#inflatable repair shop
Repairs and Maintenance for Inflatable Boats
Repairs and Maintenance for Inflatable Boats
The popularity of and demand for inflatable boats has drastically increased over the past few years. New methods of production, stronger materials, and updated models are the main reasons for the popularity of inflatable boats. Since the use of these boats has increased, it is necessary to know about the repair and maintenance for the same. Here are 10 common questions people ask while…
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exceltireg · 2 years
Our air machines provide a number of benefits to the auto industry. Not only will our products provide value to your customers, they will also help you save time and improve safety for your technicians with consistent and precise air pressure calibration.
Read More:- https://sites.google.com/view/autoshoptireshopautorepairsolu/home
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some-pers0n · 1 month
My favourite thing ever about LITWTC is that it sounds completely and utterly bizarre to anyone who doesn't listen to it. What do you mean that music artist I heard on TikTok has a podcast where he and his friend talk about the apocalypse.
Anyways some of my favourite bits are
Tommy Lasagna, a fully Korean man with a thick Brooklyn accent, will own a fast food combination auto repair shop, wherein he'll mix up your order and put burgers on your tires and serve you a fistful of wires instead of fires
Will getting harassed by a ghost prostitute named Mama Doo-Wop for like seven minutes
Chris and Will stopping their car (they were driving around in this episode) and laughing at a decaying house for like five minutes
Will larping as Tom Waits for an entire episode
Leopard Planet is the only band still left in the apocalypse, wherein the lead singer and rhythm guitarist and Rock God, Zap Gorgeous, will have leopard print clothes as they play on top of a leopard pyramid
Will and Chris try getting their Wendy's order and it takes 20 minutes because the Doordash driver kept circling a graveyard
Will will save Jordan Peterson from the manosphere grease pit (where any manosphere person is greased up and tossed into a pit where they have to kill everyone else to survive) and turns him into a parrot-like pet that he listens to for hours on end
Chris Dunne Won't Go To Therapy I/II
Bobby Sugarbones dying because the recording program closed and they didn't notice because the laptop had a picture of Chester Cheetah inflation art covering it (this was because Chris was trying to get Will into the kink so they could fuck the podcast, which is a gutter clown with that kink)
"Yes! And–"
Chris and Will spending an entire episode parked in front of a school because Will's car broke down and they were waiting for the repair guy (yes there are two episodes where they're in a car)
The Bug Woman
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supernovaknights · 1 year
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NOVA: Our dashing protagonist! A demigoddess of the stars with a rebellious streak and an appetite for fun and adventure. Having an extremely lavish upbringing, Nova soon learns that living in the real world is no cakewalk! She’ll run into a situation where she’s way in over her head and she'll get far too cocky for her own good and wind up making things worse for herself and everybody, sometimes succeeding at a task by complete accident. Even though she was raised by royalty, Nova tends to be a pretty crass and vulgar girl whose inflated ego likes getting her into fights over something as small as the last piece of sushi. She's determined (or just stubborn and naive enough) to stop at nothing to regain queendom and show the Great Galactic Guild who's boss! Or maybe, deep down, she actually wants something more and doesn't even know it yet!
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BECCA: Nova's most trusted friend (and eventual girlfriend) hailing from the slums of Neo Neopolis. Having years of experience from secretly being in a ruthless gang to get money to support her struggling family, Becca uses her street smarts and her mighty fisticuffs to get herself and Nova out of any hairy situation they may get into. Despite her rugged exterior and muscles that can pulverize your skull in one karate chop to the cranium, Becca tends to be a kind and gentle soul who wants nothing but the best for those she holds dear, occasionally to a fault. One evening, Becca decided to visit her parents to confess her secret, only to find that they were kidnapped by rival hoodlums! Becca, having lost nearly everything close to her, decides to join Nova on her quest not only to help her out but to rescue her family as well!
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ISAAC: A manic young college dropout who runs an electronics repair shop in his cramped studio apartment. When he’s not guzzling energy drinks and scoring #1 victory royales, he uses whatever tech skills he has to make cool gadgets for the team, often using illegally obtained parts from shady folk. Isaac has a remarkable talent for bargaining with others to get really expensive, often untested parts for dirt cheap. Sometimes he even trades in old broken game console parts to fool the unfortunate buyer into thinking they can make plastic explosives with them. Isaac has made COUNTLESS enemies this way.  He tags along with Nova and the crew because he believes that Nova’s cosmic powers can help out the planet’s energy crisis and ward pesky otherworldly critters away. He kinda also has a big crush on Nova’s mom.
