#invisible wings
ingeokoi · 2 months
01|Invisible Wings🍀 ...
Chapter one - Sports Day !!
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06:08 AM
The rain pounded against the windowpane, creating a soothing symphony that echoed through the quaint streets of the Zhongshan district in Taiwan.
Li Wei, an awkward and introverted high schooler, gazed out of her bedroom window, her eyes fixed on the rhythmic raindrops on the narrow streets below. Her suburban life in the outskirts of Taipei felt like a world away from the hustle and bustle of the city's heart.
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The sound of her mother's voice cut through the cozy atmosphere, echoing from the kitchen.
"Wei! Breakfast is ready," her mother called the aroma of soy sauce and scallions wafting through the air from downstairs.
Li Wei stumbled over her own feet as she rushed to respond, managing to get tangled in her blankets along the way. Clumsiness seemed to be her constant companion, a fact that had earned her more than a few laughs from her friends.
Li Wei shuffled out of her room, a slight grogginess in her step. Her walls were adorned with a hodgepodge of soccer posters, a testament to her love for the game. Mixed among them were posters of her favorite K-drama stars, creating a unique collage of her interests. A slightly deflated soccer ball was tucked in the corner, a silent witness to countless backyard victories.
"Coming!" Li Wei called, finally untangling herself from her blanket cocoon.
She skidded down the stairs, her socks slipping on the smooth wooden surface, bounding down the stairs with all the grace of a caffeinated giraffe. Li Wei skidded into the kitchen, nearly bowling over her mother in the process.
"Li Wei, sweetie, slow down. I don't want you to end up in the emergency room before school even starts. You'll end up scoring a goal against yourself at this rate," her mother chided.
"Sorry, Mom, but Sports Day waits for no one!" Li Wei declared with a determined gleam in her eyes. Her mother chuckled, a twinkle in her eye. "The weather might have a different opinion, Li Wei. Perhaps you should focus on your studies instead of these small escapades," she said with a laugh, glancing at Li Wei's disheveled state, "and what on earth are you wearing!?" her mother said, placing a steaming plate of scallion pancakes in front of her daughter.
"A green tracksuit?" Li Wei struck a dramatic pose, hands on her hips. "The official uniform of the Rainy Day Soccer Olympics, Mom. Fashion meets function!"
Her mother sighed, a mix of amusement and exasperation. "Just make sure you don't end up looking like a drowned broccoli. And don't forget to eat something before you go."
Li Wei rolled her eyes playfully. "I promise, Mom, I'll come back looking like the trendiest vegetable in town."
As her mother continued with some motherly advice, Li Wei's eyes darted to the clock, widening in realization.
"Oh shoot! I'm late!"
In a flurry of activity, she grabbed a scallion pancake from the kitchen counter and attempted to devour it in record time. Her mother, witnessing the spectacle, couldn't help but chuckle. "Li Wei, slow down! You're going to choke."
But Li Wei, in her haste, ignored the warning, and suddenly the scallion pancake became a formidable opponent in the battle for breakfast supremacy. She coughed, sputtered, and then, in a classic comedic moment, let out a loud, exaggerated gasp. "Li Wei!" her mother exclaimed, a mix of concern and amusement in her voice. "Are you okay?"
Li Wei, still catching her breath, managed to compose herself. "Note to self: scallion pancakes are surprisingly rebellious." With that, she rushed out the door, leaving her mother shaking her head and laughing.
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07:52 AM
Li Wei screamed, her voice echoing through the crowded halls of their high school. Chen Mei, her bubbly and extroverted best friend, turned around, her laughter blending with the curious gazes of other students.
"What's got you screaming like you've seen a ghost, Li Wei?" Chen Mei chuckled, her perfectly styled hair cascading around her shoulders like a waterfall of silk. She was the epitome of girly charm, a stark contrast to Li Wei's more introverted and sporty demeanor.
Li Wei panted, trying to catch her breath. "Sports Day... I was so excited for Sports Day, and now I find out it's canceled?"
Chen Mei burst into laughter, the melodic sound drawing even more attention. "Oh, Li Wei, you really live in your own world, don't you? It got canceled hours ago because of the heavy rain. The announcement was everywhere."
Li Wei's eyes widened in disbelief. "I... I didn't know."
Chen Mei's eyes practically sparkled with excitement as she launched into a passionate rant, her words flowing like a waterfall of gossip.
