giggle slipping my hand down to unzip his jeans and slipping my hand in taking soft grip of his half hard cock though his boxers "uhhh... Y/n what are-" he began before I started to Palm him though the soft cotton boxer shorts he bit his mouth trying to trap his gentle moans in his throat so knowone would hear him I caught his smirk looking down at me biting his bottom lip hard looking at me nuzzled close to him palming him softly He muted his mic a moment and pulled me to sit on his lap "what the hell are you doing honey?" He asked between his breaths "Nothing" I giggled "Ummm you dirty girl" he smirked pulling me close and kissing me hard one hand going to my arse almost picking me up a little the other on my neck keeping me close as he attacked my lips with passion I pulled back but he didn't stop so he kissed down my neck "Isaac! Stop it... Go back to playing" I tell him "I am playing...I'm playing with my favourite toy" he smirked "Play times over Isaac" I smirk getting up and going off to the kitchen so he sighed going back to his game I waited a little while working on dinner when once it was left cook I smirked slipping off my clothes and returning to the living room Isaac didn't see me he was focused on his game so I went behind him running my hand across his shoulders making him smile muteing his mic "Hey honey" he smiled holding my hand and giving it a kiss before returning back hands to his controller I smirked running my hands around his shoulders giving him a little bit of a back rub he smiled a little still ignorant to my plans so I slipped my hands down to brush against his jeans still open where he hadn't done them up again "honey...what are you doing?" He asks "Secret" I smile "keep playing you lose, I stop" I smirk kissing his cheek and moving letting him see me he froze looking at me in my underwear as I kneeled on the floor I smiled at him and he blushed a little as I turned the mic back on "you lose or they realise I stop" I whispered pushing his legs apart he insantly knee what I was going to do to him so he returned his focus to the game as I pulled down his jeans and boxers letting his now hard cock jump free standing tall begging for attention he glanced down at me a couple times as I gripped his base and began pressing gentle kisses up his shaft to his head I could tell he was struggling already biting hard on his lip trying to stay quiet so I took all of him in my mouth and began my tender licking he sat up muteing the mic and throwing the paused controler on the other side of our sofa bucking his hips widely into my mouth holding my neck and shoulders as he forced me to go faster "Uhhhhhh uhhhhh uhhhhhhhhhh honey y/n... please" he begged his head against the sofa moaning often "Please what?" I ask taking him out my mouth to simply lick and press kisses to his wet cock "Please...finish me honey! I'm desperate, your mouth is magic" he moans "Okay" I giggled secretly turning the mic back on and taking all of him again letting him move my head all he wants sucking hard this time his moans load and often, yelling and screaming my name as he got closer "Uhhhh yes yes! Y/n! Uhhh your so amazing beautiful, ummm you suck so good honey" he moans until he came so I swallowed all of it and licked him clean getting up as he restarted his game and even I could hear the loud laugher as his Freinds made fun of him "ohh shut up! Atleast I have a sexy girlfriend who sucks me off" he smirked winking at me so I gave him a kiss and went back to making dinner.
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the-fiction-witch · 5 years
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"newt what's the matter?" I asked him as we sat up on the watch tower it was supposed to be our date night but he seemed so distracted
"Ohh? It's nothing" he shrugs fiddling with his fingers I giggled slipping my hand with his intertwinig our fingers and giving his hand a kiss
"Tell me newtie please, I'm worried" I tell him
"Ohh no no, love it's nothing like that" he reassured
"Then what is it newt?" I ask
"It's just... Y/n 'ow long 'ave we been together now?" He asks me
"A year now, because it's two months after  came up" I smile
"Exactly, and we 'ave been together a long time and with being together along times comes...steps" he says
"Steps?" I ask a little worried "newt...are you breaking up with me?" I ask
"What! No no no no no no no no!" He says holding my hands tightly giving my head a kiss "not at all love, what I'm saying is... After so long together and in a maze of only other boys and given uhh teenage boy 'ormones if you get where I'm going with this..." He explained
"Not at all" I shrug
"Well boys my age 'ave 'ormones love, and your my girlfriend so I uhh I was gonna ask about maybe 'aving our relationship become a bit more... Physical" he blushed
"Awwww newt, why didn't you just say you where getting horny" I giggled
"Love! I'm not getting 'orny that's not what I meant... Well I mean of course I am but- wait no, love this is not what i-" he began so I giggled and gave his lips a little kiss to make him stop talking and tapping his nose
"If you where getting desperate newt you only had to ask" I smirk and he gulped
"It's not that I was uhhh desperate... Exactly-" he began before I grabbed his crotch "whoa! Uhhhh love I uhh.... Uuh shuck it keep going" he pleads so I smirked giving his lips more kisses rubbing in the obvious bulge in his pants he moaned into my mouth alot as we kissed often making me giggle till I pulled back and began untiring his pants "uhhh love what are uhh what are you doing?" He stuttered
"Fixing your problem" I giggled
"What do you mean by-"  He asks as I moved down pulling his boxers down and giving his cocks head a kiss "uhhh! Love! Ohh my god! Keep going keep going please" he begged
"Heheh newt, relax a little" I giggled
"'ow can I when your sucking on my-" he began so I took his whole head on my mouth and lightly licked around him "uuuuuhhhh! Ohhh my shucking god!" He moans laying back on the watchtower floor is hand instantly met my hair as I kept licking and often lightly sucking his moans where constant his back often arching from the wooden floor in shock and pleasure "keep going, keep going love please" he begs so I began to move my head up and down as much of his shaft as I could "uhhh... Y/n, y/n please I'm gonna-" he moans so i sucked harder and within a couple seconds his little jets of cum supurted from his head I swallowed what I could and licked away and that escaped my mouth strangely he was quite when he came probably overwhelmed or something so I did his pants back up and laid beside him resting my head on his chest
"So? Happy boy?" I ask
"Very very very very very very very very very very very 'appy love" he blushed still getting his breath back "can we do that every night?" He asks
"Maybe newtie, if your good" I smile...