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MUZZLE: A robotic dragon with a short fuse and a seemingly infinite assortment of weapons! Muzzle was destined to become a useless pile of scrap metal after running away from his abusive creator. But then Nova and Becca totalled a stolen car after making a jump into the junkyard. Instead of barbecuing them alive, the girls offer to fix him up and eventually get the parts to turn him into a cool battle mech, which is where Isaac comes in. Nothing brings this mechanical monster more joy than blowing shit up and unleashing absolute hell upon everyone. However, the squad usually has to calm him down before he goes full psychopath. He's also glad to fly Nova and the others through the cosmos with style and grace thanks to his experimental lightspeed warp drive that Isaac downloaded from the dark web.
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QUASARIA: Nova's caring mother and former queen of the Star Weavers. An absolute sweetheart to everyone she encounters! However, her parenting skills could use a bit of work, as she shows a bit more favoritism towards Nova, seeing a bit more of herself in her than older sister Lyra, who feels ignored and rejected. The wrongful death of her husband also doesn’t help much, causing her to gradually let herself go and fall into a space alcohol induced depression. After Nova’s exile, she sets off on a journey of her own to see if Nova’s okay and learns to become a better parent in the process!
PULSARIS: A lost soul wandering through space who found Nova one night after she got her first celestial relic. He doesn't remember where he came from or what his purpose is, but he gains a bit of a symbiotic relationship with Nova and acts as her guide and father figure throughout her adventure. Only Nova can see him which leads to some pretty awkward moments where Nova shouts into the void. Along with the relics aiding Nova, they also help Pulsaris regain his memory and life force.
LYRA: Nova's uptight older sister who got crowned as the new queen of the Star Weavers by default due to Nova's exile. She's basically the antithesis of everything Nova is. Responsible, mature and always having good manners. Lyra takes her position seriously but has a hard time standing up to authority, often giving in to the Great Galactic Guild's ludicrous demands. Poor Lyra got the short end of the stick as Quasaria always favored Nova so Lyra relied on outside sources to train.
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ACHERNAR: Our devious antagonist! She was once a low ranking Star Weaver. Tired of being seen as average and insignificant, she set out to obtain relics that would give her true power and the same amount of respect as Quasaria! But she ended up toying with stuff beyond her comprehension and got corrupted by relics made of dark matter, giving her a monstrous new appearance! Which she takes absolute pride in, of course. Having learned to control the chaotic material that could very well consume her entire being, Achernar set off on a petty revenge quest to chase Nova and the gang around to obtain the Celestial Relics before they do so she can call our heroes stinky poopoo heads and commandeer her own demented Star Weaver army that will bring chaos upon the universe!
[REDACTED]: Having been sealed away in an impenetrable barrier by the Star Weavers eons ago, this indescribable horror lures Achernar over promising to grant her any of her deepest wishes and desires as long as she promises to fetch it as many relics it needs to make her dreams a reality. Achernar, too stubborn to realize that this is obviously a trap, foolishly accepts its offer. Near the end of the story, Achernar gives it all the relics it needs and predictably backstabs her and breaks free from its prison, going on a rampage to destroy and consume every single bit of matter in the universe until absolutely nothing remains but a dark, endless void! Nova and Achy must call a truce and let bygones be bygones to put a stop to this apocalyptic, universe ending scenario!
Thanks for coming to my ted talk! More updates to come in the future!
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dinosaurcharcuterie · 6 months
My sewing machine decided it's time to start giving random error messages again whenever I sew.
It's a cheap, 200 euro digital machine, you get what you pay for.
First repair was 3 years back, 110 euros.
This time the estimate is 120 euros.
I am gladly gonna pay for that because 1) I refuse to buy a whole new sewing machine just because the bobbin tension fucks itself every 3 years, 2) sewing machines are one of the few things that still have repair shops semi-widely available, and 3) machine quality and inflation are making it that I couldn't even find an equivalent machine for the same price if I wanted to.
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ellorypurebloodculture · 10 months
Just realized that had Voldy won, Magical Britain would have likely suffered an economic collapse. Muggleborn and Halfblood families literally pour money into the magical community, but there are really no known instances of magical wealth being used in the muggle world. Because most if not all use of miggle goods is through imitation via transfiguration or the like.
And I doubt the people who curse muggle objects (like what Arthur Weasley works with) care to purchase them first.
Magical families who have books and cauldrons, witches gardens and potions, brooms and wands of their own passed through the family don't necessarily need to go out and buy extras, though at least for a some things they do. A family library only needs one copy of a book and everyone in the family can use it, but Muggleborns would each need their own copy as there don't seem to be public libraries in the magical world. A few semesters without Muggleborn students and some of the businesses in Diagon and Hogsmeade would have to shut down. I'd give it Three years max before the country starts to grind to a halt as the lower classes lose access to basic goods because of inflation and product scarcity.
In canon? 🤔
I mean, Voldemort's pure-blood supremacy agenda would have mainly left the pure-bloods and notable half-bloods, many of whom are canonically exceptionally wealthy.
