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opens-up-4-nobody · 2 years
Isn’t Yamato like a weird clone of hashirama, I don’t know if it’s inline for his character but imagine Hashirama holding up Yamato like in the lion king and just ‘your a Senju now :>’ and tobirama facepalming while everyone else is confused as hell
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yorthae · 8 months
Started a new save for Amalfein (old one broke) and I was struck by that scene you get if you rest before reaching Lae'zel the first night as the durge again- the option to figure out who you are via your heritage seems to reveal some degree of false awareness in your memory, specifically for githyanki, dragonborn, and drow.
The linked post suggests some sort of false awareness here based on what Bhaal would expect the durge to know but I think that a lot of the specificity of how the dialogue shapes around it suggests that a lot of this is more than incidental. Speaking just for lolthsworn drow durges anyway, Minthara still specifically says "Like you, I grew up in Qu'ellarz'orl..." which is a wild thing to assume about a person. Qu'ellarz'orl is the home of the elite of the elite, many of the high houses aren't even located there, and most people from Menzoberranzan probably will not step foot there. I would guess that there is something about drow durges that justifies this assumption— accent when speaking drow, mannerisms, something, because its perhaps an even wilder assumption to make about a stranger who you have only ever seen on the surface.
All of this is a long way of justifying my headcanon that this knowledge/these memories are not artificially constructed, but rather artificially implanted, possibly from sacrifices and/or other Bhaalites.
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sane-genshin-fan · 4 months
As a doctor, it's normal to run tests on humans. Of course, these can be uncomfortable but a good doctor would do anything to make sure the patient is comfortable. If the patient was a masochist, that could mean that to be comfortable, the patient would be in slight pain. Dottore's experiments must be painful in some capacity, in this essay I will-
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yummycrummy · 1 year
Goddd I want to make an animatic of this song with sr and ucr so bad grjedjd it fits so well 😔
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kaoharu · 9 months
looking back on my life choices and the types of media ive gotten into as of late ( its not looking too good guys )
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favvnsongs · 11 months
where's that one freelancer ai body horror post. i stg I saw it a few days ago ;__;
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mahavirdental · 4 months
Enhance Your Smile: Exploring Dental Implants in Petlad
Are you seeking a long-lasting solution to replace missing teeth and restore your smile? Look no further than dental implants. Situated in the vibrant city of Petlad, our dental clinic offers cutting-edge dental implant solutions to help you regain confidence in your smile. Let's delve into the frequently asked questions about dental implants in Petlad, catering to individuals seeking comprehensive information about this transformative procedure.
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What Are Dental Implants?
Dental implants are titanium posts surgically placed into the jawbone beneath the gum line. They serve as sturdy foundations for replacement teeth, mimicking the natural tooth root. Once integrated with the jawbone, dental implants provide unparalleled stability and support for crowns, bridges, or dentures.
Who Is a Suitable Candidate for Dental Implants?
Candidates for dental implants should have good oral health and sufficient bone density in the jaw to support the implant. During a consultation, our dental experts in Petlad will assess your oral health and determine if dental implants are the right choice for you.
What Are the Benefits of Dental Implants?
Dental implants offer numerous advantages, including improved aesthetics, enhanced functionality, and durability. Unlike traditional dentures, implants feel and function like natural teeth, allowing you to eat, speak, and smile with confidence. Additionally, they prevent bone loss and preserve facial structure, promoting long-term oral health.
How Long Do Dental Implants Last?
With proper care and maintenance, dental implants can last a lifetime. Their durable titanium construction ensures longevity, making them a cost-effective solution in the long run. Routine dental check-ups and diligent oral hygiene practices are essential to prolong the lifespan of your dental implants.
Is the Dental Implant Procedure Painful?
Our dental clinic in Petlad prioritizes patient comfort throughout the implant procedure. While some discomfort may be experienced during the initial healing period, local anesthesia and sedation options are available to minimize any pain or anxiety. Our experienced dentists employ advanced techniques to ensure a smooth and comfortable implant placement process.
What Is the Recovery Process Like?
Following dental implant surgery, patients may experience mild swelling, bruising, or discomfort, which can be managed with prescribed medication and proper post-operative care. It's crucial to follow your dentist's instructions regarding diet, oral hygiene, and activity restrictions to facilitate healing and optimize implant integration.
Are Dental Implants Expensive?
While dental implants may have a higher upfront cost compared to other tooth replacement options, they offer exceptional long-term value and benefits. Our dental clinic in Petlad offers flexible payment options and financing plans to make dental implants more accessible to our patients.
Can Smokers Get Dental Implants?
Smoking can compromise the success of dental implants by inhibiting proper healing and increasing the risk of implant failure. However, smokers can still be candidates for dental implants, provided they are committed to quitting or reducing their tobacco use before and after the procedure.
Are Dental Implants Covered by Insurance?
Dental implant coverage varies depending on your insurance plan. While some insurance policies may partially cover the cost of dental implants, others may consider them elective procedures and offer limited or no coverage. Our knowledgeable staff can assist you in navigating insurance matters and maximizing your benefits.
dental implants offer a permanent solution for replacing missing teeth and restoring oral health and function. At our state-of-the-art dental clinic in Petlad, our dedicated team is committed to delivering exceptional implant dentistry services tailored to your unique needs. Schedule a consultation today to discover how dental implants can transform your smile and quality of life.