I smiled as I was finished with my work to I walked over to get my lunch as I did I spotted newt sitting with minho, gally, zart and Clint
"Soooo...." Gally smirked
"So?" He shrugged eating his food
"So? How'd it go last night?" Zart asked
"'ow'd what go last night?" He blushed
"You, y/n, top of the watchtower come on newt." Minho laughed
"It went fine" he blushed
"Fine?" Clint asks
"Just fine?" Gally asked
"Yeah, it was date night it went fine" he answered
"I thought you where gonna ... You know last night" Minho smirked
"Well..." He blushed
"Ooohh so you two did get up so something" zart smirked
"None of your bloody business" he tells them
"Oohh? Newt wants to keep him and little y/n's activities a secret" gally laughed
"Well yeah, it's our date night it's privet I'm not telling you guys" he blushed hard
"Come on newt just tell us what happened" clit smirked
"Well... We uhh went up the tower" he blushed
"And?" Gally asked
"And... We 'ad some kisses" he blushed
"Then what?" Minho asked
"Then I uhh brought it up and she uhh-" he blushed
"She what?" Zart asked
"She uhh.... Did things to me" he blushed "that's it that's all your getting" he warned them
"What things? Come on newt you can't leave us hanging" Clint complains
"Yes I can and its exactly what I'm gonna do you nosy little perverts" he told them
"But we wanna know" gally laughs
"So, it's me and y/n date night you don't get to bloody know, it's our privet time and you do not need to know about 'ow she sucked my dick last night" he said before realising what he had done and covering his mouth in shock with his hand
I giggled going over as the boys laughed and joked about it giving newt a cuddle from behind
"Hello" I smiled
"Ohh 'ello love" he blushed as the others got quiet
"Are you okay?" I ask
"Uhh yeah I'm fine love" he blushed
"Good, I'll see you later" I smile giving him a kiss and going to get my lunch hearing the boys try and get more information out of him.
I hummed my little tune as I worked sewing one of the new boys hoodies he got it caught working in the slicers when I heard my door open and close
"Hello" I smile not knowing who was there
"'ello" newt smiled cuddling me from behind
"Aww, what are you doing here?" I ask him
"I just... Fancied a cuddle from my beautiful girlfriend" he smiled
"You want me to suck you off again don't you?" I ask him and he nods nuzzling against my shoulder "you've had a bonner for like and hour and have been debating weather or not to come over?" I asks
"'alf an 'our" he shrugs
"Silly boy" I smile
"So... If your not to busy-" he began
"Sit down" I sigh finishing my work
"Yes! Thank you thank you thank you" he smiles kissing my shoulder and going and sitting on the little chair looking very excited, the first night up the watchtower was over a month a go and I'm not joking this is daily sometimes twice Daily if he has the strength, I've even suggested other things but nope! He just wants BJ's all the dam time, morning noon and night
"Newt ... I think you should get back to work" I told him
"But you said you would" he complains
"I know but it's ever day with this newt, my knees hurt, my jaw hurts, I'm starting to not be able to get the jizz taste out of my mouth" I complain
"I'm sorry y/n, I can't 'elp it, I 'ave been 'ere two years with out a girl around, you can't blame me getting a little addicted to them, when they feel so good" he explained cuddling me
"Fine... But tonight we do what I want" I warn "what do you mean?" He asks
"I mean, I'm in charge newt" I tell him
"Ooohh okay love" he smiled giving me a kiss and going back to work.
I sighed as sat on my bed hearing the little knock Within seconds newt came in my room and sat on my bed "'ello love... So where do you want me?" He asks
"On the bed" I tell him so he nodded and layed on the bed so I sat over his lap and he looked shocked
"Love....what are you doing?" He asks
"I'm not sucking you off anymore, so I'm doing something better" I tell him giving him a kiss
"Nothing is better then a blow job y/n" he laughs
"We'll see" I smirk...
"Ohh my god ... We are doing that every day" he says
"What about BJ's?" I ask
"Who cares... Why the 'ell would I wanna put my dick in your mouth when I can put it in that pleasure pussy" he smirked Kissing me all over
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the-fiction-witch · 5 years
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Dreamers ^ 
if you stalk my wattpad you may have noticed this getting worked on lately, this is technically a book this is technical a screenplay because its something Im active trying to work on with the hope of it getting made, feel free to read what I have so far
now if I still have your attention here is my kinda plan with this.
“Bethany is a teenage runaway making her way across the northern countryside of England to make her name down in London along with her best friends and bandmates as the five try to make a name for themselves as well as avoiding the people looking for them and try to prove they can make it on there own and to prove to everyone they ever knew you can make something of yourself no matter where you're from. the story of how Bethany and the Baby boys Became the dreamers” 
Genre: musical, Teen romance
age rating: 18 at least 
warnings: for sex, swearing, drug use, drug mentions, mature themes, mature language 
key words: LGBTQ+, teen, romance, band, music, runaway
Bethany: Y/n ?
Bethany Willis, the vocalist for ‘Bethany and the babyboys’, bethany is openly bisexual and even though admits she has never in her life had a boyfriend she has seen all the boys dicks and has rated them accordingly, as well as slept with harry, Oli and Mikey... individually and at one point together as well, she loved all her boys and admits she has a favorite but won’t ever tell the boys which is her favorite, she formed the band one hot summer with all her best friends from the road, all gathering in Bethany's air conditioned garage to piss off her mother until the five discovered they where fairly good together and named themselves ‘Bethany and the babyboys’, Seven years later bethany has had enough working her basic job of being a waitress in local cafe’s and of her annoying and controlling mother so packs her bags gathers her baby boys and runs off to start her new life with her boys.