There aren't many known Muggle-borns compared to half-bloods and pure-bloods in canon. The Wikia has a list of, if I counted correctly, twenty-three canon Muggle-borns across all the eras.
And we do have several instances of wizards and witches shopping in the Muggle World, I believe. Harry having seen several people (not just Order Members) at shops and such in the Muggle World. Am I remembering that rightly?
And I think the department was Misuse of Muggle Artefacts? Which would imply they're acceptable imports if not bespelled and misused?
But even the Weasleys buy things secondhand (like Ron's dress robes). And I do believe they had to buy each child (Percy, George, Fred, and Ginny) the complete set of Lockhart's books in CoS. 🤔
If I'm remembering correctly, Transfiguration is canonically the most difficult magical subject and many people struggle with it. If a mistake is made, things can get permanently stuck partially Transfigured and can't be undone or changed even by spells. So, Transfiguring things they need wouldn't be viable for many.
I also remember certain potions requiring specific cauldrons, and if one's melted, a new one being required, which implies they aren't magically repairable, perhaps due to the inherent magic in the potion? And something about cauldron bottom thickness being necessary for some potions, which might require a potioneer to own a great many cauldrons for brewing.
Plus, broom charms break down, rendering them unsafe for use, I think? I'm fairly sure it was canon that the school brooms were rubbish and needed to be replaced. Or, old models might not meet updated safety regulations and thereby become illegal to use.
And we know it's canon that wands only work well for those they choose/who won them, so hand-me-down wands wouldn't be the norm, I don't think. Charlie's didn't work well for Ron and Frank's was an awful match for Neville.
I absolutely believe there's a public library. Especially since canon makes such a big to-do about the size of the Hogwarts' library and personal family libraries. It definitely implies a library system, to me. It not having been relevant to Harry's adventures or interests, though, would excuse its absence from the novels.
Some jobs requiring specific O.W.L.s or N.E.W.T.s implies, to me, there are many opportunities of employment for those with a less advanced education. I sort of equate O.W.L.s to a certificate/degree/diploma of adequate education as Ron canonically said:
O.W.L.s are really important, affect the jobs you can apply for and everything.
And Newt Scamander was allowed to keep his wand even after being expelled because he'd passed his O.W.L.s, while Hagrid, who hadn't taken or passed his, had his wand snapped upon expulsion.
And then I equate N.E.W.T.s as something like a bachelor's degree.
Because, let's be real here, Percy went straight from school, having gotten every possible O.W.L.--all 12; Hermione got 10--and a N.E.W.T. in every exam he took, and he went right to work for a Department Head in the government. The Department of International Magical Co-operation. So, he's basically the P.A. to a magical ambassador. At eighteen.
And the fact that "Charms Master" and "Potions Master" and such are canonical titles, implies to me a Mastery was obtained through even more advanced study, one which would qualify said person to teach the subject.
And I'm rambling now. 😅
But, I swear I have a point!
I think the economy would have survived, they'd have enough workers, especially with the low number of canonical Muggle-borns, (and I think only the Muggle-borns had to register and were sent to Azkaban, not the half-bloods, in Deathly Hallows), but the massive change in government policies would have been utterly stunning and harsh to many.
(This was a very interesting thought exercise! Thank you, blooms! I had fun. 💛)
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wrenwhite · 2 years
hello this is us again. my roommate hit a deer and damaged our (only) car. with price gouging, inflation, and parts being otherwise hard to come by, the repair costs are steep. long term, this is the best solution to prevent interior corrosion that will eventually total the car.
if you can help or share, we would appreciate it. we honestly don't even make enough money to make ends meet, let alone pay $3000 upfront to fix our car. shit sucks out here.
to quote the post my other roommate wrote:
"Hello everyone! Thank you for taking the time to look at this.
My name is Rox, and my family and I urgently need help. As we are currently a three-person household of disabled trans people, we currently only have one person capable of working full-time, and that income is minimal. I can only work very part-time due to pre-existing disability, but due to Long Covid, I have gained several new conditions that now limit my ability to work even more. Obviously, money is extremely tight.
On the way to work, my partner hit a deer that jumped out in front of them. The damage was not enough to completely disable the car, but it was enough to crush the bumper's right side, destroy the headlamp, and crunch the hood enough to displace the hinges.
While the car remains drivable, the winter weather will absolutely destroy it once the snow comes. We have no way to replace this car, especially as we are still paying it off, and need it for work, necessary medical care, grocery shopping, and other essential appointments.
The money we raise will go towards get the car back to an acceptable and weather-proofed condition, and paying for a rental car we will use while it is in the shop for repairs. As of the recent quote from the local collision shop, the minimum amount we could pay will be $2,500. However, that is only if he can salvage parts and doesn't account for any unseen repairs necessary that we simply were not able to assess without taking the car apart.