"Li Wei, you seriously need to pay more attention! We have a group chat for heaven's sake. I was there discussing the cancellation drama, the outfits we were planning to wear, and oh, did you hear about Jin Li and-"
Li Wei tuned out, letting Chen Mei's animated chatter wash over her. She had long since mastered the art of navigating the seas of her friend's lively conversations. The all-girls school setting only seemed to amplify Chen Mei's girlish enthusiasm, and today was no exception.
"Can you believe Lisa wore the same dress as me to last week's assembly?" Chen Mei continued, her hands flying as if she were recounting an epic saga. "I mean, I practically picked that dress out for her last month, and then she goes and steals my thunder like that! It's like, seriously, get your own style!"
Li Wei nodded in agreement, even though she had no idea who Lisa was or what the assembly dress debacle entailed. Chen Mei was on a roll, and Li Wei had become accustomed to riding the waves of her friend's expressive monologues.
"And then," Chen Mei exclaimed, her voice reaching a crescendo, "I realized I wasn't even in the group chat when they were discussing the cancellation. Can you believe the audacity? Like, how dare they make decisions without consulting the fashion guru of the school?"
Li Wei couldn't help but smirk. Chen Mei's theatrics always had a way of lightening the mood. Amid the hallway chaos, her friend's voice morphed into a loud and exaggerated "BA-GAWK!" Li Wei's eyes widened as the chicken sounds reverberated through the hall.
"Wei?" Chen Mei's voice echoed, concern replacing the usual chicken clucks. "WEI!!!" she called out louder, trying to snap Li Wei out of whatever trance had befallen her.
But Li Wei lost in her delusional poultry world, could only respond with a strange, strained expression. "Buck... buck... ehehehe," she uttered, the weird chicken-like noises escaping her lips, much to the confusion of onlookers.
Chen Mei, now more bewildered than ever, tried to make sense of the situation. "Li Wei, snap out of it! And what's with that look on your face?" She asked concerned.
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07:58 AM
As the bell rang, signaling the beginning of another tedious class, Li Wei found herself walking into the lion's den - also known as her homeroom. The annoying trio of girls, known for their knack for drama and a penchant for unnecessary cruelty, immediately zeroed in on her.
Entering the classroom, Li Wei could feel the weight of their judgmental gazes before they even said a word. She took a deep breath, trying to brace herself for whatever was about to unfold.
"Look who decided to grace us with her presence - the human embodiment of a fashion disaster," sneered Mei-Ling, the ringleader of the trio. With her perfectly coiffed hair and a perpetual air of superiority, Mei-Ling fancied herself the queen bee of the class.
Beside her, Jing-Yi and Yu-Hua, her loyal minions, snickered in agreement. Jing-Yi, with her haughty demeanor, and Yu-Hua, always ready to echo Mei-Ling's sentiments, completed the trifecta of annoyance.
Li Wei clenched her jaw, determined not to let their words get to her. She walked to her seat, head held high, ignoring the malicious whispers that followed her like a shadow.
Mei-Ling, however, wasn't one to be ignored. "Nice tracksuit, Li Wei. Did you mistake our school for a soccer field? Or maybe you're just trying to prove you're the tomboy no one asked for."
The classroom erupted into stifled laughter, and Li Wei felt the heat rising to her cheeks. The trio continued their onslaught of taunts, each word cutting deeper than the last.
"Why don't you try wearing something feminine for once? You might actually look like a girl," Jing-Yi added with a condescending smirk.
Yu-Hua, always ready to contribute her two cents, chimed in, "Li Wei, darling, it's called a makeover. You should consider one." Li Wei, though hurt by their words, remained silent. She focused on her notebook, determined to endure the storm of cruelty with a semblance of dignity. The trio, reveling in their perceived victory, continued their tirade until the teacher entered the classroom.
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08.00 AM
The classroom fell into a hush as the door swung open, revealing their homeroom teacher, Miss Lin, adorned in a stunning pink dress that seemed to defy the drabness of the classroom. The collective gasp of the students echoed as their eyes widened at the unexpected sight.
Li Wei couldn't help but marvel at the transformation. The usually reserved and stern Miss Lin had metamorphosed into someone straight out of a romance novel cover. The class, captivated by the sudden burst of color and elegance, erupted into a chorus of whispers and giggles.
