#insomnia posting
apdreadful · 1 day
Chimney stood staring out at the ocean as the sun set.
“Who would have thought it huh?” Chimney asked
“Both of us married to Buckleys” He gave Tommy a wry look. “I guess this makes us family now”
Tommy’s smile got even broader. “I guess it does”
Chimney turned to him “Two of the luckiest sons of bitches in the world if you ask me”
Tommy nodded. “I’m inclined to agree. I feel pretty fucking lucky”
“Thank you Chimney” Tommy said softly “I wasn’t in the best place back when we worked together. And I know that I was a pretty big jerk”
“But today, standing up there marrying that man..That day you saved my life, it’s like you gave me a new one. And aside from the obvious that I would be dead if it weren’t for you. That day changed me, it started me on a long, not always smooth journey to becoming a man worthy of Evan. And there will never be enough words to thank you for that. For showing me what the real measure of what a man is”
Chimney swallowed “Goddamn it man” his eyes suspiciously wet. “You’re welcome”
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thecoffeelorian · 8 months
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tourmalinecomet · 1 year
you would not believe your eyes
if one billion dragon posts
lit up your dash as you tried to sleep
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kinokoshoujoart · 6 months
she lei on my rock til i over. is this anything
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keydelulu · 1 year
there’s no way ghost and soap have a formal wedding. they each kind of decide one day “hey we’re husbands right” and don’t bother beyond that
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elliehopaunt · 7 months
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kroklay · 2 days
Why don't my fucking sleeping rituals work
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Heard you guys liked Euclid
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misskattylashes · 3 months
I swear if it wasn't for the fact that for a couple of hours a day I can escape into a world where two 21st century celebrities are actually 18th century pirates, I would probably dig a big hole and bury myself
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anatheyma · 4 months
sorry for only reblogging that greasy german guy at 4 am it's okay guys i swear i've got a psychologist appointment tomorrow and the melatonin will kick in aaaaany second now
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dorkusmalorkus666 · 6 months
i have decided not to visit my home town this coming week for the fall break (thanksgiving) and i have been getting asked a lot of questions why
my family talks politics
and i cannot bear to hear what they will have to say about Palestine
i do not want to hear even the slightest support for israel
for my own sanity and maybe selfishness im not going home to that
i feel a raw anger even just thinking about it
even seeing the words people write about Palestine deserving this conjures ire
if i were to hear it from the mouths of those called family
im afraid i wouldnt be able to contain my tears and rage
i will not give up hope for Palestine
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river-taxbird · 8 months
Soon I'm going to be starting a master's degree in international accounting with data analytics, so to celebrate, I figured I'd pass on a little of what I know:
Artists: How to Cost your Commissions.
If you are an artist and you aren't sure what you should charge, or if you're not an artist but wonder why they might cost more than you'd expect, read on. This is just one way to do costing, but if you've not thought about it much, this post is for you.
I'm not a hustle bro, I'm just your friendly neighbourhood anarchist who picked a slightly incongruent degree and wants people to be fairly compensated for their labour.
First you need to determine your financial goal. This is where you want to be, and it's probably more than you think. This is assuming you either want to go full time with your art, or want to use it to supplement your income. If you are just doing it casually on the side you probably shouldn't think about it this hard and just skip to the part about the hourly rate.
So how much money do you need? Start by adding up all your expenses. All of them. Rent, food, entertainment, whatever. Include some extra for your savings. Don't forget tax too.
To calculate tax, you can't just multiply it by the percent either. You need to gross it up, so if the tax is 20% where you live, multiply your net financial goal it by 20/80 to get the tax you need to pay, so it's actually 25%. The same goes for if it's 40%, it would be 40/60. Add that as a other expense.
If you already have a job and want to supplement your income with commissions, your figure should be the difference between where you are now and where you want to be financially, but you need to be realistic.
Financial goal - Other Income = Commission Income Goal.
Next you need to determine your labour hours. This will vary widely depending on your style, habits, and other obligations, but it's up to you to determine how many hours a week or a month you are able to work. It also helps to do your budget with different amounts of labour hours so you can prepare for the unexpected. Maybe you can do 10 hours a week, maybe you can do 40. Don't forget to budget in time off. I'm never going to be in that hustle shit and work shouldn't dominate your life.
Now you should be able to calculate your approximate labour hours for the year. Maybe it's a little, maybe it's a lot, maybe you'll need to try some different numbers until you can get something that works for you, but I'm sure you can guess what comes next.
Required income ÷ Labour Hours = Cost per Hour
Have you ever walked into a business class by accident, and as the famous tweet says, the teacher is writing a fomula like that on the board and everyone is taking notes like it's actual school? Now you can use it too.
Next you need to figure out average times for each style of piece, colours, shading, backgrounds, extra characters, you should be able to get an idea of how long each kind of drawing takes, so from there it's just,
Cost per hour × Hours required = Commission Cost
It would be nice to be done there, right? Sadly this isn't a magical finance class class world, so if you've ever taken an econ 101 class, you know what's coming.
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Supply and demand mostly only works in theory and falls apart in many real world circumstances, (Economists DNI) but for online art it's actually fairly reliable. The calculation above is what your ideal cost should be, especially if you are thinking of going full time, but in reality the main thing that determines your com prices is supply and demand. How much do people pay for art the same fidelity as yours? Is there a demand for your unique style? Some artists can charge hundreds an image because they are popular, some are great but the demand isn't there.
Basically what I'm saying is to massage the numbers until you commission cost is someone people are willing to pay for. That's finance baybeeee
The whole of this post is don't undervalue yourself. Even if the market value of your art is technically below what it should be for you to make ends meet, you shouldn't undervalue yourself. Keep your goals in mind and make your prices as high as they can while people will still pay for it. I can't wait for the day when market values are a thing of the past and people can make what they want because we are no longer being forced to do bullshit to survive.
Your art is probably worth more than you think. Value your time and charge what you deserve.
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thedevilprobs · 7 months
Yo en 2013: oh qué es este juego llamado corazón de melón :0 voy a jugarlo
Mí novio ahora: se parece a Kentin, ropa/hobbies de Armin, modales de Lysandro, reputación de Nathaniel y personalidad de Castiel
Y hornyness de Dakota oop
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pi-mawrth · 1 month
When Archie steps into the courtroom in mutiny (?) very sick and on deaths door as he walks up the aisle he nearly collapses next to Matthews and Styles.
All I can think about is how long they'd know Archie, I'm pretty sure based on what Matthews had said in other episodes he's been in the service for pretty much as long as Archie's been alive and given the timings of things it must be nearly a decade of knowing him ish.
He must have at least some fondness for him, in knowing all that he's been through
I don't know if I can handle the concept of Matthews and Styles having to watch Archie grow up, finally freeing himself of the torture just to die. Like all the suffering was nearly pointless, finally got to be happy just for the cycle to start anew and be powerless and to have to watch that happen being equally powerless. Sick and twisted
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pilotlala · 1 month
If you're looking for a good time, just type "ofmd, fanart, soft" into the search bar, scroll down slowly, and gradually melt into the floor.
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