Thank you to everyone who has ever helped us, and if you can give even a little, that would help so much! If you can't donate, please share the fundraiser link! Our lives literally depend on having this car, and we have no access to public transit in the area we live in, so we have no alternatives.
I will post updates here as they come! Thank you so so much.
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autoscandia · 29 days
The Benefits Of Staying On Top Of Audi’s ‘Service Due’ Alert & How To Do It From Experts in Herndon, VA
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Of late, the high-end cars are coming equipped with many advanced features that not only help in the smooth running of the vehicle but also warn you about impending issues. That is why it is often opined that one should always stay on top of the ‘Service Due’ warning message displayed on the screen of your Audi.
There are several advantages associated with staying ahead of the ‘Service Due’ warning message and here in this article, we will discuss the benefits of staying on top of Audi’s ‘Service Due’ shared with us by the expert mechanics in Herndon, VA.
Economize Your Maintenance Cost
Ensures Safety
Increases Reliability
Expert Recommendations
Economize Your Maintenance Cost
Now, when you are driving a high-end car like Audi no doubt the cost of repairs and maintenance is going to be pretty high in comparison to general cars. Most of the time it is seen that drivers don’t pay any heed to the manufacturer’s recommended maintenance schedule for their Audi & this is why they get an inflated repair bill when encountered with issues.
However, when you are pro-active in maintaining your high-end car then you will able to avoid many serious issues before they strike your car by addressing the underlying problem before it takes a turn for the worse. That is why staying ahead of the ‘Service Due’ message is very important.
This is because whenever you get to see this message appear on the screen of your Audi, then there is a high probability of encountering challenging issues when you take your Audi to a certified repair shop for its due service. For example, when you are apt in replacing the engine oil of your car, then you won’t have to face serious engine failure issues.
Ensures Safety
The biggest benefit of staying on top of the ‘Service Due’ warning message is that you will be reducing the risk of encountering safety-related problems in your high-end car significantly. There are many parts in your car that play a significant role in ensuring that you drive safely on the road.
Especially, the brakes of your car that not only help in stopping your car when you press the brake pedal but also help in proper handling of the car. Generally, it is seen that with due course of time, the components of the brake system like the brake pads and rotors start to wear out.
When you are giving priority to regular maintenance and service then you can avoid a lot of brake-related issues before they pop up in the form of the ‘Service Due’ warning message on the screen of your luxury car. In addition to that, most of the time it is seen that Audi drivers encounter brake fluid leaks that adversely affect the functioning of the brakes.
Now, when you are sticking to the service schedule recommended in your owner’s manual then you can rest assured that before the brake fluid leaks out the underlying problem can be taken care of in the maintenance schedule.
Increases Reliability
One of the best things about sticking to the regular maintenance schedule is that it increases the reliability of your Audi massively. Nobody wants to get stuck in the middle of the road with a stalling engine or starting issues when going on a road trip.
Besides that, when you are not driving your car for a long time problems start to buildup and then when you suddenly try to start your car or drive, you face problems. The best way to avoid this type of problem is by resorting to preventive maintenance before you get to see the warning message.
Expert Recommendations
Now, apart from all those above-discussed benefits that you get when you resort to regular service and maintenance of your luxury car, the most valuable thing is that at times, the certified mechanics looking after your Audi can suggest taking up some maintenance tasks.
These suggestions are worth their weight in gold because they not only save your car from an impending problem but also go a long way in ensuring that the performance of your Audi gets a boost.
The above-discussed factors are some of the benefits associated with maintaining your luxury car regularly rather than waiting for the ‘Service Due’ warning message to pop up on the screen. You should get in touch with a certified mechanic to book your service schedule before it is too late and you get to see the warning message.
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thirsty-lakedream · 2 years
Robo-week: Touring the Studio
Roughly 10 years. That’s how long I spent in university. Some people spend that long to become a doctor or a lawyer, but me? I studied computer engineering. At the time people would say I was wasting my time and should just find a program job. But now looking back, those extra years set me up for where I am now, the lead engineer for Android Corp.
Here let me take you around my work studio. Since it’s late, most of the other engineers have gone home. Me? I practically live here. Here at Android Corp, we’ve led the world's sale of robotic people.
We’ve evolved from the time of old. Before, these bots could easily be distinguished as non-human. They used to look very ‘uncanny valley’ and the programs could only allow the most basic of functions.
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Take this early model here. Though he helped me secure my initial grant to develop the tech, back then it was nothing but autonomous sex dolls.
Nowadays, we’ve been able to develop androids that are nearly indistinguishable from humans. Sure some models still have evident robotic features, but that is intentional. Some people enjoy that slight revelation of a fake person. But for the most part, we produce realistic androids that can blend in with the everyday person. We’re especially proud of the synthetic skin material.