Jake: Tom Holland
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Jake harring, the babyboys lead guitarist, Jake is openly gay and has on occation had small flings with Harry and a small thing with Mikey in the early years of the band, he occasionally drives into mild drag and has often had the idea of becoming a drag queen and going on rupauls drag race, hes been working as a cleaner until the band takes off as well as working a glory hole in the local night club bathrooms, he’s good according to Harry and Oli, out of all the babyboys he the most like a brother to Bethany and the to look out for each other alot, he is also the one who smokes the most, but he makes the most so...its probably fair.
Mikey: Isaac hempstead Wright
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Mikey Lucas the babyboys rather excitable drummer, with the attention span of a goldfish, the enthusiasm of a toddler who just discovered coca cola in a two liter bottle and a pain fetish, even if he admits to being mildly asexual for the last few years as he has little interest in having sex or relationships and enjoys just jerking off or having a few kisses from Bethany, he was working as a fast food worker working the drive though until the band took over his life even if he somehow still has an active discount card for most places.
Harry: Thomas Brodie Sangster
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Harry maton, The babyboys bassist, hes been working as a day time Uber driver and a night time store clerk while waiting for there band to take off, Harry has been well isolated for most of his like as his London born parents moved him up to the small town when he was born in order for his mother and father to be the leaders of the towns Catholic church and made him swear to abstinence at the age of six however since secretly losing his virginity to Bethany he has come out as a pan sexual and regally fucks pretty much anyone available especially Bethany but she doesn't mind after all bassists are good for there.... use of hands.
Oli: Asa Butterfeild
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Oliver Willerby, The Keyboardist and second singer of the Babyboys, he works as a barista in the mean time while he waits for the band to take off, he loves Bethany alot and even had a pet name for her ‘Bethan my little sugar pop’ he hardly drinks however is never ever! seen not eating something especially when high, hes a sweetheart and Bethany has often claimed he has the biggest cock of any of the boys in the babyboys and the coziest shoulder. his official sexuality is unknown even to him as he tends to experiment with a little of everything and Bethany has even recounted remembering Oli and harry in the back of the band Van one night in june even if the full story hasn’t been told to the others.
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the-fiction-witch · 5 years
Hey Isaac
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"Hey Isaac?" I smiled going around his dorm room door "What?" He asks looking up from his neoscience books for his classes "Can I stay? Mindy has Darren over" I explain "Fine" he sighed "just be quiet" he says so I went over sitting on his bed beside him resting my head on his pillow and watching him as he read his books his eyes following the words on the page below his thick framed glasses, his shirt lose a little where he had stretched it lately, his hair a tussled mess from his late nights and early mornings "Hey Isaac?" I asked "What is it y/n?" He sighs "I've missed you" I smile "I've missed you too" he blushed giving my head a kiss before returning to his books "Hey Isaac?" I asked "Yeah?" He asks happily "I love you" I giggled hugging him close "Aww I love you too hun but I need to finish this" he says pushing me away gently and giving my hand a kiss keeping it with his as he reads "Hey Isaac?" I ask "What is it?" He asks "I'm hungry" I whine "Grab something to eat then" he shrugs "Hey Isaac?" I ask "Yeah?" He asks "I'm sleepy" I whine "Have a nap then Hun I'll be here to keep you safe no worries" he smiles "Hey Isaac?" I whine "What is it y/n?" He asks getting annoyed with me now "I'm horny" I complain "Ohh? So that's what's up with you..." He laughs "later, I have this chapter to finish for class tomorrow, and then we can do whatever you want alright?" He offers and I nod "good girl" he smiles kissing my head and putting his arm around me and keeping our hands intertwined "Hey Isaac?" I ask "Yes my little Hunny Bunny?" He asks "Sexy time" I giggled sitting on his lap and throwing his book away "Well I was reading but... I guess I should take care of you" he smirked pulling me to kiss him and unzipping my dress
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the-fiction-witch · 5 years
Red Carpet
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I giggled stepping quietly into the bathroom, the hot water causing the room to be filled with steam, the mirror fogged up, the tile walls having a layer of mositiour settled on them, the blind closed blocking the window and the light on giving the bathroom a orange and yellow hue go it, I shut the door gently locking it with a click, inaudible over the rushing of the running shower water. I could just hear his gentle humming as I poked my head around the shower curtain, Isaac stood naked, the water dripping down his skinny body, his hair wet and flat, I watched him as he ran soap all over his body with his little sponge leaving little bubbles in his skin being quickly washes away under the shower heads water pressure, till he out the sponge down and washed face face directly under the hot water so I took that chance as I knew he couldn't see me to slip off my nightie and hop in the shower with him, he didn't even notice I was there at first so I smirked wrapping my arms around him tightly running my experimental hands around his wet chest "AHH! Ohhh....it's you, you made me jump"he complains noticing it was me "Who did you think it was?" I laugh "I don't know that's why it made me jump" he smiles turning to wrap his arms around my waist "good morning princess" he smiles giving my head a kiss "what did you come in here for then? Was I taking to long again?" He asks and I just shake my head nuzzling into his chest "awwww hello, did you just want a snuggle?" He asks and I nod giving his chest a soft kiss "Well... little more than just a snuggle Isaac" I giggled "Ohh? Humm why didn't you say so" he smirked I could feel his cock hardening as he moved a hand down my grab my arse the other going thurther pushing a finger inside of me I grabbed him hard when he did in shock already feeling pleasure of just his finger inside me as he began his movements "where you so desperate you couldn't even wait till I got out the shower?" He asks and I nod pulling his lips down to kiss me softly for a while feeling his cock now rock hard against me "umm ... We have enough time" he groans taking his hands away lifting me by my waist so prop me up off the floor against the shower wall with my legs around him as he kissed down my neck he smirked at me before pushing his hard cock inside me, I moaned softly trying to hide my noise under the showers spray wrapping my arms around his neck to make me more stable as he began his gentle but passionate thrusts inside me his little groans and grunts getting louder as he got closer often having to stop completly to kiss me, I know he's getting tried so desperate for his orgasm but struggling to keep both himself and me up under the warm relaxing water causing his moans to be much louder in his tried horny state "uhhh uuuuhhh Uhhhhhh uuuuuuuuhhhhh princess" he moans getting faster "Isaac? What's going on in there?" I heard a voice ask from outside the door "Nothing mum!" He yells back so I pushed him away and began my quick washing "what? No no no princess come on" he complains trying to pull me back to him but I ignored his pleads "Uhh princess, please I'm so close" he moans "I know" I giggled "Umm you dirty little thing" he smirked grabbing my boobs and gropeing them hard "What are you up too?" I ask "Washing them for you princess" he smirks kissing my shoulder "I'm perfectly capable of washing my own chest thank you Isaac" I laugh pushing his hands away and with seconds his hands where on my arse "and there thank you Isaac" I laugh slapping his hands away and he smirked getting a little of my soap on his hands and gently running his hand along the outside of my pussy to tease me "Your sure you don't...need my help with this bit?" He smirked rubbing his fingers on my clit and I shake my head trying not bite my mouth and not make words as they would come out a different answer "hummm liar" he smirked "come on princess, just bend over I'll make you cum I promise" he moans softly grinding his cock on my butt "After, come on we'll be late" I tell him "Fine...but uhh I have a place that, needs your assistance" he smirked so I glanced at him and he winked at me so I laughed getting his soap in my hand and taking a firm grip of the base of his hard cock running my soapy hands up and down his shaft practically jerking him off "uhhhh princess, y/n.. darling, I'm close" he moans "We will be late" I laugh kissing his lips and getting out wrapping a towel around myself and scampering across the hall to Isaacs room it's the one thing I never liked about staying with Isaac he still lives at home which is fine but it means we have to be careful with our smutty activities as his parents might hear us or worse walk in on us the bathroom is our little safe haven as we can lock the door and he in there for ages and knowone would question it, and normally if the shower or Tap is on the noise can hide our moans and groans but Isaac has been getting desperate for attention now and I kept pushing him off "You're an evil little princess" he smirked as he came in the room with his towel around his waist "It's why you love me" I giggled "No it's not and you know it's not y/n, come on can't I have a kiss atleast?" He asks so I smiled giving his lips a gentle kiss as I did he pulled my towel off me "whoops" he smirked glancing at me "I love how you look naked" he smirked wrapping his arms around me and kissing me lustfully trying to walk me to his bed but I pulled away "We will be late" I reminded him "Fine, my pretty little princess better get some pretty clothes on, Don't want anyone seeing you like this" he smirked "this is just just for me" he smirked kissing my head so I smirked making his towel drop to "And this is all mine isn't it? Don't want those silly girls seeing you this way" I smirk "Just for you princess, he's all yours if you ...wanna play with him" he suggested "Later" I smirk going to get dressed Isaac had a premier tonight and he was taking me with him, I do enjoy going to them I just don't like the big ones to much I get scared and over whelmed esspecaily if Isaac can't be next to me all night "Humm y/n" he asks after a while "What is it Isaac?" I ask doing my make up "Do you have panties on under that dress?" He asks "No, they mess with the flow of the dress" I tell him "Or a bra?" He asks "I can't fit into the top of the dress with a bra on" I answer "I swear I'm gonna rip that dress off you the second we are alone my dirty little princess" he smirked "Why?" I laugh "Because how am I meant to leave you alone if your naked under that thing" he smirked "Restraint" I smirk "I can't, not when it's you" he growled spanking my arse, Once we where ready and in the car the studio had supplied I held his hand tight "You alright?" He asks and I nod "hey come on, you'll be fine they'll love you" he says kissing my head as he did I giggled getting an idea giving his lips a kiss and gently kissing down his neck and sucking hard biting gently on him giving him a love bite making sure to leave a mark of my lipstick on both the love bite I just made and the collar of his shirt he looked panicked when he realized what I had done to him "y/n!" He complains kinda mad at me "I can't go out there with a hiki on my neck" he says complains "Why not?" I giggled "You dirty dirty girl, what is up with you today? Sneaking in my shower feeling me up, going out without underwear and giving me a hiki? Somebody is horny" he smirked grabbing my little bag trying to use my spare power to hide his hiki it worked mostly even of you where looking for it, it was obvious and I knew it would no doubt show up in the flash photography, when we arrived Isaac held my hand sweetly the whole time down the carpet I tried my best to pose but I don't think I did too well often trying to make sure I didn't appear to clingy while...also being very clingy till we got inside and I cuddled up close to him "you did great princess" he told me giving my head a kiss "Umm I'm sleepy" I complain "It tires you out, you get used to it" he shurgs "you have a nap then, it will be ages till it's starts" he laughs pulling me to nuzzle on his neck so I smiled having a little rest for a while till I moved my hand a little slipping it in his pocket "humm somebody's awake" he whispered but I kept going in until I felt his half hard cock below my hand so I began rubbing on it he bit his mouth trying not to moan or scream getting fully hard in seconds his arm that was around me slipped up and grabbed my breast groping it firmly as I rubbed on his cock "ummm my dirty little princess, I promise you finish me here I'll finger you at the after party" he smirked "Deal" I giggled
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the-fiction-witch · 5 years
Lace Under Denim
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"knock, knock" I smile popping my head around Isaac's door
"You could just knock on my door, you don't have to say knock, knock you could just use your hand and knock" Isaac says as he sat at his desk with his books dirty and clean clothes all over his floor the curtains closed with just his lamp on his bed not made and a sandwich with maybe two bites taken out sat on the beside table
"Awww somebody's cranky" I giggled shutting the door and going over to him "how is my little nueo sciencetist?" I giggled wrapping my arms around his chest and nuzzling my head in his neck as he sat at his desk
"Exaugsted" he complains
"Awww my poor boy" I giggled closing his book and turning him to face me giving his head a kiss then his nose then his lips making him smile at me
"Hello my little flower" he smiles pulling me to sit on his leg
"I have missed you" I smiled nuzzling close to him
"I've missed you too" He smiled
"Come on Isaac put the books down a little while" I smirk
"Really? alright" he smirked putting the books away and giving me a cuddle I smirked giving him a kiss and he happily kissed me back until I pulled back and went sitting on his bed he smirked turning his chair around to smirk at me as he did I noticed his underwear popping out from his jeans I looked noticing he had bright blue lace over his denim jeans I giggled
"Isaac?" I giggled
"what?" he asks
"what are you wearing under there?" I giggled
"Ohh Uhh... I ran out of my boxers and Only had the uhh the panties you left here last week" He blushed
"so... you have girly panties on? hows that going?" I ask
"There surprisingly cosy" he blushed "you had soft and cosy panties" He smiles so I smirked giving him a gentle kiss and getting on my knees and undoing his jeans tugging them down revealing his hard cock struggling to be contained by those little Blue lace panties I smirked pulling them away a little and kissing his cock gently and lightly sucking on his head gently "Uhhhh... Uuuuh, More! My little flower please suck harder" He groaned so I sucked harder moving my head up and down a lot faster "Uuuuhhh Uhhhhhh!" He moans his head rolling against his chair so I moved back fixing him back how it was and doing his jeans up
"I'll see you later maybe I'll let you cum later" I smirk kissing his lips quickly and snapping the lace waistband above his jeans.