"Is it just me, or did Miss Lin just walk out of a fashion magazine?" Jing-Yi mumbled to Mei-Ling, their initial mockery forgotten in the face of the teacher's unexpected glamour.
Li Wei found herself intrigued by the newfound mystery of Miss Lin's attire. The teacher, who usually blended into the background of their mundane classroom, now stood at the center of  attention, radiating a different kind of confidence.
The daring question hung in the air, poised to break the suspense. Li Wei's classmates, emboldened by the unusual scene, couldn't resist. Hands shot up like eager flowers craving sunlight.
"Miss Lin, you look amazing! What's the occasion?" asked one curious student. The teacher, usually composed, blushed under the collective gaze of the class. "Oh, well, um, I have a date tonight," she stammered, a shy smile playing on her lips.
The class erupted into excited chatter. Miss Lin, caught off guard by the sudden interest in her personal life, tried to steer the conversation back to the lesson. However, the students were relentless in their pursuit of romantic details.
"Who's the lucky person?" someone shouted.
Miss Lin laughed nervously, glancing around the room. "It's, uh, someone special. Now, let's focus on today's lesson, shall we?"
As the teacher attempted to regain control of the classroom Li Wei looked outside the window lost in thought. The window was opened letting a warm breeze touch her skin.
'10 days left until I graduate from this school,' Li Wei pondered as she places her restless head on her arms.
"AHHHHHHHHH!!! OMG LOOK OUTSIDE THE WINDOW!!! IT'S WENBIN!!" a girl shouts. "WHO'S HE WITH? DOES THAT GIRL GO HERE??" another girl shouts with jealousy. The whole class erupts into squeals, and they all rush to the window. Mei Ling and her gang shove Li Wei off her chair and start to fangirl along with the rest.
"Wenbin, do you think this is a good idea? That because we don't have a field in our school it doesn't mean that we're allowed to used the girls academy as a place to practice... We might get caught" Brian says in panic.
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"Hello???? All this guy is good at is ignoring... I'm leaving," Kevin says until he suddenly noticed something. "WAIT! Why am I the only one wearing girls clothes!?" he said while frantically tucking his skirt.
Wenbin looks at Kevin and smirks, "You were persistent and insisted. People are going to think I forced you when I didn't." He let's out the biggest laugh when he looked at him. "You could pass as a student in this school," Wenbin added.
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"Oh really?" Kevin said ever so flattered.
"HEY YOU!! NO MALES ALLOWED IN THE SCHOOL PREMISE!!" a voice was heard from the distance. It was the school principle.
"and aren't you supposed to be in class, young lady!" he says looking at Kevins direction. And Kevin got offended and looked at him about to open his mouth, but Wenbin covered his mouth.
"Oh sorry, I was just dropping off my sister to class because she slept in," Wenbin says and he gave the look to Kevin so that he can play along, because their plan could be ruined. Things were going as planned for them.
'As much as I'm offended this could actually work, just how we planned it. I get into the school and ask the school if they could let my "big brother" train in their football field, easy as that." He thought to himself with a big cringe aross his face.
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"Okay!!!" he said out loud to himslef by accident showing the "OK" sign with his fingers. He noticed the principle looking at him weirdly and he quickly adjusted his voice. "I mean... Okay!" He says in a more girly and femanine voice.
"Okay bye big brother, I'll see you later!" he said with a mischivous grin.
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"See you later sis!" Wenbin says with a knowing smile, "Make sure to get the keys," he whispered in his ears and later waved with a big fake smile plastered on his face, and started running back the opposite direction.
To be continued...
What will happen to Kevin??
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vesperscas · 7 months
every scene where cas regains his grace should have been a magical girl transformation where we see him floating above air with his arms spread out and eyes closed while his wings grow out with sparkles and his true form emerges for a second with pink and blue glow encircling him
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puppetmaster13u · 2 months
Prompt 241
Wing au? Wing Au. With perhaps a bit of a twist. Also a hint of eldritchness perhaps. For fun! 
Ghosts have wings. Sure, they aren’t normally seen, not in the visible spectrum, but they do. Scanners pick them up, and sometimes a ghost might even reveal them, which was hypothesized to be some sort of animalistic intimidation attempt. (Something more than one Amity Parker rolled their eyes at)
Everyone had seen them at least once- the motorcycle-driving ghost’s mass of shadowy feathers, the green-haired girls matching shaggy ones, the rocker’s ones that looked like pages of music before bursting into flame. Even the box ghost’s had been spotted- feathers looking more like sheets of cardboard than anything else. 