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This is one of our newer models, the general name for it is Sean, but that can easily be changed in settings by the client. This one is being shipped out in a couple weeks as a personal gym trainer for a millionaire. Take a look if you want, you won’t find any seams or robotic components sticking out… What’s that, you want to feel him? Go ahead, he doesn't mind, he’s currently deactivated. Doesn't feel like run of the mill rubber or silicone, huh? His muscles are actually pressurized air sacks that can be inflated or deflated to the users preference. Regardless of the customization, people will still not detect anything strange with his realism. And the body hair, our manufacturers placed each one by hand! I’m sure you can gawk at him all night, but for now let’s move on.
Though most of our androids are preprogrammed with custom ai’s, we do have a few models that require full user control for manipulation.
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Take this bot for example, the person who initially purchased him named the dashing ‘man’ Rusty. And here is his remote. Trust me, it may look complicated, but it’s not. Here give it a whirl. Yeah you got it, that stick controls his legs, and that one is all for his facial expressions.
What’s that? Why would anyone buy an android that needs to be controlled? Well, some are used as espionage. bots with cameras and recorders, while some are purchased by others who for one reason or another need an avatar to experience life. Rusty was actually an unfortunate return from an unhappy client. Apparently, he was pining over a guy and wanted to indirectly become said crush’s perfect guy. Too bad he didn’t read the instructions and overheated the bot to deactivation midway through the date. Oh well, once we refurbish him, we can probably sell Rusty second-hand to another interested party.
Over here is our repair lab. Though We pride ourselves in our excellent quality bots, occasional faults or flaws can and will occur. Of course with our lifetime happiness guarantee, we offer full servicing of all our bots. Here are a few that we have in the shop at the moment.
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This firefighter bot got damaged on the job. It’s skin is resilient to all kinds of tedious and dangerous environments that a fireman may encounter on the job, but eventually the wear and tear can lead to issues. When this bot was sent over we found it’s internal systems practically melting out of its body! A few replacement parts and he should be good to race into burning buildings in no time. I even applied an extra layer of fire-resistant spray this time, though I may have gone a bit overboard. He looks a bit too shiny now, but his appearance is of little worry compared to his duties
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This broken bot is a news anchor for the local network. As a public figure, he has a whole life and personality programmed within him and he’s a lady’s man. Here here because the news station didn’t realize he took his date to the lake. One thing led to another and the fragile bot who was NOT built to be waterproof ended up taking a dip in the water. It’ll take time to fully flush out all the liquids from the nook and cranny of his parts. Let’s just hope it isn’t too difficult of a fix, or they may need to ‘hire’ someone new for the job.
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And over there on the ground is an actor bot. You may recognize him from a popular tv show and a few movies. Well he was born, rather built, in our own labs. Unfortunately though in the middle of production for his latest production, he developed a glitch. It caused all his lines to sound broken and pitchy. We fixed him up and are about to ship him back on set, but I hear the clients are considering using a bodysuit actor instead. Hopefully we don’t lose the client as a whole… Believe me, you don’t want to know how many actors and actresses are nothing more than our sophisticated creations.
And that concludes our tour of Android Corp. Now I should get back to work, these bots won’t fix themselves! I hope you consider buying a bot from us in the future and feel free… feel fr-ee t-oo-oo-oo…
“Crap, the tour bot is on the fritz again.”
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nightbringer24 · 9 months
My bike's front tire was flat and my efforts to inflate it somehow made it even more flat. So I might have a hole that needs patching so I need to buy a puncture repair kit tomorrow since I don't have one, or take it to the local bike shop to get it replaced.
Either way... it's not been a grand day.
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I don’t understand this rental in St. Petersburg, Florida. It’s listed as a 2 bdrm. 1 ba. home for $2,010 mo. Then, it goes on to say it’s an investor special. Invest in what? It’s a rental. 
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It says that it’s a very unique layout and you enter the 1st living room. Does it come w/all this stuff, or are they going to remove it?
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There’s this large brick bar with a big window to a pool room.
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So, the pool room also has access to the bar.
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Then, there’s the kitchen. 
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Not sure what this room, unless it’s the 2nd living room the ad speaks of.
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Here’s bdrm #1. Depressing.
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The bath. 
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This must be the main bdrm.
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And, outside there’s also a deck with an inflatable hot tub and on the right a portable bar.
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Finally, there’s a garage that was formerly a repair shop. The landlord ends with, “Plenty of space to build up and make it your own!” If it’s a rent-to-own, he should say that, but he doesn’t. 