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the-fiction-witch · 5 years
Come Here
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I smiled doing my studies tapping my highlighter against the text book reading the words just as there was a knock on my dorm room door "Come in" I smile assuming it would be my room mate and my door opened quickly and Isaac walked in collapsing face first on my bed  "Hi Isaac" I smile "Hello" he sighed "You okay?" I ask "I can't even get on my floor" he sighed "People mad about the end of the of got?" I ask him "Yeah, security had to escort me from class but we couldn't get through the crowd in the corridor" he says "so I came here" he sighs so I smiled putting my book away and sitting on my bed beside him "would you like a snuggle to make you feel love" I smile "Yes please, they hate me" he sighed cuddling me tightly "No they hate bran, they love you" I smile kissing his head "No..they go crazy, you love me" he smiles "Awww course I do Isaac" I smile "I love you too y/n" he smiled pulling me to kiss him softly we sat kissing for a while till I pulled away "Isaac enough my roommate Could be back any minute" I laugh "So... Come on" he laughs "Later" I smile "come here" I laugh cuddling him tightly and giving his head a kiss
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the-fiction-witch · 5 years
Purple lingerie P2
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I smiled making breakfast humming my little tune Making a big breakfast as we did skip dinner last night when I felt arms around me Hugging me close "ummm sweetie, last night... Uumm it was amazing" he groans "Good you enjoyed yourself Isaac" I smiled "All I wanna do is run my hands all over you, your beautiful soft skin and your sexy lace lingerie" he smirked running his hand down the curve of my waist and hip and Hooking his index finger under the waistband of my panties I watched him in the reflection of the colourful tiles on our kitchen wall as he snapped the elastic making my arse jiggle a little from the impact his hand moved down to grab my arse squeezing it tight digging his nails into the lace of my panties "I want you sweetie" he smirked "now" he growled in my ear before starting a love bite on my neck "Isaac no!" I laugh pushing him away from me do he hit the back wall of our kitchen in just his black and red boxers "No? Hummm sweetie you misunderstand me" he smirked "I wasn't asking" he growled picking me up and sitting me on the kitchen dining table as he kissed down my chest "Isaac stop I'm cooking" I laugh "I tried to contain myself y/n, it didn't work" h smirked pushing his boxers down so his rock hard cock sprung free from its cotton concealment "suck" he orders glancing down at me with dark lustful eyes thought his thick glasses "you want breakfast sweetie? You're hungry? Well here you go... Have a taste of that to get you in the mood for the rest of our day" he smirked "Isaac" I laugh jumping off the table and giving his lips a kiss "I love you, and I think this dominate horny act is adorable. But I am cooking" I laugh going back to my cooking "don't want to burn the house down" I laugh "But I need you" he groans hugging me tightly I ignored him best I could my concentration on breakfast, "fine...you wanna ignore me, sweetie, let's see how good you are at it" he smirked forcing my panties to the floor and unclasping my bra he took my lace bra away moving a pan from a ring on the cooker "I don't want to see you wear bra's again" he smirked moving it close lighting it on fire from the little flame on the oven it went up quickly as it was just lace and some plastic hooks "understand me?" He asks and I nodded "Good girl... Now bend" he smirked pushing on my back a little...