It wasn’t until the whole kidnapped to the ghost zone that anyone saw Phantom’s, but that was another tale unto itself really. Honestly the arrival of the GIW would have maybe been seen as positive before, but the fact that many of them had looked in the mirror or gone to the doctors only to find feathers beginning to sprout on their back soured it. 
Especially as the GIW continues to prattle on and on about how all ecto-contaminated scum are less than human, less than bacteria. And well, what does that make them? Them, who have been to the realms of the dead and gods and back, touched by the swirling green energy in ways incomprehensible? Changed by that energy? 
So the people silently brush hidden feathers together, quietly rebuff the white-wearing lunatics from the city as best they can, and hope to anything listening that they can stop anyone else from disappearing. That maybe they can find the few no one noticed had been taken before it’s too late, even if they have to tear down the entire government to do it. 
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theliterarymess · 10 months
Some of my collection of books with spredges!
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riverofjazzsims · 2 months
When i saw this quote, I immediately thought of Mercy and this scene
"You can leave a toxic relationship, but if you don’t heal what attracted you to them, you will meet them again. The same demon, just in a different person"
How many demons has Mercy danced with knowingly or otherwise. Theres only so many pieces to the life that is Mercy that's yet to be shared and only hints sprinkle here and there.What or who was the person to strike the first blow to her psyche. I feel she has been wandering around wearing a mask of her own for a very long time, and if ever they were to come off long enough, the amount of emotional chaos burried that would bubble to the surface, she wouldnt survive that alone.
Bishop is a fucking sociopath and excels and flourishes at the toxicity he drips daily into her veins.Every apology he offers is a weapon and forgiveness is his trap.
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fly-sky-high-arts · 7 months
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(Choco Mint coloration ^)
Ice Scream Bat
Creature that hides and dwells within the icy caves, snowy mountains and cold regions. Very small but with noise that tends to confuse new visitors of the area, scaring them with high pitched screeches in the evenings. Locals, however, know it's harmless. And cute.
Seeing the bat hop on the ground is not unusual. Often they want to keep their wings warm so they will travel with bird like hops. Their light weight doesn't allow them to sink into the snow. If they sense danger with their excellent hearing, they're quick to take off and hide within the prickly evergreens or super cold caverns.
Additional info if adopted as Fakemon:
Name: Frosqueak (Frost+Squeak) Type: Ice
(Strawberry Choco/shiny coloration v)
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Update on availability in the reblog!
@patmax17 let me know if interested in this critter for 13$ or more if offering :) Dragon design will be posted with the reply ask once I am done with it.
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smutdefender · 8 months
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Isn’t it just so pretty to think, all along there was some invisible string, tying you to me?
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heckcareoxytwit · 1 year
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She-Hulk has a book club party with her friends - Janet Van Dyne, Patsy Walker, Sue Storm-Richards (along with her children, Franklin and Valeria Richards), Misty Knight, Colleen Wing, Marsha Rosenberg (a.k.a Volcana) and Captain America (Steve Rogers).
She-Hulk v4 #12, 2023
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jojo-schmo · 1 year
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So yeah! In Spanish “Burbuja” is bubble and “Bruja” is witch. So I can be a Bubble Witch and make a pun out of it!! YEAH!!!! SOY UNA BURBRUJA!
(Shoutout to my Spanish speaking followers and friends. 😗 ily.)