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The Corner Cup is a queer-owned, cryptid-themed coffee shop in conservative Shelley, Idaho, that is in the process of converting to a worker-owned co-op model of business. It is the only explicitly queer-welcoming space in town, let alone Bingham County, and is one of very few when counted alongside the neighboring city of Idaho Falls. We serve coffee made with locally roasted coffee beans, drinks with or without plant-derived energy infusions, iced and slushed lemonades, Sunday brunch, and scratch-made baked goods made by yours truly. We're even working on developing an artisanal syrup line for use in the store and for sale, and hope to work with our wholesale roaster to craft a custom blend of the finest beans.
We've been open for going on two years, and it's been hard, I'm not going to lie! Our founder opened our doors during the pandemic during 2021 and has been working hard to keep things perfect. Unfortunately, we're facing problems common to most, if not all, beverage and dining shops, foremost being: we need more money to keep the doors open. We have equipment in need of repair, a new and increased rental agreement coming up, cost of supplies/inflation affecting our overhead (who isn't affected by this, ugh), and other issues. We could use your help.
The Corner Cup is being proactive about our needs. We're changing up our approach by expanding our hours and hiring a couple of temporary employees, changing up our menu and offering, applying for grants, and fundraising for more substantial things like servicing and repairing some older pieces of equipment, expanding our accessibility within the shop, putting into place an employee fund to guarantee wages for canceled shifts, starting an outreach effort to further entrench ourselves in our local community, and the big goal: installing a new central air cooling system (because Idaho gets flipping HOT in the summer!).
But we need your support to make this happen. We're hoping to reach at least $15,000 in donations in order to address the more immediate issues, with stretch goals of $25,000 and $50,000. Please, check out our GoFundMe and see if you can support us in our work to stay open, even if it is just by sharing this post!
Thank you very much!
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torque-witch · 2 years
Hi I know posting here is sporadic, but life and having to keep up with other social medias is exhausting.
Small update; still Doordashing for my main income because a) having less than 50 listings on Etsy means I don’t get views anymore b) I’m guessing like me people don’t have a lot of disposable income with gas/inflation and that’s totally fine, but still a very harsh difference from 2020 c) my heart is still a bit fucked up, but it’s improving daily and I’m trying to get out and socialize and engage with my community otherwise, go to therapy, try to manage extended family issues, etc
If you can support the shop (I’ll try to post more) that would be greatly appreciated! I’m still catching up on a lot of financial responsibilities since being severely ill last year into 2022. Most of my car repairs are up to date, but my front tires are balding to the point I can see actual threading (they’re being replaced hopefully today) and now that I’m getting back into selling I need to buy a pop up tent, a table, more business cards, etc and groceries would be nice too 😅
I am also usually more active on Instagram and TikTok these days. (Both dhdivination) or you can pop into my discord for more personal updates and friends! Dm me for a link
So below I’m going to highlight some of the things I have available to sell, but an important point is -
Etsy is taking about 15% of each sale - which is low compared to consignment, but still means I’m paying for shipping out of pocket even after you pay for it up front. I would prefer to check out with Venmo or Cashapp to save us both money and fees unless you prefer Etsy or need to use Klarna. Anything $50+ you can use a payment system (PayPal should also allow you to do this, but I won’t personally use it directly for sales unless it is through Etsy). Some items will be slightly discounted if you use Venmo/CashApp.
I still do customs but anything that is not a Hel Mary will most likely be delayed by a week or two.
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That’s all for my shop update! Hopefully once things even out everything won’t be a disaster, but I’m just trying to ride the wave and stay afloat while not overdoing it. I really appreciate y’all still being here in whatever fashion you are 🤍
Etsy link ➡️
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byneddiedingo · 9 months
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Adrienne Shelly in The Unbelievable Truth (Hal Hartley, 1989)
Cast: Adrienne Shelly, Robert John Burke, Chris Cooke, Julia McNeal, Katherine Mayfield, Gary Sauer, Mark Chandler Bailey, David Healy, Matt Malloy, Edie Falco. Screenplay: Hal Hartley. Cinematography: Michael Spiller. Production design: Carla Gerona. Film editing: Hal Hartley. Music: Jim Coleman.