I smiled nuzzling close to Isaac, we sat on the sofa watching a movie I forget what something he wanted to watch his arm around me tight his hand on my thigh as he often pulled me to kiss him often turning into make outs, till I felt his hands trying to grab at me breast and arse so I pulled back "what's the matter with you?" I ask
"what do you mean sweetie?" he asks
"what is the matter with you, Isaac? you've been a horny little monster the last couple of days" I laugh and he shrugs "No Isaac! I'm serious, you throw all my underwear away and buy me a whole new lot of sexy stuff, you can't keep your hands to yourself and we have fucked every day for two weeks straight, What is going on?!" I ask
"Nothing, I'm just horny that's all" he shrugs "I just like showing you how much I love you and how...sexy I think you are" he smirked running his finger slyly along my inner thigh
"Isaac" I warn
"Come on sweetie... don't you want a little sugar?" He asks
"I got some half an hour ago" I sigh
"Don't you want a little more?" he asks running his fingers firmly along my clit through the thin lace panties and I took a sharp intake of breath in shock and that sly smirk crawled on his face again "that's my girl" he smirked "Now... hows about we head upstairs?" he asks
"Again?" I ask
"Again" He smirked giving me kisses "Or... I can make you cum down here?" he asks "your choice sweetie?" He smirked "Come on" I sigh taking his hand and pulling him up to our bedroom
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the-fiction-witch · 5 years
30 Days: Isaac Hempstead Wright
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Day 1: "Come on y/n" he begs "No Isaac not tonight" I laugh "Why not?" He asks sadly "I want to try something" I smile "Try? Ohhhh go on then angel" he smirked laying back a little resting his arm behind his head "I want us to not have sex for a month" I smile "What! Why? Is it something I did? Did I upset you? Did I hurt you angel?" He asks sitting up and taking my hands "No no Isaac you haven't done anything" I smile resting my hand on his cheek "I just wanted to see how it might affect our sex life, like our desire our recovery time stuff like that" I explain "Ohh I see, well if you really want to" he nods "And uhh no jerking off either" I smile "Wait so... I can't cum at all for 30 days?" He asks and I nod "will you be doing this too?" He asks and I nod "no way in hell you'll follow the no masturbation rule, angel we both get off like three times a day," he complains "Can't we try?" I suggest "Well okay, but... Do I get a reward if I can do it?" He asks "Hummm... I'll let you titty fuck me" I suggest "Really?" He asked excitedly "and...as it is going to be a hard month Could uhh if I do it... Can you wear the uhhh blue bra I like, more often?" He suggested "If you do it" I smile "but of you can't... You have to do that thing I like" I giggle "What thing- ohh? You mean fuck you like a stark?" He asked and I nod "Deal" he smirked giving me a kiss
Day 7: "Isaac have you seen my jumper?" I ask "Ohh it's I'm the dryer my beautiful little angel" he smiled giving me a cuddle as he walked past "Awe thank you Isaac" I smile hugging him tightly too he had been so much more affectionate lately I think it's the lack of sex he can't fuck me to give me orgasms so he has to show his love with much more cuddling and pda I thought it was adorable reminds me alot of when we first started dating, I went to the dryer and for my jumper nuzzling close to the warm fluff and sitting on the window sill with my tea cup it didn't take long for Isaac to come sit with me too nuzzling his head on my shoulder "awww hello Isaac" I smile giving his head a kiss "Hello" he smiled holding me tightly "have I ever told you that you are the most beautiful angel in the whole wide world" he smiled squeezing me tightly "Awe I kind of like no sex Isaac he's so sweet" I smile hugging him tightly too
Day 13: "Isaac honey?" I call "Yes my angel?" He asks as I leaned on the kitchen door frame "what is it?" He asks "You have been so cute these last few days" I smile "I like it maybe we should have no sex weeks more often you turn just so adorable" I giggled hugging him "Awwww well how could I not living with such a beautiful girl" he smiled kissing me softly and going back to making tea as he did he moved and knocked the milk over "Oops" I smiled cleaning it up and then I realized Isaac with no sex is great he's happy and bubbly and in love ... Until he gets to the negative side of his emotions. He was crying over it for a good five minutes till he eventually calmed down enough to drink his tea.
Day 18: Isaac was sat on our sofa bundled up in blankets eating a tub of ice cream with a spoon crying at some rom com movie I'm not sure Which "Isaac honey? Would you like a cuddle?" I ask "No! I want chicken nugget!" He cries our little puppy very confused as to why Isaac was crying so much "your just so cute! It makes me cry" he told the puppy cuddling it tightly
Day 20: "Isaac come here!" I call and he came to the bedroom door wrapped up in his sadness blankey "I give in where having sex" I sigh tugging him to bed "Why?" He asked "Because a I'm horny as all hell b you need your hormones and emotions but back into place.
"Uhhhh! That was amazing, best we've ever had" he smiled cuddling me tightly "Humm, I'm happy I have my Isaac back" I giggled holding him tighter "I did like the cuddling and the kisses though" I smiled "Yeah so our limit is definitely a week then we need to have some sex" he explained "Yep, that's fine I can live with that" I giggled kissing him deeply "But ... You caved which means I win?" He asked and I nod "then...can you please put it on for me" he begs so I giggled getting up putting my little blue negligue on with my little blue panties as soon as he saw me he grabbed me pulling me into bed with him kissing all over me "Isaac!" I giggled as his kisses where tickling me "I love how you look in that thing" he smirked
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the-fiction-witch · 5 years
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I yawned lightly stretching my arms across the little bed hitting my arm on the wall as I did
"Owww" I complain it waking me up much more
"Hummm? you alright?" I heard Isaac ask behind me clearly my yelp of pain woke him up I nodded not really awake enough yet for words "ohh? did you get a booboo Kitten?" He asks looking at my hand running his thumb along what would be a bruise my lunch time and I nodded "Aww come on, I'll kiss it better" He smiles pulling my hand close and giving it a gentle kiss he then wraps his other arm around my waist pulling me tightly against him giving my shoulder and up my neck kisses
"Good Morning Isaac" I laugh
"Good morning" He smiles nuzzling his head into my shoulder "Y/n?" He asks
"Umm?" I ask
"What did you dream about, kitten?" He asks and I laughed turning over making him move away from me a little as I laid on my back with him hovering over me I smiled looking at him in my still dreamy state. His fluffy brown hair out of place and matted where he has been asleep in one position for many hours, His Brown eyes half open as he looks at me half where he was still waking up the other half, the fact he hadn't put his glasses on yet this morning, my eyes lingered on his lips he noticed glancing at mine his tongue popping out to lick across his bottom lip a little I tore my eyes away glancing down to the rest of him as he laid half over me, he laid on his stomach his hips down below the covers of our bed I could see his lose fitting blue shorts the elastic hung around his hips tightly his little T-shirt had risen up a little as he was leaned over me exposing the skin of his stomach I giggled lancing back to his face as he smiled at me "so?" he says