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noiseproblemsonline · 6 months
What are inplant acoustic enclosures?
Inplant acoustic enclosures enclose noisy equipment in a chamber or room. For optimal acoustic performance, the exterior of the enclosure should be made with thick and robust material like galvanized steel while the interiors should be covered with absorbent material like acoustic wool. To prevent noise from escaping through the ventilation system, the air outlets and inlets should be fitted with silencers. An enclosure also comes with acoustic windows and doors, acoustic tunnels at the exit and entrance of the conveyors and utmost reduction of openings.
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What kind of noise control solutions you are looking for?
To calculate the desired soundproofing, the sound created by the machinery can be measured by using a sound level meter. Ideally, the noise control solutions should lessen noise levels below 85 dB, which is the legal limit in most of the Canadian provinces.
What are the dimensions of mechanical room noise?
The exterior and interior dimensions of the mechanical room noise should be determined. Will any operators be working on it? Is it a partial or complete enclosure?
All kinds of contact between the inplant acoustic enclosures and the machinery should be avoided to maintain the acoustic performance of the enclosure.
Do you have to safeguard the soundproof enclosures from other aspects?
In many plants, noise is the only dangerous element present. The mining and the pulp and paper industries are frequently struggling with high levels of humidity and intense heat, dust, chemical exposure and also debris being blown away over the enclosure. These risks can be detrimental to buildings that are not strong enough. The design of customized noise control services enables you to adapt the engineering and the preference of materials to the environment of your factory which will enhance the durability of the sound enclosure to 25 years and more.
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temperedsims · 7 months
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Naruto's room.
They're both living off of Iruka's teacher salary, so Naruto's room is filled with second hand furniture. Despite that, he has everything he needs. Plus his favourite animal characters.
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Gain real-world insights through inplant training in Trichy at Hitakey Infosys in Trichy. Our industry-aligned programs offer hands-on experience, empowering you to bridge the gap between classroom learning and practical application. Explore the dynamic realms of technology through immersive training with us.
Inplant training in trichy
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ashadentaloflenexa · 1 year
Looking for the best foods to eat after getting dental implants? Get the answers you need from this video! Expert Lenexa dentist from Asha Dental will guide you through the different kinds of foods you can include in your diet and what to avoid to ensure your implants are safe and secure. Discover how to maintain a healthy diet and enjoy delicious meals with your new implants!
Asha Dental - Lenexa
Address: 9456 Renner Blvd, Lenexa, KS 66219, United States
Phone: +1 913-359-0868
Also connect with us at:
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safetyconnectiotrl · 2 years
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philbridges · 2 years
Why You Might Use Modular Office Buildings For Home #Shorts
Why You Might Use Modular Office Buildings For Home #Shorts
This is a little bit built, a little stiffer than most. It’s made in 99, but it’s made to travel a lot. So they made these things with a whole lot more out outriggers and stiffer. Usually the frame stiffness are on eight foot centers. This is an office building. It was made for that. So it’s on four foot centers. And in this case, even closer here, you might actually think about this is a…
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gunpowderdtim · 3 months
It's no wonder Out happened when you really think about it. Nastya doesn't like organic life because it's complicated, it can break, sometimes it's even unfixable.
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quote from gender rebels
Nastya is in love with Aurora, and in saying that she is saying "you are not organic life, I can deal with you because you are metal and algorithm and predictable" - we can see this in bedtime story when she says she'll tweak Aurora's story creation algorithm
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screenshot from A Bedtime Story
Aurora is not inorganic. She is not ai. She is a space moon made of flesh and blood and teeth and bone. She is not an ai. She is a body that was taken and stripped of autonomy, of the right to self identify, of the right to think- to be imperfect and organic.
The metal is a veneer that hides how messy and traumatized and unfixable she is. From the outside she is a starship. From the inside she can still bleed.
And this makes them fundamentally incompatible. But yet, they are in love.
And really, it's no wonder Nastya fell in love with Aurora. Let's take a look at Nastya's home planet, or at least home society:
"Terminals were scattered across the planet. There was one on every street corner, one beneath every lamppost and one in every commune block." "The midwife-machine performs a series of programmed manœuvres to quieten [the baby]. It cradles it and hums at several pitches until it finds one that seems most soothing. Mechanical arms stroke the baby’s flesh even as others start the process of implanting augmented reality interfaces into its nervous system." "The Czar an atrophied frame, never present in the real world and worn to dust by the chemical compounds that kept his brain alive so it could live forever in a perfect virtual paradise. The Rabotnik a copy, a mind preserved unchanging in the instant before its death and placed in an everlasting metal frame." (Cyberian Demons)
Its safe to say the world Nastya was born into, from the very minute she was born, was ridden with technology. She has augmented reality interfaces inplanted into her from birth. It would stand to reason that being taken from this society, wherein technology is everywhere, inside and out, would stand for a bit of a shock.
Aurora too had been augmented by the Cyberia.