In his debut feature, Hal Hartley adroitly mixes the old "stranger comes to town" story trope into a romantic comedy. The result has the DNA of Jim Jarmusch and Preston Sturges in it, but it's all Hartley's own, and it's lovely. The film begins with a hitchhiker who finally gets a ride after repairing a broken-down car whose driver had earlier passed him up. Because the hitchhiker is dressed all in black, driver asks him if he's a priest. (Not the last time someone will ask him that.) No, he says, but when he says that he's been in prison, we see the car come to an abrupt stop and the man and his bag get tossed out of the car. It's a harbinger of the numerous times in the film when the man in black, whose name is Joshua Hutton (Robert John Burke), will have to confront his past. When he finally arrives at his destination, his old home town, the first person he meets is a young woman named Pearl (Julia McNeal), who faints dead away at the sight of him. We learn that Joshua was sent to prison after he killed Pearl's sister and her father. So he's not really a stranger come to town, but he might as well be, since most of the town can't quite remember what he was accused of -- the gossips inflate it into some kind of mass murder. Eventually, we will find out the not-so-unbelievable truth of what Joshua did, but not before he falls in love with Audry Hugo (Adrienne Shelly), who helps him get a job in her father's auto repair shop. It's a droll romance, complicated by the fact that Audry walks around in a gloomy funk, convinced that the world is about to end in a nuclear holocaust. Burke and Shelly play their roles with a kind of deadpan that serves as a foil to the emotional volatility that surrounds them. There's Audry's father, Vic (Chris Cooke), whose hilarious exasperation with her is reminiscent of William Demarest's outbursts in The Miracle of Morgan's Creek (Preston Sturges, 1944). There's her ex-boyfriend, Mike (Mark Chandler Bailey), who is so infuriated at being dumped by her that he gets into shoving matches with almost every man he suspects of being a rival. But the film would be nothing without Hartley's ability to skew every turn in the plot or action of his characters in a direction just a few degrees off what we expect. It's a sly, loopy gem of a movie.
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prep4tomoro · 1 year
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The Dollar Store is My Friend - Emergency Preps on a Budget:
Money is tight for most of us. We're living paycheck to paycheck, trying to make ends meet. We have very little in the way of extra funds we can put toward preps. Sure, we'd all love to be able to drop a few thousand dollars on dehydrated food every other month but that just isn't going to happen for most of us. So, here are some ways we can stretch our dollars to get the most bang for our bucks. Even my favorite Dollar Store (Dollar Tree) has been inflated to $1.25 but consumables still go right down the drain or in the trash. Why spend top dollar? With my shift to a Conserver Lifestyle and "Needs vs. Wants" approach to buying, I have a new-found friend; the Dollar Store. These types of stores have different names, depending on where you live, but each item in the store is about $1.25 (as of this posting date - Feb 2023). These stores buy discontinued, B-rated or near-expired goods in mass quantities. Because of this, they get them cheap and can sell them cheap; even paper products. Supplies don't need to be expensive. Dollar Stores, Pawn Shops, Surplus Stores and Yard Sales are some local options. Search for free stuff web sites. If you're adventurous, take a Dumpster Diving excursion. Don't just get stuff because it's free unless you can barter (trade) it for stuff you actually need/want before, or during, a crisis when stores will run out of inventory and people will run out of their supplies. Store, organize and prioritize supplies in easy-to-move containers for quick access and relocation if evacuation is necessary. Electric and fuel may be unavailable for power tools; get hand tools for repairs. Brainstorm about ways to stretch dollars to get the most bang for the buck. Now, it's doubtful that you will find your "favorite brand" and, if you do, it may be near its expiration, but part of being a Conserver is being a good shopper. Now and then I have found cheaper items in my regular grocery store or Walmart but, generally, this is my go-to place for cheap stuff that will go down the drain, toilet or in the trash anyway like shave cream, after shave, razor blades, toothpaste, cleaners, laundry detergent; you get the picture. And, chances are, the next time I visit, the brands that were there before, won't be there again. I don't recommend buying ingestibles (things you will eat, swallow or drink) unless, (1) they are not expired and, (2) you intend to use them before the expiration date. Unless you have money-to-burn or need that expensive perfume or cologne, I highly recommend these types of stores to save money. Other Ideas for Inexpensive or Free Preps: Yard Sales Military Surplus Stores Pawn Shops Flea Markets Thrift Stores Consignment Shops Dumpster Diving freecycle.org/ Do It Yourself (self-reliance) It's been mentioned, throughout this web site, to start slow and small with Emergency Preparations otherwise it's easy to become overwhelmed and go crazy buying stuff you don't need and over-spending. Like anything we want to purchase, we should make our shopping list, budget for it and stay within that spending limit.
5 Ways to Get Cheap Prepper Gear Find Low Cost Survival and Emergency Preps from Pawn Shops and Flea Markets 25 Prepper Items To Look For at Flea Markets and Thrift Stores 50 Preparedness Items for Less Than $5 Each
Resources: Dumpster Diving and Acquisition Guidelines Reduce Waste The Dollar Store is My Friend 5 Ways to Get Cheap Prepper Gear Find Low Cost Survival and Emergency Preps from Pawn Shops and Flea Markets 25 Prepper Items To Look For at Flea Markets and Thrift Stores 50 Preparedness Items for Less Than $5 Each Minimalist Living - The Conserver Lifestyle Battery-Less Devices Tools/Supplies from Weird Stuff Waxes for Candles & Stuff [Reference Link]
[14-Point Emergency Preps Checklist] [11-Cs Basic Emergency Kit] [Learn to be More Self-Sufficient] [The Ultimate Preparation] [5six7 Menu]
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autorabbitjp · 2 years
Japan Used Bikes: A Comprehensive Guide
Japan is a country full of surprises, and one of the most surprising things about it is the abundance of used bikes.