"Well... it was steamy" I giggle wrapping my arms around his neck
"Ohh was it now kitten?" he asked moving his leg around me to he straddled my waist "What happened?" He asked giving my neck little kisses
"Well it took place in Westeros" I began
"Ohh did it now?" he smirks "what happened?" he asks between kisses
"Well, I was a Fancy Lady, Down by the river watching the water..." I began
"Then what?" he asks kissing down between my breasts
"And a fancy boy met with me" I smirk
"Did he now? what did he do to you, kitten?" he asks
"He came behind me and gave me lots of kisses, then bent me over and had sex with me" I smirk
"Ohh right there? by the river? dirty kitty" he smirks as his kisses reaching my little shorts "What uh what was this sexy boys' name then?" he asked pressing little kisses on the elastic waistband of my shorts
"Jojen Reed" I smirk making him stop sitting up on top of me
"Jojen!" he asks very annoyed at me and I nodded giggling the whole time "W-what about me?" he asks sadly
"Bran was there... Watching" I laugh he moved away laying down in his side of the bed "awww Isaac I was kidding" I laugh hugging him tightly from behind but he ignored me "Hey, I was just kidding Isaac, I didn't dream about anything last night, why would I want to dream when I have my dream come true laid beside me" I ask and I saw him smile a little
"You mean it?" He asks and I nod giving his cheek a kiss "you worried me kitten" he smiles turning to be on his back so I smile sitting on his stomach giving his lips a sweet kiss he smiled into the kiss happily kissing me back the only sound in our little room the soft clacking of our lips repeatedly locking together every so often I caught one of Isaac's little moans caught in his throat till he pulled away "You wouldn't really fuck jojen reed right?" He asked
"No, I promise" I smile giving him a kiss
"What about Thomas? who plays him?" He asked
"Eh maybe, Higher on the list then jojen" I shrug and he looks a little mad at me "and they're both much, much lower then you are Isaac" I laugh
"I should be number one" he smirks
"Number two" I smirk kissing down his neck
"whoa, whoa little Kitty if I'm number two? who the hells number one?" he laughs so I giggled innocently and whispered it to him "Ohh! fair enough kitten" He laughs kissing my lips softly running his hands down my curves as he did I moved down a little sitting over his crotch and I smirked
"Ummm, Can I play with my favourite toy?" I ask "Pretty Please Isaac" I beg running my hands down his chest
"hummm... alright kitten, have your fun" he smirks so I giggled giving his lips a kiss and tugging his shorts off him tugging them down to his knees letting his hard cock spring free hitting his stomach he hushed his breath a little as it met the cold air I smiled innocently getting off the bed and he watched my every move as I slipped off my little shorts and sat back on his lap both of us naked from the waist down now, I rested my hands carefully on his stomach as I grind my hips on his, he bit his mouth trying to stop little moans from escaping. he smirked and ground on me a little bit "Umm y/n" he groans and I smirked sitting up and letting him slip inside me "Uhh! I miss this" he smirks
"so do I Isaac" I smirk slowly getting faster it felt like heaven having him inside me we both tried to be as quiet as possible trying not to go too fast in case the bed made to much noise I knew I was getting close and so was he -
"Isaac!" a voice calls from the door so I quickly moved away from him laying in the other side of the bed tucking the covers up to keep ourselves covered up as the door opened
"Hey? what's up?" he asked his mother as she leans on the door
"Are you two coming down for breakfast?" she asks
"Uhh yeah five minuets," he tells her and she nods going back downstairs I giggled hugging him tightly "Dam it... I was getting close to" he complains
"So was I... After breakfast, we can lock ourselves in the bathroom" I smirk
"I love you y/n" he laughs
"I love you too, come on before she gets mad and comes to check on us" I laugh jumping out the bed and getting my clothes on.
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the-fiction-witch · 5 years
Purple Lingurie
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I came though from the bathroom drying my hair and singing my little song, I began looking around for a clean set of underwear. Panties I found fine but I couldn't seem to find a bra anywhere, all of them are in the wash? That doesn't seem right. I kept digging in my chest of draws incase I put them somewhere different when- "Looking for something?" I heard Isaac smirk leaning back on his bed his legs crossed, his eyes watching me from behind his glasses, a sly smirk on his lips as he held my purple lace lingerie "Where are my bra's Isaac?" I ask him "I threw them away" he smirked "You what!" I complain "I threw them away" he repeated "Why!" I yell "Because... I have bought you some sex new ones" he smirked "now your living with me, I didn't like you having all those old ugly bras so I went and bought some new ones" he explained "come on" he smirked handing me the lace one he had in his hand so I sighed slipping the bra on it fit perfectly and did make my breasts look bigger and sexier "panties too" he smirked "you have to match sweetie" he smirked handing me the lace purple panties to match so I slipped them on too getting my towel off and working on drying my hair as I was stood in the mirror fixing my hair Isaac came behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist resting each hand in the opposite hip his body pressed firmly against my back pressing little tickley kisses down my neck "you look so sexy" he smirked "I almost Don't want to take these pretty things off, but.... I'm going to" he smirked slipping his hand under the lacy panties and stroking my clit I tried to move his hand away but he held me tighter "come on sweetie, I treated you to a nice new sexy wardrobe of panties and bras... Let daddy have a little fool around under them" he growled
"I'd rather just get dressed without having someone grope me" I sigh
"why? isn't it nice" he smirks "Don't you love when we have snuggles" He smirks
"Snuggles fine, but not whatever this is" I laugh
"I'm just giving you some pleasure pretty girl" he smirked "come on y/n... please" he smirked
"Fine" I sigh sitting down on the bed "what is with you lately, since I moved in you've been so grabby?" I ask as he sat beside me kissing any bit of skin exposed "How can I not? With a sex girly walking around my house all day? How can I not want my hands on her all the time" he growled picking me up to sit on his lap "ummm if that lingerie wasn't so expensive, I'd rip it off you" he smirked slapping my arse "Oww Isaac!" I complain "Sorry y/n, you just look so beautiful, I can't control myself" he smirked "Try" I laugh wrapping my arms around his neck "I am, if I wasn't I would have stripped you naked and be fucking you bent over our bed if I wasn't trying sweetie" he smirked "Fine, but don't take to long Isaac I have dinner to get started" I tell him...