While it is stated that the last time Nastya had used the ports themselves was directly before her death — "The last time she had used the ports, her tutor had ripped them out of her as the rebels stormed the palace" — Aurora is laced with Cyberian technology. I'd imagine she has something of a 'bluetooth wireless connection' with Aurora, rather than the physical data transfer of files between the ports and Nastya, it may as well be similar enough.
Imagine being Nastya, going from Cyberia, wherein there is augmented reality contantly, transplanted onto a ship with metal blood, a jonny, and a vampire. To Aurora, where the only bits of augmented reality run through Aurora.
Of course she'd fall in love with her. Aurora is familiarity. Aurora isn't organic. Aurora isn't human.
And of course when the undeniable part of aurora that is organic, that is a flesh moon plated in metal with her brain hooked to machines, when so much has broken and been replaced, when, presumably, aurora is less of an algorithm, nastya leaves with the brand cyberia left on her.
Because Aurora healing, becoming more of herself and less of a starship, is messy, and organic, and human.
and hard for nastya.
‘Think how long she’s been flying you around. Think how many bullet holes you’ve punched through her and how many atmospheres you’ve dropped her through. Think how many alterations and improvements we’ve made, Tim to her guns and Ashes to her storage and Brian to her engines and the Toy Soldier to who knows what. How much do you think is left of her after all she’s brought you through?’ Nastya held up the ancient, battered piece of hull plating. Just visible under the grime and scars of particles of space junk was a fragment of the Aurora’s original logo and serial number. Jonny honestly couldn’t remember the last time he had seen a version that hadn’t been painted by the Mechanisms themselves. ‘So she’s free, now.’ Nastya gestured around at the spaceship they were standing in. ‘This Aurora can take you where you want to go. I’m going to take my Aurora somewhere else.’
Aurora was ship of theseus'd. Aurora was improved. Aurora was no longer cyberian. (both literally, and metaphorically)
So nastya left.
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mahavirdental · 4 months
Transforming Smiles: Dental Implants in Petlad
In the picturesque town of Petlad, nestled amidst the verdant landscapes of Gujarat, lies a hidden gem of dental care - the realm of dental implants. For those seeking to restore their smiles and regain confidence in their oral health, dental implants offer a revolutionary solution. Let's delve into this transformative journey, exploring the landscape of dental implants in Petlad and addressing some frequently asked questions along the way.
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Q1: What are dental implants, and how do they work?
Dental implants are titanium posts surgically positioned into the jawbone beneath your gums, acting as a sturdy foundation for replacement teeth. They mimic the natural tooth root, providing a stable base for crowns, bridges, or dentures. Over time, the bone fuses with the implant, creating a robust anchor for prosthetic teeth, ensuring functionality and aesthetics akin to natural teeth.
Q2: Who is an ideal candidate for dental implants?
Ideal candidates for dental implants are individuals with good oral health and sufficient bone density to support the implant. While age is not a limiting factor, candidates should be in good overall health to undergo the surgical procedure. Consultation with a skilled dentist in Petlad can assess your candidacy and tailor a treatment plan to meet your unique needs.
Q3: What are the benefits of choosing dental implants over other tooth replacement options?
Dental implants offer a myriad of advantages, including enhanced stability, durability, and longevity compared to traditional alternatives like dentures or bridges. They promote jawbone preservation, preventing bone loss and maintaining facial structure. With proper care, dental implants can last a lifetime, providing a cost-effective solution in the long run.
Q4: Is the dental implant procedure painful?
While the idea of oral surgery may evoke apprehension, advancements in dental technology and anesthesia ensure a comfortable experience for patients undergoing implant placement. Local anesthesia numbs the treatment area, minimizing discomfort during the procedure. Post-operative soreness can be managed with prescribed medication, and most patients resume normal activities within a few days.
Q5: How long does the dental implant process take from start to finish?
The duration of the dental implant process varies depending on individual factors such as bone health, the need for preparatory procedures, and the complexity of the case. On average, the entire process, including implant placement, osseointegration (bone fusion), and restoration, may span several months. However, the results are well worth the wait, offering a permanent solution for tooth loss.
Q6: Are dental implants easy to maintain?
Yes, maintaining dental implants is remarkably straightforward and mirrors the care regimen for natural teeth. Practicing good oral hygiene, including brushing, flossing, and regular dental check-ups, is crucial for preserving the health and longevity of your implants. Avoiding habits like smoking and excessive alcohol consumption can further promote implant success and overall oral health.
Q7: Can dental implants improve my quality of life?
Absolutely! Beyond the functional benefits of improved chewing and speech, dental implants can significantly enhance your quality of life by restoring confidence in your smile and overall appearance. Say goodbye to self-consciousness and hello to a renewed sense of self-assurance with a radiant, fully functional smile.
dental implants represent a beacon of hope for individuals grappling with tooth loss in Petlad and beyond. With their unparalleled combination of functionality, aesthetics, and longevity, dental implants empower individuals to reclaim their smiles and embrace life with renewed vitality. So, if you're ready to embark on a transformative journey towards a brighter, more confident smile, consider exploring the world of dental implants in Petlad today!
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