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1. What are Japan used bikes?
 There are a few different things that you need to take into account when looking for a used bike in Japan. The first is the size of the bike. Unlike in the United States, most bikes in Japan are sized in centimeters rather than inches. This can make finding the right bike a little more difficult, but there are a number of websites and stores that can help you find the right size.
The other thing to keep in mind is the condition of the bike. Many bikes in Japan are used, so it is important to be aware of the condition of the bike before you buy it. There are a number of websites that list the condition of the bike, so be sure to check them before you buy.
2. Why are they so popular?
 There are many reasons why cryptocurrencies are so popular. Firstly, they are decentralized, meaning they are not controlled by any government or financial institution. This gives people a lot of freedom and control over their money. Secondly, cryptocurrencies are global, meaning they can be used anywhere in the world. This makes them very convenient and accessible. Lastly, cryptocurrencies are secure and reliable, meaning that people can trust them to be stable and reliable. All of these factors together make cryptocurrencies a very attractive investment and payment option.
3. How can you find the best deals?
 There are a few different ways that you can find the best deals when you are shopping. One way is to use a price comparison website. These websites allow you to enter the item that you are interested in buying and then they will show you a list of prices from different retailers. This can be a great way to find the best deal on the item that you are looking for.
Another way to find good deals is to search for discounts. Many retailers offer discounts on items that are near the end of their season or that are being discontinued. You can also find discounts by shopping at stores that are having sales.
Finally, you can also save money by buying used items. There are a number of websites that allow you to buy used items, and you can also find used items at garage sales and flea markets. Buying used items can save you a lot of money, and you can often find items that are in great condition.
4. What should you look for when buying a used bike?
 When you are looking to buy a used bike, there are a few things you should keep in mind. First, be sure to inspect the bike closely for any damage. Next, make sure the bike is the right size for you. Finally, be sure to test ride the bike to make sure it is comfortable for you to ride.
5. How can you maintain your bike?
Maintaining your bike is important to keeping it running smoothly. Here are some tips on how to do that:
-Check your tire pressure regularly and make sure they are properly inflated.
-Lube your chain regularly to keep it running smoothly.
-Clean your bike regularly to help it run cooler and last longer.
-Check all bolts and fasteners regularly to make sure they are tight.
-If you notice any problems with your bike, take it to a mechanic to have it looked at.
6. Where can you go for repairs?
 If your bike needs repairs, there are a few places you can go. You could take it to a bike shop, or if it's a minor repair, you could try to do it yourself. If you're not sure how to fix something on your bike, there are plenty of online tutorials that can help.
7. What are the dangers of used bikes?
 There are a few dangers when it comes to buying used bikes. The first is that you might not know the condition of the bike. Was it well taken care of or was it ridden hard and put away wet? You won't know until you take it for a test ride.
The second danger is that the bike might not fit you properly. It's important to know the size of the bike and how it handles before you buy it. If it doesn't fit you well, you might not be as safe when you're riding it.
The last danger is that you might not be able to find replacement parts if something breaks on the bike. Used bikes can be a great deal, but you need to make sure you're aware of the dangers before you buy.
8. How can you avoid them?
 There are a few ways that you can avoid getting stung by insects. The easiest way is to just stay away from them. If you see an insect, try to stay calm and slowly move away from it. If you are near an insect, try to keep still. Don't swat at the insect, as this will only make it angry and it might sting you. If you get stung, try to remove the stinger as quickly as possible. If you have an allergic reaction to the sting, seek medical attention.
9. What are the benefits of using a Japan used bike?
 There are many benefits to using a Japan used bike. The first and most obvious benefit is that you can save a lot of money. A used bike is much cheaper than a new one, and it still has plenty of life left in it.
Another big benefit is that you can find used bikes in almost any size and style. This means that you can find the perfect bike for your needs, whether you’re looking for a mountain bike, a road bike, or something else entirely.
Finally, using a Japan used bike is a great way to help the environment. When you buy a new bike, it often ends up in a landfill. But when you buy a used bike, you’re keeping it out of the landfill and reducing the amount of waste that’s produced each year.
10. How can you get the best out of your bike?
 If you're looking to get the most out of your bike, there are a few things you can do. Firstly, make sure you're familiar with your bike and know how to fix any common problems. Also, be sure to keep it well-maintained and lubricated. Finally, ride it regularly and push yourself to improve your skills. With these tips, you'll be able to get the most out of your bike and enjoy every ride!
If you're looking for a cheap and environmentally-friendly way to get around Japan, used bikes are the way to go!
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