"It's getting late? You wanna order dinner?" He asks "No, we order in one of us has to get dressed for the delivery guy" I sigh cuddling into his warm chest "But we want to cook we have to get out of bed" he laughs "We can skip food" I laugh "No come on sweetie, you'll have a tummy ache tomorrow if you skip dinner, come on we will make dinner together" he smiles "in our under pants" he suggests cuddling me tightly giving my head a kiss so I nodded getting up and slipping on one of my new sets Isaac got for me this set a bright pink with lace and little flowers on "aww you look so cute" he smiles from the bed as he sat on the edge "Thank you Isaac" I smile "Y/n sweetie?" He asks so I turned and he smirked summoning me back to bed by curling his finger towards himself so I smiled going back over and sitting in his lap "Yes Isaac darling?" I ask "Umm take them off too" he smirked pushing me back in our bed.
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the-fiction-witch · 5 years
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Warnings: well for spoilers actually for ep1 and 2 of got s8
I had been relentless! I had been a bitch about it, being the obsessive nerd in this situation I of course love love love love game of thrones and the issue with that is... When you date someone who is in it. And most importantly someone who knows how it ends. I had made endless threats about what I will do to Isaac if he spoils it for me 'I will burn you will wildfire' 'yes dear' 'I will make you Battle a bear!' 'where did you get a bear from?' 'I will feed you to wolves' 'okay dear I get it' 'I will cut off your cock and send it to your mother in the post' 'okay okay! I get it I won't spoil it for you'
And as luck would have it he was home with me the night episode one of season 8 was to air, I had set up all our snacks and got cosy under my little fluffy blanket that always made me feel like we where snuggled In a fur like they do on the show I sat on the sofa with my knees up the blankets tucked around me Isaacs arm I n the back of the soft around me and my head and on his shoulder I smiled nuzzling there he had worn the jumper I like I don't know if it was intentional or not but I like it, it's soft and snuggly he pulls me alittle closer as the adds went on kissing my head "I'm warning you know Isaac, you start going off that was a cold day to shoot while I'm watching I am elbowing you in the dick" I warn him "Alright, I'll just shut up" he laughs as it started so I giggled holding his hand tightly he chuckled a little at me as he wasn't really watching the show "They changed the run on" I muttered "They did" he laughs "I don't like it" I answer "I didn't think you would" he laughs "Will I get scared? Like at the end of season 7?" I ask "No... If you do you can always cuddle and kiss me till your sure it's not real" he reasures me so I smiled giving his lips a soft kiss he happily kissed me back pulling me closer to him till that theme music stopped so I moved away leaving him in that half a kiss state where his eyes are still closed and his mouth still perched into a kiss till he realised I've moved away and am watching the TV so he sighs hugging me tightly as I watched.
"What? That's the end? But what happens next!" I ask the TV as the credits rolled "Well that's for you to find out, next week" he laughs shutting the TV off "B-b-b-but I need to know now" I complain "Sorry y/n, that's how TV works you have to wait a week now" he laughs "But I need to know" I complain "can't you tell me" I giggled. "No! I'm not telling you y/n you made me promise" he laughs "Please Isaac just a little spoiler?" I beg cuddling close to him "No I'm not telling you" he laughs getting up to sort stuff I just pouted crossing my arms "Humm!" I huffed "Don't pout at me, okay...one question that's all you get" he sighs "Yay!" I giggled jumping on him "is cersi really pregnant?" I ask "Darling..." He began "Ohhh but Isaac you said I could" I complain "Yes I know what I said but I can't tell you that" he laughs "Why not?" I ask "Because it's a... Important thing" he says "It's game of thrones everything is important" I complain "Sorry pick another one" he says sitting back in the sofa so I sat on his lap an he smirked at me "What happens in the next episode Isaac?" I ask "I'm not telling you y/n" he laughs so I giggled innocently and kissed down his neck making sure to get the little spots he can't resist "ummm" he groans lightly enjoying my kisses "What happens in the next episode Isaac?" I ask "I can't tell you darling" he says trying to pull me to kiss his lips but I moved back denying him this kiss so I smirked moving my hips gently on his lap "whoa..." He muttered holding my hips in suprise "What happens in the next episode Isaac?" I ask again "You made me promise-" he complains so I got faster tugging off his jumper and shirt running my hands down his exposed chest and kissing his soft lips he happily kissed me enjoining my grinding a little so I pulled away and kissed down his bare skin "What happens in the next episode Isaac?" I ask again "You really wanna know?" He asks and I nod continuing the soft little kisses down "well... Ummm I could be coersed" he smirked "How?" I ask "if I sucked your cock would you tell me Isaac?" I ask "Well..." He thought "as much as your BJ's are heavenly darling, I was thinking something a little more..." He smirked "Humm if I rode your cock raw would you tell me?" I ask "Maybe" he smirks and I sighed "If I make you a batch of cookies will you tell me" and he nods so I sighed and baked some cookies he did come and help me when he got more clothes on and I let him have them as soon as they where cool "They trial jamiey, get ready for battle, theon comes back and Arya and gendry get it on" he says "Really? Ohhhh why did you spoil it for me! I would have liked to watched that" I complain "You where the one badgering" he laughs "I know, your easier to break then you lead on" I smile cuddling him "No... Just with you" he smiles
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