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shallyne · 10 months
Well, anyways, I was bored and made a list with book characters that I like from A to Z (couldn't come up with something for Q)
Book Characters List
Aemmory Percyval Taxus
Aelin Galathynius
Amara Maroni
Alpha Villanova
Annaleigh Thaumas
Aedion Ashryver
Asterin Blackbeak
Aaron Warner
Ansel of Briarcliff
Addie LaRue
Avery Kylie Grambs
Ash Maddox
Alex Volkov
Ava Chen
Alessandra Davenport
Bryce Quinlan
Bone Carver
Barney Fitz-Amobi
Bel Price
Bridget Van Ascheberg
Corvina Clemm
Cardan Greenbriar
Chloe Green
Camila Dunne
Cinnamon Hotpepper
Cormac Donnall
Catherine Pinkerton
Cara Ward
Carter Price
Chrstian Harper
Danika Fendyr
Dante Maroni
Donatella Dragna
Declan Emmett
Dorian Havilliard
Dante Russo
Dominic Davenport
Elide Lochan
Evangeline Fox
Emilia DiCarlo
Evelyn Hugo
Ember Quinlan
Elspeth Spindle
Evangelina Sage
Elm Rowan
Feyre Archeron
Fenrys Moonbeam
Hunt Athalar
Hannah Rooney
Iris Winnow
Ione Hawthorne
Isabella Valencia
Juliette Ferrars
Jude Duarte
Jesiba Roga
Jack Brunswick
Jespyr Yew
Josh Chen
Jules Ambrose
Kenji Kishimoto
Kaltain Rompier
Kai Young
Lorcan Salvaterre
Lidia Cervos
Liam Mairi
Luna Caine
Manon Blackbeak
Morana Vitalio
Meghan Chase
Nesryn Faliq
Nazeera Ibrahim
Nash Hawthorne
Naomi Ward
Oak Greenbriar
Pippa Fitz-Amobi
Ruhn Danaan
Rowan Whitethorn
Randall Silago
Rhiannon Matthias
Ravi Singh
Ravyn Yew
Renelm Yew
Roman Kitt
Rachel Price
Rhys Larsen
Shara Wheeler
Scarlett Dragna
Sal Singh
Stanley Forbes
Stella Alonso
Sloane Kensington
Tristan Caine
Tristan Flynn
Thea Delion
Trystan Maverine
Violet Sorrengail
Vittoria di Carlo
Vivian Lau-Russo
Xaden Riorson
Yrene Towers
Zephyr Villanova
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flameraven · 1 year
I feel like I should start a collection for these failed-representation books I'm reading. :/
My current read promised a "chronically ill" main character, which was one of the things that attracted me to it. Further, it's a main character who's forced into a physically grueling military type school. I was really curious to see how such a character would navigate that physically demanding environment. I have chronic illness issues myself and I have really struggled with physical exercise and increasing mobility issues, leading to a lot of frustration as I have to cut back on activities I used to enjoy.
Unfortunately, as far as the book is concerned, the character is basically unaffected by her disability. I'm only 30% of the way into this book, but despite being told that she is fragile and easily breaks bones, or has joints slip out of place, this has barely hindered the character.
She has only two incidents of injury even mentioned-- she slips and bangs her knee during initiation, and then has to wrap it as it immediately swells up. That one seemed fine as an initial problem. Then another student dislocates her shoulder and breaks her arm during their first round of combat practice. However, she gets rushed to the magical healer and basically insta-fixed, so she just has her arm in a sling and is "sore" for a few days but otherwise fine. She continues to do combat practice and sparring and while she mostly avoids serious fights by poisoning her opponents, even that much activity should strain someone with the kind of illness that was described for her.
It's really frustrating. I don't feel like the author talked to anyone who actually suffers from chronic pain or illness at all. It sounds vaguely like she was aiming for something like Ehlers-Danos syndrome or another connective tissue problem, and I just don't see any of the struggles that myself or other spoonies talk about. There's no mention of the grinding fatigue or constant pain that often comes with this kind of illness, and while she's hurt sometimes, she just "compartmentalizes" the pain and pushes through it (with no consequences or problems from it later.) The plot has her doing basically a full Ninja Warrior course to graduate, and all she gets is some skinned palms.
I am going to try to finish the book, but I don't have high hopes for it. UPDATE: because people keep telling me the author is disabled and aren't reading the comments: I know that now. You can read my followup comments here.
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rwpohl · 7 days
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the invisible man, james whale 1933
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buzz-buzz-basilisk · 9 months
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some mudwing practice feels like a nice way to kick off this new art blog
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b00tybooks · 6 months
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No flaws in the plan
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assassin-artist · 4 months
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handful of doodles of my fairy and her knight bf
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...in my defense - I wanted to draw wings
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@revenge-of-the-shit​ I hope you like them 
read Disconnected Conduit by Annessarose; seriously it’s one of the best eldritch trio - if not THE best - fic there is
(this person is still pretty bumped she can’t leave the thousand and ten kudos your work deserves nor does she have the social skills to express her admiration)
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if you can clearly see these two you deserve a marksmanship medal or something– or maybe I'm just that blind of a bat *shrugs*
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